Wooster Republican, Business Abstracts 1891
Wooster Republican Jan. 7, 1891
Report city council meeting: John F DeCocrey, death of Baron Kingsal, John FritzRoy DeCocrey- primer baron of Ireland and holder of the oldest perage. Not married in any other dignity. He was born in 1825 and succeeded to title in 1874. He served as a major in the Turkish War and Crimean War and served as a colonel in the
Federal Army in America during the great war of succession. JF DeCorcey will be remembered by many citizens of Wooster as the colonel of the 16th OVI which was organized and went into camp just north of the University.
Lauback and Boyd drugstore, SE side of square.
RF Christy selling of stock of HE Stanley, Wooster and Orrville clothing store.
T Teeple photography, 120 NE side of square.
Wooster Paint Works, AC Shriner secretary, UG Swartz treasure at 10 cent feed barn N Liberty Street.
Harry McClarran grocery store, W Liberty Street.
G Bixler business college.
February 1st, I will move my stock of boots and shoes and musical instruments into the corner room American house block. TP Baumgardner.
Books for sale at Rices, SW side of square, Quimby building.
At the time HE Stanley embarked in business in Wooster, he was recognized as leader in foremost rank and disposing of his store to Ray A Christy of Orrville. Ad placed in the hands of a very capable man who has a thorough knowledge of clothing trade. Mr. Christy has for many years conducted one of the leading clothing stores in Orrville.
The report that John M Reed of W Liberty street tin and stove merchant has made an assignment is not true. Several creditors are pushing Mr. Reed and to assure them the store was closed Monday.
Robert Gow, 22 E Liberty Street for boots and shoes.
J Zimmerman and Co.
WH Wiler boots and shoes, W Liberty Street.
- WC Yost in mayor’s office City Hall
- Ross W Funck over Harding and Co. hardware
- Benjamin Eason office sustains over Zimmerman building.
- WF Kean over McClarran Grocery.
- Isaac Johnson and James B Taylor #1 and 2.
- D Nice block E Liberty Street.
- AA Ingram over McClarran grocery store, W Liberty.
- HR Smith office rooms formerly occupied by John P Jeffries SW side of square.
- AS McClure and Martin L Smyser #6 ME upstairs.
- EW Newkirk office over Quimby shoe store, Emporium block E Liberty Street.
- John C McClarran office over McClellan book store, E Liberty Street.
- Lyman M Critchfield and John S Adair upstairs next to the WC National Bank, SW side of the square.
- Dr. HE Mowrery office #30 S Market Street.
- Dr. JE Barrett corner of N Market and North Street.
- Dr. John A Gann, #111 N Market Street, 2 doors N of the Episcopal Church.
- Dr HE Hart office and residence, N Market Street opposite the Lutheran Church.
- Dr. JH Todd office and residence, 150 W Liberty Street.
- Dr. JH Stoll and GW Ryall office 1 door N of the county buildings.
- Dr. JG McCoy office Downing block NE side of square.
Merchant tailor August Imgard clothing over Muschenich shoe store NE corner of public square.
American Steam Dye Works of HL Rouch, 61 N Buckeye Street.
Hoelzel and Kalwasser clothing, SE side of the square.
ML Spooner, loan money, over McClarran grocery store, W Liberty Street.
Wooster Republican Jan. 14, 1891
HE Stanley mysteriously absent from city while the claims continue to accumulate. Mrs. Stanley is here and we are informed by RS Christie his brother, that she is greatly troubled and worried over Mr. Stanley’s absence. She has not heard from him nor does she know his whereabouts.
The closing of JM Reid tin store leaves Wooster with only one tin and stove establishment. While Mr. Reid made no assignment, the break is a complete one. Reid is simply turning over the stock to the creditors saving barely a homestead. He has the sympathy of friends in his misfortune. He more than likely will be fitted up for a restaurant.
At the annual meeting of the stockholders of the National Bank of Wooster Tuesday, Jan. 13th, directors elected Martin Welker, John Williaman, LP Ohliger, Curtis V Hard, David Thomas, JR Zimmerman, Frank H Hawley. The directors elected pres- Martin L Welker, VP- John Williaman, cashier- Curtis V Hard, asst cashier- Levi R Kramer.
George Schuch has secured a lease on the room in Academy of Music just vacated by JM Reid as a tin store.
There is no truth in the report that the Underwood Whip Co. has decided to remove their factory from Wooster. The company has received a number of propositions of towns desirous of securing the beacon of manufacturing plants, but has taken no action on any of them. The whip factory is a Wooster institution and will remain so.
Wm Annat, SW side of square in Quimby block.
Claims to the amount of nearly 15000 are in the hands of attorneys against HE Stanley. It has been whispered for the last two or three days that claims of a very large amount have been sent to Wooster by attorneys from eastern merchants against Hiram E Stanley. Mr. Stanley was mysteriously absent from the city and his whereabouts could not be ascertained. The Republican representative this morning investigated the matter and to the claims of Mr. Stanley’s absence was correct. On New Year Day, the stock of goods of Stanley’s store was invoiced. The stock invoicing we were told, was 24047.
