Wooster Republican, Business Abstracts 1874

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Wooster Republican Jan. 1, 1874

Dr. RN Warren, successor to Dr. Clark, office and residence on North Street, opposite the new German Reformed Church.
Dr. WC Moore, office in the Acadome building.
McClarran and Caskey, queens ware, glassware and groceries, west corner room of Iron block.
James E Wescott, dealer in gent furnishing goods, corner of S Market Street and the public square.
Donnelly and Co., hardware, #2ME.
James C Jacobs, hardware, one door west of the courthouse.

JH Reid, saddles and harness and colors, NE corner of square, opposite county treasure office.
Isaac Johnson, SE corner of square.
CC Parsons Jr., in rooms formerly occupied by Lucas Flattery, over Jacobs Hardware Store.
McSweeny and Parsons, over Jacobs Hardware Store.
B and SB Eason, office in Zimmerman new building, upstairs.
McClure and Smyser, #6ME, upstairs.
Charles M Yocum, SW corner of square, in the Quimby building.
AJ Thomas, 1st door south of the WC National Bank, SW side.
Rex and Jones, W Liberty Street, a few doors west of Wooster Exchange.
Aquila Wiley, SW side of the square, two doors south of WC National Bank.
McBride and Dowell, office over TS Johnson bank.
Bonewitz and Carr, W Liberty Street.
Sample and Jeffries, SW side of square, upstairs.
Subscription school. Subscription Sunday papers, FD Belnap news depot, three doors east of the American Hotel.
J Nachtrieb and Son, hats and caps, opposite the American Hotel, E Liberty Street.
Dr. MO Firestone arrived in Wooster and when he reaches age, will probably be taken in by his father.
New York branch, Green pump, Howard’s old stand, W Liberty Street for dry goods.
HJ Frost, grocery and provisions, opposite Zimmerman Drug Store, W Liberty Street.
Barrett and Ogden, ready made clothing, two doors west of the American Hotel.
JJ Ramseyer, grain bought and sold, opposite Zimmerman block, W Liberty Street.
James E Wescott, merchant tailor and dealer in foreign goods, corner of S Market and public square.
JP Power, selling dry goods.
Jackson Brothers Grocery and Provision Store, NE corner of the public square.
BF Purdy and Co., dry goods store.
John Simon, merchant tailor, SW side of square, a few doors below Quimby bank, under Jeffries Law Firm. He has in his employ Mr. ED Whitmore as a cutter.
American Bible Society is selling bibles and testaments, Rice and McClellan Book Store, opposite American Hotel.
DQ Liggett, in the Acadome building, dry goods store.
WB Whitaker, Star Clothing Store, two doors east of J Zimmerman and Co., next door to the Wooster National Bank, W Liberty Street.
Lyman Dow, druggists, SE side of square.
L Firestone and Son, Acadome Drug Store.
AG Coover, has bought out the coal trade of Eckels and Ely, office NE corner of square, AG Coover and Co..
Rawlins and Co., Victoria Gallery photography, opposite the post office, E Liberty Street.
Joseph C Plumer, notary public, office in the Surveyors office, county building.


The American Hotel, DB Ihrig proprietor, E Liberty Street.
John J Horn Jr. is prepared to deliver coal, office at old city Gas Works, South Street, near the railroad depot. Orders at JW Underwood Grocery Store, SE corner of square will be promptly attended to.
James Curry and Sons, furniture and undertaking, E Liberty Street.
Tin ware, spouting and roofing at AS Lehman, one door east of Donnelly Hardware Store, E Liberty Street, in rooms formerly occupied by Barrett Shoe Store, #3ME.
Drs. Hart and Wilson, chemists, druggists in Column building, W Liberty Street.
Wooster Foundry and Machine Shop of MW Pinkerton, corner of North and Buckeye Streets.
RR Donnelly Hardware Store, #2ME.
TS Johnson, banker, SW side of square, one door west of the North of the WC National Bank.
Hoelzel and Kaltwasser, SW side of square.
Exchange Bank of Stibbs, Hanna and Co. in American Hotel, E Liberty Street.
B Barrett and Co., steam engines, E Liberty Street.
PJ Power, ready made clothing, west corner room of the American Hotel.
E Chatelain, gold and silver watches, clocks and jewelry, SW side of the square, below the bank.
Furs and pelts for sale by Mr. C Weirick. Business SW side of square in rooms formerly occupied by Mr. Pedlick as a cigar store.

Wooster Republican Jan. 8, 1874

For sale by Rawlins and Co., photographs, E Liberty Street, opposite the post office.
Collars for sale at Hartman and Reynolds, wholesale and retail collar manufactory. Large stock manufactured in the alley in rear of Watts Butter Store, W Liberty Street.
Woods property, in the American House was sold to Mr. David Clark for 10000.
Council proceedings, Monday evening, Jan. 5, 1874. Mr. Miller for committee on Water Works, reported that the reservoir, corner of S Market and Henry Streets, was in bad condition and offered a resolution that a brick reservoir be constructed of same capacity as the one on Bever and Matilda Streets of 1000 barrels which can be made of less than 500. It was adopted.

Wooster Republican Jan. 29, 1874

John Leise on S Market Street, putting up one of the finest dinning rooms to be seen anywhere. He will be opening in a few days.
Purchased from Mr. E Quimby Jr. by Gerlach and Co., steer 100- 1020 pounds in S Market Street, Butcher Shop.
JW Underwood, selling off his stock of queens ware at a very low price.

Obituary Notice: Jacob Eberhardt died on 1st at his residence on South Street at 9:30 am, age 47. He was a resident of Wooster for 27 years and known as manufacturer of tombstones. He was a member of ME Episcopal Church for 18 years.
Notice: I am closing out my stock of dress goods at low prices to make room for spring stock, JP Powers.

