Wooster Republican, Business Abstracts 1893

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Wooster Daily Republican July 12, 1893

Cash for sale leave orders at 49 W Liberty Street or west end coal yard, JC Hall and Co.
Wacker Bros. deal in all kinds of hard and soft coal. The office is at the old establishment 85 E Liberty Street.
WH Wiler, located on W Liberty Street for boots and shoes.
Mrs. Wm Robertson boot and shoe store on 5 E Liberty Street.
Minglewood Coal dealer in the best line of coke lime and cement at yards E Liberty Street opposite the Archer House and at South Street crossings of Pittsburgh, Ft. Wayne and Chicago Railroad.

Wooster Daily Republican July 13, 1893

McClure and Co. at 21 N Buckeye Street, next to the farmers barn.

Wooster Daily Republican July 15, 1893

The new 35 horse power boiler built by B Barrett and sons for the Water Works trustees and to be used for the Reddick Dam, will be placed in position next week.

Wooster Daily Republican July 21, 1893

Businessmen’s picnic. Those who have signed agreement to closed their business for the third annual businessmen’s picnic next Thursday, July 27, circulated last night and today the undersigned businessmen agreement to close their respective places of business to enable us and our employees to attend the picnic to be held at Cedar Point: Laubach and Boyd, Geitgey and Lehman, Wm Shibley, Wm Carse, FE Hookway, George Faber, AW Blackburn, Horn and Bros., Mrs. Wm Robertson, Wm Muschenich, Roller and Wilson, DL Freedlander, Zimmerman and Co., McClure and Hinton, HH Ziegler, Wooster Brush Works, RA Logan, JL Saal, Wooster Pump Co., Quimby and Kline, MS Goodman, HB Long, Charles Groesser, Hugh Shields, JM Reid, Frances Kramer, John Johnston, ED Fisher, Kate Ellesperman, David Stoner, Hoelzel and Kaltwasser, Craighead and Co., Gray and Son, WD Bryson, George Clapper, WH Maurer, RL Morrison, Mrs. MT Miller, William Annat, Alex Fisher, The Jacksonian, JH Taylor, WH Wiler, John Stevens Jr., MA Miller, Charles Egger, JS Caskey, Edward Snavely, WHH Sichley, Spears McClarran, DW Bechtel, Daniel Funck, KE Kolhauser, Better and Co., WR Rice, WC Myers and Co., McAnney and Thompson, Stevens and Berbert, John Meier, Wm Nolle, L Sall, Glenn Miller, McClure and Co., John Saal, George J Krieger Jr., Geiselman Clothing Co., David Nice, Harding and Co., HA Haller, P Rouch, Minglewood Coal Co,, Jessie McClellan, JW Bevard, Cleveland Drygoods Store, A Ellsperman, JP Osborne, CF Schuch, Mrs. CF Conrad, Nolle Bros., GZ and C Clark, J Marsh, John C France, Harry McClarran, The Wooster Republican, and George and Mougey.