Transcription of Religious Societies, Part 2, Pages 26-50
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Page 26
- At a Court of Common Pleas begun and held at
- Mansfield in and for the County Richland &
- State of Ohio on the 24th day of October A.D. 1831
- before the Honorable David Higgins President
- Judge of said Court William Patterson Isaac
- Osbun & William Ridall Associate Judges of
- said Court the following among other business
- were transacted at said Court to wit.
- The credentials of the Rev'd Francis T Ruth
- being exhibited and proof produced whereby it
- appears that he is a regular ordained minister
- of the Evangelical Lutheran Church, and
- residing within this county It is thereupon
- on motioned ordered that he be authorised
- to solemnize marriages within this State
- so long as he shall continue in regular stan
- ding as a minister in said Church Then
- and therefore to license the said Francis T Ruth
- to solemnize marriages in this state agreeably
- to the laws thereof so long as he shall continue
- a minister in said church
- In testimony whereof I Elzey Hedges
- { Seal } Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas
- of Richland County aforesaid have hereunto
- set my hand and affixed the seal of said
- Court at Mansfield this 12th day of Nov.
- AD 1831 Elzey Hedges
- Clerk R.C.
- Recorded 25th Oct. 1833
Page 27
- State of Ohio } In the Court of Common Pleas of the
- Huron County } Term of March AD. 1833
- { Seal } Upon application of Daniel Gibbons & it
- appearing to the Court that he is a minister of the
- Gospel in regular standing in the Methodist Protestant
- Church License is hereby given to said Daniel Gibbons
- to Solemnize marriages according to the laws of
- the State
- per order of Court D. Gibbs Clerk
- H.C.P.
- State of Ohio Richland County SS.
- At a court of
- Common Pleas holden at Mansfield on the 24th
- days of Oct. AD 1831 before the Honorable David
- Higgins, President William Patterson, Isaac
- Osbun & William Riddle Esquires Associate
- Judges of the Court of Common Pleas for said
- County Rev'd. Elmore Yocum produced creden-
- tials in open court of his being a regular ordain-
- ed minister of the Gospel of the Methodist Episco-
- pal Church, and adduced proof that he is in
- regular standing in said Church, and resi-
- dent of the County of Richland aforesaid. It was
- therefore ordered that be authorized to solem-
- nize marriages within this state so long as he
- shall continue in regular standing as a minis-
- ter in said church. You the said Elmore
- Yocum are hereby authorised to celebrate
- marriages according to law (so long as
- you retain your regular standing in said
- church) any where within the state of Ohio
- In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my
- { Seal } hand and affixed the seal of said
- court at Mansfield this 19th day of Nov
- AD 1831 Elzey Hedges
- Clerk
Page 28
- State of Ohio }
- Medina County SS } Be it remembered that at
- { Seal } a term of the court of Common
- Pleas begun and held at the Court
- House in Medina within and for said county
- on Monday the 14th day of October AD. 1833
- by and before Mathew Birchard president
- and Allen Pardee & John Newton associate
- Judges of said court came Lorenzo Bivins &
- petitioned the court for a license to solem-
- nize marriages, and having produced to
- said court credentials of his being a regular
- ordained minister of the Gospel of the Methodist
- Episcopal Church, the Court ordered that
- a license issue authorizing the said Lorenzo
- Bivins to solemnize marriages within said state
- Now therefore, know ye, that agreeably
- to the said order of said Court the said
- Lorenzo Bivins is hereby licensed to solemnize
- marriages as aforesaid within the said
- state of Ohio
- In testimony whereof I hereunto sign
- my name and affix the seal of said court
- at Medina this 4th day of November AD
- 1833 Timothy Hudson Clerk
Page 29
- State of Ohio }
- Medina Co SS } Be it remembered that
- { Seal } at a court of
- Common Pleas begun and
- held at the Court House in Medina on
- the 7th day of April AD 1834 came James
- Newton and made application for a li
- cense to solemnize marriages within
- said State and having produced to
- the Court satisfactory evidence that
- he was a regularly ordained minister
- of the Gospel of the Denomination usually
- called Baptists the said application is
- granted by the Court
- Now know ye that the said
- James Newton is hereby licensed to so-
- lemnize marriages as aforesaid so long
- as he shall continue _____ regular
- minister
- In testimony whereof I hereunto
- sign my name and affix the seal of
- said Court of Medina the 9th
- day of April AD 1834
- Thos Hudson
- Clerk
Page 30
- State of Ohio SS } To all whom these
- Tuscarawas County } Present, shall come greeting
- { Seal } Know ye that the Rev Ema
