Wayne County Democrat, Business Abstracts 1870
Wayne County Democrat March 2, 1870
Dr. WC Moore office upstairs in J Zimmerman new exchange block.
Dr. LG Harley office SW side of square, over TS Johnson’s new bank.
Wooster Livery, board and sale stable, OA Wilhelm, opposite the Washington House, E Liberty Street.
Charles Gasche, stair building with stair rails, Buckeye Street, near Pinkerton Planning Mill.
James E Wescott, merchant tailor, SW corner of square.
Myers and McClure real estate agents, office courthouse, upstairs.
Dr. L and WW Firestone, office west side of N Market Street, a few doors north of Old Jail.
JE Barrett office and residence one door west of American House.
BJ Jones, dentist, SE corner of square.
Hitchcock and McIntire grocery on S Market Street, opposite to Miss Schauman and Co..
EB Childs, new boot and shoe store, one door east of Acadome Drug Store, one door west of JB Childs clothing store.
Miller and Herman Restaurant, S Market Street, liquors and wines.
Commerican Bank, successors to Bonewitz, Emrich and Co., SR Bonewitz cashier, #74 Exchange building, W Liberty Street.
TS Johnson banker, one door north of WC National Bank.
HM Shaffer.
Landis, Kramer and Co.. They do undertaking and have an elegant new Hurst at the sign of the Golden Eagle, opposite the post office.
Wm Spear and Son furniture wareroom, NE corner of square, opposite county offices.
Hitchock and McIntire on S Market Street, formerly JH Hitchcock old store, gents furnishing goods.
Restaurant of Miller and Herman, liquors and wines on S Market Street.
Robison and Co. at Golden Corner, first floor of dry goods, second floor of men’s ware, hats and caps.
Wayne County Democrat March 2, 1870
Exchange block gold 1.15 great reduction in prices for goods, J Zimmerman and Co..
The undersigned has been legally qualified as agent for benefit of the creditors of Lake and Jones in Wooster, Ohio F Jones assignee of firm of Lake and Jones.
- -Note: the undersign has been qualified as assignee of creditors of Constant Lake. All persons indebted to said Constant Lake are requested to make immediate payment, Ohio F Jones.
- -Note: the undersign has been duly appointed for benefit of creditors of Isaac N Jones of Wooster. All persons indebted to Isaac N. Jones are requested to make immediate payment, Ohio F Jones assignee.
Jacobs for 1870, James C Jacobs Jr. Hardware store.
Mrs. P Lehman, ladies fancy goods store and variety establishment in Babb’s old millinery stand, E Liberty Street.
Isaac Johnson, upstairs, SW corner of square, attorney.
JP Jeffries, SW corner of square, upstairs.
McSweeney and Parsons office Jacobs block, upstairs.
TY McCray office in courthouse, upstairs rooms lately occupied by the Auditor.
Bonewitz and Carr office W Liberty Street.
Richeson and Wiley office SW side of square, two doors south of WC National Bank.
Rex and Jones, W Liberty Street, few doors west of Wooster Exchange.
Welker and Downing office SW side of square in rooms formerly occupied by JH Downing.
LR Critchfield office Acadome building, above Eckles, Liggett and Co..
Exchange block of J Zimmerman and Co..
James C Jacobs hardware store, one door west of the courthouse.
JM Kock, dealer in groceries and provisions, #23 E Liberty Street.
JB and JR Kock successors to McClaire and Co., proprietors of American Hotel, E Liberty Street.
Exchange Bank of Stibbs, Hanna and Co., Reason B Stibbs, John Hanna, John H Kauke and Lucas Flattery, in the American Hotel one door west of the room in which they began business.
Dr. M Shaffer and Son, S Market Street, corner of Henry Street, east side.
Dr. TH Baker and George Liggett, office Acadome building.
Drs. S Wilson and A Hart, on W Liberty Street, in Dr. Wilson’s old residence.
JB Childs, one door west of American Hotel, #33 and #35 E Liberty Street.
McClarran and Caskey grocery store, three doors west of courthouse.
JC Kurtz, Dodge reaper and mower and self rake at her warehouse.
American Music Store of TP Baumgardner, west corner room of American Hotel, entrance through PJ Powers clothing store.
