Wooster Republican, Business Abstracts 1870
Wooster Republican Jan. 6, 1870
James C Jacobs, Wooster Hardware store, one door west of the courthouse.
Closing out sale at People’s corner by James B Childs, one door west of American Hotel.
Snodgrass and Son at Star building, also drugs and medicines, opposite US Hotel on S Market Street.
McClarran and Caskey, grocery and queens ware, four doors west of the courthouse.
Wooster Lumber Yard of Emrick Pinkerton and Co., corner of Larwill and Bever Streets.
Henry S Childs, fall and winter clothing, one door east of Zimmerman new block on W Liberty Street.
EB Childs, boot and shoe store, one door east of Acadome and one door west of JB Childs store.
Wm Spear and Son furniture and undertaking, NE corner of square, opposite county buildings.
JB Childs, merchant tailor and clothier, one door west of American Hotel.
UW Underwood grocery, successor to Logan and Taylor, SW side of the square, one door north of Kiebler and Fogleson dry goods store.
PJ Power American Clothing Store, west corner room the American Hotel.
B Barrett and Co., steam engines, E Liberty Street.
Commerical Bank of Wooster, successor to Bonewitz, Emrick and Co., #74 Exchange block, W Liberty Street.
The Iron Block Clothing Store and Golden Corner Clothing Store have united, Robison and Co., carry on all its branches at old Golden corner instead of two locations 1,2,3, floors, occupied by different departments of business and “good goods and low prices” will be their motto.
JS Duden, one door north of post office, boots and shoes.
Wenger and Roth dry goods store, one door south of National Bank, SW side of square.
J Hoelzel clothing establishment, one door south of post office, SE side of square.
Exchange bank of Stibbs, Hanna and Co. in American Hotel building.
TP Baumgardner American Music Store, west corner room of American Hotel.
Samuel Woods American Shoe Store, east room of American Hotel, one store after January 1st 1870 consolidation.
Wm A Donner for family groceries and toys at Frosts old corner, SE side of square.
HE Weston, west side of S Market Street, for stoves and cooking stoves, 5 doors below the US Hotel.
Prof. GW Doty, SE corner of the square, photography gallery, entrance off E Liberty Street.
JF Barrett and Co. #3ME.
Wooster City Dye Factory, JB Woolverton, E Liberty Street, Babb property.
JR Bowman, county auctioneer.
A Foss, brush factory, one door north of post office, 2nd floor.
- Isaac Johnson
- LR Critchfield
- McSweeney and Parsons
- AS McClure
- AJ Thomas
- Rex and Jones
- George Brauneck
- Richeson and Wiley
- Bonewitz and Carr
- Welker and Downing
- Sample and Jeffries.
- Drs. Moore and Murray
- Dr. William Clark.
Wooster Republican Jan. 13, 1870
George Howard and Co., 5 doors east of American House.
JD Robison and JM Weaver, corner of N Market and North Streets.
Landis, Kramer and Co. furniture, at sign of Golden Eagle, SW side of square, opposite the Post Office.
B Barrett and RR Donnelly, B Barrett and Co. on E Liberty Street, steam engines and boilers.
JB Kock, county treasure, has leased the American House and taken possession on 1st next, formerly McClure and Son.
Dollar Store, old store of ZL Numbers, opposite the American House.
Mr. JS Duden, boots and shoes, one door north of the post office.
Wooster Republican Jan. 20, 1870
Mr. Charles C Gasche, stair builder who is prepared to execute work in his line.
Wooster Republican Jan. 27, 1870
JB and JM Kock, successor to McClure and Co., proprietors of the American Hotel, E Liberty Street.
Myers and McClure real estate and collection agency, upstairs in the courthouse.
Wooster Republican Feb. 3, 1870
Commercial Bank of Wooster, GP Emrich president, CV Hard cashier, #74 Exchange block. Directors: GP Emrich, L Firestone, D Robison Jr., David Thoman, SR Bonewitz.
Snodgrass and Son at Star building, S Market Street, opposite US Hotel.
SK Funk and Son, flour and feed, SE corner of square.
Prof, GW Doty, photography gallery, SE corner of square, 3 story building, entrance off E Liberty Street.
McClarran and Caskey Grocery Store, west corner room of the Iron Block.
PJ Power American Clothing Store, west corner room of American Hotel.
