Caldwell's Atlas (1897)/Clinton Township

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Last Name First Name Company Name Township Village/Town Section No In Lot No Out Lot No Acres Company Description
Brown & Slaybaugh Clinton 11 34
Carbaugh & Dyarman Clinton Shreve Dealers in Boots, Shoes and Rubbers. Carl Block.
Carl Bros. Clinton Shreve Farmers' Friend Fence Machine, Carl's Patent Corn Tin and Shock Compressor. Dealers in General Hardware, Agricultural Implements, Lime, Salt, Seed, Brick, etc. Nails, Wire and Farm Implements
Carl Bros. & C. Van Numan Clinton Shreve 226
Farmers' Bank Clinton 24 160
Foltz & Brenneman Clinton Shreve 303
I. D. Bonnett & Co. Clinton Shreve Drugs, Medicines, Perfumes, Stationery, School Supplies and Wall Paper-except on Propreitary Medicines.
Joseph Pomeroy & Co. Clinton Shreve Dealers in Dry Goods, Notions, Carpets and Lace Goods. Wall Paper a specialty.
M. S. Robison, P. M. and J. P. Clinton Shreve, Ohio.
Miller & Swain Clinton 6 6
Nold & Peckinpaugh Clinton 18 4
Orrville Milling Co. Clinton Shreve 180
Palmer Emmons Clinton Proprietor of J. B. Key farm; Dealer in fine, and heavy horses and stock of all kinds. Shreve, O.
Parsonage Clinton Shreve 308
Presbyterian Parsonage Clinton Shreve 308
Todd & Harvey Clinton Shreve 56-59
Todd & Harvey Clinton 14 140
Troutman Park Clinton 3 79
Trustees of Clinton Township per John S. Palmer Clinton Shreve, Ohio.
Unkle & Campbell Clinton Liverymen.
Wilent Bros. Clinton Proprietors of Shreve Greenhouse, Dealers in plants, vegetables, etc. Orders promptly attended to, and shipped to any part of the United States. Capacity of greenhouse 1.5 acres, Shreve, Ohio.


Last Name First Name Company Name Township Village/Town Section No In Lot No Out Lot No Acres Company Description
Aber William Clinton 1 77
Adams Samuel D Clinton Shreve 223
Airheart L. C. Clinton Shreve 29
Airheart S. C. Clinton Shreve 29
Alleman David Clinton 2, 4, 11 384
Allison Ann C Clinton Shreve 124
Appleman Sarah J Clinton 23 1
Arnold George George Arnold Clinton A soldier of the 9th O. V. C. three years. Was with General Sherman to the sea, and in many a hard fought battle. He is one of Clinton Townships most prosperous farmers.
Arnold George Clinton 2 87
Axe William Clinton Shreve 6, 7
Axe Mary A Clinton Shreve 49
Axe William Clinton 13 10
Aylesworth Mary Clinton Shreve 119, 120
Aylesworth Warren, heirs Clinton 5, 6, 8, 16, 17 365
Aylesworth Ira H Clinton 6, 7, 18 490
Aylesworth Lucinda J Clinton 9, 10 140
Aylesworth Neal Clinton 17 91
Aylesworth James, heirs Clinton 18 43
Aylesworth Almon, heirs Clinton 5, 6 193
Aylesworth Peter B Clinton 8, 9 320-52
Aylesworth John Clinton 17 60
Aylesworth Wm. & P. B. Clinton 17 106
Aylesworth William Clinton 17, 20 181
Bailey Kate A Clinton Shreve 2
Barcus Colista A Clinton Shreve 262.5, 275
Barry Mrs. H. L. Clinton Shreve 260
Bartram Hannah M Clinton Shreve 122
Bartram Henry Henry Bartram Clinton Stock and grain raiser, on Munson farm. Shreve, Ohio.
