Wooster Republican, Business Abstracts 1877
Wooster Republican Jan. 4, 1877
Wm Shibley jewelry store, corner of Buckeye and E Liberty Street.
AS Lehman, cooking and heating stoves, #3ME.
John Simon, merchant tailor, SW side of square a few doors below Quimby bank, under Jeffries law office.
Palace Shoe Store of Wm M Wisner, boots and shoes, NE side of square.
DC Curry and Co., North Street.
Hoelzel and Kaltwasser, merchant tailor, SE side of square.
Abraham Saybolt, plumbers and dealers in lead, iron pipe, tin, slate and iron roofers, W Liberty Street.
Weber Bros. and Co., manufacture of organs. Mr. Christian Weber is proprietor with 40 years experience in organ business.
James Wescott, merchant tailor.
Redinger, Stevens and Co., foundry and machine shop, corner of Buckeye and North Street, old Shively Foundry.
Carriage shop of Banker and Hanna, South Street, old Beistles stand 21, 23, 25, 27, 29 South Street.
Exchange Bank of Kauke and Frost, successors to Stibbs, Hanna and Co., E Liberty Street, American Hotel.
Attorney, John R McKinney, office over L Shibley Jewelry Store.
Orr and Reider, office SW side of square, two doors below WC National Bank.
Downing and Yocum, office SW side of square in Quimby building.
JR Woodworth, office over Barrett and Weisner Grocery Store, NE side of square.
Rouch and Wilson, office SW side of square.
Isaac Johnson, SE side of square.
CC Parsons, office in rooms formerly occupied by Lucas Flattery, over Jacobs Hardware Store.
McSweeney and Parsons, office in Jacobs Hardware Store, W Liberty Street, upstairs.
B, SB, and BF Eason, upstairs in Zimmerman building, W Liberty Street.
McClure and Smyser, office #6ME, upstairs.
Alfred J Thomas, office 1st door south of WC National Bank, upstairs, SW side.
Aquila Wiley, office SW side of square, two doors south of WC National Bank.
Hiram B Swarts, office over Childs Clothing Store, W Liberty Street.
Lucas Flattery, office with John McClellan, over McClarran and Caskey Grocery Store.
ES Dowell, 2nd floor, over TS Johnson bank, SW side of square.
Bonewitz and Carr, W Liberty Street.
Sample and Jeffries, SW side of square.
- Dr. WC Moore, office in Childs building, E Liberty Street, opposite the post office
- Drs. Todd and Glenn, office and residence at Kauke old residence, one door north of county buildings
- Dr. JH Reynolds, NW corner of N Market and North Streets, opposite the Episcopal Church
- Dr. JE Barrett, 1st house south of Washington House
- Drs. L and WW Firestone, west side on N Market Street, near the square
- Dr. LG Harley, office over Chatelain Jewelry Store, SW side of square
- Dr. George Liggett, office and residence N Market Street, south of Trinity ME Church
- Dr. JD Robison, office #35, residence 158 N Market Street.
- CB Mower, office and residence 43 E Liberty Street, four doors east of the Washington House
- Dr. RJ Cunningham, east side S Market Street
- Dr. BJ Jones, SE side of square.
E Chatelain Jewelry Store, SW side of square, three doors below Quimby bank.
Fireproof cement stoves, repaired, orders left at AJ Seigenthaler, #56 E South Street or WC Weaver S Buckeye Street- Seigenthaler and Weaver, one door east of the Bethal Church.
DB Ihrig has retired from proprietorship of the American Hotel and house remains closed for a few days. Mr. CC -------- of Mansfield to be new man.
DQ Liggett.
Gray and Harrington coal yard, office at Snow Flake Mills, E Liberty Street, #70.
Foust and McLaughlin, #5ME E Liberty Street, for dry goods.
JS Bissell and Co., #1ME, for dry goods.
E Funk and Co., Curry block, E Liberty Street, for groceries.
Buy your lumber at Hartman and Durstine, corner of Larwill and Bever Streets.
PJ Power Red Front corner clothing store, Se side, 1 and 2 SE side of square.
ED Belnap, 23 E Liberty Street, for books.
Clark Bros. and Imgard Acadome Dry Goods Store, E Liberty Street.