The entire establishment was than sold by Mr. Stanley to Ray F Christy of Orrville. Mr. Christy paid the amount of 6000 in cash and gave his note for balance of 10000 secured by mortgage on real estate in Orrville. In conservation with Mr. Christy this afternoon, he said that he knew of no indebtedness, supposed the goods were all paid for. The claims which are on the hands of Johnson and Taylor, John McSweeney Jr. for collection, aggregate 15000, all due to eastern manufactures. The greater part is due to two concerned in Rochester. No claims have been presented by any of our home merchants and his indebtedness here is very small if any.
WH Harry photography opposite the Archer House, E Liberty Street.
Dr. OG Kean of Creston will be at Dr. HJ Cunningham office, 72 S Market Street, Jan. 16th to extract teeth without pain.
Wooster Republican Jan. 21, 1891
The corner business room in old Black corner is to be remolded. The room, when completed, will be occupied by MA Miller as a meat market, corner of W Liberty Street and S Walnut Street.
Marriage of Miss Gertie McClarran, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry McClarran to Mr. Archie Shriner, took place last Thursday night at the popular residence of the bride’s parents.
Member of Wayne County Bar found guilty of embezzlement in case of State of Ohio vs. Arnold A Imgram indicted for embezzlement returned for a verdict just before dinner on Tuesday 5pm, and was found guilty of selling of a note for 200 which was given to Miss Laura Sidal by Byron Fouch in settlement of a bastardly case. Mr. Imgram’s attorneys gave notice for a motion for a new trial.
Wooster Republican Feb 4, 1891
Robert Gow will remove his shoe store to Downing block, NE side of square in the spring.
Emil Faber has purchased the new Jones building on W Liberty Street.
Landis and Schmuck when getting into their new building, will certainly have the finest establishment of the kind in NE Ohio out side of Cleveland.
Wm Muschenich will occupy the old Glick room after April 1st, SW side of square the old part of old D Robison store.
AW Shearer genial auctioneer, has purchased the old Cole property on E North Street for 2200.
Louis P Ohliger and Robert Zimmerman have purchased the stock of goods owned by John Zimmerman and Co. establishment which has long been one of Wooster’s best known business establishment institutions. It will be kept up entirely of their management in a way to reflect credit on name of founder , the late John Zimmerman.
EU Swartz has closed up his paint works and took a position with the Standard Oil Co. in Chicago where he will remove with his family.
The building on N Buckeye Street will very likely be occupied by a grocery store.
Next door to the big Eagle, Landis and Schmuck removal of the furniture and undertaking between March 1st and April 1st to Excelsior new mammoth building, W Liberty nearly opposite the post office.
Wooster Republican Feb. 18, 1891
CH Fisher on S Market Street grocer, last Tuesday sold his stock of groceries to William H Maurer and David R Ihrig.
Henry Schuch has purchased Charles Schuch interest in the E Liberty Street restaurant.
WH Maurer and Co. will open a grocery and provision store March 1st in Ihrig building on N Buckeye Street near the 10 cent barn.
The north end of the LB Howard building on N Buckeye Street is to be remolded into a business room to be used as a stove and tin store.
MA Miller made a wonderful store in old Black corner meat market corner.
Groceries which will close their stores at 8pm on or after February 18th: We the undersigned groceries agree to close our respective places of business at 8pm every weekday except Saturday on or after Fe. 16, 1891 until May 1, 1891 when further arrangements can be made: Craighead and Co., Harry McClarran grocery, John Caskey, JH Taylor, BF Miller, JD Price, Nolle Bros., John Johnston, Leiner and Feiger, AP Babb, OM Albright, MS Goodman, CH Fisher, Wm Maurer.
Wooster Republican Feb. 25, 1891
The Wooster Hardware Co. now owned the DD Miller Co. and Cooley and Kinney stock of hardware and occupy the DD Miller building on W Liberty Street. Kinney and Cooley hereby thank their patrons for past favors and they with John C Schultz will be found at the Wooster Hardware store in new place of business.
E Liberty Street grocery of WH Maurer was left open Sunday evening by a careless clerk and was open all day. About 25 dollars worth of goods were carried off by boys. The clerk is looking for another job.
JN Messmore yesterday afternoon purchased the Eastern house from CB Yoder.
Dr. John Cunningham, E Liberty Street , celebrated last Thursday his 90th birthday.
Robert Cameron has taken the contract for the Schlather Brewing Co. warehouse at the depot.
Wooster Republican March 4, 1891
Mr. WA Underwood has sold his residence to Dr. Ebersole for 8000.
The storeroom just vacated by Kinney and Cooley owned by George Plumer Sr. is to be remolded.
