Wooster Republican, Business Abstracts 1884

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Wooster Republican Jan. 3, 1884

Drs. Warren and Kelley, disease of women, office and residence 21 E North Street.
William H Woodland, pay attention to laying cellar cement floors. Has formed a partnership with Mr. CM Anden for manufacture and furnishing of artificial stone steps. Acquire at residence or through PO Box 877, Wooster.
Great closing out sale at John H Thomas office of sewing machines, organs and pianos. Will sell his entire stock of pianos and organs, north of county buildings.
Pierson and King ready made clothing, west corner room of American Hotel.
Best place to buy sewing machines is at Stoner’s.
Domestic sewing machines for sale by J Huffman and Son, SW side of square.

Wooster Republican Jan. 10, 1884

The old English Lutheran Church on N Market Street is offered for sale at low price. Inquire of Henry Rockey.
The annual election of stockholders of Wooster Refrigerator Co. was Monday evening. William Scott- pres., AD Metz- treas., JN Clark- sec., and general manager Board of Directors: William Scott, DC Curry, CA McDonald, AD Metz, CB Hard, JN Clark and Elmer Funk.
William Annat begins the new year to close his dry goods store on every evening of the week except Saturday at 6 pm at 3 E Liberty Street on the south side.
Election of officers of WC National Bank, Jan. 8, 1884. Directors: Jacob Frick, JSR Overholt, Jacob G Hartman, WD Tyler, HC Frick. Jacob Frick- pres., JG Hartman- cashier, JSR Overholt- VP, AG Coover- teller. The bank is well managed and has a capital of 76000 surplus of undivided, profits 46000, making a total of 115000.

Wooster Republican Jan. 17, 1884

New general land and loan agency started by Lake F Jones and CC Adams. Office of Jones and Adams on SE corner of square, above PJ Powers store room.
Dr. HM Shaffer office is over Kuhn and Criaghead Grocery Store in rear of the telephone office.

Wooster Republican Jan. 24, 1884

Coal and coke. The undersign has bought Mr. James Neal coal yard, corner of Liberty and Buckeye Streets. James B Power Jr.
Last week Dan Stuller, the foreman of Spear Furniture Shop, has his hand badly mutilated while fixing a planning machine.

Wooster Republican Jan. 31, 1884

James A Ogden gents clothier and furnisher, opposite the post office, E Liberty Street.
AW Blackburn drugs and medicines, 22 E Liberty Street.
After April 1st, Fletcher and Bevard Harness and Saddle Manufactory will occupy the room in American Hotel building held by WF Woods shoe store.
McClellan Bros. will move their stock of books and stationary one door west of the post office vacated by Foust and McLaughlin Dry Goods Store, #5ME.
DY Landis will move into the rooms vacated by McClellan Bros. with his furniture and undertaking establishment.
JE Burton and EL Lewis, capitalists from Detroit, were in the city last Friday. They are wanting to buy the Burial Case Factory. If they succeed in buying the company, they will move the works to Michigan.
On Monday, George Brown bought Lundy Cab Line. Lundy will go to Akron to assist his father.

Wooster Republican Feb. 7, 1884

Sam Boyd, accommodating pharmacist’s clerk in Zimmerman Drug Store, started Saturday night for Sioux City.
Sometime Sunday morning, the saloon of HJ Fawcett on E Liberty Street was broken into.
On last Thursday, Mr. Wisner and Mr. Muschenich, the boot and shoe dealers, dissolved their partnership. Mr. Muschenich will hereafter devote his attention to customer work and Wisner to handling of ready made goods.
Last week John Moore, real estate dealer, bough stock in queens ware stock of George Power on S Market Street.
Consideration being 3900.
Report has it something caused unpleasant news between Mr. Power and his wife resulting in a racket. He was arrested 10 pm Friday night upon affidavit of his wife and brought before Mayor Jeffries. Mrs. Power claimed her life was in danger by her husband. Mayor placed him under a bond of 30 to keep the peace. On Monday, a conference was held between Mr. Moore and Mrs. and Mr. Power, resulting in transfer of the property to Mrs. Power, who now has charge of the establishment and has full right and title to ownership.
Mr. Jacob Schmuch of firm of Schmuch and Pollock, will become a partner of DY Landis in furniture and undertaking business after April 1st. To be found in east room of the American Hotel.
EB Childs office has residence for sale on N Market Street.

