Wayne County Democrat, Business Abstracts 1883
Wayne County Democrat Jan. 3, 1883
James B Taylor, office over Quimby Bros. Shoe Store, #3ME.
JR Woodsworth in Childs block, E Liberty Street, opposite the post office.
AD Metz office over HS Childs Clothing Store, W Liberty Street, next to Zimmerman Exchange block.
John McSweeney, Iron block.
SR Bonewitz office over JH Taylor Grocery and Provision Store, W Liberty Street.
McBride and Mullins in Keefer Iron block, upstairs.
B and BF Eason in Zimmerman block, W Liberty Street.
LQ Jeffries, SW side of square, old rooms of John P Jeffries.
Hiram B Swartz, NE side in Downing block.
Will Beresford, tailor and draper, Archer House block, E Liberty Street.
PJ Power, clothier, SE side of square and S Market Street.
Emma Brainard art gallery, SE side of square.
Wisner and Muschenich boots and shoes, in Downing block, NE side of square.
Buggies and wagons at WH Banker, 21-29 E South Street, opposite J Frick warehouse.
Try a ton of Mullins Minglewood Coal at JL Gray and Son office, Snow Flake Mills E Liberty Street.
L Shibley and Bro. Jewelry Store, SE side of square.
J Cunningham and Bro. china store, NE side of square, opposite county buildings.
John H Thomas, organ, pianos and sewing machines for sale at north of county buildings.
Work was commenced on the new Pad Company large brick building. It was only started last October. This is a business enterprise.
Barrett and Ogden Clothing, E Liberty Street, opposite the post office, Childs building.
Steam engines and boilers, B Barrett and Son, E Liberty Street.
Roller and Wilson Drug Store, W Liberty Street.
Chan Mans Chinese California Laundry, east side of S Market Street.
WH Cummings, agent of Singer sewing machines at 24 SE corner of the square.
WC National Bank, Quimby’s old bank, SW side of square, capital and surplus 10000.
J Zimmerman and Co. drug store, W Liberty Street.
JS Bissell and Bro. #1ME.
John C Glasgow, carpets and curtains, E Liberty Street.
WF Woods, boots and shoes, 19 E Liberty Street.
Laubach and Donnelly drug store, SE side of square.
Robison Shoe Store, new store at 55 S Market Street in Schauman block.
DE Robison boots and shoes for sale at Quimby Bros. #3ME, three doors west of post office.
DY Landis, furniture and undertaking, SW side of square, two doors south of Quimby old bank.
A Saybolt Jr., tin store. Call and see him in Frances Academy of Music W Liberty Street.
Hoelzel and Kaltwasser, merchant tailors and clothiers, SE side of square.
Isaac Dye, single and double harness, 35 W Liberty Street. Left S Market Street over a year ago and found at BJ Hartman’s old stand, W Liberty Street.
William Shibley jewelry store, corner of E Liberty and Buckeye Streets.
Wayne County Democrat Jan. 10, 1883
Wooster Refrigerator Manufactory. Notice is given that the books will be opened at office of NL Baumgardner Saturday, Feb. 10, 1883 to receive subscriptions to the capital stock of Wooster Refrigerator Manufacture Co., DC Curry and L Baumgardner, JP VanNest, John Raumbaugh, CV Hard.
George Power, successor to S Geitgey, dealer in lamps, table cutlery, queens ware, glassware.
Mullins Minglewood Coal at JL Gray and Son, Snow Flake Mills, E Liberty Street.
Barrett and Ogden Clothing, E Liberty Street, opposite post office.
Wayne County Democrat Jan. 17, 1883
Noah Humphreys has moved is justice office to east side of square, opposite county buildings.
On sixth and eight, inst Frick and Overholt contracted for 17000 bushels of wheat at 1.00 a bushel.
James Curry, having leased his lumber yard to Wooster Refrigerator Co., offer his stock for sale at cost. Remember the place, old stand on E Liberty Street for lumber.
Gerlach and Kinkler Meat Market, Germania Hall block, S Market Street.
McClarran and Caskey Grocery Store, 5 W Liberty Street.
Rumbaugh Refrigerator Co. has leased the shops and lumber yard of James Curry on E Liberty Street and commenced the manufacture of refrigerators. Mr. Curry will sell all his lumber at cost.
