Wayne County Democrat, Business Abstracts 1895

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Wayne County Democrat April 3, 1895

Johnson and Taylor, D. Nice block, E Liberty.
Critchfield and Critchfield Jr., office Quimby block, SW side of the square.
John C McClarran, over McClellan Book Store, E Liberty Street.
Ross W Funck, office over Harding and Co. hardware.
AD Metz, over Andrew Massaro grocery store, W Liberty Street.
SR Bonewitz, office and residence on W Libety Street.
Benjamin Eason, office in Zimmerman block, W Liberty Street.
SB Eason, office over National Bank of Wooster.
WF Kean, office over McClarran Grocery Store, W Liberty Street.
TW Peckinpaugh, office 39 N Market Street.
CA Reider, office E side of the square, over Shibley Jewerly Store.
Laubach and Boyd Drugstore, SE side of the square.
Dr. JH Stoll and GW Ryall, office on N Market Street, north of the county buildings.
Dr. HA Hart, office and residence on N Market Street opposite the new Lutheran Church.
Dr. CA Lerch, office 41 N Market Street.
Dr. OL Kean, over Laubach and Boyd Drugstore.
Richard Elson, dentist office in the Downing block, NE side of the square.
Clothing sale one price to all, DL Freedlander, W Liberty Street.
Hoelzel and Kaltwasser clothing, SE side of the square.
WO Beebe, 4 E Liberty Street.
WHH Sichley clothing business and dress suits.
Water drilling and prospecting steam drilling machines, Wooster Pump Co., 55 S Market Street.
Richard M Blough hardware store to be opened to the public April 6th.
McClure and Hinton, SW side of the square, crockery, china, glassware and household furnishings. On Diamond Alley.

Hotel Wayne will be open to the public April 3rd.
Wooster Coal and Ice Co., Robert J Smith manager. A year ago today they began advertising in the Republican.
Clothing store has the greatest clothing sale at DL Freedlander store Buffalo One on W Liberty Street.
Geiselman Clothing Co., E Liberty Street.
Dry goods at WO Beebe, E Liberty Street.
Bryson Store for wallpaper.
New hardware store opposite the Archer House. Open Saturday, April 6, owners Rich and Blough.
ED Fisher, harness and trunks, S Market Street.
Harry’s Photography Gallery, opposite the Archer House on E Liberty Street.
Durstine Sliding Blind and Lumber Co., corner of Bever and Larwill Streets.

Another wide awake clothing store starts in Wooster. B Harsh, who has been in Galion for some time, secured a room in the Quimby stone block, SW side of the square and in room vacated by WE Rice and Sons Bookstore.
The medical firm of Lehr and Kinner has been dissolved.
HB Odenkirk today purchased the interest of Speers McClarran in music firm of Odenkirk and McClarran. Mr Odenkirk will contunue the business at the old stand on E Liberty Street.
Advance in meat dealers are John Saal, Christian Egger, John Stevens, Stevens and Bevert, Jacob Saal, Albert Gerlach and Leonard Saal.
Wm Routson Jr., formerly of Siegenthaler Shoe Store, Frick block, W Liberty Street.
Fine shoes at WH Wiler shoe store, W Liberty Street.

Wayne County Democrat July 3, 1895

HB Gravett and Co., publishers and proprietors of WC Dem.

TW Peckinpaugh, office 39 N Market Street.
Dr. JJ Kinney.
Dr. JH Stoll and GW Ryall.
Dr. HA Hart.
Dr. John A Gann.
Dr. CA Lerch and CC Stauffer, 41 and 43 N Market Street.
Laubach and Boyd Drustore.
Mr. PD Hall can be credited with good work of handsomely painting his brick block on his grocery store, SE side of the square.
Clarks Lumber Yard, W Henry Street, phone 67, between the Old German Church and the B and O freight depot.
Wallpaper, drugs and medicines at Zimmerman and Co., W Liberty Street.
WO Beebe, dry goods.
WH Wiler.
WHH Sichley.
June clearance sale of suits, positively one price to all, DL Freedlander, 8 W Liberty Street, 2 doors E of Zimmerman Drug Store.
Harding and Co..
McClure and Hinton for stoves, SW side of the square.
Wm A Routson Jr., formerly Seigenthalers Boot and Shoe Store, middle room, Frick block, W Liberty Street.
Rich and Blough Hardware, E Liberty Street, Howard corner, Buckeye and Liberty Streets.
Hoelzel and Kaltwasser, SE side of the square.
Racket Store, NE side, Downing block.
Great remolding sale special. Our building will soon be in the hands of the contractor disturbance of brick and mortor and will soon begin making sweeping reductions in nearly every department, HA Boomberg, Orrville, gents clothing store.
Geiselman Clothing Store, E Liberty Street.
Wooster Pump Co. of Smith and Keller, 55 S Market Street.
WB Bryson store.
Wooster Ice and Coal Co. Lake Talbot ice storage house is one Quimby park, NE of the city, above all dranage. RJ Smith, manger, 28 N Bever Street.

Wayne County Democrat Dec. 4, 1895

WH Bradshaw, jewelry store, was old Chatelain Jewerly Store, SW side of the square.
GH Clark, planning mill, W Henry Street.
Rich and Blough Hardware Store, E Liberty Street.
Wm A Routson, boots and shoes, old Seigenethaler, middle room, Frick block.
Harry McClarran grocery store.
DL Freedlander store, W Liberty Street.
Star Clothing Store, great holiday sale, JG George, Frick block, W Liberty Street.