Wooster Republican, Business Abstracts 1879
Wooster Republican Jan. 15, 1879
Conrad’s Restaurant, call and see John Sorg. Sewing machines for sale, rooms on S Market Street. B Barrett and Son, E Liberty Street. Carriage Works of WH Banker, South Street. Hoelzel and Kaltwasser, SE side of square. Roller and Wilson, city drug store, W Liberty Street. Abraham Saybolt, plumbers on W Liberty Street. Exchange Bank of Kauke and Frost, E Liberty Street in American Hotel. E Chatelain Jewelry Store, SW side of square, one door south of Quimby bank. Wooster Dental Parlors, place to get dental work. Rooms in Teeples Gallery, 120 public square, NE side of square. Curry, Cameron and Co., E Liberty Street, Curry block, E Liberty Street, ED Wesley is foreman. Wooster Agricultural Works, formerly McDonald Co., JH Kauke, manager. J Zimmerman and Co.. Barrett and Ogden, ready made clothing, one door west of the [American Hotel]], E Liberty Street. Hartman and Durstine, lumber yard, corner of Larwill and Bever Streets. James B and W Childs, clothing, 12 SE side of square. DQ Liggett. Harding and Jones, one door west of courthouse. Pierson and Co., two doors west of the post office. Redinger, Stevens and Co., corner of Buckeye and North Streets, old Shibley foundry. JS Bissell and Co., hardware, #2ME. JS Bissell and Bro. #1ME, dry goods. Blank books for sale at WE Rice, two doors north of Central Hotel, S Market Street. James L Gray, coal yard, office E Liberty Street at Snow Flake Mills, #70 E Liberty Street. Mrs. CW Horn, coal dealer, NE corner of square. Samuel Shoemaker, boots and shoes, SW side of square, two doors south of WC National Bank, old C Roth has in his employ Mr. FT Trexler. ML Benham, coal dealer, #* E Liberty Street, opposite Washington Hotel. McClarran and Caskey Grocery Store, W Liberty Street. Powers Red Front Clothing Store, SE side of square.
Wooster Republican Jan. 16, 1879
JH Carr, over hardware store, Iron block. Jones and Woodsworth, office E Liberty Street, over post office. John R McKinney, over Roller and Wilson, W Liberty Street. Orr and Reider, office SW side of square, two doors south of the WC National Bank, upstairs. Downing and Yocum, SW corner in Quimby building. Rouch and Wilson, SW side, 1st floor. Isaac Johnson, SE side of square. McSweeney and Parsons, over Harding and Jones Hardware Store. CC Parsons Jr., over hardware store. B, SB and BF Eason, in Zimmerman building, upstairs. McClure and Smyser, #6ME, upstairs. Frank Taggart, over National Bank of Wooster, with LJ Barker. ES Dowell, office 2nd floor over TS Johnson bank, SW side of square. George Rex, NE side of square. MB McClure, NE side of square. Hiram B Swartz, mayor office on SE side of square. SR Bonewitz, office over JH Taylor grocery store, W Liberty Street. Sample and Jeffries, SW side of square, upstairs.
Dr. John A Gann, office 23 N Market Street; Dr. WC Moore, office over Roller and Wilson Grocery Store, W Liberty Street; Dr. JE Barrett, office and residence 1st door south of the [[Washington House]; Dr. LG Harley, office over Chatelain Jewelry Store SW side of square; Dr. WW Firestone, 32 N Market Street; Dr. George Liggett, office over Emporium Drug Store of Newkirk and Liggett, #4ME; Dr. JD [Robison (surname) | Robison]], 35 N Market Street; Dentists: Dr. CB Mower, 43 E Liberty Street, four doors east of Washington House; Dr. RJ Cunningham, east side of S Market Street; Dr. BJ Jones, SE side of square. T Teeple and Co., artist and photographer, 120 public square, NE side of square. Will Beresford, tailor on Buckeye Street, opposite the Washington House. JJ Geitgey, furniture store, old Curry’s, E Liberty Street. John Simon, merchant tailor, SW side of square, under Jeffries Law Office. Weber organs manufactory.
