Wooster Republican, Business Abstracts 1902

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Wooster Republican Jan. 15, 1902

Annual statement of the Wayne Building and Loan Co. for year ending Dec. 31, 1901.
Picture of public square says ‘’View of public square as appeared in 1869“.
AJ Frederick and Co..
Thursday’s Akron Daily Democrat has the following to say of visit of WJ Bryan to Wooster on Monday night. Bryan visited to Jackson day banquet.
HM Crowl. Gem Photography Gallery. Dr. HN Mateer.
Proctor and Ohail Drug Store. Noah’s Ark, George F Wilcox, 33 S Market Street.

Wooster Republican Feb. 12, 1902

Business in Wooster for 25 years. We have been in the hardware business next to the courthouse, Harding and Co..
The law library and office furniture of James E Snyder was sold at public sale Saturday morning by Sheriff McCoy. The efforts brought fairly good prices but only a part of the books were sold.
WC National Bank, pres.- CS Frost, JS Overholt- VP, M Crilery- cashier.
Dr. HB Reden, office 43 W Liberty Street. Same lawyers and physicans as before.
Rich and Blough Hardware. Laubach and Boyd Drug Store. Bloomberg Clothing Co., Joseph Bloomberg is manager with stores in Wooster, Orville.
Orrville, Massillion and Millersburg.
E Paumier and Co. for shoes, 31 S Market Street.

Wooster Republican Feb. 19, 1902

Greatest bar bankruptcy sale in the history of Wooster on Saturday, Feb. 22. We will throw open our door and invite the people to attend the sale of first class merchandise. We have bought the 10000 Griffin stock for 4100 cash, so we own stock on 41 cents on the dollar and sell less than cost. We intend to close out the stock quickly, Hudson Wescott and Co.. Location at Griffin cold stand in Frick block, 6 doors west of the courthouse.

Wooster Republican March 5, 1902

The new university chapel will be dedicated tonight.
Hudson Wescott and Co. at Griffin old stand in Frick memorial block, is selling off Griffin stock of goods.
Announcement! Great removal sale of foot ware March 15th. We are going to move our store to rooms formerly occupied by Mr. Routson and will continue the sale for 15 days. E Paumier and Co. for economy shoes, 31 S Market Street.

Wooster Republican March 19, 1902

He passed away. Judge Martin Welker died at 3pm, Saturday at home on Beall Ave. after a brief illness. He was born on a farm in Knox Co. April 24, 1819 and spent early boyhood there. At age 14, he entered a store and for four years served as clerk. He applied himself in studying and in 1836 had acquired sufficient education to begin the study of law in the office of WR Shapplin of Millersburg. He was admitted to the bar in 1840 and his first practice was Clerk of Courts in Holmes County. He served in court of Common Pleas sixth district in 1851 and Lt Governor of Ohio declined re-nomination. Judge Welker was elected to Congress in 1864 and served in 39 ½, 40 and 41st Congress. In Nov. 1873, President Grant appointed him district judge of US for the Northern District of Ohio and served with great distinction until 1889 as he reached the age of 70 years and retired. As a citizen, he held many positions of merit. Judge Welker located in Wooster, in 1857, entered in a partnership with Judge Levi Cox. In the summer of 1857, he was appointed as candidate for the republican party as Lt. Governor and was elected in October of that year. He served two terms and May 14, 1861 was appointed and commissioned Judge Advocated of second brigade OVI milita and mustered into US April 15, 1861 with rank of major and served with Gen. JD Cox until Brigade services expired Aug. 10, 1861. He became Ade-de-camp to the commander in chief with rank Col. by Governor Dennison and served as acting Judge Advocate General, pay master general until expiration of Gov. Dennison term in Jan. 1862. In May 1862, Gen. Todd appointed him to comman Emma Duncan a trip to Pittsburg Landing to bring home Ohio sick and wounded. As soon as the draft of 1862 was ordered by Sec. Of War, Gov. Todd appointed him Asst. Advocated General and Supertendant of the draft of Ohio. He held that until the close in early 1863. In the summer of 1862, he was nominated for Rep. to Congress from 14th district of Holmes, Wayne, Ashland and Medina but was defeated at election. In 1864, re-nominated and elected by some 2500 votes and served in congress in 1866 and 1868 and served six years. As a member of the District of Columbia committee, during his whole service in Congress, he took special interest in the Colored population and amendment of laws of the district first introduced by an act of Congress the plan of the ---. He served as stockholder of Wooster National Bank and also had an interest in the Wayne County Agricultural Society. Pall bearers at the funeral were LP Ohliger, Col. CV Hard, AD Metz, Hon. AS McClue, Hon. LR Critchfield, and Robert Cameron. Picture of him in the paper.

