Wooster Republican, Business Abstracts 1886
Wooster Republican Jan. 14, 1886
Attorneys and physicians same.
AW Blackburn drug store, #4ME.
Smith and Cochran and Co. make specialty of fine baby pictures glass front gallery, SE side of public square.
MB McClure has returned from the grocery business of McClure Bros., leaving his brother, Frank V McClure in charge of business. Mr. McClure and Mr. Kauffman.
Funk has purchased grocery store of John Jackson, former resident of Wooster and Toledo, left on last Thursday to take possession.
Annual election of officers of National Bank of Wooster Tuesday. Board of directors: John Zimmerman, Martin Welker, David Thomas, CV Hard, LP Ohligher, John Williaman, James Hollowell, pres.- John Zimmerman, VP- Martin Welker, cashier- CV Hard, teller- LR Kramer.
Annual election of stockholders of Wayne County National Bank Tuesday, following officers: Jacob Frick- pres., VP- JSR Overholt, cashier- AG Coover, teller- WT Peckinpaugh, directors: Jacob Frick, JSR Overholt, JG Hartman, WD Tyler and HC Frick.
George Quimby has leased the stock of Square Hole Augar Co. period of one year with privilege of four more and will have control of this promising enterprise.
Annual election of members of Wayne County Fire Mutual Insurance Co. was held in office of company Tuesday. Pres.- John Zimmerman, sect.- RJ Ritter, treas.- HL Wiles, Directors: IH Myers, Jacob Frick, David Thomas. IH Myers made general agent of company seven years in that capacity.
Wooster Republican Jan. 7, 1886
RL Mead Harness and Collar Shop has moved to the SE corner of Walnut and W Liberty Streets, old McDonald corner.
Wm Annat, great slaughter of prices, 3 south side on E Liberty Street.
Dr. CB Mowery has purchased the Wisner residence on North Street.
Merchants same.
Wooster Republican Jan. 28, 1886
The undersign hereby informs people he has bought the stock of bakery of ML Miller on W Liberty Street and engages services of Henry Horn.
Louis Winger firm name will be Winger and Norwood.
The Germania Hall, brick building lately occupied by Gerlach and Kinkler on S Market Street and other property belonging to Frank Gerlach deceased , will be sold at the courthouse Saturday, Jan. 30, 1886.
George Schuch bought out Itzel Saloon and Restaurant on W Liberty Street.
Painful duty to report the death of John McGlener.
Change of firm. On Jan. 1st, Capt. AS McClure retired from Wooster Republican and name changed from McClure and Clemmens to HM Clemmens and Co..
The Old Whip Factory in ruins on Columbus Road in the western part of the city, has been torn down. The old John Stevens foundry on the corner of Buckeye and North Streets is being transformed into a coach barn and stables occupied by Robertson and Lawhead.
Wooster Republican Feb. 11, 1886
For rent. House and three acres of ground situated on N Grant Street. Inquire at HJ Hartman Harness Shop W Liberty Street.
For Sale. House and lot on E North Street, #97. Good location for carpenter shop, convenient to lumber yard. Wishing to quit business. Can be bought cheap, Joseph H Hill.
Money to loan by Kimber and Yost, Downing block, NE side of square.
Newt Mesmore team, ran off last Saturday starting S Market Street. Mr. Messmore was thrown out near Exchange Bank. Escaped serious injury. Team collided further down the street with a top buggy occupied by a couple of young gentlemen from Franklin Township. The buggies were somewhat demolished. They were not hurt. | Messmore team was hitched to a cutter.
Capt. JN Clark carpet store moved to new room in the Downing block, NE side.
The management of Academy of Music has been transferred from LQ Jeffries to Mr. DW Shives and Edward Shibley who propose to keep up the reputation.
Wooster Republican Feb. 18, 1886
Death of DQ Liggett last Monday morning at age 64 years, 9 months and 1 day. He was one of Wooster’s most promising citizens. He was a member of the Trinity ME Church.