- nuel Greenwald minister of
- the evangelical Lutheran Church this day
- made application to the Court of Common
- Pleas in session at New Philadelphia in &
- for said Tuscarawas County for a license
- to solemnize marriages within the State of
- and on such application having produced
- to the said Court credentials of his being
- a regular minister of said church and also
- that he officiate as such in said Tuscarawas
- County. The said Court do therefore grant
- to said Emanuel Greenwald license authori
- zing him to solemnize marriages accordingly
- within the State of Ohio under the provisi
- ons of the statute in such and made &
- provided solongas he shall continue in
- regular minister of said Church
- In testimony whereof I James
- W English Clerk of said Court have been
- unto set my hand and affixed the seal
- of said Court at New Philadelphia this
- # 9th day of March AD 1830
- James W English
- Recorded 19th July 1834 Clerk
Page 31
- State of Ohio
- Harrison Co SS } To all to whom these presents
- shall come Greeting
- Know ye that the Rev Adam
- Hertzler Preacher of the Gospel among the Uni
- ted Brethren in Christ this day made appli
- cation to the Court of Common Pleas in
- session at Cadiz in and for Harrison County
- at then term of July AD 1829 for a License
- to solemnize marriages within the state of
- Ohio and in such application having pro
- duced to said Court credentials of his be
- ing a regular ordained minister of said
- Church or Society and that he officiates
- as such in said Harrison County. The
- said Court have thought proper to
- grant unto him a License authori
- zing him to solemnize marriages
- in the State of Ohio under the provisions
- of the Statute laws of said State so long
- as he shall continue a regular minister
- of said Church or society or between
- any persons legally applying to him
- within the State of Ohio aforesaid
- In testimony of which I
- William Tingley Clerk of said Court have
- hereunto set my hand & seal of this Court
- at Cadiz 29th day of July 1829
- ( Signed ) William Tingley
- Clk
Page 32
- State of Ohio
- Harrison Co SS } To all to whom these presents
- shall come Greeting
- Know ye that the Rev Adam
- Hertzler Preacher of the Gospel among the Uni
- ted Brethren in Christ this day made appli
- cation to the Court of Common Pleas in
- session at Cadiz in and for Harrison County
- at then term of July AD 1829 for a License
- to solemnize marriages within the state of
- Ohio and in such application having pro
- duced to said Court credentials of his be
- ing a regular ordained minister of said
- Church or Society and that he officiates
- as such in said Harrison County. The
- said Court have thought proper to
- grant unto him a License authori
- zing him to solemnize marriages
- in the State of Ohio under the provisions
- of the Statute laws of said State so long
- as he shall continue a regular minister
- of said Church or society or between
- any persons legally applying to him
- within the State of Ohio aforesaid
- In testimony of which I
- William Tingley Clerk of said Court have
- hereunto set my hand & seal of this Court
- at Cadiz 29th day of July 1829
- ( Signed ) William Tingley
- Clk
Page 33
- State of Ohio }
- Medina County SS }
- { Seal } Be it remembered that at a Term of
- the Court of Common Pleas begun and held at
- the Court House in the town of Medina, within
- and for the county of Medina on the twentysixth
- day of March A.D. 1832 by and before the Hon.
- Reuben Wood President and the Hon. Reuben Smith
- and Allen Pardee associate Judges of said Court
- Daniel Conaut made application to said Court
- for License to solemnize marriages and the
- said Court being satisfied that the said Co
- Conaut|naut sustains the office of Deacon in the
- Methodist Episcopal Church, he is hereby authorized
- to solemnize marriages within said State
- in conformity with the statute in such case
- made and provided.
- In testimony whereof I have hereunto
- signed my name and affixed the seal of said
- court at Medina this 26th day of March
- A.D. 1832. Tim Hudson Clerk
- Recorded Nov. 18th 1834
- State of Ohio Delaware County } To all whom it may
- concern - Those are to authize & license the Revd
- William Runnels a Minister of the Methodist Episco-
- pal Church to solemnize marriages within this state
- so long as he remains a regular minister of said
- Church, he having complied with the requisitions
- of the statute in such case made and provided
- at the March Term of the Court of Common
- Pleas held for said county for the year 1829
- In testimony whereof I Thomas Reynolds Clerk
- of the Court of Common Pleas in &
- { Seal } for said county have hereunto
- set my hand & affixed my seal
- of office at Delaware in said county this
- 21st day of March AD 1829
- Thomas Reynolds Clerk
- CCP.D.C.
