Transcription of Religious Societies, Part 2, Pages 76-100
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Page 76
- The State of Ohio Stark County SS
- I John Myers Clerk of the Court
- { Seal } of Common Pleas within & for said cou
- nty of Stark do hereby certify that at the November
- Term of said Court begun and held at the Court
- house in Canton on the Third day of November
- eighteen hundred and thirty four the Court having
- been satisfied that David Weimer is a regular
- ordained Minister of the Gospel of the denomination
- commonly called the United Brethren in Christ
- It was then and there ordered by the said Court
- that the said David Weimer should receive a
- License to Solemnize Marriages within the State
- of Ohio so long as he shall continue such regular
- minister which is hereby done accordingly
- In Testimony Where I hereto subscribe
- my name and affix the Seal of said
- Court at Canton this 3d day of November
- 1834 Jno Myers Clerk
- The State of Ohio } Be it remembered that at a
- Richland County SS } the November Term AD
- { Seal } 1841 of the Court of Common
- Pleas within & for the county of Richland in the State
- of Ohio begun and held at the Court house in the
- Town of Mansfield within & for said county on
- the eighth day of November AD 1841 the following
- order was made Viz "On motion and it appearing
- to the satisfaction of the Court that David Reed is
- a regularly ordained minister of the Gospel of the
- denomination usually called the Associate Reform
- ed Presbyterians it is ordered that a license be gr
- anted to him authorizing him to Solemnize marriages
- within the State so long as he shall continue such
- regular minister of the Gospel
- In Testimony whereof
- I have here unto Set my Signature & affixed the
- Seal of said Court at Mansfield this 12th day
- of November 1841 E.W. Lake Clerk
- for Barnabas Burns dep.
Page 77
- The State of Ohio Medina County SS
- To all persons Greeting
- { Seal } Be it known that at the October Term
- of the Court of Common Pleas AD 1841 of Medina
- County the Revd. Hiram Vaughn proved to the
- satisfaction of the Court that he was a regularly
- ordained minister of the "free will babtist church
- whereupon license is hereby granted to the said
- Hiram Vaughn to Solemnize Marriages within
- the State of Ohio so long as he shall continue
- such regularly ordained minister
- In Testimony whereof I hereunto sign my name
- and affix the Seal of the Court of Common Pleas
- at Medina this 6th day of October AD 1841
- William N Pardee Clerk
- State of Ohio Jefferson County SS
- To all to whom these presents shall come
- { Seal } Be it known that at a Court of Com
- mon Pleas begun and held at Steubenville
- within & for the county of Jefferson aforesaid on
- the 25th day of August AD 1823 Daniel
- Rahouser a regularly Minister in the dutch
- Reformed Church made application for authority
- to solemnize Marriages And the Court being
- satisfied that he is a regularly ordained Minis
- ster & did thereupon order that he be licensed
- for the purpose aforesaid Thereupon I John {Surname|Patterson}}
- Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas aforesaid
- by virtue of the authority vested in me by the laws
- of the State and the aforesaid order do here by auth
- orize the said Rahouser to solemnize marriages
- within the State of Ohio so long as he may remain
- a regular minister in said Church
- In Testimony
- whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed
- the seal of said Court at Steubenville the
- 26th day of August AD 1823
- John Patterson Clerk
Page 78
- The State of Ohio Holmes County SS
- To all whom these presents
- shall come Greeting.
- Know ye that in pur=
- =suance of an order of the Court of
- Common Pleas made at the Term
- thereof begun and holden at the
- Court House in Millersburgh
- within and for the said County of
- Holmes on Monday the 25th day
- of March A.D. 1833 before the
- Hon. Alexander Harper President
- Judge of the fourth Judicial circuit
- in Ohio and the Hon. Seth Hunt
- Thomas Ligget and Samuel Shane
- his associate Judges of said Court
- in and for said County of Holmes.
- Joseph S Wylie, a regular
- licensed minister of the Gospel
- in the Presbyterian Church is
- hereby authorized and empowered
- to Solemnize marriages within said
- State of Ohio, so long as he shall
- continue a regular minister in
- said Church requiring of him
- an observance of all the laws
- of said State that now are or
- thereafter may be in force regula=
- =ting marriages within the Same-
- { Seal } In testimony of the above
- I hereto Sign my name and
- affix my seal of office at Millers
- =burgh the 24th day of April A.D.
- 1833-
- R.K. Enos Clerk
- Recorded the above license Aug.