Wooster Republican Feb. 25, 1886
Sewer Notice. Notice has been given that plans and specifications for S Bever Street, district #1, are on file of CC Adams, city clerk of Wooster. The portion of work to be done is main sewer from E Liberty Street to terminus of Apple Creek and internals on N Market Street and S Market Street with proper connecting with S Bever Street. Sewer shown on said plans.
The friends of EB Childs, one of the leading businessmen of Wooster the past 30 years, is pleased to learn property has been leased levied by Sheriff to satisfy judgment in court. At request of Uncle Robert Childs is represented himself as being worth 100000, went on his paper as security in amount of 30000. About a year ago, the old gentleman made an assignment and went to the wall dragging his nephew down with him. Misfortune falls on Mr. Childs as no fault of his own.
Mrs. J Fox, popular millinary on the SE side of the square, became dangerously ill from blood poising.
Last rites of David Q Liggett took place from his late residence on N Bever Street last Thursday at 2 pm. He was born near Nashville in Holmes County Dec. 27, 1821 and died Feb. 15, 1886. In 1859, he moved to Wooster and engaged in the dry goods business and carried on until his death. Pallbearers were John C France, Robert Coffee, John H Kauke, Peter Foust, DD Miller and Jacob Schmuch.
Bowman Distillery started in March 1884 east of Wooster, is now idle. 70 gallons of whiskey distilled every day all over 40000 gals. Mr. Bowman was in Cincinnati the past week. He is purchasing a new still which will be put into operation as soon as possible.
Wooster Republican March 4, 1886
Landmark gone. The Old First Methodist Church was destroyed by fire. Last Sunday morning, an alarm of fire was given and clanging of fire bells rang out. Soon it was discovered the First Methodist Church building on the corner of W North and Grant Streets was on fire. The firemen were quickly on the ground but owning to the fall reservoir being frozen and mains filled with muddy water, the pressure was not strong enough to throw a sufficient stream of water for effective service and flames got too much headway. As a result, the church is practically a total loss. It was due to a defective flue. Building insured for 4000 and contents 700. This charter was under Wayne circuit founded 1820 by Jacob Young, being the presiding elder and preacher in charge. During the following 10 years, ministers holding office were James Gilbrith, James McMahon, HO Sheldon, Russell Bigelow, and Adam Poe. The membership at the close of this decade was about 60.
1830 was an eventful year. Edward Thoman, one of the distinguished bishops, and Thomas Barkdull and Hiram Shaffer became converts. Rev. W Morley Purshon was the distinguished orator. In 1830-1840 Russell Biglow, Wm H Christie, E Yocum, WH Wrunnels, Thomas Dunn, John H Power and Wm L Harris. WL Harris was elected bishop in 1872 which office he still holds. In 1839 David Gray and Cyrus Sawyel were preachers in charge. The old church was torn down and in 1840, the one just destroyed by fire was erected. In 1840-1850, annual conference was held. In 1850-1860, Rev. LB Garley, Jessie Durbin, HS Bradley JS Hall, SH Seeley, HG Bubois were pastors. In 1858, Bishop Ames was presiding in the church entertained 2nd time as annual conference. In 1860-1870 Dr. L Warner, MK Hard, Chester E Foote, AR Palmer, J Matlzh, George Mather. The annual conference 1868 with Bishop Thomson presiding was in Wooster. In 1870-1880, Rev. GW Pepper, Dr. A Nelson Bagley, GA Hughes, IM McConnell served as pastors. In 1879, the 4th time Wooster welcomed the annual conference with Bishop Foster in the chair. In the fall of 1881, Rev. AS Albright was appointed pastor and served the church 3 years, succeeded by George Mather, 2nd pastor whose pastorate was saddened by destruction of the church. A temporary place of worship, the 3rd Ward schoolhouse, tendered use of school by school board for school use.
