Wayne County Democrat, Business Abstracts 1876
Wayne County Democrat March 1, 1876
(Note, no other papers for first half of 1876.)
D Clark and Son, Acadome Dry Goods nearly opposite the post office in new rooms formerly Acadome.
For benefit of Mr. L Wenger many friends.
James E Wescott, merchant tailor.
Charles C Gasche, stair builder, residence and shop at 167 W North Street.
Empire Mills of JR Naftzger, E Pittsburgh Ave.
Eugene Chatelain, jewelry store.
American Bible Society, Rice and McClellan depositors, opposite American Hotel, E Liberty Street.
DQ Liggett, Acadome building.
JB Power, dry goods and clothing. In order to change business, I will until the 1st day of April 1876, sell goods at cost, #3 Liberty Street.
The little drugstore around the corner, SE side of square, Dr. Firestone proprietor.
Lumber, sash and doors, give us a call, DC Curry and Co., North Street.
Fire burned out but not extinguished, E Liberty grocery store of E Funk, Curry block, E Liberty Street.
Hartman and Culbertson, lumber yard, corner of Bever and Larwill Streets.
Fur hats and caps at J Fox’s store, NE side of square.
Hoelzel and Kaltwasser clothing, SE side in old post office building.
Great reduction for next 60 days preparatory to move at PJ Powers clothing store, west corner room of American Hotel, #13 American House block.
B Barrett and Co., steam engines, E Liberty Street.
Dr. JH Reynolds, office and residence on North Street, one door of Episcopal Church.
Drs. L and WW Firestone, N Market Street, west side.
Dr. S Wilson, office and residence W Liberty Street.
Dr. WC Moore in Child building, E Liberty Street, opposite post office.
Dr. LG Harley, SW side of square, over Chatelain Jewelry Store.
Dentist CB Mower, dental rooms and residence #43 E Liberty Street, four doors east of the Washington House.
Dr. CH Hisler, office SE side, over Donner Store.
Dr. RJ Cunningham, east side of S Market Street.
BJ Jones, SE side of square.
Attorneys in law:
- F Jones, office in old rooms of Rex and Jones, W Liberty Street
- HB Swartz, office over Childs clothing store
- JK McBride, office corner room over JD Robison Clothing Store.
George Plumer and Co., #3 Iron block, middle room, W Liberty Street.
Books for sale at FD Belnap, four doors east of the American House.
Carriage and wagon works of WH Barker and WW Hanna on South Street.
Empire wingers at SF Day stove store, #46 W Liberty Street.
Dr. George Liggett office, east side N Market Street, office 1st door south and residence two doors south of Trinity ME Church.
Dr. JE Barrett, office and residence 1st house south of Washington House.
Dr. E Barrett, office and residence N Market Street, office #35, N Market.
ES Dowell, office over TS Johnson bank, SW side of square.
JR Woodsworth, office over Barrett and Wisner Grocery, NE side of square.
TY and JA McCray, office over Star Clothing Store, W Liberty Street.
McSweeney and Parsons, office upstairs in Jacobs block.
JP Jeffries, office SW side of square, upstairs.
CC Parsons Jr., over Keefer Hardware Store, W Liberty Street.
TW Peckinpuagh, West Salem.
Isaac Johnson, SE corner of square.
B, SB and BF Eason, office in Zimmerman Block, upstairs.
Bonewitz and Carr, office W Liberty Street.
CA Reider, office E Liberty Street, three doors west of American Hotel.
Aquila Wiley, office SW side of square, upstairs, two doors south of WC National Bank.
AJ Thomas, office 1st door south of WC National Bank, upstairs.
JR Bowman, auctioneer, office over with Bonewitz and Carr.
Exchange Bank of John Kauke and Charles S Frost, est. 1854, successor to Stibbs, Hanna and Co..
William Shives, fashionable tailor, corner of Buckeye and Henry Streets.
WH Harry photography gallery, NE side of square, #120 public square, opposite county buildings.
Firestone Little Drug Store around corner, SE side of square.
JS Bissell and Bro. dry goods for sale at cost for next 60 days, #1ME.
Wm A Donner, on his feet again and in old place of business with renewed vigor. His place of business is on SE corner of public square, under council chambers, a few doors below his old red corner.