Page 34
- State of Ohio Muskingum County SS }
- I Ezekial T. Cox
- Clerk of the court of common Pleas in and for the
- County of Muskingum aforesaid, do hereby certify
- that at the April Term 1827 of said court the
- Reverend James Arbuthnot having produced
- satisfactory evidence to the said court of his
- being a regular ordained minister of the Pres-
- byterian Church was thereupon licensed to
- solemnize marriages in the State of Ohio in
- pursuance of the statute in such case made
- and provided
- In testimony whereof I hereunto
- set my hand and affix the seal Court
- of Common Pleas at Zanesville this 18th
- day of April A.D. 1827
- Ezekial T. Cox Clerk
- Horizontal line
- State of Ohio }
- Belmont County SS } Be it known that at a Term of the
- court of Common Pleas in session at St. Clairsville in the
- said County of Belmont & the state aforesaid on the fifth day of
- September 1833. At which were present the Hon. Jeremiah H.
- Hollock president Judge of the Courts of Common Pleas in the
- fifth Judicial circuit in the State of Ohio & George Sharp
- and James Alexander Esquires his associate Judges of the
- court aforesaid in and for the County aforesaid "The Rev'd."
- William F. Pool appeared in Court and produced cre-
- dentials of his being a regular ordained Minister in the
- Church of Christ or Christian Church, and evidence that
- he officiates as such in Belmont County Thereupon it
- was ordered that a License issue authorizing him to
- solemnize marriages in the State of Ohio ; Therefore the said
- William F. Pool is by these presents duly licensed and fully au-
- thorized to solemnize the rites of matrimony any where within the
- State of Ohio between all and any persons legally applying to him for
- that purpose so long as he shall continue as regular ordained minister
- of said church Witness my signature and seal of office at St.
- Clairsville this 9th of Sept. 1833 Jno C Tallman Clk Pro Tem
- (Recorded August 27th 1835)
Page 34a
- Varnum Noyes - Gospel - 1831 - Medina
- George W. Warner - Coshocton - 1825 - Pres
- James B Morrow - Stark - 1826 - Pres.
- Wm Hughes - Richland - 1830 - Pres.
- Wm Swayze - Fairfield - 1832 - M.E.
- Wm Hayden - Trumball - 1831 - Cong Disciples
- Thomas Thompson - Crawford - 1829 - ME
- Henry E. Matzheimer - Stark - 1826 - German Evang & Lutheran
- John Adam Mohler - Richland - 1830 - Lutheran
- Wm B Christie - Muskingum - 1829 - ME.
- Francis T Ruth - Richland - 1833 - Evan Luth
- Daniel Gibbons - Huron - 1833 - ME.
- Elmore Yocum - Richland 1831 - ME
- Lorenzo Bivens - Medina - 1833 - ME.
- James Newton - Medina - 11834 - Baptist
- Emanuel Greenwald - Tuscarawas - 1830 - Evang. Luth
- Adam Hartzler - Huron - 1829 - ?
Page 35
- At a court of Common Pleas begun & held at
- the Court House in the Town of Mansfield within
- and for the County of Richland and state of Ohio
- on the 18th day of May 1835 Present Ezra Dean
- President Judge of said Court & Dan'l J. Sweeney|Sweney
- Francis Andrews and Benjamin Jackson
- Associate Judges the following proceedings were
- had. In the matter of their application of
- Isaac Kilmer for license to solemnize mar-
- riage Upon this application on the said
- Isaac Kilmer having produced to the court
- satisfactory evidence that he is a regularly
- ordained Minister of the Gospel of the de-
- nomination usually called mennonite bap-
- tists. It is therefore ordered by the court
- that the said Isaac Kilmer be and is hereby
- licensed to solemnize marriages within this
- state so long as he shall continue such
- regular minister
- State of Ohio } I hereby certify the fore-
- Richland County SS } going to be a true copy
- { Seal } of the entry upon Record in
- the clerks office of the court of Common Pleas
- within and for said county of Richland. And
- I hereunto set my hand and affix the seal
- of said court of Common Pleas this 21st day
- of May 1835 Jared Irwin Clerk
- (Recorded August 29th 1835 )
- Horizontal Line
- The State of Ohio Guernsey Co SS } To all whom it may
- { Seal }
- concern Be it known that a Court of Common
- Pleas held at and in the Court House in said County
- on the 25th day of March AD 1834 On motion &