Wooster Republican Feb. 12, 1874

BF Purdy and Co. for dry goods.
Jackson Brothers for groceries, NE corner of square.
Coal for sale. Johnston new coal yard located behind property, nearly opposite Washington Hotel, E Liberty Street, Johnston and Co. for coal.
Harness and collars by JH Reid, opposite county Treasures office, NE side of square.
Drs. Hart and Wilson, chemists and druggists in Column building, W Liberty Street.
HJ Frost and Co., grocery and provision store, W Liberty Street, at Red Front Store, opposite J Zimmerman Drug Store.
Physicians, dentists and merchants same.
Plumer and Henshaw, real estate agents, office in Surveyors office county building.
E Chatelain Jewelry Store was burglarized last Friday morning by breaking a large glass and robbed about 150 worth of jewelry. Mr. Chatelain had all of his gold watches and fine jewelry in his large safe.
New firm of tin, iron and slate roofing purchased the interest of Mr. Mell of firm of Gross and Mell and continues business at old stand SW side of square, S Market Street, of Martin Gross and Co..
JP Power dry goods store caught fire. Much merchandise was in damaged condition either permanently burned, saturated with water and mud, while others were comparatively uninjured. It is supposed that the fire originated from the furnace and then passed up the stairway. Mr. Power was insured for a total of 10000, on building 2500. Mr. Liggett and Mr. Donner are also insured for full amount of their damage.
Collars for sale by Hartman and Reynolds Manufacturing, in the alley of rear of Mr. Watts butter shop, W Liberty Street.
TS Johnson, banker, SW side of square, one door north of WC National Bank.
JJ Ramseyer, flour and feed store, office opposite Zimmerman block, W Liberty Street.

Wooster Republican Feb. 19, 1874

Mr. Gerlach Gasche and Co. have purchased a four year old heifer and will be marketed today. Call and take a slice, butcher shop, S Market Street.
L Firestone and Son, Acadome Drug Store.
New firm of Miller and Slusser has bought entire stock of groceries and bakery of Mr. Keller at old stand of D Black, W Liberty Street, corner of Walnut and W Liberty Streets.
Dwelling house for rent with eight rooms with barn, two squares from the courthouse. Also three store rooms on S Market Street, SR Bonewitz.

Wooster Republican Feb. 25, 1874

AJ Seigenthaler, carpets, wove carpets for sale. Shop on South Street, 1st door east of Bethal Church.
Plumer and Enshaw real estate agents, office in Surveyors office, county building.
Taylor and Ogden, blacksmith, S Bever Street, adjoining John Kroutz wagon shop.
Having purchased the interest of WP Leopold in firm of Saybolt, Tiech and Leopold and associated with us , A Saybolt Sr. will carry on our business in a more intensive scale, Saybolt, Tiech and Co., opposite Zimmerman Drug Store, W Liberty Street.
John Simon, merchant tailor.
Edward Horn, successor to Henry Horn, harness, carriage trimming and upholstering, in father’s old stand on west side of Bever Street, opposite the Home Mills.

Wooster Republican Feb. 26, 1874

John J Horn Jr., for delivery of coal by ton or car load, office at old City Gas Works near the railroad on South Street. Orders left at JW Underwood Grocery Store, SE corner of square.
Sewing machines, needles and attachments at Wilson office, corner of S Market and Henry Streets, A Rittenhouse agent.

Death of Robert R Donnelly. Friday, Feb. 20 marks the end of an eventful life. Born in Pennsylvania in 1820, he spent his days of boyhood there. He came to Wooster as a clerk in a store then owned by Mr. Eberman in Yellow Brick corner. After a few years, he went into the store of John R Robison in Canal Fulton. In 1850, he bought the hardware store of Wm Henry and retained an interest therein until his death. In 1865, he bought corner store in which he commenced business career as a clerk for George Plumer and Co. and since that time, has been actively engaged in the dry goods trade. He was connected with the manufacture establishment of B Barrett and Co. and was president of WC National Bank a short time previous to his death. He was greatly interested in the fire department of Wooster which was well represented at his funeral. The funeral took place on Monday afternoon at 2 pm. Businessmen of Wooster closed their stores and attended in mass. He leaves an aged mother nearly 90 years old, his second wife and one child of his first wife and three children from his second wife.

Wooster Republican March 5, 1874

Central Hotel, corner of S Market and South Streets, Wm Buchanan proprietor.
New hay scale, Johnston and Co., at their coal yard on E Liberty Street, opposite Washington House, and has just put new fine scale in working order.
For sale. The buildings opposite the Baptist Church on the corner of North Market and Larwill Streets, are offered for sale to be removed from that lot after April 1st next. Inquire of B Barrett.
George Faber, restaurant, opposite the American House, E Liberty Street.
WH Banker and WW Hanna have leased the building formerly occupied by John Beistle on South Street and have purchased the interest of G McLaughlin and C Proeger and continue to build and sell all kinds of carriages.
The Fire. I am closing out my entire stock of dry goods and notions at below prices damaged by fire and water, two doors west of Washington House. Come soon to get bargains, JB Powers.
Harry Photography Gallery, opposite the county building, #120 public square.
Best place to get sewing machine needles and attachments at the Wilson office, corner of South Market and Henry Streets, A Rittenhouse agent.

Council proceedings March 2, 1874. RB Spink offered a resolution that the finance committee be empowered to erect a music stand on the public square for the benefit of Independent Cornet Band and Citizens Band in giving evening concerts.
Plumer and Henshaw, real estate agents in surveyors building, county buildings.
New firm of tin, slate and iron roofing have purchased interest of Mr. Mell in firm of Gross and Mell and continue the business at old stand, SW corner of square, Martin Gross and Co..
HJ Frost Groceries, at Red Front Store, opposite Zimmerman Drug Store, W Liberty Street.
Foundry and Machine Shop of MW Pinkerton, corner of North and Buckeye Streets.
American Bible Society selling bibles and testaments at catalogue prices.
CC Parsons Jr., in rooms formerly occupied by Lucas Flattery, over Jacobs Hardware Store.

Wooster Republican March 12, 1874

Stove prices still coming down at SF Days stove store one W Liberty Street. Coal and wood cooking stoves, one door east of Spear Furniture rooms.
Excelsior Carriage Works of Banker and Hanna, on South Street, old Beistle stand.
For sale. The buildings opposite the Baptist Church on the N Market and Larwill Streets. Will be moving from the lot after April 1st next. See B Barrett.

Wooster Republican March 19, 1874

GP Emrich and Co., lumber yard, is now ready for spring trade, corner of Larwill and Bever Streets.
Harmer and Hopkins have purchased Home Mills recently operated by JC Kurtz. They are will known millers and give attention to celebrated Snow flake flour.