Wooster Republican March 11, 1886
Entirely new Buffalo One Price Clothing House will open Tuesday, March 16, 1886 with a full line of men’s, young boys and children clothing. Entirely new stock with prices lower than lowest. Our prices are marked on the goods in plain figures. Strictly one price to everybody. Freelander and Arnson in Germain Hall block at side of old store of Gerlach and Kinkler, S Market Street.
Elmer Funk has sold his grocery store on E Liberty Street to John Johnston and Joe Phillip. Mr. Johnston has been engaged as a clerk in the firm of OM Albright store. Mr. Phillip had a store on the corner of Market and Henry Streets.
James Saddler and Theodore Kent, both of Wooster, were last week released from the penitentiary on parole and are now at liberty. It might be remembered that in 1880, James Saddler was sentenced for 19 years as accomplice in the murder of John Tormie at Wooster fairgrounds Oct. 2, 1879. Kent was in April 1884, sentenced to four years for arson in burning the Geitgey block.
Report of the condition of WC National Bank at close of business March 1, 1886 had 286753.41 in assets and the same in liabilities. AG Coover cashier, Jacob Frick, DW Tyler, JSR Overholt directors.
Wenger and Norwood Grocery, 23 W Liberty Street.
SS Shilling, as receiver, will take grocery of Smith Cochran and Co. on Thursday morning. This is the business of above named firm, purchased from Miss Emma Brainard and is making out papers to obtain possession. They gave a number of 50 dollar notes payable monthly. Notes being sold to a number of different persons. This placed the firm in bad position. They had been doing a thriving business and is hoped that affairs can be arranged that they may be able to obtain the proper proxy again.
Among the new buildings that are going to be erected in the city this coming summer, is the new Frick block, to be a substantial improvement. The design of plans and specifications were prepared by Mr. CC Baker, through kindness of… The floor will be galvanized iron, painted and sanded so at to represent stud. The height of the 1st floor will be 14 feet clear, 2nd floor 12 feet and third floor 15 feet clear. The name of new block will be Frick Memorial Block 1886.
On or after April 1st the third floor of Clark block will be used as a Commercial College room having been rented for that purpose.
Wooster Republican March 18, 1886
- John P Jeffries
- Ross W Funks
- SR Bonewitz, ES Dowell, SW side of public square, over Johnson Bank 2nd floor
- SB Eason
- B and BF Eason
- James B Taylor
- AA Ingram
- and John McSweeney Jr.
- LQ Jeffries and HR Smith SW side of square, upstairs in rooms formerly occupied by John P Jeffries
- DW Kimber and WC Yost office Downing block, NE side of square
- Fred J Mullins, Walter J Mullins and John K McBride office E Liberty Street, opposite the post office
- AS McClure and Martin L Smyser office #6ME, upstairs
- McSweeney and Parsons; EW Newkirk, office S Market Street, nearly opposite the Exchange Bank, upstairs
- Hiram B Swartz
- Alfred J Thomas
- Aquila Wiley and John C McClarran
- JR Woodsworth
- CM Yocum and F Taggart.
- Dr. CR Mowery and WA Porter office 47 E Liberty Street, 5 doors east of Archer House
- Dr. RN Warren 19 E Liberty Street
- Dr. JE Barrett few doors south of Archer House, S Buckeye Street
- Drs. L and WW Firestone
- Dr. John A Gann
- Dr. HA Hart
- Dr. A Hymphreys
- Dr. AH Hunt
- Dr. George Liggett
- Dr. WC Moore
- Dr. J Dazelle Alexander office Sprague corner W Liberty Street
- Drs. Robison and Mateer, 41 and 43 N Market Street
- Dr. HM Shaffer, SE side of square over Kuhn Grocery Store
- Dr. JH Todd and EJ Yocum.
- Dr. RJ Cunningham.
Merchants same.
ML Spooner has moved office into rooms in Logan and Myers block, S Market Street, over Schieley Clothing Store.
Late Newkirk occupying office room in TS Shepherd insurance office.
Albert Gerlach opened a meat market at the corner of Bever and South Streets.
Wm Johnson the baker, will not move to W Liberty Street as stated. He will remain at his present location.