Wooster Republican Feb. 14, 1884

Wallpaper for sale at McClellan Bros., 21 E Liberty Street. Note, we will move April 1st to next door west of the post office, #5ME.
SC Hubbell coal, lime and cement at all times, office on S Buckeye Street, opposite the Archer House.
Mr. Samuel Woods, old boot and shoe dealer of Wooster was admitted to Wooster Infirmary last Saturday.

Wooster Republican Feb. 21, 1884

DW Bechtel at White Front Store room SE side of square for immense trade in wallpaper.
Windmills for sale by WJ Lehr, agent can be seen at the Agricultural Wareroom of CC Toutman, formerly occupied by Lehr and Smith, W Liberty Street.
Buggies, sleighs and platform wagons at Bardon and Housekeeper on Bever Street north of Liberty Street.

Wooster Republican Feb. 28, 1884

Great bargains at Foust and McLaughlin #5ME.
Hartman and Durstine Lumber Yard, selling Hartman refrigerator, corner of Larwill and Bever Streets.

Wooster Republican March 6, 1884

New grocery store was opened at Blacks corner last Saturday on W Liberty Street. Will J Kuffman of Canton.

The success of the Wooster Refrigerator Co., manufacturer of the new Rumbaugh Patton. A Few years ago, Mr. Joseph Rumbaugh realized the difficulties in all their refrigerators of the waste of ice so he turned his attention to mending the defects. The principal involved is perfect and applicable to boxes for families, grocers, butchers, restaurants and saloons. About 1879, Mr. Rumbaugh sold Wayne Co. to CC Baker of this city, who bought a few boxes, one of which was for Charles M Conrad for salon and restaurant. In the spring of 1881, DC Curry and Co. purchased the county from Mr. Baker and built the first refrigerator and beer cooler for John Sorg of the city, who for two years previous, had been engaged in Mr. Conrad’s. That summer that Curry purchased from Baker, purchased the adjoining counties of Stark and Summit, Medina, Ashland, Richland and Holmes counties in 1881. DC Curry and Co. received orders and filled boxes for Leonard Saal, Louis Young, M Seib, George Faber, E Fabor, Horn Bros. and many others. In 1882, he purchased state of Pennsylvania and orders began to flow in. In Dec. 1882, NL Baumgardner, CV Hard purchased from Mr. Rumbaugh the remainder of US in view of organizing in connection with Mr. Curry and Rumbaugh a stock company for purpose of extensive manufacture of refrigerators. Articles of Incorporation were filed in Columbus with a capital of 30000. The books were open for subscription about Feb. 1883 and stock was all taken. The following are stockholders: DC Curry, NL Baumgardner, CV Hard, Joseph Rumbaugh, PC Given, JN Clark, Robert Camerono, Jerome Curry, HM Newkirk, Charles A McDonald, Elmer Funk, DH Pierson, William Scott, James S Caskey, AD Metz, JP VanMest, A Anderson. The officers for ensuing year are as follows: Pres.- William Scott, VP- CV Hard, Treasure- AD Metz, Secr.- CA McDonald, Manager- JN Clark. The operations commenced with leasing of building on corner of E Liberty Street and Beall Ave., formerly occupied by Curry, Cameron and Co. as a planning mill, having been remolded and all machinery put in order. Work began with a large list of work which was turned over by DC Curry and Co.. Mr. JH Baumgardner was employed as a traveling salesman.

Closing of season 1883 and preparing for season of 1884. Last Friday a number of businessmen of city who have purchased and using refrigerators of Wooster Refrigerator Co., met at warerooms to examine the latest production to examine a box 8 ft. high and 6 ft. wide, made of black walnut and cherry also lists people used their refrigerators.

Dr. HM Mateer of Dalton will move to Wooster and occupy the office on N Market Street, lately held by Wiley and McClarran.

JC McClarran attorney at law and LJ Barker internal revenue collector, will occupy offices on 2nd floor of McClellan building, one door west of the post office after April 1st.

ML Spooner has just fitted up the rooms over ED Fisher Harness Shop on S Market Street as a office.

