Pensions (1880s)
S.R. Bonewitz, pension attorney, has been successful in having the following pensions allowed for the month of October 1885.
- Peter Barkley, Rowsburg, Ohio, private of Co. I, 163d Reg. O.V.I.
- William H. Lash, Ashland, Ohio, private of Co. I, 64th Reg. O.V.I.
- Joseph E. Barrett, M.D., Wooster, Surgeon 195th Reg. O.V.I.
- Caroline E. Crawford, Smithville, O., widow of Thomas S. Crawford, late private of Co. I, 103d reg. O.V.I.
- John S. Markle, Wooster, private of Co. F, 102d Reg. O.V.I.
- Edmund Baker, Sterling, O., private of Co. H, 8th Reg. O.V.I.
- He also had the following pensioner’s amount increased during the month of October 1885:
- Henry Davis, of Creston, O., private of Co. K, 107th Reg. Pa.V.I.
- Henry Finke, Fredericksburg, O., private of Co. D, 120th Reg. O.V.I.
- G.W. Moore, Shreve, O., private of Co. G, 120th Reg. O.V.I.
- David M. Reid, Wooster, O., private of Co. G, 51st Reg. O.V.I.
January 13, 1886
Mrs. Reed, an U.S. pensioner, died last Thursday at her home near Dalton, age 87 years.
April 21, 1886
Mrs. John Dice, through her attorney, S.R. Bonewitz, has been allowed a pension of $8 per month from January 11th to March 19th, 1886 and since the last date at the rate of $12 per month. Here is the first case in Wooster under the new law allowing soldiers’ widows $12 per month. Credit is due Mr. Bonewitz for the prompt manner he secured this pension and all congratulate Mrs. Dice.
June 16, 1886
Pension agent S.R. Bonewitz on Monday received notice that Lewis H. Myers, Co. I, 102d Regiment, would receive a pension of $4 per month from April 12, 1882 to February 25, 1885 and from that time $6 per month. Disability caused by rheumatism and chronic diarrhea.
September 8, 1886
S.R. Bonewitz, pension attorney, has had allowed for the month of August the following pensions:Porter Felix, Co. A, 169th Regt., O.N.G., $4 per month from Sept. 5, 1864 to June 24, 1881, making in all $806.57.Elizabeth Smith, widow of Oliver N. Smith, late of Co. A, 166th O.N.G., $8 per month from March 11, 1885 to March 19, 1886 and $12 per month from March 19, 1886 and $2 per month for each child. Also, $50 per month from June 16, 1885 to August 28, 1885. This last claim was very closely contested; was after being examined by a special agent, allowed.
November 17, 1886
The following pensions were allowed within the last week through S.R. Bonewitz, pension attorney.Sarah E. Bunting, widow of George W. Bunting, late private of Co. F, 102 Regt. O.V.I. at $8 per month, from January 4, 1886 and $12 per month from March 19, 1886 and $2 per month for each child.Zenas Funk, late private of Co. C, 16th Regt. O.V.I., increase from $400 to$600. Gunshot wound left leg.Henry C. Switzer, late private Co. K, 178th Regt. O.V.I., $8 per month, from the 24th of July 1883, for disease of throat, chronic diarrhea and resulting piles.
December 1, 1886
A Well Deserved and Needed Pension AllowedJohn Camp, of No. 88 South Bever street, in this city, received notice through his attorney, S.R. Bonewitz, of the allowance of his pension on Thanksgiving Day. His application has been pending since the 18th day of May 1885, but owing to the many changes in his residence since his discharge, it was very difficult to collect the required proof; but with his assistance and the energy of his attorney, the lost proof was sent in September, 1886 and owing to the rapid failing health of Mr. Camp, the claim was made special on the 25th of October and allowed as above stated. He is allowed $24.00 a month from the 18th day of May, 1885, for lung disease, of which he has been confined to his room for the last four months. It is hoped he may live many years to enjoy the long delayed help.
December 22, 1886
Since our last issue the following pensions have been allowed:Augustus Mark, Co. I, 102, O.V.I., was allowed $4 per month from the 28th day of November, 1862.Elanora Yost, widow of Benj. Yost, late private of Co. C, 107th Regt., O.V.I., allowed $8 per month from October 1883, to 19th of March, 1886 and from that time $12 per month.Jasper C. Hubbard, late private of Co. C, 41st Regt., O.V.I., allowed $4 per month from 20th of Sept., 1864 to Jan. 11th 1885 and $6 from that date.Franklin Fisher, late private of Co. B, 60th Regt. O.V.I., allowed an increase from Dec. 18th, 1880 at the rate of $2 per month.These pensions were obtained by S.R. Bonewitz, pension attorney, West Liberty street, Wooster, Ohio.
January 26, 1887
The following pensions and increases have been allowed within the last week at the agency of S.R. Bonewitz, pension attorney, this city.Thomas M. Alexander, private Co. E, 120th Regiment, O.V.I., $2 per month from September 15, 1885, date of application for chronic diarrhea.IncreasedConstant Markle, Co. I, 102d Regiment, O.V.I., from $2 to $8 per month from Nov. 10, 1886 for injury to head resulting in deafness in right ear and epilepsy.Hiram H. Reed, private Co. I, 16th Regiment, O.V.I., from $4 to $8 per month, from Dec. 8th, 1886, for rheumatism.Rev. James Bloyd, private Co. H, 11th Regiment, West Virginia Volunteer Infantry, from $6 to $12 from October 21st, 1885, for gunshot wound of left ankle.
