Wayne County Democrat, Business Abstracts 1891
Wayne County Democrat Feb. 25, 1891
Landis and Schmuck beg to announce that they will move into their new building Excelsior, next door to the Big Eagle on W Liberty Street in March and will vacate their present quarters in American House block entirely.
Dr. OG Kean of Creston, will be at Dr. RJ Cunningham 72 S Market Street, Friday, Feb. 27th to extract teeth without pain.
Wayne County Democrat June 3, 1891
TW Peckinpaugh office, room 19 Downing block NE side of the square.
Dr. JH Stool and GW Ryall, 1st floor N of the county offices.
Dr. HA Hart office and residence, N Market Street opposite the new Lutheran church.
Dr. JG McCoy office, Downing block.
Dr. ME Mowery office residence, E Liberty Street at foot of Beall Ave.
Wayne County Democrat is cheapest advertising medium in Wayne County.
Workers commenced Monday near Burbank on the Kilbuck Valley railroad between Wooster and Lodi.
The directors of the Underwood Whip Co. met Monday evening to consider the proposition of moving to Sidney. Being unable to reach a conclusion, they adjourned until this Wednesday evening when the matter will probably be determined.
HP Garvett, publisher and proprietor Wayne County Democrat.
AJ Dever attorney office over Taylor grocery, south side W Liberty Street, rooms formerly occupied by SR Bonewitz.
Johnson and Taylor office, 1st and 2nd floors, D Nice block.
Critchfield and Adair, 2nd floor, north of WC National Bank, SW side of the square.
John C McClarran, over McClellan book store, upstairs #5ME.
Ross W Funck, over Harding and Co. hardware, W Liberty.
AD Metz, over JA Ogden clothing store next door to Zimmerman, exchange block.
SR Bonewitz, office over JH Taylor grocery and provision store, W Liberty Street.
Benjamin Eason, in Zimmerman block, upstairs.
SB Eason, over the National Bank, Zimmerman block, W Liberty Street.
WF Kean, office over McClarran grocery store.
The Wooster Cooperative Foundry founders and machinists castings in iron and brass, corner of North and Buckeye Streets.
The directors and stockholders of Underwood Whip Co. met in the office of the company Monday night and did not adjourn until after 11 o’clock. The subject under discussion was moving the works to Sidney. The gentlemen who had undertaken to raise the money for the untaken stock reported they had not succeeded in raising the full amount. On notion however, there was considerable discussion and urging. It was finally decided to leave the matter open two days longer at a meeting to be held this evening the question will be definitely settled.
Will Beresford, tailor and draper, 40 E Liberty Street, opposite the Archer House.
Sewing machines for sale by JJ Slanker at Standard office, 2nd door east of City Hall on E Liberty Street.
Frick and Tyler grain for sale.
WHH Sickley clothing on Frick Memorial block, one door west of McClarran Grocery and one door east of the post office.
Rice Stationary Store.
Robert Gow has moved his shoe store to the corner room of Downing block.
Wayne County Democrat Sept. 30, 1891
Lawyers and doctors same.
Kinney and Cooley Hardware 2ME.
Plank and Gray flour and feed mill.
Buffalo Clothing House W Liberty Street, two doors east of Zimmerman.
ML Spooner loan 50000, over McClarran Grocery Store.
Church erected by the Christian congregation of Wooster. Dedication next Sunday, Oct. 4th. A congregation of Christian Disciples Church was organized in Wooster July 26, 1833.
Among first members were: Kimball Porter and wife; Frederick Kauke and wife; John Miller and wife; Jacob Wachtel and wife; Samuel Zimmerman and wife; Griffith K Jones; George K Zimmerman and others. For several years had no house of worship. Part of the time meetings were held in the old courthouse, where the congregation had been organized. Sometimes it assembled in little brick school house on S Market Street and occasional worshiped at dwelling houses. The first regular pastor was Rev. JH Jones who began labors in 1845 and 1847 membership had increased to over 100. They bought a lot on the corner of S Walnut and W South Street and erected a substantial church. Rev. Jones continued for 12 years until 1857 and was conducted pastor work by the following: John W Errett, Samuel R Jones, Robert Moffett, NA Walker, JH Bauerman, JN Love, DJ White and HD Carlton. By later years, by death and removal, the congregation became reduced in membership and was unable to support a pastor. In 1889, they sold the lot to EM Quimby and in 1890 purchased the lot on N Buckeye Street and began the erection of a new house there. This new church building has been completed. The church committee in charge was George W Reid, Louis Eberhard and Harry A Miller. The work was done under following Wooster contractors. Woodwork by Robert Cameron; stonework by John Levers; roofing, plumbing and furnishings by McClure and Craighead; painting by Harry A and George B Miller; plastering John Winters; frescoing by William McCalonin; carpets by Oberholser, Bebbe and Co..