- it appearing to the satisfaction of the Court
- that Samuel Long is a regularly ordained
- Minister of the Gospel among the United Brethern
- It is ordered that a license be granted to him
- authorizing him to solemnize marriages
- within this state so long as he shall continue
- such regular minister Know therefore Know
- ye that the said Samuel Long is hereby
- permitted and authorized to solemnize marriages
Page 36
- within the State of Ohio according to the laws
- thereof so long as he shall continue a regular
- ordained minister among the said United
- Brethren
- In testimony whereof I have hereunto
- set my hand and affixed the seal of said
- court at Cambridge the 25th day of March
- AD 1834
- Moses Sarchet Clerk
- Horizontal line
- State of Ohio } Richland County Common
- Richland County SS } Pleas Nov. Term AD 1835
- On motion and it appearing
- that James Brewster is a regularly ordained
- minister of the gospel of the Denomination com-
- monly called Episcopal Methodist. It is
- therefore ordered that a license be granted
- to the said James Brewster to Solemnize
- marriage within this state so long as he
- shall continue such regular minister
- Therefore the said James Brewster is
- hereby authorized to solemnize marriage
- within this state so long as he shall con-
- tinue such regular minister
- Witness the Ezra Dean President
- Judge of said court at Mansfield this
- 20th day of Nov. AD. 1835 _ __ have here-
- unto set the seal of said Court
- { Seal } Jared Irwin clerk
- by Joseph B. Cairns Deputy
Page 37
- State of Ohio Crawford County SS
- At a Court of Common Pleas begun &
- held at the Court House in the Town of Bucyrus
- in the County of Crawford and State of Ohio on
- the 31st day of August AD 1835 by the Asso-
- ciate Judges thereof The Reverend Henry Neible
- produced satisfactory evidence of his being a
- regularly ordained Minister of the Evangelical
- Church It was thereupon ordered that the said
- Henry Neible have License to Solemnize marriages
- in this State agreeably to the laws thereof
- I Z. Rown clerk of the Court aforesaid do
- hereby certify the above to be truly copied
- from the Journals of said Court
- In testimony whereof I have hereunto
- { Seal } set my hand and the seal of
- said Court at Bucyrus this 15th
- day of Nov. AD 1835
- Z. Rown clerk
- Recorded Dec 29th 1835
- State of Ohio Highland County SS }
- Highland Common Pleas June (24th) Term 1834
- Whereas at said Court - the Rev'd Andrew Kuhn
- produced proof to the satisfaction of the Court that he
- is a regular ordained minister of the Gospel of the
- Lutheran Church
- It was therefore Ordered that he have
- a license to Solemnize marriage throughout this state
- These are therefore to license the
- said Andrew Kuhn to solemnize marriage throughout
- this State so long as he remains a regular preacher of
- the gospel of said Church. In testimony whereof I
- Samuel Bell Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas
- in and for said county have hereunto set my hand
- and affixed the seal of said Court this 24th day
- of June A.D. 1834
- Samuel Bell clerk
- {Seal } H.C._.
Page 38
- The State of Ohio Richland County } SS Court of Com.
- Pleas Nov. Term
- AD. 1835
- Present at said Term The Hon. E. Dean President
- and Daniel J. Swinney Benjamin Jackson and
- Francis Andrews his Associates Judges of said
- Court At Mansfield Nov. 20th AD. 1835
- On motion by William McLaughlin Esqr and
- it appearing to the satisfaction of the court that
- Samuel Lynch is a regularly ordained minister
- of the Gospel of the Denomination commonly
- called Episcopal Methodist It is therefore
- ordered that a license be granted to the said
- Samuel Lynch to Solemnize marriages so
- long as he shall continue such regular Minister
- I Jared Irwin Clerk of the C of Common
- Pleas aforesaid do certify that by
- these presents the said Samuel
- Lynch is legally authorized to solemnize
- marriages within the State of Ohio so long as
- he shall continue such regular minister of the
- Gospel as aforesaid
- In testimony whereof I have here-
- unto set my hand and affixed the seal of said
- Court this 20th day of November A.D. 1835
- Jared Irwin Clerk by
- Joseph B Cairns Dept.