Batdorf Mary C Clinton Shreve 116
Battdorf M. & C. Clinton 15 20
Bedford T. F. Clinton Shreve 306, 319, 320 31, 35
Bedford Theodore F Clinton Shreve 31
Beeler Joseph & Rebecca Clinton Shreve 234
Beeler Joseph Clinton Shreve 227, 205 19, 21, 22, 27, 26, 23
Beeler Rebecca Clinton Shreve 311
Beeler Joseph Clinton 21 35
Bell Joe Clinton Centerville 0.5
Bell Elizabeth Clinton Centerville 1
Bell James L Clinton Shreve 156
Berry Andrew J Clinton Shreve 24
Berry Saloma Ann Clinton Shreve 5
Bertolet Wm. J Clinton Shreve 103
Bertolet Lydia B Clinton Shreve 211
Bertolett Alla Clinton Shreve 105, 104
Bertram Caroline Clinton Shreve 39
Bertram Caroline Clinton Shreve 38
Bevington Mariah Clinton 11 27
Bevington Jane Clinton 1 24
Bivens Ella Clinton 13 15
Blackburn A. W. Clinton Shreve 261
Blaser Wm. H Clinton Shreve 112, 113, 114
Boley Henry Clinton 10 1
Bonnett I. D. Clinton Shreve 231
Booth L Clinton Shreve 69
Boreman Joseph Clinton 3 30
Bowman E. M. Clinton Shreve 189, 190, 65
Brenneman David P Clinton Shreve 32
Brenneman & Foltz Clinton Shreve 32
Brink John Clinton Shreve 29
Brown John D Clinton Shreve 77
Brown Kate Clinton Shreve 262
Brown David David Brown Clinton Farmer; extensively stock and poultry raised. Shreve, Ohio.
Brown Steven Jr. Steven Brown Jr. Clinton Proprietor of Big Prairie Creamery, and stock and dairy farm, 1.5 miles west from Shreve. Shreve, Ohio.
Brown Steven Sr. Steven Brown Sr. Clinton Farmer and Stockraiser. Shreve, O.
Brown Thomas A Clinton 9, 10, 20 218
Brown Stephen Jr. Clinton 21 110
Brown Harry Clinton 20 40
Brown John Clinton 12 5
Brown Stephen Clinton 16 110
Brown Ralston B Clinton 20 80
Brown David Clinton 21, 22 100
Brown Mrs. James Clinton 21 35
Brown Stella C Clinton 4 4
Brown & Slaybough Clinton Shreve 30, 32, 31, 24, 25
Buchanan Mary Clinton 12 69
Bucher Maud A Clinton 13 20
Bunting Eliza J Clinton Shreve 193
Bunting Eliza J Clinton 23 7
Burnett Simon P Clinton 13 27
Burnett Mary E Clinton 13 100
Burnett Charles Clinton 13 23.5
Burns James Clinton Shreve 19
Butler John Clinton Shreve 358, 128, 129, 143
Camman Joseph Clinton Shreve 241
Camp H. B. Clinton 4 4
Campbell Z. B. Clinton Shreve 100
Campbell John L Clinton Shreve 305
Campbell M. G. Clinton Shreve 342-344
Campbell Mrs. Dora Clinton Shreve 198
Campbell Wm. R Clinton Shreve 218
Campbell Garret & Isabel Clinton Shreve 339, 340, 341
Campbell Melissa J Clinton Shreve 177, 178
Campbell James K, heirs Clinton 21 80
Carl Geo Clinton Shreve 254, 334
Carl Geo. & Alix Clinton Shreve 294-296, 336-338, 246, 247
Carl Alexander Clinton Shreve 91
Carl Geo. Jr Clinton Shreve 251, 254
Carl Alex, Geo., & W. H. Clinton Shreve 275
Carl George Sr. Clinton 4, 5, 8 99
Carl Charlotte Clinton 8 20
Carl Brady A Clinton 8 160
Carl Alexander Clinton 16 120
Cayhoe Henry Clinton 1 18
Cayhoe David Clinton 4 4
Cayhoe Myrtie J Clinton 3 1
Cayhoe Samuel Clinton 3 6
Cayhoe Maggie B Clinton 3 4
Chambers Harriet M Clinton 24 2
Chapman Catherine Clinton Shreve 117
Chapman Sanford C Clinton Shreve 274
Christine Perry & Eva Clinton Shreve 335
Cline Ishmael D Clinton Shreve 127
Collier H. J. Clinton Shreve 63, 154, 231, 263, 264, 265, 279, 315, 316 36, 33, 30
Collier Willis Clinton Shreve 33
Collier Bird Clinton Shreve 327
Collier Charles Clinton Shreve 208
Collier H. J. Clinton 22, 23 133
Conahay Sarah & Elmira Metcalf Clinton Shreve 351
Conner John H Clinton Shreve 78
Corker Luke Clinton 13 41
Cornelius James Clinton Shreve 321
Cornelius James Clinton 16 40
Cornelius J. D. Clinton 22 55
Cornell L. D. Clinton Shreve 73, 74
Cornell L. T. L. T. Cornell Clinton Editor Shreve News.
