Wooster Republican, Business Abstracts 1890
Wooster Republican May 7, 1890
WC Yost in mayors office city hall E. Liberty Street.
Ross W Funk over Harding and Co Hardware sore W. Liberty Street.
SB Eason, over the National Bank Wooster in Zimmerman exchange block W Liberty Street.
Benjamin Eason office upstairs in Zimmerman block W. Liberty Street.
WF office over Gow Grocery store.
Isaac Johnson and James B Taylor office, rooms 1 and 2 D Nice block
AA Ingram office McClarran Grocery store.
HR Smith office SW side of square upstairs in the rooms formerly occupied by John P Jeffries.
McClure and Smyser #6ME upstairs.
EW Newkirk office over Quimby Brothers Shoe store #3ME.
John C McClarran office over McClellan Brothers Bookstore #5ME.
Lyman R Critchfield and John S Adair office upstairs next to Wayne County National Bank SW side of square residence 46 Spruce Street.
Dr. JE Barrett corner of N Market and North Street residence 159 N Market Street.
Dr. JA Gann 111 N Market Street 2 doors N of the Episcopal Church.
Dr. HA Hart office and residence opposite new Lutheran church.
Dr. AH Hunt office 142 N buckeye Street.
Dr. George Liggett office over Blackburn Drugstore #4ME.
Dr. JH Todd office and residence 150 W Liberty.
Dr. JH Stoll and GW Ryall office on N Market Street N of the county offices.
Residence Dr. Stoll opposite the High School N Market Street
Wooster Republican May 14, 1890
The Whip Factory is running on eight hour time for the present.
John Canny the horse furrier is now located with the Immel Brothers.
The grocery firm of Goodman and Leiner has been dissolved JF Feiger having purchased the interest of MF Goodman.
Wooster Republican May 21, 1890
Robert Gow shoes at 22 E Liberty Street.
The resolution deeming it necessary to improve S Market Street with plans and specifications prepared by the city engineer adopted by council last night. The city was ordered to give notice by publication.
A fire that sparked like lightning discovered in the Curry Planning Mill at noon Friday. Five employees by heroic and persistent work succeeded in extinguishing the flame turning in alarm.
David Myers the contractor, left Monday for New Rochelle where he will spend the summer looking after the erection of a fine Methodist church. Mr. Myers has acquired an excellent reputation as a builder of public buildings. The past few years has built several fine buildings among these being the Methodist church and city hall in city and the Methodist church in Delaware.
Wooster Republican May 28, 1890
From the present outlook it is quite possible that many of the residents of the principal streets of the city will be lighted by electricity as the Wooster Electric Company has decided to increase the capacity of their incandescent plant. They as yet have not decided whether to put in the Edison system for residence or the Thompson Houston. Several companies are now figuring on the work and are likely that a decision will soon be reached.
CH Fisher has opened a new grocery and provision store in the Foss and Lee block on S Market street. Mr. Fisher has a stock of goods of first class and hopes to merit a share of the patronage of the public.
Charles H Clark new chief of the fire department took charge last week. His bond was signed by CV Hard, JR Zimmerman.
Wooster Republican June 4, 1890
WC Yost, attorney office in mayor’s office city hall building.
Ross W Funck, office one door W of the courthouse over Harding and Company Hardware store.
SB Eason office over National Bank in Zimmerman building W Liberty Street.
Benjamin Eason office upstairs in Zimmerman building.
WF Kean, office over McClarran grocery W Liberty Street in Iron block.
Isaac Johnson and James B Taylor office 1&2 D, N Nice block E Liberty Street.
AA Ingram, office over McClarran grocery store W Liberty Street.
HR Smith office SW side of square up stairs in the rooms formerly occupied by John P Jeffries.
AS McClure and Martin L Smyser office #6ME upstairs.
EW Newkirk office over Quimby shoe store E Liberty Emporium block.
John C McClarran office over McClellan book store E Liberty.
Lyman R Critchfield and John S Adair office upstairs next door N of the WC National Bank SW side of public square.
Dr. JE Barrett office corner of N Market and North Streets residence 159 N Market Street.
Dr. John A Gann office and residence 111 N Market Street 2 doors N of the Episcopal Church.
Dr. HA Hart office and residence on N Market Street opposite to the new Lutheran church.
Dr. AH Hunt office and residence 142 N Buckeye Street formerly occupied by Jerry Fox.
Dr. George Liggett office over Blackburn drugstore #4ME.
WH Wiler shoe dealer W Liberty Street.
Money to loan by ML Spooner over McClarran grocery store W Liberty Street.
Over 1500 of best novelties of 10, 15, 20 cents at Rice on the square.
George Schuch 19 W Liberty Street.
Buffalo one Price clothing house W Liberty Street, 2 doors E of Zimmerman A Freedlander.
Wooster Foundry Company founders and machinists, John Stevens Jr. manager. Shop is on the corner of N Buckeye and North Streets.
DC Curry and company screen doors and windows.
Hoelzel and Kaltwasser SE side of square.
The Supreme Court of Ohio has decided that Chippewa Lake is private property and that Julius Limbick of Cleveland is the owner. It is said that Mr. Limbeck will shortly improve the surrounding and make this lake a popular summer resort.
The new depot is being pushed rapidly towards completion by Lt. Robert Cameron and his force of workman and hopes to have it ready for occupancy within the next six weeks.
The new bar room in the American Hotel was thrown open to the public Tuesday evening by proprietor Frank Bennett. The place is very handsomely and conveniently fitted up the bar fixtures. The back bar and ice box are all finished in antique oak.
George J Schwartz is making an overland trip in the interest of the Wooster Brush Company.