Mr. CF Conrad is now making extensive improvements on his building on E Liberty Street, remolding interior and commenced the erection of a 40 ft. rear addition to the main building this, to the main building to give him 80 feet billiard hall. His eating rooms have been removed to the second floor where warm meals are served at all hours.
Wayne County Democrat Jan. 24, 1883
Report of National Bank of Wooster has 251630.36 in assets and the same in liabilities. Curtis V Hard- cashier, John Zimmerman, John Williaman, Jas S Hallowell as directors of bank. National bank located on W Liberty Street in Zimmerman block.
The Exchange Bank of Kauke and Frost is on SW side of the square.
Fine new building has been erected by councilman OM Albright on east side of his lot on South Street in which the marble works of Rhodes and France will soon be moved.
Notice. As I have bought the Glasgow property on E Liberty Street, I intend to build a storeroom and cut down at once every expense so that I can give my customers even better bargains then in the past, selling my entire stock until April 1st at cost. Go to George W Schlagel Downing block, NE side of square.
Wayne County Democrat Jan. 31, 1883
Mr Harsh, who has been sick for several weeks, is convalescing and hopefully will be around soon, Z Harsh.
The alarm of fire on Wednesday evening was caused by a burning chimney at DW Immel’s on W Liberty Street. No damage done.
PJ Power, SE corner of square and S Market Street.
Wayne County Democrat Feb. 21, 1883
The whole premises known as James Curry Planning Mill and Shop on E Liberty Street, has been leased for a term of years by Wooster Refrigerator Co.. Capital stock 30000, present officers are CV Hard- president, AD Metz- secretary-treasure and directors: JW Clark, Jerome Curry and NL Baumgardner. The refrigerators are manufactured of any size from family pattern up to larger capacity, costing hundreds of dollars.
The Standard Coach and Pad Co. sent 21 cars at a time last Thursday shipped by railroad to western states. The business is controlled by a stock company capital 20000. WA Underwood is president, ED Myers secretary, JC Plumer treasure, Benjamin J Hartman is manager of the factory and Duncan McMillen general traveling agent.
Underwood’s enterprise of business, WA Underwood Whip Factory grown to large concern with at national reputation. Underwood Hame Tug Co. on S Buckeye Street. The firm composed of WA Underwood, Thomas A Simmons, Duncan McMillen and James D Robison Jr., called Buckeye Hame Tug patented last July by Thomas A Simmons, Kalamazoo.
Henry S Childs is selling his entire stock of clothing at auction every afternoon and evening in rooms opposite Zimmerman Drug Store. Private sale of old Star Clothing Store, W Liberty Street. The residence of Henry S Childs is for sale furnished or unfurnished to be sold cheap.
Rhodes and France will move marble works April 1st to new building erected by OM Albright on his lot on South Street near S Market Street.
Wayne County Democrat Feb. 28, 1883
CW McClure stove and tin store, S Market Street.
DW Coomer has moved his residence from N Market Street to house of late E Quimby Jr. on S Market Street.
Phil Peters has bought the real estate owned by John Wilhelm and coal yard of James Neal on E Liberty Street. Mr. Neal will open a new yard next to Sniffer’s corner, E Liberty Street.
It is settled that the coffin works will not be moved from Wooster. The location of the works will be changed to N Bever Street, between E Liberty and North Streets, where the company will erect a brick building as soon as the weather breaks.
The new refrigerator works on E Liberty Street came close to being destroyed by fire on Saturday afternoon. Sparks from the engine furnace somehow ignited the combustible material at the bottom of skirts which acted as a chimney and drew fire upwards. Fortunately the workmen on the second floor saw it and all hands turned out to extinguish the flames.
Central House on S Market Street, Tienthaler is proprietor.
George Power is successor to S Geitgey’s store of china, queens ware, glassware and stoneware.
Wayne County Democrat March 7, 1883
Attorney at law and doctors, same.
Andrew Brandstettler has finished a new brick house on the old fair grounds.
On Friday of this week, HS Childs auctioned sale of his clothing, opposite Zimmerman’s.
The railroad company has recommended commenced work on the railroad bridge on Palmer Street, much to ratification of Mr. Jacob Palmer and other citizens.
Wm F Flattery for seeds.
John H Thomas for pianos and organs at Palace of Music north of county buildings.
Mr. JB Hartman of firm of Hartman and Durstine, has patented a refrigerator which certainly process merit. As soon as possible they propose to manufacture refrigerators on a large scale at planning mill on N Bever Street.
