Wooster Republican, Business Abstracts 1885
Wooster Republican Jan. 5, 1885
Election on Tuesday. The stockholders of the WC National Bank and National Bank of Wooster, met and elected officers for the ensuing year. National Bank of Wooster directors: John Zimmerman, John Williaman, David Thomas, Martin Welker, JS Hallowell, LP Ohligher, CV Hard. President- John Zimmerman, VP- Martin Welker, cashier- CV Hard, teller- WJ Peckinpaugh. The WC National Bank directors: Jacob Frick, JSR Overholt, JG Hartman, WD Tyler, HC Frick. President- Jacob Frick, VP- JSR Overholt, cashier- JG Hartman, teller- AG Coover. The old charter of the bank will expire this month and a new charter to run for 20 years has been granted by the comptroller of the currency at Washington. The Wooster banks are moving along quietly and conduct a safe and reliable business. JH Kauke and Charles S Frost are still at the helm of the old established Exchange Bank and have the confidence of everybody.
Wooster Republican Jan. 8, 1885
McClellan Bros. Books and Stationary next door to post office, #5ME, also depositors for American Bible Society.
Books for sale at SE Speer News Depot, opposite the Archer House.
McClarran and Caskey Grocery Store, 5 W Liberty Street.
McClure and Criaghead opposite J Zimmerman and Co., 13 W Liberty Street.
Cash Stove and Tin Store of WC McClure, one door south of the square.
Laubach and Boyd Drug Store, SE side of square.
Ten departments, two stores, AM Glick, SW side of the public square, OPF Risch manager, old D Robison Jr. corner store.
Pierson and Co., store close out of clothing, west corner room of the American Hotel.
JS Bissell and Bro. #1ME, for dry goods.
WE Rice stationary and book store in Logan and Myers building, 62 S Market Street.
London Tea House of ES Kuhn old red corner, SE side of square.
B Barrett Sons and Co. for steam engines and boilers, E Liberty Street near the depot.
Hoelzel and Kaltwasser for spring and summer goods, SE side of square.
ML Spooner and Co., real estate, 30 S Market Street.
Wooster City Band disbanded some time ago, has been reorganized under name of Roller Rink Band with Frank Mowery as director.
Boot and shoe establishment of William Wisner in Downing block NE side of square, has been purchased by his former partner William Muschenick, who will continue the business at old stand.
James Ogden store, opposite post office, E Liberty Street, old Childs building.
Drugs, medicines, tobacco and cigars at Emporium Drug Store of Blackburn and Leies, #4ME.
IXL Wind Engine for sale by WH Cunnings, agent in Downing block, NE side of square.
James B Power for coal, corner of Buckeye and E Liberty Streets opposite the Archer House.
Brainard Art Gallery, SE side of square.
The appraisers completed the inventory of stock of boots and shoes of NL Baumgardner, proprietor of Boston Shoe Store, lately assigned to AM Parrish of last Friday. Stock 5054 and by book 2000. On book account are adjusted net assets will aggregate between 5500 and 6000 and liabilities reach about 11000. The financial collapse was brought on through no fault of Mr. Baumgardner and his many friends sympathize with his unavoidable misfortune.
Wooster Republican Jan. 15, 1885
SR Bonewitz, office over JH Taylor grocery store, W Liberty Street.
ES Dowell 2nd floor over Johnson Bank, SW side of square.
B and SB Eason office upstairs in Zimmerman block, W Liberty Street.
SB and B Eason office over the National Bank W Liberty Street.
AA Ingram office with John McSweeney Jr., two doors west of the courthouse, upstairs.
LQ Jeffries SW side of square in rooms formerly occupied by JP Jeffries.
McSweeney and Parsons in Iron block, W Liberty Street.
Kimber and Yost office in the courthouse.
McClure and Smyser #6ME upstairs.
Hiram B Swartz office in Downing block, NE side of square.
James B Taylor office over Quimby Bros. Shoe Store, #3ME upstairs.
Alfred J Thomas 2nd floor in Jackson building., NE side of square.
Wiley and McClarran office two doors west of the post office, #4ME upstairs.
JR Wodsworth on E Liberty Street in Childs building, oppoiste the post office, upstairs.
Yocum and Taggart office SW side of square in Quimby building.
Dr. JD Alexander on S Market Street in Logan and Myers building block over Rice Stationary Store.
Dr. JE Barrett office and residence a few doors south of Archer House.
Drs. L and WW Firestone office 32 N Market Street.
Dr. John A Gann office and residence 111 N Market Street, two doors north the Episcopal Church.
Dr. A Humphreys office 35 N Market Street.
Dr. AH Hunt office over L Shibley and Bro. Jewelry Store SE side of square.
Dr. George Liggett office upstairs, #4ME.
Dr. WC Moore office over Roller and Wilson Drug Store, W Liberty Street.
Drs. Robison and Mateer office 41 and 43 N Market Street.
Dr. HM Shaffer SE side of square, over Laubach and Boyd Drug Store.
Drs. Todd and Yocum office 150 W Liberty Street.
Drs. Warren and Kelley office and residence 21 E North Street.
Dr. RJ Cunningham dentist, office east side of S Market Street.
Dr. BJ Jones SE side of square.
Will Beresford tailor and draper, opposite Archer House, 40 E Liberty Street.
Peter W Young has sold his building works to Michael Hofacre, who will move them to the eastern part of the city. He will erect a new building in the 5th Ward for that purpose. We understand Mr. Young proposes to go the Richmond
The old courthouse bell which was recently put up in Relief Engine House, is a failure as a fire alarm. The bell is so flat in tone that it cannot be heard any great distance. A bell with a more pleasant tone should be put in its place.
Capt. JP Emrich has gone to real estate and loan agency and opened an office at his residence on N Market Street.