Robert Gow shoes 22 E Liberty Street.
Lauback and Boyd drugstore SE side of public square.
Dr. JH Todd office and residence 150 W Liberty Street.
Dr. JR Stoll and GW Ryall office N Market Street 1st door N of the county offices.
Dr. JG McCoy offices in the Downing block NE side of square.
August Imgard merchant tailor opened tailoring shop over Muschenich shoe store NE corner of the public square.
American Steam Dye Works of HL Rouch proprietor 61 N Buckeye Street.
Wayne County National Bank established 1845 capital and surplus 110000, Jacob Frick -Pres; JSR Overholt -VP; CS Frost - cashier; WT Peckinpaugh - asst casher; Directors: Jacob Frick, JSR Overholt, WD Tyler, Ser Frick, JO Overholt.
J Zimmerman and Co. books and stationary and drugs W Liberty Street.
Harry McClarran wholesale and retail grocery, queens ware, glassware, lamps W Liberty Street.
Roller and Wilson drugstore W Liberty Street.
Theodore Teeple photography gallery 120 NE side public square.
William Muschenich selling #9 Wheeler Wilson sewing machine.
Article entitled “The Knights of Pythias”, The Annual Session of the Grand Lodge of Ohio held in Cleveland May 28, 1890 Zerox off.
Wooster Republican June 11, 1890
Hon. Charles C Parsons decd Monday morning, Chicago June 9th. He died at home of this son George Parsons of Chicago from Brights disease. Born near Ithaca Sept 24, 1819 and died at the age of 75. In May 1830, parents moved to Medina and lived about a year and then bought land in River Styx bottom, Medina County and family moved on to this land. The judge attended district school until advanced to higher grade. Attended Weymouth Academy for one year. Taught school between 16-17 years of age first school being in Summit County near Johnson’s Corner. He continued teaching in the winter time and when school was out each year, he taught at McGregor Academy in Sharon Center, Medina County, Wadsworth. Mr. Parsons in 1843, was admitted to Wayne County Bar with Judge Woods of Supreme Court of Ohio administration the oath. He remained in Dalton until 1848 when he was elected to office of Auditor of Wayne County. Prior to this he had been elected justice of the peace of Sugar Creek Township. He removed with his family to Wooster in 1849 and took possession of his office. He was reelected auditor in the fall of 1850. After his retirement from this office, he formed a partnership in the law business with Hon Eugene Pardee being in this association until 1855. Then associated with Hon John P Jeffries until spring of 1862. He was then appointed by county commissioners as Clerk of Courts with William Welker retiring and afterwards reelected for two consecutive terms and retired in 1869 from that office. He then returned to the practice of law in partnership with Hon John McSweeney and remained with firm until elected Common Please Judge for sub district in 1876 and assumed duties of his office Feb 1877. He was reelected in the fall of 1880 and second term being completed in 1887. For nearly 20 years, he was a member of the Board of Education of Wooster and was a member when the four Ward school buildings were built. His first wife died Feb 1856. By this marriage he was blessed with five sons and two daughters: Malcolm G Parsons decd; JR Parsons; CC parsons JR; AH Parsons; Alma Parsons also Mrs. George O West; GF Parsons; and Mary E Parsons also Mrs. Fred J Mullins. In Sept 1857, he was married to Relia A Foote. Two daughters were born: Kittie A Parsons also Mrs. JC Hanna and Ellen G Parsons.
William Swinehart well known photographer died yesterday of quick consumption. He was 32 years old.
Beaver and Robison will sell at 10 cent barn in Wooster, Saturday, June 14, 1890- 20 western horses.
Wooster Republican June 18, 1890
The funeral services of the remains of the Hon Charles C Parsons took place from the residence of JR Parsons N Market Street at 2PM, Thursday. Pallbearers: Hon Martin Welker, John Zimmerman, Col Benjamin Eason, James Mullins and Louis P Ohliger of Wooster and Rmboorkef of Coshocton. The body was buried in a family plot in Oak Hill Cemetery.
Buried in a stone quarry, Zepo Stewart. A young man age 20 met with a frightful accident at Reddicks stone quarry Tuesday morning. He was at work for employer Robert Baird taking out dirt and stone from the old quarry when a massive stone and earth that had been undermined caved in hurdling young Stewart to the ground and burying him completely out of sight. The workmen sprang to the rescue and after a few minutes of service, they rescued him from under a massive stuff that is said would have weighed 10-12 tones. A messenger was sent for Dr. JH Stoll who arrived as the unfortunate man was being carried into Baird’s home on Baum farm. Dr. Stoll found that left leg had been broken close to hip and that his entire body was bruised and skinned. That he was not entirely killed is a miracle.
Wooster Republican June 25, 1890
Jacob Frick on Friday purchased the old Lutheran Church lot on N Market Street for 2000.
The water works trustees have awarded contract for the city plumbing to McClure and Craighead.
Attention is called to advertisement of Wooster Paint Works in another column.
We, the undersign dry goods merchants of Wooster agree to close our respective business on July 4, 1890: Quimby and Kline, Wm Annat, Oberholser Beebe and Co, George B Seigenthaler and son.
George B Seigenthaler and son keep best line of shoes for summer ware in Wooster.
Do you intend to paint or stain in varnish? Wooster Paint Works, UG Swartz treasure.
