Wooster Republican, Business Abstracts 1878
Wooster Republican Jan 10, 1878
- Dr. CB Mower
- Dr. RJ Cunningham
- Dr. BJ Jones.
Shephard and Flattery insurance agents, over Taylor’s Grocery Store, south side of W Liberty Street.
JS Bissell and Co., #2ME; Banker and Hanna; Matt Johnston; James L Gray; DQ Liggett;.
Pierson and Co., closing out sale, AH Pierson, west corner room of American Hotel.
Harry’s Photography on SE side of square has moved to the ground floor.
JB Power; Foust and McLaughlin, #5ME; Harding and Jones.
City drugstore of Roller and Wilson, W Liberty Street.
Barrett and Ogden.
James B Childs, 12 SE side of square.
JS Bissell and Co., #1ME, dry goods.
Curry, Cameron and Co., E Liberty Street; Stoves of AS Lehman #3ME.
S Boston, 99 Cent Store, 20 E Liberty Street, opposite the American Hotel.
T Teeple and Co..
PJ Power, red corner store, SE side of square.
Newkirk and Liggett Drug Store, #4ME.
B Barrett and Co., steam engines; DC Curry and Co.; Jonas Nachtrieb.
Abraham Saybolt, tin, slate and iron roofers, W Liberty Street.
John Simon; James Wescott; Hoelzel and Kaltwasser; Redinger, Stevens and Co.; E Chatelain; Shibley and Son; Wm Shibley; John Wilhelm.
Weber organs for sale.
Exchange Bank of Kauke and Frost.
IN Jones, Jan. 1st, died at his residence on corner of Walnut and South Street, Tuesday evening at 8 pm at the age of 59. He was born in Wooster and active citizen.
Wooster Republican Jan 17, 1878
Quimby and Purdy, SW side of square, old D Robison golden corner.
Wooster Republican Jan. 24, 1878
Taylor’s Saloon, the yellow corner, opposite the Washington House, Carolina Taylor proprietor. Head of female dept. Elizebeth Packard. Carl Rice jerks beer over counter. They were hauled into court for selling to those who were drunk.
WD Robertson, English dyer and clothing cleaner in Babbs corner, E Liberty Street.
Underwood and Hoover, dealer in brushes.
Report of the WC National Bank, condition of Dec. 28, 1877, 177761.57 in assets and the same in liabilities, E Quimby Jr. cashier, CM Yocum notary public.
Industrial Underwood and Hoover manufacture whips lashes and brushes, commenced business in 1864 with the year just closed completed manufacture of 8500 dozen whips, 1000 dozen horse brushes, although it has been two years since added latter branch of business.
The model pianos and Weber organs at warerooms, 37 E Liberty Street, one door east of the Washington House.
Old wringers repaired, SF Day store, #46 W Liberty Street.
Wooster Book Bindery, WE Rice, two doors north of the Central Hotel, S Market Street.
Wooster Agricultural Works will be offered at public sale on Feb. 1, 1878 at 10 am, JH Kauke trustee.
Turkeys, chickens, geese and ducks wanted immediately.
Jackson and Co., opposite the American House, E Liberty Street.
Wooster Republican Feb. 7, 1878
Sale of the McDonald Works, E Quimby Jr. and John Zimmerman, the purchasers. Work to resume as soon as possible.
The Wooster Agricultural Works lately owned by McDonald and Co., were offered for public sale Friday in the presence of 100 or more citizens of city and county by Capt. JH Kauke, trustee for the creditors. In response to a call for bids, 12000 was offered. Being no further bids, the works declared sold to E Quimby Jr. and John Zimmerman for that sum, but does not include about 15000 worth of machinery finished or nearly so belonging to creditors. While the immediate intentions of purchases cannot be definitely stated at present, a company of skilled artisans may be organized to perform the mechanical work backed up by sufficient capital. Finished machinery now on hand will be completed and disposed of for the benefit of the creditors.
Blank books at Wooster Book Bindery, two doors north of Central Hotel, WE Rice.
Wooster Republican Feb. 11, 1878
ML Benahm, successor to Matt Johnston, coal yard, office E Liberty Street, opposite Washington House.