Going to Sidney the whip factory to be removed, the matter settled at a meeting of the stock holders Monday night. The business interest of Wooster received a black eye, will do the city more real harm than the crash brought about by the failure of McDonald works nearly a decade ago. In action taken by men who have real estate investments and which should make them feel an interest in the town amid personal motives that cannot be really understood. An act that proclaimed to the world at large that there are businessmen in Wooster who have no faith in the commercial advantage of this city in which they live and which a number of them have accumulated money every dollar they have in this world. This action is the decision of the majority of the stockholders of the Underwood Whip Co. by a 4-5 vote deciding to move the factory to Sidney. The meeting in which this action was held took place Monday night at the office of the company. The object of the meeting was to consider the proposition of appointment of Sidney which they offered to give the company land 200 square feet and erect there a three story building 36 x 150 and also the company 5000 cash, 2000 which was to go towards paying the expense necessary to move the works of the company to Sidney. Meeting called to order 7pm and met until after midnight and was a very stormy meeting. Louis B Ohliger, Capt. JB Taylor and TS Shepherd who to their credit is said argued strongly against accepting the proposition. The authorized capital stock of Underwood Whip Co. is 60000. Of that amount, however but 51000 has been taken. At the meeting all the shares held by Dr. George Liggett of Chicago, were voted either proxy or by proxy. WA Underwood for himself, Mrs. Orr and Mrs. Talbot 255 shares, WC Eversold for himself, Mrs. Jeanette Jackson and Flora Miller 33 shares, Louis H Keller 22 shares, John Mergenthaler 30 shares, a total of 340 shares all cast in favor of accepting the proposition of LP Ohliger for himself and Mrs. Warren Aylesworth 30 shares, JB Taylor 55 shares, TS Shepherd for himself and wife, Mrs. Ornsby, Mrs. Spears, Miss AM Donnelly and daughter 55 shares. All cast against accepting the proposition. When the matter was mentioned a few weeks ago that company was likely to accept the proposition to remove from the city, it was not regarded in a serious light by the citizens generally. An announcement the question has been definitely settled came like a blow in the dark. The stock for the past six years has paid an annual average dividend of 7 percent and generally known and cannot be understood why a proposition to remove would be considered. There was considerable feeling mentioned in the street and in business circles Tuesday morning against several of the stockholders. One of the gentlemen who voted to accept the proposition said in substance that he would have preferred to keep the work here but for the fact that Mr. Underwood , the principal whip man of the concern, was determined to leave Wooster. Thus his place could not be filled by any other stockholder and looking at the question in that way we determined the best to vote towards removing to Sidney. WA Underwood, president of company was found in his office by Republican representative on Tuesday, confirmed the report. He gave the substance of the Sidney proposition and when asked his reasons for wanting to leave Wooster, he said there were many reasons for leaving Wooster. Sidney was more centrally located to advantage of two railroads, two express companies that covered a much larger portion territory in which the company had customers than the Adams. That the buildings gave the company more capacity and that the works would be better adapted for the business. He also said that the business in past years had been satisfactory . Year before last was largest in the history of company. He talked at considerable length evident to the repertory mind, he had some feeling in the matter and was more manifest when he said that when the first time the proposition made public that the business men did not seem to take any interest in the matter and he became convinced that the people did not care whether the factory was kept here or not. A few years ago when it became necessary to enlarge the works and increase the capital stock, the citizens failed to take advantage of opportunity and help to increase the capacity of the works. Evil reports constantly being circulated as to the value of the stock, that the work would not be removed before next fall. We are credibly informed that another meeting of the stockholders will be held at which some action will be taken to reconsider the matter.
McClure and Baker composed of Frank McClure and George Baker has been formed for doing a general grocery business at the stand occupied heretofore by McClure and Clark.
Wooster Republican March 18, 1891
Wm Muschenich on Saturday, purchased the Baker property on E South Street for 3600.
Dr. SW Ingraham, former Wooster resident , died a few days ago in Chicago.
Henry Schuch has purchased WH Stouffer’s barber shop. Mr. Schuch took possession at once and will retain the force of workmen.
WH Hinton has been appointed receiver of lumber and manufactory company of Hartman and Durstine. Col. CV Hard and Capt. JB Taylor furnished Mr. Hinton’s bond. The business is on fine basis. The appointing of a receiver was brought about by a disagreement between the heads of the firm.
Removal on April 1st: We will move our stock of furniture and undertaking to American house block, Geitgey and George.
Wooster Republican March 25, 1891
Will Beresford last Thursday , purchased from Wm Muschenich the house and lot on the corner of Buckeye and South Streets, consideration 900.
The grocery firm of Leiner and Feigert on Friday evening, sold their stock to Ira C Figert. Sheriff Brown on Saturday, attached stock on execution in favor of Biasman and Co. of Mansfield.
The citizens met in connection to the removal of the Underwood Whip Co. and steps taken to prevent it. Committee appointed to take subscription. Quite a number of citizens met at the mayor’s office last night in ways to diverse means to induce Whip Co. to remain in Wooster. AW Blackburn was made chairman and appointed animated addresses were made by Mr. Ohliger, Eversole, Underwood, Shepherd, Taylor and others. The citizens present seemed to realize for the present time the real situation of the affairs of the Whip Company. The Sidney folks have learned that the Whip Co. is indebted to our banks for a small sum and that it has an unsold stock of 9000 and said indebtedness was embarrassing. The movement of the factory from Wooster officially notified the Whip O. they would pay the bank indebtedness in Wooster 9000 of unsold stock. If so doing, they would facilitate the removal of the company to Sidney. Unless the citizens of Wooster come to the relief of Whip Co. and take the unsold 9000 of stock as a paying investment, no violent measures will be interposed to prevent the movement. It was shown by Mr. Shepherd and others the movement to Sidney was really in the interest of stockholders and the company would make 16 and 2-3 percent on the paid up capital and it would take the company 2-3 years to make the same amount by remaining in Wooster. The meeting resulted in the appointment of a committee composed of five citizens authorized to canvas the city and ascertain whether the citizens wanted the factory to remain or not. The citizens would be asked to subscribe for the unsold 9000 stock. We learned just as we are about to go to press that favorable progress has been made by the committee and indications are that we will yet head off our enterprising rival by inducing the factory to remain in Wooster.