Fire occurred last Sunday morning in the Jackson building on NE side of the square. Saturday evening, a meeting was held in the hall on the 3rd floor which is occupied by Sigma Chi Fraternity college organization. It was supposed that during the night, fire was commuted in some manner from the stove to the floor. At any rate, a large hole was burned in the floor and the stove fell through into the office of Lamuel Humphryes, Justice / Police order / and Safety of the Peace. A single hole burned in the office floor. The fraternity stove and stove below fell through into the China Store of Cunningham and Bro. on the 1st floor and fire was discovered about 6 am. The alarm sounded and men were soon on the grounds promptly splashing the flames before any great damage could be done to the building.
Wooster Republican Jan. 22, 1885
Note: Tuesday of last week, Mr. Fred Hookway popular merchant tailor, was married.
Sale of buggies for 90 days. The executor of the estate of John Wilhelm deceased, will sell a fine line of finished buggies. TD Wilhelm executor of E Liberty Street.
Wooster Republican Jan. 29, 1885
Coal at Gray and Son selling Minglewood coal, office at Snow Flake Mills E Liberty Street.
Wooster Republican Feb. 5, 1885
The livery stable and hack line of George Brown, has been purchased by ex Deputy Sheriff Newton Messmore, who takes possession on Monday.
Great closing out sale of Childs Star Clothing Store. I have made arrangement to leave Wooster for Syracuse to engage myself in wholesale clothing manufacturing. Office offers entire stock of hats, caps, gents furnishing goods and store fixtures. Goods must be sold by March 5th. James B Childs.
Fred Hookway, fashionable merchant tailor. If you want a suit, give him a call just a few doors east of the post office.
Big blaze of DC Curry and Co. planning mills was totally destroyed by fire. Joseph Shively was badly hurt last Thursday shortly after 6 pm. The fire alarm was sounded by blowing of a whistle at the plant‘s mill. The streets were filled with people going to and from their homes and all were attracted to E North Street. Large frame planning mill of DC Curry and Co. was discovered to be on fire. The flames had gained considerable headway before the alarm was given and before the hose companies could get on the ground and make attachments to the hydrants. It had gotten beyond their control. The heavy snow which covered the ground, made it difficult for the firemen to get their trucks to the scene of the fire and even after they arrived the extreme cold weather kept them from getting a stream of water on the burning building. For some reason, owning to the reservoir being covered with ice or because of some obstruction in the water mains, the pressure was insufficient and the force of the streams was much less than usual. Chief Clark sent for the old Deludge Streamer which was brought down from Spink Street engine house and attached to the hydrant at the corner of North and Beall Ave. This materially increased the force of the stream. Not withstanding the heroic efforts of the firemen, the flames raged in all their fury. The building, together with all of the valuable contents, was totally destroyed. The firemen succeeded in controlling the flames to the main building and other adjoining buildings being saved. The fire originated in the 2nd story of the building and was thought to have started from a stove on that floor in which a fire had been burning all day. All the firms machinery, tools and dressed lumber was completely destroyed totaling loss up to 20000, which is partially covered by insurance amounting to 14000. This disaster is a severe blow to the Curry Brothers as they have suffered similar losses twice before within the past 10 years, having rebuilt each time. They have not decided whether they will rebuild or not. They have several contracts to fill and on Tuesday morning, started up in the old shop recently used as the Wooster Refrigerator Co., corner of Liberty Street and Beall Ave. They will continue business at this location for a while and will decide later whether or not to rebuild on the old stand on North Street. ‘Fire cannot crush us.” DC Curry and Co. wish to say to the public that although our shop and machines have been destroyed by fire, we are still in the business in rooms used by Wooster Refrigerator Co.. We have a large stock of lumber in the yard and sash doors which we will sell low to close out.
Wooster Republican Feb. 12, 1885
DW Bechtel White Front Store, SE side of square, for window shades.
Ruben Bechtel has sold his cigar and tobacco store to David Bechtel and continues in connection with his branch novelty store in the old Belnap stand corner of Buckeye and E Liberty Streets.
The sheriff has levied on the china store of Cunningham and Bro. and Jacob Stark has been appointed trustee. Stock to be sold next Saturday by public sale by Sheriff Mougey.
Mr. Emil Rittenhaus the baker, will put up a brick building on the ground now occupied by AM Miller grocery store next season. Mr. Miller will move one door west.
Pierson and Co. sold their stock of ready made clothing to Mr. Thomas Appleman of Londonville last Friday. The goods were removed by Mr. Appleman to Londonville on Monday. Mr. Pierson announces he has several tables, racks etc. that he will sell cheap.
Among the main business changes that will occur this coming spring are the forming of partnership between TC Pollock, a grocery man and John Deer, several years popular clerk in grocery store of McClarran and Caskey. Pollock Grocery Store will be moved from its present location into the Jackson building on the NE side of the square, now occupied by Cunningham and Bro. as a queens ware store.
Wooster Republican Feb. 19, 1885
My entire stock of queens ware must be sold regardless of cost by April 1st. I will move to the room north end of Bissell block and now have there a stock class of goods, JD Price.
In order to make room for immense spring stock , for the next 30 days, I am selling my queens ware, glassware and china at great reduced price. Remember the place, Geitgey’s block south of the square, Mary E Power.
One of the leading cigar manufacturers in this district, George E Plummer Jr. and Co., situated on S Market Street in this city, manufactures a large excellent brand of cigars.
John Babb died last Thursday evening a respected pioneer citizen of this city. He died at his house on E Liberty Street. He was nearly 81 years of age. He was noted member of Secret Society and a member of Masonic Order and Improved Order of Red Men. He was said to be one of the oldest Masons in Ohio. He became a member of the order in 1829, initiated into Reading Lodge #6 in that year and later coming to Wooster, he transferred to Ebenezer #33. He took degrees up to and including Knights Templar, which was later conferred upon him in 1848. For 47 consecutive years he was elected to office of Tyler of Ebenezer Lodge. At the time of his death, Father Babb was the oldest living Redman of Ohio. He joined the order in 1824, a member of Mohican Tribe at Reading, which was called Society of Redmen. April 24, 1872 at age of 68, Mr. |Babb joined Uncas Tribe 57 Improved Order of Redmen.
John F Barrett insurance and real estate and collection agent, office in the Downing block, NE side of square.
