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Wooster Resident List, September 1904
Contents, Prefatory, Abbreviations
Ward Boundaries and Street Directory
Street Directory and Distance Table
Abertle, Henry thru Aitkenhead, Andrew
Atkins, Mrs. Barbara thru Barrett, Horace H.
Barry, Wm thru Bissell, Edgar
Bissell, Howard thru Boyd, Robert
Boydston, Mrs. Alice thru Bryson, Willis D.
Bucheit, Caroline thru Clark, Mabel
Clark, Mrs. thru Curry, Will
Cusack, Edward thru Detrick, John H.
Detweiler, Jacob thru Dunkle, Roy
Dunkle, William thru Ellsperman, Maude
Ellsperman, Jean thru Fisher, Mrs. Susanna
Fisher, W. S. thru Franks, Robert
Franks, S. N. thru Geiselman, J. W.
Gentila, Vincenzo thru Gray, Charles M.
Gray, Mrs. Eunice thru Hard, Ralph
Hard, Col. C. V. thru Hickok, Mary F.
Hien, Philip thru Housekeeper, Melvin
Houser, J. I. thru Johnson, Neal
Johnson, Peter thru Kelbly, Bersie
Kellar, W. F. thru Kline, Mrs. Anna B.
Kline, Edward thru Landers, Helen
Landis, Lettie thru Leib, Mary
Leies, Anthony thru Loose, J. L.
Loreaux, Ada thru McClarran, Samuel
McClarran, Stella thru McKenna, Katherine
McKenna, Mary thru Martin, Glenn
Martin, Prof. Chalmers thru Miller, Ora E.
Miller, Mrs. Ella thru Morrison, Joe
Morrison, Raymond thru Newkirk, J. Linn
Newkirk, Helen thru Oyler, Mrs. Rebecca
Packer, Mrs. Mary L. thru Power, James B.
Power, Gertrude thru Rich, Alvin
Rich, James thru Russell, May
Russell, Pearl thru Schuch, Mrs. Celia
Schuch, Mrs. Fred thru Sherman, Miss L. C.
Sherrick, Mrs. Kate thru Smith, Mrs. Angeline
Smith, Arthur H. thru Snyder, Adron
Snyder, A. C. thru Storch, John
Stough, A. D. thru Talbot, John C.
Van Nest, J. P. thru Weber, Charles
Weber, Albert thru Wilson, Belle
Wilson, James W. thru Young, Louis
Young, Mary C. thru Zurbuchen, Anna
Directory of the Students of Wooster University
Anderson, Edith J. thru Davidson, Mabel
Erwin, Nellie thru Rayman, Rowena E.
Ruhlman, Ferne thru Zwingle, Xantha
Classified Business and Professional Directory
Auctioneer thru Carriage Trimmers
Food Services and Drinking Places thru Dressmakers and Seamstresses
Dressmakers and Seamstresses thru Dentists
Jewelers and Opticians thru Milliners
Mining Office thru Painters and Paperhangers
Pension Agents thru Saloons
Well Drillers thru Wholesale Dealers
Miscellaneous Department
Post Office and City Officials
City Officials thru Fire Alarm Stations
Wooster Church Directory and Lodges and Secret Societies
Lodges and Secret Societies, College Fraternities, Wayne County Officials
Justice / Police order / and Safetys of Peace and Township Clerks in Wayne County
Postal Directory of the Taxpayers of Wayne County, Ohio