- 18th, 1842 S.S. Lorah clk
Page 79
- The State of Ohio }
- Stark County SS } Court of Common Pleas
- of said county at the Novem
- { Seal } ber Term thereof to wit on the
- 17th day of November AD 1841
- John Hamilton }
- License to Marry } On motion and it appearing
- to the Court that John Hamilton is a regu
- lar ordained minister of the Gospel of the
- denomination usually called "Lutheran"
- It is ordered that a License be granted
- to him authorizing him to Solemnize marr
- iages within this State so long as he shall
- continue such regular minister
- In Testimony that the above is
- truly copied from the Journal of
- said Court I hereto subscribe my
- name and affix the Seal of said
- Court at Canton this 11th day of
- April A.D. 1842
- Harmon Stidger Clk
- By Aepheus Brown Dp Clk
- The State of Ohio } Be it known that at the term
- Huron County SS } of October AD 1841 of the Court
- of Common Pleas in and for said
- { Seal } county of Huron License was
- granted to the Revd William B Disbro an ordained
- Minister of the Gospel of the denomination of Meth
- odist Episcopal Church in good and regular stan
- ding to solemnize Marriages in the State of Ohio
- agreeably to the Statute in such case made and
- provided so long as should maintain such regular
- standing. In Testimony whereof I hereunto
- subscribe my name and affix the Seal of said
- Court at Norwalk this 29th day of October
- AD 1841 P Alling Clerk H.C.P.
Page 80
- The State of Ohio Tuscarawas County SS
- Court of Common Pleas
- Be it Remembered that at the March Term
- AD 1841 of said Court John McNabb hav
- ing produced credentials of his being a regular
- ordained minister of the Gospel of the denom
- ination usually called Episcopal Methodists
- was the by Court authorized to Solemnize
- marriages within the State of Ohio agreeably
- to the laws thereof so log as he shall continue
- such regular minister
- Witness my Signature and the Seal
- { Seal } of said Court at New Phildelphia
- this 12th day of April AD 1841
- John English Dep clerk
- The State of Ohio Mercer County SS
- To all to whom these presents shall come
- Greeting
- Be it Known that License is hereby
- given to the Reverend Henry Warner as a
- regularly ordained Minister of the Methoidest
- Episcopal church to Solemnize Marriages
- within the State of Ohio according to the
- laws thereof by order of the Court of Common
- Pleas of Nov 13 1840
- In Testimony whereof I have hereun
- to set my hand and affixed my offi
- cial Seal at Celina the 6th day of
- January AD 1841
- James Watson Riley Clerk
Page 81
- The State of Holmes County SS
- to all to whom these presents shall come
- Greeting
- Know ye that at the Term of the Court
- of Common Pleas begun and held at the Court
- house in Millersburg within & for said county
- on Monday the 16th day of May AD 1842
- Present as Judges the Honl Jacob Parker
- President of the 11th Judicial Circuit in said State &
- the Honorable Peter Croco Jacob Vorhes & Thomas
- Arnold his Associates in and for said Holmes
- County. On motion and it appearing to the
- satisfaction of the Court that Richard D Em
- Emerson was a regular ordained Minister of the
- Gospel of the denomination usually called
- Evangelical Lutheran It was ordered that
- License be granted to him authorizing him to
- solemnize marriage within this State so long
- as he shall continue a regular Minister in said
- church Therefore he the said Richard
- D Emerson is hereby authorized and licensed to
- solemnize marriages between those applying
- to him for that purpose within said State of Ohio
- and who by the Laws of said State may be legally
- Joined in marriage so long as he shall remain
- a regular minister in said church
- In Testimony whereof I hereto sign
- { Seal } my name & affix the Seal of said
- Court at Millersburg the 1st day of
- July AD 1842 R.K. Enos clerk
- At a Court of Common Pleas begun
- and held at the Court House in the town of
- Mansfield within & for the County of Richland
- in the State of Ohio on the seventh day of November
- AD 1842 Present the Honorable Jacob Parker
- President Judge of said Court & Francis
- Andrews William S Granger & Hugh Gamble
- his Associates the following license was gran
- ted to wit
- In the matter of Abraham }
- H Ilgers an ordained }
- Minister } On motion to the Court
- it is ordered that license be granted to the
- Reverend Abraham H Ilgers a regular ordained
- minister of the English Evangelical Lutheran
Page 82
- church to Solemnize marriages within the
- State of Ohio so long as he continues such reg
- ular minister
- the State of Ohio Richland county SS
- I E W Lake clerk of the Court
- { Seal } of Common Pleas within & for
- the county of Richland do hereby certify the
- foregoing to be truly copied from the Journal
- of said Court
- Given under my Signature and
- the seal of said Court at Mansfield this 9th
- day of November AD 1842
- E W Lake clerk
- By Barnabas Burns depty
- The State of Ohio Coshocton County SS
- [ Seal } Court of Common Pleas
- April Term A.D. 1838
- The Rev. Seely
- Bloomer, having produced to
- the Court satisfactory evidence
- of his being a regular ordained
- Minister of the Methodist Protes
- =tant Church, is thereupon duly
- licensed to Solemnize marriages
- in the State of Ohio so long as he
- continues such minister, pursuant
- to the Statute in such case made
- & provided.