Wooster Republican Jan. 23, 1879
DQ Liggett and Co., try Pearl shirt there. CH Hesler, Wooster Dental Parlors in Teeple Gallery, 120 public square. Powers Red Corner Clothing Store, SE side of square; PJ Power. Will Beresford, tailor and draper on Buckeye Street, opposite Washington House, E Liberty Street. Death of Dr. MO Firestone Monday morning 1:30 am.
Wooster Republican Jan. 30, 1879
Wm Shibley, watches, clocks and jewelry corner of E Liberty and Buckeye Streets.
Wooster Republican Feb. 13, 1879
WC Downing is making preparations to build on the NE corner next summer. The illumination will be 39x58, a three story high. He has already engaged 250000 bricks and it will be one of the best business blocks in Wooster. The fine collection of books which formed circulating library, will be for sale at McClellan Book Store for a few weeks only, #21 E Liberty Street. Wooster Republican Feb. 20, 1879 Bowling alley is being erected by LB Howard property in the rear of Henry Leies, corner of Liberty and Buckeye Streets. Mrs. J Fox has sold her millinary store to RH Pollock, who will take early possession. Mrs. Fox (surname) | Fox]] will make NY her home hereafter. Dissolution of partnership of JB and W Childs this day by mutual consent. The business continued at old stand by William Childs, 12 SE side of square. London Tea House, James C Kuhn, 31 S Market Street.
Wooster Republican Feb. 27, 1879
Dr. AE Knestrick, Canaan Center. Selling off at cost in order to get out of business. Being engaged in the mercantile business over 60 years, my health giving way, I must close out Ladies Emporium, #24 SE side of square, William Childs. Cash stove and tin store, #54 S Market Street, CW McClure, successor to JH Mower. WR Jackson has purchased the meat market of Jacob Saal and Philip Hein stand, opposite the Washington House. Gerlach and Kinkler Meat Market on S Market Street. Germania Hall purchased of Michael Shelly, two of best steers ever driven into Wooster, weigh 4300.
Wooster Republican March 6, 1879
JH Carr. Aquila Wiley, east side, N Market Street, three doors south of North Street. George Rex, NE side of square, opposite county building. T Teeple, Cincinnati Art Gallery, 120 public square. Restaurant John Sorg at Conrad’s. WH Banker Carriage Works on South Street. Wooster Dental Parlors, Dr. CH [Hesler (surname) | Hesler]], office in Teeple Gallery. Power Red Corner Clothing Store, SE corner of square. City Drug Store of Roller and Wilson, pure drugs and medicines, W Liberty Street. Stoves for sale, AS Lehman, #3ME. E Chatelain Jewelry Store, SW side of square, one door below Quimby bank. B Barrett and Son. Redinger, Stevens and Co., foundry and machine shop, corner of Buckeye and North Streets. Capt. Jacob Shultz, manufacturer of horse collars, NE corner of square. Schuch and Snavely have taken possession of barber shop occupied by Kramer and Brumpters building. Wanted- 1000 tones of straw, John J Horn at Belnap’s News Depot. Underwood and Hoover report a high business in whips and brush trade. Andres Branstetter. Curry, Cameron and Co., E Liberty Street in Curry block, for lumber. Wooster Agricultural Works, old McDonald and Co., JH Kauke manager. J Zimmerman and Co.. Hartman and Durstine lumber yard, Larwill and Bever Streets. Exchange Bank of Kauke and Frost, successors to Stibbs, Hanna Co., E Liberty Street. Weber organs for sale. Wm Shibley jewelry, corner E Liberty and Buckeye Streets. Wm Spear and Son on manufacture that make our own work also in undertaking business, coffins and caskets. Over 40 years experience, W Liberty Street. London Tea House of James C Kuhn, 31 S Market Street. Harding and Jones Hardware. Selling off fancy goods at cost. Been in mercantile business for over 60 years. Ladies Emporium, #24 Se side of square, William Childs.