Notice: Mr. Eyman proceeded in perseverance of Mr. Wilson, Mr. Nold and Mr. Gerlach. He wanted to be willing to recall his last article in regards to the cow and state he had been misinformed as Mr. Eyman did not fill his promise. He now has the opportunity to settle with McSweeney and Parsons, Charles Gasche.
Stoves for sale at SF Days stove and tin store, W Liberty Street, one door east of Spears Furniture room.
GP Emrich and Co. for lumber, at corner of Bever and Larwill Streets.
Wallpaper and borders at WA Donner, SE corner of square, at red corner stand, old stand of Frost and Co..
Go to Wallace, William Spear and Sons for furniture. They are way down with prices.
Rawlins and Co., Victoria Gallery, E Liberty Street, opposite the post office.
SS Shilling is general sub soliciting agent.
Mr. Collman does our oil, ink and water coloring. Best portrait painter in Wooster.

Wooster Republican March 24, 1874

We desire to tender our sincere thanks to the public generally in kindly interest manifested in our welfare at the burning of the Acadome. To the firemen for so heroically and persistently attempting to save our property from its flames we thank you. The Department of Wooster is well organized and membership composed of men who are noble, reliable and brave. L Firestone and Son.

Wooster Republican March 26, 1874

Liggett’s, burned out and still alive and kicking, will resume in a few days.
S Metzler, painter, grainer and paper hanger, E South Streets.

Acadome fire. A great fire left Acadome in ruins. Childs building cleaned out and narrow escape of the American House. Loss 70000, insurance 55000. Late Monday morning, Wooster was visited by greatest confligaration in its history. The Acadome, famous far and near as a commendable building and one of the finest in the city, a busy place of trade, has been demolished. Nothing but the bare broken walls being left. At 2:30 in the morning there was massive smoke noticed by policeman Segner and about the same time, Mr. And Mrs. WJ Rawlins, who occupied rooms on the second floor of the Childs building Victoria Gallery, where the fire originated, were awakened by the presence of smoke in their sleeping rooms. Mr. Rawlins sprang to the floor and opened a door to the adjoining front room where a dense cloud of smoke met him and forced him back. The only chance of escape was through the front room, the windows of which opened onto the street. Lighting the gas and hastily gathering up a garment or two for protection, Mr. Rawlins opened the door again and supporting his wife, dashed through the stifling smoke and gained the front windows. Quickly raising it, they stepped out on the narrow cornice over EB Childs Boot and Shoe Store, from which they were shortly afterwards rescued by a plank from the pavement. They had become thoroughly chilled by the cold and almost choked to suffocation by the smoke so much that Mrs. Rawlins had to be carried to a place of safety. Although the fire bells had been ringing fiercely and those who were on the street cried instantly, few people had reached the scene of devastation. At the time of the rescue, Childs building was a three story brick front with a two story addition in the rear and an alley 20 feet wide separating it from the American House to the west and it is adjoined by the Acadome property and in the rear is hedged in by a collection of barns and rockeries that should not be allowed to stand in close proximity to valuable property. From observations made shortly after the alarm and since the fire, that it originated in the second floor of the Childs building in a room used for storing coal. The assertion that it started in the chemical rooms of Rawlins and Co. photography gallery we think are incorrect as that room is located on the third floor back of the operating room and is not burned out. Appearance indicated that the fire did not proceed from it. As to how the fire originated, there are various opinions. Incindiananism is winked at by many and some attribute it to no particular source. Mr. Rawlins confidently proclaims that it is incendiary and gives his reason why in substance as follows:

A stairway ascends from the front on E Liberty Street to the second floor and the hall leads on through to the back of the building where another stairway descends to the ground. The hall is open from the street but a door closes it at the rear. Mr. Rawlins said he always bolted it at night and that two or three times this week he heard and found it open in the morning. On Sunday in particular, he set a bucket on the outside and bolted the door which he found open after coming from church in the evening. He bolted it again. At 9:30 pm, while sitting in room, he heard a slight noise in the hall and went to ascertain what was the cause and not discovering anything, he resumed his reading. Shortly afterwards, a noise was repeated of someone walking and coming in contact with some movable article on the floor. He hasten to the hall, lighted the gas and discovered that the back door was open. This of course, created some uneasiness in mind, but was forgotten after retiring to bed. That someone was prowling about the premises is his earnest belief. This person or persons returned after he went to bed and applied the match. He is also inclined to believe seemingly verification of this in a report of two or three men who’s word can be relied upon, that they overheard two men talking on the subject of fire at the depot on Monday morning and one said to the other “I knew of this three weeks ago.” It must be taken with some allowance.
At the time of the first alarm, the fire had broken out of the window on the alley next to the American House and completely enveloped the position of the building making fearful headway to other parts. The firemen responded to the call quickly. “Deludge” and “Wooster #2” taking the stand on the square. “Good Entent” also came to the rescue. Before any water could be thrown, the American House was on fire in several places, then when the firemen got to work, they made rapid progress and subdued the flames and thoroughly wetting adjoining buildings. Up to this time, no particular fears had been entertained for the Acadome. But when it was announced that “Deludge” had burned a flue and retired until another one could be replaced, doubts began to manifest themselves. Although the relief men ably supported by #3, worked like hordes doing and daring everything, they could not confine the fire to the Childs building and inch by inch it worked its way under the tin room and through every cornice of the ill fated Acadome. As misfortune never comes singly, another happened along at the stage of affairs which was the failure of the reservoir on the square. It took time to place “Relief” on W Liberty Street and #3 on E Liberty Street and in that interval, the Acadome was doomed to destruction.
Chief Engineer DeYoung managed the department skillfully and systematically and if misfortune had not crossed his path, he would have saved a vast amount of property. With water again brought into the conflict, the roof of the Acadome and the stage and scenery in the hall were on fire. The hose men scaled a ladder to the third story in front and poured in the water until heat smoke forced them to abandon their position. Again “Deludge” entered the field and men cheered loudly. As they went tearing down E Liberty Street to Babb’s corner. From the upper stories of the building, across the street, a good view could be obtained of the fiery scene that rolled back and forth within the hall. When it beat against the wall or surged upwards and struck the tin roof which as yet had kept its place, finally forced its way out of the front windows, a mangled mess of smoke and fire, illuminating the sky and lighting the streets to a great distance. No one could tell as to what extent the fire could go, as the wind blew a strong gale from the west and north. Mr. DQ Liggett, Mr. Barrett and Mr. Ogden, EB Childs and Dr. WC Moore succeeded in removing a great part of their goods. Firestone and Son and RL Sanderson also saved a few goods. DB Ihrig of American House, PJ Power and TP Baumgardner put their goods in shape for removal if necessary. WJ Rawlins saved his books and a few other articles from his rooms. L Shibley removed his stock of jewelry to the west side of the square. The most serious obstacle in the way was of subdividing the fire, now manifested itself and time occupied moving to more distant reservoirs was of immense value.
Daylight had arrived and the firemen worked on bravely and unceasingly, some of them thoroughly drenched with their clothing frozen stiff on their backs as the air was very cold. Coffee was passed around for them by ladies living in the vicinity and drank with a relish and a “God Bless You". By 7 am, the fire was under control. The upper stories of the Childs building were burned out and the lower floor drenched with water. The Acadome was cleaned completely out, leaving only the warehouse in the rear. By 10 am, the upper half of the wall of Acadome fell with a terrible crash to the pavement. Fortunately, no one was standing near at the time. But firemen and citizens had been passing and re-passing very frequently. The Power building west of the Acadome which was burned three weeks ago, did not take fire. In looking over the results of the fire, we find that seven business firms have been driven out property of value of 75000 and has been destroyed or rendered useless of which there is insurance amounting to 55000. The following is a detailed statement of the insurance. Acadome building, owned by LJ Barker and DQ Liggett for 17100, insurance as follows: German of Erie, PA-2000, Hibernia of Cleveland- 1500, Mercantile of Cleveland- 2000, Citizens of Newark, NJ- 2000, House of NY- 3000, Old Deminia of Virginia- 2000, 4600 in Columbiana and Western Mutual of Urbana. Childs building, owned by Robert Childs, no insurance. Barrett and Ogden Clothing Store insurance- 6000 in Western Mutual, 3000 Hartford Ins., 1000 Phoenix of Hartford and 1000 in North British. EB Childs boot and shoes store, 1500 in Aetna of Hartford. L Firestone druggists, insurance 11000 in Knox Mutual, 3000 Ashland Mutual, 2000 Richland Mutual, 3000 American Central, 2000 Howard of NY 1000.

