Arcade Hotel (Creston, Ohio)

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  • Arcade Hotel (Creston, Ohio)
Accommodation and Food Services
  • Accommodation
Trading names
  • Arcade Hotel
  • 1889
  • Date unknown
Key Persons
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  • Old Address (same location just renumbering)
    • 215 N. Main St., Creston, 44217, Ohio
  • New Address (same location)
    • 120 N. Main St., Creston, 44217, Ohio

Arcade Hotel.PNG

Post card given by Kathleen Murray Slater

Al Harris came down from Seville in the late 1890's and built the Arcade Hotel. This was the most imposing building around and surely promised to be a great boon for Creston. But there was a great deal of rivalry between Al Harris and Mr. Moorehead, who had the hotel across the track from the Erie Railroad.

Mr. Harris, had for a while a horse-drawn carriage or dray, which could transport a salesman and his baggage if he so wished-- but Mr. Moorehead had the advantage of having rooms right by the track. As long as Mr. Moorehead was in business-- Al Harris tried every way he could to outdo him. He had for a time a surrey, which would carry four people and a rack on the top for baggage! This was quite popular with travelers-- but young men around town and loafers especially made such jokes about Al's surrey that he was forced to abandon it in the early teens. At about that time, Joe was big enough to negotiate a wheelbarrow-- so it had to take the place of the larger vehicle.

At one time, Harris and his son, Joe had a song about the Arcade Hotel. My mother used to sing it to us, but I only remember part of it "27 rooms, all heat by hot air, good rooms, good breakfast, but biscuit cutter and a pancake turner-- and hot coffee too!!

Mrs. Harris seemed to be a quit, dignified lady, who would set on the front porch to attract customers, I believe. Daughter Minnie had gone to Cleveland to work-- I can't recall her married name,-- so the Harris people hired cooks.

I remember being in the Arcade Hotel twice. A woman died there-- (I don't think she was a Creston woman), her funeral was there and our Presbyterian Minister officiated. A quartet of women from our church sang and I was asked to play the piano. I was just a young girl, not in high school, but my mother said I could, so I did. This funeral was in a room that the Harris family called their own sitting room and we had to go through the hotel office or lounge. I was much impressed, then later, I went with my father when he was called to do some carpenter work. I can remember being upstairs in a long hall, doors were open and I was greatly surprised to see how small the rooms were.

As automobiles came into more common use, people did not need to stay over night in a small town like Creston. The Arcade was closed as a Hotel for some years. Finally, when the old folks began to "fail" -- daughter Minnie came down from Cleveland and tried to revive business! She had some permanent roomers, but wasn't successful in operating a hotel, as such! Her personality and way of living did not appeal to Creston people, and certainly was not the type that could operate a successful business. During prohibition, Minnie made use of her many rooms to entertain "friends" from Cleveland. She "entertained" quite lavishly, but not in the custom Creston people were accustomed to. Booze flowed and several neighbors found it necessary to call in officers to investigate. However, Minnie and Joe managed to get along for several years with a small amount of help.

Finally the Hotel was sold to the Marcum family. I believe there was a brief time when someone tried to revive the hotel. Creston people were glad to welcome the Marcums, with their ten children. They came from West Virginia and were a fine group of young citizens. I only got to know 3 or 4 children, because of their interest in the library books. Lloyd was my favorite and it was he who fell down the library steps and broke his leg. It wasn't long after when he came "crawling" back up the stairs to get more books. I watched Lloyd's progress through the years and was happy to know that he went through Wooster College-- has been in the insurance business for a number of years. [1]

The Arcade Hotel was built in 1899 by Allen W. Harris. It was sold in 1907 to Mr. Levi "Lee" Henry Rebman. Mr. Rebman managed the hotel until 1913. In 1914, Allen Harris repurchased the hotel. After Mr. Harris' passing, the hotel was passed down to his children: Joe, Hattie and Minnie.