Wooster Republican March 13, 1879
EB Childs, sale at cost for cash, boots and shoes. Intend to make change in business. WE Rice, book bindery, two doors north of Central Hotel, S Market Street. New hotel in Wooster. Mr. EB Connelly of Washington House, has decided upon plan of building to take place of the old Washington House, corner of E Liberty and Buckeye Street. The new structure will have a frontage on E Liberty Street of 60 feet and on Buckeye Street of 100 feet and be three stories high, with business rooms on 1st floor and dinning room on Buckeye Street. Parlor suits of rooms and apartments on second and third floors. The main entrance will be on Liberty Street and ladies entrance on Buckeye Street. When finished, the building will cost about 20000. Mr. D Graham of Chicago is architect. Mr. WM Keyser of New Brighton is contractor. DC Curry and Co. will tear down the old building.
Wooster Republican March 20, 1879
Hartman Drug Store will be moved to McSweeney building, E Liberty Street on April 1st. JL Gray will erect a building on Bever Street near his residence 20x40 feet, two stories high, for the purpose of a warehouse. Mr. Gray’s business is coal yard. Gerlach and Kinklery, butchers, S Market Street at the Germania Hall. TE Studebaker MD of Springfield, has located in Wooster. Office presently with Dr. CB Mower on E Liberty Street. Wm Childs, successor to JB and W Childs. I have purchased the interest of JB Childs of Peoples Clothing, #12 SE side of square. Remember the place, one door south of Shibley Jewelry Store, SE side of square, Wm Childs.
Dissolution of partnership between JS Bissell and AM Donnelly. Dissolved DW Matz and Co., being authorized to settle accounts of late firm, March 18, 1879. Notice of co-partnership. Notice is given that AM Donnelly and DW Matz entered into co-partnership and carry on hardware business under firm name of DW Matz and Co., #2ME, March 18, 1879. Dr. CH Hesler, Wooster Dental Parlors, in Teeples Gallery, 120 public square, NE side. For sale, cheap block of lots known as McDonald and Co. lumber lot, can be bought for a low price, 1000 in cash 0-3. JH Kauke trustee. WR Jackson has purchased the meat market of Jacob Saal and Philip Hein old stand, opposite the Washington House.
Wooster Republican March 27, 1879
Dr. LG Harley and family moved to Lima today. We are sorry to see the doctor leave us. The Republicans of 1st Ward will meet at Gray and Rhodes Marble Shop next Friday evening.
Wooster Republican April 4, 1879
Death of William Childs, died last Thursday at 1:30 pm at the residence of his son Henry S Childs. He went down to the clothing store until about 10 am. Prostrate on the steps with a violent attack of Pleurisy, from which he did not recover. The funeral took place on Sunday at 2 pm from HS Childs residence. A Large number of friends and other acquaintances gathered and listened to the religious service. He was born near Warren on Jan. 1, 1806 and came to Wooster in 1818 at the age of 12. He was errand boy in the office of Townshead and then for awhile, apprenticeship in the printing business. Pallbearers were Mr. C Lake, JH McBride, SR Bonewitz, A Thomas Power, A Wright and James Johnson. He entered the general store of Benjamin Bentley by diligence and perseverance and after being a clerk, he became a partner with him and finally was the sole proprietor. He took an active interest in public affairs and had a fondness for military life. He served as mayor of the village of Wooster and was a consistent Republican. He managed the clothing business in Wooster and a was a pioneer in that trade. Mr. Childs had been a widower for many years and at the time of his death and was a member of St. James Episcopal Church. His children are Edward, B James and B and Henry S, Mrs. JH Reid and Mrs. Julia Doty, all residents of the city, except Mrs. Doty.
