Land Deed Index 1812–1864/Volume 7

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Volume 7 includes land transactions from about 1814 to 1831. The index was compiled here at the Wayne County Public Library in Wooster, Ohio. If you would like to view the original microfilmed record, please contact or visit the Genealogy and Local History Department of the Wayne County Public Library. Please review Research Services and Fees when contacting the department.

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Date Purchaser Seller Spouse Other Names Notes 1 Page Range Township Section Quarter Lot Town County Notes 2
May/28/1828 Snider, George Fry, Daniel Catharine Thomas Taylor 1 11 18 23 PSE
July/2/1828 Moore, William M. Marshall, William 2 12 18 26 PNW
November/1/1828 Hess, Jacob Harbaugh, David Margaret 3 12 17 8 PSE 10 acres
October/23/1826 Brown, Robert Reddick, Jonathan Mary 4 12 15 9 PNW 50 acres
January/2/1828 Bonnewits, Jacob Halfhill, George Mathias Halfhill, deceased; Samuel Orr, Jr., George Poundstone - administrators 5 12 15 1 SW Debt paid 30 Nov. 1840; 160 acres
November/10/1828 Kelley, Isaac Smith, Jr., Aaron Nancy George Franks, Jacob First, Jr., Samuel First 7 12 18 21 SE 160 acres
August/10/1825 Smith, Jr., Aaron First, etal, Philip Elizabeth George Franks, Jacob First, Jr. 8 12 18 21 SE 160 acres
August/10/1825 Smith, Jr., Aaron First, etal, Samuel Hannah George Franks, Jacob First, Jr. 8 12 18 21 SE 160 acres
August/24/1827 Beard, Charles United States, 9 15 21 24 NW 160 acres
October/25/1828 Baker, Jacob Smith, David Hannah Eli Updegraff, Armstrong Ogden and wife, Elizabeth 9 14 19 25 PNE 20 acres
September/10/1828 Killinger, Adam Reinoehl, John Mary 10 11 16 25 PNE 40 acres
May/19/1828 Baker, Frederick Geier, Gabriel Elizabeth Jacob Barchey (Barchy / Bartchy) 13 13 17 26 PNE 84 acres
December/1/1826 Stibbs, Joseph Cook, John Elizabeth 14 14 19 27 [PNE] 100 acres
September/26/1828 Pinkerton, James Y. Bean, William 14 35 Paintville (Mt. Eaton)
June/15/1827 Goodin, Isaac Goodin, Samuel 15 11 15 18 PSE 160 acres
January/20/1825 Jamison, John Adams, James Margaret 16 11 16 10 PNE 4 Dover (Dalton)
September/23/1828 Bollman, Nicholas Bollman, Abraham Catharine 17 11 16 18 NE
September/20/1828 Eason, Alexander G. Reeser, Daniel Sarah Robert McClaran 18 11 Wooster
June/28/1825 Keely, James Brown, Isaac 19 11 16 10 PNE - Dover (Dalton)
August/29/1828 Howman, William Harvey, etal, William James Adams, deceased Common Pleas Court - lot granted to William Howman 20 out lot 3 Dover (Dalton)
August/29/1828 Howman, William Adams, etal, Margaret James Adams, deceased Common Pleas Court - lot granted to William Howman 20 out lot 3 Dover (Dalton)
July/4/1828 Cunningham, James Jones, Samuel Catharine William Jones 21 11 16 26 PNE 40 acres
November/15/1828 Baker, Jacob Pomroy, Thomas Anna Oliver Jones 22 13 15 30 PNE 80 acres;Except land occupied by school & cemetery
May/29/1828 Smith, Philip Cunningham, William Harriet 24 13 15 36 PNE 80 acres
May/15/1828 Kelley, Ezekiel Pixler, Henry 24 13 15 1 PNE
July/15/1828 Poe, David W. Gates, Philip Ann 25 36 Waynesburgh (Congress)
July/15/1828 Poe, David W. Gates, Philip Ann 26 14 21 between 27 & 28 52, 53, & 54 Waynesburgh (Congress)
November/24/1828 McClaran, Robert Larwill, Joseph H. Nancy Q. 27 13 15 5 PNE 15 acres
February/5/1810 Larwill, William Winship, Jr., Winn John Sturgeon, W.W. Cotgreave, Wilson Elliot 27 13 15 29 SW 160 acres
May/1/1828 Johnston, Robert Haines, Hiram Mary 28 11 17 13 NW
August/23/1828 Long, James Zook, Jonathan Abraham Kurtz 29 12 17 25 PSW
July/18/1828 Jones, etal, J. Crunkleton, Isaac Julianna Robert Crunkleton, deceased 30 12 16 33 NW
July/18/1828 Jones, etal, D. W. Crunkleton, Isaac Julianna Robert Crunkleton, deceased 30 12 16 33 NW
December/14/1826 Hargrave, Richard Warfield, Bazil Robert Caples 30 34 Jeromesville Ashland
March/24/1827 Goudy, John Munn, David Mary 31 11 16 18 SE 160 acres
May/4/1827 Elbard, Valentine Heller, Joseph Rachel 31 15 22 31 PSW Ashland 74 acres
July/4/1828 Shorb, John Robison, Thomas Benjamin Jones, Samuel Quinby, John Smith, William McComb Common Pleas Court 1823 & 1828 against Joseph Eicher 32 13 16 31 SE
February/3/1816 Yoder, Henry United States, Henry Harshberger 34 12 18 36 NE
September/27/1828 Hilti, John Yoder, Henry 35 12 18 36 NE
June/10/1828 Steward, John Rowen, William Ruth 36 14 18 7 PSE
July/29/1828 Soudre, etal, John Erwin, William Elizabeth 37 11 16 30 SE 160 acres
July/29/1828 Grubie, etal, Samuel Erwin, William Elizabeth 37 11 16 30 SE 160 acres
April/30/1827 Redinger, Frederick Mishler, Joseph Mary 39 12 18 24 SE 160 acres
July/14/1828 Bower, William Ayres, John Sarah James Galbreath and wife, Sarah 40 59 Paintville (Mt. Eaton)
July/14/1828 Steair, Jacob Maxwell, Robert Catharine 41 14 19 5 SE & SW
December/27/1815 Lincoln, etal, John United States, 42 13 17 25 NE
December/27/1815 Lincoln, etal, Michael United States, 42 13 17 25 NE
September/2/1823 Zeller, Adam Lincoln, etal, Michael Rachel 42 13 17 25 NE
September/2/1823 Zeller, Adam Lincoln, etal, John Hannah 42 13 17 25 NE
December/2/1828 Hoff, Peter Zellar, Adam Elizabeth Michael & John Lincoln 44 13 17 25 NE
November/24/1827 Zellers, Adam Pancost, William 45 13 17 25 NE
February/21/1824 Cahow, Lusy Bragg, Willard Esther 46 13 17 29 PSE 40 acres
October/24/1828 Cahow, William Bragg, Willard F. Lydia 47 13 17 28 PSW 4 acres
November/24/1828 Stiner, Peter Galehouse, Frederick Elizabeth 47 12 18 22 SW
August/19/1812 McInterfer, Jacob United States, 49 13 16 22 NE
June/19/1827 Lambert, George W. Larwill, John Ann Thomas Carroll and wife, Mary 49 14 19 24 SW 160 acres
April/9/1828 Wachtel, Jacob Lambert, Gershom W. Ellen William D. Jones and wife, Charlotte Eliza; John Larwill and wife, Ann 50 14 19 24 SW
September/29/1826 Lambert, Gershom W. Jones, William D. Charlotte Eliza John Sloane 51 14 19 24 SW
December/3/1828 Steair, Jacob McEnterfer, Jacob Catharine 53 13 16 23 NW
December/3/1828 Steair, Jacob McEnterfer, Jacob Catharine 53 13 16 22 NE
August/19/1812 McInterfer, Jacob United States, 54 13 16 23 NW
December/5/1828 Avery, Edward McComb, William Hannah Robert McClaran and wife, Grace 54 63 Wooster
September/20/1824 Miller, John United States, 55 14 20 24 PSE 80 acres
December/10/1828 Frederick, Andrew Miller, John Elizabeth 56 14 20 24 PSE 80 acres
April/5/1828 Dewese, Uriah Boydston, Thomas 57 12 18 17 PSW
July/1/1823 Freidline, Conrad Baker, Jacob Susanna 58 15 22 27 - Ashland 7 acres
December/13/1828 Friedline, George Long, Henry Elizabeth 59 15 22 28 NE Ashland 160 acres; Except for land leased to Catharine Long
May/1/1828 Guardner, William Brewster, Calvin Anne 60 11 17 5 PNW
December/16/1828 Glass, John Marshall, William 62 12 18 26 PNW
November/10/1828 Ensor, John S. Ensor, John Mordecai Parish 62 15 22 20 SW Ashland 160 acres; Power to sell/lease land
June/13/1828 Johnston, Samuel Badman, Thomas Annah Robert Sowards and wife, Lettisha 64 13 14 4 PNE 20 acres
October/26/1826 Jones, William Huntington, William 65 14 19 24 PNE 120 acres
February/[16]/1827 Cochran, Andrew Jewel, John Catharine 66 14 19 24 PNE 40 acres
March/9/1828 Brown, Richard Luccock, Naphthali Jane 66 part of 35 Wooster .25 acre
December/3/1828 Funk, Jacob McKinley, William Mary 68 11 17 14 PNE 80 acres
December/18/1828 Conrad, Daniel Campbell, William Elizabeth 69 11 17 20 PNW 5 acres
December/6/1828 Barnes, Peter Frederick, Jacob Judith 70 12 15 19 PNE 22 Fredericksburg
December/18/1828 Straw, etal, John Eagle, William Rachel Amos Norris 71 15 21 26 PNW Ashland Children of Jacob Straw, deceased
December/18/1828 Straw, etal, Michael Eagle, William Rachel Amos Norris 71 15 21 26 PNW Ashland Children of Jacob Straw, deceased
December/18/1828 Straw, etal, Philip Eagle, William Rachel Amos Norris 71 15 21 26 PNW Ashland Children of Jacob Straw, deceased
December/18/1828 Straw, etal, Mary Eagle, William Rachel Amos Norris 71 15 21 26 PNW Ashland Children of Jacob Straw, deceased
December/18/1828 Brookhowser, etal, Elizabeth Straw Eagle, William Rachel Amos Norris 71 15 21 26 PNW Ashland Children of Jacob Straw, deceased
December/12/1828 Culver, Aaron Wales, Arvine Thomas Rotch, deceased 72 11 16 13 PNE 106 acres
September/29/1828 Wickterman, George J. Gates, Philip Ann 73 14 21 28 - 42, 43, 44, and 47 Waynesburgh (Congress) .25 acre each
March/17/1827 Gates, Philip Storm, Elizabeth John Bower 74 14 21 28 PNE 80 acres
September/8/1828 Wickterman, George J. Totten, Michael Philip Gates and wife, Ann; David Garver; John Bower and wife, Susannah; Elizabeth Storm 75 14 21 28 PNE 58 acres
August/16/1828 Totten, Michael Gates, Philip Ann John Bower and wife, Susannah; Elizabeth Storm; David Garver 76 14 21 28 PNE 58 acres
November/1/1825 Storm, Elizabeth Bower, John Susana 77 14 21 28 PNE 80 acres
November/27/1828 Showalter, Joseph Cherry, etal, James Phebe 79 13 16 7 PSW 82 acres
November/27/1828 Showalter, Joseph Cherry, etal, Thomas 79 13 16 7 PSW 82 acres
October/10/1828 Moore, Andrew Kelly, Isaac Elizabeth 80 15 22 18 PNW Ashland 10 acres
July/29/1828 Moore, Andrew Chandler, Jacob 81 15 22 7 PSW Ashland 50 acres
July/17/1828 Poe, Adam Gates, Philip Ann 82 14 21 28 - 51 Waynesburgh (Congress) .25 acre
September/20/1828 Covadill, Levin Hammond, Samuel W. 83 14 21 5 PNE 104 acres; Power of attorney to sell land
September/20/1828 Covadill, Levin Hammond, Samuel W. 83 17 21 2 SE Crawford 160 acres; Power of attorney to sell land
December/15/1828 Punches, Thomas L. Strieby, Christopher H. 84 129 Wooster
December/11/1828 Beard, Cyrus Culley, Matthew D. Hannah 85 15 21 14 PSE Ashland 60 acres
December/16/1828 Kollar, Andrew Custard, Daniel 85 14 20 17 SW
August/21/1827 Perrine, Henry N. Caskey, Samuel Margaret 87 13 16 9 PNE
November/25/1828 Cameron, James Larwill, Joseph H. Nancy Q. David Riley, deceased; John Lawrence 88 114 Wooster
December/23/1828 Cameron, James Larwill, etal, John Joseph Larwill Common Pleas Court - estate 89 114 Wooster
December/23/1828 Cameron, James McFall, etal, William Joseph Larwill Common Pleas Court - estate 89 114 Wooster
