1873 West Salem Advertising Business Directory

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1873 West Salem Advertising Business Directory

Last Name First Name Occupation Description Location
App J.W. Merchant Dealer in staple and fancy dry goods, notions,
Queensware, hats, caps, and groceries
West Salem
Zehner John Merchant (with Edwin Fritzinger General dealers in dry goods, fancy goods, notions,
hats and caps, groceries, Queensware, etc.
West Salem
Fritzinger Edwin Merchant (with John Zehner) General dealers in dry goods, fancy goods, notions,
hats and caps, groceries, Queensware, etc.
West Salem
Peckinpaugh T.W. Attorney Attorney At Law West Salem
Jeffries J Attorney Attorney At Law West Salem
Barnhart D Notary Justice of the Peace West Salem
Leatherman J Notary Justice of the Peace West Salem
Parsons Wm Blacksmith wagons and carriages, blacksmithing done to order West Salem
Straight Wm. E. Blacksmith every description West Salem
McClellan W.R. Banker cashier of Western Reserve Bank West Salem
McKee A.F. & H.H Boot and Shoe Maker Dealers in boots and shoes, etc. West Salem
McNeely Wm Boot and Shoe Maker Dealer in boots and shoes, etc. West Salem
Rice J.H. Boot and Shoe Maker Boot and Shoe Maker West Salem
Snowberger Elgin Brick Manufacturer Holmes first class bricks West Salem
Carmack J.S. Brick Manufacturer Manufacturer of bricks West Salem
Kemmery J Carpenter Carpenter and builder West Salem
Miller Thomas Carpenter Carpenter and builder West Salem
Hosler John Carpenter Carpenter and builder West Salem
Gable, Harbaugh & Co Druggist Dealers in drugs, medicines and perfumery,
chemicals, soaps, combs, brushes, trusses,
supporter and shoulder braces, fancy and toilet articles
books and stationery, glass, paints, varnish and dye stuffs
and patent medicines
West Salem
Henney J.R. Grocery of the firm of Henney & Miller,
General dealer in groceries, provisions, fruits, and country produce
West Salem
Read J.W. Grocery Provision store
Emporium Block, Main Street
West Salem
Bahl Peter Grocery Dealer in groceries, provisions, fruits and country produce
on Buckeye Street opposite the Exchange
West Salem
Bread N.G. (with M & G Read) Grocery Bakery and provisions opposite Main Street
Confectionery and groceries on Buckeye Street
Ice cream and Oyster Saloon on Main Street
West Salem
M & G Read (with N. Bread) Grocery Bakery and provisions opposite Main Street
Confectionery and groceries on Buckeye Street
Ice cream and Oyster Saloon on Main Street
West Salem
Myers & Hewit Grain Dealer Dealers in grain, seed wool, salt, lime, coal and plaster West Salem
Neil & Plank Grain Dealer Proprietors of West Salem Mills
Dealers in flour, grain, and feed
West Salem