Wooster Republican, Business Abstracts 1901

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Wooster Republican Jan. 23, 1901

Wm Annat, SW corner of square. Craighead and Co., grocery store, SW side of square. Ross W Funck. WF Kean.
Johnson and Taylor. McClure and Smyser. EW Newkirk, in Jackson block. Hiram B Swartz. Frank Taggert, office over Taggert Store. John C McClarran and Charles C Johns, office.
Physicians: Dr. John A Gann, 111 N Market Street. Dr. HA Hart, Downing block. Drs. Stoll and Ryall. Dr. HN Mateer.
Thomas A Elson, office over Laubach and Boyds.
WC National Bank. Wooster Book Bindery, Jacob Fischer.

Wooster Republican Jan. 30, 1901

Big removal sale of watches, clocks and jewelry at Bradshaw Jewelry Store. They have decided to quit the business in Wooster and will sell until March 20th. My Entire stock is discounted at 25%.
Ebert and Bevington, undertaking and embalmers. Wooster and Columbus offices with AS Lehman, phone 48, N Grant Street.
Wm Horn, agent newstand, Wooster.

Wooster Republican Feb. 13, 1901

Going out of business! Potter Bros., at Beebe old stand. 20000 worth of dry goods to be disposed of before April 1st. They have decided to close their Wooster store and offer entire stock at a loss to them and savings to you. Sales begin Tuesday Feb. 12, 1901.

Wooster Republican March 13, 1901

Landis and Schmuck have announced a special notice to whom it may concern. All goods must be sold and moved by April 1st to quit the business. They have on hand a large stock of furniture valued at 5000 and must be sold. Goods must be sold to vacate the room and quit the business.
TD Nolin, for coal.
Ebert and Bevington, undertakers.
Rich and Blough, NE corner of public square.

Wooster Republican April 1, 1901

Nick Amsters.
Durable industry, the marble and granet work of George Fisher is coming in by most celebrated and successful enterprise of the city marble works on E South Street. D Nice, for boots and shoes. Laubach and Boyd. McClure, house and furnishing store. Griffins dry goods, six doors west of the courthouse.
Rich and Blough, NE side of square. The store will be open evenings after April 1st.
E Paumier and Co., boots and shoes, 31 S Market Street.
Craighead and Co., grocery store, SE side of square.
Page Bros., buggies, also Obrien wagons at Harding and Co. hardware.
Ebert and Bevington, undertakers and embalmers.

HF Crowl. Wooster Book Bindry of Jacob Fischer. WC National Bank. Wooster National Bank. Dr. HN Mateer. Dr. John A Gann. Dr. HA Hart. Drs. Stoll and Ryall. McClarran and Jones, attorney. Frank Taggert. Hiram B Swartz. EW Newkirk. McClure and Smyser. WF Kean. Ross W Funck. Freedlander, in Frick memorial block.

Harness at ED Fisher, Wooster. I guarantee every collar put to work. Call at my harness shop where I have been for 26 years on S Market Street and see my stock and get prices.

Wooster Republican April 3, 1901

Ed Fisher harness shop, S Market Street.

Wooster Republican May 1, 1901

Nick Amsters, one price clothing.
Rich and Blough, NE side of square. A Branstetter, residence and telephone #62 West Wooster.
HF Crowl, undertaking, office in Downing block.
Excelsior cream seperator, LY McClure agent, 32 W Liberty Street.

Empire Mille, E Wooster, Wayne County. Owing to advancing years and failing health of my father JF Naftzger, I have decided to assume the management of the mill which had been successfully managed by him for many years. Our mill is a complete roller mill and up to date in every way. Frank A Naftzger general manager. Residence- 150 Pittsburg Ave. with LH Plank as head miller.
Dr. FW Platt is at American House every Friday to examine eyes.
Ed Fisher, 35 S Market Street for harnesses.
Baubach and Boyd drug store.
Thursday, May 9th, two kinds of elephants are coming to Wooster. John Robinson has 10 big shows and all wanted. King Solomon and Queen of Sheba are in the circus.
Griffin Dry Goods, six doors west of the courthouse.
Dr. HN Mateer recently placed an order with Chicago House for a complete electric and x-ray outfit of the latest and best design. Cost 500 and will be placed in his office on the corner of North and Buckeye Streets.
Bixler Business College.
McClure and Co.. Do you need a new roof on the old house? Come to 21 N Buckeye Street. Here is what you are looking for.
HA Bloomberg has secured the dress building, 4 E Liberty Street, 1st door east of Rich and Blough hardware store, for a term of three years in the new modern hat and clothing furnishing house. We will throw gates open on Saturday, May 4th in Wooster, Orrville, Massillion and Millersburg. The Bloomberg Clothing Co.. Joe Bloomberg, modern one price clothing and tailors.
Dr. HN Mateer, SW corner of North and Buckeye Street.
WC National Bank. Wooster Book Bindery of Jacob Fischer.
Ebert and Bevington undertakers. Call day or night. Office with AS Lehman. Freedlander, one price clothing store, Frick memorial block. Wm Annat. Griffin Dry Goods store, 6 doors west of the courthouse, opposite Zimmerman Drug Store. Empire Mills.