Wooster Republican Feb. 28, 1878
An effort is being made to purchase 80 feet front corner lot of Mrs. Pope in which to build the new English Lutheran Church. This is a splendid location. Rev. T Dewitt Tallmadge will deliver his popular lecture, “The Bright Side of Things”, March 6th, lecture 8:30 pm.
Capt. Shultz, horse collars, opposite the post office, E Liberty Street, over Barrett and Ogden Clothing Store.
E Quimby is making decided changes in his building occupied by Newkirk and Liggett druggists, the 1st floor will be completely overhauled with counters and shelving. A plate glass front will take the place of the present one. The stairway from the sidewalk will lead to the second floor where Dr. Liggett will have his office.
The 60 foot front on W Liberty Street belonging to McDonald estate, was sold last Saturday at public sale by Capt. JH Lauke trustee. The corner 18 foot and 120 foot deep lot, including a private alley formerly owned by McDonald and Co. office, was sold to SF Day for 1675. The second lot 21 foot front was occupied by SR Bonewitz as a law office for 34 years, was sold to SF Day for 1275. The third lot, occupied by Jones and Woodsworth as a law office and residence, was sold to John G Jackson and John Thompson for 1435. The lumber yard did not sell for want of bidders.
A 7000 dollar blaze at Wendell Young Brewery started last Sunday morning at 7:30 am, the fire being in the frame building owned by Wendell Young on the corner of Larwill and Bever Streets. The fire started near the center of the building in the furnace and when discovered, it had gained too strong a hold to be subdued. The locality was favorable for extensive fire as Hartman and Durstine Lumber Yard, which was on the opposite side of Bever Street which was just across a 10 foot alley at the east where numerous piles of lumber belonging to DC Curry and Co. were. There were also buildings north and south in danger of destruction. A stiff wind from the NW blew burning shingles and fiery elements all over DC Curry and Co. lumber yard and mill, but owning to the recent rains, the lumber was not dry enough and Mr. Young set his loss at 7000. Mr. Young said if he builds again, he will build a brick structure.
Wooster Republican March 7, 1878
JB Powers is wishing to close out his stock of dry goods.
Harding and Jones Hardware one door west of the courthouse.
Mrs. C Schauman, #53 S Market Street.
ML Benham, successor to Matt Johnston, coal dealer, office opposite Washington Hotel.
When you want embroidery of every kind, go to Fogleson, W Liberty Street.
Dissolution of partnership of Jr., DC and Wellingtion Curry, under name of DC Curry and Co.. It was dissolved Nov. 15, 1877 by mutual consent, Wellington Curry having retired. DC and JR Curry will continue under name of DC, D Curry and Co..
Physicians dentists same.
Shepard and Flattery Insurance agents, over Taylor Grocery Store, south side W Liberty Street.
WD Robertson, celebrated English dyer and clothes cleaner, office Babbs building, E Liberty Street.
Brushes Underwood and Hoover.
Horn Bros. confectionary and bakery, E Liberty Street, opposite American Hotel.
E Weber, organs for sale.
Wooster Republican March 14, 1878
Furniture store of DB Ihrig, E Liberty Street, one door east of Barrett Machine Shop.
Gerlach and Kinkler have moved meat market to Mrs. Schauman’s building, #55 S Market Street. Will be occupied until their new establishment is finished.
Dr. JH Todd is likely to become owner of fine residence of Samuel G Johnson on W Liberty Street.
Frost and Co. grocery, made an assignment to Isaac Johnson last Friday. Assets 2000, liabilities 5-6000.
Curry, Cameron and Co. Lumber are now engaged in construction of four dwellings and repair of three and anticipate the building of five others.
Improved buggy, Buckeye mower and reaper made by C Aultman and Co. of Canton, also other machinery. JT Shields, north side of public square.
For rent, two rooms on second floor of Schibley and Bros. Jewelry Store, SE side of square.
Wooster Republican March 21, 1878
Wallpaper for sale at White Front Store of WA Donner, Wooster 95 Cent Store, SE side of square.
English Lutheran Church has purchased the 80 foot front 180 foot deep lot of Mrs. Pope, corner of N Market Street for 4000 and as soon as the dead is made out, a new church will be commenced.