February 2, 1887
The following pensions and increases have been procured by S.R. Bonewitz, pension attorney at Wooster:John N. Boor, of [[Madisonb[ue]rg, Ohio|Madisonb[ue]rg]], Wayne County, Ohio, late private of Co. D, 9th O.V.Cavalry, at the rate of $2 per month from February 21, 1882, the time of filing claim for rheumatism.John Clindenst, of Millersburg, Holmes County, Ohio, late private of Co. F, 176 Regt., O.V.I., at the rate of $2 per month from the 2nd day of July, 1885, the time of filing claim for rheumatism.Harrison Tyler, of Wooster, Ohio, late private of Co. F, 10th Ohio Cavalry, at the rate of $2 per month from the 23rd day of March, 1886, the time of filing claim, for chronic diarrhea.David S. Hoff, of Madisonburg, Wayne County, late private of Co. H, 120th Regt. O.V.I., increased from $4 per month to $6 per month, from December 15, 1886, the time of his examination for rheumatism.
February 9, 1887
Pensions AllowedThe following pensions have been allowed through the efforts of S.R. Bonewitz, pension agent, of Wooster, since our last publication, to wit:David S. Peters, late corporal of Co. I, 102d Regt. O.V.I., of New Pittsburg, has been allowed a re-issue of his certificate with $2 per month from the 1st of July, 1865 for injury to his back. He had previously drawn $4 per month from July 1st, 1865.Cyrus S. Case, late private of Co. C, 16th Regt. O.V.I., of Millbrook, he was reinstated on pension roll at the rate of $2 per month from August 26th, 1881, for chronic diarrhea.Deliah Wolf, now Switzer, widow of John Wolf, late private of Co. K, 107th Regt. O.V.I., of [[Madisonb[ue]rg, Ohio|Madisonb[ue]rg]], at the rate of $8 per month from the 22d day of August, 1863 and $2 per month for her two children from the 23rd of July 1866, will end April 8th, 1870, date of mother’s marriage.Mary E. Smith, Wooster and Nathaniel L. Wolf, Wahoo, Sanders Co., Nebraska, minor children of John Wolf, late private of Co. K, 107th O.V.I., at the rate of $6 per month each from the 4th day of April, 1870, until each attains to the age of 16 years.
March 23, 1887
John H. Blessing, of Wooster, has been granted a re-issue and increase of pension.
April 20, 1887
Pensions AllowedS.R. Bonewitz procured the allowance of the following pensions for the following persons in the last 10 days:Daniel Stout, Orrville, father of W.H. Stout, private of Co. B McLaughlin Squadron, $8 per month from April 11, 1881 up to March 9, 1886, from which time $12 per month.George S. Winkle, Shreve, late private of Co. E, 120th Regt. O.V.I., $4 per month from 25th November, 1881 for rheumatism and malarial poisoning.Kate White, Wooster, widow of William White, private Co. D 86 Regt. at $8 per month from June 14, 1884, to March 19, 1886 and $12 from that time; $2 per month for each child from June 14, 1884.Valentine Deny, Shreve, private of Co. C 107th Regt., O.V.I. was increase, from Sept. 2, 1884, to $6 per month for rheumatism and piles.John A. Strauss, Reedsburg, private of Co. D 9th Regt., O.V.Cavalry, for an increase from $4 to $8 per month from February 2, 1887, for liver disease and resulting indigestion.
May 4, 1887
S.R. Bonewitz, pension attorney, had a pension allowed to Mrs. Catharine E. Crawford, of Smithville, widow of Thomas S. Crawford, private of Co. I, 101st Regt. O.V.I., $8 per month from 23d of June, 1883 to March 19, 1886 and $12 per month from that time and $2 per month for each child from 23d of June, 1883.John M. Karns, of Wooster, late private of Co. G. 35th Regt. Ind. Vol., at the rate of $2 per month from 20th of October, 1885, for chronic diarrhea.
May 11, 1887
During the last week S.R. Bonewitz, pension attorney, has notice of the allowance of the following pension claims;Samuel I. Warner, late private of Co. E, 4th Regt., O.V.I. (payable to widow):Six dollars per month from Oct. 18, 1880; $24 per month from May 8, 1882; $30 per month from Mar. 3, 1883; $50 per month from Jan. 14, 1885; ending April 12, 1886, date of his death, for chronic diarrhea and resulting piles and injury to head and resulting insanity.Maria Warner, widow, West Salem, Ohio, $12 per month from 4th of May, 1886; $2 per month for each child from same date.Increase,David Smith, Cedar Valley, Ohio, late private of Co. B, McLaughlin Squadron, from $6 to $8 per month from March 16, 1887.
June 1, 1887
S.R. Bonewitz, pension attorney of this city, have the following pension allowed in week to wit.Arie M. Camp, widow of John Camp, late private of Co G. 3rd U.S.Cavalry, $12 per month from January 3, 1887 and $2 per month from that date for Ina and $2 per month for John from 22nd March 1887.Samuel Forman, Plain PO., increase and re-issue, late private of Co. H. 16th Regt., O.V.I., $6 per month from Jan. 1, 1882 and $8 per month from Feb. 23, 1887 for chronic diarrhea and resulting piles and rheumatism. He was drawing $4 per month.Minor children of David Daugherty late private of Co., D. 169th Regt., O.V.I. at $8 per month from March 17, 1869 and $2 per month for each of the children until 16 years of age. He left 8 children. This makes $24 per month in the beginning. A pension was granted to George Wynn, private of Co. C 41st Regt., O.V.I. $4 per month from Sept. 14, 1865 and $6 from Feb. 22, 1882, for a fracture of left clavicle and injury to left shoulder. This is one of many old claims that have been rejected and placed in the case of S.R. Bonewitz, claim attorney of Wooster, for collection and which has been prosecuted to a favorable result. Wynn resides at Fredericksburg, Wayne Co., Ohio.