In the 1940s, the James Marcum family owned the building and converted it into apartments. On 26 October 1978, the building was destroyed by fire. It was torn down and in 1989, a duplex apartment was built on the same location. The duplex apartment building was owned by Terry Eagle. Also, on the property is a beauty shop owned by Barbara Eagle, the wife of Terry. The beauty shop was called "The Hair Works." [2]


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Quick Facts

1899 to 1907 - Allen W. Harris Owned Hotel

  • 1899 - Arcade Hotel was built by Allen W. Harris

1907 to 1913 - Levi "Lee" Henry Rebman Owned Hotel

  • 1907 - March 21, Found on Main street in front of the Arcade Hotel a few loads of gravel by digging down below the mud. Landlord Harris says he knows the sand was hauled there before the town was incorporated as he doesn't remember seeing any being put on the street since. [3]
  • 1907-1913 - On April 1, 1907, Allen W. Harris sold hotel to Levi "Lee" Henry Rebman
  • 1907 - April 4, Last week Lee Rebman of Seville rented the Arcade Hotel from Landlord Al Harris and took possession the first of this month. Mr. Harris and family will move into the south part of his house vacated by Chas. Boley. [4]
  • 1907 - April 11, Lee Rebman, the new proprietor of the Arcade, is an old hotel man and its res reputation for first class accommodations will not suffer under his management. [5]
  • 1907 - April 18, Lee Rebman, one of the best known hotel men of this section of Ohio, has taken charge of the Arcade Hotel, Creston. Old friends will be glad to know that Mr. Rebman and his estimable wife are in the business again so near their old home, Seville. -- Wooster Republican. [6]
  • 1908 - July 2, Met in Creston. A meeting of the Central Valley Light and Power Co., was held at the Arcade Hotel, in Creston. Monday evening. J. W. Turner of this place is president of the company and will locate in Zanesville, the headquarters of the company, in about ten days. The purpose of the company is to supply light and power for cities, towns, factories, coal mines, electric railways, etc., contracts amounting to over three hundred thousand dollars having already been secured. The office of president carries with it a handsome yearly salary, and we congratulate our townsnian, Mr. Turner, on being able to secure it, and are confident he will fit the responsible position to the satisfaction of the stockholders. Mr. Turner's son, Merton, has been engaged as electrician for the company and has entered upon his ______. [7]
  • 1909 - March 21, To have the Johnston's Expert Opticians examine your eyes, and diagnose your case. They are conscientious and will tell you the truth. At the Arcade Hotel, Creston, Tuesday, March 30th. [8]
  • 1909 - March 31, Mrs. W. H. Holzhauer and Mrs. C. H. Rogers, of Seville, called on Mrs. Holzhauer's sister, Mrs. Lee Rebman, at the Arcade Hotel, Friday afternoon. They also graced the Journal's sanctum with their presence before leaving town. [9]
  • 1911 - April 5, Arcade Hotel Has New Landlord - The first of April Nelson King took possession as landlord of the Arcade Hotel in Creston, Lee Rebman retiring. Mr. King has had many years experience in the hotel business and no doubt will maintain the high standing this popular hotel has attained under the management of his predecessor. Mr. and Mrs. Rebman will occupy the south half of A. W. Harris' property until Mrs. Rebman's health improves, when they will again engage in the hotel business in some town. [10]
  • 1911 - April 5, Wanted Dining room girl, at once. Inquire at Arcade Hotel, Creston.[11]
  • 1911 - September 6, Arcade Hotel Changes Landlord - After a rest of about six months, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Rebman again took hold of the reins at the Arcade Hotel Tuesday afternoon. On the same day Mr. and Mrs. Nelson King and daughter Clara, who had charge of the hotel during Mr. and Mrs. Rebman's absence, returned to Canton to again make that city their home. We understand Mr. Rebman has leased the hotel for a team of years. [12]
  • 1914 - February 4, Sheriff M. M. VanNest was in town Monday for the appraising of the Arcade Hotel. The hotel was appraised at $7,000 by A. S. Tuttle, Willis Bechtel and A. L. Ober. [13]
  • 1914 - March 4, DON'T forget the Arcade Hotel sale next Saturday at 1 o'clock p.m. at Wooster court house. All the time you want on $2,600.00 of purchase price at 5 per cent annually. Don't forget the date March 7. No better built building in the county. [14]