Muschenick Shoe Store 1st floor.
Dissolution of partnership of Lehr and Smith by mutual consent Dec. 27, 1883 with WJ Lehr, FM Smith.
Wayne County Undertaker Association met at Orrville on 3rd inst. and completed an organization of the following officers: Pres. Charles Spear of Wooster, VP James F Grosjean of Fredericksburg, sect. EG Kirk of Creston, treas. DY Landis of Wooster. A constitution was adopted on Feb. 3rd. Wm Spear and Son, Landis and Schmuck, lists others in Wayne County.
Valentine for sale at McClellan Bros., next door to post office, #5ME.
George R Laubach and Samuel H Boyd drugstore, successor to Laubach and Donnelly, SE side of square.
Wooster Republican Feb. 26, 1885
If you want to save money on clothing, don’t forget to attend the great closing out sale going on at Star Clothing Store, James B Childs proprietor.
Last Friday evening, JR Zimmerman and OP Ohliger, auditor TE Peckinpaugh, Capt. JB Taylor, Judge Isaac Johnson and others held a meeting as Cooperative Foundry and organized it. Capt. Taylor, Judge Johnson and Joseph Miller were elected as a committee to prepare a charter and articles of Incorporation with Secretary of State to be known as Wooster Cooperative Foundry Association, capital stock 5000. It is said workers are at work at old foundry on corner of North and Buckeye Streets and will take hold of and have one year contracts for formulating castings of Detroit Casting Co.. They will start out under very favorable circumstances.
You will find E Funk’s chopping machine coming full speed again at Curry block E Liberty Street.
Mr. Underwood and Mr. Robison report their business as a success and report are running 47 hands in whip factory. It is reported that Underwood Bros. are thinking of starting up the paper mill again in a month or two. 20000 worth of manufactured goods are on hand and ready for market.
Wooster Republican March 5, 1885
Note: James A Ogden clothier, will move west of the public square, one door east of the National Bank on or about April 1st.
Blackburn and Leies Drug Store #4ME.
City council has done nothing definite towards building a city hall. This question will be left to people this coming spring election. At least it is assured that Wooster is to have a new depot and it will probably be built this summer and surely not later than next season. The requisition for the new structure is already on file at office of Pennsylvania Company. This new depot will be erected at the foot of Liberty Street where the freight depot now stands and built of Philadelphia pressed brick or of stone at a cost of 10-15000. The old passenger depot will be converted into a freight depot and the big pond just east of it will be filled in so that it will be used as a yard with side tracks for siding.
WHH Ogden and Isaac Adams have leased the old McDonald office corner for sale of agricultural implements and will occupy the corner after April 1st.
Notice: We are glad to learn Charley Smith has purchased the interest of Mr. Foltz of firm of Foltz and Cochran Photographers and in company of Mr. Cochran will operate the business firm known as Smith and Cochran.
Wooster Republican March 12, 1885
Oliver’s combination plows for sale on south side of square, JT Shields.
Minglewood coal mines have resumed work and Gray and Son are selling coal again which is best Massillon coal.
Fire cannot crush us. DC Curry and Co. is still in business branch with Wooster Refrigeration Co. to complete our contracts for work. We have a lot of lumber and sash doors and blinds selling very low to close out.
To reduce my stock before moving to NE corner of square in rooms formerly occupied, Mrs. Hurst, now until April 1st, has a great reduction in prices, WI Bowers.
Wooster Firemen election of officers of different departments, lively discussion over the choice of chief, 1. Deludge, Alert Hose, 2. Wooster Hose, 3. Theodore Straub 1st Hoseman: Deludge 1-DW Immel treasure, DW Deer secretary; Alert Hose 2 foreman AD Miller, Treasure DY Landis list Joseph Wilhelm; Relief secretary WY Landis, treasure John Caskey; Good Entent 5 Fame Hose 6; Eagle 7- James B Lawrence as foreman, Hope, Hook and Ladder election between Charles M Clark and Philip Elesperman. Elesperman elected by vote of 103-64.
JT Shields headquarters are now located in new building SW corner of square, where he has had his office for some time.
WI Bowers will move his fancy goods and notion store to room in Teeple building now occupied by Mrs. Hurst NE side of square 120 NE side of square April 1st.
Fire at Fred Figert on E North Street. The flames were extinguished before any great damage was done. Cause of blaze was a defective flue which was discovered by Harry McClarran, who lives next door.
Wooster Republican March 19, 1885
No delay papers on time McConnel News Depot, next door to Wiler Shoe Store.
HS Childs has opened a clothing store in John Taylor’s west room on W Liberty Street.
The west half of the old Eagle Hotel is being repaired and improved as a meat market and MA Miller’s grocery store.
Application was made by petition of CW Kauke and Isaac Johnson, David Nice, James B Taylor owners of the old Childs block on E Liberty Street corner of American Hotel alley for permission to erect a stairway so exceeding 8 ½ inch width to east side of said Childs block. The easement to be granted for a term of 15 years and mayor to be authorized to sign the contract for the city.
Richard L Mead, the harness maker, has all kinds of collars in his shop on W Liberty Street, next to the Academy of Music.
The news depot of SC Speer, opposite the Archer House, on last Friday, was bought by JJ Keeney, son of CR Keeney.
Cooperative Foundry Association organized the charter for organization, has been received from the Sect. Of State for 2000 capital stock and has been subscribed, lists names at a regular meeting of stockholders held at Probage office. Officers were elected: Board of Directors were LP Ohligher, MM Smith, CW McClure, Alex Laughlin, Daniel Funk, Pres. Daniel Funck, VP Alexander Laughlin, LP Ohligher, secretary treasure.
Wooster Republican April 2, 1885
JB Price has moved his grocery store to room in old Brown corner, #1ME, formerly occupied by TC Pollock.
Pianos for sale by FD Belnap, W Liberty Street.
City work being done at Wooster prices, Smith and Cochran Photographers over Kuhn Store, next to Shibley Jewelry Store, SE side of square.
