Wooster Republican, Business Abstracts 1875

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Wooster Republican Jan. 3, 1875

Dentist, Dr. HA Warner, office over Taylor and Spink provision Store, W Liberty Street.
Dr. LG Harley, office over Chatelain Jewelry Store, SW side of square.
Dr. George Liggett, office over L Shibley Jewelry Store, SE side of square, two doors north of old post office, residence on N Market Street, east side, one door north of Col. Wiley residence, nearly opposite the Baptist Church.
Dr. JH Reynolds, office and residence North Street, one door east of Episcopal Church.
Dr. JD Robison, office #35, residence #158 N Market Street.
Dr. S Wilson, office and residence on W Liberty Street.
George McElcar does painting, residence and shop on corner of North and Spink Streets. Order may be left at Babbs Grocery.
CH Kurtz, painter and jobber, S Market Street.
Central Hotel, S Market and South Streets, Wm Buchanan proprietor.
Harvey Howard has purchased the entire stock of stoves and tin ware of FE Reynolds on W Liberty Street at old Eagle House sign of Green pump.
Machinery Manufacturing of all kinds at Aultman Machinery Manufacturing of Canton. Sold by JT Shields agent, making machinery can be bought at store, NE side of square.
Firm of GP Emrich and Son lumber business books and notes, are in our hands for collection, immediate settlement is required, B and BF Eason.
New coach line. Harvey D Lawhead recently opened a coach and line and driving for business. This is a expression that among many it is an underhanded affair run against SS Shilling by Mr. IW Numman, formerly proprietor of old line. This is not the case. The coach was purchased by Mrs. MM Lawhead of Akron and paid for a gentlemen and willing to testify. Please leave orders on the slate at the American Hotel.
AG Rich, painting, grating and paper hanging shop next door to Johnson Marble Works, S Market Street, residence on Vine Street. Orders may be left at Rhodes and Myers Shoe Store.
One of the oldest hat houses in the state, established 1832 by J Nachtrieb and Son, #18 E Liberty Street, nearly opposite American House.
The old brown corner #1ME, JS Bissell and Bros., dry goods and carpets.
1875 for spring, George Plumer, dry goods and notions.
I am still hear making buggies and wagons, John Wilhelm, shop at same old place, E Liberty Street, near James Curry lumber yard.
Miller and Slusser, west end grocery and breads, City Bakery, W Liberty Street.
Farmers Iron Store, JS Bissell and Co. hardware, #2ME old RR Donnelly and Co..

Wooster Republican Jan. 14, 1875

TY McCray, office of WA Donner store, SE side of square.
CA Reider, office E Liberty Street, three doors west of the American Hotel.
Rouch and Wilson, SW side of square.
Wooster Planning Mill of DC Curry and Co., on North Street between Bever Street and Beall Ave.
Weber Bros. Co., manufactory of cabinet organs on N Bever Street.
Simon Geitgey, furniture, six doors south of Donner corner, old rooms of Hoelzel and Kaltwasser, SE side of square.
B Barrett and Co. steam engines, E Liberty Street.
Harness and collar manufactory of BJ Hartman, opposite Washington House.
EA Jones drugs successor to Harvey Howard, #4ME, two doors west of the post office.
TS Johnson, banker, SW side of square, one door north of WC National Bank.
Knox and Shiffer blacksmith, N Buckeye Street, near Washington House, one door north of them is Capt. George Law, celebrated carriage maker.
Samuel Metzler, painter, office E South Street.
Central Hotel, corner of S Market and South Streets, Wm Buchanan proprietor.
HJ Frost, groceries at red front corner opposite Zimmerman and Co., W Liberty Street.
John Simon, merchant tailor, SW side of square, below bank under Jeffries Law Office. He has in his employ ED Whitmore.
Exchange Bank of Stibbs, Hanna and Co., American Hotel building, E Liberty Street.
Empire Mills of Ramseyer and Naftzger on Pittsburgh Ave.
American Bible Society is selling bibles and testaments. Rice and McClellan depositors, opposite American Hotel.
JS Bissell, #1ME, dry goods.
Rich, McClellan and Co., #21 E Liberty Street for books and stationary.
Drs. Hart and Wilson, chemist and druggist, Column building, W Liberty Street.
John J Plank, gun shop, NE side of square, rifles, shotguns and revolvers.
E Chatelain Jewelry Store, SW side below bank.
Photography of WH Harry Teeples, old gallery NE side of square, #120.
AS Lehman, stove and tin store.
SF Day, stove and tin store, W Liberty, one door east of Spears Furniture Room.
Different types of sewing machines at office of JT Shields, north side of square.
DQ Liggett, Acadome Dry Goods Store.
JB Power clothing, #3E Liberty Street, dry goods.
Nachtrieb and Son, hats and caps, opposite the American Hotel.
Belnap for books and stationary.
Philip Peter, for lime, white lime house, E Liberty Street, near Curry Lumber Yard.
10000 worth of boots and shoes for sale, WF Woods, #19 E Liberty Street.
Carriage works of Banker and Hanna, Beistles old stand on South Street.
GP Emrich and Co. lumber yard, corner of Bever and Larwill Streets.
Jackson Bros. Grocery Store, NE corner of square.
Wilson sewing machines for sale, WA Donners, SE side of square.
TP Baumgardner, American Music Store, west corner room of American Hotel.
McSweeney and Parsons, office Jacobs stone building, upstairs.
B, SB and BF Eason, upstairs in Zimmerman building.
McClure and Smyser, office #6ME, upstairs.
Charles M Yocum, office SW side of square in Quimby building.
James B Taylor, Orrville.
Alfred J Thomas, 1st door south of WC National Bank, SW side of square.
Aquila Wiley, SW side of square, two doors south of WC Nation Bank, upstairs.
McBride and Dowell, office over TS Johnson bank, south side of square.
Bonewitz and Carr, W Liberty Street.
Sample and Jeffries, office SW side, upstairs.

Wooster Republican Jan. 21, 1875

Rice, McClellan and Co., #21 E Liberty Street.
Report of WC National Bank at close business Dec. 31, 1874- assets 232684.17 and same in liabilities, E Quimby Jr. cashier, CM Yocum- notary public, H Armstrong, PS Houten, E Quimby Jr.
Report condition of Wooster National Bank, Thursday Dec. 31, 1874- 819078.14 in assets and same in liabilities, Curtis V Hard- cashier, directors D Robison Jr., Jacob Frick, George B Smith.
Jackson Bros. Grocery, NE corner of square, have sold their stock of goods to Mr. Barrett and Mr. Wisner. WD Barrett has long been a resident of Wooster and he sold stock of goods to Jackson and Co. when they came to Wooster and since then with his brother Frank, has carried on boot and shoe trade that will be closed out now and the whole time devoted to grocery business. Mr. Wm M Winger hails from Apple Creek.

Wooster Republican Jan. 28, 1875

WH Harry photography, NE side of square, old Teeple Gallery, #120 public square.
The Farmers Bank Of Wooster has been incorporated with a capital stock of 50000.