July 6, 1887
S.R. Bonewitz, pension attorney, has allowed the following pensions in the last week;May Kate Patterson, widow of Capt. C.E. Patterson, of Co. A, 126th Regt., O.V.I., of Canonburg, Pa., $17 per month from the 29th day of May, 1884 and $2 additional for each child.Mary A. Leinard, widow of Solomon Leinard, private of Co. G, 23d Regt., O.V.I., at the rate of $8 per month from May 9, 1876 to March 19, 1886 and from that date at $12 per month and additional $2 for each child, from May 9th, 1876.John Van Kirk, private of Co. D, 169th Regt., O.V.I., of Orrville, $2 per month from the 4th day of February, 1886, for malarial poisoning and resulting functional disease of heart.Elizabeth Grow, widow of William Grow, late private of Co. D, 3rd Regt., Ohio Vol. Inft. In Mexican War, at the rate of $8 per month.
July 20, 1887
S.R. Bonewitz, pension attorney, has had notice of the allowance of a pension for Richard B. Carson of Co. I, 210th Regt., Pa. Volunteer Infantry, of [[Madisonb[ue]rg, Ohio|Madisonb[ue]rg]], Ohio, at the rate of $6 from July 15, 1880, to January 6, 1886 and $8 from that date for disease of eyes; also, Patrick Hallarow, private of Co. F, 82d Regt., O.V.I., OF Wooster, 5th ward, at the rate of $14 per month from May 14, 1885 (the day of filing petition, for disease of eyes.
August 3, 1887
S.R.Bonewitz, claim attorney, has notice among others of the allowance of a pension to Philip Hein, of Wooster, late private of Co. C, 107th Regt. O.V.I., at the rate of $2 per month from the 21st day of June, 1886, (date of filing claim) for rheumatism.A pension to Rebecca E. McKee, widow of W.H. McKee, late a private of Co. E, 104th Regt., O.V.I., of Red Haw, Ashland County, O., at the rate of $8 per month from Sept. 18th, 1879 to March 19th 1886, and from that date $12 per month, and $2 per month for each child from Sept. 18th, 1879.
August 24, 1887
S.R. Bonewitz, pension and claim agent, has been notified of the allowance of the following pension and increases within the last 10 days:Henry Bott, late private of Co. F, 187th Regiment, O.V.I., of Youngstown, Ohio, at the rate of $4 per month from the 21st day of July, 1884.Lewis H. Gorgas, late private of Co. H, 29th Regiment, Pa. Vol. Inft, Magnetic Springs, Union County, O., from $2 to $4 from the 23d day of May, 1887, for chronic diarrhea.Edmund Baker, late private of Co. H, 8th Regiment O.V.Inft., Sterling, Wayne County, Ohio, from $4 to $6 from March 16th, 1887, for gunshot wound through both thighs.Alex. A. Carr, late private of Co. E, 4th Regiment Ohio Vol. Inft., Wooster, O., from $8 to $12 from June 1, 1887, for periapsus of ovie.
September 14, 1887
John Imhoden, of Dalton, has been allowed an increase in pension.
October 12, 1887
Samuel McAfee, of Wooster, has been granted a pension for service in the Mexican War.
October 19, 1887
Hiram B. Craft of Killbuck, has secured a pension.
October 19, 1887
The Commission of Pensions has reported the allowance of the following pensions, all of which were prosecuted by S.R. Bonewitz, claim attorney, as follows:To Perry Murry, Shreve, late private of Co. I, 15th Regt., U.S.Inft., (Mexican War) $8 per month from 29th day of January, 1887, for general disability.Samuel McAfee, Wooster, late private of Co. B, McLaughlin’s Squadron, Ohio Vol. Cavalry, at the rate of $2 per month for rheumatism.George Rouch, Mattoon, Ill., father of George Rouch, Jr., private of Co. E, 4th Regt., O.V.I., $8 per month from 23d of May, 1884 and $12 from 19th day of March, 1886. (George Rouch died at Fort Pendleton, Md., in 1861.)Richard H. Smith, Wooster, private Co. A, 169th Regt., O.V.I., at $2 per month from the 18th of June, 1886, for chronic diarrhea.John B. Brown, No. 128 South Market street, Wooster, late private in Co. E, 120th Regt., O.V.I., at the rate of $4 per month, for piles.Emanuel Good, Wooster, late private of Co. A, U.S.Artillery, was increased from $2 to $4 per month for cicutrix from bed sores resulting from typhoid fever.
October 26, 1887
Jacob W. Bach, of Navarre and Samuel Baker, of Massillon, have been pensioned.
November 16, 1887
Pensions GrantedS.R. Bonewitz, pension attorney, has the report of the allowance and increase of pensions of the following since the 28th day of October, 1887:Thomas Armstrong, Golden Corners, Wayne County, late private of Co. A, 169th Regiment, O.V.I.David Bowman, Lattasburg, Wayne County, private of Co. E, 149th Regt., Pa.V.I.Frances M. Wagoner, of Smithville, Wayne County, widow of George Wagoner, late private of Co. A, 169th Regt., O.V.I.Jacob Lehman, of [[Madisonb[ue]rg, Ohio|Madisonb[ue]rg]], Wayne County, late private of Co. A, 120th Regt., O.V.I.IncreaseAlbert Gonser, Orrville, Wayne County, private of Co. G, 120th Regt., O.V.I.William S. Brown, Congress, Wayne County, private of Co. H., 23d Regt., O.V.I.Henry Foltz, Wooster, private of Co. F, 102d Regt., O.V.I. Re-issue Eli M. Frary, Burbank, Wayne County, late private of Co. D, 120th Regt., O.V.I.