Gerlach and Kinkler on last Monday, moved their meat market to Mrs. C Schauman’s building, #55 S Market Street. Their old place is now leveled to the ground and very soon a very large handsome three story brick building will be erected. Frank and Henry will show the citizens how a meat market should be run.
Wooster Republican March 28, 1878
Boots and shoes at Hayward’s Shoe Store, six doors east of post office.
London Tea House groceries, James C Kuhn, 31 S Market Street.
The old arm chair. Ned Howard is making arrangements to manufacture rocking chairs. Call at tin and stove store of Howard and Co..
Capt. Shultz removed saddle and harness shop to the NE corner of the square.
Shephard and Flattery Insurance agents, will move their office to room over JB Childs Clothing Store, 12 SE side of square April 1st.
A new hotel is going to be built in the Washington Hotel corner this year. A architect is now at work on the plans. Next to a new courthouse, Wooster needs a new large hotel.
Newkirk and Liggett Emporium Drug Store, #4ME.
Dr. George Liggett will move his office to rooms over the drug store being gained by a new stairway leading up from the street.
Mrs. C Schauman, #53 S Market Street, millinary goods.
Harvesting machinery of DO Osborne and Co. Wheeler #6, Key stone corn planter, iron plows, Victor double hauler, clover for sale by J Thompson and Jackson, old McDonald office, W Liberty Street.
Wooster Republican April 4, 1878
Dissolution of RS Davis and Jessie McClellan of McClellan and Co. as of March 29, 1878. Co-partnership notice. The undersigned have formed co-partnership of McClellan Bros. to success former business in books and stationary, 21 E Liberty Street. Jessie and Lewis McClellan.
Robbers broke the lock on HJ Kaufman’s Cigar Store Monday night but did not get in.
Hayward’s Shoe Store 99 cent store is now organized, McSweeney building, E Liberty Street.
After this week, Dr. George Liggett will be found over the Emporium Drug Store, #4ME, two doors west of the post office.
Maheney Millinary Store has moved to rooms formerly occupied by 99 cent store and Jones and Woodsworth law office moved to rooms formerly occupied by Millinary Store in the Childs building, E Liberty Street.
The old courthouse was sold at public auction Tuesday afternoon last. Ex Sheriff JB France was the highest bidder at 199. Mr. George Braumpter was his principal competitor. Mr. V Wm Lusk was the auctioneer. First bid made was 50. Commissioners reserved the bell, fixtures, furniture and whatever curiosities may be found in cornerstone. The building is to be torn down by May 10th.
Mrs. MW Frost, successor to Miss Bonner, announces she has refitted the popular rooms over Hoelzel and Kaltwasser Clothing Store.
Wooster Republican April 11, 1878
Mrs. Kate Bevard millinary goods.
Wooster Republican April 18, 1878
Foust and McLaughlin #5ME.
Wooster Agricultural Works again in operation. The proprietors of the Agricultural works, late McDonald and Co., have a supply of Wooster mowers and reapers, JH Kauke manager.
Newkirk and Liggett Emporium Drug Store, #4ME.
City Drug Store of Roller and Wilson, #6 W Liberty Street.
Maheney Millinary Store, opposite American Hotel.
WF Deer veterinary surgeon, office at home, in every Saturday in Wooster at Hartman and McGrew Drug Store. Office and residence 5 miles east of Wooster on the Massillon Road.
Wooster Republican April 25, 1878
Bargains at Fogleson’s on W Liberty Street.
Osborne harvesting and repairing machines for sale, J Thompson and Jackson, old McDonald and Co. office W Liberty Street.
Wooster Republican May 2, 1878
New shoe store, OA Hayward, 6 doors east of the post office, E Liberty Street.
Barrett and Ogden, ready made clothing, one door west of American House.
WH Harry has moved to the 1st floor of SE side of square, old Doty Gallery.
Dissolution of L and WW Firestone of Dr. Firestone and Son by mutual consent. Dr. WW Firestone will continue business at office of Dr. Firestone and Son.
Mudge and Co., 99 cent store in McSweeney building, five doors east of the post office, E Liberty Street.