Wooster Republican Feb. 4, 1875

CM Arnsden, architect and draftsman, stand at head and be with DC Curry and Co. North Street, PJ Power.
Drain tile for sale by S Routson.
Rice, McClellan and Co., #21 E Liberty Street.
John J Plank, gun shop, NE side of square.
House and lot for sale. Situated on S Bever Street. House has seven rooms. Bruce Taylor blacksmith, opposite P. Hess Paint Shop.
Life insurance, T Tickner and Co..
Incorporation of new bank are Nathan W Smith, WN Smith, Edward McFadden, R McClarran, DC McClarran, S Kreiling, JP Jeffries, Henry Baum and H Yoder. Business commence on April 1st, Farmers Bank of Wooster.
John VanMeter, successor to JW Underwood, SE corner of square.
Having sold our entire stock of groceries to Barrett and Wisner, we desire to settle those indebted. Will you please call and settle, Jackson and Co.. Can be found over our old grocery store, NE side of square.

Wooster Republican Feb. 11, 1875

John VanMeter, successor to JW Underwood, SE corner of square., choice family groceries.

Wooster Republican Feb. 18, 1875

Notice is given that the late firm of Esselburn and Plank has been dissolved by mutual consent. Mr. Esselburn purchased the interest of Mr. Plank. Michael Esselburn and Samuel P Plank. Boots and shoes.
J Nachtrieb and Son, hats and caps, E Liberty Street, opposite American Hotel.

Owing to disillusionment of our firm, we desire to close out our books and left for settlement at old stand Robison and Co. important old business in Wooster. David Robison Jr. has engaged in dry goods business for 30 years, gives way to persons younger and more efficient. Since 1847, Robison’s corner has been a symbol of business and commercial thrift. In 1844, D Robison Jr. entered store as clerk in store as D Robison and Son. In 1840, John M Robison, David Robison Jr. and James N Robison entered and assumed the business. In 1854, David Robison took full control and held it with slight variations until the present time. Successor to Mr. Robison introduces Mr. Perry McLaughlin and FD Taylor. Golden corner dry goods store, SW side of square.

Wooster Republican Feb. 25, 1875

Weber Bros. And Co., manufactory of organs, buy 1000 to 1500 feet walnut lumber. Call at their office on Bever Street near Home Mills.
GP Emrich and Co. has sold their planning mill on N Bever Street to Mr. JB Hartman and WJ Culbertson, take possession on 15th instant.

The first fire since the Acadome was reduced to ashes occurred last Sunday evening about 8 pm at the grocery store of WP Kinzer on E Liberty Street. The property belonging to the estate of Emanuel Schuckers deceased, took fire from explosion of a lamp which stood in or near the oil room. Mr. Kinzer was in the front room and knew nothing until the alarm. Several services of various churches were brought to a halt by fire bells. The people all hastened to the fire. It was some minutes before water was brought to bear on the fire and it was evident that a great deal of it would be destroyed. Some of the groceries and household goods were saved. Mr. Kinzer had 1000 insurance loss set at 1000, no insurance on the building. Mr. Charles Wilson lost some valuable clothing.
Wm Spear of #48 W Liberty Street is open. Spring trade increased stock of seasonable goods, W Liberty Street, occupy two floors 35x85, besides storage at the manufactory now running to its fullest.
Honorary members of the Citizens Band of Wooster, organized Oct. 7, 1872. Election of honorary members commencing June 18, 1874: Harry McClarran listed as one on the list: SF Day, RB Laubach, AS McClure, EP Bates, Daniel H Pierson, PJ Power, HE Smith, Charles S Frost, James E Wescott, Dr. L Firestone, JR Helman, ML Benham, C Hard, J VanNostram, OM Albright, Charles Sprague, SS Shilling, PC Given, L Chamberlain, Abraham Saybolt Jr., Fred R Power, J Nimmons, J Stibbs, Matt Johnston, Brown and Benson, Theodore DeYoung, John Silver, Lyman Dow, Wm Nold, L Shibley, Ira Bates, JSR Overholt, Hoelzel and Kaltwasser, Hon. EB Esselman, Leo J Larwill, WW Firestone, Miss Flora Kauke, Melissa Frick, James Numbers, JW Underwood, John Larwill, Dr. WC Moore, Gerlach and Gasche, Jerome Curry, AA Carr, George Laubach, Samuel Metzler, E Quimby Jr., DB Ihrig, Allen Clark, Jacob Frick, SH Boyd, CP Ohlinger, Alfred O Piper, RJ Cunningham, IW Newman, John P Barrett, JB Myers, Rich and Mougey, J Frost and Co., JF Schmuck Jr., David W Matz, Col. J Carr, Dr. RN Warren, B Barrett, SD Taylor, George Faber, B Bowers, ES Dowell, Reason B Stibbs, SB Bonewitz, John R Zimmerman, C VanNimmons, Wellington Curry, JL Naylor, SC Daugherty, Miss Agnes McDonald, W Emrich, John Zimmerman, Wendell Young, George Power, Charles Curry, Edward M Quimby, James Curry, G Sandborn, WP Kinzer, David McDonald, John VanMeter, D Robison Jr., Daniel Funck, WA Donner, JR Bowman, JF Reimer, JP Dougal, JT Maxwell, Martin L Smyser, JK McBride, LJ Barker, SL Parsons, Ben Eason, JJ Stephenson, WW Spear, WA Underwood, DW Innel, RB Laubach, HA McKinley, CB Seigenthaler, EA Jones, John McSweeney Jr., PS Hopkins, JR Hankey, W Harry, John Saal, WD Bechtel, J Boyd, W Mullins, DW Smith, SF Day.

Wooster Republican March 11, 1875

James B Johnston and Co., established new marble shop on S Market Street, nearly opposite Logan and Myers Grocery Store. Now ready to receive orders for monuments and tombstones.
Rice, McClellan and Co., #21 Liberty Street, for books and stationary.
Fresh groceries at Barrett and Wisner, NE side of square. Free delivery, successor to Jackson and Bros. Grocery Store.
Empire Mills of Ramseyer and Naftzger, on Pittsburg Ave.
EA Jones, successor to Harvey Howard, #4.
JS Bissell and Co. Hardware, #2ME, purchased store of late firm of RR Donnelly carry on late business.
McLaughlin and Taylor, successors to Robison and Co. at Golden Corner, SW side of square, dry goods.
SF Day, stove and tin store, W Liberty Street.
Dissolution of partnership of Pinkerton and Clark, MW Pinkerton and Allen Clark.
Jerry Fox hat stove on same on 2nd floor, NE side of square, opposite county buildings. Mrs. Fox will continue in the millinary business in same building on the second floor.
Mrs. Garing received vegetable and flour seeds. Old seed man Joseph Hawkins has retired from business at the corner of North and Bever Streets. Give her a call before purchasing elsewhere.
AS Lehman, stove and tin store.
Banker and Hanna Carriage Works on South Street, Beistles old stand.
House and lot on S Bever Street for sale. Seven rooms. Inquire of Bruce Taylor, opposite P Hess paint shop.
Kauke is giving his entire attention to this particular business. He leaves a magnificent business room and established trade. After settling his affairs here, he will take up residence in NY.
Mr. JJ Plank has purchased the stock of boots and shoes, assignee of M Esselburn, hereafter conduct business at old stand of Esselburn and Plank, opposite the American House.
Wm Spear and Son, furniture, W Liberty Street, coffins and caskets.
John J Plank gun shop has moved to NE corner of square.
JR Woodsworth, attorney office over Barrett and Wisner grocery stand, NE side of square.
Iron Block Hardware Store of James C Jacobs has sold out for a handsome sum not exceeding 100000, includes the building, stock of goods and the residence on N Market Street, to EJ Keefer late of NY. Mr. Jacobs has been active business man in Wooster since his boyhood, buying out Capt. JH.