Mr. Elmer Funk, grocer at stand on E Liberty Street, has gone into the flour and feed business on N Buckeye Street, three doors north of Liberty Street.
Adam Buchheit has retired from the partnership of dry goods business in which he has been associated with late DQ Liggett for the last several years. The executors having purchased his interest.
Miss Alice Fox will continue millinary business at old stand.
City Council proceedings March 15, 1886. Resolution offered declaring importance of construction a main sewer S Bever Street to Cetery stand SW on line of Spring Run to where run empties into Applecreek. Sewer to be constructed according to plans and specification. Condition of Dr. RJ Cunningham property on S Bever and E South Streets, Hitchcock building on S Market Street and William Williman warehouse on N Walnut Street, brought to notice of council that lots and buildings are in a filthy condition and thought to be unsafe condition. They are a nuisance and at once be abated. Williman building not fit for anything, either to be repaired or condemned to be torn down. Motion was referred to sanitary committee and city solicitor to investigate.
Moved, RL Mead horse and collar manufactory, a few doors west of DD Miller hardware store, McDonald’s old corner SE side of W Liberty and S Walnut Street.
Wooster Republican March 25, 1886
Dissolution of partnership. On March 18, 1886, Marshal, Bryson and Co. was dissolved by mutual consent. Mr. Ed C Marshall is retiring from said firm and will be conducted at old stand by WR Bryson and Co.. WB Bryson.
Last week, the partnership known as the Buckeye Hume Tug Co. was dissolved by mutual consent of creditors D McMillen and JA Slimmons. Interest was sold to Herman D Myers of El Paso. Mr. GCH and RJ Manneation of New York were taken into firm as partners. Mr. Slimmons is to be retained as superintendent. Mr. Myers moved to Wooster with family and took charge of Wooster office. Mr. McMillan continues to act as traveling salesman and eastern office opened in New York in charge of William Manneiton. Not sure it will locate permanently in Wooster.
Schuyler Electric Light Co. bought. Busy at work getting plant in Wooster ready for operation. Old engine of Funk Agricultural Works overhauled, put into shape to run, three dynamos which are being put into position. The poles for the wires and lamp are in place for erection according to plan now prepared. There are to be 50 street lights suspended over the center of streets 35 ft. high. Offered list of locations of lamps. The company proposed to brilliantly illuminate the business portion of city grounded on north S Buckeye and Walnut Streets. It will be the first plant located in Ohio by this company and they propose to make it one best in the state.
New undertaking. Rooms, furniture and undertaking of Landis and Schmuck. They have with their new building, erected last November, have over 10000 sq. feet floor room. They maintain the main store being a part of American House block is four stories high with large elevator running from the ground floor up from top to bottom, fitted with choice lot of furniture. New building recently erected is two stories high each floor 20x76 feet, extending to the alley, which gives them a continuous building from E Liberty Street to alley. Second story of building is used extensively for undertaking rooms fitted up for that purpose.
Odenkirk and McClarran dealers in pianos and organs.
Wooster Republican April 1, 1886
Population of Wooster is about 7000.
Andrew Busch has taken a contract to decorate DQ Liggett store room and Robert Cameron has been putting in shelving and making other changes in arrangement of store. It is the intention of Mr. HJ Church and Co. to be present proprietor.
Dissolution notice of partnership of JH Kauke and CS Frost firm of Exchange Bank of Kauke and Frost by mutual consent. CS Frost withdrawing and JH Kauke assumes all liabilities and authorized to collect all claims due the firm. JH Kauke and CS Frost, March 20, 1886.
WE Rice for books and stationary, opposite the post office, E Liberty Street.
McPhearson Roller Skating Rink, E Liberty Street. We have the pleasure of examining a diagram of the rink as arranged and laid out by committee for coming GAR museum and exhibition.