Wooster Republican May 9, 1878
Dr. Robert McDowell, dentist, died at Ft. Scott, Tuesday third inst.
Dr. JH Todd consummated the purchase of property of Mr. Samuel Johnson, residence on W Liberty Street and doctor takes possession next week.
Dr. WW Firestone will occupy the residence of Dr. L Firestone for practice of medicine. He was in partnership for 13 years. Now the removal of Dr. L Firestone to Columbus. Dr. Leander Firestone has accepted position of superintendent of the Central Lunatic Asylum in Columbus.
Pierson and Co., ready made clothing, west corner room of the American Hotel.
Wooster Republican May 16, 1878
Clark Bros. and Imgard, Acadome Dry Goods Store.
Another fire at DC Curry and Co.. The mill was badly scorched but saved by the Wooster Water Works. Tuesday Feb. 4, 1876 at 1:30 pm, DC Curry and Co. planning mill was totally destroyed by fire. A 18000 loss and no insurance. The proprietors rebuilt the works on a large scale. Since then, they were doing a large business and fast recovering from that disaster. On Friday morning, May 10, 1878 at 3:30 pm, the employees of Young’s Brewery discovered fire in the planning mill and gave alarm. First citizens to arrive were John McKinney, Mathew Pinkerton, Charles Rice and John Horn. The hose was quickly attached to hydrant at the street and a efficient stream of water was thrown holding the fire until arrival of the Hose Co.. The building was completely filled with smoke and only an occasional flash of fire could be seen. The total amount of damage about 2000.
Wooster Republican June 20, 1878
ML Benham, coal dealer, office and yard E Liberty Street, opposite Washington House.
Wooster Republican June 27, 1878
Col. Keefer is extending the rooms occupied by McClarran and Caskey and Hartman and McGrew (Middle rooms) back to the alley, making building 180 foot. McClarran and Caskey will inhabit most of the increased space to accommodate their increased business. The addition will be a 20 foot story, built of brick with cellar throughout. Keefer proposes best grocery storeroom in Wooster when the work is completed.
Wooster Republican July 4, 1878
DQ Liggett and Co.; John T Shields; PJ Power, Red Corner Clothing Store.
Fruit jars at J Zimmerman and Co., W Liberty Street.
ML Benham, coal dealer.
WE Rice, blank books and stationary, two doors north of the Central Hotel.
WD Robertson, English dyer and cleaner on Babbs property, E Liberty Street.
Wooster Circulating Library and reading room is open daily from 9-5 pm. Mirian E Phillips librarian.
Wooster Agricultural Works again in operation, late McDonald and Co., John H Kauke manager.
Pierson and Co., ready made clothing.
Mudge and Co. 99 cent store, McSweeney building, five doors east of post office, E Liberty Street.
Hartman and Durstine have in employ Mr. Perry Miller.
New goods of James B Childs, 12 SE side of square.
Foust and McLaughlin, #5ME, dry goods and fancy goods.
Wooster Republican July 11, 1878
Capt. Charles Gasche, furnished the plans and acted as superintendent in construction. Capt. John Seib contractor for stone and brick work. Fred Figert, James Clinedinst and Charles Gasche for stair builder, were the principal carpenters. Wm Childs did the plastering and did it well. The painting and beautiful frescoing was done by Charles Gasche, assisted by Philip Diehl and George S Pinney. The graining was done by Philip Hess and his son Frank. The outside painting and sanding by Samuel Metzler. The tin roofing and spouting by A Saybolt Jr., Barrett and Son made iron columns. The galvanized iron cornice and caps by Kramer and Nay of Akron. John Zimmerman and Co. furnished the handsome French plate. RA Stevens of Toledo sold Gerlach and Kinkler 2 story refrigerator at a big price. Straub also has one built by James Clinesdinst. Properly speaking, Germania Hall has one on the third floor and has been rented by the commissioners for the purpose of holding court until the completion of new courthouse. The citizens and independent bands will be present at the dedication and no doubt a good time will be had.