Wooster City Lumber Yard, Emrich Pinkerton and Co., corner of Larwill and Bever Streets.
Wenger and Roth dry goods, one door south of WC National Bank, SW side of square.
HS Weston and Co. store, west side of S. Market Street, old Myers Store.
WA Donner for wallpaper and books, Frost’s old corner, SE corner of square.
Samuel Woods, books and shoes, east room of the American Hotel.
First store after Jan. 1st, Robison and Co. consolidation, Iron Block clothing store with Golden corner and continue business at Golden corner, D Robison Jr., 3 floors of dry goods and goods.
JW Underwood, grocery, successor to Logan and Taylor, SW side of square, one door north of Kiebler and Fogleson.
Notice: Those persons who are indebted, will take notice that Henry S Childs, on Jan. 5, 1870, consignment of all his merchandise and real estate to the undersign for the benefit of his creditors, Wm H Bites consignee of Henry S Childs.
James C. Jacobs, Wooster Hardware, one door west of courthouse.
CW McClure store at old McClure Tin Store, opposite American Hotel.
McDonald and Co..
Wm. Spear and Son furniture and undertaking, NE corner of square.
EB Childs, boots and shoes, one door east of Acadome building and one door west of JB Childs store, has Mr. Stuller in his employ.
AR Shiveley, Wooster Steam Engine and Machine Shop, corner of Buckeye and E Liberty Street.
JB Childs, clothing, one door west of American Hotel.
Wooster City Dye Factory, JB Woolverton, E Liberty Street on Babb property.
A. Foss Brush Factory, one door north of post office on second floor.
JB and JM Kock, successors to McClure and Co., proprietors of American Hotel, E Liberty Street.
Myers and McClure, real estate and collection agents, upstairs in the courthouse.
WM Lusk and Kite Harris, county auctioneers.
Charles C Gasche, stair builder shop on Buckeye Street near Pinkerton Planning Mill.
Exchange Bank of Stibbs, Hanna and Co., American Hotel building.
Grove Female Seminary will begin on Feb. 6th, N Market Street, opposite the Baptist Church. Spring session begins on Monday, Feb. 7, 1870.
Landis, Kramer and Co. furniture and undertaking sign of the golden eagle, SW side of square.
TP Baumgardner, American Music Store, W corner room of the American Hotel.
- Isaac Johnson
- LR Critchfield
- McSweeney and Parsons
- AS McClure
- Rex and Jones
- George Brauneck
- Richeson and Wiley
- Bonewitz and Carr
- Wilker and Downing
- Sample and Jeffries.
- Dr. JD Robison and JM Weaver, corner of N Market and North Streets
- Dr. E Barrett
- Dr. LG Harley
- Dr. John Lehman
- Drs. Wilson and Hart
- Drs. Baker and Liggett
- Drs. E and WW Firestone
- Drs. Moore and Murray
- Dr. William Clark.
Wooster Republican Feb. 10, 1870
Dissolution of partnership of firm of Emrick, Pinkerton and Co. has been dissolved by mutual consent by MW Pinkerton, Moses Morett, SS Shilling retiring. The business will be conducted at the same place under name of Emrick, Barrett and Co.-- GP Emrick, MW Pinkerton, George W Barrett, Moses Morrett, SS Shilling, B Barrett, Jacob Deer and Jessie Smith.
For Rent: The dwelling house on N Market Street is now occupied by Rev. Moore also the office over my store, WA Donner.
A new brick building is being erected for art gallery by Mr. Theodore Teeple and is now advanced to completion and in a few weeks will occupy it. The carpenters under direction of Wm Alman are now fitting up the apartments and masons and plasters under Mr. Wilson are closing up their part of the work. All being completed except part of the basement. The building is of brick and three stories for the purpose of an art gallery.
Wooster Republican Feb. 17, 1870
New meat market is now open by Henry Baum. Located in brick building west of McDonald and Co. Agricultural Works. Next Thursday keep on hand the best meats.
Wooster Republican Feb. 24, 1870
Dr. WC Moore MD, in Exchange block, residence on S Market Street.