Wooster Brush Works, two doors north of Central Hotel, S Market Street, opposite Gerlach formerly Gelach and Gasche butcher shop, Adam Foss.
Jackson and Ciowill pay market. Prices for fat turkeys, geese and ducks. Inquire at office formerly occupied by McDonald and Co., W Liberty and Walnut Streets.
McClellan and Co., old stand of Rice and McClellan.
Quimby and Purdy, golden corner, SW side of square, for dry goods notions.
Matt Johnston, dealer in coal yard, opposite Washington House, E Liberty Street.
Wooster Book Bindery, WE Rice, S Market Street.
Dr. Firestone, the little drug store, around the corner, SE side of square.
Bibles and testaments for sale at American Bible Society, Rice and McClellan depositors, opposite the American Hotel, E Liberty Street.
Wooster Republican Jan. 11, 1877
Firestone Drug Store and Donner Wallpaper Store are soon to be moved to the Iron block.
Barnhart and Kesiter grocery meat market, S Market Street.
Wooster Republican Jan. 18, 1877
Election of stockholders of the Wooster National Bank took place on 9th. Installation resulted in following officers: GP Emerich- pres., John Zimmerman- VP, CV Hard- cashier, JW Emrich- teller.
Opening of Quimby Hall. The managers are pushing the work necessary for the presentation of some of Shakespeare’s best plays and have secured the Euclid Ave. Opera House Co..
The council has reduced the size of Liberty Street sewer from 24 to 20 inches.
Wooster Republican Feb. 1, 1877
Death of Theodore DeYoung, occupied by last Monday morning at 4:30 pm. Coming from Philadelphia to Wooster as late as 1869, he has since made many friends and he commanded position in out fire departments. He was three times elected chief engineer of the department and during his administration, Wooster was visited by several destructive fires. The principal one being the Acadome Hall, Power and Curry. All of these and other fires his late experience of New York and Pennsylvania firemen played an important part by his sole commanding capability, that a large portion of Wooster was saved from several fires. He would have been 30 years of age next May. Funeral was led by Independent band entire membership of Masonic order, the entire fire department, together with a vast concourse of citizens. His body will be transported to Philadelphia for burial.
Wooster Republican Feb. 8, 1877
China Hall Shop, S Market Street, for chinaware, glassware and queens ware. Give Mr. Simon Geitgey a call.
Torrent pump sell by Fred Ebinger shop on N Buckeye Street, next door to Knox and Shiffer Blacksmith Shop.
Report of the condition of WC National Bank, Feb. 20, 1877, assets 174661.91 and same in liabilities, E Quimby Jr. cashier.
Wooster Republican Feb. 15, 1877
McDonald and Co., HC Hedges register in bankruptcy, met the creditors of McDonald and Co. on Monday, Feb. 8th at Frances Hall for purpose of carrying on the order of the court on the composition hereafter accepted by the creditors. The creditors were nearly all present being about 300 in number. We understand the terms of compromise was 30 cents optional with creditors, take 30 cents cash on assets of McDonald and Co. 1-4 of the creditors took cash and the balance took assets. The registrar was not prepared to give up the findings for the weeks papers. He is prepared to pay a dividend immediately after the report is made. We have hope the immediate steps will be taken to start up the works for the benefit of our city.
Wooster Republican Feb. 26, 1877
Quite an excitement on last Thursday evening at Zimmerman Drug Store. Thick black smoke was seen coming from the roof and elsewhere and a number of men were seen on the roof and also on Miller Hardware Store across the alley. Eamons Law Office was discovered to be full of smoke and as Robert Zimmerman entered the room, he saw what was the matter. Some sneak person had moved the stove and run the pipe into a ventilator thinking it was the stove pipe hole. The other ventilators were soon cleared and there was considerable smoke.
Wooster Republican March 1, 1877
James B Childs, again in business, new One Price Clothing Store ready made clothing, lately been located in vacant rooms of the American Hotel temporally on corner of alley, west corner room, prices only for cash. I will move about March 14th to the rooms now occupied by the Little Drug Store around the corner.
Furniture at cost, James Curry and Son, for 30 days, sash door factory, blinds 20% lower, E Liberty Street.
Great closing out sale of furniture and house furnishing goods, E Liberty Street, one door west of Wilhelm Carriage Shop, James Curry.