Page 39
- The State of Ohio }
- Ashtabula County SS } Whereas at a Term of the Court
- { Seal } of Common Pleas in and for said
- county begun and held at Jefferson on the 16th
- day of April Ad 1827 Nathaniel Reeder
- made satisfactory proof to said Court that he
- is a regular ordained minister of the
- Gospel of the Methodist Episcopal Church
- License is therefore hereby given to the said
- Nathaniel Reeder to solemnize marriages
- within said state so long as he shall
- continue in regular standing in said
- society agreeably to the Statute in such
- case made and provided. In testimony
- whereof I have hereunto set my hand &
- have caused to be affixed the seal of our
- said Court at Jefferson this 26th day of
- April AD 1827 Saml. Hendry Clerk
- Recorded Feb. 6th 1836
- State of Ohio }
- Carroll County SS } Be it remembered that at
- { Seal } a court of Common Pleas
- begun and held in the Town of Carrolton
- in said county on the 17th day of April AD
- one thousand eight hundred and thirty
- three William Armstrong of said county
- exhibited said court satisfactory evidence
- of his being a regular ordained Minister
- of the Gospel in the Methodist Protestant
- Church Whereupon on motion ordered by
- said court that the said William
Page 40
- Armstrong receive license to solemnize
- marriages throughout the State of Ohio
- Now therefore be it known that the
- said William Armstrong hath per-
- mission and by these presents is duly au-
- thorized and empowered to solemnize
- marriages throughout the State of Ohio
- so long as he shall continue a regular
- minister in the Church aforesaid
- In testimony whereof I have hereunto
- set my hand and the seal of said
- court at Carrollton aforesaid this 20th
- day of April AD 1833
- Daniel McCook
- Clerk Pro Tempore
- recorded April 18th 1836
- blank line
- State of Ohio }
- Columbiana County SS } At a court of Common Pleas
- { Seal } held at the court house in
- New Lisbon within and for said
- county at the Sept. Term AD 1817 George Hoke
- produced to the court credentials of his being a
- regularly authorized minister of the Gospel in
- the German Baptist Society and requested license
- from said court to solemnize the marriage
- contracts Whereupon the court being satisfied
- with the credentials produced do agreeable to
- authority vested in them authorize & License
- the said George Hoke to solemnize the marriage
- contract in conformity to the rules and res-
- trictions by law in such cases made and
- provided In testimony that the foregoing
- is a true copy of the order granted in the case to which
- it alludes, I have hereunto set my name and
- affixed the seal of the court at New Lisbon
Page 41
- in the county aforesaid this 9th Sept.
- 1817 Horace Potter clk
- recorded 29th Oct. 1836
- The State of Ohio }
- Richland County SS } To all to whom these presents
- may come Greeting Whereas at a Court of Com-
- mon Pleas at the Court House in Mansfield
- in and for said county on the 24th day of May
- AD. 1830 the Reverend Samuel Hindman of
- said county produced satisfactory evidence of
- his having been ordained a minister of the
- Associate Presbyterian Church It was ordered
- by the court that said Samuel Hindman
- receive a license to solemnize Marriages
- within this state agreeably to the laws in
- such case made and provided so long
- as he continues a minster of said Church
- Therefore know ye that the said Rev'd
- Samuel Hindman aforesaid hath permission
- and by these presents is fully authorized to
- solemnize marriages between any persons
- legally applying to him within this state
- { Seal } In testimony whereof I have hereunto
- set my hand and affixed the seal of
- said court at Mansfield this 9th
- day of Sept AD 1830 Elzey Hedges clerk
- recorded Nov 25th 1836 -
- State of Ohio { September Term of the Court
- Crawford County SS } of Common Pleas of the county
- of Crawford AD. 1836
- The Rev'd Charles E. Van Voorhis having pro-
- duced satisfactory evidence to the court that
- he is a regular ordained minister of the
- Gospel of the Church of Christ according to
- the rules and regulations of said Church
- is was ordered by said Court that he
- be licensed to solemnize Marriages in
- this state so long as he continues such
- minister in said church. These are
Page 42
- therefore to authorize permit & License
- you the said Charles Edward Van Voorhis
- to Solemnize marriages as aforesaid
- { Seal } In testimony whereof I have
- hereunto set my hand and seal
- of said court at Bucyrus this 12th day
- of Sept AD. 1836 Z. Rowse Clerk
- Recorded Dec 10th 1836
- The State of Ohio }
- Licking County SS } Court of Common Pleas
- Double horizontal line
- { Seal } By the Court on ap
- plication of James Porter of said County
- and he having exhibited to the Court
- satisfactory evidence credentials of his
- being a regular constituted Pastor of
- the Baptist association of the Church
- in Jesus Christ. It is ordered that
- the said James Porter be authorized
- to solemnize marriages within this
- state according to the Statute in
- such case made and provided
- In testimony whereof I have here
- unto set my name and affixed the
- seal of said County this 23rd Day
- of February AD 1830 AH Coffee Clk
Page 42a
- True Petty - Richland Petty
- 1822
- Skadrach Ruark - Knox - 1822
- Wm Pardy - Coshocton - 1823
- Wm Rider - Tuscarawas - 1823
- Jacob Fry - Knox - 1823
- James Haney - Richland - 1823
- James Johnson - Tuscarawas - 1824
- John Cram - Harrison - 1824
- Henry Hosler - Knox - 1825
- Abner Goff - Licking - 1817
- James Murray - Preble - 1824
- Thomas Martin - Perry - 1825
- James McIntire - Huron - 1825
- John Crawford - Licking - 1826
- James C. Taylor - Wayne - 1826
- John H De Dehoof - Knox - 1826
- James Hoskinson - Columbiana - 1827
Page 42b
- Pg 2
- John Jacob Fast - Stark - 1826
- Thomas Barr - Cuyahoga - 1825
- Isaiah Paxon - Columbiana - 1828
- Rufus Freeman - Wayne - 1828
- Henry O Sheldon - Huron - 1828
- John C Havens - Wayne - 1828
- John W Harmon - Stark - 1828
- Wm S Hull - ? - Tuscarawas - 1824
- John Martin Henry - Hamilton - 1829 - Catholic
- Ansel Bernard - Medina - 1829 - M.E.