Wooster Republican March 3, 1870
Assignment for creditors, Mr. Lake and Mr. Jones, one of the oldest dry goods stores in Wooster, make an assignment of entire property real and personal on Monday last for the benefit of their creditors. We understand they only decided upon this after a long and faithful struggle to meet their indebtedness by paying claims as fast as in their power to do. The assignor was made to Ohio F Jones and JK Kauke. JC Kurtz and H Kauffman have been appointed appraisers. The past three or four years have been very severe on dry goods merchants and deeply regret the failure of these gentlemen who have maintained an honorable name in the conduct of their business.
Death of David Robison Sr. He died at his residence south of Wooster on Tuesday evening last of heart disease. He was one of the first settlers in Wooster, having lived here between 56 and 57 years. He had four sons living: William, Harvey, John M Lyman and David Jr. The funeral will take place from the late residence on Tuesday at 3 pm.
TP Baumgardner Music Store, west corner room of American Hotel.
Samuel Woods, American Shoe Store, east room of American Hotel.
Commerican Bank of Wooster, #74 Exchange block, W Liberty Street.
JW Underwood grocery, successor to Logan and Taylor, SW side of square.
Wenger and Roth, one door south of WC National Bank, SW side of square.
John Wilhelm, Wooster Carriage Factory, est. 1834, E Liberty Street.
JF Barrett and Co., ready made clothing, #3 ME.
Exchange Bank, Stibbs, Hanna and Co., American Hotel building.
Kiebler and Fogleson dry goods store, SW side, one door south of JW Underwoods grocery store.
Wooster Steam, Dying and Cleaning, on Babb property, E Liberty Street, JB Woolverton.
James B Childs clothing at People’s corner, one door west of the American Hotel.
Isaac Johnson attorney, SE side of square.
LR Critchfield, Acadome building, over Eckels, Liggett and Co..
McSweeney and Parsons, Iron block, upstairs.
AS Thomas, 1st door south of WC National Bank, upstairs.
Rex and Jones, W Liberty Street, a few doors west of the Exchange Block.
George Brauneck, E Liberty and Buckeye Street, nearly opposite the Washington Hotel.
Richeson and Wiley, SW side of square, two doors south of WC National Bank.
Physicians: same.
Charles C Gasche, stair builder shop on Buckeye Street, near Pinkerton Planning Mill.
Wm Lusk and Kite E Harris, county auctioneers.
Myers and McClure, real estate and collect agents, office upstairs in the courthouse.
Wooster Brush Factory of Adam Foss, one door north of the post office, second floor, SE side of square.
TS Johnson banker, SW side of square, one door north of WC National Bank.
B and JM Kock, successors to McClure and Co., proprietors of American Hotel on E Liberty Street.
Change in Express Co. on Tuesday, the 1st in the Adams Express Co. took charge of the roots route over Pittsburgh, Ft Wayne and Chicago Co. controlled by the American Express Co. and that ordering goods from a distance will take notice according AJ Dewitt, accrediting and general agent of RR company was appointed agent of the Adams Wooster and will continue the office as heretofore.
Professional GW Doty photographer, SE corner of square, entrance off E Liberty Street.
James C Jacobs, Wooster Hardware Store, one door west of courthouse.
Wm A Donner at Frost old corner, SE corner of square.
B Barrett and RR Donnelly, B Barrett and Co., steam engines on E Liberty Street.
Robison and Co., at the Golden Corner, 3rd floor of dry goods.
Wooster City Lumber Yard and planning mill of Emrich, Barrett and Co., corner of Larwill and Bever Streets.
EB Childs, boots and shoes, one door west of JB Childs clothing store, E Liberty Street.
Samuel Woods, American Shoe Store, east room of the American Hotel.
CW McClure at old tin store in McClure Tin Shop, E Liberty Street.
JW Underwood, grocery successor to Logan and Taylor, SW side of square, one door north of Kiebler and Fogleson.
J Hoelzel, merchant tailor, one door south of the post office, SE side of square.
New meat market of Henry Baum, open meat market in Mowrer block building, west of McDonald and Co. Agricultural Works.
Wooster Republican March 10, 1870
Dissolution of firm of Liggett, Spink and Co., having expired by litigation, is hereby dissolved, Julian Spink and BF Purdy retiring. The firm will be continued at old stand by DQ Liggett and Co-DQ Liggett, Julian Spink, BF Purdy.
Partnership dissolution of John Saal and Co. in butchering business is this day dissolved by mutual consent. Old stand , SE corner of square, business to continue by John Saal. John Saal, George Saal and M Leopold.