Cowell Susan Clinton Shreve 54
Cowell Emma Clinton Shreve 55
Cowell Elizabeth Clinton Shreve 52, 53
Cowell L. D. Clinton Shreve 245, 237, 283
Cowell Robert Clinton Shreve 53, 60
Cowell Mary E Clinton 23 7
Craig Wm. A Clinton Shreve 238
Craig Wm. A Clinton 3, 4, 9 278
Crawford Ezra Clinton Shreve 340, 341, 348
Crawford Mary Clinton Shreve 349
Critchfield Eliza Clinton Shreve 50, 51
Crornell Rachael Clinton Shreve 72, 71
Crossman Kate Clinton Shreve 245, 174
Cushman A. A. Clinton Shreve 155, 286 39
Cutman Joseph W Clinton 23 120
Cutnaw Harriet Clinton 23 120
Cutshaw Jacob Clinton Shreve 28
Cutshaw Mary J Clinton Shreve 28
Daily John Clinton Shreve 18
Dalton J. C. Clinton Shreve 98
Dalton Louisa Clinton 13 15
Dalton John C Clinton 13 30
Davidson Mrs. A Clinton Shreve 86, 85
Davidson G. G. W. Clinton Shreve 118
Davis Samuel Clinton 3 5
De Miller Samuel, heirs Clinton Shreve 45, 46
Dennie Minnie Clinton 20 40
Dennie Minnie A Clinton 20 23
Denny Margaret Clinton Shreve 206
Denny Frank Clinton Shreve 101
Denny W. V. Clinton Shreve 83
Denny Samuel Clinton Shreve 55
Dilgard Milton Clinton 18 10
Dirk Harvey Clinton 4 15
Dirk Samuel Clinton 4 15
Dorr Valentine Clinton 1 10
Drushel G. W. Clinton Shreve 37
Drushel Geo. W Clinton 23 8
Dum Isaac S Clinton Shreve 17
Dunn D. A. Clinton Shreve 19
Easterday Moses Clinton 11, 12 88
Easterday John, heirs Clinton 24 80
Easterday Gotlieb, heirs Clinton 11 80
Eberhart Abraham Clinton 3 20
Eberhart Agnes Clinton 3 2
Ebright Sophia Clinton 14 72
Eddy Newton A Clinton Shreve 7
Eddy Ellen & Wm. Clinton 3 16
Eddy Ellen K Clinton 5, 8, 9 101
Eddy Huldy Clinton 5 40
Eddy Sarah Clinton 5 78
Eddy N. A. Clinton 9 60
Eiseman George Clinton 12 40
Elerick Ellen Clinton Shreve 334
Emery Mary Clinton 6, 12 103
Eshelman L. J. Clinton 18 120
Everly Thomas Clinton Shreve 52, 53
Everly O. W. Clinton Shreve 275
Everyly M. P. Clinton Shreve 95, 93, 236
Fitzgerald Michael Clinton Shreve 172
Fitzgerald Peter, heirs Clinton 21 159
Folk Harvey W Harvey W Fold Clinton Farmer and Potato Specialist, Shreve, O.