November 23, 1887
The Commissioner of Pensions has notified pension attorney S.R. Bonewitz of the allowance of a pension to George Stark, Wooster, private of Co. C, 107th Regiment, O.V.I. and an increase to Robert Campbell, of South Haven, Michigan, late private of Co. K, 16th Regiment, O.V.I.
December 7, 1887
S.R. Bonewitz, pension attorney, has notice of the allowance of the following pensions, to wit:Eliza I. Kountz, East Union Township, widow of George Harry Kountz, late a private of Co. E, 169th Regt., O.V.I.Sarah A. Parker, [[Madisonb[ue]rg, Ohio|Madisonb[ue]rg]], widow of William Parker, late private of Co. K, 9th O.V.C.Gertrude Schroeder, of West Larwell street, Wooster, mother of John Schroeder, private of Co. G, 102d Regt., O.V.I. who was lost on steamer Sultana.Increase to John Edwards, of Wooster, late a private of Co. B, 13th Regt., Pa.V.C.
December 28, 1887
Otto Barden, a soldier of the 102d Regiment, O.V.I. and a survivor of the steamer "Sultana" disaster, has been granted a pension.
January 18, 1888
The following pensions have been allowed at the agency of S.R. Bonewitz, Wooster, since Jan. 1st, 1888.Henry G. Barkley, Reedsburg, private of Co. I, 163d Regiment, O.V.I.Horace Deibler, Polk, Ashland County, Ohio, late private of Co. C, 4th Regiment, O.V.I.Matthew Gaut, Golden Corners, Wayne County, Ohio, late private Co. G, 1st Iowa Volunteer Cavalry.Samuel Musselman, East Union, Wayne County, Ohio, late private of Co. C, 169th Regiment, O.V.I., increased.
February 1, 1888
S.R. Bonewitz, pension attorney, has been notified of the allowance of the following pensions to wit:Mrs. Jemina Bittinger, Creston, O., widow of Jacob G. Bittinger, late Co. G, 64th Regt., O.V.I.Mrs. Mary Gasche, No. 124 North Buckeye street, Wooster, widow of Charles Gasche, deceased, to widow at $6 per month from March 21st, 1881, to June 12th, 1885; from June 12th, 1885, to July 3d, 1886 at the rate $24 per month.James McDevitt, Smithville, O., Mexican War, Co. D, 8th Regt., U.S.Infantry.Frederick Bartrum, Shreve, Wayne County, Ohio, of Co. B, 3d Regt., O.V.I., war with Mexico.
February 8, 1888
S.R. Bonewitz, pension and claim attorney, has received notice since last week of the allowance of the following pensions to his clients, to wit:To George Fester, Blachleyville, private of Co. E, 16th, Regt., O.V.I.To Vincent Menuez, deceased, for his widow, Mary Menuez, of Mansfield, late private of Co. H, 102d Regt., O.V.I.To Henry W. Peters, Wooster, Sergeant of Co. I, 102d Regt., O.V.I.To George Miller, Paint Valley, Holmes county, private of Co. E, 3d Vol. Regt. of Ohio, in Mexican War.Reissue and increase to Ezra Beane, Wooster, late private of Co. C, 6th Regt. of Maryland Vol. Inft.
February 29, 1888
S.R. Bonewitz, pension attorney of this city, has been notified of the allowance of the following pensions within the past two weeks, to wit:To Mattie Gaut, of Wayne township, Wayne Co., Ohio, widow of Benjamin F. Gaut, private of Co. D, 120th Regt., O.V.I.To Robert S. Jackson, Of Pleasant Home, late private of Co. C, 49th Regt. Pa. Vol. Infantry, injury to left arm.To William Bricker, Orrville, late private of Co. D 169th Regt. O.V.I., for bronchitis and rheumatism.To John Yarman, 2d ward, Wooster, late private of Co. I, 64th Regt. O.V.I., for malarial poisoning.To Jacob Arnold, New Pittsburg, Ohio, late private of Co. I, 102 Regt. O.V.I., for chronic diarrhea, rheumatism and disease of eyes, result of small pox.
March 14, 1888
S.R. Bonewitz, pension attorney, has notice of the allowances of pension to Kizia Pocock, widow of Robert Pocock, late private of Co. G, 16 Regt., Ohio Vol. Infantry.Increase and reissue to I.D. Yoder, Magnetic Springs, late private of Co. A, 69th Regt., O.V.I., for gunshot wound in left shoulder.
March 14, 1888
S.R. Bonewitz, pension attorney, has notice of the allowance of the following pension and increases for the last week.Peter Eberly, Smithville, private of Co. I, 16th Regt., O.V.I., for disease of lungs.Increase and re-issue to John Markle, Wooster, Co. F, 102 Regt., O.V.I., for piles and liver disease.Increase and re-issue to Curtis C. Griffin, Applecreek, late private of Co. G, 63d Pa.V.I., for chronic diarrhea, resulting in piles and rheumatism.