Wooster Republican March 18, 1875

D Clark and Son are putting the latest on their new store room, old Acadome, E Liberty Street.
Liquor case of Mrs. Bowers vs. George Brumpter resulted in favor of the defendant. Kate Harris vs. Benjamin Bowers and others is on record for next Monday.
Saybolt, Tieche and Co., manufacture of stoves and tin ware, #13 W Liberty Street.
Hartman and Culbertson, successor to GP Emrich and Co. lumber, corner of Bever and Larwill Streets.
Jerry Fox, at store, NE corner of square, sign of the Red Fox. Mrs. Fox continues in millinary business in same building on second floor.
White lime received by D Black stand, W Liberty Street, corner of Walnut Street.
Wm H Harry, photography gallery, NE corner of square, #120 public square, old Teeple Gallery.
JB Hartman and W Culbertson, lumber corner of Bever and Larwill Streets.

Wooster Republican March 25, 1875

WA Donner for wallpaper, SE side of square.
Dissolution of James Curry and Son. Dissolved Dec. 4, 1874. James R Curry, DC Curry. Wellington Curry purchased James Curry interest in firm of DC Curry and Co. and continue the business of lumber dealers of sashes and doors under firm name of DC Curry and Co., James Curry, John R Curry, DC Curry, Wellington Curry.
Plow points and castings at B Barrett and Co., E Liberty Street.
Miller and Slusser have employed first class baker of fresh bread, rolls and rusks, groceries at City Bakery, W Liberty Street.

Wooster Republican April 1, 1875

Attorneys and physicians same.
J Nachtrieb and Son, over 40 years of service, hats, caps, opposite American Hotel.
George P Seigenthaler, boots and shoes, proprietor of Jacob Metz old stand, open with handsome stock.
Dr. Hart has retired from the drug business and moved to NY where he will engage with Mr. Albert Imgard in the same business.
Mrs. SM Bell will have a large sell of furniture consisting of bed stands on Saturday, April 10, at Culbertson Boarding House on N Bever Street.
New dry goods store of Mr. Alfred D Cressler, recently of Ft. Wayne, is fitting up the store room of the Geitgey building, SW corner of public square to open a new stock of dry goods. There he will open about April 12, 1875.
Wm Spear and Son furniture, W Liberty Street.
Dr. JD Robison, office #35, residence #158 N Market Street.
G Kountz, painter and jobber, S Market Street.
McLaughlin and Taylor successor to Robison and Co., golden corner.
J Nachtrieb and Sons, established 1832, hats and caps, E Liberty Street, opposite American House, #18 E Liberty Street.
GB Seigenthaler, purchased well known stand shoe store of Jacob Metz. New stock of boots and shoes.
George McElcar does painting, paper hanging, residence and shop on North Street, corner of Stibbs and Spink Streets. Leave orders at Babbs Grocery Store.
Groceries at Barrett and Wisner grocery, NE side of square, old Jackson Bros. grocery store.

Wooster Republican April 8, 1875

BF Purdy and Co., carpets, SW side of square.
Harvey Howard has purchased the entire stock of stoves and tin ware of FE Reynolds and opened up one of the best stocks in old Eagle House, W Liberty Street, sign of green pump.
Bakery. George Faber, cakes and candies.
D Clark and Sons, new fancy and staple dry goods, one door west of post office, #5 ME. We have secured service of Mr. Louis Wenger, give him a call.

Wooster Republican April 15, 1875

Mina McClarran and Lenora Hanna, scholars in our public schools, have not been absent or tardy for two years.
John Wilhelm, new stock of carriages and buggies on E Liberty Street.
Fires and alarms of city engineer report April 14, 1875. Fire dept. during year ending April 1, 1875. April 27, 1874 alarm 9 am fire at Wm Leyburn stable on South Street, below Bever Street. May 8, 1874 alarm at 4 pm fire at E Number on South Street. May 11, 1874 alarm 8 pm false. June 29, 1874 alarm at 10 pm false. July 7, 1874 alarm at 2 pm fire in alley in back of John Stevens house on S Buckeye Street. July 30, 1874 alarm at 9:45 pm buildings on Cemetery Street. Nov. 2, 1874 alarm at 10 am at Mrs. Clark on S Market Street. Dec. 18, 1874 at 1:30 pm fire at J Deer dry house. Feb 19, 1875 alarm at 9 pm false. Feb. 21, 1875 alarm at 7:45 pm fire at WP Kinzer, E Liberty Streeet. March 13, 1875 alarm at 1:30 pm fire at Thomas Harvey on Pittsburg Ave. March 14, 1875 at 12 o’clock fire at peter K Anzler, N Grant Street. Total loss 5750 during year, number of reservoirs 13, increase of one since last year. West end reservoir does not hold water. The rest are full at present time. The railroad pond is full of sand and not accessible for the engines. For fires east of the depot, the department is powerless to act having no water. The reservoir on the corner of S Market and Henry Streets is in bad order and will not hold water. It has been added to the department during year, one hose cart, one large ladder, one rubber bucket, 6 lanterns, 12 rubber buckets. A DeYoung chief fire department.
Old reliable firm is in full field again for ice, Pollock and Smith.
AD Cressler offers ladies fancy goods and notions, #31 S Market Street.
WD Barrett and Co. is still on track having replenished stock of goods at old stand, SE side of square.
For Rent, 4 large rooms on 1st floor corner of South and S Market Streets. Call at Albright Gallery.

Wooster Republican April 22, 1875

George McElcar, painting and paper hanging shop on the corner of N. Stibbs and Spink Streets. Leave orders at Babbs Grocery.
Hoelzel and Kaltwasser, SE side of square.
WS Orr law office in Trimble Building, SE corner of square.
Wooster Business College, organized in 1870, has enrolled 585 students.

Wooster Republican April 29, 1875

JJ Plank, boots and shoes at his store opposite American Hotel.
Rice, McClellan and Co., #21 E Liberty Street, for books and stationary.
MS Nachtrieb, celebrated portrait painter, resident of Ironton, is here on a brief visit.
Farmers Bank will commence business in Kauke’s late residence, one door north of the county buildings on the 1st of May. Has a capital of about 50000 general banking and pay interest on time deposits, TR Helman- pres., DC McClarren- VP., WN Smith- cashier, E McFadden Jr.- teller.
George Plumer and Co., dress goods and notions.