Universal Plows for sale by Logan and Adams at McDonald’s corner W Liberty and Walnut Streets.
Brainard Art Gallery is permanently located on the SE side of square.
Wooster Roller Rink has been named McPherson Rink in honor of GB McPhearson who was killed in the Atlanta Campaign in whose corps camp mange Lake served.
Wooster Republican April 9, 1885
Bell Bros. for horses, may be seen on weekend at Henry Myers, one mile west of Wooster.
EB Childs, great closing out sale. Have to vacate my rooms to undergo improvements. I offer stock boots and shoes to room on west side of the square, five doors south of brick bank. EB Childs.
The old reliable Childs Star Clothing Store is still running and is located in John Taylor block, W Liberty Street. HS Childs, manager.
Dr. CH hesler has moved is dental offices to rooms over Power Clothing Store, SW side of square during remolding of the Childs building.
The stationary, blank books and fancy goods store of WE Rice has been moved to rooms formerly occupied by AH Pierson, west corner room of the American Hotel.
The old Childs building on the opposite side of the street from the post office is being remolded into a respectively looking building. Owners contemplate rebuilding is a few years.
The work of erecting a new brick block on Downing corner will commence soon.
The new GAR rooms in the Iron block are new eloquently fitted up and furnished. The Woman’s Relief Corps took possession last week.
Workmen are engaged in remodeling and refitting the Hall building on SE side of the square, formerly occupied by JD Price as a grocery store. The ground floor is being lowered and room otherwise improved. The building will be occupied by JC Glasgow with his carpet and wallpaper store.
Wooster Republican April 16, 1885
We have moved west of the public square, one door east of the National Bank and now opening stock of ready made clothing. James A Ogden.
The old Leise corner on S Market Street is being remolded. The roof will be raised and new front put in.
The erection of the new brick block on W Liberty Street west of the Academy of Music has begun. Mr. E Rothaus, the enterprising baker, is building it. It will be three stories high and one of the best business blocks in the city of Wooster.
On 1st Monday, Mr. CB Yoder took possession of the old Eastern House, better known to the public as Keister House on the corner of E Liberty and Bever Streets.
The coal yard of JB Power Jr., opposite Archer House, has been purchased by MF Richards, who is now in charge of the establishment.
The half interest of Ed Leies in the Emporium Drug Store one door west of the post office, was on last Saturday purchased by his partner Mr. AW Blackburn, now sole proprietor of the establishment.
RL Mead, collar manufactory, W Liberty Street, opposite DD Miller’s hardware store.
The undersign has moved his dress making establishment to rooms over Mrs. Cutter’s millinary, almost opposite the Archer House. Hattie Bibens.
Wooster Republican April 23, 1885
Opportunity without peril, great NY sale of clothing commencing Thursday April 30, 1885 for 30 days at 39 S Market Street, next to Logan and Myers Grocery Store. Over 20000 worth of spring and summer clothing for sale at late million dollar failure of Ryashopsbhur of NY. Goods sale at private sale. No auction April 30, 1885.
Wooster Republican April 30, 1885
RS Newkirk and Cot Lake are soon to embark in the livery business at old paint shop connecting with McDonald Foundry on Diamond Alley. It is being fitted up as a stable and when completed , will be the largest stable in Wooster.
Newton Messmore has disposed of his cab to his former owner George Brown and will devote his attention to livery business.
Henry Snyder and son will have a car load of horses and colts for sale at Eastern House situated at Eastern House stables on Friday and Saturday of this week.
Wooster Republican May 14, 1885
Mr. Hartman and Mr. Durstine are putting up some additions to their planning mill on the corner of Bever and Henry Streets.
The 2nd and 3rd floors over Quimby Bros. have been rented by the Square Hole Augur Co. for the work of putting the augurs together. The office now occupied by JB Taylor will be used as the company office.
Saturday was the biggest buggy day Wooster ever had, at which time the Wilhelm Carriage Works sold about 20 of their buggies at auction. He still has a few buggies on hand at their shop on E Liberty Street.
On last Thursday, ex-sheriff HR Messmore was master commissioner appointed by the court to settle the real estate in the Robert Childs assignment delivered to Robert H Cochran of Dresden, a deed for 640 acres of land in this county owned by Mr. Childs. Mr. Cochran paid 29000 cash for the property.
Wooster Republican May 21, 1885
Report of the condition of the WC National Bank as close of business May 6, 1885 was 309045.14 in assets and the same in liabilities, JG Hartman cashier.
Meeting of city council Monday evening in council chamber. A petition saying that water pipes be extended to Saybolt addition to give that portion of city fire protection was read and was referred to water trustees. Also transfer of money to Water Works trustees for laying of 4 inch pipe on E South Street to connect Buckeye with Bever Street was offered by Mr. Barker and on motion was adopted by unanimous ballot. Committee which was referred question of constructing a sewer on S Market Street, the sewer beginning on S Market Street and Diamond Alley than running south on said street to Henry Street, which said street intersects the Spring Run sewer, cannot be constructed for reason there is not sufficient fall for the practical work of said sewer in effect that proper drainage of the cellars and property along the route and a 20 inch tile sewer beginning on S Market Street and Diamond Alley running south to said Spruce Street, than SW on Spruce Street to Apple Creek emptying into said creek has sufficient fall for practical working of the same and cost would amount to about 5000 and be about 1200 feet by resolution of Mr. Barker, city solicitor, was authorized to draw up an ordinance for issuing of bond in amount of 5000 for construction of said sewer and report at the next council meeting.