Wooster Republican May 15, 1901

New line of clothing of gents furnishing goods. Geiselman Clothing Co.. Open on and after Thursday, May 16th.
Rich and Blough Hardware store.

Wooster Republican June 19, 1901

Wooster fairgrounds will have one day only, June 27th, the Buffalo Bills Wild West and congress of Rough Riders of the World. Two shows daily. Tickets can be bought at Horns News Depot, 19 E Liberty Street.

Wooster Republican Dec. 11, 1901

The main part of Wooster University has burned down, picture included. The entire main building of the University of Wooster was destroyed by fire early Wednesday morning and the students and faculty are at present without a college home. As nearly as can be ascertained, the building caught fire about 2:45am from an explosion in the chemical labatory. The fire was first seen by DM Gill, who, with his wife, lived in the north wing of the university. Mr. Gill heard the explosion and jumped up to look in the window towards the direction where it came. He saw in the lower part of the west wing a small creeping flame that was lighting up everything in the vicinity. He immediately thought of the boiler and hurried to it but found that the fire was confined to the chemistry lab. Mr. Gill rushed to telephone the alarm. The fire department arrived at 3:05am but owning to low pressure, were unable to throw water. The steam engine was pressed into service and first effective water at 3:45am. The fire quickly spread and soon the entire west wing was aflame. The part that was formerly the old Main building was soon caught and the east wing was last to take fire. Within one hour after the first explosion was heard, the noble structure was a mass of ruin. While the fire was yet in progress, a facilty meeting was held in the basement of the Frick library and a mass meeting called for 10am, Wednesday morning. The loss of the building was 250000 estimated and records and equipment 50000, total 300000, insurance only for 60000. Plans are already under foot as we go to press to put them in a better structure than ever.

Removal sale of overcoats and suits at Geiselman Clothing Co..
AJ Frederick and Co., 3 doors west of the Post Office, E Liberty Street.

Smoke caused damage from a defective furnace which caused alarm of fire Sunday morning. It was noticed that D Nice store was filled with smoke. It was at first thought it might be caused by the furnace. Those who saw the smoke looked in the window west side of the room and observed that smoke was much heavier and dense than on the other side. A message was dispatched to Mr. Nice and a call to department. Mr. Nice said he believed that smoke was caused by the furnace but quickly opened the doors and with three of the firemen carrying extinguishers, made their way to the basement. The great room was so filled of heavy gas smoke, it was almost impossible to breath. It was soon discovered that the furnace was the cause of trouble and doors and windows were opened quickly to clear the room of smoke which rolled forth in great clouds. When Mr. Nice had his stock insured against fire and water, he was understanding that he cannot recover when his goods are destroyed by smoke only.

Zimmerman and Co. Drug Store.
Nick Amster, one price clothing store, 4 doors west of the courthouse.
Dr. Kate Johnson, office at 39 N Market Street.
Dr. HN Mateer, office SW corner of North and Buckeye Streets.
WR Cummings, for high grade pianos and sewing machines, S Market Street.
McClure stove and house furnishing store, SW side of public square.
Laubach and Boyd Drug Store. Bloomberg Clothing Co., Joe Bloomberg manager. Noahs Ark, George F Wilcos at 33 S Market Street. WC National Bank. Griffins Dry Goods Store, 6 doors west of the courthouse. Wm Annet, SW side of square.
Modern hardware store of Rich and Blough is open evenings Dec. 14-25.

Smoke sale by D Nice. A large steam furnace in the basement heated the entire clothing house with smoke till Sunday at 10am. Goods as merchandize are slightly damaged. Our store has been closed for two days to mark down our entire stock and must be sold at once, E Liberty Street.
McClarran Grocery Store, 3 doors west of the courthouse. HF Crowl, undertaker. Harding and Co., hardware. Gem Photo Gallery. Proctor and Ohail drug store, 8 E Liberty Street. Freedlander, one price clothing store, established 1884, Frick memorial block on West Liberty Street. AJ Friderick and Co., E Liberty Street.

Wooster Republican Dec. 18, 1901

Picture of University in flames and picture of what it looked like after flames put out.
William Jennings Bryan will be in Wooster Jan. 8, 1902 for conference on St. Jackson.
WH Wiler shoes, W Liberty Street.


Wooster Book Bindery of Jacob Fischer
Laubach and Boyd drug store.
McClarran Grocery Store, 3 doors west of the courthouse.