SK Funk and Son, flour and feed, SE corner of square.
DQ Liggett and Co. for dry goods at the Acadome building.
John Wilhelm carriage shop, est. 1834, E Liberty Street.
Wooster Republican March 17, 1870
Drs. Baker and Liggett, after refitting the rooms recently occupied by Squire Lehman over Shibley Jewelry Store, two doors north of the post office, SE side of square for medical office, will be occupied after April 1st. Baker and Leggett MD.
Wooster Republican March 24, 1870
WP Kinzer, opening a new grocery and provision store in Curry’s new block, E Liberty Street.
Wooster Republican March 31, 1870
The undersigned, having purchased IW Fogleson’s interest in Kieber and Fogleson, has moved and JC Jacobs to continue, Iron block, middle room of Jacobs Iron block JM Kiebler.
Eckels and Wallace drugstore, Acadome building.
Dr. Ingraham and Co. have moved their establishment to the fine and commendable quarters on 2nd floor of Acadome, where Dr. has his chemical apparatus in full blast.
Assignee notice: I will sell at private sale at appraised prices less than cost , the entire stock of dry goods belonging to firm of Lake and Jones, Ohio F Jones, assignee of firm of Lake and Jones.
Wooster Republican April 7, 1870
J Hoelzel, one door south of post office, SE side of square.
B Barrett and RF Donnelly of firm of B Barrett and Co. for steam engines.
Perry J Power, west corner room of American Hotel, for clothing.
Landis, Kramer and Co., furniture at sign of golden eagle, opposite the post office.
Mrs. Flack, has moved to South Street near the corner of S Market where she will continue the dress and clothing making business. Mrs. Grimm will be found in her services.
Theodore Teeple and Co. are now in our new room, NE side of square, opposite county buildings.
Snodgrass and Son, Star building, S Market Street, opposite the US Hotel, for drugs and medicines.
The S Market Street store, run by Kiebler is now in full blast in Iron Block, 2 doors west of the courthouse, J Kiebler.
Mr. Harry Baumgardner, formerly with Mr. Liggett, is now in Mr. Kiebler’s store on W Liberty Street.
TS Johnson Bank, SW side of square, one door north of WC National Bank.
Wooster Brush Factory, A Foss, one door north of the post office, 2nd floor.
JB and JM Kock, successors to McClure and Co., proprietors of American Hotel.
D Robison, at Golden corner.
Emrick, Barrett and Co., Wooster Lumber Yard and planning mill.
CW McClure, store has changed and can be found only at the west end tin shop. He has moved to west end store from E Liberty Street.
McClarran and Caskey, west corner room of the Iron block.
Attorneys and physicians same.
Charles C Gasche, for stair builder shop on Buckeye Street, near Pinkerton Planning Mill.
Wm Lusk and KE Harris, county auctioneers.
Myers and McClure real estate and collection agents, upstairs in the courthouse.
Mr. Leighty, successor to Mrs. Leighty and Flack millinery store, SE corner of square.
Wm A Donner, Frost’s old corner, SE corner of square.
Jacobs Hardware Store.
Wooster Republican April 14, 1870
SK Funk and Son, SE corner of square, for flour and feed.
The removal of the bindery and opening of a stationary store, in connection thereof wsa the big event of last week. Rick Rice and McClellan in the new firm.
Barrett and Odgen, new firm replaced one known as JF Barrett and Co., #3ME, ready made clothing.
Wooster Republican April 21, 1870
Dr. TS Baker and George Liggett, over L Shibley jewelry store, two doors north of the post office, SE side of square.
Removal of Wooster Book Bindery to the McSweeney building, E Liberty Street, opposite the American Hotel, Rice and McClellan.
Barrett and Ogden, new spring goods, old firm of F Barrett and Co., #3ME.
Wooster Republican April 28, 1870
JE Barrett MD, office and residence first house south of the Washington Hotel.
City Council regular meeting April 25, 1870: The council met pursuant to adjournment… The committee on reservoirs and water works, made a report recommending the building of a new reservoir at the crossing of W Liberty Street and Columbus Ave. and one in east part of city near the Bowman Street and Beall Ave. crossing and one at the junction of Spruce and S Market Streets.
Wooster Republican May 5, 1870
Wooster Republican, for job printing in post office building, SE side of square.
Liggett and Co., Acadome building.
