Wayne County Genealogical Society
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- Name
- Wayne County Genealogical Society
- Recreation
- Museums / Historical Sites / and Similar Institutions
- Services
- Genealogical Society
- Founded
- May 06,1978
- Parent organizations
- Wooster, 44691, Ohio
The Wayne County Genealogical Society received a charter from the Ohio Genealogical Society on 6 May 1978. At the time of its charter, the president was Richard Smith, Vice President was Dorothy Fay Grunder, Recording Secretary was Lovina Parmenter, Treasurer was Ethel Parker and Edna Keim Conrad. Prior to its charter, the organization was known as the Genealogical Section of the Wayne County Historical Society.
Charter Members included:
- Peggy Horn
- Lida Flint Harshinan
- Ruth Allen
- Louise Krause
- Robert A. Cunning
- Frances N. Slack
- Clifford T. Wig
- Esther W. Powell
- Raymond Dent
- Anne Budd
- Tredley Phillips
- Lora M. Ogeir
- James D. Wolfe
- Robert W. Wood
- H. S. Ritter
- John D. Kagg
About 1997, the Genealogical Section of the Wayne County Historical Society separated from the Wayne County Historical Society and became the Wayne County (OH) Genealogical Society, also referred to as the Ohio Genealogical Society, Wayne County Chapter.
Purposes of Society, 1978
The following purposes of the Society was taken from the original charter of the Wayne County Chapter of the Ohio Genealogical Society on 6 May 1978.
- To foster an interest in all of the peoples who contributed in any way, however, great or small, in establishing and perpetuating the State of Ohio.
- To search for the reasons and forces behind the migrations of the early settlers into this state.
- To preserve and safeguard manuscripts, books, relics, and memoranda relating to the early settlers of Ohio.
- To secure and hold copyrights and plates of books, periodicals, tracts, and pamphlets of genealogical and historical interest to the people of Ohio.
- To publish, print, buy, sell, and circulate literature relative to the purposes and acquisitions of the Society, its records and discoveries, to promote genealogical and historical research, and to aid in publication, dissemination, preservation, and safeguarding of genealogical and other manuscripts pertaining to Ohio, including biography, family and local history, for carrying on the work of education and for educational purposes.
- To receive and hold gifts and devises of real and personal estate from any source for the benefit of such association, and to dispose of real estate ot needed, and to use solely for the purposes of the Society any funds derived therefrom or from gifts generally, and to do all things incident to the perpetuation of the purposes of the association, and generally to exercise the powers legally and properly requisite thereto.
- All of the foregoing are for carrying on the work of the Society for educational purposes and to operate solely for educational purposes in Section 501 (c) (3) of Internal Revenue Code of 1954.
- In the event of dissolution, funds of the Society shall be distributed to an organization or organizations exempt under Section 501 (c) (3) of Internal Revenue Code.
Purposes of Society, 2018
The following purposes are taken from the quarterly newsletter, Wayne Ancestors (Jan, Feb, Mar 2018)
- To promote interest in genealogical study, research and education
- To support the objectives of the Ohio Genealogical Society
- To encourage membership in other local, state and national genealogical societies, historical societies and first family organizations
- To publish genealogical material compiled by members
- To support the Wayne County Historical Society
Membership into the Wayne County Genealogical Society entitles individuals to a quarterly newsletter, Wayne Ancestors. If a member of the Wayne County Genealogical Society can provide evidence that he or she descends from a pioneer residing in Wayne County, Ohio by the end of 1825, then he or she is eligible to make application to Wayne County Pioneer Families. "The primary objectives of the Wayne County Pioneer Families is to honor the earliest pioneers of Wayne county, Ohio and to recognize their descendants."
Contact Information
The Wayne County Genealogical Society is a separate entity from the Wayne County Public Library, Genealogy and Local History Department.
- Contact information for the Wayne County Genealogical Society
- Wayne County Genealogical Society
- PO Box 856
- Wooster, OH 44691
- Email: waynecogs@gmail.com