- Wm Cox - Muskingham - 1829 - Presbyterian
- Russel Bigelow - Butler - 1818 - Methodist
- Jacob Sharp - Pickaway - 1830 - Baptist Society
- Jacob Dixon - Hocking - 1830 - M.E.
- John James - Highland - 1830 - M.E.
- James Johnston - Huron - 1830 - M.E.
- Jacob Bull - Holmes - 1831 - UB
Page 43
- The State of Ohio }
- Belmont County SS } To all whom these presents
- { Seal } } shall come Greeting
- Whereas at the November term
- 1832 of the court of Common Pleas of said county
- the Rev'd Moses Scott having produced creden-
- tials of his being a regular ordained Minister
- of the Gospel in the Methodist Protestant Church
- and evidence that he Officiates as such in said
- Belmont County the said court did thereupon
- order that a license issue to him authorizing
- him to solemnize the rites of Matrimony accor-
- ding to the statute in such case made and
- provided. Noe therefore be it known
- that the said Moses Scott is by these
- presents duly licensed and fully authorized
- to solemnize marriages within the state of
- Ohio so long as he shall continue a regular
- minister of the Gospel in said Church
- between any and all persons legally applying
- to him for that purpose.
- In testimony whereof I John C Tallman
- Deputy clerk of the court of common pleas
- of said county have hereunto signed my
- name and affixed the seal of said court
- at St. Clairsville this 19th day of November
- 1832 Jn C. Tallman Deputy Clerk
- Horizontal line
- The State of Ohio } Court of Common Pleas
- Coshocton County SS } Oct Term 1834
- { Seal } } Be it remembered that
- now at October Term of said Court to wit on
- the 28th day of October in the year of our Lord
- 1834 The Rev'd Thomas Dunn comes into court
- and makes application for a license to solem-
- nize marriages in this state And it appear-
- ing to the satisfaction of the court that the
- applicant is a regular ordained minis-
- ter of the Gospel of the Methodist Episcopal
Page 44
- church do order and direct that a license
- issue to the said Thomas Dunn to solem-
- nize marriages in this state so long as he
- continues a minister of the Gospel of said
- Church
- I John Frew Clerk of the court of Com-
- mon Pleas for said county certify the fore-
- going is truly copied from the records in
- my office In testimony whereof I have here-
- unto set my hand and seal of said county
- at Coshocton this 18th day of Nov. AD 1834
- Jn. Frew Clk
- Horizontal line
- The State of Ohio } Court of Common pleas Apl. Term 1835
- Coshocton County SS } License to Solemnize marriages
- Be it remembered that now at the
- April Term of said Court of Common Pleas to wit - on
- the thirteenth day of April in the year of our Lord Eighteen
- hundred and thirty five - The Rev'd Jacob Seidle comes
- into court and makes application for a license to
- solemnize marriages in this state. And it appear-
- ing to the satisfaction of the court that said ap-
- plicant is a regular ordained minister of the Gospel
- in the Evangelical Duth Lutheran Church do
- order and direct that a license issue to the
- said Jacob Sidle to solemnize marriages in this
- state so long as he remains a regular minister
- of the Gospel in said Church
- The State of Ohio Coshocton County SS }
- { Seal } I John Frew clerk of the court of Com-
- mon pleas for said county certify the foregoing
- to be a true copy from the records in my office
- In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand
- & affixed the seal of my office at Coshocton this 24th day
- of April AD 1835. John Frew clerk
Page 45
- The State of Ohio } Court of Common Pleas April
- Geauga County SS } Term 1830
- Wednesday the 7th 1830
- The Reverend Nathaniel Cobb having produced to
- the court credentials of his being a regularly ordain-
- ed minister in the Presbyterian Church ; It is ordered
- by the court that a License issue to the said Rev'd
- Nathaniel Cobb authorizing to solemnize marriages
- within this State, in pursuance of the Act entitled
- "An act to regulate Marriages" passed January
- 6th 1824
- The State of Ohio } I D.D. Aiken clerk of the
- Geauga County SS } Court of Common Pleas for