Folk Hulda Clinton 9 40
Foltz Susan M Clinton Shreve 112.5, 112, 3
Foltz Eliza A Clinton Shreve 36
Foltz David E Clinton Shreve 99, 161-166 10, 19
Foltz Mary A Clinton Shreve 29
Foltz Samuel F Clinton 11 80
Force Stephen Clinton Shreve 115
Force R. B. Clinton Shreve 131, 140
Fox Daniel Clinton 3 11
Frake Louisa F Clinton Shreve 19
Franks Jacob W Clinton Shreve 120, 121
Franks Lucretia Clinton Shreve 255
Franks Margaret Clinton Shreve 19
Franks Martha I Clinton Shreve 53, 54
Franks Ellis Clinton 24 80
Frick Jacob Clinton 4 26
Fryer S. J. Clinton 4, 19, 20 230
Funk Matilda Clinton Shreve 102, 309
Funk Elmer E Clinton Shreve 244
Funk Keziah Clinton Shreve 302
Fye Mary Clinton 3 14
Gallagher Wm., heirs Clinton 4 46
Gardner Elis K Clinton Shreve 201, 202
Gardner E. K. E. K. Gardner Clinton Proprietor of the Belleville Electric Light Plant, Richland County, Ohio, also proprietor of Electric Light Plant of Shreve, Ohio, and lessee of Coal Lands of Clinton Township, Wayne County, Ohio. Shreve, O.
Garret Nettie L. C. Clinton Shreve 9
Geesaman John H Clinton Shreve 80, 170
Geesaman Mary P Clinton Shreve 93, 95, 236
Geisinger Wm. Clinton Centerville 4, 5
Geisinger Wm. Clinton Centerville 11, 12
Geitgey Frank Clinton 13 6
Gillman Eliza & E. L. Clinton Shreve 1
Gletman Mary E Clinton Shreve 37, 38
Greegor P. W. Clinton Shreve 39
Griffith Anna E Clinton Shreve 138
Griffith D. A. D. A. Griffith Clinton Farmer and stockman, Shreve, Ohio.
Griffith William Clinton 12 228
Grindle Catherine Clinton 1, 6 103
Grosjean William Clinton Shreve 107
Gusman J. H. J. H. Gusman Clinton Shreve Grocer and Baker.
Hague Rebecca W Clinton Shreve 229
Hague J. H. Clinton Shreve 30, 210
Hague William Clinton Shreve 290, 291
Hall Thomas Clinton Shreve 266
Hamlin Samuel Clinton 3, 4 46
Hard C. V. Clinton 16 112
Harrison Enoch Clinton Shreve 332, 330
Harrison S. R. Clinton 2 113
Heishberger Aaron Clinton Shreve 310
Helemkey Mrs. Clinton Shreve 16, 17, 336, 337, 338
Hensel Jacob Clinton Shreve 214, 215
Hinkle Malinda Clinton Shreve 70
Hinkle Hannah Clinton Shreve 183, 184
Hipp John Clinton 12 89
Hoffman Ann M Clinton 4 19
Hoover Jacob, heirs Clinton Shreve 22
Hoover Margaret Clinton Shreve 3, 4
Hoover Jacob, heirs Clinton 14, 22 119
Hoover Jacob Jr. Clinton 14 10
Horner Sarah E Clinton Shreve 144, 145
Hostetler Susan Clinton Shreve 307
Housel Peter Clinton Shreve 239, 240
Houser Philip Clinton 13 40
Hugus Susan Clinton Shreve 185, 186
Hunter James Clinton Shreve 19
Irvin Michael Clinton Shreve 281, 276, 277
Irvin E. Jane Clinton Shreve 13-17
Isenberg Narcissa E Clinton Shreve 13
Isenberg Lavina Clinton Shreve 5
Isenberg N. F. Clinton 17 40
James Alice Clinton Shreve 293
Jewell Harriet Clinton 3 5
Johnson Harriet Clinton 23 5
Johnson E. T. Clinton 10 67
Jones D. K. Clinton Shreve 47, 48
Jones Melvina Clinton Shreve 173
Jones Perry, heirs Clinton Shreve 8
Jones Elizabeth Clinton Shreve 24-26
Jones John, heirs Clinton Shreve 216 24
Kalver Julia Clinton Shreve 181, 182
Kantzer John Clinton 1, 12 41
Kean Augustus Clinton 10 97
Kean Anna Clinton 14 9
Keister J. A. H. Clinton Shreve 87, 88
Keister J. A. Clinton 1 2
Keister Theodore Clinton 4 85
Kerr H. P. Clinton 20 1
Kerr James Clinton 21 80
Kerr W. B. Clinton 20 1.5
Keys Irvine Clinton Shreve 20, 21
Keys J. B. Clinton Shreve 5, 9
Keys J. B. J. B. Keys Clinton Dealer in fine horses and farmer.