Hurrah for Germania Hall, Gerlach and Kinkler and Louis Straub enterprise is completed and substantial building erected in Wooster for years. Grand opening Thurdsay, July 11. On 11th of last month, Gerlach and Kinkler and Louis Straub broke ground for their building on S Market Street, which is to be occupied by them in their respective occupations Gerlach and Kinkler as a meat market and Louis Straub as a restaurant. The building is three stories high, 40 foot front and 61 feet deep.
Wooster Republican July 18, 1878
New meat market at Hein old stand, E Liberty Street, opposite Washington House. Sells meat of all kinds. Jacob L Saal, meat delivered in the city when ordered. Give me a call.
Wayne County Hedge Co., officers: GP Emrich- pres, Julian Spink- sec., John H Kauke- treas., Wesley Young- manager. Directors: Wesley Young, Reid M Deibal, A Eyman, Julian Spink, MC Minton. Picture represents farm of Jacob Baum in St. Paul, Pickaway County.
James B Johnston has returned from Toronto. Now ready to receive orders for head stones and marble factory at old stand on S Market Street.
Bottled beef for families and invalids of Wendell Young, is bottled in Cleveland and Toledo and carefully bottled by Mr. Young here for use here. For sale at Wendell Young establishment, corner of E Larwill and N Bever Street and at all restaurants.
Wooster Republican July 25, 1878
All persons indebted to Frost and Co., please call at my office at once and settle their accounts, no person accepted. James Johnson or Isaac Johnson assignee of Frost and Co..
At cost, the Howard and Co., stoves and tin ware for 30 days for cash, tin roofing and spouting. H Howard and Co..
Lost on Friday afternoon, between John Berry’s barbershop and Emmons Livery Stable, a railroad ticket from Pittsburgh to NY and contractor’s check good from Wooster to Pittsburgh. Reward for return to Barrett and Ogden.
Wooster Republican Aug. 1, 1878
I will pay for good fresh butter, 10 cents. Find me in the cellar under Powers Red Front corner, WH Willaman.
Wooster Republican Aug. 8, 1878
Germania Hall Restaurant, #36 S Market Street, Louis Straub proprietor.
The Germania Hall will be open on Thursday evening of this week. A grand ball will be given by drill corp of German Knights of Pythias.
Jimmy Johnson, best barber, taken establishment at Chautauqua Lake.
Wooster Republican Aug. 15, 1878
Quimby Mill has been changed to Highland Park by the proprietor. The new name is appropriate one.
Wooster Republican Aug. 22, 1878
Premium list of the 1st annual fair of the Wayne County Independent Agricultural Society, Sept. 25, 26, 27, 1878.
Samuel Shoemaker purchased of the west side shoe store of Christian Roth, SW side, one door south of Quimby National Bank.
Newkirk and Liggett Drug Store, medicines, #4ME, two doors west of the post office, E Liberty Street.
Foust and McLaughlin dry goods, #5ME.
PT Barnum greatest show on earth 1878 season will exhibit in Wooster on Tuesday, Sept. 3rd on Quimby Ave.
The Liberty Street sewer is 1585 feet long and contains 2664 ½ cubic feet of exhibition. The North Street sewer is 410 feet long and contains 607 ½ cubic feet of exhibition. This makes a grand total in excavation of including manholes, 3273 cubic yards which is 38 and 3-4 cents per yard. The bid of Landis Bros., amounts to 1272.16. The individual bids for digging inlets amounts to 265. The Landis Bros. will make a handsome profit on contract, although it required the hardest kind of work.
The Eagle platform dance will be repeated Thursday evening the 29th in the grove west of Quimby Ave. The boys were successful in their efforts last week.
The new courthouse is being built just across the street from where Wm M Wisner is selling lots of boots and shoes to suit all.
Wooster Republican Aug. 29, 1878
Apprentice girl to learn sewing. See Miss Rosselp over Shibley Jewelry Store.
Mr. Z Harsh is teaching Hebrew language and prepared to teach a large number of scholars. Call on Mr. Harsh at his place of business on S Market Street.
Mr. Adam Foss, one of the most enterprising citizens, has just completed a new building on Vine Street. A few mornings since visiting the premises, some thief had carried off the pump recently put in the cistern.
