Wayne County Democrat, Business Abstracts 1881
Wayne County Democrat Jan. 5, 1881
AM Glick, clothing store, SW side of square, old D Robison corner, OPF Risch manager.
National Baking Power sold at Kuhn Bros., McClarran and Caskey, JB Power, JD Price and OM Albright, JS Smuck.
National Bank of Wooster, capital surplus 63000, W Liberty Street.
Dr. JE Studebaker office #35 N Market Street.
General A Wiley has taken John C McClarran into partnership in practice of law.
Simeon Haley has opened a shoe store one door north of Baumgardner Music Store, SW side of square.
Don’t forget GB Seigenthaler Boots and Shoes across the street, one door east of McClarran and Caskey grocery, middle room Iron block.
McBride and Mulins, office Keefer Iron block, upstairs.
ES Dowell, office of TS Johnson’s bank, SW side of square.
George E Potter MD, office and residence North Street, 2nd door of N Market Street, opposite Episcopal Church.
Wayne County Democrat Jan. 12, 1881
CL Quimby, boots and shoes, successor to AB White, six doors east of the post office. I have sold my boot and shoe store to my clerk, CL Quimby- AB White on Jan. 10, 1881.
Selling out at cost to make a change in business, Powers Clothing Store, 19 SW side of square.
Rice Book Bindery, in the Downing block. Call and secure a bargain.
Wayne County Democrat Jan. 26, 1881
John Weber has retired from the Wooster Organ Works and moving to NY. The business will be conducted by Charles Weber under firm name Weber and Co..
Stove and tin ware at cost at SF Days ‘s store, one door east of Spears Furniture rooms, W Liberty Street.
Wayne County Democrat Jan. 13, 1881
- JH Carr
- DW Kimber, office Childs building, E Liberty Street, over Barrett and Ogden Clothing Store
- Aquila Wiley and John C McClarran, office east side N Market Street, three doors south of North Street.
- JW Woodsworth
- JR McKinney, office over Lucas and Wilner Shoe Store, SW side of square
- Wilson S. Orr
- Yocum and Taggart, SW side in Quimby building
- Isaac Johnson, SE side of square
- McSweeney and Parsons in Iron block
- B, SB and BF Eason in Zimmerman block, W Liberty Street
- McClure and Smyser
- Alfred J Thomas
- ES Dowell
- LQ Jeffries.
- MB McClure, office NE side of square, opposite the county buildings.
GB Seigenthaler, boots and shoes, two doors west of the court house.
J Hoffman and Son for sewing machines, office SW corner of square.
JH Reid, NE corner of square.
Wayne County Democrat Jan. 26, 1881
John Weber has retired from Wooster Organ Works and moved to NY. The business will be conducted by Charles Weber, henceforth to be Weber and Co.
Stoves and tin ware at SF Days store, one door east of Spears Furniture rooms, W Liberty Street.
Wayne County Democratic Feb. 3, 1881
Fire in Wooster on SW side of the public square, burnt out at loss of 30000. Incendiary in Wooster. The fire attacked buildings on the north , the flames from Powers store flashing up the brick wall of Kauke and Frost bank building and setting the cornice in a blaze. From thence under the tin roof among the wooden rafters, until over the top of the building was burning off and downward to the law office of Yocum and Taggart. West of this was a row of frame buildings which took fire in the rear and burned fast to the front. They were occupied by MC Rouch as law office. Mr. RH Johnson’s ladies store. Mrs. Hoffman’s sewing machine store. George Kettler’s shoe store; Bolas and Forker’s commission store. The residence of Mr. E Smithbrand family. Here the firemen and other citizens fought a stubborn battle with the flames to keep them from going into more valuable property and west and across a narrow alley. It was a success. The fire proceeded no further, not even burning the pine front walls of the building but destroying all the back and interior. Prominent in the work besides the firemen were noticed John Zimmerman, John Kauke, A Saybolt Jr., Henry S Childs and other citizens. The back of J Zimmerman and Co. building in which the Wayne Co. Democrat is located, was scorched. The nearest building on fire was only about 25 feet across the alley. By three o’clock, the fire was under complete control. By six o’clock, it was all over. The flames poured high lighting up everything as bright as day for one half mile around. The heat was intense shattering the glass and blistering the woodwork of the Germania building and Mrs. Clark’s Millinary Store across the street. There was no chance whatsoever to save Power Grocery Store or Geitgey China Store’s stock, the building being on fire all over almost from the start. The adjoining Brush Works of Foss and Swartz was soon in blaze as also was JA Hoeffler and Co. Cigar Manufactory, James Lee provision and feed store. The buildings were soon a total wreck and contents nearly all were destroyed. The pavement along Lucas, Wiler and E Chatelain Jewelry Store were strewn of goods of all kinds, which no doubt, some were stolen but not sufficient to make petty larceny. From JA Hoeffler Manufactory hundreds, perhaps thousand of cigars were taken out and disappeared but could no doubt be completely worthless to the market as they had been pretty well smoked by the fire.