David Robison Jr. was in town when passing along E Liberty Street. He paused in front of Rutt and Gorges Butcher Shop, opposite the Archer House and said, “ In this building when a boy in 1844, I first commenced merchandizing. It then stood on the Golden Corner where Glick Clothing Store is now and was moved here in 1847.” (Building moved from SW side of square to E Liberty Street, evidently.)
George W Faber, railroad conductor, has retired to coal trade in Wooster partnering of Philip Peter. The yard and office are in old coal yards stand, opposite Barrett Machine Shop E Liberty Street.
Laubach and Donnelly Drug Store, SE side of square.
Central Hotel corner of South and S Market Streets. Tienthaler is proprietor and Arthur H Smith clerk.
George Power is successor to S Geitgey.
Wisner and Muschenick boots and shoes, NE side of square in the Downing block.
Buggies and wagons at WH Banker, 21-29 E South Street opposite J Frick warehouse.
Singer sewing machines for sale, WH Cunnings agent, 24 SE side of square.
Dr. H Shaffer, over CW McClure Store.
Dr. DC Curry last week laid out a new street in his addition between E North and E Larwill Street and it is called Ventilator Avenue and already erected 21 barn structures.
Dissolution of partnership of John F Barrett and James A | Ogden under firm name of Barrett and Ogden. Mr. Barrett retiring from the firm, will be conducted at the old stand of James A Ogden, opposite the post office, whom assumes all liabilities of the firm March 5, 1883.
Emma Brainard art gallery, SE side of square, old Harry Gallery Studio.
McClarran and Caskey Grocery Store.
Cash Stove and Tin Store, one door south of the square, C McClure.
DE Robison Shoe Store, 55 S Market Street in Schauman block.
Isaac Dye, 35 E Liberty Street, single and double harness, old BJ Hartman saddle and harness shop.
About 8 pm yesterday evening, the barn of John Reeb butcher, on S Market Street, took fire which is located across Apple Creek, near the cemetery. The firemen attached hose to the hydrant at the foot of Buckeye Street which was the nearest point and ran a long hose to it. The hose however, burst in several places and streams of water lost any force on this fire. The barn was at a loss of 700-800. This makes the third barn Mr. Reeb has lost by fire.
House owned by Roswell and David McClarran, four rooms up and four below. See sheriff’s advertisement on this issue.
David Clinton McClarran vs. Elizabeth McBride, etel order of sale and partition in Wayne County common please court Saturday, March 24, 1883, known and being west part of inlot 381, revise plot of Wooster, also inlot 566 on north side of W Larwill Street.
Wayne County Democrat March 14, 1883
AD Metz attorney office over HS Childs Clothing Store, W Liberty Street, next to Zimmerman Exchange block.
In April, EB Childs and family will move to farm on Madison Hill but continue the Star building as usual. He has rented his N Market Street residence to Frank W Miller.
On Saturday last, Capt. JN Clark bought JR McKinney’s house and lot on E North Street.
Stephen Ely and Robert M Donnelly are partners and auctioneers. The cost of common pleas has licensed Ely as an auctioneer of county and state.
ED Fisher, saddles and harness whips and cords, 30 S Market Street, one door below the square.
George Power, successor to S Geitgey for lamps, table cutlery and plate ware.
Grand spring sale of buggies and wagons, WH Banker, 21-29 E South Street opposite J Frick warehouse.
Wayne County Democrat March 21, 1883
Richard L Meade has established an extensive horse collar manufactory on S Market Street.
Henry S Childs continues selling his clothing at private sale at auction at Star Clothing Store plus house is still offered for private sale, lot 36x180 ft. and adjoining lot 24x180 ft.
The bridge over the railroad tracks on Palmer Street is complete except the earth filling at the end and it will be passable for teams next week.
Last week, Joseph Hattinger and his brother commenced work on the N Bever Street sewer.
Partnership between Well Bros. And Stener is dissolved by mutual consent. The business is continued by Well Bros. of W Liberty Street next door to McClarran and Caskey Grocery Store.
James A Ogden, for spring goods on E Liberty Street opposite the post office.
I have opened a place of business in OM Albright’s block for the purpose of carrying on the watch and clock business, Will S Rowe.
John H Thomas, organs, pianos and sewing machines at Palace of Music, north of the county buildings.