Social scandal: Prominent businessman of Wooster and married woman charged with unlawful intimacy. During the past week, Wooster society was set on fire by disclosure of scandal. Mr. Samuel F Shoemaker, a shoe merchant and Mrs. Mary E Reed, wife of Andrew Reed, janitor of the University in enable prominence. Both the accused parties are of respected families and it is a matter of great regret that the affair has found its way into publicity. Patience ceased to be virtue with Mr. Reed and he finally on last Monday, brought matters to a crisis by bringing suit against Shoemaker for damages and filed petition in Common Pleas Court. In court of Common Pleas of Ohio, Andrew F Reed vs. Samuel F Shoemaker defendant. The said plaintiff said that blank days of Oct. 1879 and at different other days since that day, wickedly debouched and carnally knew one Mary E Reed, being the wife of the plaintiff. The defendant well known without privacy of the consent plaintiff. Being whereas the affection of said Mary E Reed has been alienated from plaintiff and he has been deprived of fellowship of society and service of said wife as her and in domestic affairs has suffered a great distress, brought about great shame and dishonor to his damage in sum of 10000, which he asks judgment. Yocum and Taggart, McClure and Smyser attorneys for the plaintiff. Andrew Reed, being sworn, said that facts stated in allegations contained by petitioner are true. Andrew Reed sworn before me this 20th day of March, 1886, WF Kean notary public. Mr. Shoemaker is a prominent member of the Trinity ME Church and Mrs. Reed a member of the First Presbyterian Church of Wooster. Mr. Shoemaker we are told, has retained Judge John P Jeffries as his attorney.
Wooster Republican April 8, 1886
Tables turned. The Wooster scandal concerning Mr. Shoemaker and Mrs. Mary Reed ventilated. The story gotten up by Andrew Reed concerning the undue intimacy between his wife and Samuel Shoemaker which created an undue clamor among gossipers, has become deferred with very narrow limits. Since the truth of this matter has been made known to better class of community who realize the whole scheme from the first, was a false fabrication got up by unprincipled husband against his devoted wife for the purpose of forcing money to be paid to him by Mr. Shoemaker, supposing he in his good nature by the standing of false report, even though innocent on account of his good name, his standing as the businessmen, has finding his credit a good subject levy of blackmail. Mr. Shoemaker and Mrs. Reed have been interviewed on the subject and both pronounced the charge against them without foundation and absolutely maliciously false. Mrs. Reed is a refined and industrial lady of seven children, some of whom are married and have children. Her age is about 45. During her marriage, she was by her own industry not only compelled to support herself, but to a great extent her children and lazy husband, who now, when she is in failing health and no longer able to support him herself and infant children, resorted to dimmable scheme for money, blackmail to blast the good name of the mother of his children, who humanly in honor require him to protect. Shame on the miserable wretch who has come so low a degrade in brutish heart as to defame himself, his wife and children. Mr. Shoemaker at least has an amiable wife and several children of good repute, somewhat are of men and womanhood years and circulation in first security of city all of whom have to suffer with their hand further the false slander of Andrew Reed, who was not satisfied to wreck the union of his own wife and children but also Mr. Shoemaker and his family. Mr. Shoemaker from the beginning, has denounced the charges false and suffered Mr. Reed and return our ways and now justice themselves. Mrs. Reed, he feels it his duty, since he has filled his answer to Mr. Reed petition under his oath, denying the charges therein against him and Mrs. Reed to be untrue and to let the public know that neither himself nor Mrs. Reed have been or are guilty of any of the charges made against them. He stated thus in petition and published newspaper article. Mr. Shoemaker is a shoe merchant doing business in Wooster and as actions brought against him by Mr. Reed may be by some persons not knowing him be believed, to have some foundations and tend to effect his business, he requests the public to suspend opinions until he is permitted to prove his entire innocence in a court of justice, which he intends to do and for that purpose, he has employed the Hon. John McSweeney and Judge John P Jeffries as his attorneys. On Tuesday morning, Mr. John P Jeffries, John MeSweeney and John McSweeney Jr. attorneys for Samuel Shoemaker, filled following answer to petition of Andrew Reed, published last week, saying he was not guilty.