Keys Irvine Clinton 3, 10, 11 161
Keys J. B. Clinton 15, 23 528
Kiester John A John A Kiester Clinton Proprietor of Millbrook chopmill and cider press. Millbrook, Ohio.
Kimmerer Sarah Clinton Shreve 3
Kindig Emma J Clinton Shreve 207.5, 207
Kindig Daniel H Clinton Shreve 314 30
Kindig Walter A. R. Clinton Shreve 29
Kirkendall Mary A Clinton 24 60
Kirkendall Emma R Clinton 7 35
Kister Charles H Clinton 1 1
Kopp George Clinton 24 40
Kopp John F Clinton 24 40
Kuhn Peter Clinton 6, 7, 18 24
Lake E. A. E. A. Lake Clinton Farmer and Potato Specialist.
Lake David, heirs Clinton 7, 18 40
Lake O. W. Clinton 12 66
Lee Jacob Clinton Shreve 4
Lee Thomas G Clinton Shreve 331
Lee Nora Clinton 20 5
Lee Charles W Clinton 19 56
Lee Stephen, heirs Clinton 22 98
Lefever Henry Clinton Shreve 267, 268
Lehman George D George D. Lehman Clinton Farmer and Stockraiser. Shreve, O.
Lehman George D Clinton 22 46
Lehr John M Clinton 7 82
Lemaster L. W. Clinton 3 20
Leyda Rosa W Clinton 24 20
Leyda George W Clinton 19 69
Leyda James, heirs Clinton 24 140
Leyda H. A. Clinton 24 2
Lightcap Rose Clinton Shreve 256
Lilley Maria Clinton Shreve 278
Long E Clinton 6 57
Long George Clinton 12 40
Lovett Zephania Clinton Shreve 86, 179, 97, 95, 250, 249, 287, 288 12
Lovett Charles Clinton 11, 12 235
Lynch Wm. A & R. C. Aultman Clinton 12 46
Manley B. F. Clinton Shreve 245
Manley W. Allen Clinton 16 8
Manley Wm. A Clinton 10, 15, 16 53
Manson Sarah Clinton Shreve 132, 139
Manson William H Clinton Shreve 8
Manson V. D. Clinton Shreve 262
Mauson Lucinda Clinton Shreve 329
May Sarah Clinton Shreve 324, 325
McClarren Lydia B Clinton Shreve 237
McClellan Mary J Clinton Shreve 352
McClelland Joseph Clinton Shreve 219, 220
McConkey A. M. J. Clinton Shreve 49
McConkey Clara Clinton Shreve 230
McConkey Mahaleth Clinton Shreve 56
McConkey Mahaleth Clinton 23, 24 217
McCoy Cora Dell Clinton Shreve 105, 104
McDold P Clinton 13 60
McDole Moses Clinton 13 60
McDoll C Clinton Centerville
McDowell Charles L Clinton 22 2
McFadden Mary Clinton 21 50
McFarland Uriah Clinton 8, 9 156
McMerrill S Clinton 18, 19 80
Merkel A. P. & Francis Clinton 5 80
Merkle A. P. Clinton 6 88
Messmore H. R. Clinton Shreve 232, 189
Messmore Harvey R Clinton 13 80
Metcalf M Clinton Centerville 1.35
Metcalf Daniel Clinton Shreve 66
Metcalf D. W. Clinton Shreve 200, 201, 202
Metcalf Malinda Clinton Shreve 222
Metcalf Silas Clinton Shreve 32, 33
Metcalf Henry Clinton 24 157
Miley Levi Clinton Shreve 196, 197
Miller Adam J Clinton Shreve 257
Miller Lydia L Clinton Shreve 1-19
Miller Adam Clinton 1, 6, 13 265
Miller George G Clinton 1, 6 21
Miller Adam Clinton 1 80
Milligan S. G. Clinton Shreve 111, 110, 109, 108
Mohn Jane Clinton Shreve 126