Incendiary fire in the heart of the city at 4 am last Friday morning. People of the city were awakened by clang of fire bells. Fire was somewhere near the public square. Last alarm was sounded and found the stable of JH Taylor, rear of his grocery store on W Liberty Street, warehouse of Immel Faber and stable of Christian Miller all ablaze. The fire ladders had just arrived in quenching the leaping flames and everything depended on keeping the fire confined to those three buildings. Had there been any wind blowing, it would have been impossible to prevent the destruction of several of adjoining buildings. If it had not been for the fire wall, DD Miller’s hardware store would have been badly damaged, if not totally destroyed. The west wall of Mr. Miller’s wall was badly cracked caused by the stream of water which was being thrown on the heated brick. The windows of the machine shop of Wooster Burial Case Co. across the alley, were all burned out and if it had not been for the firemen’s skill, the shop would have gone with the other buildings. Six of the hose companies and the Hook and Ladder co. were on the ground. The Taylor Stable contained 50 bushels of salt, loss was 700. The lower story of Faber Warehouse was used for storage purposes by J Zimmerman and Co. who stored a number of barrels of salt cement, glass and tools at a loss 400. Second story was stored a number of hand rakes belonging to DD Miller, which were entirely consumed loss about 200. The warehouse was valued at 1500 partially insured by 800. The Christian Miller stable was total loss, confined to building with a loss value 200.

Wooster Republican March 20, 1884

Report of WC National Bank as close of business March 7, 1884 was 329644.75 in assets and same in liabilities, JG Hartman cashier.
New furniture store in Wooster. Landis and Schumch, successor to DY Landis occupy rooms now known as McClellan Bros. Book Store in American House block, manufacture all kinds of furniture and undertaking. Mr. Landis will give his attention to undertaking.
ML Spooner and Co., Central Ohio Land Loan and Collection Agency, has moved to S Market Street over ED Fisher Harness Shop and next door south of PJ Power Clothing Store corner.

Wooster Republican March 27, 1884

Schmuch and Pollock Grocery Store has been dissolved by mutual consent. Mr. Pollock will continue the business at old stand, NE side of square and sole proprietor.

Last Saturday, drugstore and fixtures of DB Baird and Son at #4ME, were purchased by AW Blackburn and Ed R Leise. Stock now being transferred and when complete, the transfer will be made the firm of Blackburn and Leises. They will take possession immediately. Blackburn’s drugstore stock will be combined with that of Baird store and firm will occupy the room near occupied by Baird and Son, two doors west of the post office. Mr. Blackburn, senior member of the firm, has been in the drug business in Wooster for two years past. Mr. Leises formerly was a junior member and worked in Zimmerman Drug Store.

Wooster Republican April 3, 1884

Blackburn Drug Store 22 E Liberty Street, moved April 1st to #4ME.
Horses for sale at JW Troutman at Madisonburg after April 12th. Sign at Newkirk Livery Stable on Buckeye Street, north of E Liberty Street.
McClellan Bros. Book and Stationary Store, 21 E Liberty Street moved to #5ME on April 1st, old Foust and MeLaughlin rooms.
Fletcher and Bevard Saddles and Harness, 19 E Liberty Street, old WF Woods store.
Elmer Funk grocery store, E Liberty Street, foot of Beall Ave. in Curry block.

Wooster Republican April 10, 1884

Old English Lutheran Church on N Market Street is offered for sale. Inquire of Henry Rockey.
WP Kinzer showing houses corner of E Liberty Street and Beall Ave.
Reason Clark is behind the counter in Quimby and Kline Dry Goods Store, E Liberty Street, Acadome building.

Wooster Republican April 24, 1884

The west store room of Beresford building, opposite the Archer House has been handsomely fitted up for WJ Bowers of Alliance, who will open up within the next 10 days a ladies notions and fancy goods store.
Dr. JH Brown, office four doors east of the Archer House.