Wooster Brush Works, two doors north of the Central Hotel and opposite Gerlach, formerly Gerlach and Gasche butcher shop, Adam Foss.
Wooster Book Bindery of WE Rice on S Market Street.
East End grocery store of Funk and Co. in Curry block, E Liberty Street.
Old wringers and machines for sale at repaired and empire wringers for sale at SF Days store, W Liberty Street.
Gray and Harrington coal dealers, office and yard on E Liberty Street at Snow Flake Mills #70.
Palace Shoe Store, Wm M Wisner, boots and shoes, NE side of square.
Abraham Saybolt, plumbers and dealers in all kinds of pipe, tin, slate and iron roofing, on W Liberty Street.
Redinger, Stevens and Co., corner of Buckeye and North Street, foundry and machine shop.
Carriage Works of Banker and Hanna, shop on South Street, old Beistles stand 21, 23, 25, 27, 29 E South Street.
Exchange Bank of JH Kauke and Charles S Frost, bankers in American Hotel building, E Liberty Street.
American Bible Society is selling bibles and testaments at catalogue prices, Rice and McClellan depositors, opposite American Hotel.
Fireproof cement for sale by heating and durability. Orders left AG Seigenthaler, #56 E South Street or WE Weaver, S Buckeye Street- Seigenthaler and Weaver.
Go to AJ Seigenthaler for rugs #56 E South Street, one door east of the Bethal Church.
Death of Mathew McClure Monday evening last. Mathew McClure, youngest brother of WH McClure and Capt. AS McClure, editor of the Republican. He was born Feb. 22, 1842 and died Feb. 26, 1877.
James B Johnston and Co., 1st ranch around the corner, is no longer a one horse concern, has long been established and has been one of the largest marble establishments. Mr. Johnston came here penniless and homeless and he has built up a trade by fair dealing on S Market Street.
Wooster Republican March 8, 1877
It will be noticed by his advertisement that Dr. Firestone has moved his drugstore from around the corner to the center room of Keefer Iron block. He has the largest stock of drugs and medicines.
Dr. HA Warner has associated himself with Dr. JH Todd and so far has recovered from his illness as to warrant him again pursuing his practice. Dr. JH Todd, who has been with us about a year, has won confidence of the large position of afflicted.
Dr. JA Gann and AG Phinney. Dr. Gann office is to be in new building erected for that purpose in vacant lot between Dr. Robison’s office and Mrs. Donnelly’s residence. Mr. Phinney’s office is over AM Albright’s, opposite the Central Hotel, S Market Street. Dr. Gann office on N Market Street, adjoining Dr. Robison’s office.
OF Jones and JM Woodsworth, office on W Liberty Street, in rooms formerly occupied by Rex and Jones.
Dissolution of partnership under name of Carr and Baumgardner as of March 1, 1877. HA Carr and H Baumgardner.
Wooster Republican March 15, 1877
Walter’s property on S Market Street was purchased by Baptist Church last Saturday for 1800.
Wooster Republican March 29, 1877
AS Lehman, stoves, roofing and spouting, #3ME.
Omnibus coach and back line, SS Shilling, orders may be left at the American Hotel or at 135 N Market Street.
Mrs. Bert Kate McAfee opens a new millinary store April 1st in Clark block, over Stoner room, E Liberty Street- Mrs. Bevard formerly Kate McAfee.
Acadome Dry Goods Store.
Michael Shelly sold to Gerlach and Kinkler butchers, S Market Street, a splendid steer.
James B Childs, in business again, one Price clothing store, 12 SE side of square, former drug store of Dr. Lyman Dow and later Dr. Firestone.
Wm A Mumper, successor to F Metzler, painter and grainer and paper hanging . Residence on E North Street, opposite DC Curry Lumber Yard.
Wooster Republican April 5, 1877
The firm of A Foss and Co., has been changed to Wooster Brush Works. WD Foss and George J Swartz proprietors.
JL Gray and EO Harrington, coal dealers, have dissolved partnership and all owing them indebted to firm at former office of Snow Flake Mills, will please call and settle.
The dedication of new hall in Clark building to be used and occupied by Ionic Lodge #6 IOM Tuesday evening.
Mrs. Bevard has returned from east with fresh stock of millinary goods over Clark store, E Liberty Street, Acadome Dry Goods Store.
