Creston, Ohio

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  • Creston, Ohio
  • June 30,1861
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    • 100 North Main St., Creston, 44217, Ohio

The village was named Seville Station when Isaac Wells platted farm land in 1860. The Atlantic and Great Western Railroad, later known as the Erie, laid track in 1863. The station located at the intersection of the track and Cleveland-Columbus pike road was called the "pike station. In 1865 a post office was established in Pike Station, Ohio by Postmaster Ebenezer A. Benjamin, consequently changing the village's name to Pike Station. The name was changed to Creston on July 5, 1881. It was incorporated on June 2, 1899.[1]


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Villages & Towns with a Creston 44217 Zip Code

Source: Place names in Wayne County, Ohio

Canaan Township

Quick Facts

Creston Firsts


  • County Surveyor John C. Brinkerhoff has just completed a plat of the village of Creston and placed it in the Recorder's office. It is a fine piece of workmanship and gives evidence of great care and labor in its execution. All streets and lots are laid off and the plat will be of incalculable benefit to the county officials and the citizens of Creston. Mr. Brinkerhoff deserves credit for the handsome manner in which he has been able to turn out the work. [2]

Growth of a Town

Internal Databases

  1. Wayne County History Book Committee. A History of Wayne County, Ohio. Dallas: Taylor Publishing Company, 1987. pg. 30.
  2. Jacksonian, Wooster, Ohio. 1882 June 29, p. 3.