Wooster Republican, Business Abstracts 1872
Wooster Republican Jan. 4, 1872
Henry Lehman, stoves, opposite the American Hotel, slate roofing and spouting.
E Chatelain, watches, clocks and jewelry, SW side of square, below the bank.
Commerican Bank of Wooster, GP Emrich- president, CV Hard- cashier, #74 Exchange block.
JB and JM Kock, proprietors of American Hotel, E Liberty Street, successor to McClure and Co, E Liberty Street.
Thomas M Weaver, china hall, five doors east of the American Hotel, old stand of George Howard and Co..
Wooster Glove Factory and city fur store of WB Liddell and Bro., S Market Street.
Wooster City Lumber Yard and planning mill of GP Emrich and Co., corner of Larwill and Bever Streets. GP Emrich, BB Barrett, Jacob Deer, Perry Miller.
Wooster Steam Engine and Boiler Works of B Barrett and Co., E Liberty Street next to Home Mills.
Victory gallery of Rawlins and Co..
Exchange Bank of Stibbs, Hanna and Co., in American Hotel building, Liberty Street.
Black and Rowland, bakery fresh bread and rusks offered at corner of Walnut and W Liberty Streets, old stand of D Black.
FD Belnap, three doors east of American Hotel, for books.
Star Clothing Store, Whitaker and Childs, two doors east of J Zimmerman and Co. drugstore, W Liberty Street.
WH and JL Smith, upholstering establishment on Diamond Street, between SW corner square and McDonald and Co. wareroom.
Rice and McClellan, bibles and blank book manufactory, opposite American Hotel, E Liberty Street.
GW Doty, ladies goods, SW side of square.
WA Shepard, upholstering and furniture, SW side of square.
PJ Power, American Clothing Store, west corner room of American Hotel.
RR Donnelly and Co., hardware, #2ME.
DC Curry, having purchased the lumber yard and planning mill, sash and door factory of Mr. Stibbs and Mr. Flattery received large stock of lumber.
PD Carr, selling Temple and Jubilee organs, permanently located in city of Wooster.
Great closing out sale at People’s Corner, E Liberty Street, James B Childs, one door west of the American Hotel.
Oysters for sale at Excelsior Drug Store, one door north of post office, SE side of square, Snodgrass and Son.
John Simon, merchant tailor, next door to the Express office, W Liberty Street.
Drs. Hart and Wilson, chemists and druggists in column building, W Liberty Street.
Robison Confectionary, lunch room, SW corner of public square, next door to GW Doty ladies provision store.
Barrett and Ogden, ready made clothing, #3ME
LR Crithfield, office in Acadome building, above Eckels and Wallace Drugstore.
McSweeney and Parsons, in Jacob block, upstairs.
B and SB Eason, office upstairs in Zimmerman new building W Liberty Street.
AS McClure, #6ME upstairs.
Chalres M Yocum, office SW corner of square, in rooms heretofore occupied by Welker, Downing and G. Yocum.
AJ Thomas, first door south of National Bank, SW side of square, upstairs.
Rex and Jones, W Liberty Street, a few doors west of Wooster Exchange.
Hamilton Richeson and Aquila Wiley, office SW side of square, two doors south of WC National Bank, upstairs.
Welker and Downing, office in Exchange block of Zimmerman Drug Store, W Liberty Street.
SR Bonewitz and Joseph H Carr, office on west side of square, upstairs.
John P Jeffries, office SW corner of square.
Charles C Gasche, stair builder.
TS Johnson, banker, SW corner of square, one door north of the WC National Bank.
Mrs. Cutter and Smyser have moved their millinery establishment from east side of Liberty Street to north side of square in rooms formerly occupied by Dr. Warren, fancy goods, trimmings, ladies caps.
Dedication of the Reformed Church. Sunday Dec. 31, 1871, splendid edifice and enterprising congregation, 8000 of indebtedness discharged on Sunday and Monday. It is located on the corner of North and Buckeye Streets. The weather was unfavorably and poured down rain. The diminished attendance caused disappointment to congregation as it was expected to liquidate a large part of the debt of the church by voluntary subscription on the day of dedication. The congregation numbers about 135 members of which most are in very moderate circumstances. The church is 44x86, adorned by a spire 133 feet in height. It is capable of seating 466 persons. The cornerstone laid in August and the building finished near Christmas. CC Baker, architect, stonework by Brown and Robison, brickwork by HE Tinger and Seib and frescoing by Gasche and Bush with painting by Mentzler and Rich. The building cost about 13000.
Isaac Johnson attorney office, SE corner of square, real estate dealer.
Brief item. Come out and hear Mark Twain on Saturday night at the Acadome Hall. The lecture “Roughing” is highly recommended. He will lecture Saturday night, Jan. 6, 1872.
Dr. Guthrie, residence on North Street near the Presbyterian Church.
