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From Wayne County, Ohio Online Resource Center
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Wayne County, Ohio Public Library
Welcome to the
Online Resource Center
Wayne County History.png
Databases ↑Up
The methodology of researching one's family history has not changes. However, how individuals are able to access images has changed. Many companies and organizations offer information through the Internet. Some may have a cost associated with them. These are known as subscription databases. Other databases are freely searchable.
Library Databases
Frequently Used Websites
  • Bureau of Land Management: Provides access to more than five million Federal land title records issued between 1788 and the present.
  • Cyndi's List: Includes more than 300,000 links to genealogy websites. The links are categorized and cross-referenced.
  • FamilySearch: Includes millions of digitized records. Search the global index or access images through the online catalog and the images.
  • RB Hayes Obituary Index: Includes more than 3.7 million obituaries, death and marriage notices and other sources from the 1810s to the present day from more than 65 partner libraries, including the Wayne County (OH) Public Library.
  • US GenWeb: Includes many text-based indexes and abstracts of records throughout the United States. The availability of information depends on the county of interest.
Wayne County, Ohio
About ↑Up
The Wayne County, Ohio Online Community Archive is designed to be a history of Wayne County, Ohio from when Wooster was first surveyed in 1807 until the present day. It is divided into three main sections: Genealogy, Local History, and Organizations. This Community Archive is a work in progress and is not designed to be a comprehensive and complete history of Wayne County, Ohio and its communities.
Courthouse Offices.jpg

The genealogy portal focuses on individuals who at one time resided in Wayne County, Ohio or who may have had some business or personal connection with the County.

Local History
Mill Creek Farm.jpg

Examine the history of Wayne County, Ohio and its many communities. You will find information on townships, towns and villages, buildings, organizations, military, churches, schools, and so much more.

East Union Hotel.jpg

Family run businesses are the start of any community. The organization section explores many of the businesses and non-profits here in Wayne County, many of which became nationally and internationally recognized.

Salt Creek view.jpg

What is the overall vision of the Wayne County, Ohio Online Resource Center? It is designed to serve as a collaborative project to provide a thorough and historical accurate record of Wayne County and its communities.

Navigate the Online Resource Center
Bertha Ellsperman 1897.jpg

Do you need help navigating the Community History Wiki? Learn how the Wayne County, Ohio Online Resource Center is organized and some hints to improve search results.

How you may help

Would you like to help add content to the Wayne County, Ohio Online Resource Center? You may inquire about becoming an editor and populate select pages. For those not interested in learning how to edit, you may send the library information to be added.


Take a closer look at the Online Resource Center's sections via our portals.

  • Organizations
  • Genealogy
  • Local History
    • Featured
    Picture of the Day
    Daily record 12-4-1963 orrville crash 1.jpg
    • Public Library