Wayne County Pioneer Association

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Article 1

This Association shall be Known as the Wayne County Pioneer Association.

Article 2

The object of the Association is to renew old acquaintances, cultivate new friendships, preserve pioneer history, etc.

Article 3

The Officers of this Association shall consist of a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and Corresponding Secretary.

Article 4

The duty of the President will be to preside all regular or called meetings.

Article 5

The duty of the Vice President will be to act as President in the absence of the President.

Article 6

The duty of the Secretary will be to Keep a record of the proceedings of the meetings of the Association and record the names of all the members of the Association.

Article 7

The duty of the Treasurer shall be to receive all moneys of the Association, and pay out the same, on the order of the President and Secretary, Keeping an account of the same.

Article 8

The duty of the Corresponding Secretary will be to invite speakers for the annual meetings, etc.

Article 9

The persons to fill the above named offices shall be elected by the members of the Association at their Annual Meeting, and shall hold their office for one year, or until their successors are elected.

Article 10

The above named officers shall constitute a board whose duty it shall be to choose the time and place to hold the annual meeting and picnic of the Associationand make all necessary arrangments for the same.

Article 11

Any person of the age of 40 years, and who has been a resident of this County twenty years, by paying the sum of Twenty five Cents may become a member of this Association.

Roster of Members

  • John H. Kauke - Born Dec 15, 1817
  • William N McGugin – Born Dec 27, 1817
  • John Van Nest – Born Dec 1st, 1814
  • Mary J. Myers –Born 1823
  • Matthew McClure – Born 1817
  • Peter Amstutz –Born Nov 15, 1832
  • W. W. Wallace – Born Apr 15, 1839
  • I. N. Kieffer – Born Aug 13th, 1843
  • N. S. Hawkins – Born Mar 8, 1825
  • C. Matilda Thomson – Born June 20, 1820
  • Mathew McClure – Born Sept 1, 1817
  • D. K. Hamilton –Born Oct. 6th, 1813
  • W. G. Myers – Born June 7th, 1820
  • M. Welker – Born April 25, 1819
  • Jacob Frick – Born Sept 17, 1834
  • Benjamin Rohrer – Born Aug 10, 1821 (?)
  • S. A. Bender – Born March 4, 1839
  • W. G. Myers – Born 1820

First Annual Picnic

The first annual social picnic was held at Highland Park on 2 September 1880. [1] [2] More than 500 people were said to be in attendance. Nathan W. Smith of Wooster, the oldest living settler of Wayne County, was named President of the Association. Sixteen Vice-Presidents were elected – one from each township.

James Johnston was chosen as Recording Secretary; Dr. J. D. Robison as Corresponding Secretary; and John McClellan, Treasurer. According to the article found in the Wayne County Democrat on 8 September 1880 on page 3, Mrs. Mertilla “Tillie” (Miller) Brierton of Lima, Ohio was in attendance. She was the first white child born in Wayne County, her birth occurring on 8 April 1809. She was the daughter of Benjamin Miller and was named by John Bever. Benjamin Miller was the first married man who settled in the county.

1880 Pioneers

The following individuals is a partial list of those pioneers, ages 70 years and older, who attended the 1st Annual Picnic at Highland Park. [3]



  1. Wayne County Democrat 8 Sep 1880 p. 3, col. 7
  2. Wooster Republican 9 Sep 1880 p. 2, col. 6
  3. Wooster Republican 9 September 1880 p. 2 col. 6