Having sold my storeroom and closed out my entire stock of mate musical instruments before 1st day of April, I offer for the next 30 days, musical instruments: pianos, organs, violins, guitars at American Music Store, TP Baumgardner, Feb. 28, 1876 west corner room of the American Hotel.
Matt Johnston, coal yard on E Liberty Street, opposite the Washington House.
J Zimmerman and Co., drugs and medicines, Exchange block, W Liberty Street.
Wayne County Democrat March 8, 1876
Dr. HJ Kaufman and Zack Porter received permission to exhibit their famed wind mill pump on the square reservoir, admittance free.
Donner opened in new store room, SE side of square, new White Front store of Wm A Donner store.
Miller and Slusser, moving grocery and bakery business from Blacks corner to new finished room in Howard building, a few doors east of old stand at sign of pump.
PJ Power, today is moving his clothing store from American block to Red corner on square, lately occupied by Wm A Donner, opens one big store.
On Monday evening, Mr. Long of firm of Dennis Long and Co. of Louisville and Mr. Keating of Mansfield, appeared before city council to contract for furnishing for water pipe for water works and later to construct for laying same, there bids being accepted by the authorities.
Wayne County Democrat March 15, 1876
McDonald and Co. assignee sale of 150 plows of latest style, Kauke and McKinley assignee.
-To the public, I beg leave to inform the public that I am going to retire from the American tile business and desire to close store by April 1, 1876. George Plumer and Co., #3 Iron block, middle rooms.
Redinger, Stevens and Co., machine shops, Shively old foundry, corner of North and Buckeye Street.
Wayne County Democrat March 29, 1876
DC Curry and Co., new planning mill on North Street, occupying the site recently destroyed by fire, nearly finished. The new building is 64x67 feet, two stories high with tin roof and enormous brick chimney, where 50 horse power machine runs machinery. There will be 20 machines in the shop, nearly of which all are new and of latest approved make. This is devoted to planning manufacturing and molding and roughing out of building materials. Can plane wide lumber with their machines. Upstairs is sash, door, blind and general finishing dept. Mr. CM Amsden is foreman of works.
Next week, Eugene Chatelain will move his jewelry store to room of BF Purdy and Co., who takes possession of Robison and Co. Golden corner. Mr. Chatelain opens up a new stock of jewelry.
Attention is given to professional card of Orr and Reider, partnership in practice of law, office of one formerly occupied by Gen. Wiley, below Quimby bank, upstairs.
Dissolution of Hartman and Culbertson. Dissolved April 12, 1876, JB Hartman bought the interest of Wm T Culbertson. He will continue business in his own name, JB Hartman and WJ Culbertson, corner of Larwill and Bever Streets.
Wm S Orr and CA Reider, attorneys, SW side of square, upstairs, two doors south of WC National Bank.
Wayne County Democrat April 5, 1876
Emil Pollick has moved his cigar and tobacco store from Babbs on E Liberty Street to Chenhausen building on Pittsburgh Ave., above the depot, also established The Atlantic Garden Restaurant for permanent resort this summer.
Removal, the Wooster Book Bindery and blank book manufactory has been moved two doors north of Central Hotel, Rice L Shively has taken his brother, August Shively into partnership.
Mr. C Roth has adopted a cash system.
Joe Schuch has moved his barber shop around the corner to rooms formerly occupied by Fred Yirgling, as a grocery next door and west of Brauneck corner.
McDonald and Co. meeting of creditors: but nothing done. A compromise again proposed for division of estates warrant in bankruptcy, having been levied against August McDonald, Alexander Laughlin and James Sexton, members of the late firm of McDonald and Co.. Meeting of the creditors approved their claims and chose one or more assignees of the estate, was held in the opera hall in Wooster last Thursday, before Henry C Hodges esq. of Mansfield,of register of court of bankruptcy. A large number of the creditors were present or through representation. The mater of settlement was generally discussed by second gentleman among whom were General E Brinkerhoff, Mr. Balwin, Mr. Hens Hewson of NJ, Mr. Hanses of New Philadelphia, JH Kauke and OF Jones, Isaac Johnson and others. Gen. Brickerhoff was in favor of the first compromise settlement made last December by Sexton’s creditors and there of McDonald and Co., consider it the wisest most honorable and general thing to be done giving reasons at some length. Finally they adjourned at 2 pm. Court met on Friday morning. Mr. Hodges announced that claims amounting to 435790.89 had been proven out of 700000 of the liabilities of McDonald and Co., being more than was sufficient to vote on the resolution of other business. The hope and understinding that Sexton creditors will try to effect the court adjourned until Thursday, April 20. Mr. Kauke, Zimmerman, McBride and Jones were appointed a committee in the meantime to obtain articles of release from the creditors of McDonald and Co. as in the former instance of last December.