The First Methodist Church and Trinity Methodist Church are happy to announce the proposed union of the two churches in the city has finally been effected. At official organizational meeting on Tuesday evening, the following communication accept the proposal of 1st church also plot basis of union.
HJ Church and Co., in addition to other improvements in their store room, will put in electric lights and cash railway.
Newt J. Clark has purchased the old frame structure in which Well Bros. Store has been located and will move to N Grant Street and fit it up as a residence.
Death of James Caskey in Sharon Center on March 23, 1886.
Stoner Glassware Store has been moved from W Liberty Street to room on SW corner of square formerly occupied by Domestic Sewing Machine office.
Frank Smith, for about two years, who has been in the jewelry business in Wooster, started out on Monday as a traveling salesman for Middleton Plating Co., Middleton.
Cigar manufactory of George Plumer Jr. and Co., consisting of George Plumer Jr. and Peter Conrad, are now making 35 brands of cigars and employ eight hands.
Jessie Jerome Baird has purchased the interest of Sylvester Hindman in livery business of CB Baird and Co..
CW Speer has recently added to his stock of furniture an eloquent line of oil paintings.
CW McClure Furniture and Undertaking W Liberty Street.
Wooster Republican April 15, 1886
The undersign has moved her dressmaking establishment one door east of Eastern House in Dratz building. Miss Hattie Bivens.
Executors sale of real estate. Harry McClarran executor of James Curry decd. April 24, 1886. Lots 647 and 648, Curry planning mills, property north side E Liberty Street. Lots 647 and 648 sold subject to a lease to Wooster Refrigerator Manufacturing Co.. Said lease expires Feb. 1, 1886.
HJ Church and Co. opening Tuesday evening in old stand of DQ Liggett and Co., Acadome building, which has been refitted with railway cash system and electric light and other conveniences for facilitating business.
EM Quimby contemplates a number of extensive improvements at Highland Park, among them, building an artificial lake to cover three acres.
Jacob Saal will open a meat market in vacant room next door to Academy of Music.
Underground Railroad is one of the principal depots in center of Shreve. Interesting story. Men risked everything for their liberty, by Dr. WO Battles.
Wooster Republican August 19, 1886
Farmers, take your produce to west end grocery of Steck and Kellogg, corner of W Liberty and Walnut Streets. They pay highest cash price at West End Grocery Store.
Very few people in Wooster have any idea as to the amount of business done by Buckeye Huge Tug Co..
Will Gerlach, one of McClarran and Caskey’s accommodating clerks, is in New York on a visit to relatives.
The stone masons finished foundation for new ME Church on Saturday and the brick masons are now at work.
Bell Bros. now have 30 head of imported horses at their stables on W South Street.
Wooster Republican April 23, 1886
Capt. James A Odgen last week, purchased the entire stock of hats, caps and furnishing goods owned by PJ Power. The goods have been moved to Mr. Ogden’s store on W Liberty Street in order to close out the goods. He will offer for half price for 60 days.
Call and see the Easter goods at Power China Hall. Power China Hall has been moved to Downing block, NE corner of square.
Miss Amanda Peters, formerly in dry goods store of Well Bros., on Monday, accepted new position in firm of HJ Churcy and Co.
Mr. Adam Buchheit wishes to announce to his many friends and patrons that he has accepted position as clerk in JS Bissell Dry Goods Store. He was with the late firm of DQ Liggett and Co..
Meeting of city council additional local last Wednesday evening. Last week Mr. Anker appointed to look after building, reported at council at large regular meeting that a nuisance as reported that arrangements had been made by owners to have Williaman building torn down and ……
Wooster Republican April 29, 1886
Workers are engaged in tearing down the Hitchcock building on S Market Street and in a short time erection of a new and commendable brick block in their stead will be commenced.
Wooster Novelty Co. of Dowell and Gorges are still busy filling orders for celebrated patoon rubber varnish and combined ladder and step ladder rooms 8 and 9 of the Downing block, NE side of square.
