Mount Eaton, Ohio

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  • Mount Eaton, Ohio
  • 1829
    Mount Eaton,Ohio
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    • Mount Eaton, 44659, Ohio

Formerly known as Paintville, it was laid out as early as 1813 by William Vaughn and James Galbraith. Elijah Carr is said to have built the first cabin. The first tavern is said to have been built by Samuel Shull.

The first preacher was Archibald Hanna, a Presbyterian. He conducted services in a tent for several years.

Jacob Beam and James Galbraith had the named changed to Mt. Eaton in 1829.[1]


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Villages & Towns with a Mount Eaton 44659 Zip Code

Source: Place names in Wayne County, Ohio

Paint Township

Quick Facts

  • Mount Eaton was named Paintville because the water from a nearby spring had a reddish hue and colored everything that came into contact with it.[2]
  • 1813 - Paintville was plotted out by William Vaughn and James Galbraith and the name was changed to Mount Eaton.

Mount Eaton Firsts

  • First Settler in Township: Michael Waxler was the first settler in Paint Township.[3]
  • First cabin built by Elijah Carr.
  • Archibald Hanna, a Presbyterian was the first minister. He conducted services in a ten for a years.
  • Samuel Shull opened the first tavern.
  • 1816 - First election in Township resulted in a tie for Justice of the Peace.
  • 1837 - First recognized physician was James Westcott.[4]
  • 1856 - Second physician, Dr. Charles C. Roth, born in Wertemberg, Germany came to Mt. Eaton and practice until he died in 1890.[5]

Growth of a Town

Internal Databases

  1. Douglass, Ben. History of Wayne County, Ohio. Indianapolis: Robert Douglass Publisher, 1878. pg. 584-585.
  2. The History of Paint Township & Mount Eaton, Ohio, 1829-2003. Sponsored by Mount Eaton-Paint Township Historical Society, 2003, p.3.
  3. The History of Paint Township & Mount Eaton, Ohio, 1829-2003. Sponsored by Mount Eaton-Paint Township Historical Society, 2003, p.4.
  4. The History of Paint Township & Mount Eaton, Ohio, 1829-2003. Sponsored by Mount Eaton-Paint Township Historical Society, 2003, p.8.
  5. The History of Paint Township & Mount Eaton, Ohio, 1829-2003. Sponsored by Mount Eaton-Paint Township Historical Society, 2003, p.8.