Loss on insurance: EM Quimby on buildings loss 4000; JB Power and Son loss on stock 2500; Samuel Geitgey loss on stock and building 9000; JA Hoeffler and Co. loss 2500; Foss and Swartz loss on stock 9000; Adam Foss loss on building 2000; Mrs. P Hein loss on building 2000; James Lee loss 1500; Mrs. Hoffman loss 800; Rebecca H Johnston loss 600; JS Duden lost 50; Bolas and Forker loss 100; J Kettler lost 25; Yocum and Taggart loss 100; MC Rouch loss 100; E Smith loss on household goods 50; Beta Theta Phi college fraternity third story exchange bank building loss 300 with no insurance; Mr. Jep Emmons former proprietor of Buckeye Liberty Stable is in the city now a resident of Wellington. By the fire, two persons with JA Hoeffler and Co. were thrown out of employment and 15 employed by the Brush Works of Foss and Swartz. This is the third time in as many months that AA Carr, Central Hotel has been greatly endangered by fire. He will get insurance now as never having any heretofore. In consequence of the fire last week destroying his office, MC Rouch has moved his law office to the Downing block, NE corner of square, opposite county buildings. AJ Thomas worked to save his legal property from the fire. He moved all of his business in McKinney office adjoining rooms five feet distance across the hall on the same floor. We understand that Samuel Geitgey and Adam Foss will erect a brick building on their burnt out business to be a credit to those gentlemen. What WM Quimby will do on his other side is not known as he is not yet home from Pittsburgh. Public opinion strongly protests against any more pine box kindling wood buildings going up there.
Wayne County Democrat Feb. 16, 1881
Grand opening of Golden Corner Cash Store, AM Glick.
Mr. John Sorg has purchased of Mr. Frauman a building in which Belnap Book Store is located, price 5500.
Andrew McMonigal next Monday, will return to Wooster from Alliance taking all orders for furnaces and stoves. Leave orders at grocery store of Gus Miller on W Liberty Street or August Babb on E Liberty Street.
Wayne County Democrat July 31, 1881
The interior of the Wooster National Bank and Exchange building looks very handsome after having been decorated by the well known paper hanger CH Clark in Anglo Japanese style.
Wayne County Democrat Aug. 3, 1881
New front at old Brown corner, JS Bissell and Bro. #1ME.
Wayne County Democrat Aug. 10, 1881
Physicians same.
Chan Mans Chinese California Laundry on Diamond Alley, SW side of the square.
Rye whiskey, call on CB Baird and Son Drug Store, old stand of Newkirk and Liggett, sole agents for sale of Cedar Valley Rye Whiskey, C Bowman.
New foundry and machine shop, John Stevens and Co., successors to Redinger, Stevens and Co., manufacture of all kinds of castings, corner of Buckeye and North Streets.
Dr JS Green of late firm of Green and Liggett, now CB Baird and Son, has moved to Bedford, Cuyahoga County.
Grand spring opening of buggies and wagons at Wm H Banker, 21-29 E South Street, opposite J Frick’s warehouse.
Stoves at JW Maurer. New stove and tin store in Babbs building, E Liberty Street.
Wayne County Democrat Aug. 31, 1881
Luke Baumgardner is about to open a shoe store in part of room occupied by Pierson and King Clothing Store in American Hotel.
Wayne County Democrat Sept. 14, 1881
Merchants same.
Wayne County Democrat Dec. 7, 1881
Death of Wm A Harding, hardware merchant. He was 31 years, 5 months and 9 days old. He was born in Brooklyn in fall of 1876. He came to Wooster and in the company of Wm H Jones, bought Iron Block Hardware Store and about a year afterward, Mr. Jones retired and since that time, the business has been conducted with success by Mr. Harding.
Grand German ball at Geitgey’s new hall on S Market Street on Monday evening, Dec. 26th.
JC Moore, opposite Keefer Iron block, over hardware store, DD Miller and Co..
JW Baughman, office courthouse.
JR Woodsworth, in Childs building, upstairs, opposite post office, E Liberty Street.
Merchants and physicians same.
Wayne County Democrat Dec. 28, 1881
Next week CW McClure will move his store and tin store up the street to Geitgey’s new block, 1st door below Kauke and Frost.