Wooster Republican, Business Abstracts 1873
Wooster Republican Jan. 2, 1873
CC Parsons Jr.; McSweeney and Parsons; B and SB Eason; AS McClure; Charles M Yocum; AJ Thomas; Rex and Jones; Aquila Wiley.
Bonewitz and Carr; Sample and Jeffries.
Dr. JH Reynolds; Dr. JE Barrett; Dr. S Wilson; Dr. George Liggett; Dr. LG Harley; Drs. Robison and Weaver; Dr. JW Guthrie; Dr. RN Warren; Drs. L and WW Firestone; Dr. WC Moore; Dr. RJ Cunningham; Dr. CH Hesler; Dentist BJ Jones.
McClarran and Caskey.
J Zimmerman and Co.; James E Wescott; Whitaker and Childs; Donnelly and Co.; James C Jacobs.
Domestic lock stitch sewing machine for sale by JA Bental. Orders and exhibition rooms at J Nachtrieb, hat and cap store, opposite American Hotel.
Hoelzel and Kaltwasser, merchant tailors, 1st store south of post office.
Lyman R Critchfield and Isaac Johnson, attorneys SE corner of square.
Mr. OA Wilhelm, 1st of year to re-establish the popular plan of conveying customers to all parts of city at 10 cents. His station will be at Donner’s corner and at the livery office on E Liberty Street.
Dr. J Zimmerman, W Liberty Street, north side, three doors west of Sprague Jewelry Store.
Harvey Howard, #4ME drugs and medicines.
Wooster Steam Engine and Boiler Works of B Barrett and Co..
Stibbs, Hanna and Co., Exchange Bank in American Hotel, E Liberty Street.
E Chatelain, gold and silver watches, clocks and jewelry, SW side of square, below the bank.
PJ Power, American Clothing Store, west corner room of American Hotel.
Greenwald and Clippinger Photography Gallery, opposite county offices, old T Teeple, #120 public square.
Star Clothing Store of Whitaker and Childs, two doors east of Zimmerman Drug Store and next door to National Bank, W Liberty Street.
DQ Liggett Acadome Drygoods Store.
Samuel Woods, boots and shoes, east end of American Hotel.
BF Purdy and Co., plain and fancy dress goods, SW side of square, one door south of WC National Bank.
Albright Brothers Photography Gallery, SE corner of square, entrance off E Liberty Street.
James Curry and Sons, furniture and undertaking, bought of assignee Landis Brothers, E Liberty Street, next door to their planning mill, Curry block.
Parks and Cameron Grocery Store in Curry block, E Liberty Street.
John Simon, merchant tailor, next door to Express office, W Liberty Street, has in his employ Mr. ED Whitmore.
J Nachtrieb, hats and caps, opposite the American Hotel.
Drs. Hart and Wilson, chemists and druggists, column building, W Liberty Street.
Wilson sewing machine for sale by A Rittenhouse, on Spink Street, 1st lot north of Paint Shop.
Snodgrass and Son drugstore, 1st door north of post office, SE side of square.
Charles C Gasche, stair builder.
Barrett and Ogden, ready made clothing, old rooms of JB Childs, two doors west of the American Hotel, E Liberty Street.
TS Johnson, banker on public square, one door north of WC National Bank.
Wooster Republican Jan. 4, 1873
On Dec. 18, 1872, a warrant in bankruptcy was leased against S Zairah Harsh of Wooster.
E Chatelain, dealer in gold and silver watches, clocks and jewelry, SW side of square, below the bank.
Mr. Cutter and Mr. Smyser have moved from E Liberty Street to NE side of square, formerly occupied by Dr. RN Warren.
Wooster Republican Jan. 9, 1873
Home Mills. Mr. JC Kurtz has purchased Home Mills and prepared to furnish extra family flour and feed, E Liberty Street.
Rice and McClellan book binders and stationers, have moved to east room of American Hotel block where they have opened the largest book and stationary store in Ohio.
WH Bowers, S Market Street, stove store, five doors south of US Hotel.
Howe sewing machine, JA Bentzel agent, rooms in Nachtrieb hat and fur store, opposite American Hotel.
Hoelzel and Kaltwasser tailors, 1st store south of post office, SE side of square.
Critchfield and Johnson attorneys, SE side of square.
Harvey Howard, #4ME, drugs and medicines.
Dr. J Zimmerman, W Liberty Street, north side, three doors west of Sprague Jewelry Store.