PJ Powers American Clothing Store, west corner room of American Hotel.
PJ Engelhardts, ladies, gent and furs and robes, S Market Street, next door to Mrs. Schauman and Co..
JF Barrett and Co., clothing, #3 ME.
For spring styles, go to Donners for wallpaper, books and fancy goods, on the corner of Old Frost Store.
B Barrett and Co., steam engines.
Robison and Co., golden corner ready made clothing.
Wooster City Lumber Yard and planning mill.
Emrich, Barrett and Co., corner of Larwill and Bever Streets.
New boot and shoe store of EB Childs, one door west of JB Childs clothing store, one door east of Acadome drugstore.
Restaurant of Miller and Herman, liquors and wines, S Market Street.
Landis, Kramer and Co. opposite post office, furniture and undertaking.
Wm Spear and Son, NE corner of square.
J Hoelzel, new tailoring establishment, 1st door below post office.
Commercial Bank of Wooster, GP Emrich president, CV Hard asst. cashier.
- -Public sale: Will be sold at public auction to the highest bidder on the square between 1-2 pm on March 12, 1870, my residence on south side of E Liberty between public square and Railroad Depot. For particulars, call and see Theodore Teeple.
Books for sale by FD Belnap.
McDonald and Co..
Wayne County Democrat May 4, 1870
ES Dowell, attorney office with LR Critchfield in the Acadome building, above Eckles, Wallace and Co..
S Woods shoes in American Shoe Store in American Hotel building, boots and shoes.
James E Wescott, merchant tailor.
John Hoelzel, merchant tailor.
B Barrett and Co., steam engines.
WP Kinzer, E Liberty, grocery and provisions.
Henry Horn, saddle and harness, removed to Bever Street, directly north of Home Mills, west side in the building formerly occupied by as a carriage shop, J Eberman and Co., saddles and harness.
New spring goods at Barrett and Ogden, #3 ME, cheap boots and shoes.
Cheap boots and shoes at Roth and Werick, two doors below the National Bank, SW side of square.
Celebrated Dodge reaper, JC Kurtz and John A Lawrence, at warehouse of JC Kurtz.
James B Childs, ready made clothing,, #33 and #35 E Liberty Street, one door west of American Hotel.
New firm, new prices, CD Curry and Co., lumber purchased planning mill, sash and door factory of Mr. Stibbs and Flattery.
Prof. GW Doty, photographs, SE corner of square.
JB and JH Kock, successors to McClure and Co., proprietors of American Hotel.
Commerican Bank, GP Emrich, D Robison Jr., L Firestone, David Thomas, SR Bonewitz, in Exchange Block, W Liberty Street.
Livery stable of OA Wilhelm, opposite the Washington Hotel.
Stair building shop by Charles Gasche, on Buckeye Street, near Pinkerton Planning Mill.
PJ Baumgardner, American Music Store, in American Hotel, west corner room, entrance through PJ Power’s American Clothing Store.
PJ Power, American Clothing Store, west corner room of the American Hotel.
J Zimmerman and Co., Exchange block,, W Liberty. Street.
James C Jacobs hardware store, one door west of the courthouse.
Painting by WH Faws.
JM Kick grocery and provisions, #23 E Liberty Street.
Wayne County Democrat July 6, 1870
Selling off at cost all the People’s corner by James B Childs, merchant tailor and clothier for 90 days.
I am planning to change in my business and will offer my entire stock for goods at cost for 90 days. Ready made clothing bargains.
Wayne County Democrat July 15, 1870
John Beistle, manufacture of carriage and buggies on South Street, between Market and Buckeye Streets.
Roth and Weirick, cheap boots and shoes, two doors below WC National Bank, SW side of square.
A Foss, Brush Factory, one door north of the post office where he will be found on 2nd floor with a good assortment of brushes.
J Zimmerman and Co., at Exchange block W Liberty Street.
Removal of Wooster Book Bindery to McSweeney building, E Liberty Street, opposite American Hotel.
Magazines, and periodicals, Rice and McClellan, on E Liberty Street, two doors east of J Nachtriebs hat emporium.
Henry Horn has moved his business to Bever Street, directly north of the Home Hills, west side in building formerly occupied by a carriage by J Eberman and Co., saddles and harness.
