Wooster Republican, Business Abstracts 1897
Wooster Republican Jan. 5, 1897
ML Spooner, over Zimmerman Drug Store.
Ross W Funck, over Harding and Co. hardware.
WF Kean, over McClarran Grocery Store.
Johnson and Taylor, attorneys, rooms 1 and 2, D Nice block.
McClure and Smyser, office 6 ME upstairs.
EW Newkirk, attorney office over Quimby Shoe Store, Emporium block.
Dr. CH Lerch, 77 W Liberty Street, over A. White Drug Store.
JH Todd and LA Yocum, 150 W Liberty Street.
John A Gann MD, N Market Street, 2 doors north of the Episcopal Church.
Dr. HA Hart, office and residence N Market Street, opposite the new Lutheran Church.
Dr. Stoll and Ryall, office N Market Street, north of the county offices. Residence of Dr. Stoll on Beall Avenue.
Landis and Schmuck, undertakers on W Liberty Street.
Wooster Republican Jan. 20, 1897
WA Underwood of Sidney is a guest at the Yocum house.
WE Oliver, former agent of the Post Office of Shreve, is located at Salem in city today.
Craighead and Co. grocery store.
Wooster Republican March 3, 1897
Ross W Funck
WF Kean
Johnson and Taylor
McClure and Smyser
ED Newkirk
JH Todd, physician.
LR Yocum
Dr. HA Hart
Dr. Stoll and Dr. Ryall
Landis and Schmuck
Dr. JE Stahl, dentist.
Wooster Book Bindery, Jacob Fischer.
Wayne County National Bank
WC Myers and Co. and ML Spooner this morning as agents for John Tiefenthaler of Akron, two properties on N Bever Street sold to John C Talbot. Price 2500.
John Mowery, of the third ward, on Tuesday after Probate Court, caused the arrest of James Rich, the Italian saloonist on the square for furnishing intoxicating liquoirs to Oscar B Mowery, a minor son of Mowery. Rich was arrainged before Judge JC McClarran and pleaded guilty to charges and fined 10 and costs.
PC Given and JE Applebaugh, formed partnership for General Insurance Agency, has offices in the premises lately occupied by Wayne County Mutual Insurance Co. in the Quimby block.
The Wooster Shale and Brick Co. is getting ready to start for the season. They are preparing for a large spring trade in building block.
D Nice Clothing.
WH Bradshaw, west side of the square, expert optician.
Craighead and Co.
Rotthause for barley milet whiskey.
Wooster Pump Co.
Laubach and Boyd
WH Wiler shoe store.
Hookway the tailor, has moved to 5 E Liberty Street.
WO Beebe for corsets.
DL Freedlander
Wooster Republican April 7, 1897
Same attorneys and physicians.
Wm Muschenick shoe store.
E Rotthause for whiskey.
Wooster Hardware Co., west of Zimmerman in DD Miler rooms.
Wallpaper at Bryson Bargin Store.
McClure and Co., in brick building, next to 10 Cent Barn, is to put on slate this spring.
B and O connection and Pennsylvania Line and Cleveland, Akron and Columbus Railroad Co..
I am moving my new rooms next door to the Wooster National Bank on W Liberty Street, WH Wiler.
Grand opening of DL Freedlander, one price clothing store, Frick memorial block, W Liberty Street.
Removal! Hookway the tailor, has moved his tailoring establishment to Liggett block adjoining the Quimby and Kline Store. Fred Hookway, 5 E Liberty Street.
McClarran Grocery Store, W Liberty Street.
Wooster Hardware Co., west of Zimmerman Drug Store in DD Miller rooms.
Wm. Annat Co.
FW Bliss grocery store, west side of the square.
Harding and Co., hardware company.
Wooster Republican April 15, 1897
Council old and new. The new council was seated various reports. Fire chief Gerlach reported fire conditions during year ending. March 13, there were 16 fires and 13 false alarms. This was 16 less then during the preceding year at a loss $789.92. The average cost for each fire for service of 16 men at each fire was $7.23. Report closed with reports of each alarm during the year and complete inventory of all property in the company. Report of water works trustees report of Supt. Follwing given to trustees was read. Clerk Peckinpaugh read new bond of Lemell Jeffries as mayor.
Wooster Republican May 5, 1897
Same attorneys and physicians.
AT Bashford, office and residence at 44 W Liberty Street.
DL Freedlander has 25000 worth of gents furnishing goods, Frick memorial block.
The Board of Health met in the mayor’s office Monday evening organized for the year. It was called to order by Mayor Jeffries. Two new members, Dr. WW Firestone and JG Sandborn, were sworn in by the mayor. On call of members of board shown as present: City at Large- Dr. WW Firestone term expires 1900, 1st Ward- Anthony Leies 1898, 2nd Ward- Charles F Barrett 1898, 3rd Ward- JG Sandborn 1900, 4th Ward- Daniel Funck 1900, 5th Ward- BF Miller 1898. Organization was effect by the results of following officers: VP- Daniel Funck, sect.- JG Sandborn and Health office- JE Barrett. Mayor Jeffries appointed the following committees for years as follows: Finance- Funck, Leies, Barrett and the list goes on.
Wooster is shown in the following new buildings additions and alterations as being constructed. New building- Mrs. Richards and JA Newkirk fine addition on Beall Ave., Mr. SH Dawson and Mrs. Lucas on Bowman Street Jacob Fisher second ward, Frank Dunkle third ward of George Faber is putting in a plate glass window, new floor and ceiling, etc. to his cream parlor and restaurant and bakery on E Liberty Street.
Capt. AS McClure is building two places with porte orchestra attached and plate glass window in his Beall Ave. residence.
Dr. CH Mowery is making elaborate improvements on his residence on N Market Street.
