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Miscellanious Information
Street Guide
Street Guide-Amelia to Beall
Bever South to Bowman East
Bowman East to Buckeye North
Buckeye North to Clark Place
College Avenue to Emerick
Foster Path to Grant South
Grant South to Henry West
Liberty East to Liberty East
Liberty West to Liberty West
Liberty West to Market North
Market North to Market South
Market South to North East
Walnut North to Woodland Avenue
Abbott Minnie to Ainsworth Cora
Airhart Ralph to American Shoe Shiner Parlor
Ames Elizabeth to B&F Transfer
Bach Chas to Bartrum Florence
Basham Arthur to Bentel Mary
Bently Frank to Blessing Jas
Blessing Robt to Bowman Cora
Bowman Esther to Bridenstine Mabel
Bridenstine Victor to Buchheit Lena
Buchholz Edw to Carafellie Gregori
Carafelli Loretto to Chirillo Ross
Chisholm Christine to Colmorino Antonio
Columbo Ricco to Craven Lila
Crawfis Jno to Dager Margt
Dager Mildred to Derr Mary
Derr Printing to Douglas Ivan
Douglas Jas to Eaton Lula
Eberhart Pauline to Ernst Carl
Ernst Geo to Fickles Albert
Fickles Sarah to Flory Nellie
Flower Store to Frederick Harold
Frederick Jacob to Gauweiler Gustav
Gauweiler Jno to Gingery Jessie
Gingery Mary to Grady Roy
Graham Frank to Gulliford Helen
Gulliford Roy to Hartel Esther
Hartman Alex to Henderson Richd
Henderson William to Hoffman Birdell
Hoffman Charles to Houston Howard
Howard Alfred to James Ellen
Jameson Grace to Jones Garland
Jones Harmon to Keister Eileen
Keister Forest to Kistler Clinton
Kistler Edw to Lacey Morton
Lee Arnetta to Lincoln Highway Cafeteria
Lindsey David to Machwort Geo
Machwort Marie to Marone Joe
Marone Theresa to McAnaney Alice
McAnaney Cath to McCollough Martin
Mcullough Wm to McQuigg Helen
McQuigg Hinda to Miller David
Miller Dorsey to Mohn Willis
Monaco Saul to Mowrey Amanda
Mowrey Cora to Nesbitt Mandie
Nesbitt Lucile to Overholt Jno
Overholt Jno Sr to Perkins Albert
Perkins Fred to Postal Telegraph Cable Co
Potts Flossie to Reed Bertha
Reed Clenn to Richards Anna
Richards Thos to Rosser Loah
Rotary Club to Sands Cloyd
Sands Harry to Schuck Louisa
Schultz Carrie to Shaw Floyd
Shaw Harry to Sigler Earl
Sigler Frank to Smith Frank
Smith Fred to Snyder Elizth
Snyder Ella to Stark Julius
Stark & Zaring Rest to Straub Mary
Straub Theo to Swinehart Jno
Swinehart Ray to Thompson Ruth
Thorley Clyde to VanHyning Ray
VanKirk Jno to Warner Edgar
Warner Edwin to Weirick Wallace
Weiser August to Wile Elza
Wile Grace to Wolfe Raymond
Wolgamott Amanda to Yankello Saml
Yanney Benj to Zarlengo Jno
Zarlengo Jos to Zubowick Jos
Business Directory
Page 202-203 Business Directory - Abstracters-Banks and Credit Unions.jpg
Abstracters to Banks and Credit Unions
Barbers to Cigars & Tobacco
Junk to Musical Merchandise
physicians to restaurants