Wayne County bar met Monday morning. Opening court was Capt. AS McClure chairman with ML Spooner secretary. The committee to prepare a memorial was MC Rouch, LR Critchfield Sr., AD Metz, Hon. Frank Taggert, and Hon. SB Eason. On motion, AS McClure is to deliver a short address on behalf of the bar at the funeral service.

Wooster Hardware in DD Miller rooms, W Liberty Street.

New store. Mr. Cox and Mr. Pieuit, proprietors of the Syndicate Stores at Urbana and Ashalnd, will open Wooster store, The Syndicate, Saturday morning, March 22, 1902 in rooms formerly occupied by Keiffers Bazaar, E Liberty Street. For sale will be hosiery, underware, notions, shirts, glassware, china, crockery and house furnishing.

Wooster Republican April 2, 1902

The Syndicate, three doors west of the square at White front.
McClure excelsior grain seperator, LY McClure.

Wooster Republican April 9th , 1902

Sale at Bloomberg Store, E Liberty Street. All the rooms are remolded building at 4 E Liberty Street. Joe Bloomberg, manager.
Only one paint to buy is Sherwin-Williams paint at Rich and Blough, NE corner of the square.
New garden seeds at Fletcher and Berry.

Wooster Republican May 26, 1902

E Paumier and Co. for shoes, 2 doors west of courthouse.

Wooster Republican June 8, 1902

Wm J Bryan is here in Wooster at Jackson Day banquet. He was guest at a luncheon at the house of Hon. LP Ohliger.
WH Wiler for boots and shoes.

Wooster Republican July 9, 1902

AJ Frederick and Co., 3 doors west of the post office.
Nick Amsters Store, W Liberty Street.
Dr. Kate Johnson, office 39, N Market Street.

Wooster Building and Loan Co. semi-annual statement ending June 30, 1902, JG Sandborn- secretary, LP Ohliger- pres., Frank Taggert- general council, JR Zimmerman, CA McDonald and JF Hickman are auditing committee.
WC National Bank. Gem Photo Studio, over Fredericks Store.
Zimmerman and Co. drug store.
Laubach and Boyds drug store.
New garden seeds at Fletcher and Berry. Wm Annat Co.. E Paumier and Co. shoe store, 2 doors west of the courthouse. McClure Store and house furnishing goods, SW side of square. Rich and Blough Hardware, NE corner of square. HR Crowl, undertaker office in Downing block. Freedlander, one price clothing. David Nice, straw hats at half price, 1 and 2 doors west of Post Office, E Liberty Street.

Wooster Republican July 30, 1902

Wooster Day. Wooster IOOF picnic. The undersigned businessmen of Wooster, agree to close their businesses on Thursday, Aug. 7th: Wm Annat, E Nachtrieb, Stevens Bros., Christine Bros., Wooster Hardware Co., JW Laubach, Nolle Bros., WH Wiler, WC National Bank, Wooster National Bank, IW Ginter, CR Schuch, Z Fickes, F Kramer, Harvey Howard, Wm Shootk, W Conrad and Deer, Charles F Schopll, W Wertenberger and Sons, H Freedlander, Fletcher and Berry, JW Barrett, GJ Krieger and Co., SZ and C Clark, Cox and Pippitt, Mrs. Flora Reed, CW Heisler, Andy Obrain, AF Snyder, DN Slaybaugh, HH Barden, WD Brandt, Dick High, Wm Shibley, L Saal, SH Billman, John B Beckey, WY Landis, JH Taylor, Dr. A Thompson , H Mathews, WG Whitemore, Proctor and Ohail, WE Rice, ED Figert, AJ Frederick and Co., Mrs. A Shibley, Laubach and Boyd, WN Bryson, Mrs. Riley Power, HA Hiller, John Pennick, Fisher Bros., McAnney and Smith, Standard Coach and Pad Co., Smith and Lautenheiser, L McClure, JW Noggle, DC Curry and Co., Zimmerman and Co., Plank and Gray, HW Schuch, WH Bliss, Alcock and Son, BF Miller, Rich and Blough, H McClarran, Gray and Son, Wm Muschenick, E Paumier and Co., JM Bevard, MJ Athey, W Conrad, Schmuck and Bevington, Wm Weaver, RJ Cunningham, Riley Howey, E Rotthaus, Minglewood Coal Co., CS Miller, WA Stevens, DW Bechtel, John Saal, Bloomberg and Co., LN Solliday, Mrs. G Franks, MR Limb, JR Brown, HJ Frost, ED Fisher, D Stoner, John Johnston, W Wilson, LR Morrison, B Barrett and Sons, JH Wilhelm, John R Detrick, Gravatt and Co., JM Riffle, HB Hubbell, JC Tiech, John B Horn, Wm H Smith. End of tape. Start reading tape at this point.