Wooster Republican April 1, 1891
On or about April 1st, we will open a new line of dry goods and fancy goods in NE corner of public square in a new three story brick building erected especially for us- Oberholzer, Beebe and Co..
ML Spooner, over McClarran Grocery store to loan money.
John Rockey will open a boarding house in Frost building, corner of Liberty and Walnut Streets.
A dancing club formed and will hold their first dance in Miller Hall, W Liberty Street Thursday evening.
Mr. Betson regrets that his name has no part in bid by Landers Bros.. He is not a bidder with them on N Market Street improvements.
Dr. ME Mowrey has removed his office and residence to 121 E Liberty Street, opposite south end of Beall Ave. He is an old Wooster boy graduate of medical department of University of Wooster, class of 1873-74.
Wooster Republican April 8, 1891
Harding and Co. have taken possession of the Downing Warehouse.
The Brumpter building on W Liberty sold at administrator’s sale on Saturday to the Millers, 8355.
About 20 Italian immigrants have taken up their residence in Wooster within the last few days. A few of them are very taught looking customers.
Mr. William Robertson will open a shoe store in the rooms just vacated by Oberholser, Beebe and C., in old Nachtrieb room as stated yesterday.
More than the usual amount of changes in business houses of the city took place last Wednesday and past few days. Partial list of the changes made: Miss Nellie and Kate Solliday from Cutter building on E Liberty Street to rooms in the Downing block, Brown restaurant from Beresford corner to McSweeney block, Robert Gow to Downing block, TP Baumgardner to corner room in the American House block, Landis and Schmuck to new quarters on W Liberty Street, Emil Faber to new building on W Liberty Street, George Schuch to Academy of Music rooms, Wm C Conrad opened a new restaurant in rooms vacated by Mr. Schuch.
Oberholser, Beebe and Co. to new block on the square, Miss McAnahey to Klein building on the square, Zarlingo and Co. to the Metz room on W Liberty Street, Wm Muschenich to old Glick corner, Wm Mowery to Ihrig block on N Buckeye Street, Joseph Mowery to room in LB Howard block N Buckeye Street, Geiselman Brothers to the Black room.
Big fortunate at Seigenthaler’s 2 doors W of court house.
Frick and Tyler grain dealers.
Laubach and Boyd.
Rice for sale of books on the square.
On April 1st remove stock of furniture to American House block, Geitgey and Lehman.
Wooster Republican April 15, 1891
Death of Wm Spear, one of Wooster pioneer citizens, left four children: Caroline, Wesley, Fletcher Spear and Mrs. Emma Hall. He was born in Cumberland County, PA, Dec. 17, 1803. Located in Wooster 1830 and went into cabinet business in a building that stood on lot just west of the Day residence on W Liberty Street. He conducted a furniture factory for many years in different locations in the city. His two sons became associated with him and for a long time the firm of Wm Spear and Sons carried on one of the largest establishments of its kind in Wayne County doing business that was widely known.
Wooster Republican April 22, 1891
RA Christy room in Frick Memorial block made very attractive by Andrew Busch.
The new shoe store opened last Wednesday by Wm Robertson and Son has been thronged by buyers.
Frank C Gerlach of this city who will graduate from Philadelphia College of Pharmacy this week was awarded first prize in chemistry in a class of 300. Prize is valued at 85.00.
Mrs. Melinda Spear age 81, wife of late Wm Spear died at her house on Grant Street at a few minutes to 12 Sunday night.
City council report of chief engineer Clark. In his report he gave an inventory in his department. In speaking of water supply, there are 11 miles and 276 feet of water mains the size of largest pipe 12 inches and smallest four inches, hydrants in good use, was 105 cost maintaining the department, was year ending March 16 was 2685.89. Cost of feeding the horses during the year has been twice as expensive as usual. Number of alarms was 21, number of fires 18 and number of alarms was 3. Amount of losses was 2697.83, insurance of 1587.83, net loss of 1120. He recommended the changing of two horses as one of the horses was too slow for a fire horse and the other could not be depended upon. He asked for the purchase of various fire equipment. Estimated expense of the department 2140 for ensuing year. On Monday evening, April 20, council meeting, it was decided water committee would visit the Spink Street well, The Bloomington reservoir and Reddick Dam next Friday afternoon as a body for purpose of inspection and pass on some needed repairs and improvements.
Wooster Republican April 29, 1891
Mr. William Robertson and son opened a shoe parlor at 9 E Liberty Street in rooms formerly occupied by Oberholser, Beebe and Co., Wed., April 15, 1891.
When you are in Wooster, call on E Chatelain jewelry store now in new Quimby block, SW side of square.