April 4, 1888
S.R. Bonewitz, claim and pension attorney, has procured the following allowances of pensions and increases:Stephen Mitchell, of Applecreek, Wayne county, O., father of Leonard Mitchell, private Co. I, 64th Regt., O.V.I.Andrew Allison, Shreve, private of Co. C, 166th Regt., O.V.I., for injury to back and piles.Increases and re-issue to David Y. Jones, Red Haw, Ashland county, late private of Co. F, 176th Regt., O.V.I.Franklin Holmes, Pleasant Home, Wayne county, O., late private of Co. E, 120th Regt., O.V.I.John Markle, of Wooster, late private Co. F, 102d Regt., O.V.I.Porter Felix, Easton, Wayne county, late private Co. A, 169th Regt., O.V.I.Nelson R. Galbreath, Pierceton, Kosciusko county, Ind., late a private of Co. E, 138th Ind. Vol. Infantry.
May 2, 1888
S.R. Bonewitz, pension attorney and claim agent, procured the allowance of the following pension, increase and re-issue, to wit:Isabella S. Murdock, Rittman, Wayne Co., Ohio, widow of Milton H. Murdock, late private of Co. I, 29th Regt., O.V.I., at the rate of $12 per month, $2 per month for each child, commencing on the 5th day of May, 1886.John A. Moore, South Buckeye street, Wooster, late private of Co. I, 102d Regt., O.V.I., at the rate of $4 per month on malarial poisoning and rheumatism, Increase.Jacob Wohford, Lattasburg, Wayne county, Ohio, late private of Co. F, 47th Regt., Ind. Vol. Infantry, increased from $8 per month to $12 per month from the 25th day of January, 1888. Re-issue to include new disability.John W. Hammer, Wayne Township, Wooster P.O., late private of Co. K, 16th Regt., O.V.I., from $4 to $6 per month, to commence on 14th day of December, 1886. Pension now is for injury to right leg and liver disease. Some false reports were sent to the commisioner in this claim, by enemies at Applecreek; the claim was referred to special examiner, who found no ground for the charges, hence the allowance.
May 9, 1888
S.R. Bonewitz, pension and claim attorney, has notice of the allowances of the following pensions and re-issue and increases for the past week.Rev. Elmer Y. Warner, Norwalk, Ohio, now deceased, late Chaplain of the 3rd Ohio Cavalry, at the rate of $30 per month from March 26, 1886, up to his death July 6, 1886, payable to his widow.Alice M. Warner, Norwalk, widow of Elmer Y. Warner, $20 per month from Sept. 13, 1886 and $2 per month for each child, three children.Uriah Nolen, Lattasburg, Ohio, late private of Co. F, 120th Regt., O.V.I., at the rate of $400 from the 15th day of December, 1882, for "chronic diarrhea."Re-issue and increase. William H. Hanson, Reedsburg, late private of Co. E, 4th Regt. O.V.I., $6 per month from May 2, 1863, $10 per month from January 7, 1885, $12 per month from December 14, 1887, for chronic diarrhea, piles and resulting rheumatism, deducting time from January 5, 1864 to Sept. 8, 1865, while he was in 9th O.V.Cavalry.
June 13, 1888
S.R. Bonewitz has notice of the allowance of the following pension since first of June, 1888.Francis Kidd, of Creston, Ohio, late private of company D, 120th Regiment, O.V.I., for chronic Diarrhea.William Sloan, Ashland, late private of company H, 42d Regiment, O.V.I., for chronic diarrhea and resulting piles.Elizabeth Reese, Mount Eaton, O., widow of Harrison Reese, late private of company D, 9th Regiment, O.V.Cavalry.John Elwards, Wooster, late private of company B, 13th Pa. Vol. Cavalry. Increase from $14.00 to $18.00 for chronic diarrhea and resulting disease of rectum oscits, loss of teeth and disease of gums and right foot, result of scurvey.
June 27, 1888
S.R. Bonewitz has been notified of the allowance of the following pensions for the last week.George W. Hight, West Salem, O., late private of Co. E, 120th Regt., O.V.I., at $10 per month, commencing on the 5th of February, 1886, for chronic diarrhea, piles, malarial poisoning and enlargement of thyroid gland.John Shank, Wooster, Ohio, late private of Co. K, 5th Regt., of Pennsylvania heavy artillery; $6 per month commencing May 7, 1887 for chronic diarrhea and resulting disease of rectum.John C. Hall, of Wooster, late private of Co. C, 16th Regt., O.V.I., for $4 per month from Jan. 14, 1888, (the filing of his petition) for injury to right foot and ankle.
July 11, 1888
S.R.Bonewitz, pension agent, Wooster, has notice of the allowance of pensions and increases for the following persons:Alice Keiffer, Los Angeles, Cal., widow of Josiah M. Keiffer, late a private of Co. A, 169th Regiment, O.V.I., who died with consumption contracted in the service.Benjamin H. Wile, New Pittsburg, Wayne County, Ohio, late a private of Co. F, 16th Regiment, O.V.I., for shell wound of right side, diseased eyes and slight deafness of both ears.IncreaseDaniel Lary, Bolivar, Tuscarawas County, Ohio, late private of Co. C, 80th Regt., O.V.I., for gunshot wound in right wrist.William F. Leopold, Wooster, late private of Co. H, 23d Regt., O.V.I., for chronic rheumatism and disease of arms and legs, result of typhoid fever.Eli M. Tracy, Burbank, Wayne County, Ohio, late private of Co. D, 120th Regt., O.V.I., for lumbago.
July 25, 1888
S.R Bonewitz, pension attorney, has notice of the allowance of a pension to Israel Hileman, Mechanicville, Ashtabula County, Ohio, late private of Co. A, 130th Regt., O.V.I., from June, 1887 for rheumatism and diarrhea.Increase to Thomas Armstrong, Golden Corners, Wayne County, Ohio, late private of Co. A, 169th Regt., O.V.I., for malarial poisoning from May 2, 1888.