Wooster Steam Engine and Machine Shop of B Barrett and Co..
J Zimmerman and Co., Exchange block, W Liberty Street.
E Chatelain, watches, clocks and jewelry, SW side of square.
James E Wescott.
PJ Power, American Hotel.
Greenwald and Clippinger Photography Gallery, NE side of square, #120 public square.
DQ Liggett and Co..
Whitaker and Childs.
Victoria Gallery of Rawlins and Co..
Samuel Woods, boot and shoes.
BF Purdy and Co..
Albright Brothers, photographers, SE corner of square.
DC Curry and Co. has purchased lumber yard of Stibbs and Flattery.
James Curry and Sons, E Liberty Street, old Landis and Brothers Store, goods for undertaking and furniture.
Parks and Cameron Grocery, Curry block.
John Simon, merchant tailor, next door to Express office, W Liberty Street, has in his employ Mr. ED Whitmore.
Drs. Hart and Wilson, drugs and chemicals, column building, W Liberty Street.
J Nachtrieb, hats and caps, opposite the American Hotel.
Barrett and Ogden, ready made clothing, two doors west of the American Hotel.
Charles C Gasche, stair builder.
TS Johnson, banker, SW side of square.
James C Jacobs, Wooster Hardware Store.
S Routson; CC Parsons Jr.; McSweeney and Parsons; B and SB Eason; AS McClure; Charles M Yocum; AJ Thomas; Rex and Jones; Bonewitz and Carr; Aquila Wiley; Sample and Jeffries
- Dr. JH Reynolds
- Dr. JE Barrett
- Dr. S Wilson
- Dr. George Liggett, office over Shibley Jewelry Store, two doors north of post office, SE side of square
- Dr. LG Harley
- Drs. Robison and Weaver
- Dr. JW Guthrie
- Dr. RN Warren, successor of Dr. Clark, office and residence on North Street, opposite the new German Reformed Church
- Drs. L and WW Firestone
- Dr. WC Moore in Acadome building
- Dr. RJ Cunningham
- Dr. CH Hesler.
McClarran and Caskey.
Donnelly and Co., #2ME.
Curry Manufacturing and Lumber Co..
Dentist BJ Jones.
Domestic sewing machine for sale. JA Bental agent, office salesroom at J Nachtrieb.
For sale or rent, two story framed dwelling place consisting of eight rooms on Spink Street. Inquire of John R Hankey or PS VanHoughton at National Bank.
Mr. Underwood and Mr. Coover, gloves for sale at store and groceries, three doors south of post office.
We recommend Dr. Lyman Dow, our successor, a regular physician from Bellefontaine.
Those in debt, will find their accounts with JP Snodgrass, at dry goods store of Pulmer and Co., Snodgrass and Son, druggists.
Wooster Republican Jan. 16, 1873
Col. JH Carr has disposed of his residence on Beall Ave. to James Mullins esq., who has occupied the premises for a year or more. It was in the neighborhood of 10000.
Wooster Republican Jan. 23, 1873
AS McClure and Martin R Smyser attorneys, #6ME, upstairs.
Selling at Philadelphia Store, below cost, ladies and children’s goods at SE corner of square.
New flour and feed store of Jessie Smith, having bought out the store of RA Wallace, opposite Zimmerman’s Exchange block, W Liberty Street.
John Simon, merchant tailor, next door and west of the Express office, W Liberty Street, ED Whitmore- cutter.
Wooster Republican Jan. 30, 1873
Fore sale, four room house on W Larwill Street. Price 800, inquire premises or at Beistles Carriage Manufacturing on South Street. George McLaughlin.
Wooster Republican Feb. 6, 1873
Mr. Miller, proprietor of American Hotel, E Liberty Street.
Victoria Gallery, photography of Rawlins and Co..
New stove and tin store, corner of E Liberty and Buckeye Streets.
WH Bowers has moved from S Market Street to that location opposite Washington House.
J Zimmerman and Co., Exchange block, drugs and medicines.
JM Eckels, Acadome Drugstore, E Liberty Street.
Wooster Republican Feb. 13, 1873
New flour and feed store of Jessie Smith purchased RA Wallace stand, opposite Zimmerman Exchange block.
Old Wooster Foundry and Machine Shop, corner of North and Buckeye Streets. MW Pinkerton and Co. leased old foundry for a term of years.