- In testimony that the fore=
- =going is a true copy from the Journal
- of the Court of Common Pleas of
- Coshocton County I have hereunto
- set my name and affixed the
- Seal of said Court this 23rd day
- of November A.D. 1842
- Wilson McGowan Dep Clk
- recorded Decr 20th 1842
Page 83
- The State of Ohio }
- Stark County SS } License is here=
- =by granted to the Revd. Louis De
- De Goesbriand to solemnize marriages
- within the State of Ohio so long
- as he shall continue a regular
- minister of the Gospel of the
- denomination usually called
- "Roman Catholic"
- { Seal } Given under my hand and
- the Seal of the Court of Com
- =mon Pleas of Stark County
- by order of said Court,
- this 16th day of November
- A.D. 1840.
- James P. Brown Dept Clerk
- Recorded Decr. 24th 1842
- State of Ohio }
- Hamilton County } SS
- To all to whom these presents
- shall come Greeting:
- Know ye, that by the Court of
- Common Pleas now in session within
- and for the said County of Hamilton
- State aforesaid, the Reverend Maurice
- Howard a duly ordained Priest
- of the Roman Catholic Church actu=
- ally engaged in the Ministry of the
- same, in this City is licensed to Solemnize
- Marriages according to law so long as
- he shall continue such priest.
- In testimony whereof I have
- { Seal } hereunto set my hand and
- affixed the seal of said Court
- at Cincinnati, this 13th day of
- December A.D. 1842
- I.W. Piatt Clerk H.C.P.
- by R.B. Warden ______
- recorded Decr. 27, 1842-
Page 84
- The State of Ohio Franklin County SS
- At a Court of Common Pleas contin
- ued and held at the Court house in the City
- of Columbus within & for said County of Fra
- nklin on the twenty fifth day of September in
- the year of our Lord one thousand eight hund
- red & thirty five
- Present
- The Honl Joseph R Swan President Judge
- Samuel G Flenniken }
- William McElvain } Esqrs Associate
- Avery Battles } Judges
- Andrew McElvaine Sheriff & A.I. McDowell clk
- Among the records and proceedings of said Court
- were the following to wit
- Be it remembered that on this twenty fifth
- day of September in the year of our Lord eighteen
- hundred and thirty five On motion and it
- appearing to the satisfaction of the Court here
- that Saml S. Klein is a regularly ordained
- minister of the gospel of the denomination usu
- ally called German Lutheran it is ordered
- that he be and he hereby is authorized to Sol
- emnize marriages within the State of Ohio so
- long as he shall remain such regularly ordained
- minister
- The State of Ohio Franklin County SS
- I Abram I McDowell clerk of the
- { Seal } Court of Common Pleas of said Coun
- ty certify the foregoing is taken and truly copied
- from the records of said Court
- Witness my hand & the Seal of said Court
- this 26th day of October AD 1835
- A.I. McDowell
Page 85
- The State of Ohio }
- Monroe county SS } Court of Common Pleas
- at the March Term 1831
- { Seal } Upon application of Rev'd John
- Reed for License to solemnize the
- rite of Matrimony and it appearing to the satisfaction
- of the Court that the said Reed is an ordained Elder
- in the church of Christ or God and that as such he off
- iciates in a regular congregation in this county do
- order that License issue to the said Rev'd for that purpose
- so long as he shall remain a regular Minister of said
- church
- In Testimony whereof I Robert F Naylor clerk
- of the said Court have hereunto my name and
- affixed the Seal of said Court at Woodsfield the 9th day
- of April AD 1831 Robert F Naylor clerk
- The State of Ohio Cuyahoga County SS
- Be it remembered that at the March
- { Seal } Term of the Court of Common Pleas
- held at Cleveland in said county on
- the 17th day of March in the year one thousand eight
- hundred and thirty five It appearing to the Judges
- of said Court that Bezaleel Hill is a regular ordai
- ned Minister of the Gospel of the denomination
- usually called Babtests It is ordered that a
- License be granted to the said Bezaleel Hill authoriz
- ing him to solemnize marriages within this State
- so long as he shall remain such Minister
- Therefore by virtue of the aforesaid order of said
- Court Licenses hereby granted to the said
- Bezaleel Hill to solemnize marriages within this
- State so long as he shall remain such Minister
- In Testimony whereof I hereunto sign my name &
- affix the Seal of the said Court at Cleveland afores
- aid in the county aforesaid this 31st day of March
- in the year aforesaid
- Henry G Welden Dp clerk
Page 86
- The State of Ohio } To all to whom it may