Wooster Republican July 2, 1890
High water brought great damage to growing crops, bridges and fences. Fall of rain unprecedented in such a short time. Wooster and a greater part of county NE and North of city was visited last night by tremendous heavy rain and electric thunderstorm. Fall of rain in city was not as heavy as was in vicinity of Orrville and Burbank. The Apple Creek creek overflowed its banks in a few minutes and less than an hour the lowland between the bridge at Brewery and foot of Naftzgers Mill was inundated with a nightly mass of water that swept everything movable before it. The new bridge across the creek near the post house was swept from its moorings and floated down the valley. Stone culvert on Cemetery Street was washed away. Marshall Ellsperman and others stood on the big covered bridge watching the rapidly rising water and before they were aware of it, they were hemmed in on all sides by water and with difficulty reached terma firma. The Marshall did not want to get his feet wet. Residence of Dr. BF Jones of Pittsburgh Avenue was struck by lightening and heavily damaged. The bank barn of RP Reddick was also badly damaged by lightening. DB Condry, manager of Highland Park says that the water dashed clear over the arched bridge in the park. Mr. Condry moaned the loss of two acres of early potatoes that were about ready to harvest.
John W Bryant will open a permanent auction store.
The remainder of the stock of dry goods of the old brown corner will be sold at public auction, Oberholse Beebe and Co- John W Bryant auctioneer, 1 ME business old Bissell’s going out of business and building being torn down and new one built in 1890. The building to be erected site of old brown corner will be a three story structure with a basement complete in all its details. Oberholser Beebe and Co have secured a lease for a term of years.
Charles Dice has again secured control of his old stand on E Liberty Street and next week open up a first class tonsorial parlor- Charles Dice.
Wooster Republican July 9, 1890
HS Childs is quite poorly. Owning to ill health, he has concluded to close up his clothing store.
EM Quimby has returned to Pittsburgh.
Dr. ON Stoddard informs us rainfall of last Tuesday in 40 minutes was 1 and 44/100 inches of rain.
The electric light company is making arrangement to increase the capacity of their plant. The damage for commercial lighting is constantly increasing and the company is determined to supply all those who wish to become patrons.
Wooster Republican July 16, 1890
HO McClarran, a veteran of company E, 4th OVI is now an inmate of the soldiers home at Sandusky.
1-26-86 talked with Martha Beckett. She said that HO McClarran listed in ad was related to great grandfather, Harry McClarran. She said that my father George McClarran, told her that Harry, great grandfather of mine changed his name from Harrison because they both had same name and evidently the HO McClarran went to Sandusky was not a man of good character. Martha Beckett does not consider him part of McClarran clan as he evidently was a black sheep of the family. She was not sure of his connection. She also mentioned Robert McClarran large monument of Wooster Cemetery but she said she was not able to figure out connection. Must have been an early McClarran before we came from Pennsylvania.
There was a number of brothers on old farm Hugh Mathew etc and we are related through Mathew McClarran. She said if she had some time, she would try and draw up a genealogical list for me.
The new depot will not be ready for occupancy until the 1st of August 1890.
HO McClarran, a veteran of Company E, 4th OVI is now an inmate of the soldiers home at Sandusky.
In taking down of the old Brown corner, a room in which was the heaviest robbery that ever accomplished in Wooster will be no more. In 1849 the lending and only bank in the village transacted its business in the front rooms in the second story of the building. One night the bank was entered and 10000 in gold coin was stolen. The crime was traced to a young man by name of Joseph Bore and the money found buried in his out house in home on N Market Street. He was arrested and jailed but escaped the penitentiary through a legal technicality.
Wooster Republican July 23, 1890
The Bixler Business College is now adorned with a new sign, Bixler Business College in beautiful gift script letters.
The Universal Plow Company is employing a booming trade at present and three full car loads of plows were sold to Pennsylvania parties last week.
Tessie Bowman is charged with conducting a house of ill repute in old flat r iron pint house at the intersection of Cemetery and South Bever Streets. She was arrested last Sunday on complaint of neighbors. The arrest was made by Marshall Ellsperman and the policemen.
A merchant jailed David Stoner . He spent four days in the county jail. Few persons in city are aware of the fact that David Stoner, one of our merchants, has been spending a few days in the prison but such is the case. He was released last Tuesday afternoon on a writ of habeas corpus heard before Probate Judge Swartz, who ordered him discharged after being durance vice for four days. It will be remembered that on August 8, 1888 David Stoner and Leonard Eberhardt, then neighbors had a quarrel which brought about the arrest of Stoner on that day for fighting. JR Woodsworth, then the mayor, assessed the fine of 5.00 and costs. Mr. Stoner, through attorney Smith and Morr, took the case to Common pleas court and at last term of court in his decision of the matter found no error and confirmed the judgment and sent the case back to the mayor’s court for proceedings that the case had never been heard in court of common pleas. Bond in error had been given by Mr. Stoner in court of common pleas and in accordance with the findings. Mr. Stoner was taken in execution. He having no goods or chattel which could be levied on to secure payment of fine and costs, Mr. Stoner refused to pay or make any effort to pay according then the finding of the mayor was unjust and that in accordance with the evidence. John C Morr last Tuesday had him brought before Judge Swartz on a writ of habeas corpus and on hearing, he was released from custody of the mayor on the grounds that the bond given in court of common pleas operate as a security for the paying of fine and costs.
Two boys were arrested for a number of burglaries and listed Minglewood Coal Company South Street office as entered.
Notice of death of WD Barrett age 81 years, 18 days.
Council passed resolution to submit railroad question to vote August 5th. Announcement received choice of North and South Street to be paved. Chairman Caskey called council to order on Monday evening at 8pm. Minutes of last meeting were read and approved. Communication from George Krieger relating to paving on corner of N Bever Street was read and referred to committee on pavement. Report of fire (committee to which report to have purchased a horse from Henry Snyder and son for use of ___), not readable.