J Zimmerman and Co. drugs, Exchange block, W Liberty Street.
James E Wescott, dealer in gents furnishing goods, corner of S Market Street and the public square.
BJ Jones, dentist, SE corner of square.
Dr. RJ Cunningham, successor to Dr. CH Hesler, S Market Street.
Joseph C Plumer, mayor, NE corner of square, over Jackson and Co. grocery and provision store.
- Dr. JD Robison and JM Weaver, corner of N Market and North Streets\
- Dr. George Liggett, office over L Shibley jewelry store, 2 doors north of post office
- Dr. LG Harley, office SW side over TS Johnson bank.
- Dr. JE Barrett, office and residence 1st house south of the Washington House
- Dr. JW Guthrie, office 1st building north of the post office, SE side of square
- Drs. L and WW Firestone, office N Market Street, west side
- Dr. S Wilson, office and residence W Liberty Street
- Dr. RN Warren, successor to Dr. Clark, residence and office on North Street, opposite the new German Reform Church.
- McClarran and Caskey, west corner room of the Iron Block.
Wooster Republican Jan. 11, 1872
WG Liddell, furs at cost for 60 days, next door to Mrs. Schauan, S Market Street.
J Zimmerman and Co..
James B Childs, closing out goods for 60 days for enormous stock in the spring, one door west of the American Hotel.
Snodgrass and Son drugstore, 1st door north of post office.
Exchange Bank Stibbs, Hanna and Co..
FD Belnap, books, stationary, and Wooster note paper, three doors east of American Hotel.
Whitaker and Childs, Star Clothing store.
PJ Power, west corner room of American Hotel.
RA Wallace has opened a flour and feed store in Ramseyer old stand, SW corner of square.
S Routson, seller of drain tile also sold at DD Miller, Donnelly, Rayl and Co., D Black.
Wooster Republican Feb. 15, 1872
D Robison Jr., Perry McLaughlin and MD Taylor have associated themselves together in dry goods trade at Robison’s corner.
Victory gallery of Rowlins and Co. has with them Mr. SB Courtney and one of the finest operators and retouches in the state.
JJ Ramseyer, dealer in grain seeds, wool and flour, two doors south of post office, SE side of square.
Wooster Republican Feb. 22, 1872
JM Eckels has been rearranging his drugstore and has one of the finest business rooms in the city.
Prosecution of liquor sellers in Wooster has begun. Mrs. Bowers has commenced suit against two west end grocery store keepers for 10000. Rumors of other important cases are circulating.
Wooster Republican March 7, 1872
New firm of Mrs. S Goodman and Mrs. SD Miller. They have formed a co-partnership in the grocery and provision store on S Market Street.
Whitaker and Childs, Star Clothing Store, two doors east of J Zimmerman Drugstore.
China Hall, Thomas M Weaver, 5 doors east of the American Hotel.
Perry J Power, American Clothing Store, west corner room o fAmerican Hotel.
PD Carr, musical instruments, Mowrer’s corner, W Liberty Street.
JB Kock and Son, proprietors of American Hotel, successor to McClure and Co..
S Woods, boots and shoes, American Hotel, east room.
Baumgardner and Son, musical instruments, west corner room of the American Hotel.
James B Childs, Peoples corner, one door west of American Hotel.
Snodgrass and Son drugstore, 1st door north of the post office, SE side.
Singer sewing machine for sale by Samuel Geitgey, SW corner of square.
James Curry and Son, furniture arrangement, have purchased of assignee of Landis Brothers their furniture stock and undertaking and moved to brick building on E Liberty Street.
B Barrett and Co. for steam engines, E Liberty Street, next door to Home Mills.
Wooster City Lumber Yard and planning mill of GP Emrich and Co., corner of Larwill and Bever Streets.
New flour and feed store of RA Wallace, corner oats and mill feed, SW corner of square on Diamond Street, former stand of JJ Ramseyer.
Barrett and Ogden, ready made clothing, #3ME.
- LR Critchfield
- McSweeney and Parsons
- B and SB Eason
- AS McClure
- Charles M Yocum
- AJ Thomas
- Rex and Jones; Richeson and Wiley
- Welker and Downing
- Bonewitz and Carr.
Physicians and dentists same.
Hoelzel and Kaltwasser, fashionable merchant tailor, 1st door south of the post office, SE side of square.
Commerical Bank of Wooster, successor to GP Emrich and Co.. GP Emrich- president, CV Hard- cashier, #74 Exchange block, W Liberty Street.
New firm of Black and Rowland Bakery, D Black’s old stand, corner of Walnut and W Liberty Street.
Wooster Republican March 14, 1872
Judge Welker and Judge Downing have dissolved their law practice by mutual consent. The judge will continue practice of law in surveyors office in public building and Judge Welker will continue practice of law in office of CM Yocum.
