Wooster Republican, Business Abstracts 1899
Wooster Republican Jan. 11, 1899
Ross W Funck, over Harding and Co. Hardware store.
WF Kean, over McClarran grocery store.
Johnson and Taylor, office rooms 1 and 2, D Nice block.
McClure and Smyser, office, 6ME, upstairs.
EW Newkirk, office over Quimby Shoe Store.
Dr. FS McKinney, Fredericksburg.
Dr. John A Gann, office 111 N Market Street, 2 doors north of the Episcopal Church.
Dr. HA Hart, office and residence N Market Street, nearly opposite the new Lutheran Church.
Drs. Stoll and Ryall, office N Market Street, north of the county buildings.
HR Murmaw, piano tuning.
Wooster Book Bindery of Jacob Fischer, Frick block.
Wooster National Bank, capital 100000, surplus 10000, LP Ohliger- president, David Taggert- VP, CE Ohliger- teller.
Bargins in fine foot ware at WH Wiler, W Liberty Street.
Saws and axes at Rich and Blough, NE corner of public square.
AJ Frederick and Co., three doors west of the post office.
Wooster Republican Feb. 4, 1899
Wayne County’s first son to sit as circit judge, ML Smyser. Guest of honor, Judge John A Swartz of Newark who is the second son of the county to grace the bench. A dinner was held at Archer House. Hon. ML Smyser who filled the unexpired term of circit judge of the 6th Judical District of Ohio by the death of Judge C Pomerene. RR Adams made a toast with John McSweeney, Hon AS McClure, Hon LR Critchfield, Hon Hiram B Swartz. Response given by HM Smyser. Jacob A Frick and Henry and Harry McClarran were also there. John McClarran, Frank Taggert, Ross W Funck, Benjamin Eason, EJ Church, Dr. JB Stahl, RL Adair, Dr. JD Beear, Nick Amster, Will Miller, PT Downing, David Myer, George Miller, TW Orr, George Clapper, WD Tyler, Daniel Funck, George Power were some of the distinguish guests.
Eastern House, Aaron Boffehmyre, E Liberty Street.
Stoner China Store
Bryson Store
Clark Lumber Yard
Watch for the great sale of 3678 worth of clothing. Clearance sale. M Bashin, opposite the Archer House, E Liberty Street.
Wooster Republican Marth 8, 1899
Fine house built in Wooster in many years. A showcase made of glass. Rev. OA Hills DD, in a few weeks will take possession of the new house on College Ave. It has 48 rooms counting closets and baths. Architect is George Barbar of Knoxville. DC Curry and Co. furnished lumber, JC Tiech did the plumbing and roofing and John W Inters plastered. Samuel Metzler did the painting.
Work under way on one of the most busiest blocks in the city on the Iron Block owned by Jacob Frick. An addition is being placed over the ware rooms of Harry McClarran grocery and WA Robertson shoe store. The new structure is to be used by Harding and Co. as a repository for exhibiting their fine vehicles. The additional store will be 40 feet wide and 70 feet long. The story will be 14 feet high and windows will be glass. The roof top contract to James Miller to have rooms ready by April 1st. Harding and Co. will throw rooms open early in April when they promise the greatest display of vehicles ever seen in Wooster or Wayne County.
Mr. Christine has opened a new furniture store in room of new Quimby block, lower room filled with lastest style household goods.
Matt J Booz, photographer, has secured a lease to suit of rooms in Quimby block over the McClure furnishing goods store and on April 1st will open a gallery.
Wooster Republican April 5, 1899
We make mention of the changes. The headquarters of telephone exchange under management, 3rd floor, D Nice block, has been completely changed so can be used for that. Also great show room. AJ Frederick and Co. has leased the 2nd floor D Nice block.
E Paumier and Co. shoe store, 31 S Market Strreet, on April 8th.
IN Kinney, LS Cooley and John C Shultz, April 8th for grand opening of Wooster Hardware Co., old DD Miller rooms and Frances Academy Music building. Wagons, buggies and implements and show buggies. Wooster Hardware Co..
Wooster Republican April 7, 1899
Proctor and Ohail
WO Beebe
E Paumier and Co., 31 S Market Street.
Zimmerman and Co. Drug Store
HF Crowl
McClure and Co., 21 N Buckeye Street
Bryson Wallpaper Store, SE corner of square.
Amsters, 4 doors west of courthouse.
Wooster Republican May 24, 1899
Ross W Funck, WF Kean, Johnson and Taylor, McClarran and Smyser, EW Newkirk, Dr. John A Gann, Dr. HA Hart, Drs. Stoll and Ryall, Dr. HN Mateer.
Wooster Book Bindery, James Fischer.
Wayne County National Bank, Wooster Building and Loan Co.
Eastern House, E Liberty Street. Proctor and Ohail drug sotre.