- Richland county SS } concern Greeting
- Be it known that at a Court
- { Seal } of Common Pleas begun and
- held at Mansfield in said
- county on the 22d day of April AD 1839 The
- Revd Isaac Bloomer produced satisfactory evid
- ence to the Court that he was a regularly ordai
- ned Minister of the Gospel of the denomination
- usually called the "Regular Babtist church"
- It was therefore ordered by the Court that a
- License be granted him authorizing him to sole
- mnize marriages within this State so long as he
- shall continue such regular Minister
- In Testimony whereof I have hereunto set my
- signature and affixed the Seal of our said court
- at Mansfield this 10th day of May AD 1839
- John H. Cox Depty clerk
- The State of Ohio }
- Richland County SS } Be it remembered
- that on the ninth day
- of the Nov Term A.D. 1840 of the Court
- of Common Pleas within and for the
- County of Richland and State afore
- =said. Among other things the following
- proceedings were had to wit:
- On motion and it appearing
- to the satisfaction of the Court from the
- Evidence of the Rev James Rowland
- that James W. Knott is a regularly ordain
- =ed minister of the Gospel of the Denom
- =ination usually called Presbyterians -
- It is therefore ordered that
- a license be issued to the said James
- W. Knott authorizing him to Solemnize
- Marriages within this State so long as
- he shall continue such regular ordained
- Minister of the Gospel -
- { Seal } In testimony whereof I have
- hereunto set my signature
- & seal of office at Mansfield this 12th
- day of November A.D. 1840
- Recorded Aug 22 1843 E.W. Lake Clerk
- By Barnabas Burns Dept.
Page 87
- At a Court of Common Pleas begun
- and held at the Court House on the Town of
- Canton within and for the County of Stark
- and State of Ohio on Monday the 18th day
- of April A.D. 1842
- "On motion and it appearing to the
- Court that David Kaemmerer is a regular
- Ordained minister of the Gospel of the
- "German Reformed denomination". It is
- ordered that a license issue to him author
- =izing him to Solemnize marriages within
- this State so long as he shall continue
- such a regular minister"
- { Seal } In testimony whereof I have
- hereunto subscribed my name
- and affix the seal of our said
- Court, this 28th Decr. A.D. 1842
- H. Stidger Clerk
- Recorded Aug 29, 1843
- The State of Ohio Cuyahoga County SS
- { Seal } License is hereby granted to the
- Rev. C. I. Abbott of said County
- a regular Minister of the Gospel of the de=
- =nomination usually called Presbyterians to
- solemnize Marriages within said State of
- Ohio so long as he shall remain such
- regular Minister in pursuance of an
- Order of the Court of Common Pleas
- of said County made at the April term
- thereof A.D. 1839
- Attest my hand and the seal of said
- Court at Cleveland this 9th day of
- Ma_ A.D. 1839.
- H. Rice Clerk
- Recorded Sept. 5th 1843.
Page 88
- The State of Ohio Holmes County SS
- To all to whom these presents shall come
- Greeting
- Know ye that at the Term of the
- Court of Common Pleas begun and held at
- the Court House in Millersburg within & for
- said Holmes County on Monday the 12th to
- wit on tuesday the 13th day of September AD
- 1842
- On motion & it appearing to the satisfaction
- of the Court that Philo M Sample was a regu
- lar ordained Minister of the Gospel of the den
- omination usually called "Presbyterians"
- It was ordered that License be granted to him
- authorizing him to solemnize marriages
- within this State so long as he shall continue
- a regular minister in said church Therefore
- he the said Philo M Sample is hereby authori
- zed & Licensed to solemnize marriages between
- those applying to him for that purpose within this
- state & who by the laws of said State may be lega
- lly joined in marriage so long as he shall con
- tinue a regular minister in said church
- In Testimony of the above I hereto
- sign my name & affix the seal of
- { Seal } said Court at Millersburg the 10th
- day of October AD 1842
- R K Enos clerk
- of said court
- The State of Ohio Cuyahoga County SS
- Licenses hereby granted to the
- Rev Allen A Guernsey of said
- county a regular minister of the gos
- pel of the denomination usually called
- Babtists to solemnize marriages within said State
- of Ohio so long as he shall remain such regular
- Minister in pursuance of an order of the Court
- of Common Pleas of said county made at the Sep
- tember Term thereof AD 1841
- Attest my hand and the Seal of said Court at
- Cleveland this 6th day of September AD 1843
- Ad Clark Dept clerk
- c.P.