- { Seal } the said County do hereby
- certify that the foregoing is truly copied
- from the Journals of the Court
- In testimony whereof, I hereunto set my
- hand and affix the seal of said court at
- Chardon this 30th day of April AD. 1830
- DD. Aiken clk
- State of Ohio }
- Tuscarawas County SS } Court of Common Pleas
- { Seal } } April term 1833
- On application to the court
- by the Rev. William Ross for a license to sol-
- emnize the rites of Matrimony in this state and
- the court being satisfied from the credentials
- produced that the said William Ross is a regular
- ordained Deacon in the Methodist Protestant
- Church and is authorized to Baptize and to
- assist in the Administration of the Lord supper
- The court do therefore order that a license
- issue to the said William Ross to Solemnize
- Marriages so long as he shall remain
- a Deacon in said church
- In testimony whereof I James English
- clerk of said court have hereunto set my
- hand and affixed the seal of my office at
- New Philadelphia the 6th day of April AD 1833
- James English Clerk
Page 46
- Loudoun County to wit }
- I Charles Binns clerk of the
- county court aforesaid in the Commonwealth of Virginia
- Do hereby certify that the bearer here of Daniel Smith
- who appears by the affirmation John Schooly to have been
- born of free parents of a dark complexion, rather
- slender made a scar on the left cheek five feet nine
- and a half inches high about twenty eight years of
- age And in pursuance of the act of Assembly
- I have caused the said Daniel Smith to be entered
- in the Book of Registers of free people of colour
- In testimony whereof I have hereunto set
- { Seal } my hand and affixed my seal of Office
- this 9th day of August 1813 and in the 38 year of
- the C. wealth C Binns clerk
- Recorded Sept. 14th 1837 by order
- of John Sloane clerk of the Court of Common Pleas
- of Wayne County, Ohio
- Tuscarawas County }
- State of Ohio SS } To all whom it may con-
- cern
- Be it remembered
- that at a Court of Common Pleas for the said
- County of Tuscarawas, begun and held at
- the Court house in New Philadelphia on the
- 11th day of April 1836 On motion and the Court
- being satisfied that the Rev. John Reck is a
- regular ordained preacher in the Evangelical
- Lutheran Church do order that a license
- issue to said John Reck to solemnize marriages within
- this state so long as he shall remain in regular
- Standing in said Church. These are therefore to
- authorize and empower him the said John Reck
- to solemnize marriages within said State of Ohio
- agreeably to the Statute in such case made & provided
- { Seal } In testimony Whereof I have hereunto set
- my name and affix the seal of said Court at
- New Philadelphia this 14th day of April
- AD. 1836 James W. English clk P.T.
- (Recorded Sept. 23rd 1837)
Page 47
- State of Ohio }
- Geauga County SS } By order of the Court of
- Common Pleas of said Coun
- { Seal } ty License is hereby given to
- the Reverend J.A. Woodruff to solemnize
- marriages pursuant to the Statute in
- such case made and provided. In
- testimony whereof I hereunto set my
- hand and affix the seal of said Court
- at Chardon this tenth day of June AD
- 1834 D.D. Aikin Clerk
- The State of Ohio } Be it remembered that at a Term
- Medina } of the Court of Common Pleas
- { Seal } begun and held at the Court house
- in the Town of Medina within and for the County of
- Medina on Monday the 27th day of Oct. in the year
- of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and
- thirty four came Rev. George Smith and made
- application to said Court for a license to solemnize
- marriages in said state and proved to the satisfaction
- of the Court that he was a regularly ordained minister
- of the Gospel of the Methodist Episcopal Church
- Whereupon the Court ordered that a license issue
- to the said George Smith authorizing him to solem
- nize marriages. Now therefore Know you ye that
- by virtue of the order aforesaid and of the Statute
- in such case made and provided the said George
- Smith is licensed to solemnize marriages within
- said State so long as he shall continue such
- regular minister.