Rice and McClellan, moved Wooster Book Bindery to McSweeney building nearly opposite the American Hotel.
Landis, Kramer and Co., furniture and undertaking.
Roth and Weirick, boots and shoes, SW side of square, two doors below WC National Bank.
Samuel Woods American Shoe Store.
John Wilhelm, carriage shop, E Liberty Street.
Mrs. Liggett, successor to Mrs. Liggett and Flack, dealer in millinery and fancy goods, SE corner of square.
Martin Welker, JH Downing and Charles Yocum, attorney office SW side of square in rooms formerly occupied by JH Downing.
Emrick, Barrett and Co., Wooster Lumber Yard.
EB Childs, boots and shoes, has in his employ Mr. Stuller.
GP Emrick and CV Hard, Commerican Bank of Wooster, #74 Exchange block.
CW McClure, west end tin shop for stoves.
Lawyers and doctors same.
Regular meeting Monday evening. The council accepted the proposition of JH Kauke to build two stone culverts over the ravines on Bever Street, 4.50 per perch. Mr. B Barrett, a member of last council, was invited to make a statement and furnish estimates of cost of building a large reservoir near the springs north of corporation limits to supply the fire department for water to extinguish fires. Mr. Barrett’s suggestions and estimates were referred to committee on reservoirs. The committee on reservoirs was instructed to have six inch pipe laid from the run north of Buckeye Street to the public square to supply cisterns with water. A resolution was adopted requesting a public meeting of citizens to consider the propriety of building a large reservoir north of the city.
Wooster republican May 12, 1870
Dr. S Wilson, office and residence on W Liberty Street.
Dissolution of partnership of Bentz and Snyder in produce and this day has been dissolved by mutual consent of Wm Bentz’s retiring. RB Snyder and Wm Bentz.
Prepare for business at the Wooster Mercantile College, Exchange block, 3rd story bookkeeping, penmanship and lists prices for various courses.
Isaac Johnson has commenced the erection of a new dwelling house on North Street just east of the Episcopal Church.
Mr. Whitaker and Mr. Childs entered into a co-partnership and now have a large assortment of ready made clothing at Star Clothing Store next door to Commerican Bank, W Liberty Street, old stand of Henry S Childs.
Wooster Republican May 19, 1870
New firm of Whitaker and Childs, successor to HS Childs, at new Star Clothing Store, next door to Zimmerman Drug Store. Largest stock of ready made clothing.
B and SB Eason, attorneys, office upstairs in Zimmerman new building, W Liberty Street. James B Childs.
Wooster Republican June 2, 1870
Prof. GW Doty, photography gallery, 1st floor, SE corner of square, entrance off E Liberty Street.
Eckels and Wallace Drug Store, in the Acadome building.
Wooster Republican, book and job steam printing in post office building, SE side of square.
Whitaker and Childs, star clothing store, successor to HS Childs, next to Zimmerman Drug Store, Exchange block, W Liberty Street, ready made clothing.
S Woods, in American House, east room, boots and shoes.
Selling off at cost at People’s Corner, B Childs offers entire stock of goods at cost for 90 days to close them out, one door west of American Hotel.
Perry J Power, American Clothing Store, west corner room of American Hotel.
Rice and McClellan have moved Wooster Book Bindery to McSweeney block, nearly opposite the American Hotel, west corner room of hotel.
SK Funk and Son, flour and feed store, SE corner of square.
Roth and Weirick, boots and shoes, two doors below WC National Bank, SW side of square.
Ladies bazaar, millinery and fancy goods of Mrs. C Schauman and Co., S Market Street.
Wool for sale at J and E Numbers, corner of South and S Market Streets, John Numbers.
B and SB Eason, office upstairs in Zimmerman new building.
Welker, Downing and Yocum, SW side of square in rooms formerly occupied by JH Downing.
Wm Lusk and KE Harris, county auctioneers.
Wm Spear and Son, furniture and undertaking, NE corner of square.
JW Underwood grocery, successor to Logan and Taylor, SW side of square, one door north of Kiebler and Fogleson Dry Goods Store.
Wooster Carriage Shop of John Wilhelm, established 1834 on E Liberty Street.
Liggett and Co., Acadome dry goods store.
Wooster Brush Factory, A Foss, one door north of post office, 2nd floor, SE corner of square.