Funeral and solemn burial of Hon. George Rex. He died at his residence on S Buckeye Street, Thursday afternoon at 3 pm. He had been at his office in forenoon of same day attending to matters of business. After dinner, he was seized with a fatal malady that ended his life at the time mentioned. Preparations of the funeral were announced at 2:30 pm on Saturday. The members of the Bar met in courtroom and appointed committee composed of Judge Jeffries, McBride and others. At the hours of the funeral, approached citizens gathered at the residence. The bar marched down in double columns followed by Knight Templers in uniform, members of visiting lodges and Ebenezer Lodge in morning and Grand Lodge officers. The following order was observed for the funeral service. Members of Wooster Bar, Massillon Commandry #4KT, Clinton Comandry #26KT, Spartan Lodge #127, Ebenezer Lodge #33 ED Popock W Master, JS Bissell Sr. Warden, John Stevens, Jr Warden, LP Ohliger treasure, George W Reid secretary, PS VanHouton Senior Deacon, WW Hann tyler, WF Laughlin, Jr Deacon and brother wearing crype and white gloves, indicating the morning lodge. The Grand Lodge of Ohio consisted of Grand Master WM Cunningham and others. The hearse with following pall bearers: Dr. JD Robison, Judge CC Parsons, Judge JK McBride, Judge Martin Welker, John Wilhelm, Dr. WC Moore, Alexander Laughlin, Col. B Eason and members of the family and relatives. The following is a copy of the roll: Bro. George Rex, past Grand Master a member of Ebenezer Lodge 33 F and AM born 1818 died March 27, 1879, 61 years. EA May 13, 1846 passed to FC May 20, 1846 and raised to MM May 23, 1846. Was Worshipful master of Ebenezer Lodge #33 in 1850, 51, 52, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 1860, 61, 1870, 71 and Grand Master of Ohio in 1861, 1862, 1863 was also Grand High Priest of Ohio in 1857, 1858, 1859, 1860, 1866 and 1867. Judge George Rex was born in Clinton Township, Stark County July 25, 1817 and died March 27, 1879. He studied law with Hon. John Harris of Canton. Feb. 1843 he moved to Wooster and commenced the practice of law which he continued to do until his death. In fall of 1847, he was elected prosecuting attorney of Wayne County and re-elected in 1849. In 1851, chose to Senate of Ohio for Wayne and Holmes Counties and served on the judiciary committee and Oct. 1859, again elected prosecuting attorney of Wayne County and re-elected in 1861. In 1862, Gov. [[Todd (surname) | Todd] appointed him commissioner for Draft Wayne County. In August 1864, Judge Sample appointed him prosecuting attorney to fill vacancy of Lucas Flattery. In Oct. 1867, he was elected second time to Senate of Ohio and while a member of Senate, he was a leading member of committee on Common Schools. For many years he acted as a member of Board of Education in Wooster. Sept 11, 1874, he was appointed commissioned by Gov. Allen Judge of the Supreme court of Ohio to fill the vacancy of Judge Stone. In Oct. election, he was elected to same position and served until Feb. 19, 1877. In the fall of 1876, he declined re-nomination by his party for same office. Besides official positions in government, George Rex launched himself in Ancient order of Freemasonry and rose from private in order to Grand Master and Grand High Priest of Grand Chapter. He was also president of the organization of Ohio Veterans Masons. For sale, a large frame building 42x75 feet, 17 ½ feet high, a wagon shed and carriage house 22x 35 feet and 12 ½ high. The above is situated on the homestead of the late Isaac [[Johnston (surname) | Johnston. They will be sold as they now stand, Rachael Johnson. DW Matz and Co., #2ME Hardware store. Samuel Shoemaker, boots and shoes, 2nd south of Quimby bank, SW side of square. Has Mr. EP Traxler as a workman. Dr. JD Alexander has regained his health and opened office over PJ Powers Clothing Store. Immel Rathbourne, formerly of L Young and Son, has opened a bakery of his own on west side of square. Dr. AH Hunt moved the Wooster office and residence N Market opposite Lutheran Church. He is a student of late Dr. TH Baker. Mr. RM Wimbigler has extensive agricultural works implement ware house on S Walnut Street, below Mower corner. Mr. JF Keefer open gents furnishing store in Keefer Iron block in rooms formerly occupied by Hartman and McGrew. Mr. Keefer secured the services of veteran cutter James E Wescott. To our friends and customers Harding and Co., formerly Harding and Jones, there is no change in the store except Mr. WH Jones. Same clerks remain with us and Mr. Harding will be pleased to see us. Harding and Co., formerly Harding and Jones.
Wooster Republican April 10, 1879
AH Hunt, physician and surgeon office and residence four doors north of the Episcopal Church. Dr. J Dazelle Alexander, office east side of the public square, over PJ Powers clothing store. In leiu of going west in the coming year, I have moved my business three doors west of the Philadelphia Store, Mrs. MH Dellwick. Dr. Studebaker has his office and residence on N Market Street, one door south of Dr. Robison’s.