February/21/1824 Bragg, Willard F. Bragg, Willard Esther 90 13 17 28 PSW 40 acres
October/24/1828 Gilbert, Enoch Bragg, Willard F. Lydia 91 13 17 28 PSW 37 acres
January/13/1829 , Jemison, etal, John Jacob Switzer, proprietors & surveyors Town of Middletown (Dalton) 92 11 16 10 PNW Surveyed 27 December 1828
January/13/1829 Dewese, Thomas Boydston, Thomas 93 12 18 17 SE
June/14/1820 Moore, George United States, Robert McClaran 94 13 14 4 SW 160 acres
January/17/1829 , Moore, etal, George Town of Moorefield (Moreland) 95 13 14 4 PSW
January/17/1829 Lawrence, Christian McMonigal, Andrew Sarah 96 14 19 15 SE 160 acres
January/17/1829 Lawrence, Christian McMonigal, Andrew Sarah 97 14 19 1 PSE 39 acres
August/23/1828 Deal, Frederick Kelly, Ezekial Rachel 98 13 16 36 PS- 4 acres
September/24/1828 Sheets, Samuel Sheets, etal, Jacob Christian Sheets, deceased 99 14 21 26 PSE 100 acres
September/24/1828 Sheets, Samuel Sheets, etal, Michael Christian Sheets, deceased 99 14 21 26 PSE 100 acres
September/24/1828 Sheets, Samuel Diehl, etal, Elizabeth Christian Sheets, deceased 99 14 21 26 PSE 100 acres
September/24/1828 Sheets, Samuel Hartzell, etal, Ann Christian Sheets, deceased 99 14 21 26 PSE 100 acres
September/24/1828 Sheets, Samuel Sheets, widow, Margaret Christian Sheets, deceased 100 14 21 26 PSE Release of dower rights; 100 acres
November/13/1826 Cosper, Elias Madden, James Rachel Robert McClure 101 12 16 27 NE
May/13/1828 Patton, John Reddick, John H. 103 20 and W 1/2 of lots 18 & 19 Payment by Reddick of $219 by 10 February 1830
May/13/1828 Patton, John Reddick, John H. 103 13 16 33 PSE Payment by Reddick of $219 by 10 February 1830
February/2/1829 Black, etal, James Brien, Joseph Dorcus 104 15 21 30 PNW
February/2/1829 Black, etal, John Brien, Joseph Dorcus 104 15 21 30 PNW
February/3/1829 Lilly, David Robison, David Elizabeth Alexander and John Hutchinson 105 12 16 32 PSW 80 acres
February/5/1829 Shank, Christopher Swagler, Jacob Hannah Richard Huffman and wife, Margaret 106 12 18 13 PSE 86 acres
February/5/1829 , , Samuel Knapp, surveyor Town of Wooster; General Assembly of State of Ohio - passed 13 January 1829 107 13 15 16 - 36 lots
February/7/1829 McFillen, Robert Glass, Alfred Jane 107 13 17 8 PSW 80 acres
October/13/1828 McCosh, John Gilchrist, etal, Margaret Benjamin Byers, John Metcalf, and wife, Margaret 108 12 16 7 PNW 64 acres
October/13/1828 McCosh, John Gilchrist, etal, Jane Benjamin Byers, John Metcalf, and wife, Margaret 108 12 16 7 PNW 64 acres
October/13/1828 McCosh, John Gilchrist, etal, Mary Benjamin Byers, John Metcalf and wife, Margaret 108 12 16 7 PNW 64 acres
October/21/1828 Carlen, William Boyd, William S. Peter N. Perrine 109 14 21 8 PSE 80 acres
April/20/1824 Beard, Charles Tylor, Benjamin Rachel 110 15 21 24 PSW 2 acres
November/4/1828 Caldwell, Samuel Jones, etal, Daniel W. Isaac Crunkleton, and wife, Juliann 111 12 16 33 NW
November/4/1828 Caldwell, Samuel Jones, etal, John Elizabeth Isaac Crunkleton and wife, Juliann 111 12 16 33 NW
August/30/1828 Wanger, Frederick Yoder, Isaac William McCullock [McCullough] 112 12 17 26 NE
May/22/1828 Cornell, George Cornell, Clark Isaiah Jones 113 15 20 1 PSW 40 acres
September/16/1828 Clingaman, etal, Jacob Moore, Andrew Eleanor Andrew Poe and wife, Nancy 114 14 21 2 PSW 94 acres; Payment due 16 September 1831
September/16/1828 Long, etal, Catharine Moore, Andrew Eleanor Andrew Poe and wife, Nancy 114 14 21 2 PSW 94 acres, Payment due 16 September 1831
September/16/1828 Long, etal, Barbara Moore, Andrew Eleanor Andrew Poe and wife, Nancy 114 14 21 2 PSW 94 acres, Payment due 16 September 1831
November/28/1828 Watkins, Christopher Boydston, David Massa 115 13 17 24 PNE
September/30/1828 Larwill, Joseph H. McClaran, Robert Grace 117 13 15 10 PSW 9 acres
January/28/1828 Matthews, James Ingman, etal, Luke Elizabeth 118 15 21 8 PSE Ashland 80 acres
January/28/1828 Matthews, James Ingman, etal, Edmund Ruth 118 15 21 8 PSE Ashland 80 acres
January/28/1828 Matthews, James Ingman, etal, William Polly 118 15 21 8 PSE Ashland 80 acres
January/28/1828 Matthews, James Ingman, etal, Henry Hennrietta 118 15 21 8 PSE Ashland 80 acres
January/3/1829 Cliff, Charles Matthews, James Jane 120 15 21 8 PSE Ashland 80 acres
June/[18]/1821 Hobart, etal, Calvin Bever, John Joseph H. Larwill 121 13 15 9 PNE 3 acres
June/[18]/1821 Humphrey, etal, Peter Bever, John Joseph H. Larwill 121 13 15 9 PNE 3 acres
December/27/1828 Jones, William Nixon, William 122 11 17 30 NE
January/29/1828 Funk, etal, Michael Wichterman, George J. Barbara 123 15 23 2 NE Ashland
January/29/1828 Yocum, etal, Elmore Wichterman, George J. Barbara 123 15 23 2 NE Ashland
August/5/1828 Garver, David Gates, Philip Anne 123 14 21 28 PNE 10 acres
November/28/1828 Loudon, Moses H. Totten, Michael Philip Gates, and wife, Ann 124 14 21 between 27 & 28 - 21 Waynesburgh (Congress) .25 acre
January/ -/1829 Loudon, Moses H. Garver, David Sarah Philip Gates, and wife, Anne 125 14 21 28 PNE 10 acres
March/20/18[21] McWilliams, Robert Adams, James Margaret 126 11 16 10 PNE by lots # 1, 2, and 3 Dover (Dalton) .5 acre; bounded by town of Dover (Dalton)
March/7/1823 McWilliams, Robert Adams, James Margaret 128 11 16 10 PNE - Dover (Dalton) .21 acre; bounded by town of Dover (Dalton)
January/23/1829 McWilliams, Robert Adams, deceased, James John McDowell, administrator Common Pleas Court - Nov. 1828; ruled in favor of Robert McWilliams 129 12 Dover (Dalton)
March/7/1823 McWilliams, Robert Adams, James Margaret 130 11 16 10 PNE 10 acres
March/31/1826 McWilliams, Robert Adams, James Margaret 131 11 16 10 PNE - Dover (Dalton) .75 acre; bounded by town of Dover (Dalton)
February/27/1829 Casselley, John McWilliams, Robert Elizabeth 133 part of 12 Dover (Dalton)
January/23/1929 Miller, Philip Adams, deceased, James Hiram Vickers, Moses Dewey, Robert McWilliams; John McDowell, administrator Common Pleas Court - November 1828 - in favor of Philip Miller 134 23 Dover (Dalton)
January/28/1829 Whonsetler, Daniel Blocher, Daniel Susanna 135 13 17 35 PSE 40 acres
December/20/1828 Waltz, David Waltz, Jr., Peter Elizabeth 136 11 18 3 PNE 30 acres
December/20/1828 Walts, David Waltz, Peter Elizabeth 137 11 18 3 PSE 10 acres
February/23/1829 Kuntzenhouser, Jacob Doyle, William Maria 138 7 Doylestown
January/15/1829 Watkins, Thomas Bebout, John Jane 139 13 17 13 PNE
March/6/1829 Reed, Robert Smith, John William Cowan; Samuel Knapp 140 11 15 11 PSW 80 acres
March/12/1829 Sullivan, James Reed, Robert Sarah 141 11 15 11 PSW 80 acres
April/23/1819 Elder, John United States, 142 14 20 6 N 1/2
February/12/1825 Elder, Matthew Elder, John 143 14 20 6 N 1/2
March/6/1829 Elder, Matthew Eakin, Joseph Catharine John Elder 144 14 20 6 N 1/2
March/6/1829 Funk, Jacob Elder, Matthew Mary Joseph Eakin and wife, Catharine; John Elder 145 14 20 6 N 1/2
August/29/1828 Stinson, David Adams, etal, Margaret James Adams, deceased Common Pleas Court - March 1828, in favor of David Stinson 146 36 Dover (Dalton)
August/29/1828 Stinson, David Harvey, etal, William James Adams, deceased Common Pleas Court - March 1828, in favor of David Stinson 146 36 Dover (Dalton)
January/13/1829 Lupe, Jacob Stinson, David Elizabeth William Harver, Margaret Adams, James Adams 147 11 16 10 PNE 36 Dover (Dalton)
April/8/1828 , Collier, James Sarah Mohican Twp. School of the 8th District 148 15 21 25 PSW Ashland 1 acre
April/8/1828 , Collier, James Sarah Mohican Twp. School of the 8th District 148 15 21 25 PSW Ashland 1 acre
March/18/1829 Saltzman, George Plum, Henry 150 [11] [16] [8] [NW] Land not listed in deed; listed are house & farm items
May/7/1825 Washburn, Polly Hoisington, John S. Elizabeth 150 13 17 15 PSW 80 acres
March/23/1829 Branstater, Daniel Thompson, David Maria John Cook and wife, Elizabeth 151 14 19 34 PE1/2 100 acres
March/10/1827 Souder, Henry Kiefer, Jacob Eve 153 12 17 21 SE 90 acres
January/1/1829 , McCully, George Nancy Plain Twp. School District #1 154 14 19 11 PNW .55 acre
January/1/1829 , McCully, George Nancy Plain Twp. School District #1 154 14 19 11 PNW .55 acre
January/1/1829 , McCully, George Nancy Plain Twp. School District #1 154 14 19 11 PNW .55 acre
March/14/1829 Aylesworth, Ira H. Aylesworth, Philip Polly 155 14 18 8 SW 160 acres
March/2/1829 Ramsey, John Ramsey, Sr., William 156 15 23 29 PSW Ashland 80 acres
March/25/1829 Wade, Thomas Carr, Rodney Nancy B. 157 12 16 3 PNW 40 acres
December/9/1828 Robison, David McClaran, Robert Grace William Henry and wife, Abigal 158 13 15 10 PSE 92 acres
December/9/1828 Robison, David McClaran, Robert Grace Peter Rice, Galbreath Stewart and wife, Elizabeth 158 13 15 10 PNW 16 acres
December/9/1828 Robison, David McClaran, Robert Grace William Henry and wife, Abigal 158 13 15 9 PSE 2 acres
December/9/1828 Robison, David McClaran, Robert Grace Joseph H. Larwill, John Christmas and wife, Elizabeth 158 13 15 10 SW 163 acres, except 9 acres
April/1/1829 Dage, Jacob Rickert, Jacob Magdalena John Christmas and wife, Elizabeth; Abraham Rickert 160 13 16 22 SW 160 acres
March/3/1829 Williams, William Yantz, William Frances 161 14 21 4 PSE 50 acres; except lot for school
September/1/1828 Wagner, Peter Holwick, Wendele Magdaline Jonathan Holwick 163 14 21 35 NW
March/26/1829 Starner, Jonas Waggoner, Peter Elizabeth Jonathan Holwick, Wendle Holwick 164 14 21 35 PNW
March/23/1829 Branstater, Daniel Armstrong, Thomas Jane John Cook and wife, Eliza 165 14 19 part of 27 & 34 - 100 acres
April/1/1829 Shinnaman, Isaac Christy, George Nancy 167 14 20 36 SE 173 acres
March/18/1829 Elliot, Solomon Plum, Henry 168 11 16 19 PSE 50 acres; paid 1841
February/13/1829 Munn, David Goudy, John Sarah 169 11 16 18 SE 160 acres; paid 1846
April/9/1828 Smith, Jane Perine, Peter Rebecka 170 13 16 3 PSE 13 acres
December/13/1828 Hare, John Culbertson, Moses Jane Robert McClaran 171 210 Wooster
August/4/1827 Wellman, Hiram B. Beecher, Truman Samuel Quinby, James Maxwell,Philemon Beecher, Isaac Vanhorn, John Beaver, John Knight, Charles B. Goddard, Arvine Wales, Matthew Macy, etal 172 16, 17, 18, 19, 55, etal Akron Portage H.B. Wellman to pay debts to people in OH, PA, & NY.