Julian Jeffries, tailoring opposite the Yoder House.
McClure and Co., 21 N Buckeye Street. Rich and Blough.
Laubach and Boyd drug store. D Nice. Bixler Business College.
Fine shoes at WH Wiler.
WO Bebe store. Having changed my plans, I decided to reamin in dry goods business in Wooster and have commenced to fill my store with new seasonable dry goods.
Harding and Co., next door to the courthouse.
Bryson Wallpaper Store.
Nick Amster, one price clothing store.
AJ Frederick, dry goods.
Griffin, six doors west of the courthouse.
Freedlander, one price clothing store, W Liberty Street.
Wooster Hardware Co., sale of buggies and wagons.
Scott Billmore, stoves, roofing and tinware.
Zimmerman and Co., drug store.
E Paumier and Co., shoes, 31 S Market Street.
HF Crowl, undertaking, 21 E Liberty Street, with AS Lehman.
Steam and refrigerators at McClure, stove and house furnishing. Store SW side of square.
Wooster Republican Aug. 2, 1899
Bids were open at noon for construction of jew jail building wing. Opening of bids for new wing to jail which was opened noon and lists who bidders were. The county commissioners announced Van Doran Iron Co. of Cleveland would do the construction of new wing, Jacob Long and son for stone and brick work, WD McClure for roofing and steam heating.
Abner Sullivan and Robert Avery, have secured a lease of the LB Howard room at area of E Liberty and N Buckeye Streets and opened up a restaurant of first class.
Wooster Republican Sept. 27, 1899
Albert Sullivan and Richard Avery opened up a restaurant.
Wooster Republican Oct. 20, 1899
B and O timetable listing.
McClure and Co., 21 N Market Street. Laubach and Boyd. Bixler Business College.
Lew McClure, stoves and ranges, west end, tin store.
Craighead and Co. grocery store.
Freedlander, one price clothing store.
Frick memorial block.
Paul R Elson, boots and shoes, successor to WR Robison, 2 doors west of the courthouse.
HR Crowl undertaking, 21 E Liberty Street, with AS Lehman.
Griffin for clothing, 6 doors west of the courthouse.
Julian Jeffries has moved his tailoring establishment to the Western Union telegraph office oppostie the Yoder House.
Landis and Schmuck undertakers, W Liberty.
The largest and best known furniture house in Wayne County. Great bargins to close out.
Wiler boots and shoes. Harding and Co..
Dawson, leading photographer of Wayne County, opposite the Archer House.
D Nice. AJ Frederick and Co., E Liberty Street.
Minglewood Coal and Ice Co., AJ Smith, manager.
Fogelson and McCormick, tailors, SE side of public square.
CD Smith and Son, for coal.
Cad service at E Luce.
Wooster Republican Nov. 10, 1899
Julian Jeffries has moved his tailoring establishment to the Western Union telegraph office opposite the Yoder House.
Wooster Republican Dec. 13, 1899
Ross W Funck. Wm F Kean. Johnson and Taylor. McClure and Smyser. EW Newkirk. John A Gann. Dr. HA Hart. Drs. Stoll and Ryall. Dr. HN Mateer. Wayne County National Bank. Wooster National Bank. Wooster Book Bindery of Jacob Fischer. Harding and Co. Hardware.
BF Harbaugh, new music store, 27 W Liberty Street, pianos and organs.
Freedlander, one price clothing store. HF Crowl. McClure and Co., 21 N Buckeye Street.
Wm Shibley, jewelry store, 23 E Liberty Street.
Bixler Business College. WO Beebe.
Mrs. A Shibley, jewelry, 10 public square, SE side.
Lew McClure, west side, tin store. WH Wiler for shoes. McClure stove and house furnishing store.
Anderson Bargin Store, holding holiday goods public auction beginning Dec. 11, 1899, having decided to go out of the musical instrument business. I will sell my stock of violins, guitars and other instruments and sheet music. Spears McClarran Shop, opposite City Hall, E Liberty Street.
Craighead Grocery Store, SE side of square.
Nick Amster, one price clothing, 4 doors west of the courthouse.
Laubach and Boyd. Griffin for dry goods, six doors west of the courthouse.
AJ Frederick and Co., E Liberty Street, dry goods, 3 doors west of the post office.
The old JF Naftzger of Empire Mills has made new owner of mills Mr. JR Naftzger.
Dawson Photography studio, opposite Archer Hotel, E Liberty Street.
WH Sauers, next door to Republican office, clearance sale at ½ price for the next 30 days.
Landis and Schmuck furniture, W Libety Street.
E Paumier and Co. shoes, 31 S Market Street. Mrs. A Shibley jewelry store, SE side of public square, 10 public square. Wm Shibley jewelry store, 23 E Liberty Street. Zimmerman and Co., drug store, W Liberty Street. Wm. Annat and Co., SW side.