Wayne County Democrat, Business Abstracts 1901

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Wayne County Democrat Jan. 2, 1901


TW Peckinpaugh, office 38 W Liberty Street.
Dr. HA Hart, Downing block , SE side of square.
AJ Bradford, 44 W Liberty Street.
Thomas A Elder, office over Laubach and Boyd drug store.
Clearance sale at Nick Amsters, 4 doors west of courthouse.
Wm Annat Co., SW side of square. Craighead and Co. grocery. JB Stahl, 31 E Liberty Street. Landis and Schmuck. WH Wiler, for shoes, W Liberty Street.
Window curtains at the Potter Bros.. Freedlander store in Frick memorial block.

Wayne County Democrat Jan. 9, 1901

Nick Amsters store, 4 doors west of courthouse.
Freedlander store. Wm Annat and Co..
Closing out sale to quit the business.
Landis and Schmuck, W Liberty Street.
WH Wiler for shoes. Potter Bros., phone 287. AJ Frederick Cand Co.
Harding and Co., hardware.

Wayne County Democrat Jan. 16, 1901

Griffin store, six doors west of the courthouse, opposite Zimmerman Dry Good Store.

Wayne County Democrat Jan. 21, 1901

Freedlander, one price clothing store.
HF Crowl, undertaking.
Nick Amsters, 4 doors west of the courthouse.
GW Spangler, for loaning money.
Harding and Co.. Christine Bros. for furniture.
Closing out sale to quit the business, Landis and Schmuck.

Wayne County Democrat June 5, 1901

Freedlander, one price clothing, Frick memorial block, W Liberty Street.
ED Fisher, 35 S Market Street for leather fly nets.
Wm Annat Co.. A Thompson, dentist, 20 W Liberty Street.
Nick Amsters Store. WA Wilson, boots and shoes.
Bargain revolution of the season at Bloomberg Clothing Co., Joe Bloomberg is manager. Located next door to Rich and Blough Hardware Store, E Liberty Street.
McClure and Co., for stoves, 21 N Buckeye Street. E Paumier Shoe Store, 31 S Market Street. Great bargins in shoes.
Smithville Chautauqua opens Saturday, Aug. 17th and continues over three Sundays and lists program.
Wayne County Pioneer picnic is Saturday, Aug. 31st. JB Eberly, proprietor, Smithville Chautauqua.

Wayne County Democrat Aug. 14, 1901

Smithville Chautauqua starts Saturday, Aug. 17th and continues over three Sundays and lists program.
Wayne County Pioneer picnic is Aug. 31st with musical program of ½ hour. JB Eberly is proprietor.
Speaking at Chautauqua program will be Col. LF Copeland, Dr. SP Lakland, Dr. AS Zook, Dr. WC Dawson, Dr. George F Hall, Dr. HJ Becker, Edmond Vance Cooke, and Col. George W Bain. JB Eberly is the proprietor.