August/4/1827 Wellman, Hiram B. Beecher, Truman Samuel Quinby, James Maxwell, Philemon Beecher, Isaac Vanhorn, John Beaver, John Knight, Charles B. Goddard, Arvine Wales, Matthew Macy, etal 172 Warehouse & shop Wooster H.B. Wellman to pay debts to people in OH, PA, & NY.
April/7/1829 Wickard, John Dewease, Thomas Katharine 173 12 18 17 PSE 74 acres
July/19/1824 Brownell, Cushion Raynolds, William Betsy S. 174 14 20 27 PSW Exception: making & selling Benj. Cummings' patent thrashing machine.
March/7/1829 Odell, Nathan G. Comer, John Susannah 175 14 18 19 SE & SW
April/16/1829 Campbell, Joseph Freeman, Luther Ann 176 15 21 13 SE Exceptions: 50 acres, 25 acres, and 1/2 acre lot
January/17/1829 Keener, John Adams, Elijah Eve 177 15 23 22 PSW 80 acres
February/13/1829 Douglas, Andrew Goudy, John Sarah David Mun[n] 179 11 16 18 SE 160 acres
February/18/1825 Robinson, Alexander Robinson, John 180 12 16 32 SE
December/19/1828 Clingan, Joseph Bentley, Benjamin Mary 181 196 Wooster
March/14/1828 Hamilton, William Hamilton, Hugh Joseph Stringer 181 15 22 3 NE 164 acres
December/16/1826 Horn, Elias Webster, Asahel Rebecca S. 182 15 20 15 SW 160 acres
January/24/1829 Yoder, John Boyer, Christian 183 12 17 21 PNE 10 acres
January/24/1829 Yoder, John Boyer, Christian 183 12 17 21 PNW 81 acres
April/28/1829 Yoder, John Crites, Jonah 184 12 17 Between 23 & 24 - 72 acres
January/22/1829 Boyer, Christian Flickinger, John Catharine 186 12 17 21 PNW 81 acres
April/21/1821 Robison, etal, Andrew Johnson, John 187 15 22 27 SE 160 acres
April/21/1821 Fulkeison, etal, James Johnson, John 187 15 22 27 SE 160 acres
January/15/1829 Atchison, Robert Marshall, James Jane 187 20 Bristol (Marshallville
April/29/1829 Shelley, Jacob McIntosh, Daniel Mary Joseph Rickson 188 14 19 17 NE
November/9/1828 Lawrence, John Smith, Philip Agnes 189 12 15 4 SW
April/27/1829 Shelly, Jacob Webster, Jr., Asahel Rebecca S. Robert Cameron, George Stidger 190 14 19 24 SE
May/30/1828 Plank, Jeptha Copelin, etal, Willis Mary Ann 191 12 17 32 PSW 30 acres
May/30/1828 Plank, Jeptha Derr, etal, John Sarah Elizabeth 191 12 17 32 PSW 30 acres
May/30/1828 Plank, Jeptha Copelin, etal, Jonah Rachel 191 12 17 32 PSW 30 acres
May/30/1828 Plank, Jeptha Copelin, etal, Elizabeth 191 12 17 32 PSW 30 acres
May/30/1828 Plank, Jeptha Copelin, etal, Richard Nancy 191 12 17 32 PSW 30 acres
August/1/1828 Plank, Jeptha McFadden, James Michael Coplin, deceased; [Richard Coplin, deceased] Common Pleas Court 193 12 17 32 PSW 30 acres
August/9/1828 Thorn, Frederick Clark, William Mary 194 13 16 29 PNW 132 acres
May/4/1829 Wilkin, James E. Switzer, Frederick 195 11 16 10 PNE 5 acres
May/6/1829 , , George W. Howey, Francis H. Foltz Town of New Pittsburg 197 14 20 30 PNE
June/13/1827 Robison, David Robison, Thomas Henry Loutzenhiser, William Larwill Common Pleas Court 1820 -1827; judgement against Augustus McDaniel, John Yergan, and John Wilson 198 part of 49 & 50 Wooster
March/7/1829 Comer, John O'dell, Nathan G. Rebecca 202 14 18 19 SE
December/12/1827 Metsler, Samuel Jones, etal, John Elizabeth John Morris and wife, Mary 203 13 15 33 SW 160 acres
December/12/1827 Metsler, Samuel Jones, etal, Daniel W. John Morris and wife, Mary 203 13 15 33 SW 160 acres
April/17/1824 Stough, John Debott, Michael Catharine 204 14 21 20 PNE 50 acres
May/12/1829 Shelly, Jacob Jones, William Elizabeth 205 14 19 24 PNE 120 acres
January/31/1829 Hays, George Naftzger, John Catharine 206 14 21 2 PNE 102 acres
April/20/1825 Bentley, Benjamin Henry, William Abigal William Robinson 207 196 Wooster
April/30/1829 Summers, Abraham Kimble, William Mary 208 13 16 8 PSW 7 acres
April/13/1829 Summers, Abraham Pancost, William Vashti Henry Bower and wife, Catharine 209 13 16 8 SE 158 acres
May/18/1829 Byer, Frederick Mowry, Michael Mary Ann 210 14 20 35 PSW 99 acres
May/18/1829 Mowry, Michael Byer, Frederick Catharine 211 14 20 35 PSW 74 acres
March/14/1829 Blew, John Strouse, David Elizabeth Frederick Strouse and wife, Catharine 213 15 21 15 PNW Ashland
April/6/1829 McComb, Joseph Deardorff, Christian Margaret 213 15 21 5 PNE Ashland
April/17/1829 Robison, David Stibbs, Joseph Elizabeth 214 13 15 10 P[SW] 6 acres
May/6/1829 Robison, David Moore, Philip G. Sarah 216 13 15 10 PSE 5 acres
May/21/1829 Neuschwander, Peter Firestone, George Rebecca Elias & Daniel Casper/ Cosper/Caster 217 14 21 7 PSE 80 acres
August/15/1814 Culver, Aaron United States, 218 11 16 13 NE
November/29/1828 Cully, Joseph Culver, Aaron Susanna 218 11 16 13 PNE 106 acres
February/14/1826 Cook, Samuel Goudy, William James Goudy, deceased Common Pleas Court - in favor of Samuel Cook 219 11 16 19 NW
May/14/1829 Kimes, Conrad Burns, Hector Mary John McPhail 221 14 21 3 PNE 143 acres
May/22/1829 Kymes, Conrad Williams, James 222 14 21 3 PNE 50 acres
May/13/1829 Niswenter, George Shellenberger, Jacob Catharine 223 14 21 2 PSE 85 acres
May/16/1829 Kimes, George Park, John Sarah 224 14 21 3 PNW 95 acres
May/16/1829 Kimes, Jacob Park, John Sarah 225 14 21 3 PNW 50 acres
January/3/1825 Jones, Benjamin Rice, Peter Elizabeth 226 13 15 between 10 & 15 - 15 acres
April/25/1829 Jones, Benjamin Brownell, Cushing Sally / Sarah William Reynolds, Matthew Macy 227 14 20 27 PSW 80 acres
May/22/1829 Jones, Benjamin Lake, Joseph S. Eleanor 228 13 15 9 PNE Out lot 21 Wooster 1.5 acres
May/15/1829 Neal, John Yarnell, Job Catharine 229 14 19 17 PSE 59 acres
May/22/1829 Emery, Peter Jones, Benjamin Hannah Cushing Brownell 231 14 20 27 PSW 80 acres
August/24/1825 McFaddin, James United States, 232 14 20 26 NW 160 acres
December/29/1828 Christie, George McFaddin, James Christiana 232 14 20 26 NW 160 acres
August/12/1814 Shennaman, Isaac United States, 233 14 20 36 SE
April/1/1829 Christy, George Shinneman, Isaac Barbara 234 14 20 36 SE 173 acres
April/22/1828 Warteberger, Isaac Bower, John [Susannah] 235 15 23 14 NE Ashland
December/25/1828 Ulrick, Jacob Sturgon, John Rebecca William Larwill 236 13 15 29 PSW 80 acres
September/2/ 1828 Weed, Orlando Hatch, Edmond Elizabeth Aaron Jones 237 5 Jackson
December/20/1828 Tweed, John Maxwell, James Nancy 238 11 17 23 PSE 80 acres
February/10/1829 Whitmer, Jacob Calvin, Robert Mary 239 12 17 29 PSE 101 acres
May/29/1829 Shelly, Jacob Metcaf, Mason Nancy William Berry 240 14 18 2 SW 160 acres
May/28/1829 Zimmerman, Henry Kiser, Joseph Susannah 241 11 15 24 SE
May/30/1829 , Garver, David Sarah George Emery, Sr. Town of Waynesburgh (Congress) 242 14 21 27 - Waynesburgh (Congress) 12 additional lots
May/30/1829 , Stober, Frederick Elizabeth George Emery, Sr. Town of Waynesburgh (Congress) 243 14 21 28 - Waynesburgh (Congress) 24 additional lots
February/3/1829 Cheyney, Thomas Cheyney, Richard Elizabeth John Cheyney, deceased 243 12 16 21 SW
February/3/1829 Cheyney, Thomas Cheyney, Richard Elizabeth John Cheyney, deceased 243 12 16 20 SE
May/18/1818 Davis, Samuel United States, 245 11 17 21 NW
May/18/1829 Mowry, John Mowry, Michael Mary John Litzenburg 245 14 20 22 SE 160 acres
December/17/1828 Knapp, Samuel Brown, Richard Margaret Solomon Snurr/ Smurr 246 Out lot 35 Wooster .25 acre
May/22/1829 Beecher, George Jones, Benjamin Hannah 247 13 15 - - Part of 129 Wooster
May/30/1829 Hyde, David Chambers, William Hetty 248 12 18 2 SE 160 acres
May/7/1829 Young, Cornelius Young, John 250 11 17 4 PSW 60 acres; Cornelius Young given power of attorney to sell land
June/4/1829 Young, William Young, Cornelius John Young 251 11 17 4 PSW 60 acres
October/29/1828 Hammon, Isaac Hobart, Calvin Nancy 252 14 21 4 PNW 103 acres
December/30/1828 Clarke, Robert Hammond, Isaac Sarah 253 14 21 4 PNW 103 acres
April/17/1829 Hawn, Andrew Stibbs, Joseph Elizabeth 254 13 15 2 PNW 15 acres
May/20/1829 Joice, George Metcalf, George Dorcus 255 14 18 11 PSW
June/1/1829 Davis, Thomas White, William Elizabeth 256 11 16 10 PNW - Sharon (Dalton) .055 acre