Dissolution of partnership of Eckels, Barrett and Co. in the lumber business on May 28, 1870 by the withdrawal of Jessie Smith, whose interest was purchased by the remaining members continue business at old stand as Emrick, Barrett and Co.. GP Emrick, GW Barrett, B Barrett, Jacob Deer and Jessie Smith.
The Historical Society. We have been requested to give notice that the Wooster Historical Society will meet on Monday evening next at office of Rex and Jones.
B Barrett and Co., for steam engines, E Liberty Street, next to Home Mills.
Wenger and Roth, one door below WC National Bank for goods.
Wooster Republican June 9, 1870
George Howard and Co., Wayne County Fruit Jar Depot, 5 doors east of American Hotel.
WP Kinzer grocery, in new Curry block, E Liberty Street.
Teeple, new arrangement. We have one of the finest and best running art gallerys in the west. The new building has been completed with special reference to our business, NE corner of square, upstairs, opposite the county buildings. T Teeple and Co..
Wooster Republican June 16, 1870
JB Childs, selling off his entire stock in order to close out the business, one door west of the American Hotel.
Wooster Republican June 23, 1870
Wooster Book Bindery, Rice and McClellan, in McSweeney block nearly opposite American Hotel.
Roth and Weirick, boots and shoes, two doors below WC National Bank.
Barrett and Ogden, ready made clothing, #3ME.
TS Johnson, banker, SW side of square, one door north of WC National Bank.
Mrs. Leight, successor to Leighty and Flack, SE corner of square, millinery goods.
Emrick, Barrett and Co., Wooster Lumber Yard, corner of Larwill and Bever Streets.
Wm Spear and Son, NE corner of square for furniture and undertaking.
JW Underwood, grocery, successor to Logan and Taylor, SW side of square.
John Wilhelm, carriage making, E Liberty Street.
EB Childs, boots and shoes store, one door west of B Childs clothing store.
Dr. RJ Cunningham, dentist office, S Market Street, successor to Dr. CH Hesler.
Dissolution of partnership existing between David Y Landis, Levi R Kramer,Wm T Landis and Joseph Shibely, under name of Landis, Kramer and Co. is hereby dissolved by mutual consent. Those indebted will please make payment to David Y Landis, who will be on hand at the counting rooms of Landis Bros. at old stand. Those knowing or having claims against old firm will present same to David Y Landis for settlement. David Y Landis, Levi R Kramer, Wm T Landis and Joseph Shibely.
Wooster Republican June 30, 1870
Eckels and Wallace, drug store at Acadome drug store.
We the undersign, agree to close our respective businesses at 7:30 pm on July 1st next Saturday evening excepted: DQ Liggett and Co., TP Power and Co., RR Donnelly and Co., George Plumer, JH Kiebler and Co., Wenger and Roth and Robison and Co..
Wooster Republican July 7, 1870
Commerican Bank Wooster, #74 Exchange block.
Whitaker and Childs star clothing store, two doors east of J Zimmerman drug store.
Samuel Woods, boots and shoes.
RA Lucas, tin and slate roofing and spouting, on Buckeye Street, nearly opposite Howard and Roth Livery Stable.
Rice and McClellan, moved to McSweeney building, nearly opposite the American Hotel.
SK Funk and Son, flour and feed.
John Wilhelm, carriage shop.
IR Ingrahams, Macedonian oil, for internal and external uses, Lock box 84, Wooster.
JB Kock and Son, proprietors of American Hotel.
TS Johnson banker.
Wooster Brush Factory, A Foss.
Wooster City Dye Factory, JB Woolverton.
Wooster Mercantile Business College, in Exchange block, 3rd floor.
IW Fogleson, in now with Dr. Wenger and Roth Dry goods.
Joseph E Jacobs died in Wooster on evening of 4th after a long illness. Funeral will take place today, from old homestead on W Liberty Street.
JK Kiebler and Co., dry goods store, middle room, Jacobs Iron block, two doors west of courthouse.
New firm of Landis Brothers, successor to Landis, Kramer and Co., furniture and undertaking.
Mr. H Kauffman is selling dry goods at store of JK Kiebler and Co. in Jacobs Iron block, W Liberty Street.
James E Wescott, merchant tailor and dealer in gents furnishing goods.
Dr. WC Moore.
