Wayne County Democrat, Business Abstracts 1880

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Wayne County Democrat Jan. 7, 1880

Co-partnership Frederick H Harding has entered in our business from this date, WH Harding, WA Harding Jr., Frederick Harding.

JB Baker has opened coal yard in James Eagan’s yard at depot, E Liberty Street. Leave orders at George S Baker shoe store, 26 W Liberty Street, one door east of Adams Express Office.

August Reineke, carriage and wagon maker at Blackburn Chop, Grant Street.

Metropolitan Restaurant and Saloon, WM Jacobs, proprietor.

Jonas Nachtrieb, old hat merchant, died at his residence on E Liberty Street last Saturday evening. Obituary next week.

Isaac Johnson has moved his law office from south side of square to NE side, having two fine rooms in Downing block, upstairs. Mr. James Johnson will remain at SW side of square, notary public.

George Lunday, express man and hack man, recovered from the effects of explosion at the depot.

Laubach and Bevard opened a new and neat drugstore side square.

Fred Hookway at Will Beresford’s old stand on Buckeye Street, opposite Connelly’s new hotel.

Orr and Reider; H Swartz; JK McBride; LQ Jeffries; Dr. WF Deer; Dr. AH Hunt; Dr. WC Moore; Dr. WW Firestone; Dr. JD Robison; Dr. JH Gann; Dr. J Dazelle Alexander; Dr. George Liggett; Dr. BJ Jones dentist.

Dissolution notice is hereby given that the partnership existing between David Young and Nathan Young is dissolved Nov. 20, 1879 by mutual consent. All debts paid by said David Young, who owns said accounts, D and Nathan A Young.

E Chatelain Jewelry.

Wayne County Democrat March 10, 1880

London Tea House will move April 1st to Powers Red Corner, opposite Bissell’s brown corner, SE side of square, Kuhn Bros., 31 S Market Street.

Old established boot and shoe store, WF Woods, in American Hotel block.

CW McClure, cash tin and stove store, 54 and 56 S Market Street.

Wooster Steam, Granite and Marble Works at the old stand, corner of South and Buckeye Streets., monumental work of all kinds, Rhodes and Metzler, March 31, 1880.

DY Landis, Wooster Picture Frame Manufactory, Beall Ave., opposite Curry Lumber Co..

Boots and shoes of WF Woods, #19 E Liberty Street.

GB Seigenthaler, carpets.

Powers Clothing Store has moved to J Simon’s old stand, SW side of square, four doors below WC National Bank, for men and boys clothing.

Wayne County Democrat June 2, 1880

Golden Corner Clothing Store, AM Glick, SW corner of square, OPF Risch, manager, at old D Robison Jr. store.

Brushes at the Wooster Brush Factory, 35 S Market Street.

Chan Mans Chinese California Laundry, on Diamond Alley, SW side of public square. Ad May 5, 1880.

Wooster National Bank, capital surplus 63000. John Zimmerman president, W Liberty Street.

ED Fisher, saddles and harness, 64 S Market Street, below Albright’s.

Wayne County Democrat April 7, 1880

Philip Hess and Fernard Bowers, house and sign painting. Leave orders at Philip Hess paint shop, N Bever Street, north of Snow Flake Mills.

Lundy has rented the American Hotel barn, east of Lake Livery Stable for cab or express service. Leave orders at the Archer House.

Jessie B Koch bought Bowman Livery Stable stock and established business in barn in rear of HS Childs residence on W Liberty Street.

Mrs. RH Pollock, having dissolved partnership with Mrs. Fox, has opened millinary room in Downing block. Miss McMillan will be in charge of the trimming department.

London Tea House has moved to the Red corner, SE side of public square, old Power’s corner, Kuhn Bros. at old Frost corner.

Wooster Brush Works, #35 S Market Street.

FD Belnap, E Liberty Street, rear of Archer House.