January/7/1829 Yorday, Christian Smurr, William F. Elizabeth John Larwill 257 153 Wooster .25 acre
April/10/1828 Robertson, John Thomas, Benjamin Hannah David Williams and wife, Polly 258 15 21 33 SW Ashland 160 acres
January/5/1829 Daniels, Jasper Stoops, Joseph 259 12 18 17 PNE
January/16/1818 , Shinnaman, Isaac Barbara Joseph & Christian Mansinger/ Munsenger, William Larwill [Plain Twp.] School 260 14 19 1 PNW 2 acres; "for purposes of religion & school"
January/16/1818 , Shinnaman, Isaac Barbara Joseph & Christian Mansinger / Munsenger, William Larwill [Plain Twp.] School 260 14 19 1 PNW 2 acres; "for purposes of religion & school"
June/3/1829 Eagle, William Eagle, John J. John B. Eagle 261 15 20 6 NE Ashland William Eagle given power of attorney to sell land
June/4/1827 Patton, etal, John Stuart, Frederick A. Josephus B. Stuart 262 Land Office
June/4/1827 Sloan, etal, John Stuart, Frederick A. Josephus B. Stuart 262 Land Office
June/17/1829 Barkdull, Joseph Spink, etal, Cyrus 263 14 19 23 NE
June/17/1829 Barkdull, Joseph McComb, etal, William 263 14 19 23 NE
June/17/1829 Kohn, Henry Barkdull, Joseph Anna Mason Metcalf and wife, Nancy, John Sloane 264 14 19 23 NE
October/19/1822 Hunsaken, John United States, James Hugh, assignee; Joseph McFadden 264 [13] 17 24 [NW] 160 acres
[May]/[2]/[1829] McMonigal, Andrew Bair, etal, Daniel George Bair, deceased; Charles Connelly Common Pleas Court - in favor of Andrew McMonigal 266 7 Wooster Lawful deed
[May]/[2]/[1829] McMonigal, Andrew Knapp, etal, Samuel George Bair, deceased; Charles Connelly Common Pleas Court - in favor of Andrew McMonigal 266 7 Wooster Lawful deed
[May]/[2]/[1829] McMonigal, Andrew McFall, etal, William George Bair, deceased; Charles Connelly Common Pleas Court - in favor of Andrew McMonigal 266 7 Wooster Lawful deed
[May]/[2]/[1829] McMonigal, Andrew Bair, etal, Mary Ann George Bair, deceased; Charles Connelly Common Pleas Court - in favor of Andrew McMonigal 266 7 Wooster Lawful deed
June/1/1829 McElravey, Alexander Martin, Absalom Amelia Nathan Stafford 267 15 21 7 SW Ashland
January/12/1829 Watkins, Robert State of Ohio, Allen Trimble, William Patterson, Registrar 269 11 18 19 SE 160 acres
March/6/1829 Smith, Christian United States, 269 15 23 14 PNW Ashland 80 acres
May/5/1829 Shearer, Hamilton Garretson, William Elizabeth 270 11 16 34 PNE Except 2 acres
June/23/1929 Wichterman, George J. Poe, David W. Mary Ann 271 14 21 28 - 26 Waynesburgh (Congress) .25 acre
April/13/1929 Langle, Lenard Langle, Casper Mary 272 12 16 20 NW Water rights for new mill dam, race & gristmill
March/24/1829 Connelly, Sr., Bernard Helwig, Benjamin Mary 273 81 & 88 Paintville (Mt. Eaton)
October/23/1817 Bowers, Abraham Vaughan, William 274 81 & 88 Paintville (Mt. Eaton)
June/30/1829 , , Stephen Williams, Alexander Hutchison; John Lawrence, surveyor Town of Jefferson 275 14 19 2 PSW Jefferson 41 Lots
April/10/1829 Kumpf, Anthony Robertson, Andrew Julia Ann 276 11 17 34 NE 160 acres
June/20/1829 Forbes, Hugh Kumph, Anthony Sarah Thomas Robison, Andrew Robertson 277 11 17 34 PNE 80 acres
June/23/1829 Stanly, James Wichterman, George J. Barbara 278 22 Waynesburgh (Congress)
July/4/1821 Alberry, Peter Brown, Harmon Anny 279 14 19 9 PSE 80 acres
September/16/1826 Copley, Thomas Alberry, Peter Easter 280 14 19 9 PSE 82 acres
July/4/1829 Lisher, John Copley, Thomas Magdalena 281 14 19 9 PSE 82 acres
March/27/1829 Kean, John Kean, William Anne 281 11 17 6 PN 1/2 100 acres
April/22/1829 Cutter, etal, A. D. Blodget, etal, Willard 283 1/2 of 6 Windsor (Canaan)
April/22/1829 Clark, etal, Edmund Blodget, etal, Willard 283 1/2 of 6 Windsor (Canaan)
April/22/1829 Cutter, etal, A. D. Bragg, etal, William T. 283 1/2 of 6 Windsor (Canaan)
April/22/1829 Clark, etal, Edmund Bragg, etal, William T. 283 1/2 of 6 Windsor (Canaan)
May/22/1829 Robison, David Jones, Benjamin Hannah Peter Rice 284 13 15 10 PSE 15 acres
June/10/1829 Robison, David Rice, Henry Susanna 284 13 15 15 PNW 18 acres
June/26/1829 May, Daniel Sturgan, John Rebecca 285 13 15 29 PSW 80 acres
June/27/1829 Dunbar, Robert Kimpton, David 286 13 15 30 SE
January/22/1829 Hatfield, Michael Hatfield, Jacob Katherine 287 11 18 7 PSW
August/25/1819 Stutsman, David United States, John Baughman 289 12 17 9 NW
October/3/1823 Yoder, Michael McDowell, William Ann David Stutzman and wife, Sarah; John Baughman, Michael Hostetler 289 12 17 9 NW
February/12/1829 Spack, John Hackett, James Mary 292 12 16 25 PSW 80 acres
February/7/1829 Harriott, James Byers, Benjamin 293 13 15 4 PNW 100 acres
January/23/1829 McCullough, John Sanderson, Alexander Rebekah 294 11 15 7 PSW 78 acres
December/23/1828 Cherry, Thomas Cherry, James Phebe 295 13 16 7 PSW 102 acres
April/10/1829 Swichard, Frederick Vannordstrand, James Susanah Isaac Vannordstrand and wife, [Litty]; Robert & Mary McGready 298 13 16 5 NW
April/10/1829 Swichard, Frederick Vannordstrand, James Susanah James Glass and wife, Elizabeth; George Gibson, D. W. Montgomery 298 13 16 5 PSW 38 acres
April/10/1829 Swichard, Frederick Vannordstrand, James Susanah George Clark, William Buchanan, Alfres Glass and wife, Jane 298 13 16 5 PSW 18 acres
May/8/1829 Lake, Mary Lake, 2nd, Mary 300 15 20 12 PSE 40 acres
June/26/1828 Hazel, Hugh Geitgey, Samuel 301 13 14 11 PSW
August/1/1829 Lowby, John Hazel, Hugh Ruth Samuel Geitgey 302 13 14 11 PSW 20 acres
March/30/1829 Cassiday, Samuel Cassiday, John Sarah 303 14 19 8 - 40 acres
July/27/1829 , Meng, Philip Maria Lutheran & German Reformed Church of Perry Twp. 304 15 22 33 PSE Ashland 2 acres; "Moheccan Church"
July/27/1829 , Meng, Philip Maria Lutheran & German Reformed Church of Perry Twp. 304 15 22 33 PSE Ashland 2 acres; "Moheccan Church"
January/31/1829 Brown, John Fry, Daniel Catherine Thomas Taylor 305 11 18 23 PSE 30 acres
November/10/1828 Myers, Daniel Hatfield, William Susanna Jacob Hatfield 306 11 18 - - 14 acres
May/4/1829 White, William Switzer, Frederick 308 11 16 10 PNW 5 acres
June/10/1829 Springer, Joseph Doyle, William Mariah 309 30 Doylestown
February/12/1829 Goudy, John Underwood, Elihu Margaret Daniel [Teeters] 310 12 16 10 PNE 3 acres
January/11/1828 Castle, Alonzo Castle, Aaron 310 13 17 13 PSW
January/11/1828 Castle, Alonzo Castle, Aaron 310 13 17 13 PNW
June/16/1828 Castle, Alonzo Castle, Caty 311 13 17 13 PNW
June/16/1828 Castle, Alonzo Castle, Caty 311 13 17 13 PSW
June/29/1829 Hess, Jacob Bowman, Jacob Catharine Nicholas Smith, Assignee of Levi Marres [Morris] 312 12 17 17 PNE 1+ acre
May/9/1829 Zook, Solomon Oxenreider, Henry Margaret 313 12 17 32 PSE 23 acres
August/10/1829 , Yocum, Elijah Town of Milbrook [Millbrook] 314 14 19 36 PSW
August/10/1829 , Yocum, Elijah Town of Milbrook [Millbrook] 314 14 18 1 PNW
August/10/1829 Heninger, Philip Burwell, Phineas Margaret 315 12 17 30 SW 100 [160] acres
February/7/1829 Homan, William Johnston, Peter Stephen Harris, Attorney 316 7 Dover (Dalton)
February/25/1829 Sheets, Samuel Sheets, John Christian Sheet, deceased 317 14 21 26 PSE 100 acres
March/23/1829 Walton, Mertha Watson, Joseph Mary Ann 318 11 16 10 PNE 28, 29, and out lots 3 & [4] Dover (Dalton)
May/21/1829 Burns, Hector Armstrong, Thomas Jane 319 14 21 9 NE
May/21/1829 Burns, Hector Armstrong, Thomas Jane 319 14 21 9 SE
[August]/[13]/[1829] Cowhick, John Elliott, William Elizabeth Cyrus Spink 320 13 16 10 PSE 10 acres
September/20/1827 Quinby, Samuel United States, 321 13 16 11 NW 160 acres
August/20/1829 Redd, Andrew Quinby, Samuel Lucy 322 13 16 11 NW 160 acres
February/17/1827 Newman, Thomas Hellar, John 323 15 21 22 PSE 40 acres
June/13/1829 Bourdner, John Shatter, Jacob Barbara 324 14 19 14 PNW 132 acres
April/11/1829 Kiplinger, Michael Kiplinger, Jacob Barbara 325 15 23 6 SE Ashland 160 acres
April/11/1829 Kiplinger, Peter Kiplinger, Jacob Barbara 326 15 23 20 NW Ashland 160 acres