1914 to _____ - Allen W. Harris Repurchased Hotel

  • After Mr. Harris' passing, the hotel was passed down to his children: Joe, Hattie and Minnie
  • 1914 - August 26, ...They also robbed the refrigerator on the back porch of the Arcade Hotel of some butter, bacon, bologna, veal and beef steak, and entered the basement but did not disturb the canned fruit or any of the contents of the basement. It is thought from appearances that both of the jobs Wednesday night were the work of local talent and although no charges have been made, a close watch is being kept. [15]
  • 1914 - December 30, Mrs. W. P. Stebbins, Thomas Ewing Jr. and wife and Claud McGuff took Christmas dinner at the Arcade Hotel.

Zelmo Lautzenschleger, who is employed at the Arcade Hotel, is spending a few days at her home in Homerville. [16]

  • 1915 - February 24, James Lee and wife have moved from Sterling into part of the Harris house next to the Arcade Hotel. [17]
  • 1915 - March 3, The members of "The Girl and the Tramp" company, who played at the town hall last Monday evening, spent the week-end at the Arcade Hotel. [18]
  • 1916 - April 3, D. M. Keeney and wife Kenneth Cheaney, wife and children, motored from their home in Cleveland, and spent Sunday at the Arcade Hotel, and called on friends in Creston. About ten years ago Mr. Keeney and his sister, Mrs. Cheaney were residents of Creston, but at that time Mr. Keeney went to Cleveland where he has made good, at present being employed by the contracting firm of Wadsworth, Adleson, Branning Co., as manager of the fire place, mantle and fixture department. The Journal is pleased to report the success of Mr. Keeney and hopes he will continue to prosper. [19]
  • 1916 - June 14, P. J. Staudt, wife and children, of Elkhart, Ind., motored here to attend the Fetzer reunion, and are staying at the Arcade Hotel. [20]
  • 1916 - November 8, A. D. Metz, Russel Gann, Mrs. Anna Gann, Misses Mary Metz, Adda Rhodes, Kate Fishborn of Wooster, Durbin Myers, Wm. Davidson and Mrs. Clara M. Myers, Akropn, enjoyed a chicken dinner at the Arcade Hotel Sunday. [21]
  • 1917 - January 3, Miss Ella Smith pf Catawha Island, who has been visiting the Harris family and other friends at the Arcade Hotel, returned home Wednesday. [22]
  • 1917 - July 18, Thos. Guthrie, wife and two sons of Columbus, took dinner with Mrs. J. J. Keeney at the Arcade Hotel Tuesday.[23]
  • 1917 - February 14, While passing through Creston on a train two weeks ago Miss Glada Leiby, youngest daught of Mel Leiby and wife of near Albion, was taken suddenly ill. She was taken from the train to the Arcade Hotel where she and her parents remained for a week with a trained nurse in attendance. Last Tuesday at the patient's earnest request she was removed to her home, but died about a half an hour after reaching her home. [24]
  • 1917 - September 26, About twenty ladies from Creston and Seville surprised Mrs. William Davidson with a miscellaneous shower at her home at the Arcade Hotel last Saturday evening. After Mrs. Davidson recovered from the surprise the many pretty gifts were displayed. Mr. and Mrs. Davidson as well as A. W. Harris and family, were equal to the occasion, although they were surprised, and served a dainty lunch to their guests before they returned to their homes, leaving a great many good wishes for Mr. and Mrs. Davidson. [25]
  • 1918 - July 17, Albert Bonewell and wife, and Miss Julia Bonewell of Toledo, are visiting at the Arcade Hotel and with other Creston friends.[26]
  • 1918 - August 7, Geo. Shumaker and wife have moved from the Harris House next to the Arcade Hotel to the Weimer House next to the Creston Bakery.[27]
  • 1918 - September 11, Mrs. Nelson Owens has been helping care for Mrs. Harris at the Arcade Hotel.[28]
  • 1918 - September 25, Mrs. L. Steele of Lodi, is at the Arcade Hotel caring for Mrs. A. W. Harris.[29]
  • 1918 - November 20, Mrs. Katherine Smith has moved frm the Hostetler House n Russell Avenue, to part of the Harris House next to the Arcade Hotel.[30]
  • 1919 - January 1, J. F. Danahue and wife of Cleveland spent Xmas at the Arcade Hotel. [31]
  • 1920 - May 26, Harry Tanner and wife took dinner with the Harris family at the Arcade Sunday. Mrs. Cella Sexton, who has been at the Arcade Hotel since last February caring for Mrs. A. W. Harris left for her home in Philadelphia, Pa. today.
  • 1922 - October 6, Allen W. Harris, 74, proprietor of the Arcade Hotel. Creston, and well-known in Medina County, especially in the southern part, died Sunday after an illness of several weeks. Funeral services were held Wednesday with interment at Seville, where he formerly lived. [32]