Snodgrass and Son, drugs and medicines in Star building, S Market Street, opposite US Hotel.
Eckels and Wallace Acadome, variety store in Acadome building.
James C Jacobs, Wooster Hardware Store.
George, Howard and Co., queens ware and glassware.
B Barrett and Co., for steam engines.
Lewis Shibley, watches, clocks and jewelry, two doors north of post office, SE side of the square.
Wenger and Roth.
Wooster Republican July 14, 1870
Dissolution of partnership of Kurtz and Boyce. Dissolved this day by mutual consent, Mr. Kurtz buying Mr. Boyce’s interest. JC Kurtz and James Boyce.
Council proceedings, Monday evening last, ordered rough stone walk across public square on south side of Liberty Street to be taken up and flagstone walk laid in its place. We publish in another place a resolution submitting an ordinance to vote of city prohibiting the sale of intoxication liquors. Sundry walks were ordered to be paved on Bever, E Liberty and Buckeye Streets.
Sell at cost, the dry goods belonging to late firm of Lake and Jones at old stand. Ohio F Jones, assignee of Lake and Jones.
Wooster Republican July 21, 1870
JB Childs is selling his clothing off at cost until Sept. 1st, one door west of the American Hotel at the Peoples corner.
Wooster Republican August 4, 1870
Attorneys and Doctors, same.
Wooster Historical Society will meet next Monday evening at courthouse where general attendance is requested. Dr. Firestone and Judge Dean will address the meeting by order of secretary Constant Lake, President.
RA Logan, Buckeye Street, nearly opposite Howard and Roth livery stable, for tin and slate roofing and spouting.
Wooster Republican Aug. 18, 1870
Harvey Howard, wholesale and retail dealer in drugs and medicines, #4ME.
James E Wescott, corner of S Market Street and public square.
CW McClure and WA Sheppard, dealers in copper, sheet iron ware and stoves, W Liberty Street.
WG Liddell and Bro., manufacture of gloves and Howe sewing machine, next door to Mrs. Schauman, S Market Street.
Rhodes and Myers, one door north of US Hotel, S Market Street.
Donnelly, Rayl and Co., #2ME, hardware.
James C Jacobs, established 1832, 1st door west of courthouse.
Snodgrass and Son, Star building, S Market Street.
Wooster Republican Sept. 1, 1870
Wooster Republican, book and job steam printing, SE corner in post office building.
Roth and Weirick, boots and shoes.
W Woods, boots and shoes.
Liddell and Son, glove factory, S Market Street.
RA Logan, Buckeye Street, nearly opposite Howard and Roth Livery Stable, for tin and slate roofing and spouting.
Emrich, Barrett and Co., Wooster Lumber Yard and planning mill.
Whitaker and Childs, star clothing store.
Wooster Mercantile College, Exchange block, 3rd floor.
McClure and Sheppard, dealer in copper, sheet iron and tin ware, in stoves, W Liberty Street.
WG Liddell and Bros., Wooster Glove Factory, next door to Mrs. Schauman, S Market Street.
Rhodes and Myers, fancy boots and shoes manufactory, one door north of US Hotel, S Market Street.
Presbyterian Church, corner of North and Walnut Streets.
Methodist Church, corner of Grant and North Street.
Baptist Church, N Market Street.
Evangelical Lutheran Church, N Market Street.
German Lutheran Church, on Grant Street.
Episcopal Church, corner of North Market and North Street.
Church of Christ Disciples, corner of Market and South Streets.
United Presbyterian Church, on North Bever Street.
Church of God on South Street, between Buckeye and Bever Streets.
St Mary Catholic Church, Cemetery Street.
Welker, Downing and Yocum.
Doctors: same.
Adam Foss, brush maker.
John Wilhoelm.
Wooster Republican Sept. 8, 1870
Henry Lehman, selling stoves, successor to CW McClure, at McClure’s old established store, opposite American Hotel, #6ME.
Hats at Nachtrieb’s, opposite American Hotel, E Liberty Street.
Wooster Republican Sept. 15, 1870
Co-partnership Frederick Kaltwasser and Wm Grauk, under firm of Kalwasser and Grauk, successor to Imgard and Bros. which dissolved by mutual consent. Bills must be settled of the late firm before Dec. 1, 1870. Kaltwasser or he will be compelled to place them in hands for settlement. He may be found at the store of new firm of Hoelzel and Kaltwasser, merchant tailors, two doors south of post office, SE side of square.