S Woods, American Shoe Store, in American Hotel, boots and shoes.
Barrett and Ogden, spring goods, #3ME.
WH Faws, carriage painting.
JM Kock grocery and provision, #23 E Liberty Street.
Ladies millinery and fancy goods of Mrs. C Schauman and Co., on S Market Street.
PJ Power, American Hotel clothing store.
George, Howard and Co., selling fruit jars, 5 doors east of American Hotel.
Theodore Teeple and Co. photography. Our art gallery is the largest art gallery in west. Our new building has been constructed with special reference to our business galleries, opposite county offices.
GW Doty, new professional photography rooms on 1st floor in same block, SE corner of square, entrance off E Liberty Street.
J and E Numbers, manufacture of wool, corner of South and S Market Streets. Will be attended to by John Mitchell.
New arrangement, RA Lucas, spouting and roofing, on Buckeye Street, directly opposite Howard and Roth Livery Stable.
James C Jacobs, hardware, one door west of courthouse.
New firm and new goods, Whitaker and Childs, at old stand of Henry S Childs Stair Clothing Store, next to Zimmerman and Co., new building.
New firm of DC Curry and Co. lumber yard. It had purchased Mr. Stibbs and Flattery.
James B Childs, merchant tailor and clothier, one door west of American House.
Wenger and Roth, fancy goods and notions, one door below WC National Bank, SW side of square.
EB Childs, shoe store, one door west of JB Childs clothing store and one door east of Acadome Drug Store, E Liberty Street.
Wayne County Democrat Aug. 3, 1870
TY McCray, in the rooms lately occupied by the Auditor in courthouse.
SR Bonewitz and Joseph H Carr, W Liberty Street.
Hamilton Richeson and Aquila Wiley, SW side of square, two doors south of WC National Bank, upstairs.
George Rex and Ohio F Jones, W Liberty Street, a few doors west of Wooster Exchange.
M Welker and JH Downing, office SW side of square in rooms formerly occupied by JH Downing.
JR Bowman, county auctioneer.
LR Critchfield, in Acadome building.
TP Baumgardner in American Music Store, west corner room of American Hotel, entrance through PJ Powers American Clothing Store.
Wooster City Lumber Yard and planning mill of Emrich, Barrett and Co., corner of Bever and Larwill Streets.
James E Wescott, merchant tailor.
New arrangement for spouting and general jobbing, RA Lucas, Buckeye Street, directly opposite Howard and Roth Livery Stable.
L Shibley, watches, clocks and jewelry, two doors south of the post office.
James C Jacobs, hardware store, Iron block.
JB Woolverton, fancy dyer steam cleaning and dying, Wooster City Dye Factory. He has moved to a portion of the Babb property, E Liberty Street.
DC Curry and Co., bought firm of Stibbs and Flattery Lumber Yard.
George Howard and Co., five doors east of American Hotel.
James B Childs, at Peoples corner, #33 and #35, E Liberty Street, one door west of American Hotel.
EB Childs, boots and shoes, one door west of JB Childs clothing store.
Whitaker and Childs Star Clothing Store, one door east of J Zimmerman and Co., W Liberty Street.
McClarran and Caskey grocery store, three doors west of courthouse.
Henry Horn moved to Bever Street, directly north of Home Mills, west side in building formerly occupied as a carriage shop by J Eberman.
Stair building of Charles Gasche, shop on Buckeye Street near Pinkerton Planning Mill.
Commerican Bank of Wooster, GP Emrich and Co..
Drs. Robison and Welker, SE corner of N Market Street and North Street.
Dr. S Wilson, W Liberty Street.
JE Barrett, office and residence 1st house south of the Washington House.
Dr. WC Moore, office in Zimmerman Exchange block, W Liberty Street.
Dr. LG Harley, office west side of square of TS Johnson Bank.
Exchange Bank of Stibbs, Hanna and Co. in American Hotel.
Wooster Livery, board and sale stable, OA Wilhelm, opposite the Washington House.
Drs. Baker and Liggett, office over L Shibley jewelry store, north of the post office.
BJ Jones, dentist, SE corner of square.
RJ Cunningham, dentist, one S Market Street.