Wooster Republican May 6, 1875

Farmers iron store, JS Bissell and Co., #2ME, for hardware.
Harvey Howard has purchased the entire stock of RE Reynolds stove and tin ware. Opened in old Eagle House, W Liberty Street.
Saybolt, Tieche and Co., stoves and tin ware, #13 W Liberty Street, opposite Zimmerman Drug Store.
Brushes at S Armstrong, S Market Street, opposite Harry’s Grocery, wholesale and retail of best prices.
Hartman and Culbertson lumber yard.
BF Purdy and Co., carpets.
Sewing machines for sale, JT Shields, north side of square.
Cheap novelties at Cressler Novelty Store, #31 S Market Street, SW side.
American Music Store, TP Baumgardner, west corner room of the American Hotel.
Harness and collar manufactory of BJ Hartman, opposite the Washington House, E Liberty Street.
John VanMeter, successor to JW Underwood grocery, SE corner of square.
TS Johnson, banker, SW side, one door north of WC National Bank.
American Bible Society is selling bibles and testaments, Rice and McClellan depositors, opposite American Hotel, E Liberty Street.
Attorneys and physicians same.
Merchants and dentists same.
Central Hotel, S Market and South Streets, Wm Buchanan, proprietor.
Fire set at stable of WA Donner on Tuesday morning back of American Hotel. A shaving soaked with oil was put under door but policeman McKay discovered it in time before it could cause any damage.
Pure ice for sale by Pollack and Smith.
Wm Spear and Son Furniture, W Liberty Street, coffins and caskets.
PJ Power, west corner room of American Hotel, for clothing, #13 American House block.
DC Curry and Co., between Beall and Bever Streets, on North Street, has Mr. CN Amsden as an employ.
Miller and Slusser Grocery, City Bakery, W Liberty Street.

Wooster Republican May 13, 1875

Harvey Howard purchased the entire stock of stoves of FE Reynolds and has opened up one of the best stock on W Liberty Street, in old Eagle House, sign of green pump.
G Kounts, painter, S Market Street, SE from the Central Hotel.
JT Shields, various machines for sale, north corner of square.
AJ Seigenthaler is found at #56 E South Street near Bethel Church. Good work done as weaver of carpets and rugs.
EJ Keefer, successor to James C Jacobs hardware, merchant one door west of courthouse, old established Wooster Hardware Store.

Resolution passed by city council in reference to Water Works. M McDonald moved that committee on water works be instructed to confer with Mr. Reddick in regard to the capacity of his large spring and under that terms he would allow the use of his water for the city adopted April 20, 1874. M. McDonald moved that the Wooster Committee in connection with city solicitors, be authorized to contract with Mr. Reddick for his spring and sufficient to contain water for purpose of supplying water to city of Wooster for fire purposes. Also with Mr. Quimby for right of way through his land for the purpose of laying water pipe adopted May 4, 1874. Resolution by Mr. Stark adopted June 15, 1874 resolved committee on water works be instructed to proceed at once to construct waterworks at Reddick Springs according to estimate in place of city engineer Lowe, made to this council, James Johnson city clerk.
CM Yocum has formed a co-partnership with RW Taggart as lawyers.
Street sewer city part at adjourned meeting of council of 4th inst. Following resolution was presented. M McBride offered the following resolution adopted and referred to street committee, Resolved that the city engineer is hereby directed to make survey and level of Liberty Street, starting at intersection of Grant Street and running east to Bever Street or such other streets running south, the most practical route of or as near Apple Creek for the termination of a main sewer for said Liberty and other streets. Survey and level of Market Street at intersection of Bowman Street, then along said street south of the square to a point which practically connects with Liberty Street sewer and that he make a report to the council. The following resolution was offered by Mr. McBride, Resolved with view of embellishing and beautifying the city and improving vacant lots on public square street. Committee is directed to ascertain the price of which two or more lots of suitable size that may be used for the hitching of buggies and horses on public square.
Amos Lewis, optician in Downing block, NE side of square.
New flour and feed store in Howard building, N Buckeye Street.
Money to loan 250000 on approved farm property on 1st class business block city of Wooster and sums 1000 upwards, LC Fullerton, care of American House, Wooster.

Wooster Republican May 27, 1875

Farmers Bank, JL Hellman- pres., DC McClarren- VP., WN Smith- cashier, in JH Kauke old residence, one door north of county buildings. Stockholders are DC McClarren, NW Smith, Perry Baun, RP Reddick, JP Jeffries, JM Yoder, C Smith, John Flory, Edward McFadden, Roswell McClarren, WN Smith, Wm Lusk, JR Belman, John Sidle, TS Weaver, Auston Kaufman, Wm Metzler.
Charles Belnap, mechanic, at Pinkerton, late Shively Foundry, corner of North and Buckeye Streets.
HH Lawhead, formerly with SS Shilling, running a handsome cab of his own. Leave orders at American Hotel or Emmons Bros., N Buckeye Street.
Farmers Bank, N Market Street.
Robbery at E Bideker boot and shoe store, S Market Street. A number of shoes were stolen.
Best working pump manufactured with hose water can be thrown great length, also for watering gardens. Rubber hoses kept shop, N Wentworth, #20 N Buckeye Street.

Wooster Republican June 3, 1875

WS Orr, office SW side of square.
Yocum and Taggert, SW side of square, in Quimby building.
JR Woodsworth, office over Barrett and Wisner Grocery, NE side of square.
TY McCray, office over Wm Donner store, SE side of square.
CC Parsons Jr., rooms formerly occupied by Lucas Flattery, over Jacobs Hardware Store.
McSweeney and Parsons, Jacobs stone block.
Excelsior Carriage Works of Banker and Hanna, South Street, old Beistle stand.
New harness and collar manufacture, BJ Hartman, opposite the Washington Hotel.
Farmer Bank, JH Kauke building, one door north of the county buildings. Lists DC McClarran and Roswell McClarran as stockholders.
Drain tile for sale by S Routson.
McBride and Dowell, office SW side of square, over TS Johnson bank.
Dr. WC Moore, in Childs building, E Liberty Street, opposite post office.
Dr. JE Barrett, 1st house south of Washington House.
Drs. L, WW and MO Firestone, office N Market Street, west side.
Dr. HA Warner, office over Taylor and Spink provision store, W Liberty Street.

Wooster Republican June 10, 1875

PJ Barnum, great traveling worlds fair to be in Wooster Friday, June 18, 1875.
Sealed proposals will be received by the trustees of the Baptist Church in Wooster until Saturday, July 26, 1875, at 2 pm for the erection of a Sunday school building according to plans and specifications on file at J Nachtrieb hat and cap store, John Myers, S Routson and JS Taggart- trustees.
New Ohio, a reaper and mower for sale by McDonald and Co..

Wooster Republican June 17, 1875

Dr. Firestone has bought Dow and Hartman drug store. Look out for cousin Zek.
Eastern Hotel, formerly Empire House under Mr. Henry Slough. It has been thoroughly renovated inside and out.
Independent band first practice of season picnic at Quimby park on June 24th by the Independent Band of Wooster. A large platform has been constructed and ample arrangements been made for comfort and enjoyment. Ice cream and lemonade and a lively hop will be indulged in by all.
SS Shilling has bought a new 1250 coach Mertz and Ridder of Ravenna. Orders left at American Hotel or at 135 N Market Street.
PJ Power, American House clothing, west corner room of the American Hotel, #13 American House, E Liberty Street.
Pollock and Smith ice offered in Wooster.
A whole new lot of kids gloves for sale at Cressler Novelty Store.