JG Jackson has moved his Agricultural Implement Store to rooms formerly occupied by H Howard Stove and Tin Store, opposite old stand and one door west of the green pump.

Wayne County Democrat Aug. 18, 1880

John Wilhelm, carriage manufactory, 94 E Liberty Street. He has been compelled to erect an office building on the west side of shops to make more room.

Jacob Geitz opened tailor shop over Smith Saddle Shop, S Market Street.

Mrs. CW Horn has moved her coal yard to Franhan’s old livery stable on N Buckeye Street, three doors south of the Archer House.

Laubach and Bevard Drug Store, SE side of the square.

Wayne County Democrat Aug. 25, 1880

Jacob Geitz, tailor, over Smith Saddle Shop on S Market Street.

Wayne County Democrat Sept. 1, 1880

Old brown corner, JS Bissell and Bro., #1ME, for dry goods.

JG Jackson, selling farm implements at Howard’s old building, W Liberty Street.

Chan Mens Californian Laundry, Diamond Alley, SW side of square.

Mrs. CW [Horn (surname) | Horn]], soft and hard coal, office on S Buckeye Street, three doors off of Archer House. Orders left at Laubach and Bevard Drug Store.

Jacob Geitz, tailor shop, over Smith Saddle Shop, S market Street.

Boston Shoe Store American House block, Mr. NL Baumgardner.

John Hoffman and Co., selling light running sewing machines, SW side of square.

Wayne County Democrat Sept. 15, 1880

Monday JT Hartman sold his drug store on E Liberty Street to James L Powner of New Albany.

Jacob Geltz tailor, S Market Street, over Smith Saddle Shop.

Premium list of 3rd annual fair of Wayne County Independent Agricultural Society Oct. 6, 7, 8, 1880.

Wayne County Democrat Sept. 22, 1880

JL Powner drug store, E Liberty Street, successor to GG Hartman.

Wayne County Democrat Sept. 29, 1880

AG Seigenthaler, carpet weaver. New weaving shop on E Liberty Street, opposite B Barrett Foundry.

Wm H Banker carriage works, Beistles old stand, 21-29 South Street.

Wayne County Democrat Oct. 6, 1880

Independent in everything fine at Fogleson, stocking yams and fancy goods, W Liberty Street.

John H Thomas, organs, E Liberty Street.

Mrs. JH Thomas, north of county buildings is receiving a large stock of pianos, organs and sewing machines.

Will Beresford tailor and draper, Archer House block, E Liberty Street.

J Zimmerman and Co. store room is made new again. Old colored frescoing has been removed. Ceilings, cornices and sides painted and furniture generally over hauled.

Wayne County Democrat Oct. 13, 1880

American Hotel last week was opened by AW Melshiemer proprietor. William Mundy has assumed position as clerk.

Wayne County Democrat Oct. 27, 1880

Room #3ME, owned by RR Donnelly estate, occupied by Aaron Lehman as a stove store, has been sold to Dr. SF Day for 7250.

LP Ohligher at store of J Zimmerman and Co..

Wayne County Democrat Nov. 10, 1880

Mrs. NH Dalwick has moved her millinary store from SW corner square to Mrs. C Schauman’s rooms on S Market Street.

Wayne County Democrat Nov. 17, 1880

Patrolman Harry G Huber and George B Miller, at 2 o’clock yesterday, no doubt saved Wooster from a disastrous fire as they were patrolling S Market Street. They discovered the premises of JP Powers store, known as the Boston Tea House in Samuel Geitgey’s block to be on fire. They gave the alarm and members of the fire department stopped the spreading of the flames. Damage to the building owned by Mr. Geitgey was between 100-200 and loss to Mr. Powers about 1000 in smoke damage. He was 1800 insurance.

On Monday, Louis H Immel made an assignment of leather shoe findings to DW Immel for shoes in benefit of his creditors.