For rent. A brick house with two acres of ground on Pittsburg Ave., also house on Buckeye Street. See Mrs. MC Schauman.
Wooster Republican Feb. 19, 1873
Harvey Howard, drugstore, #4ME.
Furniture of James Curry and Son, E Liberty Street, bought entire stock of Landis Brothers assignee, carry on in brick building, adjoining planning mill on E Liberty Street.
PJ Power American Clothing Store, west corner room of the American Hotel.
Mrs. NB Dalwick, ladies store in Wooster, SW side of square, three doors west of Philadelphia Store.
James C Jacobs, hardware, one door west of the courthouse.
Wooster Republican Feb. 20, 1873
Receivers sale dry goods at greatly reduced prices. The undersign is closing out stock of JP Power and Co. at store room of said firm. Sell at retail. Lucas Flattery, receiver of JP and S Power and Co.. Frederick Douglas will positively be in Wooster on Friday night, Feb. 21st. All persons indebted to Dr. Firestone and son, are requested to make immediate payment.
Wooster Republican Feb. 27, 1873
RR Donnelly and Co., hardware, #2ME.
Old Wooster Foundry and Machine Shop, MW Pinkerton and Co., corner of North and Buckeye Streets, steam engines, mill factory.
Prof. JJ Brigger, proprietor of US Hotel, S Market Street, is determined to retire from the hotel business. Offers until April 8 next ,entire contents of same at private sale.
FE Belnap, four doors east of the American Hotel, for books.
Wooster Republican May 1, 1873
S Routson, for drain tile.
Wooster Foundry and Machine Shop.
Pinkerton and Co., corner of North and Buckeye Streets.
Parks and Cameron Grocery, in Curry block, E Liberty Street.
Wooster Republican May 8, 1873
Mr. Myers and Mr. Funk are raising dust, NE corner of square, insurance office.
Parsons and VanNest, located their insurance office in new Quimby building, second floor.
WP Kinzer, opened family grocery store, E Liberty Street, opposite Beall Ave.
Baumgardner and Son, proprietors of the American Hotel, have the finest brand of cigars and tobacco.
Wooster Republican May 15, 1873
New china hall, having bought the stock of the old china hall and moved it to my new and commendable rooms on S Market Street. Samuel Geitgey. Remember place between square and the US Hotel, S Market Street.
JJ Ramseyer, flour and feed store, grain bought and sold, opposite Zimmerman block, W Liberty Street.
D Clark and Son, fancy goods and notions, one door west of post office, #5ME, E Liberty Street.
Old stone corner of RR Donnelly comes out like a shinning star, #1ME, just opened large stock of dry goods.
CM Yocum has moved his law office to Quimby building, upstairs.
Under the management of Mr. C Kurtz, the Home Mills are doing a lively business.
Mr. JH Hall opened a dry goods and grocery store on E Liberty Street.
Wooster Republican May 22, 1873
Albright Brothers Photography, gallery SE side of square, entrance off E Liberty Street. It has secured services of Mr. Bussell of Boston.
Wooster Republican June 5, 1873
Joseph C Plumer, notary public, office in the surveyor office, county buildings.
- Dr. Virginia Harley.
Dentists: same.
Mr. JH Reid, saddles and harness, NE side of square.
AS Lehman, stove and tin store, 1st store east of Donnelly Hardware Store, E Liberty Street, #3ME.
Martin Gross and Co., SW side of square, S Market Street.
Robison and Co., clothing store.
RR Donnelly, dry goods store, #1ME.
D Clark and Son, middle room of Kauke Iron block.
Whitaker and Childs, Star Clothing Store.
Victorial gallery of Rawlins and Co., Childs building, opposite the post office, E Liberty Street.
Acadome Drug Store for wallpaper, BJ Hartman, Acadome building.
JH Hall, new store and new stock of goods, E Liberty Street, opposite the American Hotel, teas, groceries and provisions.
Wooster Foundry and Machine Shop, MW Pinkerton and Co., corner of North and Buckeye Streets.
Parks and Cameron.
B Barrett and Co., steam engines.
Wooster Republican June 12, 1873
The premises lately occupied by the post office and Republican Printing Co., SE side of square, are offered for sale on very low price, three story brick, also for sale a number of very fine lots for residence, between public square and University Street, E Foreman.
Stibbs and Cunningham, woolen business.
The queens ware and cutlery store of George Howard and Co. has been moved to Jackson Brothers Grocery Store, NE corner of square.