Moon James, heirs Clinton 13, 14, 24 272
Moon Harriet Clinton 13 80
Moore James W Clinton Shreve 192, 98
Moore John Clinton Shreve 273
Moore S. P. Clinton Shreve 17
Moore Harriet Clinton 13 80
Moorhead Mary Clinton Shreve 278
Moreland Susan Clinton Shreve 346
Morgan J Clinton Centerville 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
Morgan Thomas, heirs Clinton 22 119
Morris William, heirs Clinton 3 21
Morris John Clinton 11 1
Morrison Ruth A Clinton Shreve 218
Morrison John Clinton Shreve 19
Moulter Peter W Clinton 1 80
Munson Isaac Clinton 2 114
Munson William H Clinton 13 3
Murphey John Clinton Shreve 194, 195, 271, 272
Myers Elizabeth A Clinton Shreve 1-38
Myers David Clinton 1 30
Nave George Clinton 3 40
Naylor Sylvester L Clinton 24 80
Newhouse George W George W. Newhouse Clinton Shreve Ready-made Clothing, Hats, Caps, and Men's Furnishing Goods.
Newhouse Geo. W. Clinton Shreve 267
Newkirk Isaac, heirs Clinton 19, 20 89
Newkirk Rainey J Clinton 12 65
Newkirk Newton N Clinton 7 78
Newkirk John W Clinton 19 19
Nicholos Wm. A Clinton 1 43
Nold William Clinton Shreve 60, 61
Nold William Clinton 19 19
Numbers Charles F Clinton Shreve 258, 255
Oberholtzer Jacob Clinton Shreve 62
Odell L. D., heirs Clinton 19, 20 85
Odell John B Clinton 19 2
Oldrody T. K. Clinton 14 45
Oldroyd Henry Clinton Shreve 41-44
Oldroyd E. G. Clinton Shreve 223
Oldroyd John D Clinton Shreve 113, 114
Oldroyd John D John D. Oldroyd Clinton Grain and stockraiser. Shreve, Ohio.
Oldroyd Edwin Clinton 11 80
Oldroyd Wilbur F Clinton 19 7
Orr T Clinton Shreve 87, 88
Osburn Laura D Clinton 7 5
Packard Geo. A Clinton Shreve 134, 137
Parcell Martha J Clinton Shreve 328
Parkison Julia Clinton Shreve 65
Parsonage Christian Clinton Shreve 68
Parsonage M. E. Clinton Shreve 7
Paul R. C. R. C. Paul Clinton Physician and Surgeon.
Pearce Edwin Clinton Shreve 6
Peckinpaugh T. E., tax title Clinton 9 3
Pennell E. E. Clinton Shreve 5
Peters A. L. Clinton Shreve 169
Peters Milton J Clinton Shreve 298, 299
Peters Margaret C Clinton Shreve 167
Pocock Ben Ben Pocock Clinton Shreve Dealer in Dry Goods, Notions, Clothing and Carpets
Pocock E. D. Clinton Shreve 27
Pocock John Clinton 17 120
Pocock John Clinton 1 80
Pomeroy Lucinda Clinton Shreve 12
Porter W. L. W. L. Porter Clinton Shreve Dealer in Staple and Fancy Groceries, Queensware, etc.
Porter John Clinton Shreve 29
Porter W. L. Clinton Shreve part of 278
Porter John Clinton 23 4
Porter Margaret Clinton 19 1
Potter Mary E Clinton Shreve 170
Poulson Ann E Clinton Shreve 63
Powell Ann Clinton Shreve 300
Puster Jacob Clinton 1 70
Quick Robert C Clinton 19 68
Rainey J. S. J. S. Rainey Clinton Proprietor of Rainey farm: grain and stock of all kinds raised. Big Prairie, Ohio.