DB Eberly has purchased the building formerly occupied by CC Baker on the corner of N Buckeye and Larwill Streets in which he has fitted up a sash door and blind factory. See his advertisement in other columns.
Wooster Republican March 28, 1872
George Plumer and Co. have moved their dry goods store to Iron block in rooms formerly occupied by D Clark and Sons, middle room. Take notice, David Clark and Son dry goods merchants take this opportunity to inform the public that they have obtained possession of finely finished room in Emporium block and ready to wait on all customers.
For rent. Our spacious brick building with two acres of ground on Pittsburgh Avenue, also two rooms on Buckeye Street, also one four store with three rooms on S Market Street. See Mrs. Schauman.
The National Bank of Wooster. This bank received its charter from the National government beginning of present year. Previously, it had been doing business under the name of Commerican Bank of Wooster. The officers are: president- David Robison Jr., VP- GP Emrich, cashier- CV Hard, teller- TE Peckinpaugh. The capital paid up stock of 100000, is sufficient guarantee of financial ability. Since the organization of the new bank, the rooms formerly occupied by the Commerican Bank have been thoroughly remolded and are finished in latest style of metropolitan architecture. The counting room is provided with an eloquent counter, ornate with rich carpets, of black walnut and the whole is surmounted by heavy French plate glass back of the cashier and tellers are always in readiness to await depositors. The directors room in the rear is handsomely finished in every particular. A Brussels carpet covers the floor. The vault is a perfect Galberator in its construction. In order to make insurance doubly sure, one of Halls burglar proof safes is placed on the inside. The directors are as follows: David Robison Jr.; John Zimmerman; James S Hollowell; George B Smith; GB Emrich; M Welker.
Our customers will find us at our new location, one door west of James C Jacobs hardware, for foreign and domestic dry goods, George Plumer and Co., the subscribers have purchased the well known dry goods establishment of Mr. George Plumer and intend to move to the same by April 1st next. Desiring to announce to old customers, they will be happy to have their increased and continued patronage. D Clark and Sons.
Wooster Republican April 4, 1872
DB Eberly, Buckeye Door and Sash Factory building and manufacturing on corner of Buckeye and Larwill Streets, formerly owned by CC Baker.
Baumgardner and Son, American Music Store, west corner room of American Hotel.
James Curry and Son, furniture and undertaking, bought of the assignee of Landis and Brothers, furniture and undertaking in brick building in Curry block, E Liberty Street.
Wooster City Lumber and planning mill of GP Emrich and Co., corner of Larwill and Bever Streets, GP Emrich, BB Barrett, Jacob Deer, Perry Miller.
Musical institute of French and Rudloff, rooms over Faber Confectionary.
Wallpaper for sale at Wm. A Donner store, corner public square and E Liberty Street, old Frost stand.
JW Snyder to inform the public sales room and repair office in Donner corner, upstairs for Singer Sewing Machines.
Fancy goods store, Mrs. JE Doty, opened fancy store for accommodation of ladies at SW corner of square.
Flour and feed store of JJ Ramseyer has been moved to new building north of US Hotel, where you can buy corn and oats.
JB Kock and Son, proprietors of American Hotel.
Perry J Power, American Clothing Store, west corner room in American Hotel.
Wallpaper and window shades for sale at FD Belnap, three doors west of the American Hotel.
Removal after April 15. We will be found one door west of James C Jacobs hardware store for foreign and domestic dry goods- George Plumer and Co..
New stove and tin store, one door east of Spears Furniture, room W Liberty Street, stoves of all kinds, fine sheet iron and copper ware, roofing and spouting- SF Day.
Flour and feed store on Diamond Street, old Ramseyer store, SW corner of square, corn, oats and mill feed. A Wallace.
E Chatelain, gold and silver watches, clocks and jewelry, SW corner of square.
Lawyers, doctors, merchants and dentists same.
Joseph Plumer, mayor of Wooster, NE corner of square, over Jackson and Co. grocery and provision store.
Isaac Johnson, attorney, SE corner of square.
DQ Liggett and Co., Acadome building, dry goods store.
William H Bowers, has moved from the old west end stand to new quarters on S Market Street, 5 doors south of US Hotel and has a large stock of stoves.
Mr AG Coover has formed a co-partnership with Mr. JW Underwod in grocery trade and hereafter to be found in the rooms formerly occupied by JJ Ramseyer, flour and feed store, two doors south of the post office, SE side of square.
Drs. Hart and Wilson, in column building, W Liberty Street, chemists and druggists.
John Simon, merchant tailor, one door east of Express office, W Liberty Street.
Book Bindery of Rice and McClellan, opposite American Hotel in McSweeney block.
TS Johnson, banker, SW side, 1st door north of WC National Bank.