Page 89
- The State of Ohio
- Richland County SS Be it remembered
- that at the April Term
- { Seal } AD 1836 of Common Pleas with
- in and for the County of Richland
- the following order was entered upon the
- records of said Court viz: On motion
- and it appearing to the satisfaction of
- the Court that George Leiter is a regularly
- ordained minister of the Gospel of the
- denomination usually called Evangelical
- Lutheran - It is ordered that a License
- be granted to him to solemnize mariages
- within this State so long as he shall con=
- =tinue such regular minister. License
- is therefore hereby granted in pur
- =suance of said order. Given under
- my signature and the seal of said
- Court at Mansfield this 30th day
- of November 1843 - E.W. Lake clerk
- B. Burnes Dept
- At a Court of Common Pleas begun
- and held at the Court House in the Town of
- New Philadelphia within and for the County
- of Tuscarawas and State of Ohio on Monday
- the fifth day of June A.D. 1843. Among other
- proceedings then and there had and held
- are the following to wit:
- "On motion and it appearing to
- the satisfaction of the Court that John E.
- McGaw is a regularly ordained Minister of
- the Gospel of the denomination usually called
- United Brethren. It is ordered that a license
- issue to him authorizing him to Solemnize
- marriages within this State so long as he
- shall continue such regular Minister".
- In testimony that the foregoing is truly
- { Seal } taken from the Journal of the pro=
- =ceedings of said Court. I hereto sub=
- =scribe my name and affix the Seal of our
- said Court at New Philadelphia in said County
- this 13th day of October A.D. 1843.
- Recorded Decr 8th } Chas. H. Mitchener Clerk
- 1843 - } By Jas. P. Brown Dept
Page 90
- The State of Ohio }
- Lucas County SS } Be it remembered that at
- a session of the Court of Com
- { Seal } =mon Pleas in and for said
- County, held at the Court House in the City
- of Toledo on the 28th day of October A.D.
- 1839. On motion, and it appearing to the
- satisfaction of the Court that Austria
- Coleman is a regular ordained Deacon
- in the Methodist Episcopal Church
- It is ordered that a License be granted
- to him authorizing him to Solemnize
- Marriages within this State so long as he
- shall continue such regular Deacon.
- Now therefore be it known that License
- is hereby granted in conformity to the
- above order under such regulations
- and restrictions as are prescribed by
- Law.
- In testimony whereof I have here
- =unto set my hand, and affixed the seal
- of my office at the City of Toledo the day
- and year first above written
- James Myers clerk
- Recorded Decr 16, 1843
- The State of Ohio Richland County SS
- At a Court of Common
- Pleas begun & held at Mansfield in
- said County, on the 8th day of Nov-
- 1841 - Present the Hon'r. Jacob Parker
- President Judge of said Court & Francis
- Andrews, Jesse Edgington & Wm S.
- Granger his associate Judges -
- The Rev'd. George Wolf, a regu
- =lar ordained Minister of the Gospel
- of the denomination usually called the
- Evangelical Lutheran Synod of Ohio
- appeared in open Court and produced
- satisfactory evidence to the Court that
- he is a regular ordained minister in
- said Church. Whereupon it is order
- =ed by the Court that he be Licensed to
- solemnize marriages in this State.
Page 91
- so long as he shall remain such
- regular minister of the Gospel -
- { Seal } In testimony whereof I have
- hereunto set my signature
- and affixed the Seal of our said
- Court at Mansfield this 4th April
- A.D. E.W. Lake Clerk
- Recorded Decr. 20th 1843
- The State of Ohio }
- Richland County SS } Be it remember that
- at the August Term A.D.
- { Seal } 1843 of the Court of Common
- Pleas begun and held at the Court House in
- the Town of Mansfield within and for
- said County on the fourteenth day of said
- month, the following order was entered
- on the Journals of said Court, viz "On
- motion and it appearing to the satisfaction
- of the Court that Jesse Schlosser is a
- regulalry ordained Minister of the Gospel
- of the denomination usually called The
- German Reformed Church. It is ordered
- that a license be granted to him authorizing
- him to solemnize marriages within this
- State so long as he shall continue such
- regular minister.
- In testimony whereof I have hereunto
- set my hand and affixed the seal of
- said Court at Mansfield this 13th
- day of October A.D. 1843.
- E.W. Lake Clerk
- __ Barnabas Burns Dept.
- Recorded January 3rd 1844
Page 92
- The State of Ohio
- Richland County SS } Be it remembered that
- { Seal } at the November Term A.D.
- 1843 of the Court of Common
- Please within and for the
- County of Richland in the State of Ohio
- begun and held at the Court house in
- the Town of Mansfield within and for
- said County of Richland on the 6th day
- of November A.D. 1843 the following
- License was granted viz: On motion
- and it appearing to the satisfaction of the
- Court that David Pechin is a regularly
- ordained Elder of the Gospel of the denomina
- =tion usually called Wesleyan Methodists
- It is ordered that a License be granted
- to him authorizing him to Solemnize mar
- =riages within the State of Ohio so long
- as he shall continue such regular min=
- =ister. License is therefore hereby granted
- him in pursuance of the above order -
- In Witness whereof I have here=
- =unto set mt signature and affixed the
- Seal of said Court at Mansfield this
- 23rd day of November A.D. 1843
- E.W. Lake Clerk
- By B. Burns Dept.