We the undersigned grocery merchants and bakers of Wooster, will close our respective places of business on Thursday, Thanksgiving, Nov. 25, 1880. JH Taylor, McClarran and Caskey, WD Barrett and Son, Kuhn Bros., Horn and Bro., E Funk, JF Schmuck, JD Price, JB Power and Son, OM Albright, Samuel D Miller, Logan and Myers, CA Harry, Roth Hess, AM Miller and Co., AP Lake.

Wayne County Democrat Dec. 1, 1880

Dr. George E Potter, office over Barrett and Ogden clothing store.

National Bank of Wooster, capital and surplus 63000, J Zimmerman president, George P Emrich VP, Curtis V Hard cashier, W Liberty Street.

Wooster Picture Frame manufactory, DY Lands, Beall Ave., opposite old Curry Lumber Yard.

ED Fisher, manufacture of harness and saddles, 64 S Market Street, below Albright’s.

JL Powner, druggist, E Liberty Street, successor to JG Hartman.

Jewelry for sale at John S Keefer, Keefer Iron block. Bankruptcy sale of Samuel Williard and Co. of NY.

Wayne County Democrat Extra Dec. 3, 1880

John Callahan executed in Wooster jail today for murder of John Tormie. Full report of his crime, sentence and death and tell about it Dec. 3, 1880. John Callahan was hanged in Wooster jail for murder in fairgrounds Thursday, Oct. 2, 1879. Gives a diagram of the upper jail hall. The iron jail divided into two departments, upper and lower, the one a duplicate of the other. Hall 12x24 feet, running north and south through each hallway four cells on each side. The gallows were erected on the north end of the upper hall inside the 2 ½ foot wide corridor, then through iron grating of the upper hall, a space of three feet square is for the trap door on which is built a wooden platform. The cross being 12 feet long in which the rope is secured about the trap of the platform and is supported by heavy oak posts against iron walls of the jail. Gave list of representatives at hanging: sheriff, doctors and reporters. At 11:39 am, Sheriff Coulter stepped backwards one pace and threw the lever which sprang the trap door and Callahan was launched into eternity. Dr. WC Moore and Dr. Miller pronounced him dead at 12: 16 pm. The body was cut down at 12: 18 pm.

Wayne County Democrat Dec. 15, 1880

George E Potter, office and residence North Street, 2nd door east of N Market Street, opposite Episcopal Church.

Holiday gifts at 21 E Liberty Street, McClelland’s. Go to Jessie McClellan’s store in the American Hotel block, E Liberty Street.

Candies at George Faber, next to post office E Liberty Street.

The members of Underwood Whip Factory Brass Band are progressing fine under leadership of John [Keller (surname) | Keller]].

SB Walters (surname) Walters opened a new business college in Wooster today, Wednesday morning on SE side of square, over BJ Jones dental rooms.

E Chatelain jewelry store, one door south of WC National Bank.

John S Keefer, silver for sale in middle room of Keefer Iron block, W Liberty Street, stock of Samuel Willard and Co. of NY.

Kuhn Bros. Red Corner Store, London Tea House, SE side of square.

Last Wednesday, John C McClarran, son of DC McClarran was admitted to bar of supreme court of Columbus. He studies law with Aquila Wiley.

New departure owing to our increasing trade. We are compelled to lease Seigenthaler’s old stand next door and below us which will be occupied for Jan. 1, 1881, making a double store. Lookout for some rivals in clothing of gents furnishings, hats, caps and trunks. AM Glick Golden Corner Clothing Store, SW side of square. OPF Risch manager. W Liberty Street in old boot and shoe store before him.

Wayne County Democrat Dec. 22, 1880

DW Kimber has moved his law office to Childs block over Barrett and Ogden Clothing Store, E Liberty Street, opposite the post office.

Dr. GE Potter has moved office and residence to brick building immediately south of the Episcopal Church on North Street.

George B Seigenthaler has moved his boot and shoe store across the street to the middle rooms of Keefer Iron block.