Wooster Republican April 11, 1872
New stove and tin store, one door east of Spears Furniture Store, W Liberty Street, stoves of all kinds, roofing and spouting. SF Day.
KB Kock and Son, proprietors of the American Hotel.
Theodore Teeple gallery, NE corner of square, lot 120, opposite county buildings.
RA Wallace has moved to W Liberty Street, a few doors west of Jacobs Hardware Store, flour, corn and oats.
Grand opening. Mrs. Fox, Thursday, April 11, 1872 for hats, bonnets, French patterns sold .
Flour and feed store has been moved to new building north of US Hotel where selling wholesale and retail corn and oats. JJ Ramseyer.
Wooster Republican April 18, 1872
Dr. John Lehman, German physician, office S Market Street.
George Kreiger, manufacture and dealer in two horse wagons and buggies, corner of Bever and North Streets.
For sale. The undersign proprietor of old hall US Hotel on S Market Street, will offer at public sale for 90 days the entire fixtures for sale. The furniture of the building, 29 rooms of hotel. JJ Bringger. Mr. JO Young, clerk of US Hotel, will soon sever his connection with the house and engage with Mr. George Stintson and Co. of Portland, selling paintings and lithographs.
Kaufman and Myers Insurance business represent some of the best companies of the US.
At a council meeting April 15, 1872, on a motion of Mr. Curry, the matter of repair of the reservoir on S Market Street at the junction of Cemetery Street, was referred to committee on Water Works with directions to commence the repair as soon as possible.
Wooster Republican April 25, 1872
Dr. Thomas McClarran, formerly of Wooster, now a resident of flourishing town of Eldora, is in the city on a brief visit with his friends and acquaintances.
The Express business and carring trade of Wooster is increasing in both quantity and value. Mr. George F Lundy has purchased Express Wagon.
Dr. Carr and hereafter will attend to all orders for hauling goods of any description from orders left at J and E Numbers Grocery Store.
Dissolution of partnership between Mr. Haynes and Albright Photographers. The business of photography will hereafter be carried on at old stand of GW Doty by Mr. Albright Brothers, SE corner of square. Notice of dissolution of partnership between John Haynes and Noah F Albright under name of Haynes and Albright is dissolved by mutual consent. Business conducted at old stand by Albright Brothers.
Wooster Republican May 2, 1872
Wm A Donner, in corner, SE side of old Frost corner, for wallpaper.
Merchant tailors Hoelzel and Kaltwasser, 1st store south of post office, SE side of square.
A Wallace store has moved to W Liberty Street, a few doors west of Jacobs Hardware Store.
George Kreiger, manufacture of wagons, corner of Bever and North Streets.
Star Clothing Store of Whitaker and Childs, two doors east of J Zimmerman Drugstore, next to Wooster National Bank or old Commerican Bank of Wooster, W Liberty Street.
DQ Liggett and Co. dry goods store, Acadome building.
J Zimmerman and Co., exchange block, drugstore.
Life insurance for sale by T Tickner.
New fancy goods store of Mrs. JE Doty, opened fancy store for accommodations of ladies, SW corner of square.
For sale. The undersign proprietor of well known US Hotel, situated on S Market Street, is for sale, bedding and furniture of 29 room hotel. For sale by JJ Bringger.
DB Eberly Sash and Door Factory, corner of Buckeye and Larwill Streets, formerly owned by CC Baker.
John Simon, merchant tailor, next door to Express office, W Liberty Street, has in his employ Mr. ED Whitmore.
James Curry and Son, furniture and undertaking, has bought stock of assignee of Landis Brothers furniture and undertaking and fitted up our large brick building on E Liberty Street. New firm of DC Curry and Co. purchased the lumber yard, planning mill, sash and door factory of Stibbs and Flattery.
Physicians: same.
Dentist: same.
Musical institute over Faber Confectionary by French and Rudhoff.
Joseph C Plumer.
TS Johnson, banker, SW side, one door north of the WC National Bank.
JB Kock and Son, successor to McClure and Col., proprietors of American Hotel.
Last Friday morning, Mr. Miller of firm of Miller and Goodman Grocery, S Market Street, was engaged in transferring oil from a barrel to a large can. His partner came into the cellar with a light. Some oil had been spilled on the ground which immediately ignited and made a fearful flame. The alarm was given and soon the fire bells clanged forth their calling. Mr. Goodman, in the meantime spun to partially cover barrel of oil and carried it to street in safety. Water was thrown into the cellar that only served to spread the burning element. Wet blankets were finally secured and the fire was soon smothered out.
Mr. J Haynes has purchased photography establishment of T Teeple and a new skylight of ground glass made in accordance with highly placed panel will be constructed at heavy expense. The glass itself will cost 100.
D Clark and Son say to people of Wooster they have purchased Mr. George Plumer store room on E Liberty Street where they have moved their stock of dry goods store. Notice to all persons wishing to know where our friend John Bartol is, call at subscribers D Clark and Sons.