Rainey James, heirs Clinton 24 160
Raubeuault Wm. Clinton 1 83
Raubeuault Catherine Clinton 12 5
Reaser David Clinton 1, 12 94
Reed Catherine L Clinton Shreve 90
Reed Andrew Clinton Shreve 151, 152, 153, 280, 345
Reynolds James K Clinton 5 100
Rhee Ada Clinton 3 14
Richardson A. D. Clinton Shreve 28, 242
Richey Phebe E Clinton 20 80
Robinson Neal Clinton Centerville 0.25
Robison M. S. Clinton Shreve 95, 92
Robison Emma Clinton Shreve 184, 188
Robison James D Clinton Shreve 81
Robison Laura Clinton Shreve 204, 203
Robison Jeanette Clinton 1 0.5
Rochev Henry Clinton Shreve 18, 19, 325
Rogers W. H. G. Clinton Shreve 171
Ross Nancy Clinton Shreve 130, 142
Ross C. P. Clinton Shreve 106
Roth Joseph Clinton 22, 23 83
Rush Mary Clinton 12 30
Rush Margaret Clinton 13 78
Rutt W. H., etc. Clinton 1 1
Sanbom Kate D Clinton 3 25
Sanderson George Clinton Shreve 326, 96
Schaff Hannah Clinton Shreve 252
Schwarzwalter Christian Clinton 1 40
Scruly Eliza, heirs Clinton 20 0.75
Scruly George, heirs Clinton 20 17
Sealer Josephine Clinton 13 70
Seeberger Alex Clinton Shreve 38
Shafer Frederick Clinton Shreve 133, 29 24
Shafer Wesley Clinton 9, 10 127
Shaffer Frederick Clinton 23 1
Shaffer John Clinton 13 5
Shaffer F Clinton 23 1
Sheard David Clinton Shreve 213
Shearer John P Clinton 13 40
Shearer Asahel Clinton 13 80
Shearer Joseph W Clinton 13 80
Sheppard T. S. Clinton 5, 12, 13 31
Sheppard Annie P Clinton 5 40
Shreve L. D. Clinton Shreve 221
Shreve William H William H. Shreve Clinton A soldier of the war of rebellion. He was in many a hard fought battle. Shreve, Ohio.
Shreve Henry Clinton 1, 2 285
Shreve Mary E, heirs Clinton 23 19
Shreve Mary Clinton 23 20
Sidle Jane Clinton Shreve 212
Sidle Wm. H Clinton Shreve 28
Smetzer Martha J Clinton Shreve 67, 135, 136
Smetzer David Clinton Shreve 168
Smetzer Elizabeth Clinton 23 18
Smith Oliver, heirs Clinton Shreve 14, 15, 330
Smith Wm. A. Clinton Shreve 2 24
Smith John F Clinton Shreve 187, 188, 293
Smith J. W. Clinton Shreve 38
Smith Silas Clinton 12 30
Smith S. Hannah Clinton 12 80
Smith Matilda M Clinton 14 54
Snoddy Samuel Clinton Shreve 282
Snyder Chas. Clinton Centerville 3
Snyder H Clinton Centerville 1, 2
Snyder H Clinton Centerville 0.75
Snyder Ellen Clinton Shreve 213
Spencer Julia D Clinton Shreve 127
Sprang George F Clinton 18, 19 51
Stair Levi P Levi P. Stair Clinton Grain, sheep and stock of all kinds raised. Shreve, Ohio.
Sterling Samuel Clinton 23 33
Stewart Margaret Clinton Shreve 312
Stinebring Sarah E Clinton Shreve 158, 159, 160
Stough Sarah Clinton Shreve 253
Stout Barbara Clinton Shreve 301, 322, 323
Stout Barbara Clinton 23 21
Stroch George George Stroch Clinton Shreve Dealer in Hardware, Buggies, Bicycles, Agricultural Implements, Tile, etc.; for general Harware, and Nails, Wire and Farm Implements
Strock Maria Clinton Shreve 350
Strock George George Strock Clinton Hardware merchant, Shreve, Ohio.