Torrent forced pump for sale by Fred Ebinger, shop on N Buckeye Street, next door to Knox and Shiffer blacksmith shop.
Assignee sale of ready made clothing, hats, caps and gents furnishing goods for 60 days. Thomas E Peckingpaugh assignee of Red corner clothing store of JB Power.
Donner’s White Front Store, SE side of square, WA Donner.
Boots and shoes, C Roth, two doors south of WC National Bank, SW side of square.
Physicians and attorneys, same.
Fireproof cement sold by Seigenthaler and Weaver. Orders AG Seigenthaler, #56 E South Street and WC Weaver, S Buckeye Street.
American Hotel, run by CC Townley, proprietor.
Henry Leies has taken possession of the Eastern House.
James Wescott’s clothing store has moved to Louis Howard’s corner.
Jacob Frick has moved to the Robison House and Rev. Dr. Black has taken Mr. Frick’s former residence.
Square Brauneck has vacated the corner to make room for S Woods boot and shoe business in that room.
We rise to remark that the large new building on lots south of Dr. Robison’s office to not intended for Dr. Gann’s place of business. His office will front on the street.
Last fall, I announced the intention of quitting the shoe business, but I have on hand a large stock of boots and shoes and I will not sell immediate to quit business unless at a sacrifice that I cannot stand. I have concluded to continue in business. C Roth.
Certificate of special business that the undersign this day, formed a special partnership under the name and provisions of statue of the state of Ohio, James B Power and DQ Liggett. James B Power is general partner and David Q Liggett is special partner. He has furnished sum of 7500 in capital for dealing in dry goods.
Dr. Firestone, drug store has moved to middle rooms of Keefer Iron block.
New millinary goods, Mrs. FA Bonner, still continues her millinary on SE side of square over Hoelzel and Kaltwasser Clothing Store.
Omnibus Coach Line, SS Shilling, leave orders at American House or residence 125 N Market Street.
Campbell’s washing machine, Mr. Robert Campbell. Call at AS Lehman’s or at Hartman and Durstine lumber yard.
Wooster Republican April 12, 1877
Dissolution of Coe and Groff in stone business, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The business will hereafter be carried on by Webb-Groff.
WF Woods, boots and shoes, 19 E Liberty Street.
James L Gray, coal yard, office and yard at Snow Flake Mills, #70 E Liberty Street.
American Hotel run by CC Townley.
JT Sheilds has erected a large machinery warehouse in alley back of his offices and is receiving a large stock of various implements used at this session of the year.
Dedicatory of Ionic Lodge #6 IOM takes possession on the hall in Acadome, address by Prof. Stoddard, Rev. WB French, L and HL Wiles, GE McCurdy. Ionic lodge has secured one of the handsomest halls for its use being on the third floor of the imposing Acadome building, owned by Mr. Clark.
A Rhodes opened boot and shoe store one door south of Johnston Marble Works on S Market Street. Give him a call.
Mr. Price has purchased the family grocery store of John VanMeter, SE side of square.
Wooster Republican April 19, 1877
The veteran coal dealer, EO Harrington, has leased Welhelm Livery Stable and is selling all kinds of lump coal. Leave all orders at coal yard opposite B Barrett and Co., E Liberty Street.
The machine shop in motion at a meeting of creditors of McDonald and Co., Tuesday afternoon, at which Capt. JH Kauke was made president and J Clark secretary. The creditors resolved to start up the works for the purpose of manufacturing a large amount of material now on hand. JH Kauke sole trustee, is given full power to conduct the establishment. He is to make a printed report to the creditors semi-annually. Sound of the old familiar whistle will gladden a good many families. From 25-30 hands will be employed to begin with.
Donner Notion and Wallpaper Store has not been moved, nor will it be.
Mr. FW Leopold and Mrs. Rossel invite the attention of the ladies to their dressmaking rooms on S Market Street, in Trimble building. Entrance upstairs, one door south of the corner.
Ladies, we call attention to a new and splendid assortment of millinary goods at Mehaney Millinary, opposite the American House, 22 E Liberty Street.
Cutter and Smyser have hats and bonnets, NE side of square. Miss FA Bonner invites the ladies to call on her Thursday, April 26th.
