Wayne County Democrat, Business Abstracts 1878
Wayne County Democrat Jan. 2, 1878
Wescott, merchant tailor and dealer in gents furnishing goods.
Quimby and Purdy, SW side of square of D Robison Store.
City drug store of Roller and Wilson, dealers in drugs and medicines, #6 W Liberty Street.Foust and McLaughlin #6ME.
Weber Bros. organ manufactory in Wooster.
JB Power Red Front Store, SE side of square.
DQ Liggett and Co., Acadome Dry Goods Store.
Pierson and Co., west corner room of American Hotel for ready made clothing.
James B Childs, Peoples Clothing Store 12 SE side of square.
Quimby and Purdy, SW side of square.
JS Bissell and Co. for dry goods, #1ME.
JL Gray for coal, office and yards #70, Snow Flake Mills.
For sale, holiday gifts at White Front Store of WA Donner, SE side of square.
B Barrett and Sons, steam engines and boilers.
Emporium Drug Store of Newkirk and Liggett, successors to EA Jones #4ME.
Wm Shibley jewelry store, corner of Buckeye and E Liberty Streets.
J Zimmerman and Co., W Liberty Street.
Hartman and Megrew druggists, Keefer Iron block, middle rooms for drugs and medicines.
E Chatelain Jewelry Store, SW side of square.
Redinger, Stephens and Co., machine shops, corner Buckeye and North Streets.
Clark Bros. And Imgard, Acadome Dry Goods Store, E Liberty Street.
New hardware store of Harding and Jones, one door west of courthouse, Keefer old hardware store.
Physicians: Dr. JA Gann; Dr. JH Todd; Dr. George Liggett; Dr. WC Moore; Dr. JH Reynolds; Drs. L and WW Firestone; Dr. LG Harley; Dr JD Robison.
Dentists: Dr. CB Mower; Dr. CH Hesler; Dr. RJ Cunningham; Dr. BJ Jones.
Attorneys: James Jeffries; JH Carr; SR Bonewitz; George Rex; John McSweeney; JP Jeffries; Orr and Reider; Jones and Woodsworth; HB Swartz; ES Dowell; Isaac Johnson; CC Parson; B, SB and BF Eason; AJ Thomas; John K McBride; Ezra D Shreve.
Flour and feed at Wooster City Mills, Boyd and Smith.
Shop for manufacture of compensating spring bed in the building formerly occupied by McDonald and Co., corner of Walnut and W Liberty Streets, Blacker and Boyghton.
Naylor and Imgard, cutter and makers, upstairs, front room in courthouse.
Exchange Bank of JH Kauke and Charles C Frost, successors to Stibbs, Hanna and Co..
WH Harry photography gallery, has moved from NE side of square to SE side of square in old Albright Gallery on the ground floor.