Pursuant to a resolution adopted by city council, all members except Wilhelm, rightly met at city hall last Friday for the purpose of inspecting the Bloomington Reservoir, Spink Street well and Reddicks Dam taking such action to increase the supply capacity of the reservoirs by some means of increasing the water supply. George Brown’s omnibus drawn by four horses, was filled up with councilmen and engineer Markley and president Geiselman. They started at 3:30 pm to the well and pumping station on Spink Street. On arriving, their Supt. Edmund Keyser was in waiting. On inspection of pumps and equipment, they found everything in good condition. It was discovered that the custom is to keep the supply of lubrication oil on hand in a small shed over the well. A considerable quantity of the oil has saturated the floor and in case of fire or accident, all might be thrown into the well. It was suggested that iron tank be provided and the oil removed to the outer building on the lot. From this point, the party proceeded to the Bloomington Reservoir. This valuable piece of property was found in excellent condition. The gauge showed 10 feet and 5 ½ inches of the purest and clearest of water in basin. All the party walked around the embankment. Mayor Yost and Will Eberly distinguished themselves by capturing a frog. Wm Bentz went them one better as he caught a turtle. The difference of enlargement of the stream capacity was finally discussed. “All right ,” said president Eshelman and a journey to Reddicks Dam was begun. Reaching the point of the main source of the water supply to the city , the entire party passed over the 8 acre field north of the land now controlled by the city. A proposition to build the main dam higher and increase the storing capacity was talked over and the feasibility of buying the additional 8 acres of land or part thereof was taken under consideration. The attention of engineer Markley and Supt. Keyser were called to a leak in the lower dam at the overflow site. Over an hour was spent here before return trip to the city was made.
Wooster Republican May 27, 1891
Will Gerlach and Miss Laura Mack will be wedded June 3rd at the brides parent’s house in East Union township.
Wooster Republican June 10, 1891
AJ Denver attorney, office over Taylor grocery store, W Liberty, south side rooms formerly occupied by SR Bonewitz Emil Faber will soon have possession of his new building on W Liberty Street.
Wooster Republican July 1, 1891
Charles Zarling has opened a carriage repository on Liberty Street.
Wooster Republican August 5, 1891
AJ Denver attorney, office over JH Taylor grocery store, W Liberty, rooms formerly occupied by SR Bonewitz.
WC Yost, office- mayor’s office, city hall.
Ross W Funck, over Harding and Co., hardware store.
Benjamin Eason, upstairs of Zimmerman building, W Liberty Street.
WF Kean over McClarran grocery.
Johnson and Taylor, office #1 and 2, D Nice block, E Liberty Street.
AA Ingram, office over McClarran grocery.
HR Smith, office SW side of square and upstairs in rooms formerly occupied by John P Jeffries.
McClure and Smyser, #6ME upstairs.
EW Newkirk, office over Quimby Shoe store, E Liberty Street.
John C McClarran, office over McClellan book store.
Critchfield and Adair, office upstairs next to the WC National Bank, SW side of the square.
Dr. ME Mowrey, office 30 S Market Street.
Dr. JE Barrett, office corner of N Market and North Streets.
Dr. John A Gann, office 111 N Market Street, 2 doors N of the Episcopal church.
Dr. HA Hart, office and residence N Market Street opposite the new Lutheran church.
Dr. JH Todd, office 150 w Liberty Street.
Dr. Stoll and Dr. Ryall, office N Market Street N of the county buildings.
Dr. JG McCoy, office in Downing block, NE side of the square.
G Bixlers business college.
Dance given in Miller Hall, Saturday night by the employees of the Universal Plow Co..
Wooster Republican August 12, 1891
Jacob Durstine, late partner of now successor to Hartman and Durstine manufacturing of sliding blinds and dealer in lumber screen doors, Wooster, successor to Hartman and Durstine.
Wooster Cooperative foundry founders and machinists, carriage castings, iron and brass, corner of North and Buckeye Streets.
Wooster Republican Sept. 2, 1891
Marshall Ellsperman has put up a private telephone from the city hall to his residence.
The Landers Bros. began work on public square paving contract last Thursday morning.
JH Hartman has rented the Wilhelm building on E Liberty Street to be used as a planning planing mill.
Wooster Republican Sept. 9, 1891
Jacob Durstine late partner, now successor to Hartman and Durstine manufacture of sliding blinds, lumber screen doors, successor to Hartman and Durstine.
In conservation with Mr. Frick, we learn that the report that he had already purchased the fountain to be placed on the square was a mistake. He said that he already had a large number of diagrams iron, bronze, garnet and marble submitted to him. But he has not settled as to the material nor the design. It has been suggested to him that a figure of a soldier surmount the fountain but he thought favorable of it as it seemed to be the wish of many that this would be the most appropriate design. The foundation for the base which will be seven feet square now being laid. Citizens can rest assure that the fountain will be an ornament to the city and monument to the donors.
Wooster Republican Sept. 11, 1891
Going ahead, the Water Works trustees will begin work on new pumping station. Monday meeting called by Mayor Yost, board of Water Works trustees and Board of Health was held last Thursday for the purpose of jointly discussing the matter of using the water from proposed well in Applecreek on the east side of Cemetery Street. Mr. SH Boyd, the chemist, made the following report of the analysis of the water taken from the test well of the proposed pumping station: very small trace of ammonia but of little significance. Also stated that he found sample from proposed well purer than the water taken from the city pipe that day which is all from the second ward well. Each member of the Board of Health experience opinion and all agreed that they would not interfere with Water Works trustees in this project procuring water which the city so badly needs. As a result of this meeting, the trustees on Monday morning started a force of men at work in order to have the work completed before the cold weather.