Wooster Republican June 24, 1875

L Shibley Jewelry Store, SE side of square.
Salt and lime at Johnston Coal Yard, opposite Washington House, E Liberty Street.
Call and see the Empire wringer at SF Days stove and tin store, one door east of Speer Furniture, W Liberty Street.
Sealed proposals will be received by Water committee of council of Wooster till 12 noon on June 24, 1875 for the laying of about 4000 lineal feet of 12 inch pipe and 900 feet of 8 inch pipe and 5200 feet of 6 inch pipe, 300 ft. of 4 inch pipe with all breaches, gates and apparatus setting of about 24 fire plugs- RJ Cunningham chairman. (May 27, 1875).

Notice to whom it may concern that on 27th of April, 1875, I filed petition to Commissioner of Wayne County to establishment of a public road running from Sharps to Quimby Mill in Wayne Township, across land owned by myself and one Christian Plank, to my stone quarry situated in NE quarter of section 34 in township of Wayne. Also drain of said quarry unto said land of said Plank. AK Plank, petitioning attorney.
Great closing out sale of shawls for 30 days at Cressles Novelty Store.
Coal yard purchased . Coal yard owned by Johnston and Co., opposite Washington House, E Liberty Street. Matt Johnston.

Wooster Republican July 1, 1875

Harvey Howard bought stove and tin store of FE Reynolds. Open at Eagle House, W Liberty Street.
DC Curry and Co., one million feet of pine lumber.
Sabbath school books for sale by Rice, McClellan and Co. at #21 E Liberty Street.
Farmers Iron Store of JS Bissell and Co., #2ME.
Refrigerators for sale, only cheap groceries at #5 W Liberty Street, McClarran and Caskey.
Machinery Manufacturing for sale by JT Shields, NE corner of square.
AG Rich, painting and paper hanging shop, next door to Johnson Marble Works, S Market Street. Orders may be left at Rhodes and Myers Shoe Store.
Dr. Firestone says to public that he has recently purchased the drug store of Dr. Lyman Dow, situated on SE side of square, one door south of Louis Shibley jewelry store. New goods fresh and pure.
Firm of GP Emrich and Co. has closed its lumber business . Notes on had for collection at E, SB, and BF Eason.
Coal yard. I have purchased the coal yard of Johnston and Co., opposite the Washington Hotel, E Liberty Street, Matt Johnston.

Wooster Republican July 8, 1875

Water Works committee has awarded the digging of trenches and laying pipe to TB Keating of Mansfield for 6339.20, contract for pipe awarded to Dennis Long and Co. of Louisville for 38.70 per ton delivered at Wooster.

Wooster Republican July 22, 1875

Report of WC National Bank close of business June 30, 1875 was 229209.09 in assets and same in liabilities, E Quimby Jr.- cashier.
Ben Hartman has moved his collar manufactory to Howard Building, sign of green pump, W Liberty Street, old Eagle Hotel.
Handsome Monument work can be had by calling at extensive Marble Works of B Johnson and Co., #58 and #60 S Market Street.
Ad for Banker and Hanna Carriage Works, old Beistle stand on South Street 21, 23, 25, 27, 29.
Andrew Busch house painting. Orders left at the post office or residence on E Henry Street.
Attorneys and doctors same.
EJ Keefer, successor to James C Jacobs, Wooster Hardware Store, one door west of courthouse.
JB Hartman and WJ Culbertson, new firm, new goods lumber yard, old GP Emrich and Co., corner of Bever and Larwill Streets.

Wooster Republican July 29, 1875

500 reward given to any person who can prove that IW Newman is in any way connected with Lawhead coach line. Shilling yarns are too thin, HH Lawhead.
Largest show on earth will exhibit in Wooster, August 10th, Tuesday. John Robison great Worlds Exposition.

Wooster Republican Aug. 5, 1875

Parlor Boot and Shoe Store. Mr. Barker has fitted up room, SW side of square, handsome lot of goods.
Mr. JB Myers of firm of Logan and Myers is investing several thousand dollars in beautified residence on S Market Street. House is two story frame, 25x35 feet and a wing 16x20 feet of seven large rooms.
Dissolution of firm of Barrett and Wisner by mutual consent. Hereafter the grocery store will be run by Barrett and Son and the shoe store WD Barrett and Co. will be run by WG Wisner.
Empire Mills of JJ Ramseyer, on Pittsburgh Ave.
Barrett and Son steam engines and boilers, E Liberty Street.
Coal yard of Matt Johnston, bought out Johnston and Co., opposite Washington House, E Liberty Street.
Lawyers and doctors same.

Wooster Republican Aug. 26, 1875

Aultman and Co., harvesters and reapers for sale by JT Shields, NE corner of square.
Stoves for dale, DF Day, #46 W Liberty Street, one door east of Spears Furniture Rooms.
EA Jones, two doors west of post office, E Liberty Street. Used to be next door to hardware store of RR Donnelly, merchant tailor and gents furnishing goods.
Sabbath school books for sale by Rice and McClellan, #21 E Liberty Street.
JR Woodsworth, attorney, over Barrett and Wisner Grocery Store, NE corner of square. (Note, grocery changed to Barrett and Son and Wisner took over shoe store, SW side of square of WD Barrett and Co.).
The Farmers Bank, J Kauke building, one door north of county buildings, JR Helman- president, DC McClarran- VP.
J Nachtrieb and Son, hats and caps.
Dissolution of Drs. L, WW and MO Firestone. MO Firestone is retiring from business. To be carried on by Drs. L and WW Firestone.

Wooster Republican Sept. 9, 1875

General Hayes and Hon. James Monroe will speak in Wooster on Tuesday evening Sept. 21, 1875. Hon. Hanford will address republicans Wed. Sept. 8th.
City coal dealer, Robert Mish, successor to AG Coover. Will fill orders for coal. Leave orders at Curr Feed Store, Babbs Grocery Store or at office on South Street, near the railroad.
Empire King Wringer sale by SF Day stove store, #46 W Liberty Street.
Wm M Wisner has bought boot and shoe store of WD Barrett and Co.. Call and see him, SW side of square.

Wooster Republican Sept. 17, 1875

DW Taylor, agent of Aetna Life Insurance, opposite the Reformed Church on North Street.
Co-partnership heretofore existing between CB Baird and LB Howard, has been dissolved by mutual consent. Mr. Baird is to remain here and Mr. Howard to immigrate somewhere in the western hemisphere.
Wayne County Fair to be held Sept. 22, 23, 24, 1875. JC Plumer- secretary of Wayne County Agricultural Society.
Pittsburgh Steam Dying and Scoring establishment, M May- proprietor, Mrs. C Schauman- manager of Wooster branch. Receive all orders, dresses, shawls, ribbons. Mrs. C Schauman, #53 S Market Street, on west side.