Report of fire committee to which report to have purchased a horse from Henry Snyder and Son for use of fire department and the appointment of minute men was read. Report received and adopted. Railroad proposition was presented and read as follows: To city council City of Wooster. We the undersign directors of the Lake Erie, Wooster and Muskingum Valley Railroad Company, apply to and are by virtue of vote of the stockholders of said company at meeting of said stockholders held in City of Wooster June 16, 1890, the adjourned meeting of said stockholders held in pursuance to notice duly given for said purpose the proposition to wit: for and in consideration of sum 15000 to chose heretofore designated for the other stipulations hereafter continue the said company will transfer to trustees to be appointed by the judges of court of Common Pleas of Wayne County of Ohio to an act passed by the General Assembly State of Ohio 69th General Assembly March 1890, all the franchises rights, rights of way and contracts for the right of way between Columbus Avenue in City of Wooster and south line of right of way NY, NY P and O Railroad Co. and point ½ mile of village of Burbank, together with all personal property owned by it which personal property includes about 30000 railroad ties, about 500 telegraph poles, a large amount of bridge timbers all distributed along the line of said company roadbed of said same and transaction not to include the unpaid subscription to the capital stock of said company. In addition to said 15000, it is paid to Barbara Mowery 250, to Quimby Jones 5.50, John Thorne 100, Jane May 400, John M Naftzger 150, David VanOver 100 and Eph Arain Hartman 200. John H Kauke- president, EW Kauke- sect., Harry McClarran , William A Underwood, James B Taylor directors. Mr. Wilhelm moved that the proposition be accepted. The motion was seconded by Bentz pending discussion. Mr. Eshelman asked the matter be referred to city solicitor for his opinion as whether the proposition as accepted would convey the franchise to city encumbered except the items specified therein. Solicitor Adair declined to give an opinion declaring he was not a railroad corporation lawyer nor a chief justice and was not prepared to give an impromptu opinion. Chairman Caskey, seeing Cat. JP Taylor in the audience, called upon him to give an explanation of the point raised by Mr. Eshelman. Capt. Taylor thereupon made it clear in a concise statement of which the proposition meant of what the railroad company might offer to do. His remarks received with a lot of applause from the audience. Members of council passed by unanimous vote the following resolution: Whereas the General Assembly of State of Ohio as provided by statue that cities having a population at last general census of at least 5800, to build a freight and passenger railroad passing through its limits and to own and control the same and that city of Wooster, a city to state of Ohio and having said population, is by virtue of said process given in said act given a major of all the members elected thereof upon concurring be it resolved 1st that the city council hereby declares it to be central interest to said city of Wooster, that a line of railroad to be named the Wooster and Lodi Railroad shall be provided between some point on the line of the Pittsburgh, Ft. Wayne and Chicago Railroad at or near said city of Wooster to Lodi and railroad to pass through the incorporated limits in said city of Wooster. Also, that a special election be had on Tuesday, 5th day of August 1890 at which election the question of providing the said line of railroad shall be submitted to a vote of the qualified election of said city and city clerk is hereby directed to cause to be printed a sufficient number of two sets of ballots not less than 3000 of which of each set at each for use at each voting place and one to be printed Special Election for or against providing a line of railroad upon a point on line of Pittsburgh, Ft. Wayne and Chicago at or near the city of Wooster and at or near the village of Lodi said railroad to pass through the incorporated limits of Wooster. Also, the mayor of said city to be and is hereby directed to issue his proclamation to qualified electors of city giving notice of said special election. The ordinance to pave N Market Street from the NE corner of Liberty Street to the south curb line of Bowman Street, was placed on second reading on motion of Mr. Taggart. The rules were suspended and placed on 3rd reading and then placed on final reading and passed by unanimous vote.
Wooster Republican July 30, 1890
Oberholser, Beebe and Co. have rented the old Glick room SW side of square and will occupy it until completion of new Quimby block NE side of square located SW side old Robison corner until new Quimby building is to be built.
Elliott and Wacker coal dealers are filling the coal bins in the county buildings.
The Co Operative Foundry will cast the columns for the new Quimby block.
The following merchants and businessmen signed a paper agreeing to close their places of business on Tuesday, August 5th for the purpose of endeavoring to have voters of city attend the polls: David Nice, Julius Jeffries, WC Myers and Co., JW Beverd, Harding and Co, HE Stanley, Wm Annat, JH Taylor, WH Wiler, Laubach and Boyd, Hoelzel and Kaltwasser, E Chatelain, WD Bryson, William Beresford, J Zimmerman and Co, JM Reid, McClure and Coover, WE Rice, McClellan Brothers, Landis and Schmuck, George A Clapper, HN Clemens, Quil, Quimby and Kline, Craighead and CO, Obenholser, Beebe and CO, Wm Muschenich, Harry McClarran, George Seigenthaler, TP Baumgardner, John S Caskey, Robert Gow, JD Price, A Shibley, Wm Shibley, B Barrett, Son and Co, Kinney and Cooley, A Freedlander, Buffalo One price clothing house, Roller and Wilson, Z Harsh, WD Bechtel, FE Hookway, Nolle Bros, WS Kellogg. The paper is still being circulated.
Wooster Republican August 6, 1890
Do you intend to paint, stain or varnish? Wooster Paint Works . Give us a call. Work and sales room at 10 cent feed barn, N Buckeye Street, Wooster.
Innel Rothhaus, W Liberty Street baker, was locked up for several hours last night on disorderly conduct. He was opposed to the proposition to bond the city for 100000 and while under the influence of ardent spirits, used some very harsh language against the people who had voted in favor of the measure. He imagined that someone had intended to do him bodily harm, procured a revolver and threatened to shoot any person who molested him. Arrest was made by officer Kelly.
Public sale of horses at Eastern House Stables.