The Wooster Whip Co.- The above caption is the name under which a manufacturing enterprise is to be started in the city next week. For many years the one leading brand of whip manufactured by the Underwood Whip Co. was known to the whip trade as leather goods such as team whips, drove whips, riding whips and leather lashes really the only part of whip making that requires skilled labor. This branch of their work for many years has been under supervision of Mr. Frank Keister known to be one of the best workman in the business. Mr. Keister and his entire force will not go to Sidney but will stay in Wooster. A company has been organized. Shop sitting up in the old carriage repository on E South Street for the manufacture of the above mentioned goods. Fifteen hands will be put to work at once and the leading drovers jobbers of the country have promised their patronage to the enterprise. The Underwood Whip Co. enjoined. Last Saturday evening, Judge Dowell granted an order restraining the Underwood Whip Co. from moving from Wooster. On the petition of TS Shepherd, Anamidon M Donnelly and Jennie M Green. The petition set forth the following causes of action: 1. WA Underwood as president secured the control of the stock of said company and voted in favor of moving the plant to Sidney not in the interest of the Whip Company but in his private interests. 2. That WA Underwood obtained a controlling interest and voted it in irregular ways not contemplated by the statue and not in the interests of the company. 3. That the company has not taken the legal steps to remove the plant. 4. The removal of the Whip Company from Wooster would work a considerable damage to the company. We are hopeful that it will be able to give Mr. Underwood a happy surprise in the near future which will be in the shape of a full fledged whip factory with a paid up stock of 25000.
Edward Shively has taken the management of the Academy of Music.
Johnson and Taylor attorneys for the Underwood Whip Co., have filed a motion to require TS Shepherd et el to furnish additional bond in the injunction suit brought by them against the company.
A benefit for Walt Mann was well attended and proved an enjoyable event. About 60.00 was raised.
ML Spooner, money to loan, office over McClarran grocery store.
Books and stationary at Rices on the square in Quimby block, SW side of the square.
Lauback and Boyd SE side of square for drugstore.
Wm Annat, in Quimby building.
Wayne County National bank, capital and surplus 119000, established 1845, Jacob Frick president.
Notice to farmers: Plank and Gray successor to Plank Bros., rearranged their flouring mill and hereafter grind grist on exchange.
If you want the best sewing machine on the market that is a standard you are looking for, go to the Standard Office 2 doors E of city hall, JJ Slasher.
Now open: A great bankruptcy clothing sale is now open. 25000 worth of heavy weather clothing all of seasons make, to be sold at appraised value. Storeroom on E Liberty Street next to Oberholser, Beebe and Co.. House has been leased by the assignee for 10 days only to close out the entire stock of men’s, boy’s and children’s clothing. Sale is now going on. Men’s vest suits worth 11 are now only 3.00. Storeroom one door E of Oberholser, Beebe and Co..
Wooster Republican Sept. 16, 1891
WC Yost, attorney office, mayors office city hall.
Full page ad for Wm Annat Co., SW side of public square, Quimby block. In no time in 12 years of business in Wooster have we presented solid stock of dry goods.
Large ad for Wooster Hardware Company, Successor to Kinney and Cooley and DD Miller and Co. make special sale of fur and plush robes and horse blankets. Call on them in DD Miller’s room, W Liberty Street.
Wayne County National bank of Wooster, established 1845, capital and surplus 119000. Jacob Frick president, JSR Overholt VP, CS Frost cashier, DD Tyler asst. cashier, DW Peckinpaugh asst. cashier.
Overholt and Co., manufacture of best brands of (flooring or flour).
Frick and Tyler, dealer in all kinds of grains. Warehouse on E South Street.
McClure and Baker for county produce.
JS Caskey, at white front crockery, W Liberty Street, 8 doors W of the post office.
TP Baumgardner, corner room, American Hotel, for boots and shoes.
McClellan Bros., books and stationary.
Lamps, queens ware and groceries at H McClarran at old stand, W Liberty Street.
National Bank of Wooster, Martin Welker president, John Williman VP, Curtis V Hoard cashier.
Exchange block, W Liberty Street.
Laubach and Boyd druggists, SE side of the square.
Cash stove and tin store of McClure and Coover, stoves tin ware, SW corner of the square. Lists people who have bought stoves from them: Bryson’s five and ten cent notion store.
Harding and Co. hardware store, one door W of the courthouse.
D Nice sale to close out several lines of shoes.
Odenkirk, Quimby and Kline, Hugh Annat, WB Bryson, Hoelzel and Kaltwasser, Kate Mahaney, WW Yoder, CA Immel, JB Miner, Fred Egyer, E Chatelain, CW McClure, AA Ingram, JM McAnaney, CH Eager, JSR Overholt, JB Myers, HJ Kaufman, WA Mougey, JL Lorentz. On motion of council, the matter was referred to a city solicitor. A resolution to lay a crossing at the alley south of the Whip Shop on S Buckeye Street was adopted. Resolution asking the Pennsylvania Company to light their track through the city with electric light at Rebecca and railroad streets, at Liberty and Spink Street and on South Street was adopted. A resolution asking the Electric Light Co. to remove lamps from the corner of E Liberty and Spink Streets to the corner of Spring and N Market Streets in case railroad company complied with council was adopted. A resolution to extend the south Bever Street additional sewer outlet an additional 300 feet further west on Applecreek to be subject to city engineer was adopted.