Wooster Republican June 19, 1873
Bates Brothers have moved their head quarters to Quimby new building, SW side of square, for Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Co., are agents.
Wooster Republican June 26, 1873
Barrett and Ogden at JB Childs old stand, two doors west of American Hotel, directly opposite the post office, E Liberty Street.
L Shibley jewelry store, SE corner of square, two doors north of old post office.
Wooster Republican July 3, 1873
Isaac Johnson, attorney, SE corner of square, upstairs. The rest of the attorneys same. Physicians same. Merchants same.
American Shoe Store under control of WF Woods. Mr. S Woods has personal supervision of the customer department, American Hotel, E Liberty Street.
Provision dealers. We the undersign grocery dealers agree to close our place of business on July 4, 1873: McClarran and Caskey, J and E Numbers, OM Albright, Goodman and Miller, CA Henry, Taylor and Spink, CT Parks and JW Underwood.
D Clark and Sons, next door to post office, for dress goods, E Liberty Street.
JH Reid, NE side of square, for saddle and harness.
AS Lehman, stoves and tin ware, one door east of Donnelly Store, E Liberty Street.
Martin, Gross and Co., S Market Street.
Lyman Dow, successor to Snodgrass and Son, SE side of square.
Victoria gallery of Rawlins and Co., Childs building, E Liberty Street.
New firm bought goods belonging to S Woods in American Hotel building, WF Woods.
Wooster Republican July 10, 1873
TY McCray has moved his law office to front room, 1st floor, above Donner’s, SE corner of square.
Mr. John Leise has improved his residence on the corner of S Market and South Streets.
Capt Kaukes is building a new residence on the corner of Beall Ave. and Bowman Street. The lot has a frontage of 300 ft. on Beall Ave. and 240 ft. on Bowman Street. The building is of brick, has 3 stories and is constructed and arranged throughout in an eloquent and substantial manner. Mr. Walter M Blythe of Cleveland, was the architect. Mr. Cameron King and Mr. Wilson laid stonework.
On the first floor are a fine parlor, setting room, family bedroom, dinning room, breakfast room and kitchen. The rooms are 13 ft. high and lighted from French plate glass windows. The parlor setting and dinning rooms are made of perfection and dignity. The staircases are of black and white walnut and part of the work was supervised by Mr. Michael and Perry Miller, assisted by Frank Heffinfinger and John Dhue, all of Wooster. Mr. Rich and Mr. Metzler did the painting. Plastering was led by Mr. Carns and Mr. Sellers, also of Wooster. The kitchen is supplied with warm stove furnished by Saybolt, Tiech and Leopold. The upper rooms are set apart for setting and sleeping rooms. The halls are wide and provided with broad stairways. A very splendid fresco was done by Mr. Burch and Mr. Gasche of Wooster. The gas fixtures form an attractive feature.
Wooster Republican July 17, 1873
Central Hotel, old US Hotel run by Capt. Wm Buchanan, S Market Street, has leased it for terms of years.
The partnership of Wm B Whitaker and Henry S Childs called the Star Clothing store has dissolved. It expired by litigation. The business will be continued hereafter by senior partner Wm B Whitaker, W Liberty Street.
After this date, ladies can buy street hats for less than cost at Geitgey’s Millinery Store, S Market Street.
Victoria Gallery, Rawlins and wife, in Childs building, E Liberty Street. They will be attending national photography convention in Buffalo and left Monday. They are expected to return in three or four weeks to open new gallery opposite the post office on E Liberty Street.
Z Harsh umbrella manufactory has moved his store to Diamond Alley, three doors west of the Philadelphia Store.
Large stock of queens ware and glassware of George Howard and Co. has been moved to Jackson Brothers Grocery, NE side of the square.
Wooster Republican July 24, 1873
JJ Ramseyer, flour and feed store, grain bought and sold, opposite Zimmerman’s Exchange block, W Liberty Street.
Wooster Republican July 31, 1873
Fruit jars for sale at WA Donner, corner of E Liberty and S Market Streets, old frost corner, SE corner of square.
Central Hotel, old US Hotel, corner of South and S Market Streets, Capt. Wm Buchanan proprietor.