1940s - The James Marcum family Owned Building Converting it To Accommodation

  • 1940s - The James Marcum family owned the building and converted it into apartments
  1. Memories of Creston. by Dorothy Fay Grunder. February 2003.
  2. Slater, Kathleen (Kate) Murray. Creston Past Almost Forgotten. Creston: The Creston Historical Society, 1991. Page 20
  3. Creston Journal, Creston, Ohio. 1907 March 21, p. 4.
  4. Creston Journal, Creston, Ohio. 1907 April 4, p. 5.
  5. Creston Journal, Creston, Ohio. 19078 April 11, p. 5.
  6. Creston Journal, Creston, Ohio. 1907 April 18, p. 4.
  7. Creston Journal, Creston, Ohio. 1908 July 2, p. 1.
  8. Creston Journal, Creston, Ohio. 1909 March 24, p. 1.
  9. Creston Journal, Creston, Ohio. 1909 March 31, p. 7.
  10. Creston Journal, Creston, Ohio. 1911 April 5, p. 1.
  11. Creston Journal, Creston, Ohio. 1911 April 5, p. 4.
  12. Creston Journal, Creston, Ohio. 1911 September 6, p. 1.
  13. Creston Journal, Creston, Ohio. 1914 February 4, p. 8.
  14. Creston Journal, Creston, Ohio. 1914 March 4, p. 4.
  15. Creston Journal, Creston, Ohio. 1914 August 26, p. 1..
  16. Creston Journal, Creston, Ohio. 1914 December 30, p. 4.
  17. Creston Journal, Creston, Ohio. 1915 February 24, p. 5.
  18. Creston Journal, Creston, Ohio. 1915 March 3, p. 5.
  19. Creston Journal, Creston, Ohio. 1916 April 3, p. 5.
  20. Creston Journal, Creston, Ohio. 1916 June 14, p. 4.
  21. Creston Journal, Creston, Ohio. 1916 November 8, p. 5.
  22. Creston Journal, Creston, Ohio. 1917 January 3, p. 6.
  23. Creston Journal, Creston, Ohio. 1917 July 18, p. 5.
  24. Creston Journal, Creston, Ohio. 1917 February 14, p. 5.
  25. Creston Journal, Creston, Ohio. 1917 September 26, p. 4.
  26. Creston Journal, Creston, Ohio. 1918 July 17, p. 5.
  27. Creston Journal, Creston, Ohio. 1918 August 7, p. 5.
  28. Creston Journal, Creston, Ohio. 1918 September 11, p. 5.
  29. Creston Journal, Creston, Ohio. 1918 September 25, p. 5.
  30. Creston Journal, Creston, Ohio. 1920 May 26, p. 5.
  31. Creston Journal, Creston, Ohio. 1919 January 1, p. 6.
  32. Medina County Gazette, Medina, Ohio. 1922 October 6, p. 1.