Dr. Hart and Wilson, chemist and druggists, column building, W Liberty Street.
JW Snyder, selling Singer sewing machines in sale room and repair office at Donner corner, SE corner of square, upstairs.
PJ Power, American Clothing Store, west corner room of American Hotel.
Singer sewing machines for ale by Samuel Geitgey general agent, SW corner of square.
Wooster City Lumber Yard and planning mill, GP Emrich, corner of Larwill and Bever Streets.
Baumgardner and Son, musical instruments, west corner room of American Hotel.
Book bindery of Rice and McClellan, magazines and periodicals, opposite American Hotel, E Liberty Street.
E Chatelain, good and silver watches, clocks and jewelry, SW corner of square.
Barrett and Ogden, ready made clothing, #3ME.
Exchange Bank of Stibbs, Hanna and Co. on American Hotel building, E Liberty Street.
- LR Critchfield
- McSweeney and Parsons
- B and SB Eason
- AS McClure
- Charles M Yocum.
Wooster Republican May 9, 1872
Isaac Johnson, attorney, SE corner of square.
Change of firm. Mr. Parks and Mr. Cameron, having purchased east end grocery store, are now receiving large and fresh stock of groceries.
Queens ware and glassware for sale at Underwood and Coover, three doors south of post office, SE side of square.
CC Parsons Jr., attorney, office in Zimmerman block, upstairs.
Notice to store stone masons. There will be sold on Tuesday, June 4, at 2 PM on E South Street, the construction of an attached stone culvert across said street just east of Bever Street, GW Henshaw auditor.
The condition of National Bank of Wooster at close of business April 19, 1872, assets of 288230.97 and the same in liabilities, CV Hard- cashier, W Liberty Street, D Robison Jr., M Welker and John Zimmerman, directors of old Commerican Bank of Wooster, previous to that GP Emrich and Co..
Cash only, hardware, dry goods, carpets, groceries, Robert R Donnelly, #1ME.
I commenced business at age of 15 on very spot my present dry goods store now occupies in 1836 as many of my old friends and customers will remember that I have concluded to end my business life on the very spot that I commenced it.
Wooster Republican May 16, 1872
The old Market house by Ben Douglas, see Douglas History of Wayne County for description 75x40 ft. one story high, paved with brick, ceilings arched and pillared supports by 14 columns of brick about two feet square, 12 feet high firmly set on stone corners 8 or 10 feet apart, between which were the stalls and numbered as follows commence at NE corner passing south to southeast corner than beginning at SW corner and passing to NW corner. On Monday night August 9, 1847, it burned in a blaze of fire.
Chapter of fire during the past week: We have been aroused at midnight by the alarm of fire. Saturday night burning of some straw in rear stable of John Leies saloon on E Liberty Street. Tuesday morning, between 1 and 2 am, there was a fire in the stable belonging to Mr. John Berry near Christmas Run. Wednesday morning, between 7 and 8 am, RR Donnelly residence on N Market Street caught fire on roof by a spark from chimney. The damage by fire was light, requiring nothing more than a new roof. The water however, flooded the upper rooms, destroying the ceiling. This is the third time this house has taken fire.
Next Saturday, at 10 am, Constable France will sell a lot of hats, caps and furs at the storeroom formerly occupied by JB Childs, a rare chance of bargains.
WS Rowe, so long and favorably known here, has moved to Akron to engage in the jewelry business either as a partner or as a salesman.
Wooster Republican May 30, 1872
Albright Brothers Photography gallery, old GW Doty gallery, SE side of square, entrance off E Liberty Street.
Notice that I have sold my flour and feed store to Carr and Armstrong. I wish to have settlement with all my customers and can be found at old stand between 6-8 pm every evening.
Howe sewing machine for sale by AP Rood, SE corner of square, over Donner Store.
Wooster Republican June 6, 1872
RA Wallace, moved place of business to W Liberty Street a few doors west of Jacobs Hardware Store, for flour, corn and oats.
PJ Power American Clothing Store, west corner room of American Hotel.
Stibbs and Cunningham Factory, office E Liberty Street, woolen factory.
Hoelzel and Kaltwasser, 1st store south of the post office, SE side of square, merchant tailors.
For sale, US Hotel fixtures and furniture of 29 rooms, JJ Bringger Sr.
Parks and Cameron grocery in Curry’s new block, E Liberty Street.
Partnership heretofore existing between JB Power and Sarah Power, successors to Neal Power, under firm name of JB Power and Co., has been dissolved by mutual consent. Stock will be sold at greatly reduced prices to close out the store dry goods. JB and Sarah Power.
Buckeye Sash and Door Factory of DB Eberly, corner of Buckeye and Larwill Streets, successor to CC Baker.
John Simon has in his employ Mr. ED Whitmore as a cutter.