Wayne County Democrat March 28, 1883
Isaac Dye at 35 W Liberty Street, single and double harness and wagons.
Robert Gow has moved his shoe shop from Kratz corner to center room of Babb’s building on E Liberty Street.
Well Bros. have purchased Mr. Stoner interest in the W Liberty Street dry goods store, one door west of McClarran and Caskey Grocery Store.
Peter and Fabor will take possession next Monday of the coal yard of James Neal on E Liberty Street, near Schuch’s. Mr. Neal will move uptown to Howard’s corner opposite the Archer House and at some time Mr. Hubbell will change his yards in the rear of American Hotel.
Wayne County Democrat April 4, 1883
New sign in front of CF Conrad billiard hall.
Hugh Shields, the veteran shoe maker, has moved to Eley’s block on S Market Street just opposite the old location.
Benjamin Bowers sold his property W Liberty Street to Quimby Jones who has rented same to Fred J Young, who will occupy it as an eating house. Mr. Bowers will move his restaurant to Miller’s stand one door east of the old place.
Schlngel will occupy a portion of TP Baumgardner music store, American House block after April 1st until his new brick building on E Liberty Street is completed.
Money to lend on farm and city property, office Childs building, opposite post office, JW Emrich agent.
SB Eason, office over the National Bank of Wooster on W Liberty Street.
James Neal has new coal yard, having disposed of my coal yard on E Liberty Street and leased the Howard block on corner opposite the Archer House and erected there a new office and coal shed now better able to carry on the coal business.
Wall paper for sale at Belnap.
Wayne County Democrat April 11, 1883
Dr. HA Hart now occupies the Episcopal Church parsonage as his office and residence.
General Schlagel has commenced work on his new store building on E Liberty Street.
Emma Brainard art gallery, SE side of square.
The Tottem-Teich Brothers and Julius and Emanuel have moved their shop a little up E Liberty Street, being located one door east of Kratz corner.
Will Beresford has been at work. The excavating for the foundation for the brick block he proposes to erect on his lot on E Liberty Street, opposite the Archer House.
Peter and Taylor coal lime purchased the old yard opposite Barrett Machine Shop, E Liberty Street, Phil Peter and George W Taylor.
James Neal coal yard, E Liberty Street leased Howard lot opposite the Archer House and erected there a new office and coal yards.
William and Harper McDonald have returned from Millersburg and established a machine repair shop on W South Street. Repair all kinds of farm machinery.
Well Bros. Dry Goods Store, four doors west of the courthouse, W Liberty Street.
Dr. WC Moore has taken Dr. CB Mowery into partnership of the practice of medicine.
Mr. George Power secured services of Mrs. Sue Lightcap as a clerk in his store.
John A Wilhelm carriage shop, office and factory E Liberty Street near the depot.
Benjamin Tiefenthaler has moved his cigar manufactory from the Geitgey block to Kratz corner on E Liberty Street.
Buy your carpet at JC Glasgow in rear room of Clark Bros. old Acadome Dry Goods Store.
Half works. The Wooster Agricultural Works furnish for next 60 days repairs on reapers and mowers, John H Kauke and John Zimmerman.
J Roth and Co. boots and shoes.
Wayne County Democrat April 18, 1883
David Nice hats and caps, opposite the American House, E Liberty Street.
Mrs. Douglass has moved the dressmaking business to S Buckeye Street in the Fabor building opposite the Archer House.
James Neal new coal office at 36 E Liberty Street, has a new accurate pair of scales.
GB Seigenthaler for boots and shoes, two doors west of the courthouse.
HS Childs, public auction of household goods at residence on W Liberty Street.
Grand opening of spring and summer millinary, Thursday and Friday, April 26-27. Mrs. Fox.
Mrs. Cutter, millinary of firm of Cutter and Smyser has just returned from New York city.
Wayne County Democrat April 25, 1883
McClure Bros. have leased the large room formerly occupied by General Schlagel in Downing block, NE side of square, for groceries.
George Faber next door to the courthouse, last week opened his soda fountain shop, E Liberty Street.
The Tieche Bros., James and Emanuel, have taken possession of their new premises in the JL Gray building, opposite Plank Mill, E Liberty Street. They are doing business in all kinds of plumbing, sheet and iron work.
PJ Power Clothing Emporium, spring and summer goods, SE corner of square at S Market Street.