Exhibition of the latest styles of hats and bonnets at rooms SE side of square, over Hoelzel and Kaltwasser clothing store.
Wooster Republican April 26, 1877
Wooster Agricultural Works, late McDonald and Co., at full blast, old reliable Wooster Agricultural , John H Kauke trustee.
Bonanza in Wooster. The undersign has opened a ladies and gents first class furnishing store, IW Fogleson, remember the place. Taylor’s new building, W Liberty Street.
WF Woods, 19 E Liberty Street, boots and shoes.
Mr. A Barnhart, butcher and meat market, #47 S Market Street, pub Benjamin A Stevens, large size refrigerators.
Removal of Angus McDonald. He has taken possession of the Agricultural Works in Millersburg. He is accompanied by his sons Davis, Angus and Harper McDonald. William McDonald will remain in Wooster for the present.
Wooster Republican May 3, 1877
Samuel Woods has opened a boots and shoes business, 19 E Liberty Street.
Flour, corn meal and seed for sale at Wooster City Mills by Boyd and Smith.
Ice for sale by RJ Smith. Orders left at Dr. Firestone drug store or Belhap News Depot of office of Wooster City Mills.
Campbell washing machine for sale at AS Lehman tin store or Hartman and Durstine lumber yards.
For cheap millinary goods, call at Mrs. Bevard.
Buy drugs at Roller and Wilson Drug Store, W Liberty Street.
Ladies, calling your attention to an assortment of millinary goods at Maheney Millinary, opposite the American House, 22 E Liberty Street.
Go to William M Wisner for boots and shoes, NE side of square.
New goods at Quimby and Purdy.
The undersigned has opened a ladies and gents furnishing goods store. IW Fogleson, in Taylor’s new building, W Liberty Street.
Thomas E Peckinpaugh, assignee of Thomas B Power, clothing for the next 60 days. Call at old red corner clothing store. All sales cash. Old red corner clothing store of Perry J Power.
Irene Lodge of 64 K of New Castle hall, recently, Irene Hall resolved to become the sole lessee of room in Keefer block occupied by them in connection with Red Men.
Curry, Cameron and Co. is new name established in James Curry old place of business, E Liberty Street.
Hartman and Durstine lumber yard, new office, corner of Larwill and Bever Streets.
On last Monday, Louis Young and son #38 S Market Street, rode a very neat bread wagon. It was built by Banker and Hanna.
Wooster Agricultural Works, late McDonald and Co., in full blast, JH Kauke trustee.
Dr. Firestone has moved his little drug store around the corner to middle rooms of Keefer Iron block, two doors west of courthouse.
Wooster Republican May 10, 1877
WC Moore MD, old unsettled accounts until April 1, 1877 will be placed in hands for collection, Dr. WC Moore.
Bids for building stone culvert across E North Street, near Buckeye Street, were presented to council Monday evening. Hettinger and Tiefenthaler bid 6.60 per perch, Groff and Mower 7.00, John Seib 5.50. Mr. Seib, being lowest bidder, was awarded the contract.
Lucas and Wiler, SW side of square, received a large stock of boots and shoes.
Wooster Republican May 17, 1877
Singer sewing machine for sale by JA Bental, 18 E Liberty Street.
Acadome Dry Goods Store of Clark Bros. and Imgard.
New firm of Curry, Cameron and Co., having taken old lumber yard of James Curry Sr., have best select stock of sash and doors, lathe and singles under supervision of Robert Cameron.
Samuel Geitgey has opened a new jewelry store on S Market Street, one door north of China Store.
Mr. LG Slusser, formerly of Miller and Slusser, is in charge of the establishment.
Charles Schuler with Frank Kramer, W Liberty Street, one of the best barbers in Wooster.
Mr. DC McClarran, residence on W Liberty Street, was somewhat damaged by fire Tuesday night of last week by sparks from a burning chimney, united with the wooden mantle piece in the evening in an adjoining room. Mr. McClarran had been spending the evening in a adjourning room and opening the door of one in question, found the room filled with smoke. It was secured and the fire put out. Inspection of the fire department under the direction of chief engineer John D Miller, Independent cornet band of Wooster, Hope hook and ladder Co. of Wooster- Philip Elsperman, foreman with 20 men; Deludge Steamer #1 and #3 with cart, HR Blackburn with 40 men; Alert Hose Co. #9 Abner Miller with 20 men; Wooster Hose Co. #3, Conrad Proeger foreman with 20 men; Relief Steamer #4 and two hose carts HR Horn with 40 men; Good Intent Co. #5 with had engine and hose cart Charles Weber foreman with 80 men; Fame House Co. #6 John Blam Ford foreman with 20 men; Vigilant Hose Co. #7 Charles Gasche Jr. foreman with 20 men.