July/13/1829 Lower, Adam Akey, Peter Mary 327 11 17 10 SE
April/11/1829 Mogle, Solomon Kiplinger, Jacob Barbara 328 15 23 7 NW Ashland 160 acres
July/14/1829 Munson, Henry State of Ohio, Allen Kimble, William Patterson 329 13 14 22 NW 160 acres
-/ -/1827 Heller, Samuel Ensminger, George Mary Horacre Howard, Andrew McMonigal 330 15 21 3 NW Ashland 150 acres
August/26/1829 Carothers, James Heller, Samuel Margaret Horace Howard, George Ensminger, George McFadden 331 15 21 3 PNW Ashland 150 acres, except 1 acre
July/10/1829 Kerns, John Glass, James Elizabeth 332 13 17 10 SW 160 acres
June/3/1828 Kiser, William Endley, George Mary B. Henry Klink and wife, Rachael; John Ward and wife, Ann 333 14 21 8 PSE 80 acres
June/20/1829 Troutman, Michael Royer, Christopher Margaret John Christmas and wife, Eliza 335 13 16 20 NE
April/7/1829 Askren, Samuel Chilcote, Elisha Martha 336 15 23 30 PNW Ashland 4 acres
February/7/1829 Hazel, Ruth Goodin, Samuel 337 13 14 10 PSW 16 acres
August/14/1829 Booker, Jacob Hazel, Hugh Ruth Samuel Goodin 338 13 14 10 PSW 16 acres
August/6/1829 Overdorff, Matthias Glass, Alfred Jane 339 13 16 7 PSE 79 acres
March/7/1829 Greer, James Karens, Thomas Mary 340 15 21 20 PSW Ashland 77 acres
April/28/1829 Warner, David Davidson, Armstrong Rebecca 341 13 16 25 PSE 108 acres
January/17/1829 Fritsinger, George Fry, Daniel Catharine George Snider 342 11 18 23 PSE 11 acres
April/2/1829 Goudy, William Tinsler, Rachel 343 11 Bristol (Marshallville)
April/24/1829 Goudy, William Marshall, James Jane 344 12 Bristol (Marshallville)
July/31/1829 Goudy, William Marshall, James Jane 345 11 17 5 PNE 1 acre
[March]/[27]/1828 McCulley, George Boon, Mordecai 346 14 19 11 NW 160 acres
June/10/1829 Hossler, Jacob McCully, George Nancy 347 14 19 11 PNW 60 acres
June/11/1829 Gazzam, Joseph Watson, Thomas 348 13 15 5 E 1/2 Except 60 acres
April/11/1829 Kiplinger, Henry Kiplinger, Jacob Barbara 349 15 23 18 NW Ashland 160 acres
April/4/1829 Taylor, Charles Morgan, deceased, James Jesse Morgan, Jonathan Butler 350 13 14 20 PNW 80 acres
May/2/1829 Vannordstrand, James Bair, deceased, George Mary Ann (Bair) Mower Daniel Bair, William McFall, Samuel Knapp, Michael Mower 351 13 16 27 PSW Subject to widow's dower; 100 acres
April/4/1829 Vannostrand, James Hill, Samuel Sarah 353 13 16 10 NW 160 acres
August/1/1829 Crain, Zenos Z. Rathbun, Robert Hannah 354 1 Jackson
July/25/1829 Crain, Zenos May, Thomas Jennet 355 13 17 11 PSE 80 acres, except lots # 1 - 5 and also, streets and alleys in the town of Jackson
December/20/1828 Halferty, Arthur Fouch, John Katherine David Ayers, deceased; James Ayers (Ayres) 356 14 18 13 PSE 9 40 acres
May/29/1829 Chapman, Ambrose Davis, Samuel 357 11 17 21 NW
May/28/1829 Chapman, Ambrose Goudy, Thomas 359 11 16 10 SE Recorded payment on deed, 1836
April/30/1829 Chapman, Ambrose McCelland, Samuel 360 11 17 35 NE Recorded payment on deed, 1845
August/5/1829 Bragg, Willard Washburn, George Polly 361 32 and [33] Windsor (Canaan)
September/5/1829 Bragg, Willard Hoisington, John Elizabeth 362 32 Windsor (Canaan) According to receipt paid to George Washburn and the town plat map
January/15/1829 Johnston, Alexander Holiday, Robert Sarah 362 13 16 3 PSW 80 acres
August/8/1829 May, George Frederick, Jacob Judith 363 12 15 19 PNE 6 Fredericksburgh
May/2/1829 Vannostrand, James Mowrer, Michael Mary Ann 364 13 16 27 PSW
July/13/1829 Musgrave, Robert W. Musgrave, John 365 15 21 8 PSW Ashland 80 acres
July/13/1829 Musgrave, Robert W. Musgrave, John 365 15 21 7 PSE Ashland 80 acres
July/13/1829 Musgrave, Robert W. Musgrave, John 365 15 21 17 PNW Ashland 80 acres
November/28/1828 Green, Adonijah Dana, Jr., Francis Harriet 366 63 Paintville (Mt. Eaton)
September/30/1829 Jones, Benjamin Green, Adonijah Francis Dana 367 63 Paintville (Mt. Eaton)
June/13/1829 Jones, Benjamin Robison, etal, Thomas Jemima Benjamin Byers and wife, Sarah; Evan Howell 368 13 15 4 [PNW] 10 acres
June/13/1829 Jones, Benjamin Robison, etal, David Elizabeth Benjamin Byers and wife, Sarah; Eval Howell 368 13 15 4 [PNW] 10 acres
April/10/1829 Custer, Daniel Moser, Daniel Susanna 369 14 21 13 SE
October/5/1829 Reider, John Clinepeter, Henry Magdalina 371 13 15 18 PSW 2 acres
August/25/1829 Baker, Jacob Swartz, Joseph Nancy John Fullerton 372 1/2 of 179 Wooster
June/25/1829 Harp, Abraham Snively, George 373 13 17 34 PNW 30 acres
April/23/1829 Kimmerer, John Jones, David Mercy 374 14 18 13 PSE 40 acres
September/25/1829 Disseller, Henry Jones, Samuel Catharine William Jones 375 11 16 26 PNE 40 acres
October/7/1829 Cunningham, William Cunningham, James Millison 376 11 16 23 PSE 30 acres
October/7/1829 Slaman, John Cunningham, William 377 11 16 26 PSE 6 acres
August/31/1827 Adams, George Larance, Amos Elizabeth Stephen Ford and wife, Ruth 378 11 18 15 PNW 20 acres
August/25/1819 Holser, Jacob United States, 380 11 17 18 NW
August/22/1829 Chorpenning, George Flick, George Mary 380 15 22 32 SE Ashland
July/10/1818 Hamilton, etal, William United States, 382 13 15 11 SW
July/10/1818 Larimore, etal, James / Jonas United States, 382 13 15 11 SW
May/1/1823 Orr, Thomas Larimore, deceased, James Margaret, widow David Larimore, Samuel Hunter, James Marshall Common Pleas Court in Steubenville, Ohio, 1815 383 13 15 11 SW
October/13/1829 Robertson, David Orr, deceased, Thomas Josiah Crawford, Lewis Day 384 13 15 11 PSW
August/12/1829 Robertson, David Hamilton, William Mary James Larimore, deceased 385 13 15 11 PSW
April/17/1829 McClaran, Robert Stibbs, Joseph Elizabeth John Cook and wife, Elizabeth 386 14 19 27 [PNE] 100 acres
June/13/1829 Markely, John Bowman, Jacob Catharine Peter Anspach/Anspaugh and wife, Elizabeth; Henry Cobb and wife, Polly; John Harner and wife, Magdaline; Joseph Campbell 296 13 16 23 PSE and PSW 12 acres
May/1/1823 Harrison, Elisha United States, 387 13 14 21 NE 160 acres
April/23/1829 Harrison, Elisha Dickerson, Joshua Sarah 388 13 14 15 SW 160 acres
November/3/1828 Ihrig, Peter Freese, Peter Margaret 389 13 16 10 PSW 15 acres
June/10/1829 Gilmore, Daniel Doyle, William Mariah 391 1 and 2 Doylestown
September/8/1829 Kymes, Conrad Brison, Thomas Sarah A. 392 14 21 4 PNW 103 acres
May/4/1829 Laird, Matthew English, William 393 11 16 [10] NW
May/4/1829 Laird, Matthew English, William 393 11 16 [3] SW
June/4/1829 Foltz, Joseph Foltz, John 393 14 18 10 NW
June/4/1829 Young, William Young, Cornelius John Young 394 11 17 4 PNW Total of 80 acre; two parts
July/14/1829 Watkins, Robert State of Ohio, William Patterson, Registrar 395 11 18 29 PNE 80 acres
February/9/1829 Gorsuch, John Ensor, John George & Elenor Ensor; Mordecai Parish 395 15 22 20 SW Ashland
June/17/1827 Moore, Thomas United States, 396 14 21 12 E 1/2 320 acres
June/17/1827 Routson, John United States, Bazeliel Wells 397 11 18 17 SE 160 acres
September/24/1829 Zimmerman, Sebastian Routson, John Sarah Bazeliel Wells 397 11 18 17 PSE 110 acres
May/7/1829 Routson, John Ford, Stephen Ruth 398 11 18 17 PSW Except lots 52 and 54 Chippewah (Easton)
November/2/1829 Zimmerson, Sebastian Routson, John Sarah Stephen Ford and wife, Sarah 399 11 18 17 PSW
November/3/1829 Routson, John Zimmerman, Sebastian 400 11 18 17 PSW 110 acres; recorded payment on deed, 1839
August/21/1828 Smith, Stephen C. Miller, William 401 14 21 32 PNE 44 acres
May/26/1829 Shook, John Anderson, Andrew Jane 402 12 18 3 PNE 129 acres
May/26/1829 Shook, John Anderson, Andrew Jane 403 12 18 3 PSE 80 acres
September/16/1829 Armstrong, etal, Thomas Clark, George Sarah Daniel Reason 403 3 Fredericksburg Andrew Allen is not listed in the title box but is in the deed as one of the purchasers.
September/16/1829 Allen, etal, [Andrew] Clark, George Sarah Daniel Reason 403 3 Fredericksburg Andrew Allen is not listed in the title box but is in the deed as one of the purchasers.