DQ Liggett dry goods insurance- 15000 in Lycoming 3000, Ashland Mutual 2000, Winchester- 4000, Trades of Chicago- 2000, Hibernia of Cleveland- 2000, Allamenia of Cleveland- 2000.
RL Sanderson leather and shoe fastings has no insurance.
WC Moore physician and surgeon, insurance of 1000 in Orient of Hartford.
WJ Rawlins and Co. photography, insurance-3500 in House of NY, 1500- Old Dominion of Virginia, 1000 Westchester-1000 for a total insurance of 55100, which felling loss to insurance companies of 80000.

The water was thrown on the ruins at different times during the day and following night, but at 6 am, Tuesday morning, fire alarm was sounded again and the whole department was called out to surprise the fire which had broken out a fresh in the warehouse and took two to three hours of hard work to accomplish. The firemen performed their duties well and when we speak of them, we include the members of White Cloud Hook and Ladder Co. in this trying emergency, which cannot be denied. They might have accomplished more if the facilities for pouring water had been gotten but this is the fault of the city. That the buildings on the south side of E Liberty Street are standing today is due to their efforts in keeping their engines in order and knaps trained for their next confligeration that we hope will not occur very soon. At this writing, the work of adjusting losses is going on.

EB Childs will sell his entire stock of boots and shoes at prices regardless of cost. This is caused by the recent fire of his storeroom. He is at present located on SE corner of public square, Quimby block, selling 20 to 30 days till he sells his goods.
To the firemen of Wooster, we desire herewith to acknowledge and tender to the brave and gallant firemen our appreciation of your noble efforts to conquer the fire on Monday morning, thereby saving our property which was in such great danger of being a prey to the fiery element, TP Baumgardner, JB Power and DB Ihrig.

I desire to return my most sincere thanks to each of the fire companies in their heroic efforts to save my store. I am sorry that the fates were against them, DQ Liggett.

Wooster Republican April 2, 1874

Due to fire and water damage, I am selling out my entire stock of dry goods at very low prices, located two doors west of Washington House. Terms cash, JB Power.
Fire at burned out Acadome is cause of L Firestone and Son to sell at greatly reduced prices, all goods, notions, drugs and medicines saved from the fire. Location Eagle House, west of Saybolt, Tieche and Co. store room.
Bargains at PJ Powers, American Clothing Store, west corner room of the American Hotel.
Old Wooster Foundry and Machine Shop on corner of North and Buckeye Streets MW.
Pinkerton and Co..
HJ Frost, again for groceries and provisions at Red Front Store, opposite Zimmerman Drug Store.
Collars for sale by Hartman and Durstine, wholesale and retail collar manufacture in the alley at the rear of Watts Butter Shop, W Liberty Street.
E Liberty Street Provision Store, E Funk and Co., successor to T Parks of Parks and Cameron Grocery, E Liberty Street, Curry block.
Dissolution of partnership of RN Warren and GH Peck is this day dissolved by mutual consent.
AG Rich, house painter, painting and paper hanging. Leave orders at DD Millers Hardware or inquire on Vine Street.
City Council. Passage of Prohibition Ordinance. March 27, 1874. Committee on Fire Dept., having rented room of OA Albright on S Market Street 45.00 per year for a meeting room and room to keep truck of White Cloud Hook and Ladder Co. for two years at 150, reported accepted amendment to ordinance to restrain and prevent ale beer house in city of Wooster. Tie vote, so declared lost. Pres. abstained in the decision, JH Kauke moved to amend section three, fixing time for imprisonment at or less than five days or no more than 30 days , two voted no. Council adjourned to next Thursday evening. An ordinance to refrain and prohibit beer parlor houses and shops and places of habitual resort for tipping and intemperance in City of Wooster. A McDonald- pres. James Johnson- city clerk.