Henry Snyder and Sons.
Council meeting Monday night, passed N and S Market Street paving ordinance and ordered to issue and advertise the bonds for sale.
Did it carry? Just glance at the figures and believe the people want the railroad results of yesterday vote certainly gratifying for those of our citizens who worked and voted for the proposition to issue 100000 in city bonds for the purpose of providing a line of railroad to Burbank or Lodi A decision majority gives the favor of the railroad certainly prove positive as the people want the road completed as provided by an act passed by the legislature last year. Total: yes- 900, no- 42. Businesses during the day were generously suspended and day was very quiet around the voting places.
Wooster Republican August 13, 1890
The Imgard heirs intend on remolding the American House.
Will Kellogg, S Market Street grocery, is very sick with congestion of brain brought on by a fall.
B Barrett, Sons and Co have contract for the iron columns in the Quimby building, NE side of the square.
Alarm fire Wed. evening was occasioned by a small blaze in roof of George Kriegers blacksmith shop.
Pioneer picnic. The committee of the Wayne Co. Pioneer Association held a meeting in city hall last Saturday and decided to hold 10 annual picnics at Highland Park on August 30th.
Near the goal that the railroad must come! Remarkable well attended meeting at city opera house Thursday evening. Call for meeting was made under the Republican and distribution of a few handbills. James Mullins chosen chairman, John F Marchand secretary. On request of chairman Mullins, Mr. CV Hard went upon the stage- a result the following proposition: From a firm of contractors who it is understood that was backed by Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Co.. Proposition Ryan and McDonald railroad contractors Lodi, Aug. 20, 1890. Memorandum of proposition to Wooster and Lodi for the completion and operation of line of railroad partially constructed between Wooster and Lodi. We propose that the citizens of Wooster procure the transfer to us free and clear of the encumbrances of the entire right of way for roadbed bridging, fencing ties and all property belonging to the Lake Erie, Wooster and Muskingum Valley Railroad Company. That the citizens of Lodi secure and have conveyed to us such parties as we may designate the right of way between Lodi and the New York, Pennsylvania and Ohio Railroad and have the same grade of property without expense to us. In consideration of the above, we propose to complete the grading, lay the iron and equip the same line from Wooster to Lodi as early as the Akron and Chicago junction railroad which we are now engaged in constructing which we expect will be no later that Jan. 1, 1891. Giving Wooster and Lodi and points between their passenger and freight service over the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad and into connections into the city of Cleveland. Ryan and McDonald. We also read the following letter to show Mr. Ryan and McDonald have the cooperation of the president of the Akron and Chicago Junction Railroad Company. Mr. Hand stated that from what he knew, these parties were in every way responsible. Mr. EO Plumers of Lodi, a wealthy citizen and a large coal operator, took the stage at request of the chair and gave his endorsement of the project stating the people of Lodi would do their share in carrying out their part of the proposition. He also said that from what he knew of Mr. Ryan and McDonald, they were in every way responsible that were worth ½ million and that they negotiated of their own bond. CV Hard stated it would take 17000 to secure the Killbuck Valley road to carry out the proposition and that a meeting would be held in afternoon it was deemed best to endeavor to secure that sum by subscription. Taking part in discussion were Judge Martin Welker, Judge Isaac Johnson, Capt. JB Taylor, Dr. HA Hart, JH Kauke and Hon. John Zimmerman. Dr. DJ Beer, Jacob J Frick and others agreement written by Capt. JB Taylor. We the undersign citizens of Wooster agree that if the Lake Erie, Wooster and Muskingum Valley Railroad Co. will accept the proposition of Ryan and McDonald to construct and operate a railroad on line of the road from Wooster to NY BANO Railroad and thence to Lodi consideration franchise of property of the LEW and ME V Railroad to be transferred to them the parties represented by them free of encumbrance guarantee to said company the payment of 12000 of indebtedness against said property Aug. 8, 1890 signed by citizens and listed them. Among them were one Harry McClarran. On motion of Col. CV Hard, LP Ohliger, Capt. JB Taylor and George J Schwartz were appointed a committee to at once secure additional signatures to the agreement. Adjournment followed. Additional signatures were secured Friday morning and listed them. Mr. Ryoa Ryan and McDonald have notified Col. CV Hard that the action taken on the proposition is that very well satisfactory and that Mr. Ryan of the firm will go to NY on Thursday and will order the rails. Mr. Hard will also answer it was intention of the firm to have the road ready for iron in 60 days and work begun in a few days.
The first train on the Killbuck Valley makes a tour of the city. The train mad its first run on the Killbuck Valley Railroad last night. The train was loaded with passengers and was received everywhere by loud cheers. Every station on the line of the road was filled with crowds. The run was made in good time and reached destination on schedule. It was feared that some obstructions would be encountered in Injunction Ville, but nothing of the kind was found. The train was in charge of Mr. Charles Barrett, engineer Mr. Frank Burkholder fireman, Zit Bruneck. Conductor David Nice, brakeman Capt. JB Taylor, Julian Jeffries and Henry Lord mail clerks, NJ Clark and David Derr express messenger Fred Harding, Harding and Co. Hardware Store.
Wooster Republican August 20, 1890
Mrs. A Freedlander and family remained some months ago in Cleveland and have returned to Wooster to take up their residence here.
Christ Birh, the old desolate cabinet maker who has been the source of much annoyance to the police officers, is in the city prison charged with stealing a valuable plate cutter from Landis and George.
Wooster Republican August 27, 1890
James E Elliott dealer in all kinds of coal, S Walnut Street.
George Schuch 19 W Liberty Street.