The undersign wishes to make a change and is preparing to sell the following property at private sale, Lot 92, W Liberty Street, 90x180 ft. on which is a large frame building, once the old Eagle House, now three story store rooms all well arranged on 1st floor, leaving a large hall for access to family rooms above. The property will accommodate three different locations and if arrangements can be made it will be sold in detached parcels. The building on the lot is 60x160 ft. in good repair. Roof on back part is a safe in itself from damage from fire in any property in the city. The property has been rented for 1500 per year for last 15 years. Also lot 218 on east side of Walnut Street is good frame house and stable lot 40 ft. front x 180 ft. to an alley. Lot 1599 on Buckeye Street 60x180 ft. I propose to sell or exchange three lots in Livenworth City, a place of 30000. Also two quarters of land in Iowa and also 80 acres in Western Ohio. I also offer my drug store for sale on E Liberty Street, #4ME with select stock of drugs, groceries and fancy goods, having been located in the drug business for 20 years. The establishment has the finest drug and grocery trade of any house in Wooster. Call early as I mean business, Harvey Howard.
Wooster Republican Aug. 7, 1873
Attorneys, doctors and merchants same as before.
The citizens of Wayne County wishing to purchase a good buggy should call at the co-operative buggy works in Wooster, formerly Beistle stand on South Street.
WF Woods, American Shoe Store, old stand of S Woods.
Go to Dow Drug Store for drugs and medicines, SE side of square, old Snodgrass and Son drugstore.
Fruit jars at Wm A Donner, old Frost corner, SE side of square.
Wooster Republican Aug. 14, 1873
Philadelphia Store, for bargains, opened in old Howard House Store Room sign of the green pump.
Wooster Republican Aug. 21, 1873
Rules for 24 annual fair Wayne County Agricultural Society to be held in Wooster, Oct. 7-10th.
Acadome Drug Store, having purchased the entire stock of well known establishment, he being the headquarters for drugs and medicines, Dr. L Firestone and Son.
On last Thursday evening, about 9 pm, Mr. Louis Wenger was going home and when nearly opposite Hess Blacksmith Shop on S Bever Street, he was assaulted by three men.
Mrs. JL Naylor, tea to be sold at Mrs. Floyd millinery store, S Market Street and also at residence of agent corner of North and Walnut Streets.
Wooster Republican Sept. 4, 1873
Change, 120 public square, old photography gallery of T Teeple and Co. has passed into hands of Wm. H Harry, opposite the county buildings.
Dr. J Zimmerman, over Albright Grocery and Provision Store, S Market Street.
Co-Operative Carriage Works, South Street, old Beistle stand, Wm Hanna, WH Banker, George M Laughlin and Conrad Proeger buggies, carriages and light wagons.
Brushes of all kinds. Buy your brushes at the Brush Factory, SW corner of public square, wholesale or retail. A lot of feather dusters on hand. Adam Foss.
WA Donner Bookstore, SE corner of square, old Frost stand.
Wooster Republican Sept. 25, 1873
WD Barrett and Co., boots and shoes, NE side of square, one door north of RR Donnelly Dry Goods Store.
Robison and Co., at the Golden Corner.
Wooster Republican Oct. 2, 1873
Drs. Virginia and LG Harley, SW side of square, over Chatelain Jewelry Store, SW side of square.
McClure and Smyser, #6ME, upstairs.
DC Curry and Co., 1 million feet of pine lumber.
American Bible Society is selling bibles.
Central Hotel, old US Hotel, run by Wm Buchanan.
JJ Plank, new gun shop, employed Mr. George Smith, rifles, shot guns shop, SE corner of square, over Underwoods Provision Store.
YMCA, all members of Young Men’s Christian Association are requested to meet in old rooms in Zimmerman block, Thursday evening at 8 pm for special business by order of president.
Brushes of all kinds for sale at Brush Factory, SW side, wholesale or retail, Adam Foss.
WH Harry, fine art and photography gallery, NE side, #120 public square, old Teeple Gallery.
New firm of Martin Gross and Co., slate roofing and spouting, SW side of square, S Market Street.
L Shibley Jewelry Store, SE side of square.
Co-operative Carriage Works, old Beistle stand, S Market Street, of WW Hanna, WH Banker, George M Laughlin and Conrad A Proeger.
Wooster Republican Oct. 9, 1873
Brushes, brushes. Palmer Brothers, having brick yard 1-4 miles east of University. A large quantity of fine clean paving and building bricks. Terms offer on most reasonable. Leave orders at Jackson Brothers Grocery Store or at brick yard.
Jackson Brothers Grocery Store, NE corner of public square.
Gloves for sale at JW Underwood Grocery Store, SE corner of square.
