Canaan Academy

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Canaan Academy
Creston, Ohio, Wayne County, Ohio, United States
General information
Country United States




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Canaan Academy

No more is heard the musical bell

 Of dear old Canaan Academy,

For many long years it rang to tell

 Of the need to enlightened community.

The Academy stood on hill so green,

 A signal light for miles around;

And many were the students to be seen,

 Whose written names on its walls were found.

And gathered there in hall so fair,

 Were instructors, numerous and wise,

Term after term their knowledge to share,

 With those who sought their wisdom to prize.

And the lessons learned, we trust were such

 As have had a tendency others to lead,

Onward and upward, giving e'en much

 Of life's fairest and best while yet there is need.

But alas, as the years their flight sped on

 To this Hall of learning there came an end;

Like Jericho, its walls fell down,

 And naught has been done its ruins to mend.

But while time shall last, its fame shall be sung,

 The good acquired shall ever flow on;

And noted, and classified of times among,

 Are its many choices blessings one by one.

Oh, there's much might be written in order to tell

 Of the paly ground's enjoyable sport,

Of the teachers and scholars who loved so well,

 To the medows and hills to resort.

To list to the rippling waters near by,

 And note the sweet songs of the birds,

To gather the flowers from the hedge nearby,

 And delight in the help that nature affords.


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