Mrs. Fannie Dice will open a bakery and restaurant in the Horn building E Liberty Street.
WS Sibbett, one of the men who grew up in the employ of Underwood Whip Company and one of the expert whip makers, will not go to Sidney. Mr. Sibbett has fitted up a building at the rear of his property on W Liberty Street and will in a few days begin the manufacture of whip lashes and snaps. He is expected to employ a dozen hands to begin work in a few days.
Wooster Republican Nov. 25, 1891
25 percent of pianos, 75 percent of organs produced in the US last year were manufactured in the west. The removal of the Boston Piano Co. can be secured upon terms more reasonable, not by creation of an expensive building. But for a few 100 dollars, not one penny of the amount subscribed to be paid until the plant has been established in the city. The company guarantees to start with at least 50 machinists and within a year increase force to 125. A substantial building for accommodations of the factory can be secured and while not large enough at present to accommodate the larger number of men, it can be easily enlarged. It is asked that the citizens raise a sum sufficiently estimated at 2500 to pay for the removal of the plant to the city and the rest for the factory for a period of five years. It is a pleasure to state that more than 1-3 of the amount requested has already been subscribed. Every merchant and every residence to whom the matter is presented should give what he or she can to bring this enterprise to the city. The time is short. Wooster has the first call.
Wooster Republican Oct. 7, 1891
Samuel F Woods, one of leading shoe dealers of Wooster, died on Sunday morning at Toledo hospital for the insane where he had been an invalid for a few years. He was about 70 years of age and had two daughters: Mrs. Mary Power and Mrs. Alice Curry of Denver which survive him. Funeral took place in the city Tuesday at 4pm from residence of Mrs. WF Woods.
Mrs. Sarah Bahl, mother of Mrs. AJ Seigenthaler, died Sunday at home of her daughter, Mrs. Bahl. She was born in Pennsylvania nearly 89 years ago and resided in Wooster for many years. The funeral took place from the residence, E Liberty Street.
Mrs. Adam Foss, age 67 died Sunday at her residence on S Market Street. She had been ill for many years with complication of diseases. She was married to Adam Foss April 30, 1849 and had four children, three of whom are living: Mrs. George J Schwartz, Walter D Foss and Miss Ella Foss.
Wooster Republican Oct. 14, 1891
Wooster Floral exhibition at the rink November 4,5,6 is open day and evening. Admission daytime: 10 cents, evening: 15 cents.
Mrs. Lake F Jones, Saturday purchased the east half of the McClarran property on W Liberty Street for 2600.
John Meyer, E Liberty Street, grocer and baker, on visiting his establishment Sunday morning, the place had been burglarized and entered during the night. $30.00 was taken.
Wooster Republican Oct. 21, 1891
Jacob Hoover age 76, employee of Wooster Gas Works, was found dead on a pile of coke at the gas works last Friday afternoon. He was discovered by John Blandford.
Wooster Republican Nov. 18, 1891
City council met on Monday. A petition was presented and read: To the honorable city council, your petitioners would respectfully represent that they constitute a large majority of the businessmen of the city and engaged in the trade therein and are permanently located in Wooster and are taxpayers. We are greatly annoyed and subject to disadvantage by the coming into said city for purpose of taking therein of traveling merchants and street fakers that travel from place to place and are not residents of the city nor pay taxes to our city or rent property therein. Therefore, your petitioners pray your body to pass a ordinance forbidding transient merchants of any kind or description to engage in said city without first paying to said city a license to the sum of $50 daily for said privilege.
List of merchants: WH Sichley, RF Christy, GB Seigenthaler, Wm Muschenich, HH Ziegler, A Freedlander, Zimmerman and Co., JH Taylor, Landis and Schmuck, MA Miller, Mrs. CE VanMeter, Lewis McClellan, McClure and Baker, George W Schuch, JW Bevard, Oberholser, Beebe and Co., AS Lehman, Wm Shively, Nolle Brothers, Will Beresford, Spears McClarran, David Nice, Mrs. Wm Robertson, Wm Annat, Craighead and Co., August Shibley, Laubach and Boyd, SZ and C Clark, A Eyman, James Lee, McClure and Coover, JH Young, ED Fisher, WH Maurer, John Williaman, A Plank, WD Tyler, CV Hard, Jacob Frick, ED Geiselman, Henry Marshall, WE Lee, Harry McClarran, Harding and Co., Masarro, Zarlingo, Roller and Wilson, LR Kramer, Wooster Hardware Co., WH Wiler, RL Mead, CM Geiselman, John S Caskey, John W Wilhelm, John Saal, John W Werick, Robert Gow, DW Bechtel, TM Logan, Julian Jeffries, H Gorgas, WY Landis.
Wooster Republican Dec. 1, 1891
Laubach and Boyd drugstore, SE side of the square.
Harry McClarran, queens ware glassware grocery, W Liberty Street.
WH Maurer, poultry wanted at opposite Plank and Gray Mill.
Standard sewing machine for sale- JJ Slanker.
Standard Office, 2 doors E of the City Hall.
Rice’s for stationary on the square below Annat on the square.
Wm Annat company, SW side of the public square in the Quimby building.
Go to Gray and Son for coal.
ML Spooner, money to loan over McClarran grocery store, W Liberty Street.
Craighead and Company.