James Curry and Son, E Liberty Street, bought furniture stock of assignee of Landis Brothers.
GP Emrich and Co., Wooster City Lumber Yard and planning mill, corner of Larwill and Bever Streets.
W Snyder, Singer sewing machine at Donner corner, SE corner of square.
Drs. Hart and Wilson, column building, druggists and chemists, W Liberty Street.
Baumgardner and Son, American Music Store, west corner room of American Hotel.
Joseph H Downey, surveyors office, county buildings.
Aquila Wiley, office SW side, two doors south of the WC National Bank, upstairs.
Dr. JW Guthrie, office 1st door north of the post office, upstairs.
Sinclair J Hatfield, Applecreek.
George Kreiger, wagons manufactured, corner of Bever and North Street.
Wooster Republican June 20, 1872
JH Reynolds MD, office in the Acadome building in rooms formerly occupied by Dr Baker.
Report of condition of National Bank of Wooster, Monday June 10, 1872, 317833.52 in assets and same in liabilities, CV Hard- cashier.
Wooster Republican June 27, 1872
The corner of North and Buckeye Streets is where Curry and Son Foundry and Machine Shop is located. It is a good place to get wood at reasonable prices. They build steam engines, cast iron fences and plows of all descriptions.
To farmers and threshers: The Autman and Taylor threshing separating and clover machines are for sale by John A Lawrence, agent residence 2 ½ miles west of Wooster.
Wooster Republican July 4, 1872
Victoria Gallery photography parlors of Rawlins and Co..
Carr and Armstrong, flour and feed store, have bought JJ Ramseyer store, new building north of the US Hotel.
Parks and Cameron, grocery in Curry new block, E Liberty Street.
Buckeye Sash and Door Factory, DB Eberly, located on the corner of Buckeye and Larwill Streets, old stand of CC Baker.
Howe sewing machine for sale by AP Rood, SE corner over Donner corner store.
James Curry and Sons, furniture and under taking, taken of assignee of Landis Brothers, opened Brick building on E Liberty Street.
JW Snyder, agent of Singer sewing machines, sales room and repair, office Donner corner, upstairs, SE side of square.
Drs. Hart and Wilson, drugs and medicines in the Column building, W Liberty Street.
Physicians: same.
Musical Institute, rooms over Eberhardts and Gray Marble Shop, France and Rudhoff.
For sale at bargains, furniture and fixtures of US Hotel with 29 rooms for sale for the next 90 days, JJ Bringgers.
RA Wallace has moved to W Liberty Street, a few doors west of Jacobs Hardware Store.
James C Jacobs, making a substantial improvement to Iron Block, the stones which he is laying for the sidewalk are from “Berea.”
Wooster Republican July 18, 1872
Isaac Johnson, attorney, office SE corner of square.
Assignee notice. The undersigned has been duly appointed assignee of Charles W McClure, Mathew M Smith, during business under firm name of McClure and Smith, July 9, 1872.
Wooster Republican July 25, 1872
The 23rd annual fair of Wayne County Agricultural Society will be held in Wooster on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of Sept. 26, 27, 28 1872. Once more in the field of queens ware and glassware at Howard’s opening, there is for sale the entire new stock at well known Howard’s West End Store in the old Eagle House. New grocery store of RR Donnelly and Co., #1ME
Wooster Republican Aug. 1, 1872
Joseph H Downing.
Physicians same.
Wm H Bowers, stoves and tin depot.
Curry and Son, foundry and machine shop, corner of North and Buckeye Streets.
John Simon has in his employ Mr. ED Whitmore.
Buckeye Sash and Door Factory of DE Eberly, corner of Buckeye and Larwill Streets, former stand of CC Baker.
Victoria gallery, Rawlins and Co..
James Curry and Son, E Liberty Street, purchased of assignee of Landis Brothers.
Dentists same.
Musical institute rooms over Eberhardt and Gray Marble Shop- French and Rudloff.
Isaac Johnson, attorney, SE corner of square, appointed assignee of Charles W McClure and Mathew M Smith of firm of McClure and Smith.
WH Bowers on S Market Street, is offering bargains on stoves, five doors south of US Hotel.
James W Snyder, steam Singer sewing machines at Donner’s corner, upstairs.
Baumgardner and Son, pianos and organs.
Carr and Armstrong, bought store of JJ Ramseyer, new building, one door north of US Hotel.
Wooster Republican Aug. 9, 1872
JH Reynolds MD, office in Acadome building in rooms formerly occupied by Dr. Baker.
Bargains for stoves by Wm H Bowers, S Market Street, five doors south of US Hotel.
Wooster Republican Aug. 15, 1872
Dr. JH Reynolds has moved to his residence on North Street, one door west of the Presbyterian Church.
Washington House has been much improved in appearance of late. The waiting room has been enlarged, painted and papered.