Strockson George Sr. Clinton 1, 2 114
Sturgeon Lucinda Clinton Shreve 209, 209.5
Swartz S. M. S. M. Swartz Clinton Teacher and Collector. Shreve, Ohio.
Swire Michael Clinton 12 12
Switzer Sampson & Deliah Clinton 3 52
Swoddy Margaret Clinton Shreve 270
Sylesworth I. H. I. H. Sylesworth Clinton Farmer and Stockgrower. Big Prairie, Ohio
Taylor Elizabeth Clinton Shreve 64
Taylor T. A. Clinton Shreve 2
Taylor Thomas, heirs Clinton 13 80
Thomas John C. Clinton Shreve 226
Tice Henry Clinton Shreve 191
Tiddball Abraham Clinton Shreve 125, 95, 94
Todd Kate A Clinton Shreve 1
Trease Harrison L Clinton 2 1
Troutman Otto Clinton Shreve 82
Troutman Park Park Troutman Clinton General farmer and raiser of fine stock of all kinds. Springville, Ohio.
Troutman Otto Otto Troutman Clinton Cashier of Farmers' Bank. Shreve, Ohio.
Troutman M Clinton 3 79
Turner J. L. Clinton Shreve 290, 291
Turner J. H. Clinton Shreve 241
Ulman Harriet J Clinton Shreve 278
Unkle George Clinton Shreve 318
Van Niman C. V. C. V. Van Niman Clinton Shreve Dealer and Manufacturer of Fine Harness, all grades. Repairing done promptly. Always a good stock on hand.
Van Niman Cal. Clinton Shreve 16, 17
Van Nostran John Clinton 4 44
Wachtel L Clinton Shreve 141
Way Clark B Clinton 4, 15 107
Weaver David Clinton Shreve 19
Weiker Catherine A Clinton Shreve 148, 149
Weiker William Clinton 1 11
Weiker Catherine A Clinton 12 58
Weiker Jacob Clinton 12 30
Weiler W. D. W. D. Weiler Clinton Farmer and Stockraiser. Shreve, O.
Weiler Mrs. Ann Clinton 10 100
Weiler Wm. Dayton Clinton 10 104
Wells S. E. Clinton Centerville 1.5
Wells Louisa M. & Robt. D. Clinton Shreve 84
Wells Elizabeth J Clinton Shreve 175, 176, 225
Wells David Clinton Shreve 224, 225, 157
Wells Robert D Clinton 11 80
Welty Daniel Clinton 3 44
Welty Jacob W Clinton 3 64
Welty Belinda Clinton 4 24.25
Welty Jacob Clinton 3 17
Welty Belinda Clinton 4 24
Weygaudt Rosanna Clinton Shreve 38
Wheaton Albert E Clinton Shreve 52
Wheaton Jehiel L Clinton Shreve 297, 334
White J. G. Clinton 10, 15 13
Wilcut L Clinton Shreve 289, 19, 20
Wilcut Louisa Clinton Shreve 33
Wilhelm T. D. Clinton Shreve 313, 312
Wilhelm Joseph Clinton Shreve 150
Williams John Clinton Shreve 10, 228 19
Williams John L Clinton Shreve 11
Williams Martin L Clinton 22 50
Wise Wm. Clinton Shreve 146, 147
Wise S. S. Clinton 1 19
Wise Sophia Clinton 1, 12 33
Wood Eliza Clinton Shreve 217
Wood Alva Clinton Shreve 24
Wood Jacob H Clinton Shreve 24
Yarnell David Clinton Shreve 35, 235
Yarnell Rachel Clinton Shreve 11
Yocum Miram Clinton Shreve 94
Yocum Charles Charles Yocum Clinton Farmer and stockraiser. Millbrook, Ohio.
Yocum J. G. Clinton 1 142
Yohey William H Clinton 20 1
Zimmerman A. D. Clinton Shreve 243