Wayne County Democrat, Business Abstracts 1896

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Wayne County Democrat Jan. 22, 1896

The removal sale of DL Freedlander, one price clothier. Sale of 20000 worth of men’s clothing, hats, caps, and gents furnishing goods.

Must be sold to perfect arrangements of opening a new store in Frick memorial block, formerly occupied by WHH Sickley, W Liberty Street.

Craighead and Co. grocery store.

Wooster Ice and Coal Co., BJ Smith. All orders are promptly filled. Yards at 28 N Bever Street.

WO Beebe, 2nd door from the square.

Hoelzel and Kaltwasser, fall and winter goods, SE side of the square.

McClure and Hinton, SW corner of the square.

Wooster Drilling and Prospecting Co..

Wooster Pump Co., 55 S Market Street.

Annual sacrifice sale at Star Clothing Store, JG George, proprietor.

Sickley bankruptcy sale, 35000.

Wayne County Democrat Jan. 26, 1896

SR Eason, office over the National Bank, Zimmerman block, W Liberty Street.

WF Kean.

TW Peckinpaugh.

CA Reider, office on east side over Shibley Jewerly Store, SE side of the square.

Dr. JS Stoll and GW Stoll, offices N Market Street, north of the county offices.

Dr. HA Hart, office and residence nearly opposite the new Lutheran Church.

Dr. CA Lerch, office over WA Wilson drug store, 6 W Liberty Street.

Dr. CA Lerch and GW Stauffer, 41 and 43 N Market Street.

Wayne County Democrat Jan. 26, 1896

35000 in clothing sale starts Thursday. It is an encore business.

Stock bought by Geiselman and sold at old Bissell corner, east side of the square. Plenty of room and good light.
Inspect stock. Eli Geiselman. Remember place at old Bissell corner, next to Beebe sand, opposite Craighead and Co. grocery.

Johnson and Taylor, office rooms 1 and 2, D Nice block.

LR Critchfield and LR Critchfield Jr., office over Quimby block, SW side of the square.

John C McClarran, office over McClelland Brothers book store, E Liberty Street.

Ross W Funck.

AD Metz, over Andrew Massaro grocery store, W Liberty Street.

SR Bonewitz, office and residence, W Liberty Street.

Benjamin Eason, office Zimmerman block, upstairs.

SR Eason, office over National Bank.

Wayne County Democrat May 1, 1896

DL Freedlander, one price clothier, W Liberty Street, opposite Zimmerman and Co. drug store in Frick memorial block 25. Suits for sale.

Wayne County Democrat July 1, 1896




Wayne County Democrat July 1, 1896

Great clearance sale, DL Freedlander, one price clothier, Frick memorial block, W Liberty Street.

GC George, great closing out sale of clothing at Star Clothing Store, Frick block, Wooster.

Wayne County Democrat Nov. 9, 1896

Large ad of new suits and overcoats. Big bargins in boys’ overcoats at DL Freedlander, one price clothier, Frick memorial block, W Liberty Street.

Wayne County Democrat Dec. 2, 1896

The Canton Wright Patricks Militant is holding monthly freestyle drills at the armory.

Craighead and Co., in PD Hall building, SE side of the square.

Big prices paid for poultry, CE Funk.

DL Freedlander, W Liberty Street, Frick memorial block.

Landis and Schmuck furniture and undertaking, W Liberty Street.

McClure Stove and House Furnishing Store, SW side of the square.

Albert Shupe and Co., bankers and brokers, corner room of Downing block, NE side of the square. Loans made on a approved securities. Albert Shupe, Wm T Peckinpaugh and Winton Frank.