Wayne County Democrat, Business Abstracts 1882

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Wayne County Democrat Jan. 4, 1882

JC Moore, office in Keefer Iron block, over hardware store.
Dr. John W Baughman, office on courthouse rooms on the east side.
AD Metz, office of HS Childs Clothing Store, next to Zimmerman’s exchange building, W Liberty Street.
JR Woodsworth; John McSweeney; SR Bonewitz; McBride and Mullins; B, SB and BF Eason; Isaac Johnson; LQ Jeffries.

AM Glick, golden corner cash one price clothing store, SW side of square.
B Barrett and Son, steam engines and boilers, E Liberty Street.
Chan Mans Chinese California Laundry on Diamond Alley, SW side of square.
William Shibley, jewelry store, corner of E Liberty and Buckeye Streets.
E Chatelain jewelry store, SW side of square, one door below WC National Bank.
CB Baird and Son, #4ME drugs.
GB Seigenthaler, boots and shoes, middle room in Keefer Iron block.
Boston Shoe Store, NL Baumgardner, east half of west corner room of American Hotel block.
PJ Power Clothing Store, SW side of square, two doors below WC National Bank.
Barrett and Ogden Clothing Store, E Liberty Street.
David Nice, hat store, three doors east of post office, opposite American Hotel.
Harding and Co., hardware store.
Foundry and machine shop of John Stevens and Co., successor to Redinger, Stevens and Co., manufacture all kinds of castings.
Roller and Wilson druggists, W Liberty Street.
Will Beresford, tailor and draper, Archer House block, E Liberty Street.
Big smash in tinware stoves at JW Maurer at new tin and stove store in Babbs building on E Liberty Street.
Sale of buggies and wagons at Wm H Banker 21-29 E South Street, opposite J Frick warehouse, formerly Beistle old stand.
JF Bissell and Bro., #1ME.
Gloves for sale at OPF Risch, great one price clothing store, SW public square, near Exchange Bank.
Pierson and Co., west corner room of the American Hotel.
Clark Bros. in Acadome building for dry goods, E Liberty Street.
GB Seigenthaler, boots and shoes, two doors west of the courthouse.

Wayne County Democrat Jan. 11, 1882

DW Matz, with expensive hardware, has accepted position in Mansfield hardware store, of Wagner and Forney.