Wooster Republican April 9, 1874

Marble Hall, Thursday evening, April 16, 1874. Grand concert by John Muller at Eberhardt corner.
Stephen and Young, bakery and confectionary on S Market Street.
Samuel Armstrong, wholesale dealer in brushes of all kinds. Manufacture by D Foss and Son, having purchased the brush manufactory of Adam Foss. I am prepared to fill all orders, Samuel Armstrong.
NY Branch Store just received New York goods at NY Branch Store in old Howard building, H Herman and Co..
New bakery and confectionary. Stephan and Young have in #38 S Market Street, first class bakery.
New millinary. Mrs. FA Bonner opened a large stock of millinary goods, SE side of square, over Hoelzel and Kaltwasser store.
Hoelzel and Kaltwasser, new rooms. The old post office building, being overhauled from basement to roof, all evidence of printers ink, Wooster Republican or post office has been removed. Drs. Hoelzel and Kaltwasser feel proud of their new building.
E Funk and Co., Curry block, E Liberty Street, successor to CT Parks.
Simon Geitgey, SE side, choice in best furniture, 6 doors south of Donner corner, in rooms formerly occupied by Hoelzel and Kaltwasser.

Wooster Republican April 16, 1874

C Roth, boots and shoes, SW side of square, two doors south of Quimby bank.
Dr. Warner has moved his room to rooms over Taylor and Spink grocery store, W Liberty Street.
Dr. CH Hesler, dental rooms are now located over Donner Fancy Store, entrance one door north of Shibley Jewelry Store.
JW Underwood, received a large stock of fish at grocery store, SE side of square.
New Western Union telegraph office in Zimmerman block, upstairs office. In charge are Mr. EC Hard and Ben Potter- messengers and under OA Booth of Mansfield.
The Wooster, a paper of interest to farmers and hands of the printers and Grangers, is in the hands of the printers and will be ready for distribution. 10000 copies are ordered for the first edition and may be expected about May 1st, McDonald and Co. are the proprietors.
Celebrated band of Jubilee Singers of 8 colored persons, will give two entertainments at Marble Hall Thursday and Friday evenings, tickets fifty cents, children twenty five cents. Tickets for sale at Belnap.
Marble Hall. FD Belnap immediately after Acadome fire, secured the lease of Marble Hall heretofore used as a dancing hall and fitted it up in grand style with 350 comfortable chairs, building of a conspicuous stage, fine scenery and drop curtain. W Belnap is the general manager.

Wooster Republican April 23, 1874

Meeting of Wooster Council. RJ Cunningham- pres., Robert J Cunningham- VP, DW Immel elected president Monday evening, April 20th. On motion of Mr. McDonald, the committee on Water Works was instructed to meet with Mr.
Reddick at his earliest convenience in reference to purchasing or leasing his Reddick’s Springs north of the city. Mr. Kauke said they were 141 feet above the level of the public square and project was feasible.
White lime for sale by Philip Peter at lime house, E Liberty Street, near Curry Lumber Yard.
General opening of ladies millinary at Mrs. Fox on Monday, May 4th, NE corner of square, opposite the county buildings.
JL Gray and EO Harrington coal yard and wood yard at Snow Flake Mills, formerly called Home Mills.
Goodman and Miller sell lime on S Market Street.
Hoelzel and Kaltwasser have moved to old post office building, SE side of square.
Furniture for sale at cost at Wm Spear and Son Furniture ware room, W Liberty Street.

Wooster Republican April 30, 1874

Old stand of RR Donnelly is still on NE corner square. New goods of carpets, JS Bissell, #1ME.
Furniture at cost for a short time, Wm Spear and Son. Selling at cost for a short time. Call at W Liberty Street.
Boots and shoes for sale at WF Woods, American Hotel, E Liberty Street.
Thomas Stibbs and Theodore M Cunningham, manufacture of cloths, cashmeres and tweeds, office on E Liberty Street. Woolen manufactory.
Knox and Shiffer, blacksmiths, located on Buckeye Street, a few doors north of Washing House. One door north of our shops is Capt. George Law, celebrated builder of first class buggies and wagons.
Mrs. EA Knotts, millinary establishment, #36, E Liberty Street, opposite Washington House.
Sam Klinger, boots and shoes for cash only. Sign of the big red boot, W Liberty Street.
MC Rouch and HM | Wilson have intered into partnership for law, former at Wooster and latter at Orrville.
Harmer and Hopkins bought Wooster Snow Flake Mills, formerly called Home Mills, on E Liberty Street.

Wooster Republican May 7, 1874

Attorneys, physicians, doctors and dentists same.
S Metzler painter, E South Street.
AG Rich, house painter, orders left at DD Miller Hardware Store or residence on Vine Street.
Jackson Brothers Grocery Store, NE corner of square.
Barrett and Ogden, temporary location nearly opposite McDonald and Co. office, W Liberty Street.
Wm Spear and Son Furniture.
Wooster Paper Sash Manufactory, Sanderson and Weber Manufacture of groceries and flour sacks. Orders can be left at dept. at FD Belnap Store.
Council proceedings May 4, 1874- Committee on Water Works. Committee has visited Reddick Springs, three in number where united capacity is 274 gallons per minute. Price 3000 for 3 ½ to 4 acres of land this reservoir would cover. The land to revert to Mr. Reddick when the city ceases to use it. Mr. Quimby gave permission to lay all pipes through his land free of charge with privilege of using enough water to run a small fountain in his park at no expense to city. Will not be used when a scarcity of water exists. Springs are 141 feet higher than the surface of the ground at the center of the city square. A dam 18 ft. 4 inches in length to be erected without overflowing other ground and give 150 feet fall from top of the dam and 118 feet fall from pipe enters the dam. It will make a reservoir covering 2 ½-3 acres and 2000 gallons of water could be drawn through the pipes per minute. It would take 30 hours to lower water 6 ft. without feeding. The report was accepted and put on file. On motion, Mr. McDonald, the city with city solicitor, authorized to make contracts and secure right of ways for water pipes for proposed water privileges for Wooster Fire Department.
Stoves for sale at SF Day, W Liberty Street, one door east of Wm Spear Furniture ware room.
JH Reid, harness riding saddles, NE corner of square, opposite the county treasures office.
White and gray lime for sale by Goodman and Miller, S Market Street.
Coal and wood yard, JL Gray and EO Harrington on Snow Flake Mills, E Liberty Street, formerly called Home Mills.
Brushes, brushes. Samuel Armstrong, wholesale dealer in brushes of all kinds, made by D Foss and Son. We have purchased the brush manufactory of Adam Foss and prepared to do all orders at low prices. Samuel Armstrong.
White lime for sale by Philip Peter, lime house, E Liberty Street, near Curry Furniture establishment.
Wilson office sewing machine for sale at Wilson office, corner S Market and Henry Streets, A Rittenhouse agent.
Johnston and Co. Coal Yard, opposite the Washington House have new scale.
Plumer and Henshaw Real Estate, agent in surveyor office, county buildings.
Wm A Donner, books and stationary, SE side of square.
HJ Frost, grocery and provision store, opposite Zimmerman and Co. Drug Store, W Liberty Street.
Old Wooster Foundry and Machine Shop of MW Pinkerton, corner of North and Buckeye Streets.