Don’t fail to attend the dance at Faber’s Oct. 10, 1873.
Wooster Republican Oct. 16, 1873
Brushes of all kinds. Buy your brushes of all kinds at the Brush Factory, SW side of square. Adam Foss.
Wooster Republican Oct. 23, 1873
Premiums awarded at 24th annual fair of Wayne County Agricultural Society held Oct. 7-10, 1873 in Wooster.
James Jeffries, notary public and lawyer in West Salem.
Star Clothing Store of Mr. Whitaker, W Liberty Street, next door to Wooster National Bank, W Liberty Street.
Wooster Republican Oct. 30, 1873
HJ Frost, behind counter again. Stock of groceries fresh. French old stand. Red front store, opposite Zimmerman Drugstore, W Liberty Street, groceries delivered free.
Pianos and organs, Prof. JJ Bringger agent. Call at musical institute at Eberhardt Hall.
Barrett and Ogden Clothes Store, opposite post office, two doors west of American Hotel.
Stars and stripes were suspended between Miller Hardware Store and Frances Billard rooms Friday afternoon, hung there limp.
American Hotel, proprietor Mr. DB Ihrig, E Liberty Street.
Wooster Republican Nov. 6, 1873
Joseph C Plumer, notary public, office in the Surveyors office, county building.
Central Hotel, old US Hotel, run by Wm Buchanan, proprietor.
Harvey Howard, having been in the drug business over 20 years, now proposes to sell his entire stock of goods, #4ME. I have secured service of George M Fergerson and will conduct business until we have a sale.
Jewelry store, L Shibley, SE corner of square, two doors north of the old post office.
Co-operative Carriage Works of WW Hanna and Wm Banker, on South Street, old Beistle stand.
TS Johnson, banker, one door north of WC National Bank, SW side of square.
Stibbs, Hanna and Co. Exchange Bank, in American Hotel building.
Dr. L Firestone and son, Acadome Drug Store, in Acadome building.
Wooster Republican Nov. 20, 1873
Great sacrifice, queens ware and glassware of Samuel Geitgey, SW side of public square.
Wooster Republican Dec. 11, 1873
To the ladies, a good opportunity now offered for ladies to make a fortunate. The store known as Ladies Emporium, SW side of square, is for sale. For fixtures and a good trade and terms, inquire at store or at
W Childs, W Liberty Street, Mrs. Julia E Doty agent.
Wooster Republican Dec. 18, 1873
New firm. Having purchased the interest of Mr. Mell of firm of Gross and Mell, and made arrangements to extend our business of tin, iron and slate roofing, is now open for business, Martin Gross and Co., SW corner of square and S Market Street.
American Bible Society, for sale bibles and testaments, Rice and McClellan, opposite American Hotel, E Liberty Street.
Furs and pelts. Mr. C Weirick has gone into fur and pelt business, headquarters SW side of square, in rooms formerly occupied by Mr. Pedlick as a cigar store.
Wooster Republican Dec. 25, 1873
JH Reid, saddle and harness, NE corner square, opposite the county treasures office.
Mandarin tea imported only by Woman’s Tea Co., see miss Jane R Naylor, agent. Tea sold at Mrs. Floyrs Millinery Store on S Market Street or by the agent at her residence, corner of North and Walnuts Streets.
Attorneys, Physicians same Merchants.
Central Hotel, old US Run by Wm Buchanan.
Star Clothing Store, WB Whitaker, two doors east of Zimmerman Drug Store, next door to Wooster National Bank, W Liberty Street.
Wooster Republican Dec. 28, 1873
To the ladies, good opportunity to make a fortune. The store formerly known as Ladies Emporium, NE corner of square, is for sale for terms. Enquire at the store of W Childs, W Liberty Street, Mrs. Julian Doty agent.
L Shibley, gold and silver watches, clocks and jewelry , SE side of square.
Jackson and Bros. Grocery Store, NE corner of square.
Stoves, tin ware and tin roofing and spouting at AS Lehman’s store, 1st store east of Donnelly Hardware Store, E Liberty Street, having moved my stock of stoves and tin ware to rooms formerly occupied by Barrett Shoe Store.
James E Curry and Son, E Liberty Street, furniture and undertaking.
Drs. Hart and Wilson, druggists and chemists, in the Column building , W Liberty Street.
Wooster Foundry and Machine Shop, MW Pinkerton and Co., corner of North and Buckeye Streets.