Meeting of city council for year ending April 16, 1884. Meeting on Wednesday evening of last week. Fire chiefs report: 196 men in the department, 36 officers, 1 steamer, 9 real carts, 1 hand engine, 1 steamer, 1 steamer not un use, 1 hook and ladder truck, four alarm bells, three engine houses feet of good hose 3550, feet of busted hose 900 feet, feet of condemned hose 1350 feet. Different companies composed of: Deludge #1, Alert Hose Co. 2, Wooster #3, Relief #4, Good Intent #5, Fame #6, Eagle #7, Hope Hook and Ladder Co. Report of fires in Wooster: Ernest Thoman‘s tannery N Buckeye Street, May 31, 1883 fire damage from smokestack; Harrison Miller S Walnut Street, July 31st cellar; Mr. Alexander S Market Street, Nov. 19th spark from chimney; American House rooms of Mrs. Webster E Liberty Street, Nov. 17th explosion of lamp; WH McClure S Buckeye Street, Dec. 1st from chimney; JH Taylor Diamond Alley, March 7th unknown; Brumter Stable Diamond Alley, March 7th from JH Taylor fire; J Zimmerman and Co. March 7th Taylor fire; EM Quimby Diamond Alley, March 7th from Taylor fire; C Miller Diamond Alley, March 7, 1884 from Taylor fire; DD Miller Diamond Alley, March 7th from Taylor fire; Byron Fogleson S Grant Street, March 7th unknown. Charles M Clark city engineer. Council than reorganized Charles H Clark city engineer fire chief- WH Snively and WH McClure policeman. Mr. John C Brinkerhoff city civil engineer. Chief Clark presided names of Philip Ellsperman and John Blandford as 1st and 2nd assistant fire chief for department.

Second regular meeting of council was held April 21, 1884 listing of standing committees: Parks- VanNostram, Chatelain, Barker, McMahon and Newkirk.

Wooster Republican May 1, 1884

WJ Bowers arrived in Wooster last Friday and was busy getting store and goods arranged in the wareroom of Beresford building, opposite Archer House.

Fire at Howard’s corner at little over 2 am Tuesday morning. Alarm of fire aroused slumbering citizens and proved to be the Howard corner opposite from the American Hotel on E Liberty and Buckeye Streets. The fire department was soon on the scene and succeeded in confining the fire to the one building. Lower rooms of the building were occupied by Charles Shiffer as a saloon and billiard room and the building was badly damaged and contents more or less destroyed. It was thought that it was set on fire. Mr. Howard’s loss will be about 1000 or 1500. The building was insured for 1000 with Columbia County Mutual. Mr. Shiffer is covered by insurance.

New motion for a new trial on the Kent case was overruled. On Tuesday morning, Judge Stillwell rendered his decision on motion for a new trial in the case of Theodore Kent, convicted during present term of court for arson, being accused of having set fire to Geitgey block on S Market Street. After revealing the 14 steps set forth in motion for a trial in what was some lengthy and careful manner, the court overruled the motion and declared to set aside the verdict of the jury on the grounds for which the defense listed their claim was divided into five classes: 1. Improper use of evidence by prosecuting attorney and argument to the jury. 2. Wrong ruling of the court. 3. The giving of testimony by one of the jury in the jury room. 4. Disqualification of Mr. Routson as a juror because he was a policy holder and member of the Wayne County Mutual Insurance Co. who had employed Mr. ML Smyser to assist the prosecuting attorney. 5. The verdict was contrary to the law and evidence in the case. Stillwell disposed of each one stating his conclusions in easy way clearly when he had concluded his decision. Mr. Dowell, Kent’s attorney took exception to the same and gave notice he would take the case to the Supreme Court of Ohio upon a bill of exceptions. Judge Stillwell then proceeded to pass sentence upon defendant and asked if he had anything to say why sentence should not be passed upon him. Kent replied that he was not guilty of burning the buildings or procuring anyone to burn them. He was sentenced to term of four years in the pen. After sentence was passed, Kent was remanded to jail.

Wooster Republican is printed by McClure, Sandborn and Co. proprietors.

Wooster Republican May 8, 1884

The stable and office of Dr. WF Derr, veterinary surgeon in Bloomington, a short distance north of the university, was discovered to be on fire about 1 pm Wednesday afternoon of last week. The animals were able to be saved. At one time it was thought that it would be impossible to save the Derr residence and the house and stable of Mrs. Speer on the adjoining lot. The flames were confined to the stable and surrounding sheds which a portion of contents were destroyed. A considerable amount of medicine, instruments, books and harness were destroyed.