Wooster Republican Sept. 23, 1875

New Acadome Dry Goods Store of D Clark and Son has moved to new store on lot formerly occupied by the Acadome. They have the finest building in this section of the country. The 1st floor is occupied by firm as a dry goods store, Ceylon is high and clear white. The second floor will be used as offices and for display of carpets and third floor is used as a hall or lodge room. The front is made of galvanized iron. If in Wooster, call on Clark and Sons.
Mr. TP Baumgardner sold 22 foot front of American Hotel to Albert Imgard for 10000.
Mr. Foust and Mr. McLaughlin occupy room west of post office on Oct. 1st. New stock of dry goods, #5ME.
John J Horn Jr., for coal, has taken office formerly occupied by AG Coover, NE corner of square.

Wooster Republican Sept. 30, 1875

1st class boarding and good rooms can be procured at reasonable rates at Metropolitan, #47 W Liberty Street.
After Oct. 1st, the office of Dr. George Liggett will be moved to N Market Street 1st door of his residence and 1st door of the Trinity ME Church.

Wooster Republican Oct. 7, 1875

Go to the Singer office, opposite Miller’s Hardware Store for sewing machine attachments. David Stoner agent, W Liberty Street.
Boarding at Metropolitan House, #47 W Liberty Street.
School books and stationary at WA Donner, 1 and 2 corner E Liberty Street and public square, SE side of square.
Hartman and Culbertson corner of Larwill and Bever Streets, lumber yard.
City coal dealer, Robert Mish, successor to AG Coover, office E South Street, near the railroad.
George McElchar, leave orders at Babbs Grocery Store.
Farmers Bank, JL Helman- president, WN Smith- cashier, DC McClarran- VP, in Kauke building, one door north of county buildings.
For rent. My former residence on South Street containing eight rooms, SL Imgard.

Wooster Republican Oct. 14, 1875

Premiums awarded at 26th annual fair of Wayne County Agricultural Society, held in Wooster Sept. 22, 23, 24, 1875.
D Clark and Sons, popular dry goods merchants, have moved into new store room on site of the late Acadome building and are now fitted up in fine style.
Baseball. The following is a score of a game of baseball played between White Caps BBC of Smithville and Dalton club, Saturday, Oct. 9th at Orrville, Smithville 46- Dalton 13.
Harry’s Art Gallery, opposite the county buildings, old Teeples gallery.
Foust and McLaughlin, at new store one door west of post office, #5ME.

Wooster Republican Oct. 21, 1875

Assignment of McDonald and Co.. Our citizens were completely startled last Saturday when it was being whispered around that McDonald and Co. had made an assignment. The assignment took place at 12 noon on Saturday, J Kauke and Wm McKinley of Canton being assignees. Major Wm McKinley is son-in-law of James Sexton, one of the partners. No statement has yet been made by the assignees as to assets and liabilities of McDonald and Co.. Various conjectures are made between 500000 to 800000 assets and 300000 to 500000 in liabilities. A majority of the creditors in this vicinity and several employees of the firm, have various amounts unpaid. It was a great calamity to the business interests of Wooster, there is no denying. Mr. McDonald and Mr. Laughlin, old residents of Wooster, have sympathies of citizens.

Wooster Republican Oct. 28, 1875

John R McKinney, attorney at law office, SE side over L Shibley Jewelry Store.
Dissolution notice. Notice is hereby given that the partnership existing of firm name of J Nachtrieb and Son is this day dissolved by mutual consent. Business hereafter will be carried on by Jonas Nachtrieb and all debts of old firm will be paid by him. Jonas and Joshua Nachtrieb.
Boots and shoes at the Parlor Shoe Store, SW side of square, N Barker.

Wooster Republican Nov. 4, 1875

Howard’s Eagle House Store is in full blast, W Liberty Street, west end, Eagle House Stove Store.
Palace Shoe Store, Wm N Wisner, boots and shoes, north side of public square, bought of WD Barrett and Co., north of old Brown corner, JS Bissell and Co.. (WD Barrett bought out grocery store of Barrett and Wisner and Wisner took over boot store of WD Barrett and Co..

Wooster Republican Nov. 11, 1875

TE Peckenpaugh is superceded as teller in the Wooster National Bank by JW Emrich.
Martin Funk and Elam Smith rented fire in blacksmith shop, below American House and do repair work on buggies and wagons, etc.

Wooster Republican Nov. 18, 1875

By resolution of council, the cobblestone crossings on E Liberty Street will be taken and relayed with flagstones of specific cost per foot.
Central Hotel, Capt. Wm Buchanan, S Market and South Streets.
Notice is given, the undersign has been duly appointed assignee of Wm A Donner of Wooster. All persons indebted to said are requested to make immediate payment to me.- WR Jackson.

Wooster Republican Nov. 25, 1875

SF Day, stove store, #46 W Liberty Street.
Matt Johnston, coal dealer, E Liberty Street, opposite Washington House.
Coal for sale, John J Horn Jr., taken office formerly occupied by AG Coover, NE corner of square.
Go to Gray and Harrington for coal at Snow Flake Mills, E Liberty Street, the oldest coal yard in Wooster.

Wooster Republican Dec. 2, 1875

Painters, George McClar. Leave orders at Babbs Grocery Store. Residence and shop on corner N Stibbs and Spink Streets.
GW Taylor, agent Aetna Life Insurance Co., opposite Reformed Church, E North Street.
Central Hotel, corner of S Market and South Streets, Wm Buchanan proprietor.
Farmers Bank, JH Belman- pres., DC McClarren- VP, WN Smith- cashier, in JH Kauke building, one door north of county buildings. Stockholders include DC McClarren and Roswell McClarren.
Centennial announcement: fresh fruits, jellies, chocolates, rice and barley at McClarran and Caskey Grocery Store.