- Recorded January 6th 1844
- Be it remembered that at the August
- Term of the Court of Common Pleas begun
- and held at the Court House in Carrollton
- within and for the County of Carroll begun
- and held on Monday the 14th day of Au=
- =gust Anno Domini one thousand eight
- hundred and thirty seven before the Hon.
- Geo. W. Belden President, Geo. Davis
- Geo. Reynolds & Robert George Esquires
- associate Judges of said Court in said
- County -
- Among the records of the pro-
- =ceedings of said Court is the following
Page 93
- The Samuel Moody came into Court
- and on motion, and it appearing to
- the satisfaction of the Court here, that the
- Revd Samuel Moody is a regular
- ordained minister of the Gospel in the
- Presbyterian Church. It is ordered
- that a license be granted to him au=
- =thorizing him to Solemnize marriage
- within this State so long as he shall remain
- such regular minister -
- Therefore License is hereby
- granted unto the said Samuel Moody
- to solemnize marriage throughout this
- State so long as he remains a regular
- minister of the Presbyterian Church
- { Seal } Witness the Hon Geo. W. Belden
- President of our said Court at Carrollton
- this the 14th day of August Anno Domini
- 1837 Daniel M Cook
- Recorded January } Clerk
- 27th A.D. 1844 }
- The State of Ohio Medina County SS
- In pursuance of an order of the Court
- { Seal } of common Pleas of the county of Medina
- made at their February Term thereof
- AD 1838 License is here by granted to Thos B
- Fairchild a minister of the gospel of the denomin
- ation of The Protestant Episcopal church to
- solemnize marriages within the State of Ohio so
- long as he shall continue a regularly ordained
- minister of the gospel as aforesaid.
- In Testimony
- whereof I hereunto sign my name & affix the Seal
- of the Court of common Pleas aforesaid at Med
- ina this 20th day of February AD
- Wm N Pardee clerk P.T.
- Recorded May 10th AD 1844
Page 94
- The State of Ohio Summit County SS
- { Seal } In pursuance of an order of the
- Court of Common Pleas of the County
- of Summit, made at their May term A.D.
- 1844. License is hereby granted to Edward
- H. Wood "a Preacher of the Gospel of
- Jesus Christ Among the United Brethern"
- to solemnize marriages in the State of
- Ohio so long as he shall continue
- regularly ordained preacher as
- aforesaid.
- In testimony whereof I have
- hereunto subscribed my name and
- affixed the Seal of said Court this 22nd
- day of May A.D. 1844
- Lucian Swift Clerk
- Recorded May 29th 1844
- The State of Ohio }
- Harrison County SS } Court of Common Pleas
- { Seal } August term A.D. 1839
- To all to whom these
- presents shall come Greeting. Know ye
- that the Rev.d James White minister of the
- Gospel in the Methodist Episcopal Church
- having this day mad application to the Court
- of Common Pleas now in session in
- and for said county at their August term
- A.D. 1839 for a license to solemnize Mar=
- =iages within said State of Ohio and on
- such application having produced creden=
- =tials of his being a regular ordained minister
- of said Church, and having produced
- evidence of his officiating as such within
- said County, said Court do grant unto
- him the said James White a license
- authorizing him to solemnize marriages with=
- =in said State of Ohio, under the provisions of
- the Statute in such case made & provided
- so long as he shall continue such regular
- minister in said Methodist Episcopal Church
- In testimony whereof I Thomas C Vincent
- Clerk of said Court of Common Pleas have
- hereunto set my hand and affixed
Page 95
- the seal of said Court at Cadiz this
- Thirteenth day of August A.D. 1839.
- Thomas C. Vincent Clerk
- Recorded May 29, 1844
- The State of Ohio Richland County SS
- Be it Remembered that the
- { Seal } April term AD 1844 of the Court of
- Common Pleas in and for said county W. N.