Exhibition and Museum at rink under the auspices of GAR. One of the finest affairs ever held in Wooster since last Thursday. McPherason Rink has been the center of attraction. Noting displays by: Smith and Cochran, photographers; JT Shields agricultural implements; McClellan Bros. books and stationary; GB Siegenthaler boots and shoes; Roller and Wilson drugs; Dr. JH Todd cabinet of curiosities; Harding and Co. hardware; CW McClarran dealer in stoves; James A Ogden; Wooster Brush Works; Foss and Schwartz proprietors; Perry J Power; Mr. Garing florist. On east side of rink were: ES Kuhn grocery; JJ Kenney dealer in wallpaper; Miss Emma Brainard photographer; McClure and Craighead stoves and tin ware; Quimby Bros. boots and shoes; Mrs. Mary Power dealer in china and queens ware; WI Bowers notions and fancy articles; T Teeple photography; J Hoffman and Son sewing machines; Kinney and Colley Hardware. In the center of the rink were two rolls of three exhibits being: McClarran and Caskey Grocery; AW Blackburn druggist; Kingsley florist; Wm Annat dry goods, Laubach and Boyd drugs; WC Rice stationary; George Faber restaurant. On the east side of center of rink: HS Childs Star Clothing Store merchant; J Zimmerman and Co. drugs; JS Bissell and Bro.; David Nice the hatter; JC Glasgow carpets; TC Pollock and Derr Grocery. There are 35 merchant exhibits, the whole is a great credit to Wooster. Each day new attractions are added to several displays. Exhibitors will continue during the present week. Arrangements have been made to have Apple Creek Cornet Band present on Thursday evening. The Mt. Eaton Bank of 28 pieces on Friday and Saturday evenings are the planned.
Wooster Republican May 28, 1885
The work on erecting of the Downing block on NE corner of public square will commence this week. The old buildings have been torn down and before another summer arrives, a handsome brick building will occupy the site in their stead.
Wooster Republican June 2, 1885
Wallpaper for sale at McClellan Bros. #5ME , next door to the post office.
DW Bechtel White Front Store for wall paper, SE side of square.
McCormick Steel Binder for sale at JT Shields buggy room SE side of square.
Fresh lime and cement at Hubbels and Nteestine office S Buckeye Street, 1st door south of Liberty Street.
Money wanted 1000 on good mortgage security, good interest. Inquire of WF Kean’s office with McClure and Smyser.
Universal plows for sale by Adams and Ocan at Wooster at McDonald corner W Liberty and Walnut Streets.
SR Bonewitz over JH Taylor grocery, W Liberty Street.
Merchants, dentists and physicians same.
Joe Sellers, well known character of city who has for several years made his headquarters about several butch shops, was found in Leonard Saal stable very sick last week.
WC Luce opened a new butcher shop in the vacant room east of the Archer House.
The work of laying the water mains for the new reservoir in Bloomington intersection of Bowman Street and Beall Ave. is progressing rapidly.
Mr. Fletcher and Mr. Bevard are making arrangements to go into manufacturing of gig saddles and harness in more extensive scale than present. They will erect a new building on N Buckeye Street for that purpose.
GW Jones, Archer House barber, will move his hop to Springfield.
The stock of millinary goods of Mahaney Sisters will be sold out at extremely low prices to close out the goods located one door west of Star Clothing Store, W Liberty Street.
Andrew McMonigal is again in the city and is prepared to put in stove linings. Orders can be left at CW McClure store or Babbs Grocery Store.
Work on new brick building being erected by Immel Rauthaus, is progressing rapidly. The laying of brick work is complete so far as the second story to be a three story building when finished. It will be ornamental in that section of the city.
Wooster Republican June 4, 1885
The Geitgey arson case came up for trial at court of Common Pleas Tuesday morning and the taking of testimony is now in process. A jury was impaneled that listed the names. There were 47 witnesses for the state and 27 for the defense. Prosecuting attorney John McSweeney Jr. was assisted by ML Smyser as attorney for the insurance companies in conducting the case for the state, Hon. AS McClure and ES Dowell as attorneys for Mr. Geitgey. Judge Stillwell presided on the bench and occupy this week and part of next week. Theodore Kent now serving a term in of 4 years in pen for the same crime of which he was convicted at Feb. term of court 1884, is a witness in the case. An order has been issued by the court to the warden of the pen to bring him here to give his testimony. He will be here tomorrow. Mr. Geitgey is on trial as an accomplice and it is being claimed that he had Kent and hired him to set fire to the buildings on S Market Street in order that he Geitgey, might get insurance money. Much interest is being taken in this case and the courtroom is filled every day with spectators.
Baseball, the manly sport. The baseball fever has struck Wooster with a vengeance. The association grounds in southern part of the city on Spruce Street, are now enlarged with grandstand seating capacity of 500 and Wooster can now boast of having the finest baseball ground in the state. The field is large and perfectly level and no expense has been spared to place it in first class condition. Space has been reserved for carriages and buggies and those riding to the grounds are allowed to drive in and set in their buggies to see the game Wooster University vs. Kent. Last Saturday afternoon, University team and Kenyon College nine crossed bats and played an interesting game 21-15 in favor of Kenyon over Wooster. In the afternoon, D. Nice inaugurated the season by swallowing up the famous Ashland Anchors by score 23-0.
City council meeting in city council chamber Monday evening. Resolution for a sewer on S Market Street put sewer on S Market Street petition of citizens along S Market Street beginning South Street to Henry Street and further south on S Market Street and it would bring past our premises all the filth that would accumulate in the upper portions of the city. There is not a single property on said street that could benefit by said sewer, but in contrary every property owner would be greatly damaged by the make of the proposed sewer. South of Henry Street signed: TA Adiar, JC France and 51 others. Mr. VanNostram as chairman of park committee, reported that the fence around the city park on W Larwill Street was in such a dilapidated condition that a new fence had been ordered to be constructed. He also reported that the fence about the city park north of the High School was in bad condition. Resolution provided that said fence repair be referred to park committee by Mr. Eason and was passed. On resolution for constructing of sewer motion lost.
Wooster Republican June 11, 1885
Water Works trustees on last Friday, opened bids for furnishing Wooster city 50 tones of water pipe to complete the water works extension that was commenced last fall, which awarded contract to Dennis Long and Co. of Louisville.
Tuesday of last week was 75th birthday and anniversary of John McClellan, treasurer of Wooster University. He had a quiet family reunion at the family house on N Market Street.