McDonald and Co. meeting of creditors in compliance with previous arrangements. McDonald and Co., 150 people including some ladies, met at Wood department at 10 am Tuesday. Harry Lloyd of Pittsburgh, was chosen president, PSL Baldwin of Massillon as secretary. Mr. Sexton and McDonald were present and quite a number of gentlemen from Mansfield, Canton, Cleveland, Pittsburgh and other places. After organizing a statement from the assignee was called for and Capt. JH Kauke came forward and read the following exhibit of liabilities and assets and answered all questions which would process in meeting and failed said to ask. The following is taken direct from the assignee report. The assignee did not present this as being full and entirely correct. Subsequent information may change the figures and in answers to questions, Capt. Kauke said 150000 of the indebtedness was in Wayne County, 200000 in Stark County. Bills liabilities of 805288.57 with suits pending against McDonald and 22000 total 827238.57 with gross liabilities of 85809.10 deducted from a total net liabilities of 741429.47. Assets good 140855.0 assets doubtful 7516.49. Assets due estimate worth and deduct 10% for collection 10000 real estate in Wooster, Western lands, personal properties total and tools and machinery as noted 81099. 65. Gross assets of 319510.68. Creditors and agents against deduct employees preferred credits, total 85200.10 total net assets 231201.58, net liabilities 741929.47 and net assets 234201.58 for a total excess of liabilities of 507727.89 Mr. Sexton of firm of McDonald and Co. made a statement individual assets which embraced Western land missing property improved farm and stocks of various kinds and notes of 381515. He owed individual about 2800. MD Harter of Mansfield interrogated Mr. Sexton as to his benefits he had derived from McDonald and Co., what his knowledge of business was. Mr. Sexton answered very firmly that all questions put to it and in regard to a compromise he said he had thought of offering 50 cents on dollar payable in 1,2,3,4 years without security and without interest but would hesitate about making it final. He spoke of paying around 80000 due to women in full as to give his three children properties and said he had given them about 20000 each during the last five years. He said he was endower of McDonald paper over 300000 and he owed him individually over 80000 and that he intended going into bankruptcy believing a settlement of all creditors would be impossible. He made an assignment at beginning of his trouble to prevent any creditor from taking advantage of another one. He had never received a cent worth of profit from McDonald and Co.. His royalty had been paid in notes. There being a deposition knowing something further of the inside workings of the business, here Mr. Sexton suggestion that the chairman appoint a committee of five who would select another committee of five empowering them with the right of examining the members of the firm, bookkeepers work over the books, ascertain the real condition of affairs and report at a future meeting of creditors. The composition of said committee to be the actual expense and what ever else the creditor may see fit to allow. The committee of selection was composed of Mr. AL Couger of Akron, M Hanna of Cleveland, AC Wales of Canton, JH Kauke and CV Hard of Wooster. They appointed Mr. MD Harter of Mansfield, AL Couger of Akron, Henry K Alderbaugh of New Philadelphia and FL Baldwin. The meeting adjourned until the call of the investigating committee.

Fearful fall of 35 feet into a stone quarry. Thursday evening at 7:30 pm, Prof. WW Wallace of University, was returning from a thanksgiving dinner at Dr. RH Pollock’s about 1 ¼ miles north of the city. He met with a severe accident at the stone quarry. To avoid the mud, he got over the fence and walked in the field thinking about arriving at the quarry to step down the bank into the road. It was very dark and before the professor had realized it, he had reached the dangerous place. He climbed over the rail pole that crowned the summit of the quarry and was supposedly moving eastward to the road when in fact, he was going south into danger, there being quite a steep bank down to the road. He stopped on and off in to darkness. He remembered falling until striking the stony bottom where he remained conscious. In a few minutes, he succeeded in alarming the family of Mr. Seib, who lived nearby. When they came out with a lantern, they found him bleeding and conveyed him to the house. A message was sent to Dr. Firestone and Rev. Dr. Pollock. They arrived soon after. Examination showed his right leg was broken three times below the knee and lower jaw broken twice. His nose was broken and several flesh cuts on his face. The next morning, he was taken to the residence of his brother RA Wallace in Wooster.
Palace Shoe Store of Wm M Wisner, boots and shoes on NE side of square.

Wooster Republican Dec. 9, 1875

Assignee sale. Business is business to sell stock notions and toys, formerly owned by WA Donner at old Red corner, SE corner of square, for 60 days, Railly Jackson assignee.
Gray and Harrington Coal Yard, at Snow Flake Mills, #70 E Liberty Street.
Furs for sale at Fox Millinary, NE corner of square.

Wooster Republican Dec. 16, 1875

There will be a meeting of the creditors of McDonald and Co. in Zimmerman’s block Dec. 23rd at 9 am at which time the investigating committee appointed at last meeting will make a report. All creditors should be present if at all possible.
Wooster Poultry Yard, Lewis H Immel must have cultivated his yard for poultry by middle of Feb. Will have many varieties of eggs for sale. He can be seen at his residence, #22 Grant Street or his place of business at #77 W Liberty Street.
Mr. RS Redinger, John Stevens, Lois Keebu, formerly of McDonald and Co., have leased the Shively property on the corner of Buckeye and North Streets for the purpose of manufactory of agricultural implements. They will erect a new building on the corner of property and be ready to receive orders by Jan. 1st.
We stopped in to Charles Gasche gallery of art the other day to see the portrait of John Larwill, the old Abright Gallery.
China Hall of Geitgey, China Hall, #33 S Market Street.