Wooster Republican April 17,1879
LQ Jeffries, attorney, SW side of square, in former rooms occupied by John P Jeffries. Goods at the cash stove and tin store of CW McClure, 56 S Market Street. A Rich, painter. Leave orders at Matz and Co. Hardware, residence on Vince Street. Harding and Co., clerks are Harry A Huffstott, John A Moore, Fred H Harding, Lem A Sprague and Wiley A Carney, one door west of the court house. Mr. WA Harding will always be here to see that you are always promptly waited upon. Lake Bakery on D Black’s old stand, corner of W Liberty and Walnut Streets. Mr. Constant Lake will always be on hand. Frances Kramer has taken possession of new barbershop one door west of Saybolts’s and opposite his old establishment barber shop. New furniture factory DY Landis established factory, repair furniture on Beall Ave., opposite old Curry Lumber Yard, known as Wm Stiltt corner.
Wooster Republican May 1, 1879
JF Keefer, fashionable bazaar gents furnishing and clothing room in middle room of Keefer Iron block, has employed James E Wescott as a cutter. EB Childs, administrator of estate of Wm Childs decd., will this day move his large stock of goods, gents furnishing and clothing to his boot and shoe store. Must be sold within 40 days. James B Childs. RM Winbringer, office in rooms opposite McDonald and Co., Wooster. Mr. JJ Geitgey, successor to James Curry in furniture business, is enjoying an immense business, E Liberty Street. Mr. And Mrs. John Blasca, notion store, South Street, opposite Banker Carriage Shop. The old burial ground. Mr. D Barrett, chairman of improvement of old burial ground on Larwill Street reports the conference has been had with county commissioners. They have no right or title to the ground. They are working to turn property over to city by a deed dated July 12, 1821. Joseph H and Nancy Larwill granged sold and do granted such and do give these premises with James Monroe and his successors in office for the people of Wayne County as a place of burial exclusively for that purpose and to be conveyed for no other purpose on corner of Grant and Larwill Streets, being 1-51-100 acres of ground.
Wooster Republican May 8, 1879
Mr. CP Winter opened a new jewelry stand in Brauneck Corner, E Liberty Street. Weber Bros. and Co., manufacture of cabinet organs, has purchased a large lot on Gasche Street and has completed an establishment to meet their increased business.
Wooster Republican May 15, 1879
Lake Grocery and Bakery, corner of W Liberty and Walnut Streets. Quimby and Purdy Dry Goods Store has moved to PJ Powers Clothing Store to be conducted by Mr. James M Quimby with dry goods on one side and clothing on the other side. SW Reese, tonsonial artist, 48 S Market Street, has been sick for the last six months. Dr. J Dalzell Alexander, SE side of square.
Wooster Republican May 22, 1879
Opening of Martin D Jacobs restaurant on Tuesday evening the 13th. Jacob Schmuck Jr. has opened a grocery and provision store in new building, E Liberty Street. The committee on beautifying the old burial grounds on Larwill Street, set out 117 maple trees, also is moving hose house to the other side of Grant Street. Expense amounted to 40.00.
Wooster Republican May 29, 1879
Ladies furnishing goods millinary and dress making goods, 55 S Market Street, M Myers. Mr. RS Newkirk commences building of a new residence on N Bever Street, opposite the United Presbyterian Church.
Wooster Republican June 5, 1879
Notice of dissolution of co-partnership. DW Immel is selling stock and collecting claims due and settle all affairs of said firm. DW and LH Immel.