J Frick and Co. have sold 25000 bushels of wheat in the last 10 days.
Mr. WJ Bowers will open a new storeroom in Beresford building on E Liberty Street on Thursday of this week.
MM Smith has resigned his position as superintendent of the Water Works. The trustees have appointed William Howard to fill the vacancy.
Mr. Fred H Donnelly has recently placed a handsome iron fence around his residence on the corner of Larwill and Buckeye Streets.
Large real estate sale 40000 involved. Jacob Frick has bought the Keefer Iron block for a consideration of 40000. The property extends from the courthouse 120 feet on W Liberty Street and 180 feet deep. Consideration is paid in 320 acres of land in Iowa and 35000 in cash possession dating from April 1st. The present rental from the property is about 4000 a year and the purchase was made as a permanent investment. The occupants of the property are Harding and Co. hardware merchants, George Seigenthaler boots and shoes, McClarran and Caskey Grocery Store, Well Bros. Dry Goods one door west of the grocery stand of McClarran Caskey, Francis Kramer and M Seib on 1st floor and McBride and Mullins, McSweeney, Daniel Funck, AA Ingram attorneys and Insurance agents on 2nd floor two large halls are situated on 3rd floor. That is perhaps one of the largest real estate transactions ever made and figures are considerably low.

Laubach and Donnelly Drug Store telephone connection, also headquarters for Dr. Derr, SE side of the square, two doors north of present location.

Wooster Republican May 15, 1884

Get your refrigerators at McClure and Craighead opposite J Zimmerman and Co., W Liberty Street.
J Cunningham and Bro. opposite county buildings for lamps, china, queens ware and glassware.
The business of B Barrett and Son will be conducted at old stand on E Liberty Street, under management of Mr. Barrett’s son. The firm name has been changed to B Barrett Sons and Co..
Mr. Fred Schuch was 50 years old last Thursday, May 8th and family presented him a fine gold headed cane with the inscription “F Schuch, Wooster, Ohio 1824-1884”.
Report of WC National Bank close of business April 21, 1884 was 300906.13 in assets and same in liabilities, Jacob Frick president.

Wooster Republican May 22, 1884

New furniture store in Wooster. DY Landis and Schmuck at 21 American House block, E Liberty Street.

Wooster Republican May 29, 1884

Bound for Dakota, we are offering our entire stock for sale including china glassware at or below cost, W Cunningham and Bro., NE side of square, opposite the county offices.

Wooster Republican June 12, 1884

Dr. JH Todd and EJ Yocum, office and residence 150 W Liberty Street.
The fire bugs were on rampage in Wooster about 10:30 pm last Thursday night. Fire was discovered in rear of little frame building occupied by E Funk and Co. as a meat market opposite Archer House. The alarm was given and the fire department responded promptly extinguishing the flames. Sunday morning about 2 o’clock, the old shell on corner of E Liberty and Buckeye Streets opposite Archer House was discovered on fire. The fire department and citizens gathered at the scene of the fire. All wanted it to burn and thus remove an eyesore to the city. The surrounding buildings were safe. The city council should take the matter into hands and condemn the old building as a nuisance.

Wooster Republican June 26, 1884

McClure and Craighead opposite Zimmerman and Co. on W Liberty Street for oil stoves and gasoline stoves.
WE Rice, blank books and stationary In Logan and Myers block building S Market Street, one door north of the old Central Hotel.
The old building on Howard’s corner, opposite the Archer House is being removed. It will be converted into a two story building with good business rooms on 1st floor and offices on the second floor.

Wooster Republican July 3, 1884

Death of James C Jacobs. He died in Youngstown Tuesday morning at the age of 52. He had been sick for 304 days. He was one of Wooster’s leading business men, being proprietor of the Iron Block Hardware Store and owner of considerable real estate.
Wishing to move from Wooster, I offer brick residence at 59 E Liberty Street containing 15 rooms, WF Woods.
We, the undersign dry goods merchants of Wooster, hereby notify our trade through column of the paper that on July 4th, business will be closed: Quimby and Kline, DQ Liggett, Wm Annat, JS Bissell and Bro. and Well Bros..
McClellan Bros. Book Store is now located at #5ME next to the post office on E Liberty Street, old stand of Foust and McLaughlin.
Fletcher and Bevard Harness and Saddle has moved collar manufactory 19 E Liberty Street.
Central Ohio Loan Land Agency, ML Spooner and Co., 30 S Market Street over ED Fisher saddle shop.
City property for sale. Property of John Wilhelm is offered for sale to be sold on reasonable terms, TD Wilhelm.