Wenger and Roth, one door south of WC National Bank.
Mrs. Gray and Co., wire works, corner of Buckeye and South Streets. They are becoming extensively known throughout the country and are efficient in their business.
Millinery goods. As I wish to close up business, I now offer at bargain prices, my full stock of millinery goods for sale. Mr. Black in McSweeney block, E Liberty Street.
Dedication of Wooster High School. Sept. 7, 1870 signifies the education of Wooster. The Wooster University massive in proportions, was dedicated also a High School dedicated on Sept. 13, 1870. The building is a monument to the architect Walter Blythe of firm of Heard and Blythe. The desks and furniture were prepared by Spink and Sons. Handsome bible was presented to the high school by Frank D Belnap of new depot and Eckels and Wallace to grammar school and John Zimmerman to Intermediated school.
Capt. James Curry with his sons, has fast this month erected quite a few residence for citizens prominent among which are the following: Wm Nold, on Matilda Street; George Troutman, N Market Street; George Kreiger, N Market Street; Cyrus Bentz on Spink Street; JW Underwood, W Liberty Street; George Rightly, Pittsburg Ave.; Isaac Johnson, North Street; George Robison, Stibbs addition.
The firm of Curry and Son is famous for their energy in filling all contracts.
Wooster Republican Sept. 22, 1870
Eckels and Wallace Drug Store Acadome building.
E Chatelain, gold and silver watches, clocks and jewelry, SW side of square, below bank.
GC French has moved his provision store one door east of the Express Office, provisions of grain and seeds.
Mr. Kaltwasser is going into business with Mr. Hlelzel, two doors south of post office, SE side of square.
FD Belnap, news depot, has been moved to three doors below the American Hotel.
JK Kiebler and Co., have fall stock with new goods in the Iron block west of the courthouse.
Wooster Republican Sept. 27, 1870
Firm of Bentz and Snyder, dealer in groceries, has been dissolved. The business hereafter will be carried on at the old stand by Bentz and Otterman.
Family grocery store of Bentz and Otterman, NE side of square.
Nachtrieb, for hats, caps, ladies goods, umbrellas, buffalo robes and trunks, opposite of American Hotel.
Wooster Republican Oct. 6, 1870
The 21st annual fair of the Wayne County Agricultural Society commenced on Wednesday of last week.
DQ Liggett and Co., Acadome building, dry goods store.
McClarran and Caskey Grocery, also queens ware, west corner room of Iron block.
WP Kinzer Grocery, in Curry block, E Liberty Street.
SK Funk and Son, flour and feed store, SE corner of square.
John Wilhelm, carriage factory, established 1834, E Liberty Street.
L Shibley, watches, clocks and jewelry, SE corner of square, two doors north of post office.
Robison and Co., at Golden corner.
Whitaker and Childs, star clothing store, two doors east of J Zimmerman Drugstore.
Bentz and Ottman Grocery, NE side of square, successor to Bentz and Snyder.
J Nachtrieb, hats and caps, opposite American Hotel, E Liberty Street.
Wenger and Roth dry goods, SW side of square, one door south of WC National Bank.
Donnelly, Rayl and Co., for hardware, #2ME.
E Chatelain, watches, clocks and jewelry, SW side of square below bank.
James C Jacobs, Wooster Hardware, one door west of courthouse.
GC French has moved his provision store one door east of Express office.
Roth and Weirick for boots and shoes, SW side, two doors south of WC National Bank.
Emrick, Barrett and Co., Wooster Planning Mill, corner of Larwill and Bever Streets.
Comerican Bank of Wooster, GP Emrick- president, CV Hard-VP, #74 Exchange block.
James B Childs, clothing at Peoples corner, one door west of American Hotel.
EB Childs, boots and shoes, one door east of America Acadome building, one door west of B Childs store.
Barrett and Ogden, ready made clothing, #3ME.
Exchange Bank, Stibbs, Hanna and Co., in American Hotel building.
B Barrett and Co., steam engines, E Liberty, next door to Home Mills.
Attorneys and doctors same.
RA Lucas, tine and slate roofing and spouting, Buckeye Street, nearly opposite Howard and Roth Livery Stable.
JB Kock and Son, successor to McClure and Co., proprietors of American Hotel.