Wooster Republican Sept. 5, 1878
JB Powers Dry Goods Store was discovered to be on fire Wednesday morning at 5:30. The fire originated on the second floor in the building and goods were badly damaged by fire.
Wooster Republican Sept. 12, 1878
Fire at JB Powers Dry Good Store last week. Full particulars are given this week. JB Power came up to the store about 6 am to open up and sweep out. He and his daughter, Miss Gertrude, having the entire management of the store for a month or so, on opening the front door, smelled smoke and something burning. Going into the room and stairway, were fire and stifling smoke. However, going to the skyline, he saw it was filled with smoke. He then went upstairs to the second floor and opened a door to the sleeping room, where the fire burst out. Mr. Power returned to the street and gave alarm to Hose Co., under assist engineer Blackburn. Going back to second floor, he found the smoke so dense that it was very difficult to make his way to the front room and raised it hoping to life lift a hose up by rope. No way of getting back through his store, Mr. Power climbed out on the cornice to Perry Powers Clothing Store, adjoining it and got in a window and descended to the street. The fire was confined to one little room in which was a stairway leading to the third floor and then to the roof. The roof and stairway were on fire and the smoke was stifling. However, hose men poured the water in lively and the fire was soon subdued, but damage wrought by the flood was principal loss. There was no fire on the first floor. The water came down in a number stream, pealing the plastering and wetting the goods on counters. Water was noticeable through the wall in Mr. Liggett’s room and the east side of Perry Power clothing room was completely drenched. The origin of the fire is a mystery. Although it is generally supposed to be incidental. It is said the trap door on the roof of the Hall building and Power building were both found open and best several articles of clothing were found outside. The insurance on the general store 5500, the adjustment assisted by FL Parsons, Allan Bechheitt, George Plumer and Mr. Power, are now going through damaged goods on third story of the Childs building.
Wooster Republican Sept. 19, 1878
Great fire sale of dry goods and notions at DQ Liggett Store. Entrance through his store. JB Power.
Mrs. Frost, over Hoelzel and Kaltwasser, millinary goods, SE side of square.
Wooster Republican Oct. 3, 1878
Attorneys and dentists same.
Germania Hall Restaurant, Louis Straub, 36 S Market Street.
Carriage and Wagon Works of Banker and Hanna on South Street.
Blank books and stationary at WE Rice, two doors north of Central Hotel, S Market Street.
PJ Power has moved back into Red Corner Store as his store room has been newly refitted.
Dr. J Dalzella Alexander is located permanently in Wooster, over Quimby and Purdy Dry Good Store.
Wooster Republican Oct. 24, 1878
JB and W Childs, new style of Peoples One Price Clothing, at reduced prices. New firm and new goods. New clothing, hats, caps and gents furnishing goods, 12 SE side of square. James B and William Childs.
Wooster Republican Oct. 31, 1878
Premium awarded at 1st annual fair of Wayne County Independent Agricultural Society held Sept. 25, 26, 27, 1878.
Mrs. C Horn, dealer in all kinds of hard and soft coal, at office NE corner of square.
Wooster Republican Nov. 7, 1878
CC Parsons, Jr., office formerly occupied by Lucas Flattery over hardware store of Harding and Jones.
ES Dowell, office 2nd floor over Johnson’s bank, SW side of square.
MB McClure, office NE side, opposite the county buildings.
Physicians same.
WF Deer, veterinary, office and residence five miles east of Wooster.
- Dr. CB Mower, office 43 E Liberty Street, four doors east of the Washington House
- Dr. RJ Cunningham, office east side of S Market Street
- Dr. BJ Jones, office SE side of square.
T Teeple and Cincinnati Art Gallery, 120 public square, NE side.
Germania Hall Restaurant, 36 S Market Street, Louis Straub.
Carriage Works of Banker and Hanna on South Street W Liberty Street.
Mudge and Co. 99 cent store, McSweeney building, five doors east of the post office.
James B and W Childs, ready made clothing, 12 SE side of square.
Pierson and Co. Clothing, west corner room of American Hotel.
Wooster Agricultural Works, again in operation, late McDonald and Co., John H Kauke, manager.
Hardware of JS Bissell and Co., #2ME.
