Wayne County Democrat, Business Abstracts 1894

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Wayne County Democrat Jan. 3, 1894

Johnston and Taylor, D Nice block, rooms 1 and 2, E Liberty Street.

LR Critchfield and LR Critchfield Jr., office in Quimby block, SW side of the square.

John C McClarran, office over McClellan Book Store, E Liberty Street.

Ross W Funck, office over Harding and Co.Hardware.

AD Metz, over Andrew Massaro grocery, W Liberty Street.

SR Bonewitz, office and residence, W Liberty Street.

Benjamin Eason, office Zimmerman block, W Liberty Street.

SB Eason, over National Bank of Wooster, Zimmerman block, W Liberty Street.

WF Kean, over McClarran Grocery Store, W Liberty Street.

TW Peckinpaugh, office 39 N Market Street.

CA Reider, office E side of the square, over Shibley Jewerly Store.

Dr. JW Stoll and GW Ryall, 1 door N of the courthouse.

Dr. HA Hart, office and residence N Market Street, opposite the new Lutheran Church.

Dr. CA Lerch, office over Harding and Co. Hardware.

Dr. JG McCoy, office over Laubach and Boyd Drugstore, SE side of square.

Dr. WT Barnes, office and residence at the corner of Buckeye and Larwill Streets.

Extra copies of the Democrat can be located at Miller News Depot opposite the Post Office.

A Ellsperman on the public square.

Mr. Wellington Metz is duly authorized to collect and scilicet for the Wayne County Democrat.

VL Spotts of Canton, last Wednesday made an assignment of stock of goods in Downing block in Wooster and of his stock of similar kind in Canton consists of 7500 goods and 5500 liabilities. John F Barrett, John Wilhelm and Perry Miller were appointed appraisers of the Wooster store.

DL Freedlander, Buffalo One Price Clothing House, 2 doors E of Zimmerman Drugstore, W Liberty Street.

E Chatelaiain jewelry Store, SW side of the square.

Cloaks for sale at Oberholser, Crouse and Co..

WH Sichley, leading clothier.

Boots and shoes at WH Wiler.

WO Beebe, novelties and staple goods, 4 E Liberty Street, next to the corner.

Corsets for sale. Mrs. VF Miller dressmaking, Downing block, NE side of the square.

Special sale of 100 pair of old ladies shoes at 1.00. Hat and Shoe Store.

Hoelzel and Kaltwasser, SE side of the square.

WC National Bank capital and surplus 125000, Jacob Frick, president.

Wayne County Democrat July 4, 1894




  • Our July clearing sale gets and furnishing goods at the Buffalo One price clothing house, W Liberty Street, DL Freedlander.
  • Go to George and Mougey for coats and the best boy’s and children’s clothing store, Frick Memorial block, W Liberty Street.
  • D. Nice store, E Liberty Street.
  • JH Bush shoes for less money on the public square.
  • WC Beebe, 2nd door from the square, 4 E Liberty Street.
  • WH Wiler, boots and shoes.
  • WHH Sichley clothing store.
  • Hoelzel and Kaltwasser, SE side of the square.

Wayne County Democrat Dec. 12, 1894

Attorneys and Physicians same.

DL Freedlander store, Buffalo One, price clothing house, W Liberty Street.

WHH Sichley.

Removal sale of Mrs. Wm Robertson shoes, reduction of mens shoes to the actual costs.

Baking malasses at Craighead and Co., London House, SE corner.

Helzel and Kattwasser, SE side of the square.

Gisela Clothing Co..

George and Mougey, Frick memorial block, W Liberty Street.

McClure and Hinton, SW corner of the square.

Harry McClarran grocery store, porceline and dinner sets for sale.

WO Beebe, 2 doors from the square, 4 E Liberty Street.

Wm A Routson, formerly Siegenthaler Shoe Store, Frick block, W Liberty Street.

WH Wiler boots and shoes, W Liberty Street.