McDonald Machine Shop take notice. Repairing of portable engines. Wm N and HP McDonald, managers in shop west of McDonald and Co. old works.
AH Imgard, clocks and jewelry in Belnap Book Store block, E Liberty Street, corner of Buckeye, NW side.
Wayne County Democrat May 2, 1883
Jessie McClellan’s new revolving sign whorled all day last Saturday and a legal question is raised if it does not violate a city ordinance.
Extensive brick addition to be built to St. Mary Catholic Church which when completed, will make the edifice one-third larger. John Seib is the general contractor.
Wayne County Democrat May 9, 1883
Proprietor JB France has improved the Academy of Music second now finished with a new iron cornice bearing name and newly, freshly painted.
Wayne County Democrat May 16, 1883
Schlagel new building will soon be ready for occupancy.
The brick walls of Wm Beresford’s new business house on E Liberty Street are mounting upward in good style.
Wayne County Democrat June 6, 1883
Rutt and Gorgas slaughter house on Barrett Farms east of Wooster was burnt to the ground last Saturday.
At city council Monday evening, Mr. Busch brought up the matter of city park adjoining the High School, stating that 14 years ago the city leased the same Board of Education for 10 years and suggested that council should either renew the lease or take the park into their own hands, whereupon Mr. Taggart moved that the city solicitor be instructed to draw up a contract to lease the park to the school board for 10 years at a normal rent. It carried.
Wayne County Democrat June 13, 1883
DQ Liggett is steadily recovering from his late illness and in his illness the business is being conducted by his partner AF Buchhelt.
Wayne County Democrat June 20, 1883
A number of street crossings have been laid of late across E Liberty Street from Babbs to Schlagels, across Buckeye Street at the Opera House one at Bowman Street and two on N Grant Street.
Having sold my stock to my brother JB Childs, I am ready to go to Kansas City just as soon as my friends call and settle their accounts. My office is at my residence on W Liberty Street, HS Childs.
Wayne County Democrat June 27, 1883
On May 1, 1883, Jacob Frick took WD Tyler into grain business as a partner firm known as J Frick and Co.
Wayne County Democrat July 4, 1883
White Front Store for wallpaper, SE side of square, DW Bechtel.
McDonald Machine Shop special attention to repairing of portable engines, Wm M and H McDonald, west of McDonald old works.
George Power, dealer in lamps, table cutlery and stoneware, successor to S Geitgey.
Secret Society Ebenezer Lodge 33 NE corner of square, Wooster Chapter 27 RAM, Wooster Council 13 same location. IOOF Wooster Lodge 42 regular meetings held at hull on S Market Street.
Beacon Lodge 258 IOOF Doylestown.
Uncas Tribe 57 Improved Order of Red Men, Wednesday evening in Zimmerman building, W Liberty Street.
Knights of Pythias Rising Star Lodge 22 meets Tuesday evening of each week at Odd Fellows Hall.
German Knights of Pythias regular meeting of Rising Star Lodge 41 every Thursday evening in K of P Hall west side of S Market Street.
Irene Lodge 64 Knights of Honor meet every Thursday evening in Keefer Iron block.
Moriah Temple of Honor 27 meets every Saturday evening, SE side of square.
Wooster Council 13 Royal Arcanum meets every Monday evening in Red Men’s hall, Zimmerman hall W Liberty Street.
Ohio Council #1 Order of Chosen Friends meeting every 1st and third Tuesday in Red Men’s hall Zimmerman building W Liberty Street.
Given Post 133 meets 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month. Headquarters at Germania Hall S Market Street.
Mr. Taggart and Mr. McMahon at Laubach was appointed by council as a committee to propose a lease for city park at High School to Board of Education and report at the next regular meeting. Attention has been called to council as to bad condition of an alley back of the Geitgey block and bad condition of alley on Bowman Street between Downing and Quimby blocks. Referred to street committee.
During all of last week, JJ Geitgey, undertaker and furniture dealer on E Liberty Street, attended the Undertakers convention in Cincinnati.
Wisner and Muschenich boots and shoes in Downing block, NE corner of the square.
Buggies for sale by WH Banker, 21-29 E South Street, opposite J Frick warehouse.
Emma Brainard art gallery SE side of square, old Harry Gallery.