- In testimony whereof I have
- hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal
- of said court at Medina this 31st of Oct AD. 1834
- Timothy Hudson clk
- Recorded Dec 22nd 1837
Page 48
- At a Court of Common Pleas begun
- and held at the court House in the town
- of Canton within and for the county
- of Stark and State of Ohio on Mon
- day the 27th day of Nov 1837
- Present the Hon George W Belden
- President Judge and Eli Sowers
- Peter Loutzenhiser and Jacob Miller
- ___ Associate Judges Daniel Raffensperger
- Sheriff Harmon Stidger Clerk
- In the record and proceedings of said
- Court ___ and items have and held
- among other things are the following
- to wit
- On motion and with application
- to the satisfaction of the court that
- Basil Sohorb is a regularly ordained
- minister of the gospel of the denomi
- nation usually Roman Catholic Church
- It is ordered that a license be granted
- to him authorizing him to solemnize
- marriages within this state so long as
- he shall continues such regular minis
- ter Therefore by virtue of the forego-
- ing order that said Basil Sohorb is autho
- rized to solemnize marriages within
- the State of Ohio so long as he shall
- continue a regular minister of the
- Roman Catholic Church
- In testimony whereof I
- hereto subscribe my name and affix
- the seal of the court aforesaid at
- Canton in the county aforesaid this
- 5th day of Dec. AD 1837
- Thos Goodman Dept
- Clerk
Page 49
- The State of Ohio } Court of Common pleas of said
- Seneca County SS } County 1835 to wit on the 22nd day
- of September AD 1835
- On motion and it appearing to the satisfaction of
- the court that Henry Whiteman of said county, is
- a regular ordained minister of the Gospel in the
- Methodist Episcopal Church It is thereupon ordered
- by the court that a license be granted him author-
- izing him to solemnize marriages within the state
- so long as he shall continue such regular minister
- In testimony that the above and fore-
- { Seal } going order is truly copied from the Journal
- of said Court I have hereunto set my hand &
- affixed the seal of said court at Tiffin in said
- Seneca County this 24th day of Sept. AD. 1835
- Luther A Hall
- Clerk
- Recorded Jany. 24th 1835
- State of Ohio }
- Miami County } Court of Common Pleas
- of the term of March 1832
- Be it remembered that on 26th day of March
- AD 1832 Asaph Boutelle personally ap'd
- in open court and produced satisfactory evid-
- ence that he is a regular ordained Minister of
- the Gospel of the Presbyterian Church of the
- United States It is ordered that the clerk
- issue a License to the said Asaph Boutelle
- authorizing him to solemnize mar-
- riages between persons applying to him
- therefore in this State so long as he con
- tinues such regular ordained Minister of
- the Gospel Thereupon be it known that
- said Asaph is hereby authorized to sol
- emnize marriages
- In testimony whereof I have here
- unto set my hand and affixed my seal
- of office at ___ 26 March 1832
- John G Telford Clk
Page 50
- State of Ohio } Be it remembered
- Knox Co SS } that heretofore to wit
- at a court of Common Plea holden be
- fore the Hon Ezra Dean President Judge
- on the 5th day of Oct 1835
- On motion and it appearing to the
- court David Gray is a regularly
- ordained Minister of the Gospel of the
- Methodist Episcopal Church It is ordered
- that a license be granted to him author-
- izing him to solemnize marriages within
- this state as long as he shall continue
- such regular minister
- In testimony whereof
- I Alex Elliott clerk of said court have
- hereunto set my hand and affixed the
- seal of said court at the clerks office
- in Mount Vernon on this 4th day of
- Nov 1835 Alex Elliott
- Clerk
- State of Ohio }
- Richland County SS } At a Court of Common Pleas held
- { Seal } at Mansfield on the 13th day of
- May AD. 1834 before Ezra Dean President
- and Isaac Osbun, Benjamin Jackson and Daniel J.
- Swinney Associate Judges It appearing to the Court that
- John J. Kopp is a regularly ordained minister of the
- Gospel of the denomination usually called the Evan
- gelical Association. It is ordered that a license
- be granted to him authorizing him to solemnize
- marriages within this state so long as he continues
- such minister. Therefore you the said John
- J. Kopp is hereby authorized to solemnize the
- marriage relation between any persons legally
- applying to him within this state as aforesaid
- In testimony whereof I have hereunto set
- my hand & affixed the seal of said at
- Mansfield this 13th May AD 1834
- Elzey Hedges
- clerk
For more records, view Part 1 of Record of Religious Incorporated Societies.