- Stearns a regularly ordained Minister of
- the Gospel of the denomination usually called
- Babtists made application for License to
- solemnize marriages within this State
- Whereupon the Court order that License be
- granted to the said W. N. Stearns to solem
- =nize marriages within the State of Ohio so
- long as he shall remain such regularly ordai
- ned minister of the Gospel
- In Testimony
- Whereof I here unto Set my hand and affixed
- the Seal of said Court at Mansfield this
- 27th day of April AD 1844
- Barnabas Burns Dept
- clerk
- Recorded July 10 1844
- The State of Ohio Wood Wood Common Pleas
- { Seal } I John Webb Clerk of the Court of
- Common Pleas within & for the county of Wood
- aforesaid do hereby certify that at a Court of Com-
- mon Pleas begun & held for said County on the
- 19th day of October A.D. 1840 On motion and it
- appearing to the satisfaction of the court that
- Rolla H Chubb is a regularly ordained Min
- ister of the Gospel of the Methodist Episcopal
- Church. It was therefore ordered that a License
- be granted to the said Rolla H Chubb to solem
- nize marriages so long as he shall continue
- such regular ordained Minister in said Church
- which is hereby granted accordingly.
- In Witness where of I have here unto set my
- hand and affixed the seal of said Court at
- Perrysburgh in said County this 19th day of Nov
- ember A.D. 1840
- John Webb Clerk
- Recorded Sept 16th 1844
Page 96
- The State of Ohio Holmes County SS
- To all to whom these presents shall come Greeting
- Know ye that at the term of the Court of Common Pleas
- begun and held at the Court house in Millersburg
- within and for said County on Monday the 12th day
- of September AD 1842
- "On Motion and it appearing to the Satisfac
- tion of the Court that Edward R Jewett was a
- regular ordained Minister of the Gospel of the denom
- ination usually called the Methodist Episcopal
- Church. It was ordered that License be
- granted to him Authorizing him to Solemnize
- Marriages within this State so long as he shall
- continue a regular Minister in said church"
- Therefore he the said Edward R Jewett
- is hereby authorized and Licensed to Solemnize
- Marriages between those applying to him for
- that purpose within this State, and who by
- the laws of said State may legally be joined
- in Marriage so long as he shall remain a
- regular Minister in said church.
- In Testimony of the above I hereto sign
- { Seal } my name and affix the seal of said
- court at Millersburgh the Sixth day
- of October A.D. 1842
- R.K. Enos clerk
- Recorded September 17, 1844
- The State of Ohio }
- Richland County SS } I Elijah W. Lake clerk
- of the Court of Common
- Pleas within and for the County & State afore
- =said do hereby certify that at the term of
- August A.D. 1844 of said Court the Reverend
- Edward S. Grumley a regularly ordained
- Minister of the Gospel of the Methodist Episco
- =pal Church was duly Licensed to solem
- =nize marriages within the State of Ohio
- so long as he shall continue such regularly
- ordained Minister of the Gospel as aforesaid
- { Seal } In testimony whereof I have here
- =unto subscribed my name and
- affixed the seal of said Court Done at the
- clerks office in Mansfield this 30th day of
- August A.D. 1844. E.W. Lake clerk
- By B. Burns Dept.
- recorded Oct. 14, 1844
Page 97
- At a Court of Common Pleas began and held at
- the Court house in the town of Canton within and for
- the County of Stark and State of Ohio on Monday the
- fifteenth day of April Eighteen hundred & forty four
- present
- Hon. John Pearce Pres't Judge
- John W. Greenwood
- Samuel Schrantz } associate Judges
- John Brandon Sheriff Harman Stidger clerk
- In the record & proceedings of said court among
- other things are the following to wit
- On motion and it appearing to the satisfaction of the
- court that John B Bash is a regularly ordained
- minister of the gospel of the denomination usually
- called "United Brethren in Christ" It is ordered
- that a License be granted to him authorizing him
- to Solemnize Marriages within this State so long as
- he shall continue such regular Minister of
- the gospel"
- { Seal } In testimony whereof I hereto sign my
- name and affix the seal of said Court
- the 15th day of April 1844
- Thos Goodman Dptclk
- Recorded Oct 23rd 1844
- At a Court of Common Pleas begun and held
- at the Court House in the Town of Canton within
- & for the County of Stark and State of Ohio
- on Monday the ninth day of November Anno
- Domini 1835 Were present
- The honorable Jeremiah H Hallock President Judge
- Jacob Hosteter
- John Everhard & } Esqr Associate
- Eli Sowers Judges
- George N Webb Esq Shff John Myers clerk
- In the record of proceedings of said Court then
- and there had were the following to wit
- On Motion and it appearing to the satisfaction
- of the Court that James McGow is a regular or-
- dained Minister of the Gospel of the denomination
- usually called United brethren of Christ. It is
- ordered that a License be granted to him author
- izing him to solemnize Marriages within this
- State so long as he shall continue such
- regular Minister which is hereby done accordingly
- In testimony that the foregoing is truly
- { Seal } taken from the record of the proceedings
- of said Court of Common Pleas
Page 98
- I hereto set my hand and affix the deal of said
- Court this fourteenth day of November AD 1835
- Jno Myers Clerk
- Recorded Nov. 13th 1844
- The State of Ohio } At a term of the Court of Common
- Portage County SS } Pleas for said County begin and
- { Seal } } held at the Court House in the Town
- of Ravenna on the twenty sixth day of September A.D.