Wooster Republican Sept. 3, 1890
The management of Highland Park should make some effort to police the road along the entrance to the grounds, especially when such a crowd as was on hand last Saturday was present. The lack of the management in keeping the road clear made it very disagreeable for all persons either going in or coming from the grounds.
The Pioneers of Wayne County in Highland Park, fully 8000 people in attendance, was the largest gathering in the history of the association on Saturday, Aug. 30th. Officers chosen for association were President A McFadden, VP John H Kauke, Sect. EM Beresford, treasure Harry McClarran. Directors: JG Troutman, IN Keiffer, A Romieb, RM Downing and George A Hatfield.
Wooster Republican Sept. 10, 1890
Mrs. HM Clemens, teacher of music, 26 N Market Street.
The late Henry S Childs carried life insurance amounting to 6000.
The WCTU will meat at Mrs. Underwood’s home.
Elan Smith has started a blacksmith shop one door north of the Steam Laundry on N Bever Street and prepared to do all kinds of repairing and ironing of buggies, wagons etc.
Canton Wright Patricks Militant IOOF something of history of the order and officers and gave a sketch of MA Wright. (Zerox off).
Wooster Republican Sept 17, 1890
Contract submitted Ryan and McDonald meet businessman are ready to go to work. Ryan and McDonald, the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad contractors through attorney FH Groff of Cleveland last week submitted long looked for contract in which they agreed to complete the Wooster and Lodi Railroad by Jan. 1, 1891 and have the cars running on the road by June 1, 1891.
Photography, WH Harry opposite the Archer House E Liberty Street.
CH Fisher left Monday for Trindad to appear as a witness against one Harry Johnson who stole a good overcoat from Mr. Fisher last December. He will be gone about one week. Mrs. Fisher and Carl Will will look after the interest of the store.
Wooster Republican Sept. 24, 1890
WH Cunnings has removed his office to the Downing block NE corner of the square where he sells pianos, organs and sewing machines.
Jacob Frick has purchased the old Christ Miller property on W Liberty Street and will at once take down the old building and begin the erection of a handsome brick block. The new structure will be 32 feet wide x 175 feet deep and four stories in height. The front will be of galvanized iron and plate glass and when completed, will be occupied by Landis and Schmuck. They have signed a lease for 10 years. Mr. Landis and Schmuck have found their present quarters entirely too small for their constantly increasing trade in furniture and undertaking. The building will be constructed especially to meet their wants and when completed with elevator and all the latest improvements giving them a monstrous show window and over 20000 feet of room to show their goods. It is the intention to use the old building on W Liberty Street exclusive for manufacturing purposes and consolidate the two stores into one mammoth establishment. The contract calls for the completion by March 1, 1891.
Wooster Republican Oct. 1, 1890
Frank Gerlach has gone to Philadelphia where he will resume his studies in the Pennsylvania School of Pharmacy.
Robert Cameron has taken the contract for the erection of church edifice to be built by the Disciples of Congregation on N Buckeye Street.
Quimby Jones will build on W Liberty Street in connection with Jacob Frick, is now a assured fact. Billy Conrad has a lease on the old building having consented to vacate his stock of goods and will be taken off his hands by George Schuch and Emil Rothhaus.
Wooster Republican Oct. 8, 1890
The Buffalo Clothing House. It is your fault if you do not purchase a pair of pants or fall overcoat for yourself, located two doors E of Zimmerman’s, W Liberty Street A Freedlander.
AS Lehman has secured a lease on the rooms now occupied by Landis and Schmuck and Oberholser, Beebe and Co. in American House block. The two rooms will be thrown in and made especially for the display of furniture.
Wooster Republican Oct. 15, 1890
Political rally people of Wayne and adjoining counties. Thursday, Oct. 16 at Wooster following Hon Thomas B Reed Speaker House of Rep., Hon. William McKinley republican leader of floor of house George RA Alger ex-commander GAR president of the day, Hon ML Smyser all lists VP.
Harrison in Wooster. The president gives a grand reception by citizens fully 4000 people were at the depot Monday afternoon to great the president Benjamin Harrison and the presidential party. Businesses of all kinds were practically suspended while the citizens irrespectively of party gathered together to give the chief executive homage and honor. The special train was 40 minutes late but long before the scheduled time about every foot of the valuable space around the depot was occupied by old and young alike. The following members committee on reception met the train at Millbrook Dr.: JE Barrett, CV Hard, Benjamin Eason, Dr. ON Stoddard, Dr. AH Hunt, JB Taylor, DC Curry, AS McClure and Rev. IN Keefer. The President greeted the Wooster people very cordially and was especially warm in his greeting to ON Stoddard who was president of Miami University when the President attended that institution. As the train drew up to the depot, the college cry of students joined with the citizens in welcoming the distinguished visitor. When the President appeared on the platform of the car, cheer after cheer went up. He was escorted to a platform at the depot by members of Given Post GAR and introduced to the assembly by Hon. ML Smyser. The speech is as follows: “My fellow citizens, if anything would relieve the sense of worries which is ordinary incident to extended railroad travel it be exceeding kindness by which we have been everywhere received by our fellow citizens and to look upon audiences like that assembled here composed in part of venerable men who experienced hardships of early life in Ohio of some of those venerable women who shared their labors in self denial of early life in the west and in part of their son that gallant second generation which in a time of the nations peril in 1861 sprang to its defenses and brought the flag home and honor and in part of those young men here undertaking the discipline of mind which is to fit them for useful American citizenship full of the ambitions of early manhood and I trust in the principals of morality and loyalty and in part of those sweet faced children coming from schools and homes to brighten with their presence their graver assemblage. Where else in the world could such a gathering be assembled. Where else so much of free individual life. Where else so much social order as here. The individual free to aspire and work. The community its own police officer and guardian. We are here as a American citizen having first duties to our families, to our neighbor and to the institutions with which we are connected. But above all and thought and by all we owe these duties to our country and to God by whose beneficial guidance our government was founded and by whose favor and protection it has been preserved. Friendly to all peoples of the world, we will not thwart our course or provoke quarrels by unfriendly acts. Neither will we be forgetful of the fact that we are charged here first with the conservation and promotion of American interests. That our government was founded by its own citizenship. But I cannot speak at further length. I must hurry on to other places where kind people are impatiently awaiting our coming. And to duties which will be assumed and undertaken with more courage since I have so often looked into the faces of the people where I endeavor to serve. Let me present to you now and so with great pleasure one of the gentleman called by me under the constitution to assist in the administration of the government on whom you have learned to love and honor. As you are now privileged to know Gen. Benjamin F Tracey, Secretary of the Navy.” The Secretary simply bowed his acknowledgement and Presidents party returned to their car and the train sped on its way leaving behind a cheering crowd.