Wooster Republican May 24, 1877
IW Fogleson is in Taylor’s new building, W Liberty Street.
Maheney Millinary, opposite American House, 22 E Liberty Street, for ladies goods.
Lucas and Wiler boots and shoes, SW side of square.
Wooster Republican May 31, 1877
Go to AS Lehman for refrigerators and stoves, #3ME.
Domestic sewing machine in Mrs. J Hoffman and Son, five doors east of the Washington Hall, E Liberty Street.
Wooster Republican June 7, 1877
George Rex, attorney on NE side of square, opposite the county buildings.
Dr. JH Reynolds and Dr. ES Reynolds, office NW corner of N Market and North Streets, opposite Episcopal Church.
Plumbing and pipe fitting, E Rogers, licensed plumber always on hand at 37 E Liberty Street, one door east of Washington House.
Public sale of Wooster Machines of Wooster Agricultural Works, June 27, 1877 at 1:00. Improved threshers 40 best horse power, 150 wagons, clover haulers, all reapers remaining on hand on day of sale. Best of materials. JH Kauke trustee.
Wooster Republican June 14, 1877
For best stove polish, go to Wooster Brush Factory, two doors north of the Central Hotel.
Wooster Republican June 21, 1877
Notice, co-partnership. The undersign on 26, 1877, formed a special partnership under state law of Curry, Cameron and Co. with James M Curry and Robert M Cameron and James Curry as partners.
John A Gann MD, office #33 N Market Street.
To remove false rumors in regards to Mr. Lewis Winger not being in our company, we say he is still with us, also Mr. Joseph Moorillictt is also with us. Mr. Card is also with us- Clark Bros. and Imgard.
Frank Taggart, office over National Bank of Wooster, with LJ Barker.
Hiram B Swartz, attorney and mayor city of Wooster, office in Mayor’s office, SE side of square.
Drs. JH and ES Reynolds, office NW corner of N Market and North Streets, opposite Episcopal Church.
JH Todd and HA Warner, old Kauke’s residence, north of county buildings.
Wooster Republican June 28, 1877
House of 10 rooms on S Market Street and other out buildings. For particulars inquire of John McClellan, Keefer’s Iron block, W Liberty Street.
SR Bonewitz, office same as he has occupied for the last 33 years on W Liberty Street.
EO Harrington, 24 years in coal trade in Wooster, office and yard opposite B Barrett and Co., E Liberty Street.
SF Days, stove store, #46 W Liberty Street.
Wooster Republican July 5, 1877
OF Jones and JR Woodsworth, office W Liberty Street in rooms formerly occupied by Rex and Jones.
American Bible Society is selling bibles and testaments at catalogue prices, Rice and McClellan, depositors, opposite American Hotel.
Plumbing and pipe fitting, E Rogers, #37 E Liberty Street, one door east of Washing House.
The Murphy Movement in Wooster in connection with buggies, carriage and light wagons. The undersign has made and sold the above mentioned articles in Wooster for 42 years and will remain on top and warrant all work having now in my employ Jake Eberman, veteran body maker. John Wilhelm, E Liberty Street.
New firm at the old stand, Curry, Cameron and Co., E Liberty Street.
Donner’s White Front Store, SE side of square.
Wm A Mumper, successor to S Mentzler, painter and grainer on E North Street, opposite DC Curry and Co. lumber yard.
Ice for sale at Wooster City Mills, EJ Smith.
Abraham Saybolt, plumbers on W Liberty Street.
Wooster Republican July 12, 1877
Few water coolers to close out stock, SF Days, stove store, 46 W Liberty Street.
CR and RB Montgomery, selling plows and organs. Full information given at Central Hotel.
Physicians and dentists same.
The sale of machinery of Wooster Agricultural Works last Thursday amounted to 5000. All the mowers and reapers were sold. Capt. Kauke, the trustee, was well satisfied.
