Wooster Republican, Business Abstracts 1900
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Wooster Republican July 4, 1900
- Ross W Funck, 1 door west of the courthouse, over Harding and Co..
- WF Kean, over McClarran Grocery Store in Iron block, W Liberty Street.
- Johnson and Taylor, rooms 1 and 2, D Nice block, E Liberty Street.
- McClure and Smyser, office 6 ME, upstiars. EW Newkirk, office Jackson block, NE side of square.
- Hiram B Swartz, ex-probate judge of Wayne County, office in McClelland block.
- Dr. John A Gann, office , 111 N Market Street.
- Dr. HA Hart, Downing block, NE side of public square.
- Drs. Stoll and Ryall, north of the county buildings.
- Thomas Elder, office over Laubach and Boyd drug store, SE side of square.
- Dr. HN Mateer, office and laboratory, SW corner of North and Buckeye Streets.
- Wooster National Bank, capital 100000, surplus 10000. LP Ohliger- pres., David Taggert- VP, LR Kramer- asst. cashier, CE Ohliger- teller, David Bitner, Martin Welker, SG Hawley, JR Zimmerman, David Taggert, CV Hard and LP Ohliger.
- Wayne County National Bank.
- Wooster Book Bindery, of Jacob Fischer in Frick memorial block, W Liberty Street.
- Harbaugh wants to sell you a AB Chase piano or first class organ.
- AJ Frederick and Co., E Liberty Street.
- Post Office in American Hotel.
- Freedlander one price clothing store in Frick memorial block, W Liberty Street.
- Potter Bros. at Beebe old stand, Wooster for children’s ware and clothing.
- HF Crowl, undertaking, 21 E Liberty Street, with AS Lehman.
- WH Wiler shoe store, W Liberty Street.
- William Annat Company, SW side of square. McClure and Co., 21 N Buckeye Street.
- Nick Amster, 4 doors west of the courthouse.
- Harding & Company Hardware.