Meeting of the creditors of McDonald and Co. report of the investigating committee, a basis of agreement agreed upon Dec. 23, 1875: According to the time agreed upon for presenting the report of the investigating committee, a large number of the creditors either individually or by attorney of the firm of McDonald and Co., assembled in the Wooster National Bank Hall on Thursday the 23rd at 9 am. It is estimated that nearly 300000 of the indebtedness was represented on this occasion. The meeting was organized by electing Henry Lloyd of Pittsburgh chairmen; JG Sanborn as secretary and L Jeffries of the Democrat as assistant secretary. The chairman stated the object of the meeting to be the hearing of the report of the Investigating committee appointed at a previous meeting of the creditors and such other business as might be brought up for consideration. He called for the report of the committee.
FL Baldwin, esq. Chairman of the committee, then came forward and presented the report which had been previously printed and circulated among creditors. Time would not permit reading it in detail, but he called attention to the principal means as set forth in the total. He said that 18000 should be credited to bills payable as partial payments and that according to 15th Ohio state reports, all accounts due members of the firm should be stricken out. He said that every facility had been afforded the committee by the firm and its employees in obtaining the information embraced in the report and that the committee had detected nothing of a dishonest or fraudulent character on the books. He believed the principal causes of the failure were the facts set forth in the report. In order to bring it before the meeting, John Zimmerman moved that the report be received which was promptly seconded and an opportunity was given for discussion.
CM Yocum, attorney for the mechanics who are creditors, asked if the books showed itemized accounts and whether the amount paid as commissions to agents was accessible. Mr. Baldwin replied that as a general thing , the accounts were in detail but of late, commissions were charged to expense account. In some instances, agents traveling expenses amounted to more than their salaries. Considerable money was expended in this way. Mr. Parker, of Alliance inquired if the statement included the individual property of Mr. McDonald and Mr. Laughlin. Mr. Baldwin said that it did not for the reason that he understood that both gentlemen had signed mortgages covering their entire estates. Against the former, there existed mortgages for 2180.51 and the later 3461.47. In answer to the question whether partners drew out heavily, the answer was they did not. In some instances, drawing less than their salaries. Mr. Yocum asked if the statement made by the assignee had been found to be correct- added correctly- which was answered affirmatively, also the question as to whether the books showed how much money was borrowed and what expenses were incurred during the six weeks previous to the assignment was answered in the affirmative. It was asked why the gala of loss in 1875 was not given because the mechanicals account for that year was not completed. Mr. John J Stevenson, superintendent of the works, inquired as to what amount was paid to George B Smith, whom he, when he retired from the firm, and what amount was paid Mr. Laughlin at the time he endorsed for his son-in-law. Mr. Baldwin said Capt. Benham was to have furnished the information to committee but had not done so. Mr. Baldwin said he understood that Mr. Smith received 13000 at the time of his retirement in 1869, and the committee judged the firm as insolvent at that time. As to Mr. Laughlin’s matter, he had no information. The motions to receive the report was then put and carried. Again a few negative voices. The chairman announced the report as accepted. Mr. MD Harter of Mansfield, then called on the committee to present its bill of expenses. The bill not having been made out in full, Mr. Harter moved that the company creditors select a committee of 31 members. The bills should be referred and passed upon and then reported to the meeting for payment. The creditors selected: Jacob Frick, John Zimmerman and Mr. Parker as that committee. John McClymonde, of Cleveland, moved the adoption of the Investigating Committees report as its reception did not imply its adoption. The report was adopted. Mr. Parker called on the committee to make a report of suggestions in regard to a settlement. In behalf of the committee, Mr. Baldwin said the subject of settlement had been talked over and three propositions laid down on as one of which was the committee entirely harmonious.
The propositions are as follows: First: Mr. JA Sexton to take the estate of McDonald and Co. and pay whatever proportion he could if he figures were acceptable to creditors, Second: Some men or set of men to take the assets, run the shops and pay off the debts, Third: A division of creditors, those creditors who hold paper with JA Sexton’s endorsement to take him individually as their security, thereby discharging McDonald and Co. and creditors who hold the paper of McDonald and Co. without Sexton’s endorsement to accept McDonald and Co. assets and discharge JA Sexton from all obligation. Mr. AL Couger, a member of the committee and representative of Whitman and Miller Mech Manufacturing Co. of Akron, said prominent attorneys held that Sexton’s paper had a price lien on his assets. In case Mr. Sexton went into bankruptcy, holders of his endorsed paper could exhaust his assets and then fail back on McDonald and Co.. He believed creditors should elect. As a creditor of McDonald and Co., he was willing to take the firm and let the E Sexton men take Mr. Sexton otherwise prolonged and expensive litigation might ensue. Mr. Sexton was called on to make any proposition he might have. He said he had no propositions to offer and was willing to give up his property and take a discharge and didn’t know enough about the occasion to assume responsibility of so large an indebtedness. He was willing to give his property and his interest to McDonald and Co. without litigation. Mr. Higner said that it assumed dif…. And report to the meeting at 2 pm. This motion was carried unanimously.
The McDonald men retired to L Flattery’s office in the rooms below. The McDonald men chose as committee: AL Couger, A CM Yocum, John Zimmerman, WR McClellan of West Salem and CV Hard. The Sexton men chose: MD Harter of Mansfield, Hiram Pool of New York, FL Baldwin of Massillon, John McClymoods of Cleveland and TJ Gordon of Columbus. These committees met in joint session at once and although they were to have reported at one o’clock, they did not come into the meeting until half past two and then to announce that they could not agree.
The Committee. The chairman called for the propositions which had been under discussion by the committee. On behalf of the Sexton men, Mr. Harter read the following propositions which they had offered: The holders of the endorsed paper to take all of Sexton’s assets and 40000 out of the first collections made by the assignee of McDonald and Co. assets and to release all assets and give release to McDonald , Laughlin and Sexton. The holders of unendorsed McDonald and Co. paper to release all claims against Sexton, McDonald and Laughlin and pay the 40000 above referred to in the hands of the party representing the endorsed creditors. Mr. Harter said the above was their first proposition but their final one was that the holders of endorsed paper take Sexton assets that the first creditors to in addition take up 17000 of Sexton endorsed paper for which 22000 of McDonald and Co. as notes are on hold as collaterals and furthermore pay 5000 in cash. The collaterals were said to be good notes on which considerable interest had accrued. On behalf of the McDonald men, Mr. Conger submitted two propositions, the first of which was not discussed in the committee meeting as follows: First we agree to take the assets of McDonald and Co. and James A Sexton and distribute them probate among all creditors; Second, we are willing to divide the as estates of McDonald and Co. and James A Sexton and the parties holding the individual paper of James A Sexton may elect which estate they will take. Also that 17000 of paper endorsed by Sexton and secured by 22000 as collaterals assets of McDonald and Co. may be paid from such collaterals.
Mr. DD Miller of Wooster asked what advantage either party would gain by a division of creditors. He was willing to take what he could get but some of the creditors desired information. It was replied that the Sexton men would avoid serious litigation by such as a judgment as it was doubted that they had a right to fall back on McDonald and Co. and the McDonald men would be more likely to receive a reasonable percent on the amount due them and would also avoid litigation. Mr. GD Bates of the Second National Bank of Akron said it was an important matter under discussion and it would be very unfortunate if creditors did not agree upon a settlement at this meeting. He was in favor of dividing the four or five thousand dollar difference right in the Middle. He thought the committee should retire again and settle the matter among themselves. Mr. Harter said he thought the Sexton men would be willing to take 40000 in money. Mr. Bates moved that the committee retire again and divide the money right in the middle. The motion was carried with one dissenting vote. The committee retired and shortly afterwards returned with the following agreement: The holders of the endorsed paper to take all of Sexton assets and release all further claims on McDonald and Co. assets the holders of unendorsed McDonald and Co. paper to take McDonald and Co. assets and release all further claims on JA Sexton as estate. In addition, McDonald and Co. creditors to deliver to Sexton creditors notes endorsed by Sexton in the amount of 17000 which are secured by collaterals and agree to pay Sexton endorsed creditors 2500 in cash out of the first moneys received, the notes to be delivered within two years and McDonald and Co. creditors to have the collaterals. This agreement seemed of the terms of this meeting in regard to the gentlemen concerned with the firm which would be timely and proper and he would therefore present the following resolution: Resolved that it is the sense of this meeting that not only do we find no evidence of fraud on the part of McDonald, Laughlin or Sexton in the management of the business but there is no suspicion of fraud. Mr. Hard moved to amend by inserting office employees which was agreed on and the resolution as amended was then carried unanimously. It was then left to the creditors of each party to draw up a paper containing the agreement, this made to be signed by the creditors of the party to which they belong both papers to be presented at a future meeting. The creditors of McDonald and Co. selected Mr. OF Jones, John Zimmerman, CV Hard, AL Coeger, JK McBride and CM Yocum as their committee to prepare the document and will meet in the National Bank hall Thursday, Dec. 30th at 1 pm to sign the same. This concluded the proceedings of the meeting and it adjourned sign die. The statement of the Investigation committee is given in full in another column.

Wooster Republican Dec. 23, 1875

Mr. JW Underwood, formerly engaged in grocery business but lately manufacture of brushes, died late Monday morning of typhoid fever. He was a brother of WA Underwood and step son of Abraham Coover decd. The funeral occurred Wednesday at 2 pm.
The grand old structure courthouse of Wooster is to be torn down section by section, placed on trucks and hauled to the depot if the mud along Main Street allows and therefore shipped upon platform car to Philadelphia, where ground has been prepared for its reception. Old Wayne had been waiting to take the coads and wonders of the centennial. The commissioners appointed last spring by Governor for getting together of every thing that is needed to open the eyes of the great masses, appointing the following committee to superintend the work of taking down and transporting the architect to be of Mr. JP Vannest, S Jeffries and Sanborn. The prospect is a good one. The Londonville Advocate.