The Geitgey arson case is still in progress in common pleas court and will not be concluded until latter part of this week. There are nearly 200 witnesses and stenographer DT Simpson of Millersburg has been employed to take testimony down in shorthand. Theodore Kent was brought up from pen last week and will probably give his testimony tomorrow or Wednesday.
Wooster Republican June 18, 1885
Fresh lime and cement at Hubbell and Notestine office, S Buckeye Street, one door south of livery.
Wm Spear has made an assignment for the benefit of his creditors on Saturday. He assigned his personal property to WA Underwood of city bond 6000. The firm of Wm Spear and Son has made assignment covering only the furniture factory on S Walnut Street to WA Underwood and John F Barrett. Their bond being fixed at 15000. The furniture store on W Liberty Street was purchased last week by Charles W Spear for 2700 and hence is not included in assignment. The many friends of the members of the firm are sorry to learn of financial misfortune.
The argument in the Geitgey case is now in progress and at going to press, Mr. Dowell was giving closing argument for defense, being preceded by associated AS McClure eloquent and compassionate plea for the prisoner and prosecuting attorney McSweeney, a lengthy opening argument by the state.
Wooster Republican June 25, 1885
The case of Ohio vs. Samuel Geitgey for arson, the jury after several hours deliberation, returned a verdict of not guilty on Friday. This case excited a great deal of popular interest on account of previous conviction of Kent, alleged accomplice, and the high standing in the county of Mr. Geitgey for honesty. The evidence for the state was completely circumstantial, embracing a large range of facts which were ably presented to the jury by John McSweeney Jr. and ML Smyser the prosecutors. The defense was made by Edward S Dowell and AS McClure, who made a gallant fight for the defendant. The charge of Judge Stillwell was full clear and exhaustive and overall, the Geitgey case was one of the most complete and intricate cases in the whole range of facts presented to consideration of the jury which has been tried by Wooster for many years.
After 15 years of service to University of Wooster, John McClellan of this city, treasure of the university, has retired and board of trustees has elected his son, Jessie McClellan to fill the vacancy. We congratulate Jessie upon his new appointment.
Wooster Republican July 9, 1885
Mr. Frank Peckinpaugh has purchased the news stand of DW Bechtel in Brauneck’s corner on E Liberty Street and assumed ownership on Tuesday. He now has charge of all leading Ohio dailies and will run a general newsstand.
Curry Bros. will rebuild their planning mill at old site on E North Street and preparations for the work have already begun. This is good news to people of Wooster as no one wanted to see them quit business or leave the city.
The boot and shoe stock owned by George Shaffer, has been purchased by Mr. CP VanMeter who will continue the business at old stand on W Liberty Street. Mr. VanMeter has been a clerk in EB Childs boot and shoe store for many years.
The telephone exchange has been abandoned. The instruments have been taken out and all the wires except the main lines have been taken down. Hereafter Wooster only has a toll station.
First regular meeting of city council of July held Monday evening in council chambers. Resolution for construction of S Market Street sewer was presented and after some discussion, pro and con was adopted. A letter written against it was signed by Moses Shaffer and RJ Cunningham, John Moores, Samuel Geitgey, John S Bissell, John Long, EA Brown and 45 others.
Wooster Republican July 18, 1885
T Teeple and son, Guy are attending the National Convention of Photographers being held in Buffalo this week.
Mrs. JD Robison is spending some days at Lake Chautauqua. Dr. SJ Kirkwood is also spending a portion of his vacation at Lake Chautauqua.
Frank Peckinpaugh now has entire charge of the daily newspaper., having purchased the newsstand by J Zimmerman and Co. of JJ Keeney Jr.
The Telephone Company has placed the toll station for this city in Laubach and Boyds Drug Store.
Work began on Monday by Mr. Meeks on the drilling of a 4 inch hole in the new water works well in the 2nd Ward and is expected to procure an abundant supply of water.
Manager BB Lake opened the rink Saturday evening and a merry party of ladies and gentlemen had evening of enjoyment.
Capt. JB Taylor has moved into his new law office in the building opposite the post office and has one of the finest suite of rooms in the city.
Jacob Frick of the city sold 90000 pounds of wool to a Boston firm this week.
JJ Keeney sold his bookstore and news stand to J Zimmerman and Co. on last Thursday and for the present will be in charge of Mr. Charles Zimmerman and Charles Ohliger.
David Nice expects to occupy his new rooms opposite the post office about the 1st of August and have one of the most attractive businesses in Wooster.
Humane Society organized in Wooster for the protection of cruelty of animals. Mr. Charles Douglas of Cincinnati, agent for Ohio Society of Prevention of Cruelty to Animals and Children was in the city last week and succeeded in organizing a branch of the society with following influential citizens. A meeting was held at the mayor’s office last Thursday and a permanent organization elected by election of the following officers: Pres. Dr William W Taggart, 1st VP Col. Benjamin Eason, 2nd VP RS Newkirk, Sect. JJ Ashenhurst, treasure Dr. WF Derr. Agent Capt. GP Emrich issued a constitution.
Died- Walter Donald, infant son of Donald of the firm of Alcock, Donald and Co. granite works. He died at his house on W Liberty Street Monday afternoon.
Charles F Conrad Sr., proprietor of restaurant and billiard parlor on 27 E Liberty Street, gave contract of parties for remolding the bar and when finished, will have the finest bar of any.
Burglary was made at the entrance into the James Lee grocery and feed store on S Market Street last Friday night, taking a panel out of the back door. Some change and tobacco was reported taken.
Ross W Funck recently graduated from Cincinnati Law School and was admitted to the bar by Supreme Court of Ohio. He is the son of Daniel Funck Esq. and his office will be in the room over Harding and Co. hardware store, one door west of the courthouse.
Wooster Republican July 23, 1885
Andrew Brandstetter has finally arrived at the conclusion to engage in manufacture of drain tile at his brick yard on old fairgrounds west of Wooster.
George Blockson has purchased ½ interest in the livery stable of WS Stahl.