Wooster Republican July 10, 1884

Condition of WC National Bank at close of business June 20, 1884, 275902.68 in assets and same in liabilities, Jacob Frick president.
Mr. DC Curry will rebuild his residence on corner of North and Spink Streets by erecting a large and substantial structure.

Wooster Republican July 24, 1884

Mr. LD Craighead of grocery firm of Kuhn and Craighead has returned with his wife to Wisconsin. He has sold his interest in Red Corner Grocery Store to ES Kuhn and will in a few weeks make the move.
The news depot of FD Belnap has been purchased by SC Speer, who resides with his mother in NE part of the city. He will continue the news depot and bookstore on the corner of Buckeye and E Liberty Streets.
Ordinance for the purchase of Seigenthaler lot on the corner of N Buckeye and E North Streets for purpose of erecting a city hall passed third reading of city council Monday night. Motion of Mr. Baker was brought up and placed upon final passage and passed by unanimous vote of members present. The ordinance authorized city clerk to issue city bonds total not to exceed 9000 of value of 500 each.

Wooster Republican July 31, 1884

A complete roller mill. The latest approved system of manufacturing adopted at Wooster City Mills of Overholt and Co.. The building now known as Wooster City Mills, erected in 1869 and favorably located on the north side of Pittsburgh, Ft. Wayne and Chicago Railroad. The mills were enlarged and improved in 1872 and elevator added, now cover space 40x100 ft and stand 4 stories high which are built of brick and stone. Wayne County produced 1259834 bushels of wheat in 1880; 972499 bushels in 1881; 994176 bushels in 1882; 950140 bushels in 1883 and estimate for 1884 is advance of the figures for 1880. Wayne County ranks as the third county in the state of Ohio in the number of bushels produced.

JT Shields has a large public sale of agricultural implements on W Liberty Street planned for sale Saturday, August 9th at 10 am.
A new well is being dug by the city by the organ factory. It is about 25 feet deep with capacity 3000 gallons per house and is now kept running 16 hours per day to keep water down so that the workmen can proceed and the volume of water is increasing. The project this time is very favorable for a large supply of excellent water.

Wooster Republican Aug. 7, 1884

The partnership of Dr. Robison and Dr. Mower is dissolved. Dr. Robison will continue at the old stand on the corner of N Market and E North Streets.
Mr. DT Downing has taken JC Christy into partnership in law practice. The new business as Downing and Christy, is in the Downing block new side of square.
Wooster is reported to have a new factory in shape of a red lead factory. Mr. JA Shepherd traveling salesman for MW Deboe and Co., a large paint firm of New York City, has invested a red lead solution.
For the repairing of saddles and harness, call at Frost shop on Walnut Street, just south of the Express office room with Laubach Wine Shop.

Wooster Republican Aug. 14, 1884

Camp meeting will be held at Pleasant Home, Wayne County, Ohio commencing Aug. 28th and continue a week. The grounds for the meeting are a beautiful grove 4 miles south of West Salem. The ground was purchased by the Pleasant Home Camp Meeting Association and will be a permanent camp grounds. Death of Louis Young Sr. happened last Sunday at his residence on N Bever Street. He was 68 years of age. He was a native of Germany and had been a resident of Wooster for nearly 30 years. He was proprietor of Young’s Restaurant and Bakery on S Market Street, when almost a year ago, he sold out to Henry Hollarl, his health being too poor to conduct the business. He was a member of Morgan Star Lodge K of Phinias and Unicas Tribe of Red Men.

Wooster Republican Aug. 21, 1884

Will Bowers notion and fancy goods store, opposite Archer House in Beresford building.
Mr. And Mrs. LD Craighead left Wooster Monday evening for new home in Winoma.
We note in an announcement of a camp meeting in Orrville beginning Thursday, Aug. 21st, that one of the principal attractions of the meeting will be sermons by Rev. RH McConnell formerly of Washington Township, this county’s now presiding elder of the Sandusky district NE Ohio conference of ME Church.