Ed Childs residence on N Market Street was sold at sheriff’s sale last Saturday and was bid off to Judge JK McBride for 3725.
Council meeting adjourned meeting of city council Monday evening. All members were present. Resolution signed by Mr. Brinker and Gow Geitgey declaring the necessity of the property upon which to erect a city hall and appointment of committee to locate same was offered and adopted by unanimous consent. Also report of committee on sewer assessments found following value of property in the 1st Ward 249605, 2nd Ward 484150.
Wooster Republican August 5, 1886
- Drs. Robison and Mateer, 41 and 43 N Market Street
- Dr. HM Shaffer office and residence SE side of square, over Kuhn Grocery Store
- Drs. Todd and Yocum 150 W Liberty Street
- Dr. RN Warren 19 E North Street.
- Dr. RJ Cunningham dentist, east side S Market Street.
Blackburn Drug Store #4ME E Liberty Street; Teeple Photography Gallery 120 , NW side of square; Quimby and Kline for dry goods, SW side of square.
For what you need you can get it at J Frick warehouse, E South Street.
Roller and Wilson Drug Store, W Liberty Street.
RL Mead manufacture of horse collars and harness has moved office to old McDonald building, SE side W Liberty and Walnut Streets, a few doors west of DD Miller Hardware Store.
Lauback and Boyd Drug Store SE side of the square.
Rice Blank Books and Stationary for sale.
Cheap or cash excellent family two seat carriage, call at George Bloxhan livery stable Wooster.
John H Thomas palace of music, north of county buildings for pianos and organs.
Wall paper for sale by McClellan Bros. #5 ME.
Universal plow sold by EJ Geiselman and Co.
David Nice clothing, hats and caps at 9 and 11 E Liberty Street.
Elmer Funk is selling straw at place of business N Buckeye Street north of Liberty Street; J Zimmerman and Co. Drug Store W Liberty Street.
Amos Lewis optician, located in Downing new block, NE side of square.
Fred E Hookway merchant tailor, 24 E Liberty Street.
- AL Bissell merchant tailor, Laubach and Boyd
- Frank McClure grocery store on Downing block, NE side of square
- Buffalo One Price Clothing House of Freelander and Arnson Germania Hall building, S Market Street old stand of Gerlach and Kinkler.
Memorial block, (Frances Hall ) stoves for sale opposite DD Miller and Co. Hardware Store.
Wm Annat Dry goods Store 3 E Liberty Street south side; CW Spear undertaking and furniture on W Liberty Street; JS Bissell and Bro. dry goods #1ME; Minglewood Coal Co. opposite the Archer House E Liberty Street, LD Craighead manager; D Nice shirts, opposite the post office in the old Childs building; AW Blackburn drug store, #4ME; Hoelzel and Kaltwasser Clothing SE side of square; Will Beresford tailor and draper 40 E Liberty Street, opposite Archer House in brick block; Wenger and Norwood grocery and bakery, lunch room 23 W Liberty Street.
Wooster Republican Aug. 12, 1886
Funk’s new flour and feed store in Howard building, N Buckeye Street.
EM Quimby has a considerable expense enlarging the attraction at Highland Park and has surpassed all previous efforts for providing a lake covering about three acres of ground. Ten new row boats have been placed for amusement for those who love to linger where the blue waters meet. The beautiful expensive water is appropriately named Lake Talbot, superintendent of the building therein. Mr. DB Condry has charge of the boats and will give due attention to all visitors. Provisions have been made for building a bath house and suits being in readiness for those who delight in exhibiting.
Wooster Republican Dec. 9, 1886
Merchants and physicians same.
The post office is no longer opposite D Nice store. The energetic Dave has made special arrangements whereby he is now able to sell 3-2 cent stamps for 5 cents. Arrangement with government and six postal cards for same price a fact.
Stoner China Store, SW side of square.
Wooster Republican Dec. 30, 1886
Notice. JW Culbertson has this day sold his interest in coal yard of Laning and Culbertson to James Elliott.