August 22, 1888
PensionsS.R. Bonewitz, pension attorney, has notice of the allowances of the following pensions and increases:George H. Walfsberger, Canal Fulton, Stark County, Ohio, late private Co. A, 104th Regt., Ohio Vol. Infantry, from Aug. 13, 1884, for chronic diarrhea.Christian Bolus, Wooster, private of Co. E, 4th Regt., O.V.I., from March 27, 1887, for chronic diarrhea and piles.Reissue and IncreasesJohn Mowery, Wooster, Wayne Co., Ohio, late private of Co. I, 102d Regt., O.V.I., from June 31, 1885 for epilepsy, result of malarial poisoning and disease throat.Constant Markle, Wayne Co., late private of Co. I, 102d Regt., O.V.I., from Nov. 15, 1887, for injury of head resulting in deafness of right ear and epilepsy.Franklin Keefer, Shreve, Wayne Co., Ohio, late private of Co. F, 176th Regt., O.V.I., from 9th of May, 1888 for catarrh and noro-pharyngeal and rheumatism.
August 29, 1888
The commissioner of pensions has notified S.R. Bonewitz, pension attorney of this city, of the allowance of the following pensions.Daniel S. Stout, of Waye P.O., Wayne County, Ohio, late private of Co. B, McLaughlin’s Squadron, from Nov. 15, 1886, at $4 per month, for noso pharyngeal catarrh.Anna E. Weaver, of Waldron, Hilsdale County, Michigan, late widow of James Glass, a private of Co. A, 169th Regt., O.V.I., at $8 per month from Sept. 2, 1877 to March 19, 1886 and from that date at $12 per month until June 20, 1888 date of her marriage to I.H. Weaver.Increase- Wlliam S. Brown, of Congress, Wayne County, Ohio, late private of Co. H, 23d Regt., O.V.I. Increase from $8 to $10 per month, June 20, 1888, for chronic diarrhea and disease of respiratory organs.
September 19, 1888
S.R. Bonewitx, Pension Attorney, has notices of the allowance of the following pensions and increases.To Sophia L. Ensig, of Fredricksburg, widow of Martin Ensig, late private of Co. C, 107th Regt., O.V.I., at $8 per month from October 4th, 1879 to 19th March, 1886 and $12 per month from that date, and $2 for each child from October 4th, 1879.IncreaseWilliam H. Lash, Ashland, Ohio, late private of Co. I, 64th Regt., O.V.I., at $12 per month from May 16th, 1888, for chronic diarrhea, Rheumatism and resulting in disease of the heart.Richard H. Smith, Wooster, late private of Co. A, 169th Regt., O.V.I., $6 per month from 20th of June, 1888, for chronic diarrhea and resulting in disease of the rectum.
October 3, 1888
Solomon R. Bonewitz, pension attorney, has notice of the allowance of pensions for the following persons since the 20th day of Sept., 1888:Samuel S. Devinney, [[Madisonb[ue]rg, Ohio|Madisonb[ue]rg]], late private of Co. G, 197th Regt., O.V.I., at the rate of $6 per month from Dec. 12, 1887, for injury to right hand and chronic diarrhea.Mary F. Hartman, widow of Jacob G. Hartman, late private of Co. H, 169th Regt., at $12 per month from 10th day of July, 1887.Jacob G. Hartman, deceased, late private Co. E, 169th Regt., O.V.I. payable to his widow at $24 per month from August 14th, 1886 and $30 per month from March 6th, 1887 to his death July 9th, 1887.Reissue and IncreasesJacob Lehman, Madisonburg, O., late private of Co. A, 120th Regt., O.V.I., at the rate of $2 per month from 21st day of January, 1886 and $4 per month from the 6th day of June, 1888, for rheumatism and resulting disease of heart.John H. Vankerk, Orrville, O., late private of Co. D, 169th Regt. O.V.I. Infantry, at the rate of $4 per month from 4th of February, 1886, and $8 per month from 28th day of March, 1888 for malarial poisoning and remitting functional disease of the heart.
October 10, 1888
S.R. Bonewitz, pension attorney, has notice of the allowance of the following pensions since last week:Joseph Showalter, of [[Madisonb[ue]rg, Ohio|Madisonb[ue]rg]], Wayne County, O., late private of Co. E, 120th Regt., O.V.I. $2 per month from January 30, 1883 and $6 per month from Sept. 28, 1887, for injury of left side and left leg.John H. Miller, Cedar Valley, late private of Co. K, 180th Regt., O.V.I., $4 from March 27, 1886 and $6 per month from July 27, 1887, for chronic diarrhea, rheumatism and resulting disease of heart.William A. Cramer, Fredericksburg, late private of Co. C, 184th Regt., O.V.I. at the rate of $4 per month from 24th day of January, 1888, for chronic diarrhea.Sarah E. Graham, Hayesville, Ashland County, O., widow of Dr. Hugh C. Graham, late private of Co. G, 16th Regt., O.V.I., at the rate of $8 per month from Feb. 9th, 1871 and $12 per month from 19th day of March, 1886.