AS Lehman, F Hookway, Albert Shupe, Kate Ellesperman, J Garnett, MS Goodman, SR Smith, Georga A Fisher, HB Long, James Lee, S Wire and Little, Fred E Faber, SS Hawkins, Charles Schuch, David Nice, Nick Amster, DF Robinson, LY McClure, Harding and Co., CI Huffman, Fomballe and Megrew, George Hansickle, McClure and Co., Frank Thompson.

Wooster Republican Aug. 20, 1902

Our great shoe sale is closing. E Paumier and Co., 2 doors west of the courthouse.

Boston Piano Works may move to Coschosten. AE Jones, who came to Wooster some weeks ago, is doing his best to organize the move to Coschosten. Mr. Jones did his best at the start to organize a company of Wooster people to take over the building interests of the present stock holders, remove the receivership and start the works up on a paying basis. There was not much interest taken in this matter at the time, so Mr. Jones went to Coschosten and has formed a company there for the purpose of taking the works from Wooster to that city. JA Compton, of Coschosten is president of the new company with Bareon vice president. AE Jones, formerly of Monroeville, is now a resident of Coschesten. Among the stockholders in Coschosten are : HC Herbig, WA Mizer and son, Capt. JA Compton, Capt. KW Jones, RA Crawford, OR Crawford and LD Schott. Mr. Jones tells Coschosten people they have in his working 50-60 people at start and increasing this number at the time grows. LP Ohliger, their receiver for the company, when interviewed by the Republican on Tuesday, said that Mr. Jones has an option on the Wooster plant and would take it as soon as he can get the cash. I understand that Mr. Jones intention to move the plant to Coschosten at least he has announced that he is going to do that. Wooster capitalists, it seems, could not be interested in this concern by Mr. Jones and for that reason he has sought outside money.

Wooster Republican Sept. 17, 1902

Schmuck and Bevington, new firm in furniture and undertaking. Give us a call at 48 W Liberty Street.
The Syndicate is at 6 E Liberty Street. New fancy chimes, lamps and notions.

Wooster Republican Oct. 1, 1902

Former merchant says wife’s affections have been alienated. Wooster will remember MC Anderson, the bargain store man who commissioned a store on W Liberty Street near the square and afterwards conducted stores where once of Mr. Annat rooms were and where HF Crowl undertaking establishment is now located. Mr. Anderson operated hereon big scale and sold losts of goods and could not in the end make satisfactory connections. After his business trade here, he went to Pittsburgh a short time after suing Charles F Plattonberg, also of Pittsburgh for 5000 for alienation of Mrs. Anderson affections. The trial began Monday before SA McCling in one of the Common Pleas courts in Pittsburgh.

The bargain of the biggest Bloomberg dissolution sale. The forced retirement of Mr. Louis Bloomberg of the firm Bloomberg Bros., on account of ill health, which makes a change in climate absolutely necessary, compels us to sacrifice 65000 worth of stock in Massillion, 41587 stock in Orrville, 35000 stock in Wooster and 22897 stock in Millersburg in order to dissolve the present partnership and settle up affairs of the old firm. To same time and expenses we will sell anyone or all of the above stock in bulk together with our good will having done the leading clothing business in Orrville for 21 years, eight years in Millersburg, two years in Wooster and three years in Massillion. If it cannot be dissolved of in bulk, here is a big bonanza for the people- Bloomberg Clothing Company. Joe Bloomberg manager, Wooster. Dissolution sale will begin Wednesday, Oct. 15th and continue until time of inventory.

Wooster Republican Oct. 29, 1902

Administration sale commences Saturday, Nov. 1st due to the fact of settling up of affairs of estate of Samuel Taylor. The entire stock of D Nice, consisting of hats, shoes and gent’s furnishing goods, must be cleaned out as soon as possible. D Nice, 1 and 2 doors west of the post office, Wooster, E Liberty Street.

Wooster Republican Nov. 19, 1902

$35000 worth of clothing, Max Bloomberg and Co., the firm that succeeds Bloomberg Clothing Co. after Jan. 1, 1903. Bargains for everyone. Bloomberg Clothing Company.