Hartman and Durstine Lumber Yard, corner of Bever and Larwill Streets. Perry Miller, architect, is employed there.
Wm M Wisner, opposite county building, NE side of square.
Stoves at AS McClure, east end, tin shop, #3ME.
Ready made clothing at Barrett and Ogden, one door west of American Hotel.
James L Gray for coal, E Liberty Street, at Snow Flake Mills, #70.
Wooster Republican Nov. 14, 1878
Powers great fire sale, regardless of cost, SE side of square.
Dr. J Dalzell Alexander, office on Main Street, over Quimby and Purdy Dry Goods Store.
Mr. Joseph Blair, oil portrait, practical hat renovator with his partner, WA Ramser. They have taken rooms over Wooster Brush Works on S Market Street and are prepared to renovate silk and soft hats. They can also be seen at Central Hotel.
Adam Shendler, with Gerlach and Gasche, threw out a challenge of 50 that he could dress and kill a beef ready for market in less time than any butcher in the city. The challenge was directed more to Daniel Schoetz with Leonard Saal;
McClarran and Caskey Grocery, west corner room of the Iron block, W Liberty Street.
Improvement going on for some time in the Iron block by Col. EJ Keefer, are nearing completion. Col. Keefer is a man of perfection and takes pride in keeping his property in convenient shape for tenants and people generally. Last spring, CC Baker architect, presented plans for extending the business room of McClarran and Caskey and Megrew Drug Store back to the alley, making them 180 feet. The plans accepted and Mr. David Slaybaugh, the builder. The work of digging the cellar, laying foundation and brick was by Hartinger and Tiefenthaler. Tin roof put on by John Reaner. McClarran and Caskey’s room is a three apartment all opening into one by folding doors. The front room is 110 feet, second room being the queens ware department and third is the ware room. Large skylight erected in the rear of the front room sheds an abundance of light. The offices are conveniently located beneath the skylight. The cellar is 180 feet long and is drained in to the main sewer on Liberty Street or the private sewer in the alley leading to the main on Market Street. The cellar is ventilated by cool and hot air chamber water closets and water privies are well constructed work done by A Saybolt Jr. An elevator, a large pair of fair banks and counter scales have been introduced. The front room is now being painted by AE Bush. New counters and shelves will be put in by CC Baker and painting and graining by Samuel Metz.
Laundry business of DH Pierson, engaged but a few months. Orders can be left at Pierson and Co..
Wooster Republican Nov. 21, 1878
Public sale at Childs Warehouse, W Liberty Street, Saturday Dec. 14, 1878 at 2 pm. Personal property of the Farmers Bank of Wooster, consisting of a large bank safe. Terms of sale cash, Isaac Johnson attorney for Farmers Bank of Wooster.
New furniture store at old stand of James Curry. Furniture cheap, JJ Geitgey. Located E Liberty Street.
Jep Emmons, livery stable.
James Haley was arrested by constable HO McClarran for drawing a revolver and threatening life of Henry Roughbaugh.
Wooster Republican Nov. 28, 1878
See C Stoner or Fonker for new sewing machines of any kind, S Market Street.
Partnership of Banker and Hanna carriage manufactory, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. WW Hanna sold out his entire interest to WH Banker. He will continue the business at the old stand on South Street.
Wooster Republican Dec. 5, 1878
Attorneys same.
Germania Hall Restaurant, Lewis Straub, 36 S Market Street.
Sewing machines of Stoner and Fonker, S Market Street.
Samuel Shoemaker, boots and shoes, old C Roth store.
Wooster Agricultural Works, old McDonald and Co.. JH Kauke manager.
McClellan Bros. Books, 21 E Liberty Street.
Public sale at Childs warehouse on W Liberty Street on Saturday, Dec. 14, 1878. Personal Property of Farmers Bank of Wooster. Isaac Johnson attorney for Farmers Bank.
ML Benham, coal, 38 E Liberty Street, opposite the Washington House.
Mrs. CW Horn, NE side of square, coal dealer.
Dissolution of partnership of WH Banker and WW Hanna.
Wooster Republican Dec. 19, 1878
Nation House boarding by day or week, Mrs. John Schwartz.