The city engineer has been instructed by city council to draw up plans and specifications for a new reservoir with a capacity of five million gallons located on the highest point practicably within the city limits according to the judgment of the city council. City council made small appropriations to provide conveniences for the city park just north of the high school so that public gatherings there find means for entertainment. The pioneer picnic will be held on these grounds. Mr. LD Criaghead sold his residence on N Buckeye Street to RJ Rutter for 2800. He is with Wayne County Insurance Co. as secretary.

Wooster Republican Sept. 4, 1884

A pair of steel spectacles and case which were found near the music hall, have been left at Imgard Jewelry Store on W Liberty Street.
Landis and Schmuch have bought out JJ Geitgey in undertaking business. Mr. Geitgey will hereafter conduct a jobbing business. Landis and Schmuch E Liberty Street.
The death of Wm F Woods happened last Friday morning. At the age of 43, he was a leading boot and shoe manufacturer and was compelled to give up the business about one year ago due to ailing health.

The work on the city well is in the northern part of the city and progresses well. The brick and cement wall of monster well is about completed. The workmen are at work laying a 4 inch pipe to connect the well with the water mains on E Bowman Street. On Wednesday afternoon, the city council water works trustees and city civil engineer will locate the point where the reservoir is to be constructed. It will probably be in the knoll in Bloomington north from the university. Work will be commenced on the new reservoir at once. The well is still connected with the main on Bowman Street by hose and water is still being pumped into Reddick Dam reservoir. The water from the new well seems to be abundant and inexhaustible.

Wooster Republican Sept. 11, 1884

Mr. Samuel T Swartz has moved with his family to Sioux City last Monday. For 17 years he has handled dry goods in Wooster and for the last 7 years served in DQ Liggett and Co.. He will enter the same line of business in Iowa.

Wooster Republican Sept. 25, 1884

The English Coach stallion, Ambition, was recently purchased by Mr. JW Troutman from WF Clark of Wooster. This horse will stand at Mr. Clark’s stable on N Buckeye Street.
Death of AH Christie.

Wooster Republican Oct. 2, 1884

Great Republican mass meeting in Wooster Oct. 1, 1884. General John A Logan, Hon. Hannibal Hamlin, Maj. William McKinley, Hon. C Andrews and Hon. Wm M Orr will address the people with a torchlight parade in the evening. President of day , Capt. CW McClure and lists the vice presidents- Wayne County Republican Executive Committee sponsored it.
Work on new roller skating rink, which is being put up on Siegenthaler lot on corner of N Buckeye and E North Streets is progressing rapidly. It will be ready for use in about three weeks.

Wooster Republican Oct. 9, 1884

A cordial reception given to the next president. During the early part of last week, it was noted that James C Blaine, republican presidential candidate, would honor Wooster with his presence for a short time. Public square was handsomely decorated by willing hands and Mr. Blaine and his party were escorted as soon as they arrived by train. He was met at the depot by a reception committee of the following citizens: Hon. AS McClure, CV Hard, Jacob Frick, JH Kauke, Dr. JE Barrett, JA Underwood, Harry McClarran. The party went from depot to the square where Blaine gave a talk.

Wooster Republican Oct. 23, 1884

Ladies and children clothes. We will open Thursday, Oct. 23 in a most complete stock of manufactured goods we have ever shown in Wooster, Wm Annat, 3 E Liberty Street, south side.
Dissolution of partnership of Rhodes and France by mutual consent. Mr. France will continue the business and pay all the debts, Samuel Rhodes and JC France Oct. 9, 1884.

Wooster Republican Oct. 30, 1884

New rink is a success, having opened Wednesday evening of this week. Capt BB Lake is the proprietor and manager. Nearly 500 people were present on the floor, which was crowded. The rink is large and spacious for skating. Mr. Lake’s charges for skating and skates are reasonable.

Wooster Republican Nov. 6, 1884

New delivery wagon is being run by ES Kuhn grocery and was built at Barker Carriage Works here in Wooster.
At the meeting of council on Monday night, a proposition for providing a better fire alarm system for the city was presented and discussed. It was proposed to build a bell to wagon #4 engine house on SE side of square and place there the old courthouse bell taking #4 bell to 5 ward engine house. Motion that the fire committee be instructed to have bell tower constructed was proposed. It lost.

Owing to ill health, Mr. Lewis Young has been compelled to retire from business and last week sold his saloon and restaurant in the Germania block on S Market Street to George Young and Philip Diehl.