Wooster Republican Dec. 3, 1902

Harding and Co. Hardware, one door west of the courthouse. Nick Amster Clothing Store, W Liberty Street. Laubach and Boyd drug store, SE side of the square. WC National Bank, CS Frost- pres., JSR Overholt-VP, M. Criley- cashier.

Thomas A. Alder, ear, eye, nose and throat. Office over Laubach and Boyd drug store. Drs. Stoll and Ryall, N Market Street, north of the courthouse. Dr. HA Hart, Downing block, second floor. Drs. James C and Joseph H Todd, 150 W Liberty Street. Taylor and Taylor attorney, rooms 1 and 2 D. Nice block. McClarran and Jones. Frank Taggert, over Frederick Store, E Liberty Street. Hiram B Swartz, in McClellan block. EW Newkirk, office Jackson block, NE side of square. McClure and Smyster, 6 E Liberty Street, upstiars. WF Kean, office over McClarran Grocery, W Liberty Street in Iron block. Ross W Funck, office one door west of the courthouse, over Harding and Co. Hardware.

Football in driving snow! Wooster High School defeats Alliance High School, Thursday by a score of 13-0. The game was played in a driving snow and attendance was slight.
HF Crowl undertaker, office in Downing block, NE side of the square. Bloomberg Clothing Co., Joe Bloomberg manager. The goods for sale of Bloomberg Clothing event crowns the apex of bargains. Wm Annat Co., south side of square.

Old Col. Benjamin Eason died. Col. Eason, being a respected member of the Wayne County bar, died very suddenly Oct. at 9:30, Monday night at his home on N Walnut Street. Mr. Eason, while downtown Saturday afternoon, was seized with an attack. They carried him to fall on the street. He was taken home. He died Monday. Benjamin Eason was born May 5, 1822 and died aged 80, 6 months, 25 days. He was born in a log cabin that stood where Natsfger residence now stands on Pittsburg Avenue. At age two, his parents moved to Ashland County, then returned to Plain township in 1832 where they purchased a farm where he spent the years of his young manhood. He attended the schools of the township and acquired sufficient education to engage in teaching. While as a teacher in the county schools, he studied surveying and also read Blackstone. He was elected a justice of the peace at 26 years of age in Plain township and at that time was siezed with gold feaver and went to California in 1850 and returned in a few months. He was elected Clerk of Common Pleas in 1851 and again in 1854. He was elected to State Senate in 1859 from 28 Senitorial district of Wayne and Holmes counties. He is survived by two sons, Judge Samuel B Eason of Wooster and Robert Eason of Plain township and second wife Mrs. Beall Walters? In the years 1882-83, he again was a member of the state senate. He was in 1862 enlisted and commissioned a captain, Co. E, 120th OVI and served until spring 1863 from which he resigned his commission due to ill health. In 1870, he opened a office in Wooster for the practice of law and followed that profession until his end. He was associated with his son, the late BF Eason and Judge SB Eason in this calling.

Meeting of Wooster Bar at courthouse at 1:30pm, Tuesday to take action on death of Col. Eason. Capt. JB Taylor named as chairman with HR Smith as secretary. Committee on resolution were CM Yocum, Capt. JB Taylor, MC Rouch, AD Metz, WF Kean, Benjamin Douglas and WE Weygandt. Committee on arrangements was Judge Frank Taggert, Judge LR Adair and Judge MB Swartz.

The Syndicate, 6 E Liberty Street is open evenings for holiday goods.
Freedlanders, one price clothing store in Frick memorial block, W Liberty Street. Rich and Blough, NE corner of public square. WC National Bank.

Wooster Republican Dec. 10, 1902

AJ Frederick and Co., 3 doors west of the post office on E Liberty Street.
The Wooster University will look completely all in readiness for university dedication money coming in nicely. Picture paper shows library, Kauke Chapel, 2 science buildings and power plant and little round building, severance gym and observatory. Harding and Co. Hardware. Christian Bros. for furniture and undertaking. Mrs. A Shibley, public square for jewelry, watches and clocks. Wm Shibley, 23 E Liberty Street, for watches, clocks and jewelry. Zimmerman and Co. for books, W Liberty Street.
Hardware store of Alvin Rich, NE corner of public square. Boots and shoes at E Paumier and Co., 2 doors west of the courthouse.
Picture of Kauke Hall in paper as new main building of Wooster University. McClure, stove and house furnishing store, SW side of the square. Proctor and Ohail Drug Store. Schmuck and Bevington, furniture and undertaking, 48 E Liberty Street. The Syndicat, for toys, 6 E Liberty Street.

Wooster Republican Dec. 17, 1902

Building dedication of College of Wooster.