October 31, 1888
Pensions AllowedCommissioner of Pensions has notified S.R. Bonewitz, pension attorney, of the allowance of the following claims last week:To Elizabeth Porter, Wooster, mother of William Porter, late a private of Co. B, 60th Regt., O.V.I., from January 7, 1887.George E. Fetzer, [[Madisonb[ue]rg, Ohio|Madisonb[ue]rg]], a private of Co. H, 120th Regt., O.V.I., from February 15, 1888 for chronic diarrhea and disease of gums, result of scurvey.James D. Robinson, MD., Wooster, late surgeon to the 3d Regt. of O.V.I., in the war with Mexico from 29th January, 1887. Passage of the law. No disability increase.Henry G. Barkley, Reidsburg, Ohio, late private of Co. I, 163d Regt., O.V.I., from January 27, 1888 for rheumatism, (sciatia).
November 28, 1888
S.R. Bonewitz, pension attorney, has notice of the allowance of the following pensions.John T. Clark, Applecreek, late private of Co. D, 182d Regt., O.V.I., from the 6th of August, 1887. For chronic diarrhea and resulting piles.Andrew Jackson Harvey, of Wooster, late private of Co. B, McLaughlin’s Squadron, Ohio Vol. Cavalry, from 15 day of May, 1885, for right inguinal hernia.Levi Bowers, of Golden Corners, late private of Co. D, 9th O.V.Cavalry from 21 day of July, 1865 for gunshot wound of left hand.
April 10, 1889
PensionsS.R. Bonewitz, pension agent, has notice of the allowance of the following pensions and increases during the month of March and up to the time Gen. Black surrendered the office to Corporal Tanner, his successor.To Jesse E. Goodyear, Wooster, private of Co. K, 16th Regt., O.V.I., from July 17, 1888, for chronic diarrhea.IncreasesCharles M. Bingham, Sterling, private of Co. C, 65th Regt., O.V.I., from 2d day of December, 1862, for varicoele and disease of lungs.Henry Grunder, [[Madisonb[ue]rg, Ohio|Madisonb[ue]rg]], O., private of Co. E, 120th Regt., O.V.I. from 22d day of June, 1887, for chronic diarrhea, disease of the liver and resulting functional disease of heart and disease of throatDavid Bowun, Lattasburg, O., private of Co. E, 149th Penna. Vol. Inft., from 27th day of August, 1888, for severe deafness of both ears.Matthew Gaut, Golden Corners, O., private of Co. G, 1st Iowa Vol. Cav., from the 27th day of August, 1888, for severe deafness of left ear.John Hudnut, Holmesville, O., private of Co. F, 65th Regt., O.V.I., from Dec. 15, 1888, for chronic diarrhea.Harman Kane, Red Haw, O., private of Co. F, 176th Regt., from Jan. 2d, 1889, for gun shot wound left side and asthma.John A. Moore, Wooster, private Co. I, 102d O.V.I., from Jan. 16th, 1889, for malarial poisoning and rheumatism.George Arnold, Springville, O., late private of Co. C, 4th Regt., O.V.I., from Jan. 30th, 1889, for asthma and catarrh.Charles C. Gaushe, Wooster, late private Co. I, 102d Regt., from 27th day of August, 1888, for severe deafness of left ear.
April 17, 1889
S.R Bonewitz, claim agent, reports the following allowances of increased pensions for the last week:John Edwards, Wooster, Ohio, from $17 per month to $24, late private of Co. D, 13th Pa. Vol. Cavalry, from 12th Feb. 1889, for chronic diarrhea resulting disease of rectum and oscetis, loss of teeth and disease of gums and right foot, result of scurvy.John Cresswell of Koogle, Van Wert County, Ohio, late private of Co. L, 6th Regiment, West Virginia Cavalry, from $6 per month to $8, for disease of left hip and leg, result of typo fever.Isaiah Dennis, Burbank, late private of Co. K, 16th Regt., O.V.I. From $6 per month to $16, from the 13th day of Feb., 1889, for disease of kidneys, chronic diarrhea and resulting piles and nervous debility.
June 19, 1889
S.R. Bonewitz, Pension Attorney of Wooster, has notice of the allowance of the following pensions and increases to-wit:Henry Piper, New Pittsburg, private of Co. C, 16th O.V.I., from August 18, 1888, for total deafness of left ear and disease of mouth, legs and feet; result of scurvey.Israel N. Shreve, Shreve, O., late private of Co. A, 120th Regt., O.V.I., from Feb. 25, 1885, for chronic diarrhea.David T. Winkler, Wooster, late private of Co. D, 86th Regt., O.V.I., from the 11th day of July, 1882, for chronic diarrhea.Sarah Peffer, North Grant street, Wooster, O., widow of Phillip Peffer, late a private of Co. H, 102d Regt. , O.V.I., from the 18th day of June, 1874.Maria Coup, of Plain, mother of Jonas S. Coup, late private of Co. E, 120th Regt., O.V.I., from the 16th day of February, 1888.IncreasesJames H. Bloyd, Koogle, Van Wert Co., Ohio, late private of Co. H, 11th Regt., West Virginia, Vol. Inft., from $4 to $8 and from $8 to $17 per month from Oct. 21, 1885, gunshot wound of left ankle.Philip Heim, Wooster, late private of Co. C, 107th Regt., O.V.I., from April 17, 1889, from $6 to $12 per month.All the above were issued in the last two weeks.
July 3, 1889
S.R Bonewitz, pension attorney, has notice of the allowance of the following original pensions and increases within the last week.To Jacob P. Arnold, Dunkirk, Harden County, Ohio, late of Co. C, 169th Regt., O.V.I., $8 per month, from 21st day of January, 1887, for matured poisoning and chronic diarrhea,Increase- Albert Ganter, Orrville, Wayne County, Ohio, late private of Co. G, 120th Regt., O.V.I., increase from $16 per month to $30 per month, from April 10, 1889, for gunshot wound of right side, rheumatism, disease of heart and chronic diarrhea.Reissues and increases- David B. Goodman, Jeromeville, Ashland County, Ohio, late private of Co. I, 163d Regt., O.V.I., from $4 to $10 and from $10 to $16 per month, from February, 1889, for rheumatism and resulting diseases of heart, eczema and dyspepsia.
