Wooster Republican, Business Abstracts 1876
Wooster Republican Jan. 4, 1876
Fire proof cement for Wayne County. Orders left at AJ Seigenthaler, #56 E South Street or WC Weaver, S Buckeye Street, Seigenthaer and Weaver, one door east of Bethal Church.
L Young and Son, #38 S Market Street. For sale 500 gallons of fine pure wine.
Mr. DB Ihrig has retired from control of the American House. The house will remain closed for a few days until CC Townley of Mansfield is to be the new man.
Jackson and Co., groceries, inquire at office, formerly occupied by McDonald and Co., W Liberty Street, buying turkeys.
Wooster Brush Works, two doors north of the Central Hotel and opposite Gerlach, formerly Gasche Butcher Stand, Adam Foss.
Redinger, Stevens and Co., new foundry and machine shop, Agricultural machinery, corner of Buckeye and North Streets.
John R McKinney, office SE side of square, over L Shibley Jewelry Store.
Orr and Reider, office SW side, two doors below EC National Bank.
Downing and Yocum office, JH Downing and CM Yocum, SW corner in Quimby building.
JR Woodsworth, office over Barrett and Wisner Grocery, NE side of square.
Frank Taggart, office over Roller and Wilson Drug Store, W Liberty Street.
Hiram B Swartz, office over Childs Clothing Store, W Liberty Street.
ES Dowell, 2nd floor of TS Johnson bank, SW side of square.