Our Wooster Independent Brass Band expects to blow their new instruments in a few days. They were purchased from the large establishment of Daniel Hess, NYC. The band has also procured new music and are practicing nightly and are improving wonderfully.
Copper kettles for sale, one door east of Spears Furniture Store, W Liberty Street by SF Day.
Wooster Republican Aug. 22, 1872
Wooster Independent Band on Friday evening, played to a large crowd at the square. Capt. Jeffries made them a short compliment speech. George W Winters is the leader and there is a list of the rest of the band in article.
Wooster Republican Aug. 29, 1872
Dr. CH Hesler has opened a dental office over Albright Provision Store on S Market Street.
Mr. Barrett and Mr. Ogden have moved their clothing store to two doors west of American Hotel in rooms formerly occupied by James B Childs and intend to enlarge their stock that is arriving in a week or two.
Wooster Republican Sept. 5, 1872
Drugs and medicines for sale at Snodgrass and Sons, 1st door north of post office, SE side.
Howe sewing machine for sale, AP Rood, SE corner of square, over Donner corner store.
Buckeye Sash and Door Factory, DB Eberly, corner of Buckeye and Larwill Streets, formerly CC Baker stand.
Physicians: same.
Wooster City Lumber Yard and planning mill of GP Emrich and Co., corner of Larwill and Bever Streets.
JW Snyder is selling Singer sewing machines in salesroom and repair in Donner’s corner, upstairs.
Queens ware and glassware sold by Howard and Co. at Howard’s old stand, west end store at old Eagle House.
Drs. Hart and Wilson, chemists and druggists, column building, W Liberty Street.
Carr and Armstrong purchased flour and feed store of JJ Ramseyer, located building 1st door north of US Hotel.
SF Day, stove and tin store, one door east of Spears Furniture Room, W Liberty Street.
Dentist, Dr. CH Hesler, office S Market Street, over Albright Provision Store.
Musician Institute, over Eberhardt and Gray Marble Works- French and Rudloff.
Lyman R Critchfield and Isaac Johnson, attorneys office on SE corner of square.
Excelsior Photography Gallery, Greenwald and Clippinger have charge of rooms formerly known as Teeple and Co., NE corner of square.
RR Donnelly and Co., #2ME, Hardware.
Hoelzel and Kaltwasser, merchant tailors, 1st door south of post office.
PJ Power American Clothing Store, west corner room of American Hotel.
E Chatelain, gold and silver watches, clocks and jewelry, SW side of square.
TS Johnson banker, SW side of square, one door north of WC National Bank.
Wooster Republican Sept. 12, 1872
Large supply of flour on hand at RA Wallace, two doors west of McClarran and Caskey Grocery Store, W Liberty Street.
Notice: Lodge #42 IOOF members are requested to meet at lodge meeting room Jacobs block, Sept 13, at 7:30pm.
Lyman Critchfield and Isaac Johnson attorneys, office SE side of square.
The undersign has been appointed administrator of Conrad Hilligas- WHH Wertz.
Wooster Republican Sept. 19, 1872
New improved Singer machine sale exhibition and salesroom, J Nachtriebs, hat and fur store, opposite the American Hotel- JA Bentel agent.
Mr. Barrett and Mr. Ogden have located their new rooms on E Liberty Street, old rooms of JB Childs store.
Wooster Republican Sept. 26, 1872
New dry goods store of Mrs. BF Purdy and Co.. Opened dry goods store, MF Purdy, Harry Baumgardner, Edward Quimby, located one door south of WC National Bank.
Robison and Co., golden corner.
Wooster Republican Oct. 3, 1872
B Barrett and Co., Steam engines.
SF Day, stoves and tin store, one door east of Spears Furniture Rooms, W Liberty Street.
Attorneys and physicians and merchants same as before.
BF Purdy and Co., SW side of square, one door south of WC National Bank.
Hats and caps at J Nachtriebs, opposite American Hotel, E Liberty Street.
Albright Brothers Photography, parlors SE side of square, old GW Doty stand.
Curry and Sons, foundry and machine shops, corner of North and Buckeye Streets.
New arrival at DQ Liggett and Co., Acadome Drygoods Store.
New from Parks and Cameron Grocery and Provision, in Curry block, E Liberty Street.
Snodgrass and Son, drugs and medicines, one door north of the post office.
Howe sewing machine for sale by AP Road, SE corner of square.
Victoria Gallery of Rawlins and Co..
Furniture and undertaking by James Curry, E Liberty Street, purchased of assignee of Landis Brothers, E Liberty Street, brick building.
RR Donnelly and Co., #2ME, Hardware.
Wilson sewing machine for sale at my residence on Spink Street, 1st lot north of Paint Shop, A Rittenhouse.
PJ Power, American Hotel, clothing store.