- 1837 the Rev'd E.J. Kinney of said County presented to
- the Court satisfactory credentials of his being a regular
- ordained Minister of the Gospel in the Methodist Episco
- pal Church and moved the Court to grant him a
- License to Solemnize marriages whereupon it was
- ordered by the court that such license be issued to
- the said applicant.
- Now therefore Know all men by these presents that the said
- E.J. Kinney is hereby Licensed in the pursuance of the
- order aforesaid to solemnize Marriages throughout
- the State of Ohio so long as he shall remain such
- Minister. In Testimony whereof I have hereunto
- set my hand and affixed the seal of said Court
- at Ravenna this second day of November on the
- Year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred
- and thirty seven
- Horace Y. Beebe Deputy Clerk
- of the Court of Common Pleas
- of Portage County Ohio
- Recorded January 15th 1845
- The State of Ohio }
- Hamilton County SS } To all whom these presents shall
- { Seal } } come Greeting:
- Be it Known that by the
- Court of Common Pleas of the County aforesaid
- License and permission is hereby granted unto
- Cornelius Dailey a regularly ordained Priest
- of the Catholic Church to solemnize marriages
- in the State of Ohio agreeably to the provisions
- of the Statute in such case made and
- provided.
- In testimony whereof I have here
- unto set my hand and affixed the seal
- of said Court at Cincinnati this 28th
- day of May Anno Domini 1844
- J. M McMaster Clk P.T.H.C.CP
- Recorded January 29th 1845
Page 99
- The State of Ohio }
- Wood County SS } Wood Common Pleas
- { Seal } June Term A.D. 1838
- On motion and it appearing to the satis
- faction of the court that Leonard Parker is a reg
- ularly ordained minister of the gospel of the
- denominations of Christians called "Methodists
- Episcopal"
- It is ordered that a license be granted to
- the said Leonard Parker to solemnize marri
- age within this county, so long as he shall con
- tinue such regular ordained minister in
- the said denomination of the "Methodist
- Episcopal church" Now therefore License
- is hereby granted to the said Leonard
- Parker for the purpose aforesaid pursuant
- to the statute in such case made & provide
- d Given under my hand & the seal of
- said court this 27th day of June
- A.D. 1838
- Jno Webb Clerk
- Recorded Feby 7 1845
- The State of Ohio }
- Richland County SS } be it remembered that at
- { Seal } } April Term AD 1843 of the
- Court of Common Pleas within and for the
- county of Richland in the State of Ohio began
- and held at the Court House in the town of
- Mansfield in said County the following order
- was made viz
- "On motion to the Court it is ordered that"
- " S.S. Collins a regularly ordained Minister"
- " of the Gospel in the Regular Baptist Chu"
- "rch be granted a License to solem"
- " nize marriages within the State of Ohio"
- " so long as he shall continue such"
- " regular Minister of the Gospel"
- In Testimony whereof I have
- hereunto set my signature and
- affixed the seal of said Court at
- Mansfield this 20th day of May
- AD 1843
- E.W. Lake Clerk by
- Barnabas Burns Dpt
- Recorded March 26, 1845
Page 100
- The State of Ohio }
- Licking County SS } Court of Common Pleas
- { Seal } } November Term AD 1840
- Agreeably to an order of our Court of
- Common Pleas at he Term aforesaid
- These Presents are to authorize Samuel B Giberson
- Deacon of the Church of the denomination
- usually called Methodist Episcopalians to
- Solemnize Marriages in this state so long as
- he shall continue such regular Deacon
- according to Law & the rites of said church
- Witness my hand & seal of said
- Court this 12 day of Nov. 1840
- Franklin Fullerton clk
- Recorded April 11 1845 of said Court
- Be it remembered at a Court of Common Pleas
- begun and held at the Court house in the town
- of Canton within & for the County of Stark and
- State of Ohio on Monday the fifteenth day of
- November A.D. 1841 among other things then and
- there had was the following to wit
- " On Motion and it appearing to
- to the Court that W. A. Belding is a regular
- Minister of the gospel of the denomination
- usually called "Disciples" It is ordered
- by the Court that a License issue to him
- authorizing him to Solemnize Marriages
- within the state so long as he shall
- Continue such regular Minister"
- The said W. A. Belding pursuant
- { Seal } to the above order of our Court of
- Common Pleas is hereby Authorized
- to Solemnize Marriages within
- this State according to the
- Statute in such case made and
- provided
- Given under my hand and the seal
- of said Court this 27th day of November
- A.D. 1841 Harman Stidger Clerk
- Recorded April 22 1845
For more records, view Part 1 of Record of Religious Incorporated Societies.