Wooster Republican May 14, 1874

Mrs. William Beresford, E Liberty Street, next door to JB Powers dry goods store. For sale, a large stock of plants and flowers.
Horn Brothers establishment, confectionary and ice cream room, E Liberty Street.

Wooster Republican May 21, 1874

Councilman Jacob Stark has handsomely painted his building on S Market Street and is now prepared to make a crusade in his legitimate grocery business. His ice cream is as good as any in the trade.
For sale or rent. Two story frame house on Buckeye Street, opposite Eberhardt and Gray Marble Works, with six rooms, good well and cistern- WH Banker.

Wooster Republican May 28, 1874

The old hardware store of RR Donnelly will be stocked in all kinds of hardware, iron nails and glass, DW Matz, #2ME.

Wooster Republican June 4, 1874

Doctors, lawyers and merchant the same.
Dissolution of partnership. Notice is hereby given that the co-partnership heretofore existing between B Barrett and RR Donnelly under the firm name of B Barrett and Co. has been dissolved by the death of RR Donnelly. B Barrett assumed all liabilities, B Barrett, Henry Davis, John S Bissell administrator of estate of RR Donnelly. Having sold the interest of the late RR Donnelly to the Wooster Steam Engine Works, we here fully recommend Mr. B Barrett to all those wanting steam engines.
Esselburn and Plank, E Liberty Street, nearly opposite American Hotel, are selling cart loads of boots and shoes.
Mr. Stephen and Mr. Young, together with their wives, are kept busy at their confectionary establishment on S Market Street.

Wooster Republican June 11, 1874

Jacob Frick and JSR Overholt have bought the Wooster City Mills.
Barrett and Ogden and ED Childs, have got back into their old quarters, opposite the post office, E Liberty Street.
JB Power, new store is open to the reception of customers and visitors, one door west of old Acadome building.
EB Childs has moved to the fire district in new room with new fixtures erected, since the great fire at his old stamping grounds. He has boot and shoes.

Wooster Republican July 2, 1874

Rouch and Wilson, SW side of square, 1st floor.
Physicians: same.
Painters S Metzler on E South Street.
Central Hotel corner of S Market and South Streets, Wm Buchanan proprietor.

Wooster Republican July 9, 1874

I will sell either of the following properties cheap, the best building lot on E Liberty Street, directly west of the Empire House and a neat and well arranged house of 5 large rooms on Lynn Street now occupied by JB Kock. Apply to WF Woods.
John Wilhelm, carriage works, Liberty Street. Wagons of all kinds.

Wooster Republican July 16, 1874

Dr. WC Moore, office opposite post office in Childs building.
John J Plank, gun shop has moved to east corner of public square, selling rifles and shotguns.
Change in bus proprietorship. Onnobus and coach line, which for the past six or eight years has been conducted by Mr. IW Numan, has been purchased by SS Shilling of the city.

Wooster Republican July 30, 1874

JJ Ramseyer and Jacob Kramer have secured the Empire Mills east of the city.

Wooster Republican Aug, 7, 1874

JB Power, new room and new prices, E Liberty Street.
J Reid, saddles and harness, NE corner of square, opposite county Treasure office.
Wilson shuttle sewing machine for sale, Aaron Rittenhouse agent, office S Market and Henry Streets.
Hardware store former owner RR Donnelly now DW Matz, #2ME.

Wooster Republican Aug. 13, 1874

City council has passed a resolution instructing the city solicitor to draw up an ordinance for construction of water works. The water to be obtained from Reddick spring works to be engineered according to second plan presented by Engineer Lowe of Pittsburgh at cost 40000 to be paid for by city bonds. Mr. Kauke opposed the resolution.
Listings of citizens band honorary members Capt AS McClure and others.
The subscriber respectfully informs the citizens of Wooster that he has sold his drug and grocery business to A Jones, Harvey Howard, #4ME.

Liquor indictment. Grand jury found the following indictments: Theodore DeYoung selling intoxicating liquor to a minor; Valentine Speckhart doing labor on Sunday; George Metzler selling liquor to those who have a habit of getting intoxicated; Benjamin Bowers selling intoxicating liquor to be drunk on the premises; OA Wilhelm keeping a nuisance selling liquor to be consumed on premises; John Leises, E Liberty Street selling liquor to be consumed on premises.
J Nachtrieb and Son selling off trunks at cost, opposite American Hotel, E Liberty Street.
First class photographs of children under 10 years of age at Harry’s Art Gallery, #1200 public square.
JL Gray and HO Harrington started coal and wood yard at Snow Flake Mills, Liberty Street.
Ramseyer and Barnhart, grain dealers. Ramseyer and Andrew Barnhart are co-partners at warehouse back of Frances Hall, W Liberty Street.

Wooster Republican Aug. 20, 1874

Notice in bankruptcy in district court US for Northern district state of Ohio in matter of James B Childs in bankruptcy in Cleveland said dated Aug. 8, 1874. Petition filed in said court by James B Childs of Wooster in Wayne Court duly declared bankruptcy under act Congress March 2, 1867, to be heard Aug. 29, 1874 in said court, Eril Bill clerk of court.