June/22/1829 Loudon, Moses Wickterman, George J. Barbara 405 44 Waynesburgh (Congress) .25 acre
March/2/1829 Riley, William Miles, John Fanny 406 14 Windsor (Canaan) .31 acre
February/11/1829 Shankland, Alexander Shankland, deceased, Vincent Thomas & Mary Ann Riley; Michael & Elizabeth Sharp; Simon & Sarah Keeny; John & Margaret Sherwood; Samuel & Vintenia Atwater 406 13 16 2 PSW
August/18/1829 Drumheller, Daniel Driskel, Dennis Hannah 408 14 19 35 PNW 1.51 acre
June/18/1829 Hartly, Aaron Watson, Joseph Mary Ann Joseph Coe 409 11 16 10 PNE 34 Dover (Dalton) .19 acre
April/17/1829 Hartly, Aaron Wilkin, James E. James McWilliams, James Adams 410 11 16 10 PNE 6 Dover (Dalton) .21 acre
June/18/1829 , Cunningham, John Sugar Creek Twp. School 411 11 16 between 23 & 24 - .5 acre
June/18/1829 , Cunningham, John Sugar Creek Twp. School 411 11 16 between 23& 24 - .5 acre
June/18/1829 , Cunningham, John Sugar Creek Twp. School 411 11 16 between 23 & 24 - .5 acre
November/6/1829 Reese, Andrew Reese, John Hannah 412 12 18 1 PNE 120 acres
November/9/1829 Cox, Jacob Laughlin, Robert Margaret Levi Stevenson 413 15 22 2 PSE Ashland Except 10 acres to David Clark
August/28/1829 Waltenbarger, Jacob Johnson, Hannah Daniel Johnson, deceased 414 11 18 12 PSE 80 acres
July/10/1829 Waldenberger, Jacob Johnston, deceased, Daniel Robert Eakin, Samuel Johnston 415 11 18 12 PSE 80 acres
February/13/1819 Beals, John Beals, Abraham Rebecca 417 11 16 34 PSW
February/13/1819 Beals, John Beals, Abraham Rebecca 417 11 15 3 PNW
November/18/1829 Moore, Samuel Case, Augustus 419 15 22 7 PSE Ashland 80 acres
July/6/1829 Cunningham, Jr., David Cunningham, Sr., David Mary 420 15 22 [11] PSE Ashland 70 acres
July/6/1829 Cunningham, Thomas Cunningham, David Mary 421 15 22 10 PSE Ashland 69 acres
April/17/1827 Kremer, John Kremer, Michael Susana 423 13 16 19 PSE
May/16/1829 Kremer, Henry Kremer, John Elizabeth Michael Kremer 424 13 16 19 PSE
May/5/1829 Hostetler, Christian Trouger, etal, Christian Elizabeth 426 13 16 36 NW
May/5/1829 Hosteler, Christian Lose, etal, George 426 13 16 36 NW
June/10/1825 Robison, Thomas Livingston, Andrew Galbreath Stuart 427 13 15 10 PSE 15 5 acres
February/3/1829 Long, Joseph Robison, Thomas Jemima 428 13 15 10 PSE 15 5 acres
November/22/1824 Trapp, Philip Harris, John Rebekah 429 11 16 26 NW
October/24/1829 Goudy, John McWilliams, Thomas S. Lurena 430 Out lots 4 and 5 Dover (Dalton) .5 acres
June/20/1829 Dobbins, David Summers, Ulrick Elizabeth Henry Koffle, Jacob Grable/Gerber, Paul Holfuruner 431 11 15 5 SW
December/6/1827 Cox, etal, Thomas Frederick, Jacob Western Reserve Bank 432 12 15 19 NE 160 acres; recorded payment on deed, 19 March 1835
December/6/1827 McComb, etal, William Frederick, Jacob Western Reserve Bank 432 12 15 19 NE 160 acres; recorded payment on deed, 19 March 1835
July/16/1829 Weed, Nathaniel Thompson, Thomas W. 433 51 Paintville (Mt. Eaton)
April/2/1828 Kiser, Adam Jewitt, Moses 434 14 21 14 PNW 59 acres
July/3/1829 Matsker, David Walter, Daniel Mary Ann 435 11 17 14 PSE 20 acres
September/11/1829 Hamman, Abraham Kemp, John 436 14 20 7 PNW 30 acres
August/25/1828 Yoder, John McKinley, Jesse Mary 437 12 17 12 PSE 40 acres
April/15/1829 Dorland, Garret Eakright, William Sarah 438 15 22 10 NE Ashland
June/18/1829 Lake, Isaac Lake, David Jerusha 438 14 18 18 PNW 28 acres
August/20/1829 Otto, John Otto, Mathias Elizabeth 439 15 21 20 PNE Ashland 51 acres
September/11/1829 Youst, John Moser, John Anna Jacob Plank and wife, Mary 440 11 17 7 PN 1/2 50 acres
April/11/1829 Kiplinger, John Kiplinger, Jacob Barbara 441 15 23 5 SE Ashland 160 acres
November/30/1829 Farnum, Asa Castle, Alonzo 442 13 17 13 PNW 41 acres
March/3/1829 Ross, John Frederick, Jacob Judith 443 12 15 19 PNE 7 Fredericksburgh
November/4/1829 Switzer, Jacob Switzer, deceased, Michael George Alterholt Common Please Court - Will 444 11 12 10 PNW 60 acres
May/9/1829 Cary, Amos Goudy, William Sarah 445 11 16 13 PSW 64 acres
May/9/1829 Cary, Amos Goudy, William Sarah 445 11 16 13 PNW 45 acres
October/30/1829 Harmon, George Robison, David Elizabeth Josiah Crawford, Lewis Day, Thomas Orr, William Hamilton 447 13 15 11 PSW 40 acres
January/31/1829 Walburn, John P. Rouch, Sr., Henry Margaret 448 14 19 10 PNE 4 acres
July/20/1829 Akey, Peter Lawrance, John Nancy 449 11 15 19 NW 160 acres
November/[6]/1827 Wilson, Charles Wilson, deceased, George Clement R. Pollock, Guardian 450 15 22 7 NW Ashland
November/5/1829 Eagler, Daniel Shultz, George George Pfoutz, Sr.; Jacob Beam 453 11 15 14 PNW 36 acres
November/14/1829 Scott, James Harrison, Elisha Mary 455 13 14 15 PSW
February/23/1829 Watson, Robert Doyle, William Maria 455 3 Doylestown
October/6/1829 Misner, John Culbertson, John Dorcus David Robison, Alexander & John Hutchison 456 12 16 32 PSW 40 acres
December/5/1829 Smith, Elijah Smith, John Samuel Knapp 457 12 22 34 NE Ashland
June/12/1829 Ebbert, Isaac Glasgo, John Amelia 458 11 16 6 PNW 80 acres
December/5/1829 Hill, Nathaniel Bebout, Abraham Elizabeth T[homas] Ward (Ward's Ward) 459 - - - - Washington County, PA Names in title are reversed; 5 acres
July/25/1828 McConel, William Elliott, William Eleanor 461 12 18 11 NE
November/13/1829 Bowman, Peter Bowman, John 462 11 17 26 PN 80 acres
June/3/1829 Elliott, Andrew Elliott, William Eleanor 463 12 18 1 SW
June/3/1829 Elliott, Thomas Elliott, William Eleanor 463 12 18 12 NW
May/16/1828 Dyeark, Jacob Yandt, etal, Jacob Catharine 464 14 20 22 NW
May/16/1828 Dyeark, Jacob Yandt, etal, John Frances 464 14 20 22 NW
May/16/1828 Dyeark, Jacob Yandt, etal, Valentine Susanna 464 14 20 22 NW
May/29/1829 Bartshe, Jacob Dyeark, Jacob Rayenah 465 14 20 22 PNW
December/4/1829 Funk, John Bartshey, Jacob Elizabeth 467 14 20 22 PNW 85 acres
August/3/1829 Funk, John Boydston, George Barbara 468 14 20 23 PNW 26 acres
June/26/1829 Hickson, Eleazer Edgar, William 469 11 17 15 SE Payment recorded on deed 9 May 1837
November/11/1829 Rudenbock, John Runyan, Joseph Sarah 470 14 19 21 PNE 41 acres
November/20/1826 Snook, Henry Larwill, Joseph H. Nancy Q. Thomas Watson 471 13 15 9 part Out lot - and alley Wooster .065 acre
August/27/1829 Smith, Philip P. Kelley, Ezekiel Rachel James Burgan and wife, Elizabeth; Samuel Burgan and wife, Easter 472 13 16 6 [36] PSE 80 acres
August/2/1829 Smith, Philip Kelley, Ezekiel Rachel 474 13 15 1 PNE
September/10/1829 Littell, Alonzo Lucius Stober, Frederick Elizabeth 475 75 and 76 Waynesburgh (Congress)
November/26/1827 Buchanan, David McCormick, John Sarah 475 15 23 10 NW Ashland 160 acres
November/3/1829 Crow, Gusdavis Moffitt, James Elizabeth 477 13 14 13 SW
February/15/1828 Biddel, Jacob Kirkpatrick, James Eleanor 478 13 14 1 PNE Except 20 acres; 33 acres
October/10/1829 Zedichar, Abraham Ritter, Daniel Catharine 480 11 16 28 NE
[January]/26/1829 Finley, William Taggert, James Margaret 481 11 17 19 SW
August/24/1829 Smith, Catharine Philips, Samuel Elizabeth 482 11 16 24 PNE 53 acres
August/29/1829 Philips, George Smith, Catharine William Homan, Samuel Philips 484 11 16 24 PNE 26 acres
August/29/1829 Saint, John Smith, Catharine William Homan, Samuel Philips 485 11 16 24 PNE 26 acres; John Saint was a bound apprentice
June/20/1829 VanKirk, Joseph Foreman, John Elizabeth 487 11 17 32 NW 160 acres; except 1 acres
December/8/1829 Larwill, Joseph H. Snook, Henry Ester Thomas Watson 488 13 15 9 part 4 acres and .65 acre for an alley
August/20/1829 Smith, etal, William Redd, Andrew Samuel Quinby 490 13 16 11 PNW
August/20/1829 Smith, etal, Nathaniel Redd, Andrew Samuel Quinby 490 13 16 11 PNW
July/6/1829 House, Adam Smith, Jane Peter Perine/Perrine 491 13 16 3 PSE 13 acres
April/16/1829 Sidle, William Meek, William Elizabeth William B. Blachley 493 14 19 20 SE Except 15 acres
April/16/1829 Sidle, William Meek, William Elizabeth William B. Blachley 493 14 19 20 PSW 62 acres
April/16/1829 Sidle, William Meek, William Elizabeth William B. Blachley 493 14 19 20 PSW 10 acres
November/18/1820 Conrad, Daniel Stibbs, Joseph Elizabeth 494 12 17 22 PN1/2 205 acres
September/28/1824 Yant, Jr., etal, Valentine Yant, Valentine Lowis 495 14 20 22 NW
September/28/1824 Yant, etal, Jacob Yant, Valentine Lowis 495 14 20 22 NW
September/28/1824 Yant, etal, John Yant, Valentine Lowis 495 14 20 22 NW
May/25/1829 Dyeark, Peter Dyeark, Jacob Rayenah 497 14 20 22 PNW 80 acres
December/15/1829 Mitchel, Jesse Doty, Valentine Mary 498 13 14 5 SW
June/5/1829 Koch, John Miller, Philip Jane/Jean James Adams, Hiram Vickers, Moses Dewey, Robert McWilliams, John McDowell 499 11 16 10 PNE 23 Dover (Dalton)
October/24/1829 Brown, Richard Lash, Philip Susan James Anderson and wife, Mary 500 15 22 34 PNW Ashland 30 acres
July/8/1829 Kean, Lewis Kean, John S. William Kean and wife, Anne 501 11 17 6 PN1/2 100 acres
February/28/1829 Shively, Henry Frederick, Jacob Judith 502 12 15 19 PNE 30 and 31 Fredericksburgh
December/25/1829 Robison, Thomas Shively, Henry Margaret 503 30 and 31 Fredericksburgh
September/1/1829 Henney, Adam Henney, Peter Christina 504 15 23 24 PNE 40 acres
December/21/1829 Perrine, Henry N. Shankland, Alexander 505 13 16 2 PSW 104 acres
November/2/1827 Barlet, Jacob Shotter, Jacob Barbara 506 14 19 14 PSW 30 acres