William Annat, dry goods.
Wooster Republican Oct. 22, 1890
Sensational shooting. A sensational shooting took place at CF Conrad saloon at noon Tuesday while CF Conrad Sr. and CF Conrad Jr. and Richard Lee were seated around the stove in the bar room. AH Moore of Findley, one of the men engaged in the gas well , rushed into the room and pulled out a revolver and pointed it at Lee’s head. Lee grabbed Moore’s arm, who was also seized at the same time by Conrad Sr. Moore was whisked around and the revolver was discharged . The ball went through a heavy screen and shutters on the front window. Moore was in an intoxicated condition at the time.
Wooster Republican Oct. 29, 1890
New tariff law and how it effects businessmen of the county. Opinions from Jacob Frick, Henry Lee, OA Albright, Fred Leiver grocery, George Laubach, James Quimby, David Niche, Harry McClarran, DW Bechtel, DW Blackburn, TP Baumgardner, WH Sichley, A Freedlander, HB Odenkirk, Julian P Jeffries, WB Bryson, WO Beebe, John Hoelzel and LD Craighead.
Mrs. HS Childs has purchased the Frank Smith property on N Buckeye Street 1200.
Wooster Republican Nov. 5, 1890
Council meeting Monday night at Water Works. Trustees made a report and city hall committee was instructed to repair defective pipe on the Sneed furnace in the city hall building. MC Rouch on behalf of the businessmen of north side of square, made a statement as to the great injustice to the merchants and others for being subjected to by the refusal of EM Quimby to remove obstructions around the building now being in course of construction and his disregard to the order to lay a temporary pavement. The matter was very generally discussed. Mr. Bentz offered resolution which was adopted. Resolved City Council Oct. 27, 1890 passed resolution requiring EM Quimby to construct a pavement suitable for safe travel around the new building now in process of construction on NE corner of public square within five days and whereas said Quimby has neglected to or refused upon due legal notice by Mayor of said city to comply with the requirements of council. Therefore Quimbyis hereby ordered at once to remove lumber, earth, stones, building gravel and other material and obstructions of whatever kind for ½ inch width of the sidewalk and 2-3 inches wide of the street in front of said building now in process of said construction and also on street and alley ways on the west side of said construction including the alley on the north side free and clear of all encumbrances of said materials and buildings.
Wooster Republican Nov. 12, 1890
School books and stationary for sale at Rices in the Qimby block SW side square.
Colored people of Wooster gave a dance in Miller’s hall W Liberty Street. Music furnished by D Miller orchestra. It proved to be an enjoyable and well conducted affair attended by about 25 couples. The music furnished by D Miller orchestra was voiced excellent.
The Co. Operative Foundry has secured the contract for the iron work on new Frick and Jones block on W Liberty Street.
Laying of brick on S Market Street progressing very rapidly.
Mrs. Mary Power formerly of this city is now conducting a hotel in Denver.
Wooster Republican Nov. 19, 1890
John Nolle, popular grocery celebrated his 40th birthday Friday.
The boom is on new buildings going up everywhere. The hallway on the Zimmerman block has been closed . The walls are being frescoed and applied with new wall covering.
The Everett club Friday evening elected new officers: pres.- David Nice, VP- Charles Barrett, treasure- WD Tyler, sect.- Harry Huffstott, treasure- WG Whitmore.
We get on best authority that two perhaps three fine brick blocks will be erected on E Liberty Street next spring. The blocks are to be three stores high and to be mechanized molded after French style glass from real intent progress. One story to be used for storerooms and several of these rooms are said already leased.
Wooster Republican Nov. 26, 1890
New Disciples Church is going up in fine shape and will be under roof in a few days.
OPF Risch has returned from Cleveland and taken a position in firm of Hartman and Durstine.
The railroad company has notified the water works trustees that they will place a fountain in park at the depot and the city will furnish water.
Wooster Republican Dec. 3, 1890
Elmer Berry has purchased AF Buchholtz W Liberty Street saloon and restaurant.
Wooster Republican Dec. 10, 1890
William Shibley is now prepared to wait upon the public who call and examine fine line of goods at his rooms, 23 E Liberty Street.
Jacob Frick and WD Tyler dealers in grain seed, wood, flour etc., continue to pay the highest market price. Senior partner having successful business for nearly 20 years and Jr. partner has nearly 10 years doing business between 300000 to 500000 a year. Mr. Tyler will be found at street at warehouse ready to buy everything in their line.
The Standard Couch and Pad Co, is way behind in orders. The past year has been the best the company ever had doing over 15000 more business that in the history of the company.
August Imgard tailoring shop. Office upstairs in the Downing block, NE side of square.