Wm L Line, Frank Roth, Rev. BK Davis, JM Quimby, JW Lanter, James Saal Jr., Lew McClure, Job Treece, AM Parish, Wm Dunkle, Wm Drabenstott and Mrs. Grable are making substantial additions and improvements to their residences. DC Curry and Co. are furnishing materials and all work on the above buildings.
McClure and Co., 21 N Buckeye Street for furnaces.
John McSweeney has sold his South Buckeye Street residence to Mrs. JF Resmer and taken up his house in Babb property on E Liberty Street.
Stockholders of the Wooster Building and Loan Co. meet next Monday evening on proposed amendments to constitution.
Wooster Republican July 7, 1897
(Skipped papers in between). Same attorneys and physicians.
Wooster Santorium, corner of Market and Bowman Streets.
WA Hinchman MD, ladies in attendance, office Quimby block, 2nd floor, SW side of public square.
Wooster National Bank, 10 West Liberty street. Capital 100000. Martin Welker president.
200000 public improvements of Wayne County commissioners on Tuesday with Probate Judge JC McClarran, Clerk DM Musselman, Sheriff WW Garver and Jacob Frick as advisory board, passed on plans and specification proposed by Julian Jeffries for changes to be made at the courthouse and county building. The plans were adopted and so accepted by the commissioners and provided reproofing the county building including sanitary changes in the two buildings, fireproof vault in county recorders office and new barn at the jail. Work to be under supertendancy of Julian Jeffries. Bids as advertised , will be received at County Auditor’s office until August 4th.
Cleveland, Akron and Columbus RailRoad, also ad for B and O connections.
McClure stove and house furnishing goods, corner of the square.
Marbin and Co., best bargins in millinary goods, east side public square, next to Laubach and Boyd drugstore.
Ad for D Nice double store.
WO Beebe and Co.
WL Wiler, boots and shoes.
WH Bradshaw, jererly was in Apple Creek today.
Wooster Republican Aug. 4, 1897
Wooster National Bank, 10 W Liberty Street.
Dr. HN Mateer,MD, office and residence, 60 Bowman Street.
Wooster Sanitorium, corner of Market and Bowman Street.
Dr. HA Hinckman, office in Quimby block, 2nd floor, SW side of the square.
Dr. Fredrick W Pratt, ears and eyes, at Wm Shibley.
Wooster Fair, Aug. 24-27.
HF Crowl, undertaker and successor to AS Lehman. Office 21 E Liberty Street. AS Lehman residence 22 N Bever Street.
Report condition of WC National Bank. Close of business July 25, 1897- assests and liabilities at $379338.69. Jacob Frick- president.
Wooster Republican Sept. 1, 1897
JB Stahl, opposite the Archer House, E Liberty Street.
JH Detrick, horse shooing, opposite the Archer Hotel.
EW Marvin and Company, SE side of the square, next to Laubach and Boyd drug store.
Rich and Blough.
Robison Book Store, 12 public square.
Bryson Bargin Store.
Reed and Glass, as plumbers and steam heaters, 24 E Liberty Street.
Great bargins at Anderson Baring Store, 4 W Liberty Street.
Ice at Wooster Ice and Coal Co., RJ Smurr, 25 N Bever Street.
Children’s head quarters, D Nice.
Harding and Co. Hardware.
WH Wiler shoe store, W Liberty Street.
Wm Muschenick for shoes.McClure and Co., N Buckeye Street.
Ready ware at BF Miller, S Market Street.
Wooster Ohio Shoe Store.
George A Fisher, Wooster Monument Works, E South Street, Wooster.
Wooster Steam Laundry, N Bever Street.
Plank and Gray.
Ellsperman News Depot, 5 and 10 Cent Store.
MS Goodman, grocer, S Market Street.
Mrs. EP Frick, all winter line of trimming hats and goods.
Dawson, the photographer opposite the Archer House.
Forbes Alcock, monumnet works, 112 E Liberty Street, for monuments.
McClure, stove and house furnishing store, SW corner of the public square.
Wanted, white oak lumber at Landis and Schmuck, W Liberty Street.
Rotthause for whiskey.
Geiselman Clothing Co.
Wm Annat and Co.
DL Freedlander.
Wooster Santorium, corner of Market and Bowman Streets. Dr WA Hinckman, office Quimby block, SW corner of public square.
HN Mateer MD, office and residence 60 Bowman Street east.
EP Osborne, photographer, this morning went to Columbus to attend a photography conference.
Wooster Republican Oct. 6, 1897
Hinton and Dilgard, new idea Ziegler old stand, E Liberty Street.
Wooster Republican Nov. 10, 1897
Landis and Schmuck, on W Liberty Street.
Wooster Book Bindery, Jacob Fischer.
Dilgard and Fickes restaurant.
Ziegler old stand, E Liberty Street.
Wooster Republican Dec. 1, 1897
Landis and Schmuck
Ross W Funck
WF Kean
Isaac and John S Johnson, rooms 1 and 2 D Nice block, E Liberty Street.
AS McClure and Martin L Smyser
EW Newkirk
Dr. JH Todd and LA Yocum, 150 W Liberty Street.
Dr. John A Gann, 111 N Market Street.
Dr. HA Hart
Drs. Stoll and Ryall.
Dr. HN Mateer.
Wooster Book Bindery, Jacob Fischer.
Star Laundry, Weng Hing, successor to Foo Lee and Chanwill Kil laundry, 36 E Liberty Street.
WC National Bank
HF Crowl, 21 E Liberty Street.
Laubach and Boyd.
DL Freedlander
McClure and Co.
Clapper Printing and Co., public square.
Rich and Blough Hardware, E Liberty and public square.
Wooster Hardware Co.
Wooster Sanitorium
D Nice