Wooster Republican July 10, 1879
J Zimmerman and Co., drugstore, W Liberty Street. Michael Kochl with L Young and Son, #38 S Market Street, for bread and cakes. JS Bissell and Bro., #1ME, for dry goods. JS Keefer, dry goods, middle rooms Iron block. James C Kuhn, 31 S Market Street, London Tea House. T Teeple Gallery, 120 Public square, NE corner of square. Leather and shoe finding store. Boots and shoe uppers, WH Immel, SW side of square next to Harry’s Photography Gallery. EB Childs, great sale of goods at cost for cash only. Administrator sale of Wm Childs decd. I removed a large stock of clothing, hats and caps from storeroom to my boot and shoe store for next forty day sale. EB Childs, administrator of estate. Will [Beresford (surname) | Beresford]], tailor and draper, Buckeye Street, opposite the Washington House. WE Rice, book bindery, two doors north of Central Hotel, S Market Street. Saybolt Plumbers and dealers in lead, iron pipe, slate and iron roofers, W Liberty Street. Emporium Drug Store. Emporium Hardware Store, DW Matz and Co.]], #2ME. John Wilhelm, carriage maker, 94 E Liberty Street. Powers Red Corner Clothing Store, SE side of square, 1 and 2, SE side of square. ML Benham, coal dealer, 38 E Liberty Street, opposite Washington House. JH [Carr (surname) | Carr]], corner room over Harding and Co. Hardware Store. Aquila Wiley, SE side N Market Street, three doors south of North Street. JR Woodsworth, E Liberty Street, Childs building, opposite the post office. John R McKinney, over Lucas and Weiler Shoe Store, SE side of square. Orr and Reider, office SW side, upstairs, two doors south of EC National Bank. [Downing and Yocum]], SW side in Quimby building. Isaac Johnson, SE side of square, upstairs. CC Parsons Jr., office in rooms formerly occupied by Lucas Flattery, above Harding and Co. Hardware. McSweeney and Parsons, Iron block, upstairs. B, SB and BF Eason, office in Zimmerman block, W Liberty Street. Alfred J Thomas, office 1st door south of WC National Bank, upstairs. Frank Taggert, office over the National Bank of Wooster, W Liberty Street, with LJ Barker. ES Dowell, second floor, over TS [Johnson (surname) | Johnson]] bank, SW side of square. LQ Jeffries, SW side of square, upstairs in the rooms formerly occupied by John P Jeffries. MB McClure, office NE side, opposite the county buildings. Hiram B Swartz, mayor in mayor’s office, SW side. SR Bonewitz, office over JH Taylor grocery store, W Liberty Street. Dr. JA Gann, #23 N Market Street; Dr. WC Moore, office over Roller and Wilson Drug Store, W Liberty Street; Dr. JE Barrett, office and residence 1st house south of the Washington House; Dr. WW Firestone, 32 N Market Street, west side; Dr. George Liggett, office and residence over the Emporium Drug Store, #4ME, two doors west of the post office, entrance by the hall; Dr. JD Robison, 35 N Market Street; Dr AH Hunt, office and residence four doors west of the Episcopal Church; Dr. JE Studebaker, office 35 N Market Street; Dr. J Dazelle Alexander, SE side of square; Dentists: CB Mower, office 43 E Liberty Street, four doors east of the Washington House; Dr. RJ Cunningham, east side of S Market Street.; Dr. BJ Jones, SE side of square. E Chatelain Jewelry Store, SW side of square, one door south of Quimby bank. City drug store of Roller and Wilson, #6 W Liberty Street. Pumps for sale at B Barrett and Son, E Liberty Street. Curry, Cameron and Co. lumber yard, E Liberty Street. Ready made clothing of Barrett and Ogden, E Liberty Street, one door west of the American Hotel. Wooster Agricultural Works, late McDonald and Co. JH Kauke manager. John Simon, merchant tailor, SW side of square, a few doors below Quimby bank, under Jeffries Law Office. He has in his employ ED Whitmore as a cutter. Hartman and Durstine lumber yard, corner of Bever and Larwill Streets. Foundry and machine shop of Redinger, Stevens and Co., corner of Buckeye and North Street. Weber organs manufactory in Wooster. Wm Shibley, watches, clocks and jewelry, corner of E Liberty and Buckeye Streets. Carriage and wagon works of WH Banker, Beistles old stand on South Street. Michael Koehl, bread and cake baker, three years with Miller and Slusser, now in employ of L Young and Son, 38 S Market Street. Closing out of dry goods at Clark Bros. and Imgard Acadome Store.
Wooster Republican July 24, 1879
Dr. JE Studbaker, office 35 N Market Street. William Rutt and Henry Gorges have purchased of the meat market of late Philip Hein, opposite the Washington House. Henry Gorges late with John Reib.