Second regular meeting of city council for July was held in council chambers on last Monday evening. Reports of committee was held and resolutions granting orders for 64 fire fund in favor of fire association was passed. Be it resolved by city council that the paving with brick and guttering with cobblestone in front of following properties, George B Seigenthaler running north on Buckeye Street to alley of said George H Seigenthaler lot on south side of E North Street, then to Peter Fetzer lot on said street and front of stove company on N Buckeye to alley between said stove company foundry and, #2. The schoolhouse to be sold to lowest bidder by the street commissioner Bahl. On motion of Mr. Funk, it was adopted with unanimous consent. Mr. DW Immell of the board of Water Works, reported that in laying the pipe of new water main on Beall Ave., they discovered that the grade of the street for about 200 feet north of Bowman Street is a foot too low and that council instruct street commissioner Bahl to have same filed up to grade. The matter was referred to street committee with power to act. Also appointed following regular fire police for following year: Deludge 1- Henry Jacob; Alert 2- Felta Leiner; Wooster 3- Theodore Straub; Relief 4- Byron Bechtel; Good Entent 5- James Pinkerton; Fame 6- George Oyler; Eagle 7- E Laurence; Hoop, Hook and Ladder Co.- George Thomson.
Charles Dice, popular young barber in Schuch and Sullivan Shop and Miss Clara Caskey, daughter of Alex Caskey, were married.
Wooster Republican July 30, 1885
David Nice will move to his new room about the middle of August and will close out his entire stock of goods at cost.
Pianos, organs and sewing machines for sale, John H Thomas, north of county offices.
Wooster Republican Aug. 6, 1885
PD Hall was ordered by council in its meeting Monday night to remove the stairway south side of his building SE side of square, which is occupied by JC Glasgow as a carpet store. This to be done within 30 days as the stairway projects over the alley.
A petition for paving the alley running from American House south to Frick’s warehouse was presented to council Monday evening and on motion was referred to committee on Streets and Alleys.
The meat market of Bitts and Shaffer corner of Market and South Streets, was burglarized last Friday evening. A total of 1.25 was stolen.
The new planning mill of DC Curry and Co. on the site of the one destroyed by fire last winter on E North Street, was completed and ready for occupancy in a few days.
The new Water Works has been completed and connected with the water mains of the city and works very satisfactory.
The Rothhaus block on W Liberty Street has been completed except for the finishing of the interior. It is one of the handsomest blocks in the city and a credit to business enterprise of Rothhaus.
Wooster Republican Aug. 13, 1885
On August 10th, I am offering my dry goods at a greatly reduces price. Wm Annat.
Wooster Republican Aug. 20, 1885
JC Glasgow sold his carpet store to Capt. JN Clark. Henry and Alexander will remain as business manager.
Assignee sale of furniture. Having completed the manufacture, we now offer them for sale at furniture of CW Spear W Liberty Street. WA Underwood and John F Barrett assignees.
Smith and Cochran, new firm in Harry’s Gallery, SE side of square. We are #1 operators up on all new ideas in photography.
Wooster Republican Sept. 3, 1885
RL Mead, manufacture of horse collars, has moved his harness and collar to McDonald’s old corner on W Liberty and Walnut Streets, where he has the largest stock of harness and collars in any one shop in Wayne County. Remember the place, a few doors west of DD Miller Hardware Store.
Fred E Hookway, new merchant tailor, 25 E Liberty Street.
Pioneer picnic held last Saturday in Highland Park. Mr. Albert McFadden of Bloomington, president of the day, called to order at 11 am and listed pioneers who died in the last year and lists new members who have been residents of Wayne County for 25 years or more. Officers elected for following year are: pres.- George Troubman, VP- John H Lauke, sect.- James Johnson, treas.- RP Reddick, executive committee: DK Jones, peter Ansdagz, Jacob Arnold, John A Lawrence, Harvey Howard.
Fred J Mullins, Judge John K McBride and Walter Mullins have formed a partnership for the practice of law and have opened a new office opposite the post office, over D Nice Palace of Industry. The new firm to be known as Mullins, McBride and Mullins law office.
At a meeting of business men in the mayor’s office, which J Frick president, JN Clark acted as secretary. Committee appointed JS Bissell, IN Cooley, CW McClure, JS Caskey, WD McClure, Jacob Stark, Jerome Curry, D Nice, WI Bowers and SH Body, whose duty it is to investigate and report as to the propriety or impropriety of holding a free fair sales day in Wooster. Report was made to group of business men at mayor’s office Tuesday evening.
Wooster Republican Sept. 10, 1885
Free Fair arrangements practically being completed premiums to be given. The object of free fair and a sales day is for farmers and others to make displays of farm products and poultry as same as at a county fair. Fair to be held on public square instead of enclosed fair grounds. No charge for admission, entries or produce. Listed premiums by J Frick, JS Bissell and Bros., Pollock and Derr, WI Bowers, McClure and Clemnets, McClure Bros., William Muschneick, T Teeple, JD Priace, Kinney and Cooley and so many others. Free fair and sales day to be held on Oct. 7th on the public square.
Charles Conrad has just finished putting up a new bar in saloon on E Liberty Street.
Wooster Republican Sept. 24, 1885
New business college opened in commercial rooms of McClellan Bros. Stationary Store, #5ME on Friday of this week with Prof. JB Seay. Business college open Friday, Sept. 26th for reception of students. German text, automatic writing penmanship, etc. Applications given over McClellan Bros. Stationary Store on E Liberty Street.
The Academy of Music has been leased by LQ Jeffries for coming season, who will place the entire room and prepare and devote attention to security of class attractions Thursday.
Meeting of city council in council chamber Monday evening with considerable discussion. The water committee reported favor on proposition of having watering troughs placed in different points of the city. The water committee hereby authorizes to have five watering troughs placed at points specified and costs not to exceed 100. Resolution carried. Troughs to be placed at junction of Quimby Ave. and Buckeye Streets, above and behind High School, Old Ohio House on S Market Street, W Liberty Street below Dr. Todd’s residence on E Liberty Street ,at Plank Mills and at junction of Pittsburgh Ave. and South Street in 5th Ward.