Wooster Republican Sept. 3, 1874

Charles Weber, John Weber and William D Baldwin of Weber Bros. And Co., manufacture of parlor church and school organs. Factory and warehouse on N Bever Street, E Liberty Street.
Dissolution of partnership of John Louginbahl and Streit, Aug. 11, 1874.
Reid Saddle and Harness, NE side of square, opposite county Treasure office.
JL Gray and EO Harrington, coal yard on Snow Flake Mills, E Liberty Street, formerly called Home Mills.
Philip Peter, wholesale and retail dealer in White lime, E Liberty Street, near Curry Furniture.
Knox and Shiffer, blacksmith on Buckeye Street, a few doors north of Washington Hotel. Will fill all orders and also one door north of us can be found Capt. George Law, celebrated builder of first class carriages and buggies.
Sample and Jeffries, SW side of square, upstairs.
Central Hotel, corner of S Market and South Streets, Wm Buchanan proprietor.
Jackson Brothers Grocery Store, NE corner of square, opposite county buildings.
New reservoir on W Liberty Street is about completed.
Buy your musical instruments at PJ Baumgardner, #13 American House block, west corner room of American Hotel.
New aqua duct put in on E South Street near the railroad pond. The old one was destroyed by the last flood.
James Curry has put another story on his furniture manufactory, E Liberty Street. Other additions will be made in time.
Has no one said enough to put a building on the Acadome property? It is a disgrace to the town to have it stand idle so long.
Presbyterian Church. A Sabbath school addition 35x80 feet and lecture room and suitable for church festivals. The auditorium will be somewhat enlarged and improved. A gallery will run along the entire room and seats will be change and walls and ceiling will be frescoed.

Wooster Republican Sept. 10, 1874

Lewis Young and Sons, formerly Stephens and Young, S Market Street, employed an excellent bread and biscuit baker. Give the new firm a call.
Mr. C Elson opened dental office over Jackson and Brothers Grocery Store, NE side of square.
Wooster Clover Hauler and at McDonald and Co..
Just received at new stove and tin store, one door east of Spears Furniture rooms, #46 W Liberty Street, SF Day.
E Liberty Street provision store, E Funk and Co., successor to CT Parks. Large stock of family groceries, old stand of Parks and Cameron.

Wooster Republican Sept. 17, 1874

Grand opening of dry goods at old #1ME, JS Bissell and Brothers.

Wooster Republican Sept. 24, 1874

EB Young, attorney, notary public, NE corner of square, opposite county buildings.
CA Rieder, attorney, E Liberty Street, three doors west of American Hotel.
Woods Boots and Shoes Store, #19 E Liberty Street, American Hotel block, WF Woods.
Exchange Bank of Stibbs, Hanna and Co. in American Hotel building, E Liberty Street.
Robison and Co., gents improved store building.

Wooster Republican Sept. 30, 1874

Marked building improvements. D Robinson Jr. has made a decided improvement on the SW corner of the public square by the fine manner and good tastes has remolded his store building. Inside are large carpeted floors and 3rd story has been entirely renewed. He plans to put in a French plate glass second to none in Wooster.

Wooster Republican Oct. 1, 1874

Grand opening of DQ Liggett in Acadome building, E Liberty Street.
Mrs. Sarah E Evans gives instruction in oil painting at American Hotel for a few days.
Stephens and Robbins, highest cash paid for poultry at Washington House, E Liberty Street.
Bonewitz and Carr.
Mrs. Fox is advertising grand opening millinary goods, Tuesday, Oct. 6, 1874.
Mr. W Underwood has sold his grocery store to Mr. John VanMeter, SE side of square. Grocery store Mr. Howard Bissell and Mr. Edward C VanMeter will always be found to wait upon the customers. Mr. Bissell has been in the store for a number of years.
Philip Peter, selling lime, E Liberty Street near Curry Furniture Rooms.
Simon Geitgey, selling furniture, SE side of square, six doors south of Donner corner old stand.
Knox and Shiffer Blacksmith Shop, on Buckeye Street, a few doors north of the Washington Hotel, one door north of our shops is Capt. George Law, celebrated carriage builder.

Liggett opening on March 23rd last. Liggett Dry Good Store was destroyed by the Acadome conflagration, a portion of the goods were saved and Mr. Liggett opened out again in Kauke old residence, N Market Street, one door north of county buildings where he did an extensive business for that locality. The bricks in the ruins were hardly cold before he began laying plans for erection of a new building on site of the old one. Visiting many of the eastern cities with architect Mr. CC Baker, he took notes of various buildings and an outline was secured and architect produced a draft which met the wishes of Mr. Liggett. Thereupon, the well known brick layers Tiefenthaler Bros., commenced putting up the walls to make the building fire proof, an important fact sought after. The walls are closed on both sides and at the rear where a fire wall projects above. The roof is tinted and skylights are arranged in bonnet shape facing the north from which direction fire is not likely to enter. The front is a combination of design of brick and stone, lower floor is enclosed with heavy plate glass set in imitations of iron frames. The trimmings in upper portions are of pressed stone from manufactory of CM Amslen, which makes a very smart appearance. The interior of the building is quite attractive. Capt. Cyrnes did plastering. A clear white hard finish and plane cornice with semi ornamental center pieces constitute the attention of the first floor and looking up to the skylight seems like looking into a vast snow bank as pure and white is the plastering. A handsome stair case leads to the second floor which Mr. CC Gasche built. The counter and shelving are the work of CC Bakaer and painting by Samuel Metzler, the crowning work of the enterprise. Mr. Liggett has laid in a new stock of goods which has not as yet been fully arranged for. It will be done in a day or two. One and all are invited to call and examine the goods. Mr. Liggett has able clerks who will be happy to welcome all of their friends back.

Wooster Republican Oct. 8, 1874

New firm of EA Jones drugstore. Bought out stock of Harvey Howard, #4ME, two doors west of the post office.
Wooster Planning Mill, DC Curry, on North Street, lathe, lumber, shingles and building materials, between Beall and Bever Streets. May 4, 1873 ad.
Mrs. Cutter and Mrs. Smyser, two ladies have millinary goods, NE corner of square.
Herr Driesbach, carpenter shop, was destroyed by fire last Wednesday night with a loss of 300. He had no insurance.

Wooster Republican Oct. 15, 1874

John VanMetre, successor to John W Underwood, has the best assortment of gloves of all kinds, SE side of square.
Gow and Jackson Shoe Store on E Liberty Street was robbed of 60 worth of boots last Monday night.