October/29/1829 Pratt, Luther M. Johnson, Peter Stephen Harris 507 8 Dover (Dalton)
July/4/1829 Gaunter, George Beam, Jacob Mary 507 64, 105, 106, 107, and 108 Paintville (Mt. Eaton)
November/28/1829 Yoder, Joseph Yoder, Solomon Barbara 508 12 18 34 SE
December/22/1829 Miller, Frederick Worshler, Jacob 509 14 20 12 NE
December/22/1829 Miller, Frederick Worshler, Jacob 509 14 20 12 NE
January/1/1830 Harner, John Eagle, William B. Rebecca 510 15 20 9 PSW Ashland
March/25/1820 Kimmel, William Bower, John Susanna 511 13 16 18 SW
April/13/1829 Kimble, William Pancost, William Vasht 512 13 16 8 PSE 4 acres
January/2/1830 Hetzler, Jacob Wilson, Charles Mary 513 15 22 7 PNW Ashland 30 acres
November/18/1828 Craig, James Hickman, Archibald 514 14 20 27 PNE 3 acres
November/10/1829 Albright, Jacob Larwill, William Susan 515 13 15 10 part - Wooster .5 acre
July/17/1829 Smith, Albert G. Smith, John C. Deborah Peter Huff, James Douglas 516 15 20 4 PSW Ashland 1 acre; also, carding machine, fulling mill, water privileges
December/29/1829 Miller, William McCamman, William Sarah James Darling 518 15 21 27 PSE Ashland 80 acres
November/14/1829 Amstoots, John Zedichar, Abraham Mary 518 11 16 28 PNE 60 acres
January/8/1830 Amsteels, John Laman, Abraham Mary 519 11 16 21 PSW 40 acres
January/7/1830 Leman, Abraham Gileam, Christian Catharine 520 11 16 21 PNW 40 acres
January/9/1830 Waley, John Gileon, Christian Catharine 521 11 16 21 PNW 20 acres
December/29/1829 Dysart, John Dysart, Benjamin Isabella 522 14 19 11 PSE 80 acres
December/29/1829 Baird, Jr., Calvin Campbell, Joseph Elizabeth Lutherman 523 15 21 13 PSE 2 acres; "mill lot"
November/25/1824 Zedichar, Abraham Otis, Jesse Charlotte 524 [11] [16] 21 PSE 8 acres
January/15/1830 Allman, John Harner, John Magdalena 525 13 16 23 PSE 80 acres
January/11/1828 Supple, Thomas White, William Elizabeth 526 11 16 10 PNE 38 and out lot 6 Dover (Dalton)
July/29/1826 Supple, Thomas Mobley, Ezekiel Sarah 528 11 16 10 PNE 24 Dover (Dalton)
October/15/1824 Supple, Thomas Adams, James Margaret 529 11 16 10 PNE 25 Dover (Dalton)
December/12/1827 Lance, James Ward, Thomas Jane 530 12 18 3 PSW 40 acres
November/7/1829 Shaum, John State of Ohio, Allen Trimble, William Patterson, registrar 531 14 20 21 NE 160 acres
August/22/1829 Dye, William Dye, Daniel Elizabeth 532 14 18 10 PNE 80 acres
January/16/1830 Thrap, Thomas Thrap, James Mary Ann 533 13 17 2 PSW 80 acres
October/28/1829 Church, Benjamin Layman, Henry Maria 534 161 Wooster
January/6/1830 Geitchey, John Smith, Charles Elizabeth 535 13 15 22 PNE 20 acres
April/1/1820 Watson, James Carr, Benjamin Mary 535 11 16 27 NE
May/10/1827 Kaiser, Jacob McBride, Robert Mary 537 15 22 13 PE 1/2
December/8/1829 Beard, Kendal Beard, Josiah Sarah Silas Allen 538 15 21 13 PNE Two parcels in the same quarter section
November/26/1829 Baughman, Paul Henshe, deceased, Henry Common Pleas Court 538 11 18 4 SE
November/26/1829 Baughman, Paul Henshe, deceased, Henry Common Pleas Court 538 11 18 4 SE
August/11/1829 Miles, Harriet Rice, Hiram 539 13 17 22 PSW - Windsor (Canaan) Also 1/2 of a distillery
April/6/1829 Miles, Justin Miles, John Fanny 540 13 17 22 PNW 75 acres
February/14/1826 Stewart, Gailbreath Orr, Hugh Nancy 541 12 16 18 NW
January/26/1830 Eagle, William B. Collier, James Sarah 542 15 20 3 PNE Ashland 80 acres
October/17/1829 Fergueson, Walter Kiser, John Sophia 543 14 21 - - 160 acres
October/11/1823 Boyers, David Henney, Adam Catharine C. W. Christmas, Peter Henney and wife, Christina 544 15 23 23 PNE Ashland 60 acres
October/29/1825 Warner, Daniel Morgan, William Mary 545 15 22 34 PSE Ashland 60 acres
July/7/1829 Schnider, Gotleb Warner, Daniel 546 15 22 34 PSE Ashland 60 acres
November/7/1829 Tinsler, Jonathan State of Ohio, Allen Trimble, William Patterson, Registrar 547 11 18 29 PNW 80 acres
November/7/1829 Tinsler, Jonathan State of Ohio, Allen Trimble, William Patterson, Registrar 548 11 18 29 PNW 80 acres
March/28/1825 Pontius, Frederick Miller, deceased, Abraham John Miller, Henry Miller, Lewis Miller, Abraham Lancer and wife, Susannah, Philip Henney and wife, Catharine, Jacob Fouse and wife, Elizabeth, Christopher Henney and wife, Mary, John Fouse and wife, Christina, Abraham Miller 549 11 17 2 SW
December/25/1829 Cenner, Mattias Provone, Christian 551 12 18 3 Part 40 acres; Payment recorded on deed paid 1830
August/7/1829 Marvin, William Supple, Thomas James Adams and wife, Margaret; Moses Harris, Jesse Vickers, Robert McWilliams and wife, Elizabeth 552 11 16 10 PNE - Dover (Dalton)
February/19/1830 Moser, Peter Hay, John Elizabeth 553 11 17 23 PNE 54 acres
February/19/1830 , Stibbs, Joseph Elizabeth J. Wooster Twp. School #1 554 13 15 2 PSE .5 acre
February/19/1830 , Stibbs, Joseph Elizabeth J. Wooster Twp. School #1 554 13 15 2 PSE .5 acre
February/19/1830 , Stibbs, Joseph Elizabeth J. Wooster Twp. School #1 554 13 15 2 PSE .5 acre
January/6/1829 Decker, John Snider, George Barbara 555 13 16 21 NE
January/6/1829 Decker, John Snider, George Barbara 555 13 16 21 NW
December/30/1829 Decker, John Norton, Hugh Rebecca 556 13 16 21 PNW 153 acres
January/11/1830 Eyster, Christian Bell, Walter Elizabeth Joseph H. Larwill, John Bever, William Henry, John Hague, Truman Beecher, Hiram B. Wellman 557 - south by Liberty Street Wooster 2 acres
July/9/1829 Keiser, Joseph Galbraith, James Sarah 558 11 15 10 PNW
August/15/1829 Boydstone, Thomas Walton, Martha 559 11 16 10 PNE 28, 29, and out lot 3 Dover (Dalton)
February/19/1830 , Lorah, John 561 13 15 2 PNE .5 acre
February/19/1830 , Lorah, John 561 13 15 2 PNE .5 acre
February/19/1830 , Lorah, John 561 13 15 2 PNE .5 acre
February/24/1824 Raynolds, William Macy, Matthew Patience 561 14 20 27 SW
February/22/1830 Robison, David Larwill, Joseph H. Nancy Q. Thomas Watson, Robert McClaran 562 13 15 9 - 10 - 24 acres; with conditions & exceptions
December/4/1829 Larwill, Joseph H. Knapp, Samuel Mary 565 13 15 9 SE 3 acres
August/31/1829 Speer, Betsey Barrett, Samuel Polly 567 12 18 8 PNE 120 acres
July/23/1827 , Galbraith, James Sarah Unity Luteran and Dutch Presbyterian Church 568 25 and 26 Paintville (Mt. Eaton)
July/23/1827 , Galbraith, James Sarah Unity Lutheran and Dutch Presbyterian Church 568 25 and 26 Paintville (Mt. Eaton)
July/23/1827 , Galbraith, James Sarah Unity Lutheran and Dutch Presbyterian Church 568 25 and 26 Paintville (Mt. Eaton)
July/23/1827 , Galbraith, James Sarah Unity Lutheran and Dutch Presbyterian Church 568 25 and 26 Paintville (Mt. Eaton)
July/23/1827 , Galbraith, James Sarah Unity Lutheran and Dutch Presbyterian Church 568 25 and 26 Paintville (Mt. Eaton)
July/23/1827 , Galbraith, James Sarah Unity Lutheran and Dutch Presbyterian Church 568 25 and 26 Paintville (Mt. Eaton)
January/15/1829 Wilson, Thomas Henry, William Abigal 569 177 Wooster
May/14/1829 Smith, Jr., Henry Smith, Sr., Henry Margaret 570 13 15 12 NE
February/2/1830 Henry, Stephen Smith, Jr., Henry Kezia 571 13 15 12 NE
January/30/1830 Axe, Jacob Cornell, Isaac Priscilla 573 14 18 12 PNW 47 acres
January/30/1830 Axe, Jacob Cornell, Isaac Priscilla 573 14 18 11 PNE 21 acres
May/15/1826 White, Joseph W. White, Deborah 574 11 15 22 PNW 80 acres
November/13/1829 Teeters, Abraham Teeters, Daniel Mary Ann Henry Teeters, deceased 575 11 17 9 PNE
November/24/1828 Kurtz, Christian Hemperly, John Elizabeth 576 15 21 7 NE Ashland 160 acres
December/5/1829 Householder, Andrew Kurtz, Christian John Hemperly 577 15 21 7 PNE Ashland 80 acres
January/14/1830 Householder, Andrew Kurtz, Christian 578 15 21 7 PNW Ashland 80 acres
December/21/1829 Goudy, John Williams, Menoris Aurelia Andrew Douglas, David Munn and wife, Mary 579 11 16 18 SE 160 acres; conditions
December/25/1824 , Zook, etal, John Zook & Yoder Schoolhouse & Graveyard 581 12 17 28 PNW 1 acre; 19 signatures written in German
December/25/1824 , Lantz, etal, Christian Zook & Yoder Schoolhouse and Graveyard 581 12 17 28 PNW 1 acre; 19 signatures written in German
December/23/1829 Weygandt, Peter Weygandt, Samuel Rebecca 582 11 18 36 PNE 5 acres
December/16/1829 Hatch, Isaac Childs, James 583 14 19 29 PSW 146 acres
March/15/1830 Jones, John Galbrath, James Sarah 584 11 15 15 PNW 89, 90, 91, and 92 Paintville (Mt. Eaton) 9 acres
February/9/1818 Anderson, John Deardorff, Christian Margaret 585 15 21 5 PSW 18 Jeromesville Ashland
March/24/1830 Campbell, John Campbell, Joseph Elizabeth 586 15 21 13 PSE 28 acres; exception of water privilege
January/6/1830 Burdet, John M. Castle, Alonzo 587 13 17 13 PNW 10 acres
January/17/1829 Harned, Noah McMonigal, Andrew Sarah 588 13 16 4 PNW 50 acres
March/19/1830 Stentz, Philip Straub, Henry Susanna Peter Anspaugh and wife, Elizabeth 589 13 16 23 PSE 70 acres
February/27/1827 Linn, Isaiah Craig, William Susanna 590 15 23 31 PNW Ashland 100 acres
June/24/1829 Little, Aaron Jewel, John Catharine 592 14 18 21 PSE 118 acres
March/5/1830 Christy, George Shinnamon, Isaac Barbara 593 14 20 36 SE
December/5/1829 Coulter, Samuel Larwill, Joseph H. Nancy Q. Jacob Burgan and wife, Mary 593 part of 64 and 65 Wooster
February/27/1830 Miller, John Campbell, John Mary 594 11 17 27 PN[W] 40 acres
March/5/1830 Anderson, David Miller, John Susannah John Campbell 595 11 17 27 PNE 39 acres