Wayne County Democrat July 11, 1883
The water works trustees have appointed Mr. MM Smith as superintendent of Water Works. The supply of water in Wooster of present works is large and sufficient for the public demands. On last Thursday, the water committee and others made a tour of investigation northwardly reporting favorably concerns the springs found on the Frick and Shisler farm four miles distance from the city, which are strong springs of excellent water which can be brought by pipe line or delivered at Reddick Dam or at a new reservoir to be constructed. Nothing definite has been fixed only that more water is needed.
Henry S Childs to close business selling off at cost office in Sprague corner.
Wayne County Democrat July 18, 1883
Lou Howard’s old building opposite the Archer House has been painted yellow.
The city park at the High School was a matter before council for lease for 10 years to the Board of Education. Special committee on motion. Mr. Taggart was instructed to lease the park condition city is to have full use of the same during vacation of the schools during the summer months and also the evenings anytime after school hours.
Councilman HS Childs of the third ward is one of the strongest advocates for bringing water into city from the springs to the north and has arguments to the board Monday. He maintained that the city must have good water, that good water means good health.
Yesterday afternoon, the Yocum family about 30 in number, had a picnic at Highland Park.
Wayne County Democrat July 25, 1883
James Hunter established a Vienna Bakery, 1st door west of Sprague corner, W Liberty Street.
Wayne County Democrat Aug. 1, 1883
Thresher sale at Wooster Agricultural Works Saturday 18, 1883. John H Kauke and John Zimmerman.
About 10 o’clock, the dwelling house occupied by Harrison Miller near Spears Chair Factory took fire and very badly damaged considerable household goods.
Free drinks were given away at the front of Gus Miller’s W Liberty Street.
Wayne County Democrat Aug. 8, 1883
Will Beresford has moved his merchandise from Archer House to his new building across the street.
DW Kimber has moved his law office from Germania building to rooms over Ogden Clothing Store, E Liberty Street.
Wayne County Democrat Aug. 15, 1883
Hartman and Durstine on Monday received from Washington City their paten on their refrigerator. They will soon commence the manufacture of refrigerators.
Several dwelling houses are being erected in the second ward on E Bowman Street. Mr. WC Leathe, supt. of Bural Case Co., is rapidly being completed. On Beall Ave., another addition to older structure further residence of Mr. GA McDonald, secretary of Wooster Refrigerator Co.. Mr. ES Kuhn of enterprising firm of Kuhn and Craighead is laying his foundation. Mr. Walter T Peckinpaugh, teller at National Bank, commenced a house on N Bever Street.
The Wayne County Pioneer Association will hold its fourth annual meeting and picnic in Highland Park Aug. 30th. Albert McFadden- president, James Johnson- secretary.
Wayne County Democrat Aug. 22, 1883
On Saturday afternoon of the week, at old Sprague corner, will sell at 1 pm the entire stock of clothing, hats and caps. HS Childs, bound for Kansas.
WH Johnson, barber shop on E Liberty Street, is lighted up with newly purchased carbon oil gas.
Mr. Harry Huffstott has become a partner in the firm of Harding and Co. Hardware, one door west of the courthouse.
Connected with Agricultural Works is fine set of buggies and carriages at JT Shields’s establishment, SW corner of square. Ed Geiselman will show stock to customers.
Wayne County Democrat Sept. 5, 1883
NL Baumgardner has moved his Boston Shoe Store two doors east of old stand in American Hotel block.
Wayne County Democrat Sept. 12, 1883
Handsome jewelry case ever seen in city was brought last week from Colorado by Lewis McClellan and presented to his brother Jessie McClellan. It can be seen at McClellan Book Store, 21 E Liberty Street, American block.
Wayne County Democrat Sept. 19, 1883
For rent, store building formerly occupied by William Donner, W Liberty Street. Inquire at L Shibley and Bro. Jewelry Store.
Thomas Kent was arrested for burning the Geitgey block on Friday morning Jan. 28, 1881. A fire broke out in Wooster in frame business block on S Market Street, which destroyed property in the amount estimated 30000. The origin of the fire was a mystery, but generally considered arson in absence of any other known cause. Several parties were suspicious of committing the act and much rumor and talk on the subject has occurred ever since. The matter will come to front that on fact of Friday of last week. Theodore Kent was arrested and charged with the crime. He had been indicted in the case by the grand jury. He was arrested on warrant at the Central Hotel by deputy sheriff EA Brown. A 1000 bail was fixed by Judge Parsons. ES Dowell has been retained as his attorney.