The property of late John Wilhelm which was not sold by public sale, Saturday, Sept. 19th can be purchased at private sale. Call at Wooster Carriage Works or address TD Wilhelm.
Decorating art reception to be held at sewing machine rooms of J Huffman and Co., #5 SW side of square on Oct. 7-10 at 10 am to 9 pm.
Wooster Republican Oct. 1, 1885
Schuck Coal Yard on E Liberty Street, has been purchased by Philip Peters and Peter Bogner.
Nolle Bros. have opened a new grocery store in west room of Beresford block, E Liberty Street, opposite Archer House.
Wooster Republican Oct. 8, 1885
The old telephone wires of defunct Wooster Exchange were taken down on Monday by JA Short, employee of Central Union Co..
Next April, a handsome block will be erected by Jacob Frick just west of the Iron block W Liberty Street, owning to the fact that the buildings now on the site of proposed new block will be torn down. Well Bros. are selling off their entire stock of dry goods at cost in order to vacate their present location.
Wooster Republican Oct. 22, 1885
Attention farmers. I have opened a feed yard opposite McDonald Agricultural Works on S Walnut Street for seeds for 10 cents. Call and see. James B Curry.
SS Shilling has retired from bus line. He sold the establishment to George Brown now engaged in business for 3000. George Lundy will shed tears when he hears of the latest caper of Shilling.
Wooster Republican Oct. 29, 1885
Notice, the undersign desires to retire and now offers the eloquent store room now occupied with fancy and stable goods for rent. Also stock now on hand sold at value. Store room 53 S Market Street, west side. See Mrs. C Schauman.
McClure and Bro. Downing block, for sale Wisconsin Buckwheat flour at their grocery.
RS Newkirk, livery man, has disposed of his interest in the firm of Lake and Newkirk to Tip Tyler. Mr. Tyler has joined and formed a partnership with CB Baird in position of the Diamond Alley Stable of Mr. Newkirk and has been moved to Mr. Babb stable on Buckeye Street. Mr. Lake will continue the business at old stand in rear of DD Miller Hardware Store.
Mr. George Schlagel has returned again a successful tour over the county and is again behind the counter of his store on E Liberty Street waiting on customers.
Wooster Republican Nov. 5, 1885
JN Clark carpet store has moved to rear of Quimby and Kline until further notice.
Thieves attempt to break into clothing store of HH Sichley on S Market Street. A pane of glass broke out and entered building. While raising the window, a number of glass lamp shades, which were standing on the window sill, fell in a crash and racket caused the burglars to flee.
In actual fact, Well Bros. are closing out their entire line of dry goods in order to retire from business.
Pianos and organs for sale at Odenkirk and McClarran.
Wooster Republican Nov. 12, 1885
Drs. CB Mowery and WA Porter, office 47 E Liberty Street, five doors east of the Archer House.
David Nice, Childs building, opposite post office on E Liberty Street. Charles Ihrig manager of shoe department.
DD Miller has disposed his interest in W Liberty Hardware Store to his sons and gone into his farm near Reedsburg.
Good size crowd gathered at the Germania Hall last Thursday night to watch sparing match between Billy Murphy of Mansfield and Fred Yirging of Wooster at 25 a side Murphy to knock out Yirging in four rounds. Murphy’s left shoulder was dislocated in second round and referee decided in favor of Yirging.
Wooster Republican Nov. 19, 1885
Will H Harry, well known and veteran photographer, has leased the rooms facing formerly occupied by Smith and Cochran Old Red Corner over Kuhn Grocery Store opens gallery in a few days.
Mr. AM Parish erecting a 25x76 store room to rear of Schmuch and Landis furniture room, E Liberty Street, 1st floor of new addition will be furniture room and 2nd floor as undertaking rooms.
Kinney and Cooley Hardware Store #2ME.
Wooster Republican Nov. 26, 1885
Meat Market. As of Dec. 1, 1885, I the undersign, will reduce the price 1-3 per pound . Buy good meat fresh and salt meats. Terms strictly cash, John Saal.
Dr. JD Alexander has moved his office from Logan and Myers block S Market to Sprague corner on W Liberty Street, where fitted up an eloquent suite of rooms on 3rd floor.
Local Chautauqua Literary and Scientific Circle holds next meeting at Miss Kate Orr on Saybolt Ave. Tuesday evening Dec. 1st.
Poultry wanted? WR Jackson. Poultry of all kinds this season on W Liberty Street, room formerly occupied by J Watt. Also selling 1000 bushels of apples.
Grand opening of china, glassware and queens ware at Powers China Hall Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Nov. 19-21.
Wooster Republican Dec. 3, 1885
Fred Schuch reports an unsuccessful attempt was made to burglarize his restaurant and residence on E Liberty Street Monday night.
For several months, the Square Hole Auger of this city, has been engaged in perfecting machine. They have decided to go into manufacturing of machine and have purchased old furniture store of Spear and Son at foot of Walnut Street. John F Barrett and WA Underwood assignees of Spear estate. During past week they have been at work fitting shops up with necessary machinery. Expected to get the establishment running in less than a few days. Cleveland mechanic by name of Hughes was selected as foreman of shops.
Attorneys and Physicians same.
Wooster Republican Dec. 10, 1885
Weston Peckinpaugh has last week resigned his position as teller of Wooster National Bank and assumed similar position with Wayne County National Bank. Mr. LK Kramer bookkeeper with J Zimmerman and Co. has been tendered the position in Wooster National Bank.
Rev. J Dewitt Talmadge delivered his lecture “Big Blunders”, at the opera house last Thursday evening to a crowd of 250 under auspices of the University Lecture Association .
Wooster Republican Dec. 24, 1885
Annual meeting of the stockholders of Underwood Whip Co. held Monday evening. Officers elected were pres.- WA Underwood, VP- WS Ebersole, Sect.- LP Ohligher, treasure; Directors were WA Underwood, WS Ebersole, RS Newkirk, OP Ohligher and JB Taylor.
Wooster Republican Dec. 31, 1885
Wm Annat closing out sale of goods.
Attorneys and physicians same.