Wooster Republican July 31, 1879
William Muschenick recently entered partnership with WJ Wisner, boots and shoes, one door above Bissell’s old brown corner, new firm of Wisner and Muschnick. Mr. Teeple has made decided improvement to building photography gallery. Main room has been torn out and stairs to that side entering from the sidewalk.
Wooster Republican Aug. 7, 1879
Dissolution of co-partnership between Wm Spear and son is dissolved by mutual consent as of July 16, 1879. WF Spear, retiring, it will be conducted hereafter at the old stand by Wm Spear and WW Spear, WF, WW and MW Spear, furniture, W Liberty Street. All persons in want of furniture would do well to call and examine our stock. Wm Spear and Son. Harding and Co. Hardware, 1st door west of the courthouse, employees Harry A Hoffstott, John A Moore, Wm H Harding, Ned A Sprague and Wiley A Carney. All clerks in hardware business. Cash stove and tie store, 54 and 56 S Market Street, EC McClure agent. Lake’s Grocery and Bakery, W Liberty and Walnut Streets, old D Black stand. Roller and Wilson city drug store, W Liberty Street.
Wooster Republican Aug. 14, 1879
JS Keefer, middle rooms of Iron block for gents furnishing goods. Keefer’s Iron block has in his employ James E Wescott, for dry goods. Connelly’s hotel and Wm Downing are about to be put under cover, E Liberty Street.
Wooster Republican Aug. 21, 1879
JB Bissell and Bro., #1ME for dry goods. JR McKinney, office over Lucas and Weiler’s boot and shoe store. Foust and McLaughlin, #5ME. Mr. JC Kuhn, 31 S Market Street, London Tea House will hereafter be conducted by Kuhn Bros.. Old wingers refitted and warranted to work for years, SF Days, stove store, 46 W Liberty Street. J Cunningham and Co., queens ware on W Liberty Street.
Wooster Republican Oct. 9, 1879
Republican day, glorious day. 15000 people spent the day and heard Hon. DC Haskell of Kansas and Hon. Wm McKinley of Canton.
CW Horn, dealer in coal, John J [Horn (surname) | Horn]] manager. Frick and Overholt, proprietors of Wooster City Mill. PL Horn and Bro. bakery. JL Gray, dealer in coal. David Stoner is selling machines. Miss McNorton and Mower say they have opened ladies millinary store on E Liberty Street, five doors east of the Washington House.
Wooster Republican Oct. 23, 1879
A music and sewing machine store opened in rooms formerly occupied by Teeple Photography Gallery, NE side of square, John H Thomas.
Wooster Republican Oct. 30, 1879
Pierson and King Clothing Store, west corner room of the American Hotel block. Quimby Opera House, Thursday Oct. 9, 1879, WF Cody, Buffalo Bill great circus will be in Wooster also said it would appear on Quimby Ave. Great closing out sale of buggies and wagons at WH Banker, opposite Jacob Frick’s warehouse.
Wooster Republican Nov. 29, 1879
Frank Taggart’s advertising was a success. Mr. WA Underwood bought the Marble Works and Marble Hall for $4001. Jacob Frick bought the Eberhart mansion for $1545. Mr. Jackson bought property now occupied by Jehiel Clark for 1780. All were cash sales. Mr. Underwood is going to raise the south wing of the Marble Works building to two stories and make a first class whip factory of the whole building. First premium class photography, WH Harry.
Wooster Republican Dec. 4, 1879
George Laubach, popular young druggist and Joe Bevard are going to start a new drugstore in rooms SE side of square, one door south of Shibley Jewelry Store for 1880 is predicted for them to be a booming year for business. Albert and Julius Imgard, old Totem homestead, N Market Street. Light running domestic sewing machine for sale by Mrs. J Hoffman and Co., SW corner of public square. Lake Grocery and Bakery, corner of W Liberty and Walnut Streets, old D Black stand. Wm H Barker, carriage and wagon works on South Street.
Wooster Republican Dec. 11, 1879
WA Donner, holiday gifts at White Front Store, SE corner on square.