Wayne County Democrat, Business Abstracts 1897
Wayne County Democrat Jan. 6, 1897
Isaac Johnson and James B Taylor, rooms 1 and 2, D Nice Block, E Liberty Street.
Wm Muschenick, boots and shoes, W Liberty Street.
Wooster National Bank, 10 W Liberty Street.
Wayne County Democrat Jan. 7, 1897
LR Critchfield and LR Critchfield Jr.
Ross W Funck
AD Metz
SR Bonewitz
SB Eason
Benjamin Eason
WF Kean
TW Peckinpaugh
CA Reider
Dr. AT Bashford, office and residence 44 W Liberty Street.
Dr. HA Hart
Dr. CA Lerch, over WA Wilson drug store, 6 W Liberty Street.
Frick and Tyler, grain dealers.
DL Freedlander, Frick memorial block, one price clothier.
JW Billman, practical pirecologist, photography office on E South Street, one door east of Keppel and Snyder Grain Store.
Dr. JW Stahl, dentist office, 24 E Liberty Street, opposite the Archer Hotel.
Wooster Book Bindery, Jacob Fischer in the Frick block, W Liberty Street.
Albert Shupe and Co., bankers and brockers, WT Peckinpaugh- cashier.
Laubach and Boyd Drug Store, SE side of the square.
Beebe for bargins.
WH Wilson, for shoes, W Liberty Street.
New shoes and fancy goods at Black and Whiteford on Quimby block, SW side of the public square.
Clearnace sale at Wm Annat, SW side of the public square.
DL Freedlander, one price clothing store, Frick memorial block, W Liberty Street.
Wayne County National Bank, J Overholt-VP, CS Frost- cashier, John M Criley- asst. cashier, HR Imgrad- teller.
Wooster Pump Co., water drilling and prospecting
Wayne County Democrat April 14, 1897
New administration at Agricultural Experimental station and shows picture of it.
Wayne County Democrat July 7, 1897
DL Freedlander, one price clothier, Frick memorial block, W Liberty Street.
Wooster Hardware store, west of Zimmerman Drug Store, W Liberty Street, old DD Miller Co..
WO Beebe dry goods, 4 E Liberty Street, 2 doors east of the square.
McClure and Co., 21 N Buckeye Street, for stoves.
Smith and Keller, Wooster Pump Co., 55 S Market Street.
Wooster Sanitarium, Corner of Market and Bowman Streets. Private hospital for general care case.
WA Hinckman MD, office Quimby block, SW side of the square.
Coal for sale by C Smith and Son yard on N Walnut Street and E Liberty Street at Pennsylvania Rail Road depot.
WH Wiler
Wm Muschenick, boots and shoes.
D Nice boots and shoes at D Nice double store.
HN Mateer MD, office and residence 60 E Bowman Street.
Wayne County Democrat July 7, 1897
SB Eason
Dr. AT Bashford, office and residence 44 W Liberty Street.
JS Elliott, last week, purchased the Cooperative Foundry building and the land on which Robertson and Droz Cab building stood, corner of North and N Buckeye Streets.
Wayne County Democrat Nov. 22, 1897
Landis and Schmuck, furniture and undertaking, W Liberty Street.
DL Freedlander, W Liberty Street, Frick memorial block.
McCure, stove and house furnishing goods, SW side of public square.
WH Wiler.
WO Beebe, for dry goods, 4 E Liberty , 2 doors east of square.
WD Bryson
WH Bradshaw Jewlery Store, SW side of square in old Chatelain Jewlery Store.
Wooster Pump Co., Smith and Keller, 55 S Market Street.
Wooster Hardware Co., W Liberty Street.
Wayne County Democrat Dec. 8, 1897
Johnson and Taylor
LR and LR Critchfield Jr.
Ross W Funck
SR Bonewitz
Benjamin and SE Eason
WF Kean
TW Peckinpaugh
Dr. HN Mateer, office and residence 60 E Bowman.
Dr. AT Bashford, 44 W Liberty Street.
Drs. Stoll and Ryall
Dr. HA Hart
Dr. CA Lerch
Laubach and Boyd Drug Store
Bryson, Christmans goods store.
Wooster Hardware Co., old DD Miller rooms, west of Zimmerman and Co.
WO Beebe, dry goods, 2 doors east of square, 4 E Liberty Street.
Clothing for sale at DL Freedlander, Frick memorial block, W Liberty Street.