The charter of the National Bank expired Nov. 28, 1891. The institution was succeeded by Wooster National Bank. The old bank had capital 50000. Under the new charter the stock has been increased to 100000. Below we give the names of the stockholders and other officers: M Welker, J Williman, estate of J Zimmerman, David Thomas, PC Given, WF Ebersole, John McSweeney, Violet Barrett, AM Aylesworth, CV Hard LP Ohligar FH Hawley, JR Zimmerman, Wm Nolle, JB Taylor, AD Metz, WJ Mullins, John Johnston. Board of Directors: M Welker president, LP Ohliger, JR Zimmerman, CV Hard, John Willaman, David Thomas and FH Harley. Pres.-Martin Wekler, VP- John Willaman, cashier- CV Hard, ass. Cashier- Levi H Kramer.
Buffalo Clothing House, 2 doors E of Zimmerman’s, W Liberty street, A Freedlander.
WC National Bank, established 1845, capital and surplus and profits 119000, Jacob Frick president.
- WC Yost, office Mayor’s office, city hall.
- Ross W Funck, office over Harding and Co. Hardware.
- Benjamin Eason, office upstairs in Zimmerman building.
- WF Kean, office over McClarran grocery, W Liberty Street.
- Johnson and Taylor, office rooms 1 and 2, D Nice block, E Liberty Street.
- AA Ingram, office over McClarran grocery store.
- HR Smith, SW side square, upstairs in rooms formerly occupied by John P Jeffries.
- AS McClure and Martin R Smyser, office #6ME upstairs.
- EW Newkirk, office over Quimby shoe store, Emporium block, E Liberty Street.
- John C McClarran, office over McClellanbook store, E Liberty Street.
- Lyman R Critchfield and John S Adair, office upstairs, north of the WC National Bank, SW side of the square.
The Wooster Whip Factory has a number of hands at work.
The case of TS Shephard and others to adjoin the Whip Company from moving the works to Sidney came up for hearing before Judge Dowell last Wednesday afternoon, on a motion of the company to dissolve the injunction which had been allowed three weeks ago. After hearing the affidavit and taking some oral testimony, the court at once decided and found that the plaintiffs had known since August last what proceedings had been taken for the removal and that they had been present at the meeting by proxy and were therefore stopped from having any complaint at the action of the company when the company was substantially completing its removal. The court also found that the plaintiffs were not entitled to any injunction and therefore, dissolved the same and ordered the same to be dismissed and the fight which had been made against the company in Sidney gets what she paid for.
Wooster Republican Dec. 9, 1891
Perry Laughlin of Garrett, a former well known dry goods merchant, has returned and taken a position with William Annat.
Bloody bar fight took place in Wm Conrad saloon Saturday afternoon.
Death of George B Smith. He died in Detroit on Dec. 3, 1891 at 70 years of age. He was a former well known citizen of Wooster. He was employed formerly with firm of McDonald and Co..
Wooster Republican Dec. 16, 1891
John Johnston , the East Liberty Street grocery, put a delivery wagon on road.
On Monday, Frick and Tyler took possession of their new warehouse in the rear of Frick Memorial block.
Stockholders of the Standard Coach and Pad Co. met at annual meeting on Monday. Directors: JH Taylor, Jacob Palmer, George Plumer Sr., JS Caskey, Wm Ley. Pres.- JH Taylor, VP- Jacob Palmer, Treasure- JS Caskey, sect. and superintendent- Johnson Sweeney.
Wooster Republican Dec. 23, 1891
WH Levers and Co.- Builders and stone cutters yard on S Buckeye Street on old UP Church lot.
LR Critchfield and LR Critchfield JR, office in Quimby block, SW side of the square.
Robert Gow, the Downing block boot and shoe dealer, Monday night gave chattel mortgage on the stock to James R Gow, Mrs. Elizabeth Gow, AM Parrish and Mrs. EW Botsford amounting to 2598. The mortgages immediately took possession of the store. We learned from Mr. Gow that his embarrassment grew from a lack of trade especially during the past nine months and lighter trade the past two months.
Wooster Republican Dec. 30, 1891
WC National Bank, Jacob Frick president, has a decided increase of business over the past year. The stately old bank has been here for nearly half a century and now has a capital and surplus of 120000. Security and protection of the depositors has a most substantial fire proof solid block sandstone vault with two burglar proof safes. Col. CV Hard, cashier of Wooster National Bank said it had general improvements over the last year. The National Bank of Wooster, having expired by limitation of charter, the authority for doing business under the Nation banking laws was extended under the name of Wooster National Bank and increased their stock from 50000 to 100000.
On time, the first regular passenger train of the Cleveland, Wooster and Muskingum Valley Railroad came down over the road Monday morning reaching here at 7:45 and left for Lodi at 5:15 standard time. The train which consisted of only an engine and combination baggage and passenger coach being charge of BS Kimball engine and manned by engineer Samuel Stevenson, fireman George Graham. The stations on the road have been named as follows: Columbus Avenue Wooster, Cedar Valley, Shade Creek, Burbank Road, Garden Island and Lodi. The distance from Wooster to Lodi is 18 and 1-10 miles. The fare is 55 cents to that point.
Ohio: M Albright, well known S Market Street grocer, died Thursday at his home on E South Street after being ill for some months. He was 54 years old and left a wife and five children.