Foltz and Pollock entered opening up a new photography gallery in rooms formerly occupied by Neal O Harrington, above Craighead Grocery Store. They just finished completing the rooms. They will be ready for business next Friday or Saturday.
Wayne County Democrat Sept. 26, 1883
Mr. Anthony Leies has made decided improvement to Keister Hotel property by laying new gutters and pavements the whole length of the lot on the east side.
Jos Nachtrieb is now clerking in the drug store of CB Baird, #4ME.
Well Bros. at the dry goods store, four doors west of the courthouse.
Peter McLaughlin of firm of Foust and McLaughlin, is in Garrett, where he is establishing a dry goods store which will be conducted by Forest Price.
Wayne County Democrat Nov. 7, 1883
Ladies wishing how to cut and fit dresses, call Kate Elsperman. Office on E South Street, near the railroad.
Merchants, attorneys and physicians same.
Wayne County Democrat Nov. 14, 1883
Pianos, organs and sewing machines for sale at John H Thomas Parlor of Music, north of the county buildings.
CF Conrad Billard Hall, E Liberty Street.
New enterprise in Wooster. JA Hunter has opened a restaurant under Conrad’s Billard Hall.
Mrs. Stoddard will continue to occupy her studio in Larwill House, N Market Street.
St. John’s Eating House has been moved from Black’s corner to corner of South and S Walnut Street.
Jessie McClellan went to New York to buy stock for McClellan Bros. Store 21 E Liberty Street.
Doc Carr Livery Stable in rear of the post office, E Liberty Street.
Announcement. I have purchased the Wooster Book Bindery of WC Rice and have moved to Geitgey’s new building next to the Exchange Bank, DE Robison.
Wayne County Democrat Nov. 21, 1883
ED Fisher, harness and bridals, S Market Street, 1st door south of the square.
John Straus long time with Joe Schuch, has transferred his services to Fred Reese barber shop on S Market Street.
Joe Sullivan, the barber, has returned from Columbus and taken front chair at Joe Schuch shop, E Liberty Street, his old place.
Harrison Swigert has sent to Wooster some samples of corn he raised on his farm. It is on exhibition at BD Hartman’s new saddle shop on W Liberty Street.
Wm Nold tendered his resignation as Water Works trustee to council Monday evening, stating that turning off of the water has subjected him to more personal abuse from some of the citizens that he would no longer submit to. The resignation was tabled until next meeting.
Wayne County Democrat Nov. 28, 1883
J Cunningham and Br. china.
GB Seigenthaler.
Kinney and Collery Hardware, #2ME.
One of the handsomest new residences is that of WA Underwood on N Market Street, which was completed last week by Mr. Williams and Mr. Houghins.
Wayne County Democrat Dec. 5, 1883
Foltz and Co., new art gallery located in PD Hall building, corner of square and E Liberty Street. Entrance next door to Shibley Jewelry Store.
B Barrett and Son E Liberty Street for steam engines and boilers.
George Power, successor to S Geitgey, dealer of lamps, table cutlery and stoneware.
George Fabor returned to his bakery next door to post office, E Liberty Street.
The citizens of Wooster are to be provided with more water and water works trustees are going to work at once to effect the desirable results. The propose to sink a well in hollow bank of Quimby Park, north of High School and collect therein all the spring water that flows down the way and with a steam pump, force the water through a pipe up into the dam. The pump to start with, will cost 750 with capacity of pumping 300 gallons per minute.
Wayne County Democrat Dec. 12, 1883
New officers of Coach Pad Co., election at works on S Grant Street. Election of officers as follows, directors: WA Underwood, John S Caskey, Jacob Palmer, DW Immel, Jacob Stark. President- WA Underwood, Sec.-Jacob Stark, tres.-John S Caskey.
Wayne County Democrat Dec. 19, 1883
Peter W Young and brother-in-law, HL Fawcett, have dissolved partnership in the bottling works. Mr. Young will continue the business while Mr. Fawcett will take charge of the Proeger Restaurant near the depot.
Wayne County Democrat Dec. 26, 1883
Wooster Market and Grains corrected by J Frick, dealer in wool, wheat, corn and oats at Frick warehouse on E South Street.
James A Ogden clothing, opposite the post office, E Liberty Street at Childs building.
Well Bros. have purchased George Steur dry goods store in Shreve.
White Front Novelty Store. Uncle Joe says, White Front Store, SE side of square.