Wooster Republican Oct. 31, 1872
Dr. J Zimmerman, physician at his office on W Liberty Street, south side, nearly opposite Squire Bonewitz residence.
The firm of Carr and Armstrong has been changed to that of Carr and McClarren, McClarran, having purchased the interest of Mr. Armstrong, trade of flour and feed.- Carr and McClarran.
Millinery goods. Mrs. AF Black has opened a full stock of millinery notions in Albright block, S Market Street.
Albright Brothers ahead for photographs, SE corner of square.
Bowers Stove Depot on S Market Street.
Wooster Republican Nov. 7, 1872
Attorneys, physicians and merchants same.
Wooster Republican Nov. 14, 1872
The oldest business house in Wooster is Howard’s Drug Store at #4ME, of Harvey Howard.
Critchfield and Johnson, attorneys, SE corner of square.
Dr. J Zimmerman has moved his business to building three doors west of Sprague Jewelry Store, W Liberty Street.
Mr. Eckels and Mr. Eley have embarked in coal trade. Orders can be left at Acadome Drug Store.
Wooster Republican Dec. 5, 1872
Curry Manufacturing and Lumber Co..
Wm H Bowers, S Market Street, stove depot, five doors south of US Hotel.
Gloves for sale by Underwood and Coover, three doors south of post office, SE side of square.
For rent. A desirable house and residence on square. The house contains 10 rooms with gas in every room, bathroom with hot and cold water, cellar under the house and newly painted.
Inquire #120 square at Teeples Gallery.
CC Parsons, office in Zimmerman block, upstairs.
McSweeney and Parsons, office Jacobs Iron block, upstairs.
Rex and Jones, W Liberty Street, a few doors west of the Wooster Exchange.
Aquila Wiley, office SW side of square, upstairs, two doors south of WC National Bank.
Bonewitz and Carr, office W Liberty Street.
Dr. J Zimmerman MD, W Liberty Street, north side, three doors west of Sprague Jewelry Store.
Howard’s Drug Store, Harvey Howard, #4ME.
DC Curry and Co.- having purchased lumber yard of Mr. Stibbs and Mr. Flattery a large stock of lumber.
Parks and Cameron, grocery and provision store in Curry block, E Liberty Street.
Robison and Co. at the Golden corner.
Life insurance company for sale, T Tichner agent.
DQ Liggett and Co., Acadome Drygoods Store.
BF Purdy and Co., plain and fancy dress goods, SW side, one door south of WC National Bank.
PJ Power, American Clothing Store, west corner room of American Hotel.
E Chatelain, gold and silver watches, clocks and jewelry, SW side of square, below bank.
Curry and Sons, corner of North and Buckeye Streets, foundry and machine shops.
Victoria Gallery, run by Rawlins and Co..
James Curry and Sons, for furniture and undertaking, bought of assignee of Landis Brothers, open in brick building, E Liberty Street.
John Simon, next door to Express office, W Liberty Street, merchant tailor, has in his employ Mr. ED Whitmore.
Wooster Republican Dec. 12, 1872
Wm A Donner on corner, has store full of Christmas presents, old Frost Stand.
James M Eckels, has put the Acadome in order for Christmas.
Fine books at JM Eckels.
L Shibley, jewelry store, SE side, two doors north of post office, fine gold and silver watches.
Wooster Republican De. 19, 1872
Victoria gallery of Rawlins and Co..
Wooster Republican Dec. 26, 1872
Samuel Woods, boots and shoes in American Hotel.
Go to Greenwald and Clippinger to have photographs taken.
Drugs for sale at Snodgrass and Son, 1st door north of post office, SE side of square.
PJ Power clothing store.
Wilson sewing machines for sale by A Rittenhouse, agent on Spink Street, 1st lot north of Paint Shop.
Physicians: same.
James E Wescott, merchant tailor, corner of S Market Street and public square.
Donnelly and Co..
Hoelzel and Kaltwasser, 1st door south of post office, SE side of square, merchant tailors and clothiers.
TS Johnson, banker, SW side of square, one door north of WC National Bank.
Lyman R Critchfield and Isaac Johnson attorney, SE side of square.
Dr. J Zimmerman, W Liberty Street, north side, three doors west of Sprague Jewelry Store.
Harvey Howard, drugstore, #4ME.
Drs. Hart and Wilson, chemists and druggists, in the column building, W Liberty Street.
Wooster Steam Engine of B Barrett and Co..
Sewing machines for sale by JA Bental, domestic lock stitch sewing machine agent at
Snodgrass and Son, drug store, 1st door north of the post office.
Barrett and Ogden, ready made clothing, old stand of JB Childs, two doors west of American Hotel.
Harvey Howard, #4ME, he has been in the drug and grocery business at this location.
Exchange Bank of Stibbs, Hanna and Co., E Liberty Street, Reason B Stibbs, John Hanna.