Wooster Republican Oct. 23, 1874

Furniture at cost for the next 30 days. Nine full parlor suites, chairs of all kinds at James Curry old yard, E Liberty Street.
Premiums awarded 21st annual fair, Wayne County Agricultural Society, Oct. 6-8, 1874.

Wooster Republican Oct. 29, 1874

Annual session of Wayne County Teachers Association was held in Wooster Oct. 19, 1874, listing of a Tillie McClarran.

Wooster Republican Nov. 5, 1874

Imperial washer agents wanted. Apply to Samuel P Lightcap, one door east of Kinzer Grocery in Curry block, E Liberty Street.
BJ Hartman, collars.
T Tichner, agent for North Western Mutual Life Insurance Co..
Weber Brothers and Co., manufacture of organs, factory and wareroom on N Bever Street.
JJ Ramseyer has retired from grain firm of Ramseyer and Barnhart. Mr. Barnhart remains to carry on in large establish business. Mr. Ramseyer has bought part of the Empire Mills, Pittsburgh Ave. under Ramseyer and Naftzgar.

Wooster Republican Nov. 12, 1874

DeYoung of Metropolitan Restaurant.
J Nachtrieb and Son, opposite American Hotel.
M and Z Clark announce closing out millinary and fancy goods for cash store in Mrs. Schauman building, #55 S Market Street.
Fountain steam washer. Save clothes, Mrs. AG Bussell, over Dr. Cunningham dental rooms, #70 S Market Street.

Wooster Republican Nov. 19, 1874

JB Trimble is tearing down his old building on S Market Street, lately damaged by fire and will build a three story brick. Lewis Young and Son, #18 S Market Street, 300 gallons of wine of old manufactory.

William Gasche died at his residence on N Buckeye Street, Friday 13, from consumption.

Wooster Republican Nov. 26, 1874

Chief engineer DeYoung, last Monday night while examining large reservoir on public square, accidentally dropped into same the keys belonging to the department. How to recover the lost property now puzzles him.
Louis Shibley has overhauled his building, SE side, which has been lengthened beautified with fine jewelry, watches and clocks.
Louis Young and Son establishment, #38 S Market Street.
Louis B Howard has had his livery stable office nearly scrubbed out.
Rev. JH Vincent DD of NY, author of many works on Sunday School instruction, a popular lecture will be delivered, “That Boy” in the 1st ME church on Wednesday, Dec. 2, 1874. The lecture has been received with great favor in Akron, Cleveland and other large cities where ever delivered. Doors open at 7 pm, lecture at 7:30 pm. Tickets 25 cent, children under 12 years of age, 15 cents.
Dr. JM Weaver of this city, has been appointed surgeon of Central National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers in Dayton and has entered upon his duties and has moved from Wooster.

Wooster Republican Dec. 3, 1874

Weber Bros. and Co., manufacture of cabinet parlor and church organs. Manufacture and wareroom on N Bever Street near E Liberty Street.
Commencing new church style is Mrs. Evil Gothie built of brick. The building will be divided among contractors. CM Ansden is general superintendent. The exhibition laying of the foundation of brick was by Tiefanthler Bros.. The carpenter and joiners work was done by Wm Alman, slate roofing by Reynolds and Co., plastering by Wm Carnes, frescoing by Busch and Gasche, with painting by John D Miller and DC Curry and Co. furnished the lumber. The oriental stone work was manufactured by DM Ansden. The audience room is heated by 2-#5 Burbbins furnaces purchased through Saybolt, Tieche and Co.. The Sunday school room by a fiery furnace. The auditorium will provide easy sittings for 350 seats and are made of ash and black walnut. Four handsome chandeliers shed light to the whole room in the rear the pulpit. Large double glass doors divide the two rooms which can be removed. The Sunday school rooms will seat 200 and when all available space is occupied, 800 people can be accommodated in the building within hearing distance of the speaker. It is supposed to cost nearly 7000.
Dissolution of partnership of Dr. James D Robison and James M Weaver by mutual consent. Nov. 25, 1874.
Drs. Robison and Weaver, have dissolved partnership.
Harness and collar of BJ Hartman, opposite Washington House, E Liberty Street.
For Rent. A dwelling house situated two squares from public square immediately east of Trinity ME church. It consists of 7 rooms and two large halls. JH Carr.
WF Woods, boots and shoes, #19 E Liberty Street.
Jackson Bros. Grocery Store, NE side of square.
Knox and Shiffer blacksmith, Buckeye Street, a few doors north of Washington House. One door north of our shop is Capt. George Law, celebrated builder of carriages and wagons.
GP Emrich and Co., corner of Bever and Larwill Streets.
Wilson sewing machines for sale at WA Donner stand, SE side of square.
TP Baumgardner, American Music Store, west corner room of American Hotel.
Wooster Planning Mills, CD Curry and Co., on North Street between Beall and Bever Streets.

Wooster Republican Dec. 10, 1874

Excelsior Carriage Works of Banker and Hanna on Beistles old stand, South Street.
EA Jones, successor to Harvey Howard, #4ME, drugs and medicines.

Wooster Republican Dec. 17, 1874

Rice, McClellan and Co., #21 E Liberty Street, for books and stationary.
John Plank, gun shop has moved to NE corner of square, where he keeps on hand supply of rifles, shotguns and revolvers.
JS Bissell, #1ME dry goods.
Wooster Fire Co., #3 will give a ball at Fabers Hall on Tuesday evening next. Music by Western String Band, tickets 1.00.
McClarran and Caskey and Jackson and Co. are all well represented in our local columns.

Fire at Emrich Board Yard. Tuesday afternoon, the dry house at Emrich and Co. Board Yard caught fire which was discovered before much headway. Buchholtz and Co., proprietors of tannery yard, provided valuable services throwing water first from a pump on their premises. The total damage will not be very great. Mr. Emrich and company return their thanks to Buchholtz and Co. and Pinkerton and Son and the firemen who assisted them.

Wooster Republican Dec. 25, 1874

TY McCray, attorney, office over Donner Store, SE side of square.
10000 worth of boots and shoes for cash at WF Woods, #19 E Liberty Street.
Mrs. Black will millinary store.