Wooster Agricultural Works formerly McDonald and Co., again in full blast, John H Kauke trustee.
Quimby and Purdy, D Robison’s old stand, SW side of square.
Hartman and Durstine, lumber yard, corner of Larwill and Bever Streets.
Hoelzel and Kaltwasser, spring and summer goods, SE side of square, old post office building.
Eugene Chatelain jewelry store, SW side of square, one door below Quimby bank.
James curry furniture at cost for next 30 days, E Liberty Street.
DQ Liggett, Acadome Dry Goods Store.
JB Power, summer goods, closing out regardless of cost.
Matt Johnston, coal yard, office and yard on E Liberty Street, opposite the Washington House.
James L Gray, coal yard, office and yard at the Snow Flake Mills, #70 E Liberty Street.
MB McClure has moved his law office to rooms over Barrett and Son Grocery Store, NE side of square.
JH Myers, insurance agent, has his office in the same rooms of the accommodations.
Wooster Republican Aug. 2, 1877
JH Reynolds, office and residence, NW corner of N Market and North Streets, opposite Episcopal Church.
Lucas Flattery has moved his office to the east rooms over JH Taylor grocery store. He is agent for Richland Mutual Insurance Co..
Dissolution of partnership between Dr. JH Reynolds and son. Dr. JH Reynolds remains at his present residence. Dr. JH and ES Reynolds.
Wooster Republican Aug. 9, 1877
The employees of Wm Spear furniture manufactory are going to Chippewa Lake for a few days relaxation.
Wooster Republican Aug. 16, 1877
Mr. PD Hall has informed Mayor Swartz that he will attend to the repair of Red corner as soon as sickness in his family will allow him to leave home.
The corner room of American House block is to be rehabilitate with a fine stock of goods. Pierson and Co., formerly engaged in same business, decided to make Wooster their future residence.
Wooster Republican Aug. 27, 1877
Assignee notice in District Court of US of America in matter of Perry J Power bankruptcy. Thomas E Peckinpaugh is assignee in bankruptcy of PJ power.
Rules concerning 28 fair of WC Agricultural Society to be held in Wooster Sept. 26, 27, 28, 1877.
Wooster Republican Aug. 30, 1877
JB Myers of firm of Logan and Myers late, opened his grocery establishment earlier than OM Albright, his neighbor on opposite side of street.
LP | Slusser, for new improved Davis sewing machine for sale, office at 21 W Liberty Street in Howard’s building.
Wooster Republican Sept. 6, 1877
McClellan and Co., E Liberty Street for books and stationary, 21 E Liberty Street.
Pierson and Co., open Sept. 8, 1877 with large stock of ready made clothing, west corner room of the American Hotel. AH and DH Pierson.
Capt. Jacob Shultz well known saddler, has moved his shop to Childs building, opposite the post office, E Liberty Street.
Wooster Republican Sept. 13, 1877
Belnap, the bookstore.
Hartman and Durstine lumber yard.
JH Carr, center room, over hardware store of Harding and Jones.
James B Childs, 12 SE side of square.
Curry, Cameron and Co., E Liberty Street.
Franham new carriage attracts attention. Accommodation SF Lightcap will convey passengers found on public square.
JS Bissell and Bro., #1ME dry goods.
Quimby and Purdy, seven reasons why, Will Beresford, tailor and draper on Buckeye Street, one door north of E Liberty Street, near the Washington House.
John Wilhelm, carriage shop, E Liberty Street.
JS Bissell and Co., #2ME hardware.
J Zimmerman and Co., W Liberty Street.
James L Gray, coal yard.
Matt Johnston, coal dealer.
DQ Liggett and Co..
Wooster Book Bindery, WE Rice, S Market Street.
Barrett and Ogden ready made clothing.
SF Days, stove store, 46 W Liberty Street.
Shephard and Flattery insurance agents, over Taylor Grocery Store, south side W Liberty Street.
James Curry, selling furniture on E Liberty Street, corner of E Liberty and Beall Ave.
Harding and Jones, hardware, one door west of the courthouse, old Jacob’s stand, Keefer Iron block.
McClellan and Co., 21 E Liberty Street for books and stationary.
Weber Bros., organs for sale.