Lot cost 1100 and the building 6000 of frame structure of attractive architectural design of octagon side surmounted by tower. There are two main entrances, one on north and one on the south front leading into the main audience room. The side walls are shire 16 feet high and center arch 23 feet. The extent in front of this building is an annex for Sunday School purposes connected with the audience room by large sliding doors which when desired, the whole can be enlarged into one room.
New fall goods at Buffalo clothing house.
A Freedlander, W Liberty Street, 2 doors E of Zimmerman drug store.
50000 to loan in sums in 100 and upwards.
ML Spooner Iron block over McClarran grocery.
Everything needed in school at Rices on the square, Quimby block.
Sichley clothing hatter in Frick block.
WH Wiler shoe store, W Liberty Street.
Hoelzel and Kaltwasser fall goods, SE side of square.
Removed: Robert Gow has moved to the corner room of Downing block.
G Bixler Business College.
WC National Bank capital and surplus 119000, Jacob Frick, president.
Wooster Cooperative Foundry and Machine Shop on the corner of North and Buckeye Streets.
McClellan Bros. bookstore, E Liberty Street.
Frick and Tyler grain dealers, warehouse on E South Street.
Plank and Gray.
New church erected by the Christian church congregation of Wooster. Dedication next Sunday, Oct. 4. Congregation Christian of Disciples Church of Wooster was organized July 26, 1835.
Among the first members were: Kimball Porter, Wm Poole, Peter Wills and wife, Frederick Kauke and wife, Samuel Zimmerman and wife and Griffith K Jones. For several years they had no house of worship and at that time meetings were held in the old courthouse. The first regular pastor was Rev. JH Jones and began labors in 1845.
Memorial window furnished by the JW Hogle family. A single and double window on the south side of the memorial contributed by the Young Peoples Christian Endeavor Society of Shreve, Holmesville and Millersburg. The bell that swings in the tower is one of the largest in Wooster and was in use for many years in the old church and regarded as having the best tone of any in the city. Picture of it in N Buckeye Street.
Sicklye clothier, gents furnishing, West Liberty street, Frick Memorial block.
WH Wiler shoe store, W Liberty Street.
Hoelzel and Kaltswasser, SE side of the square.
Removal: Robert Gow to corner room of the Downing block, NE side of the square.
WC National Bank of Wooster, established 1845, Jacob Frick president.
Wooster Co Operative Foundry Company, founders and machinists manufacture all kinds of casting iron or brass, Shop at the corner of North and Buckeye Streets. John Stevens Jr. superintendent.
SR Bonewitz, Benjamin Eason, SB Eason.
WF Kean, TE Peckinpaugh.
Doctors: Dr. JH Stoll and GW Ryall, Dr. HA Hart, Dr. JG McCoy, Dr. ME Mowery.
Will Beresford, tailor draper, 40 E Liberty Street.
Notice: go back and pick up article on Sept. 30, 1891 in WC Democrat concerning Christina Church being dedicated.
On request of Jacob Frick esq., the sixth comrade of Given Post GAR to be appointed to act as a trustee of the soldier’s monument and fountain that he and Mrs. Frick proposed to donate to the city of Wooster and erect on the square. Post commander John E Applebaugh appointed the following comrades to such trustees: Col. A Wiley, Capt. AS McClure, Harry McClarran, Capt. Lamuel Jeffries, John F Barrett and John S. Caskey.
Description of the last spike being driven by John H Kauke on the Killbuck railroad in Wooster and gives a description of it.