B and SB Eason, office Zimmerman’s new building, upstairs, W Liberty Street.
ES Dowell, attorney office with LR Critchfield in the Acadome above Eckels, Wallace and Co. Drugstore.
Isaac Johnson, SW corner of square.
McSweeney and Parsons, upstairs in Iron block.
Dissolution of partnership between Kurtz and Boyce by mutual consent. Please make payment to JC Kurtz.
J Zimmerman and Co., Exchange block, W Liberty Street.
Wooster Book Bindery has moved to McSweeney building, E Liberty Street, opposite the American Hotel, magazines and periodicals.
Rice and McClellan, E Liberty Street, two doors east of J Nachtrieb hat emporium.
W Woods, shoe store, in American Hotel.
WP Kinzer for groceries, Curry block, E Liberty Street.
J and E Numbers Wool Manufactory, corner of South and S Market Streets, is permanently attended to by John Mitchell.
John Hoelzel, merchant tailor, SE corner of square.
JM Kick, grocery and provisions, #23 E Liberty Street.
Wayne County Democrat Aug. 31, 1870
Fancy boots and shoes store, EB Childs, fall and winter stock, one door west of JB Childs clothing store and one door east of Acadome Drugstore.
Wayne County Democrat Sept 21, 1870
Exchange Bank of Stibbs, Hanna and Co.
Wooster Livery of OA Wilhelm.
Dr. Firestone and Son, L and WW firestone, west side N Market Street.
-Physicians same:
TW Peckinpaugh, West Salem.
B and SB Eason, office Zimmerman’s new building, upstairs.
ES Dowell, office with LR Critchfield in Acadome above Eckels, Wallace and Co. drugstore.
Books and Stationary of Rice and McClellan, E Liberty, opposite American House in McSweeney’s building, two doors east of J Nachtrieb Hat Emporium.
McClarran and Hamilton, house and sign painters, shop on W Liberty Street.
A Foss, brush factory, one door north of post office, upstairs, SE side of square.
US Hall for rent by Philip Heinon S Market Street now kept by J Bringger and is ready to rent on liberal terms.
Stair building. Charles Gasche, Buckeye Street, near Pinkerton Planning Mill.
Mrs. Kate C McKeal, corner of South and Bever Streets.
Henry Horn, saddles and harness has moved to Bever Street, north of Home Mills, west side in building formerly used as a carriage shop by JE Eberman and Co.
-Attorneys same:
LR Critchfield, office Acadome building.
TP Baumgardner, American Music Store.
RA Lucas on Buckeye Street, opposite Howard and Roth Livery Stable.
Notice: On or after Oct. 1, 1870, McClure and Sheppard will sell stoves, tin ware, kettles and house furnishings for cash only.
There will be a fireman’s dance at the Acadome Hall, Wed. Sept. 28, 1870 under benefit of White Cloud Hook and Ladder Co., #1 the member. The member of Hook Co. of Mansfield and different fire companies of Wooster, have been invited. Good music will be in attendance.
Star Clothing Store of Whitaker and Childs.
J Zimmerman and Co., Exchange block, W Liberty.
S Woods, shoe store, American Hotel.
Steam engine, B Barrett and Co.
L Shiveley, watches, clocks and jewelry, two doors south of post office, SE corner of square.Donnelly, Rayl and Co., hardware, #2ME.
Wenger and Roth, dry goods and fancy goods, west side of square, one door south of WC National Bank.
Dissolution and removal of partnership heretofore existing between Frederick Kaltwasser and Wm Grune, under Kaltwass and Grune, successor to Emgard and Brother, has been dissolved by mutual consent. All debts due the late firm will be settled by Nov. 1, 1870. He will be found at new firm of Hoelzel and Kaltwasser, merchant tailors, one door south of the post office- Frederick Kaltwasser.
E Brideker, E Liberty Street, opposite Washington House, manufacture to order boots and shoes.
Whitaker and Childs, star clothing store, one door east of Zimmerman and Co. Drug Store.
George W Swift, successor to Sagalbum, April 6, 1870.
PJ Powers, American Clothing Store, west corner room of American Hotel.
WP Kinzer, grocery store, Curry block, E Liberty Street.