Grand opening of Pierson and Co., west corner room of American Hotel.
B Barrett and Co..
A Saybolt, plumbers and dealers in lead and iron pipes, iron roofers, W Liberty Street.
DC Curry and Co..
James Wescott; John Simon.
Hoelzel and Kaltwasser, SE side of square; Redinger, Stevens and Co.; Banker and Hanna; Foust and McLaughlin; Wm Shibley; E Chatelain; E Rogers; American Bible Society.
Wooster Republican Sept. 20, 1877
Furniture, one door west of Welhelm Carriage Shop, E Liberty Street, DB Ihrig agent.
Mrs. Kate Bevard, millinary goods over Clark Bros. And Imgard dry goods store.
Wooster Republican Oct. 18, 1877
Jonas Nachtrieb, #18 E Liberty Street, opposite American House, for hats and caps.
Theodore Teeple has returned to Wooster and next Monday takes possession of old gallery #120 public square.
OF Jones is constructing his residence on N Market Street in a radical way. He has knocked the roof off, raised the upper story, rebuilt the chimneys and covered it with Hipp roof of modern style.
The Pioneer Tavern, built by John Wilson in 1815, now occupied as a residence by John Croll on E Liberty Street, was stripped of its weather stripping on Monday and showed an example of early architecture of large hewed logs constructed frame. It had done good service for Mr. Croll and now new improvement made by DC Curry and Co. will make a permanent home for JW Nimmons for 50 years to come.
Mr. Ira Droz, again at his post at McClarrand and Caskey delivery wagon.
Wooster Republican Oct. 25, 1877
Mr. Samuel Boyd is pharmacist at Zimmerman Drug Store.
Dissolution of Todd and Warner by mutual consent, Oct. 27, 1877. Dr. JH Todd and Dr. HA Warner.
Mrs. J Hoffman and son, domestic sewing machines, office five doors east of Washington House.
JH Carr, corner room over Harding and Jones Hardware Store.
Jones and Woodsworth, in rooms formerly occupied by Rex and Jones.
John R McKinney, office over Roller and Wilson Drug Store, #6 W Liberty Street.
Wooster Republican Nov. 8, 1877
Mrs. J Hoffman and son, selling machines, five doors east of the Washington House.
James L Gray, dealer in coal, yard on E Liberty Street, Snow Flake Mills.
Newkirk and Liggett Drug Store, #4ME.
Will Beresford, on Buckeye Street, one door north of E Liberty Street, near Washington House.
Weaver’s botanic medicine to be had. Apply at Horn’s Bros. Bakery and Confectionary, opposite the American Hotel.
Wooster Republican Dec. 6, 1877
Dr. JD Robison, residence #158, office #35 N Market Street.
Dentist, CB Mower, office 43 E Liberty Street, four doors east of Washington House.
Shephard and Flattery office over Taylor Grocery Store, south side W Liberty Street.
Newkirk and Liggett, #4ME, successors to EA Jones drugstore.
Oysters for sale at Frost and Co., W Liberty Street.
Plumbing and pipe fitting of E Rogers, #37 E Liberty Street, one door east of the Washington House.
Wooster Hardware Store of Harding and Jones, one door west of the courthouse.
Boston 99 cent store, 20 E Liberty Street, opposite American Hotel.
Clark Bros. And Imgard, Acadome Dry Goods Store.
Horn Bros. confectionary and bakery, E Liberty Street.
American Bible Society selling bibles and testaments at catalogue prices, Rice and McClellan depositors, opposite American Hotel.
DC Curry and Co. lumber yard on North Street.
Empire wringers for sale by SF Day, #46 W Liberty Street.
FA Bonner, millinary goods, NE side of square.
Mrs. E Fox, millinary goods, NE side of the square.
Wooster Republican Dec. 20, 1877
Clothing for sale at Power’s Red Front Clothing Store, SE side of square.
JA Bental sewing machines for 20 days, rooms at NJ Nachtrieb hat and cap store, E Liberty Street.
Clark Bros. and Imgard.
Knox and Shiffer blacksmith shop in new shops on S Buckeye Street.
Lewis Immel, 22 N Grant Street, has a Wooster Poultry yard and house divided into six rooms and yards for his exclusive use of through bird feathered tribe. Call at place of business, 79 W Liberty Street.