March/20/1830 Moore, William Anderson, David Deborah John Campbell, John Miller 596 11 17 27 PNE 39 acres
March/20/1830 Anderson, David Moore, William Margaret 597 11 17 27 PSW 40 acres
December/9/1829 Neistetter, Conrad Pratt, Luther M. Elizabeth 598 8 Dover (Dalton)
October/23/1819 Bigham, William United States, 599 13 15 24 SW 160 acres
December/16/1829 Akright, Samuel Lousure, George Elizabeth Christopher Losure 600 14 19 33 PNW 80 acres
November/28/1829 Yoder, Peter Yoder, Solomon Barbara 601 12 17 3 NE
November/ -/1827 Gaut, etal, John Smith, John Matthew Gaut, deceased, Mary Gaut, widow; James Gaut, James Love and wife, Anne; Hugh Espy and wife, Nancy; Jane Gaut Common Pleas Court, June 1826 601 13 17 31 PNW 60 acres; Subject to widow's dower
November/ -/1827 Gaut, etal, Matthew Smith, John Matthew Gaut, deceased, Mary Gaut, widow; James Gaut, James Love and wife, Anne; Hugh Espy and wife, Nancy, Jane Gaut Common Pleas Court, June 1826 601 13 17 31 PNW 60 acres; Subject to widow's dower
November/ -/1827 Gaut, etal, Samuel Smith, John Matthew Gaut, deceased, Mary Gaut, widow; James Gaut, James Love and wife, Anne; Hugh Espy and wife, Nancy; Jane Gaut Common Pleas Court, June 1826 601 13 17 31 PNW 60 acres; Subject to widow's dower
November/ -/1827 Gaut, etal, Joseph Smith, John Matthew Gaut, deceased, Mary Gaut, widow; James Gaut, James Love and wife, Anne; Hugh Espy and wife, Nancy; Jane Gaut Common Pleas Court, June 1826 601 13 17 31 PNW 60 acres; Subject to widow's dower
November/ -/1827 Gaut, etal, John Smith, John Matthew Gaut, deceased, Mary Gaut, widow; James Gaut, James Love and wife, Anne; Hugh Espy and wife, Nancy; Jane Gaut Common Pleas Court, June 1826 601 13 16 21 PSE 70 acres; Subject to widow's dower
November/ -/1827 Gaut, etal, Matthew Smith, John Matthew Gaut, deceased, Mary Gaut, widow; James Gaut, James Love and wife, Anne; Hugh Espy and wife, Nancy; Jane Gaut Common Pleas Court, June 1826 601 13 16 21 PSE 70 acres; Subject to widow's dower
November/ -/1827 Gaut, etal, Samuel Smith, John Matthew Gaut, deceased, Mary Gaut; James Gaut, James Love and wife, Anne; James Love and wife, Nancy; Jane Gaut Common Pleas Court, June 1826 601 13 16 21 PSE 70 acres; Subject to widow's dower
November/ -/1827 Gaut, etal, Joseph Smith, John Matthew Gaut, deceased, Mary Gaut, widow; James Gaut, James Love and wife, Anne; Hugh Espy and wife, Nanc y; Jane Gaut Common Pleas Court, June 1826 601 13 16 21 PSE 70 acres; Subject to widow's dower
January/1/1830 Watson, Samuel Watson, Sr., James Millson 603 11 16 27 PNE 39 acres
January/2/1830 Watson, Joshua Watson, Sr., James Millson 604 11 16 27 PNE 39 acres
December/14/1829 Kiester, Adam Swanger, Peter Catharine 605 12 16 15 PSW
October/21/1829 Miller, Joseph Miller, Elizabeth 606 13 17 19 PNW 40 acres
January/18/1830 Kimes, John Moore, Andrew Elenor Andrew Poe, John Thompson and wife, Jane 606 14 21 2 SW
December/22/1829 Moore, Andrew Thompson, John Jean Andrew Poe 607 14 21 2 PSW 80 acres
January/16/1830 Klingam, etal, Jacob Moore, Andrew John Thompson, Andrew Poe and wife, Nancy 608 14 21 2 PSW 94 acres; Mortgage deed
January/16/1830 Long Ewing, etal, Catharine Moore, Andrew John Thompson, Andrew Poe and wife, Nancy 608 14 21 2 PSW 94 acres; Mortgage deed
January/16/1830 Long, etal, Barbara Moore, Andrew John Thompson, Andrew Poe and wife, Nancy 608 14 21 2 PSW 94 acres; Mortgage deed
November/24/1829 Kymes, Coonrad Nafyger, John Catharine Mordecai Boon, John Long 609 14 21 4 PNE 100 acres
November/25/1829 Kimes, Conrod Park, John Sarah 610 14 21 3 PNW 50 acres
November/20/1826 Craig, James Craig, William Sarah 611 14 20 27 PSE 11 acres
April/3/1830 Geiselman, Joseph Wetzel, George Sara Jonathan G. Smith 612 13 [15] 36 PNW 32 acres
April/1/1830 Harriott, James E. Jones, Enoch Sophronia J. Joseph S. Lake 613 108 Wooster
October/6/1829 Sheradin, Henry Lawrance, John Anna Simon Bell 614 15 21 32 PSE Ashland 129 acres
November/14/1829 Boyles, William Eagle, John 615 15 21 12 PNW
December/2/1829 Coe, James White, Henry Mary John Goudy 616 11 16 4 PNE
February/22/1830 Blough, Peter Blough, David Polly 618 12 18 30 NE 160 acres
February/22/1830 Blough, John Blough, David Polly David Allison 619 12 18 29 NW
March/29/1830 Whitman, Christian Denius, Samuel Salome Peter Dennis 621 11 18 6 PS 1/2 119 acres
February/8/1830 Chapman, Arden Hall, James Julia 622 13 17 11 PSE .5 acre; west side of town of Jackson
February/8/1830 Chapman, Arden Hall, James Julia 623 5 Jackson Except NE corner (1850 feet)
June/10/1829 Chapman, etal, Arden Weed, etal, Orlando 624 13 17 11 PSE .5 acre
June/10/1829 Hall, etal, James Weed, etal, Orlando 624 13 17 11 PSE .5 acre
June/10/1829 Chapman, etal, Arden Plummer, etal, Daniel 624 13 17 11 PSE .5 acre
June/10/1829 Hall, etal, James Plummer etal, Daniel 624 13 17 11 PSE .5 acre
June/10/1829 Hall, James Weed, etal, Orlando 625 5 Jackson
June/10/1829 Hall, James Plummer, etal, Daniel 625 5 Jackson
April/20/1830 Marder, John Frederick, Andrew Elizabeth 625 14 20 24 PSE 10 acres
April/19/1830 Funk, Samuel Oram, Joshua Elizabeth 626 15 20 22 PNE Ashland
December/17/1828 Smith, William Heeter, John Sarah 627 13 16 4 PNE 145 acres; "for the use of Jane Smith"
December/20/1824 Goodwin, David Kitchen, Moses Maryan 628 15 23 34 PSW Ashland 20 acres
October/22/1829 Scherch, Samuel Cornell, Samuel B. Hannah 629 14 18 11 PNE 23 acres
December/10/1829 Hoover, Jacob Higgins, Elizabeth John Routson 629 11 18 17 PSE 50 acres
September/15/1823 Berry, William Jones, Daniel Catharine 630 13 15 31 PNW 106 acres
August/14/1829 Weltmore, Felix Berry, William Hannah 631 13 15 31 PNW 106 acres
March/4/1830 Maxwell, William Yocum, Elijah Catharine 632 4 Millbrook
October/19/1829 Beall, John Andrews, Elisha 633 13 17 28 PSE Except a small strip of land
December/9/1829 Burnett, Thomas Kelley, Ezekiel Rachel James Burgan, Samuel Burgan 633 13 16 36 PSE 82 acres; except 4 acres on NE corner
March/5/1828 Blachly, Rynier Blachly, William B. Elisabeth William Meek[s] 634 [14] [19] [20] [PSE] 15 acres
March/5/1828 Blachly, Rynier Blachly, William B. Elisabeth William Meek[s] 634 [14] [19] [19] [PNE] 40 acres
October/11/1823 Wert, Jacob Lincoln, Mishael Hannah John Lincoln 635 12 18 30 NW
May/3/1830 Kurtz, Abraham Beall, Reasin Rebecca Henry Lautzenheiser and wife, Elizabeth; Joseph Stibbs and wife, Elizabeth 636 13 16 32 NE 160 acres
May/30/1830 Bayles, Richard Smith, etal, Nicholas Leah 637 12 15 3 PSW 80 acres
May/30/1830 Bayles, Richard McFaddin, etal, James Sarah 637 12 15 3 PSW 80 acres
March/21/1828 Barlett, Daniel Byers, Benjamin Sarah 638 13 15 4 PNW 4 acres
December/30/1829 Harry, Rees Shinenman, Isaac Elizabeth 639 14 21 6 PSW 20 acres
November/2/1829 Davis, Jr., Samuel United States, Christian Walter 640 11 17 21 SW 160 acres
April/27/1830 Shrinier, Daniel Goodwin, David Catharine Abraham Shriner 641 15 22 3 PNW Ashland 47 acres
May/6/1830 Heilman, Isaac Custard, Daniel 642 14 20 17 SE
May/5/1830 Heilman, Isaac Dilliar, Jacob 642 11 16 25 PNW
April/22/1830 Smith, Peter White, Samuel Elizabeth 643 15 22 10 PSW 45 acres
March/20/1830 Moser, Jacob Powell, Benjamin Sarah 644 11 16 15 PSW 33 acres
January/13/1830 Powell, Benjamin Powell, Jephtha Sarah 645 11 16 15 SW
March/15/1830 McDavit, William Dunham, Phineas Rosanna, widow of Hugh McDavit Hugh McDavit, deceased 646 11 16 22 NE
March/15/1830 Moser, Jacob Hostetter, Peter Barbara 647 11 16 22 PNW 40 acres; also, use of stonequarry
May/7/1830 Byers, Benjamin Harriott, James E. 648 13 15 4 PNW 100 acres
May/13/1830 Miller, Catharine Mumma, Jacob Elizabeth 649 15 23 5 PSW Ashland 75 acres
May/12/1830 Smith, Stephen C. Castle, Alonzo 650 13 17 13 [PNW] 41 acres
April/12/1830 Rauch, Philip Leyde, James 651 14 19 3 NW
January/2/1830 Robison, etal, Thomas United States, Robert Sowards 651 13 14 5 NW 161 acres
January/2/1830 Quinby, etal, Samuel United States, Robert Sowards 651 13 14 5 NW 161 acres
December/29/1825 Clinker, Rebecca Clinker, etal, Josiah Susannah Obediah & Abner Clinker; William Goudy and wife, Sarah 652 11 16 18 SW
December/29/1825 Clinker, Rebecca Clinker, etal, Samuel Elizabeth Obediah & Abner Clinker; William Goudy and wife, Sarah 652 11 16 18 SW
April/30/1830 Clinker, Abner Clinker, Rebecca Isaac Clinker, John Clinker, Mary Clinker, Sarah [Coy], Samuel Clinker and wife, Elizabeth, Josiah Clinker and wife, Susannah 653 11 16 18 SW 166 acres
September/3/1825 Clinker, Rebecah Cllinker, etal, Isaac Obediah Clinker, deceased; William Goudy and wife, Sarah; Sarah Coy; David Coy 654 11 16 18 SW
September/3/1825 Clinker, Rebecah Clinker, etal, John Obediah Clinker, deceased; William Goudy and wife, Sarah; Sarah Coy, David Coy 654 11 16 18 SW
September/3/1825 Clinker, Rebecah Clinker, etal, Mary Obediah Clinker, deceased; William Goudy and wife, Sarah; Sarah Coy, David Coy 654 11 16 18 SW
September/10/1828 MiddleKauff, Christian S. Reinoehl, John Mary 11 11 16 25 PNE 40 acres
January/13/1829 , Switzer, etal, Jacob Town of Middletown (Dalton) 92 11 16 10 PNW Surveyed 27 December 1828
January/17/1829 , Butler, etal, Jonathan Town of Moorefield (Moreland) 95 13 14 4 PSW