Residents from the 1904 Directory, Clinton Township
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Images of the 1904 Wooster City and Wayne County Directory
Postal Directory of the Taxpayers of Wayne County, Ohio
"The names are classified by townships and villages and the alphabetical order is followed throughout. The correct R. F. D. address is given wherever possible, and the entire list is a careful copy of the latest records in the office of the County Auditor." (page 130 of the 1904 Directory)
Big Prairie
Note: Big Prairie is in Holmes County, Ohio.
- Aylesworth, Neal
- Aylesworth, F.S.
- Aylesworth, L.N.
- Bonham, D.L.
- Breitenbucher, G.H.
- Dilgard, Milton
- Dunkle, Franklin
- Eshelman, L.J.
- Kerr, C.J.
- Kerr, W.B.
- Lee, Charles
- Leyda, E.C.
- Merrell, H.D.
- Miller, Adam
- Newkirk, Sarah
- Odell, John
- Quick, Caroline
- Rush, Daniel
- Scruby, O.E.
- Sealer, Jacob
- Shearer, Joseph
- Shearer, Montfort
- Shisler, Arthur
- Smetzer, A.D.
Note: Plimpton is in Holmes County, Ohio.
- Crist, O.D.
- Kopp, John
- McFarland, U.
- Metcalf, A.J.
- Metcalf, J.H.
- Naylor, S.L.
- Rainey, John
- Shaffer, John
- Shearer, Harmon
Note: Shreve is in Clinton Township, Wayne County, Ohio.
- Aber, Joseph
- Alleman, David
- Alleman, Grant
- Alleman, William D.
- Arnold, George
- Aylesworth, Wm.
- Aylesworth, Clyde
- Aylesworth, Earl C.
- Aylesworth, Grant
- Baldner, Wm.
- Barden, J.W.
- Batdorf, Mary C.
- Bell, Norman
- Biggs, Isaiah
- Bivens, M.L.
- Brown, David
- Brown, Elmore
- Brown, G.E.
- Brown, Mary L.
- Bucher, Maud
- Buchman, Hulda
- Buchman, Mary
- Burgett, Amelia
- Burnet, Harry
- Burnett, Mary E.
- Cady, L.E.
- Chambers, Harriet M.
- Chesrown, J.C.
- Cliffe, J.S.
- Corneliius, James
- Craig, W.A.
- Cutnaw, Harriette
- Cutnaw, J.W.
- Dalton, Wm.
- Davis, S.R.
- Dirck, Harvey
- Drushel, G.W.
- Easterday, Eli
- Easterday, Jacob
- Easterday, Moses
- Ebright, S.K.
- Esselburn, C.F.
- Esselburn, Ella
- Everhart, E.
- Everhart, Sherman
- Fitzgerald, E.J.
- Foltz, Samuel
- Foster, W.P.
- Fouch, James
- Franks, R.C.
- Franks, S.L.
- Franks, Ellis
- Fridline, F.M.
- Gallagher, M.
- Garrett, A.A.
- Geitgey, Frank
- Graham, S.B.
- Graham, Sarah M.
- Griffeth, V.A.
- Harrison, S.R.
- Hipp, John
- Hutchenson, David
- Jewell, S.M.
- Kaufman, Lewis
- Kean, G.W.
- Keys, J.B.
- Kiser, Theo
- Kiser, Tracy
- Kister, John A.
- Lake, L.S.
- Lake, R.A.
- Lebo, A.W.
- Lehman, George D.
- Lehr, J.M.
- Lehr, Moses
- Leidy, Rosa W.
- Lemaster, L.W.
- Ligget, D.R.
- McFadden, L.E.
- Manley, W.A.
- Merkle, T.E.
- Miller, Neal
- Miller, Wiley
- Morris, A.V.
- Morgan, Rosa
- Nave, Carson
- Newkirk, J.R.
- Newkirk, M.L.
- Oldroyd, A.B.
- Piper, C.D.
- Porter, W.S.
- Puster, Jacob
- Puster, John W.
- Raubenold, John C.
- Rauebenold, Catharine
- Reynolds, James K.
- Richey, Melvin
- Rose, Elmer
- Roth, Ada
- Roth, Joseph
- Ross, H.E.
- Rush, John
- Shaffer, J.A.
- Shaffer, Orrville
- Saffer, Wesley
- Shaffer, W.A.
- Shreve, Mary
- Shriver, Harry
- Smith, L.M.
- Smith, W.A.
- Smuch, Anna
- Smuch, John M.
- Snyder, Lewis
- Speck, Alfred
- Stair, Rueben B.
- Swain, Elder
- Swartz, A.R.
- Swaertzwarter, Christ
- Switzer, Samson
- Trease, Harison
- Troutman, Morris
- Troutman, Part
- Tuttle,J.B.
- Umstead, Noah
- Vansile, William
- Vaugh, Charles J.
- Weiker, Jacob
- Weiker, William
- Weiler, W.D.
- Wells, Aaron
- Wells, R.D.
- Welty, Jacob
- Westfall, Mary G.
- Williams, M.B.
- Williams, M.L.
- Wyre, Samuel
- Yocum, C.M.
- Young, Daniel F.
Note: Wooster is in Killbuck Township, Wayne County, Ohio.
- Aylesworth, I.H.