Will Beresford, tailor and draper, E Liberty Street.
WC National Bank capital and surplus 110000, Jacob Frick president.
At council meeting Monday evening, flowing resolution offered by Mr. Eshelman was unanimously adopted that the trustees of the Water Works be authorized to furnish to the Pittsburgh, Ft. Wayne and Chicago Railroad Company the water that may be necessary for a small fountain in the Wooster passenger station free of charge.
Wooster Republican Dec. 17, 1890
Stockholders of the Standard Coach and Pad Co. at their meeting elected following officers: pres- JH Taylor, VP- Jacob Palmer, trea.- JS Caskey, sect. and superintendent- Johnson Sweeney, directors- George Plummer SR., DW Immel, JH Taylor, Jacob Palmer, JS Caskey. The directors voted to secure David Fletcher as the traveling salesman.
Wooster Republican Dec. 24, 1890
John H Young, W Liberty Street commission merchant has completed his arrangements for stating a first class creamery. He has rented a portion of the Quimby block on Diamond Alley on which the plant will be permanently located. He plans to be in operation February 1st.
Theodore Teeple, photography, 12 NE side square.
J Zimmerman and Co. drugstore, W Liberty Street.
Robert Gow shoe store.
WC Yost attorney in Mayor’s office city hall.
Ross W Funck.
Benjamin Eason.
WF Kean.
Isaac Johnson and James B Taylor.
AA Imgram.
HB Smith.
McClure and Smyser.
EW Newkirk office over Quimby shoe store, Emporium block E Liberty Street.
John C McClarran office McClellan brothers bookstore.
Critchfield and Adair.
Dr. JE Barrett
Dr. John A Gann
Dr. HA Hart
Dr. AH Hunt
Dr. JH Todd
Dr. Stoll and Ryall
Dr. JG McCoy
August Imgard merchant tailor.
American Steam Dye Works
Hoelzel and Kaltwasser, SE side square.
Holiday goods at Rice’s on the square in the Quimby block.
Lauback and Boyds drugstore.
A Freedlander Buffalo clothing house, 2 doors E of Zimmerman drugstore, W Liberty Street.
Wooster Paint Works, VG Swartz- treasure, AC Shrinter-secretary. Shop in 10 cent barn, N buckeye Street
WH Wiler shoes.
G Bixler business college.
Wayne County National Bank of Wooster established 1845, capital and surplus 110000, Jacob Frick president.
Robert Gow shoe dealer, 22 E Liberty Street.
Harry McClarran grocery store, West Liberty Street.
D Nice, Christmas presents for sale.
Blacksmith shop of LY Barger and Branstetters Blacksmith Shop, Buckeye Street.
Hon. John Zimmerman dies Monday night, one of Wooster honored citizens. It took little investigation to ascertain the report was true. Mr. Zimmerman has suffered from heart trouble for some time. On Monday evening, he was coming with his friend Hon. EB Eshelman. He left the store for home a little before 9pm. Mr. Eshelman said he appeared to be in unusual good spirits as they passed the Archer house. He said it was too cold for him to take the long walk up to the house. Eshelman said the walk would do him good and continued on with him. When they reached Leonard Saal meat market, they went inside. Mr. Saal was busy waiting a short time. They came out and walked east on Liberty Street. After going a block and one half, they turned back and reached the market store. Mr. Zimmerman complained feeling unwell. He was given a chair and he appeared to experience some difficulty breathing. He asked Mr. Eshelman to go to inform Robert to tell him to go get a hack to get him home. Mr. Eshelman, before starting asked if he should send for a doctor. He said he did not need a physician. Some minutes after Mr. Eshelman departed, James Mullins esquire, came in and came by in his buggy and invited Mr. Zimmerman to go in with him. He got up from his chair and walked out to the buggy and with Leonard Saal assistance, got into the buggy. George Blandford Jr. came by at that time and noticing Mr. Zimmerman’s head was thrown back, took his pulse and placed the other had on back of his head. He told Mr. Mullins that he believed Zimmerman was dying. Mr. Mullins got out of the buggy to go get a physician and before he had barely got out, Mr. Blandford said that Mr. Zimmerman gave a gasp and ceased breathing. He was driven to his residence and the body taken in. John Zimmerman was born in Richen Grand Duchy of Baden on April 11, 1829 and came to America in 1845 going to the home of his brother then residing near Canal Dover. He learned the drug business in Canton, clerked in Massillon and afterwards returned to Canton. In 1852 he and Dr. McCall of Canton opened a drugstore in old Exchange block in the city and continued until 1855 when Mr. Zimmerman became sole owner. Contemplating on continuing in the trade for three years, he rented the room now occupied by Roller and Wilson and located there for ten years. In 1867, he purchased the land on which the old Exchange block was located and erected a commendable structure known as the Exchange block. In the spring of 1868, he took possession taking into partnership LP Ohligher and later his son, John R Zimmerman. By careful attention to business and shrewd commercial sagacity, he amassed a large fortune and was elected treasure of Wayne County in 1853 and reelected in 1859 and served as township trustee in 1862 and 1863. He was elected to city council in 1874 and served eight years as member of board of education. Governor Hoadly appointed him a trustee of the Cleveland Hospital for insane in 1885. His term expired 1889. In the fall of 1889, he was elected to the general assembly as a state senator from the 28th district which district he still represented at the time of his death. In 1850 he married Miss Barbara Holt of Massillon. They had five children: Mrs. Louise Buckwalter of Cincinnati, JR Fran, Charles, and Fred Zimmerman all of Wooster.
Kinney and Cooley and John Shultz last week purchased the entire stock of DD Miller hardware of this city and took a lease of the Miller building for a term of five years.