October 9, 1889
Pensions AllowedS.R. Bonewitz, pension attorney, has notice of the allowance of the following original and increased pensions in the last three weeks, to wit:OriginalJohn J. Johnson, of Whitlesey, Medina County, Ohio, late private of Co. K, 16th Regt., O.V.I., from April 11, 1881. For total deafness of right ear.Daniel Hoff, Smithville, Wayne County, Ohio, late private of Co. A, 169th Regt., O.V.I., from October 16, 1888, for severe deafness of both ears.John Kope, Wooster, Wayne County, Ohio, private of Co. B McLaughlin’s Squadron, from Sept. 13, 1886 for disease of liver and chronic diarrhea.David S. Matz, [[Madisonb[ue]rg, Ohio|Madisonb[ue]rg]], Wayne County, Ohio, father of Franklin W. Matz, private of Co. D, 120th Regt., O.V.I., from May 9, 1887.Solomon Rickabaugh, Blachleyville, Wayne County, Ohio, private of Co. F, 176th Regt., O.V.I., from December 28, 1886 for disease of liver and lungs.John Wolf, Acme, Medina County, Ohio, late private of Co. D, 120th Regt., O.V.I., from Sept. 20, 1880, for noso pharyngeal catarrh.Jeremial Bush, deceased, payable to his widow, Nancy Bush, New Pittsburg, late a private of Co. I, 16th Regt., O.V.I., from March 30, 1864, for injury to left shoulder and side.Nancy Bush, New Pittsburg, Wayne County, Ohio, widow of Jeremiah Bush, deceased, late private of Co. I, 16th Regt., O.V.I., a widows pension.IncreasesWilliam H. Hanson, of Ohio Soldiers and Sailor’s Home, private of Co. E, 4th Regt., O.V.I., from April 24, 1889 for chronic diarrhea and resulting piles and rheumatism.Alexander A. Carr, Bucyrus, Crawford County, Ohio, late private of Co. E, 4th Regt., O.V.I., from June 19, 1889 for prolapsus resulting from chronic diarrhea.William N. Buckley, Marshallville, Wayne County, Ohio, from April 3, 1889, for gunshot wound of right and left thighs, disease of heart, disease of mouth result of scurvey and resulting dropsy.Benjamin H. Wile, New Pittsburg, Wayne County, Ohio, late a private of Co. F, 176th Regt., O.V.I., from the 17th day of June, A.D. 1889 for shell wound of right side, disease of eyes and slight deafness of both ears resulting in severe deafness of left ear and slight of the right ear.Augustus Markle, Wooster, Wayne County, Ohio, late a private of Co. I, 102d Regt., O.V.I., from the 19th day of June 1889, for spinal irritation.
November 13, 1889
S.R. Bonewitz, pension and claim attorney, has notice of the allowance of the following pensions, to wit:John Wolf, Seville, Medina County, O., late private of Co. D, 120th Regt., O.V.I., from Sept. 25, 1880, for chronic diarrhea.James A. Douglas, Hamilton, Mo., late private of Co. G, 36th Regt., Iowa V.I., from 16th day of Sept., 1887, for disease of mouth, the result of scuvey.John Winkleman, Salem, Columbiana County, O., late private of Co. H, 104th Regt., O.V.I., from Feb. 5th, 1887, for severe deafness of the left ear and slight of right ear.Eli Thompson, Wooster, O., late private of Co. C, 16th Regt., O.V.I., from Jan. 28th, 1889, for chronic diarrhea.Robert Segner, Wooster, Ohio, late private of Co. E, 4th Regt., O.V.I., from Feb. 1st, 1889, for heart disease.Solomon I. King, Smithville, O., from March 16th, 1888, for disease of rectum.Benjamin B. Frase No. 620, Maple street, Des Moines, Iowa, late private of Co. H, 120th regt. O.V.I., from 4th day of August, 1863, for chronic diarrhea, liver and lung disease.Samuel Brumbaugh, Lake Fork, Ashland County, Ohio, late a private of Co. A, 104th Regt. O.V.I., from August 22d, 1888, for chronic diarrhea and resulting disease of rectum. He also says that he wants those who have pending claims to hurry up proof.
December 11, 1889
S.R. Bonewitz, pension and claim attorney, has notice of the allowance of the following pensions and increases:John Hous, Burton City, Wayne County, late sargeant of Co. E, 58th Regt., O.V.I., from Febr. 11th, 1888, for chronic diarrhea.Widow and minor children of John Bringger, deceased, Mount Eaton, late musician to the 4th Regt., O.V.I., from Nov. 4th, 1874, until children become 16 years of age and the remarriage of widow,John M. Reim, Wooster, late private of Co. G, 35th Ind. Vol. Infantry, from 31st day of July, 1889, for chronic diarrhea and resulting disease of rectum. Increase.
December 18, 1889
S.R. Bonewitz has notice of the following increases of pensions for the last week, to wit:George Batdorf, Shreve, private of Co. B, McLaughlin’s Squadron, O.V.Cavalry, from the 25th day of September, 1889, for piles and virtigo.Milton A. Cramer, Fredericksburg, late private of Co. C, 184th Regt., O.V.I., from the 25th day of December, 1887, for chronic diarrhea and resulting disease of rectum