New foundry and machine shop of Redinger, Stevens and Co. in old Shively Foundry, corner of North and Buckeye Streets.
Dissolution of BJ Hartman and WJ Culbertson lumber yard. BJ Hartman will continue business over 15 years experience, corner of Bever and Larwill Streets.
Wallpaper for sale by WA Donner at White front store, SE corner of square.
Red corner clothing house of PJ Power, SE corner of square.
BJ Hartman, harness and collar manufactury in Howard block, W Liberty Street, sign of the green pump.
Eugene Chatelain, gold and silver watches, clocks and jewelry, SW side of square, one door below bank, old store of BF Purdy and Co..
WH Miller, for horse shoeing, old stand of RC Coffee on Buckeye Street.
Wayne County Democrat April 12, 1876
Joseph Trefenthaler has bought the restaurant of Joseph Kurtz, three doors west of Brauneck corner. Dr. JH Reynolds has moved his office to the NE corner of N Market and North Street, formerly occupied by Col. Carr. WA Underwood is rebuilding smoke town, tearing down and remolding the rickety old house and barns for South Wooster. GB Seigenthaler, spring stock of boots and shoes. Dry house of Hartman Lumber Yard, caught fire at 11 am Monday. The flames were estimated by the fire department at loss of about 200, primarily and damage to lumber belonging to Mr. Armstrong, north of Wooster.
Court resumed session Monday morning, Dirham of Mansfield presiding, report of referee in case of Sarah Power vs. James H Power was taken up. The case is that of settlement of partnership of accounts of late dry goods firm of JB and Neal Power. It was argued on Monday and yesterday arguments opened by John P Jeffries for JB Power followed by CC Parsons Jr. and General Wiley for Sarah Power, closed by Isaac Johnson for the defendant for whom CF Jones is also engaged. The case went to court yesterday after noon and probably some days before it is a verdict rendered. George Krieger, buggy and wagon maker, on the corner of Bever and North Streets, above the Snow Flake Mills.
Wayne County Democrat April 18, 1876
JR Naftzger, Empire Mills, on E Pittsburgh Ave.
JR Bowman, county auctioneer.
Exchange Bank of Kauke and Frost, American Hotel building, E Liberty Street.
Wm Shives, tailor, corner of Buckeye and Henry Streets.
Wm Beresford has moved his tailoring establishment from Fisher corner to Brauneck corner in the rooms formerly occupied by Joseph Schuch.
Wm Shibley has rented Fisher corner, opposite Washington Hotel for the purpose of establishing a jewelry store ready for business in 10 days.
Wayne County Democrat April 19, 1876
The creditors of McDonald and Co. will meet in Opera Hall at 10 am tomorrow, Thursday morning.
BJ Hartman, harness manufactory, has opened a new shop on W Liberty Street, next to Sprague corner.
Dr. JH Todd MD, office in Kauke old residence, one door north of county buildings.
Wm Howard has leased Mrs. Pope’s seminary property on Market Street and has established a boarding house there.
Wayne County Democrat April 26, 1876
McDonald new machine shops. The undersign have for many years foreman of late firm of McDonald and Co. machine shops, respectfully testifies publicly that he has opened a new shop on West South Street in the city of Wooster near McDonald and Co. shops and is preparing at all hours to do any work that may be left to him in the way of repairing reapers. William M McDonald.
E Chatelain jewelry store. New store room on SW side of square, one door below Quimby bank, old BF Purdy and Co. store room. BF Purdy and Co. moved to Robison’s golden corner.
McDonald and Co., another meeting of creditors, Sexton’s officers, his men 50 percent according to time set at meeting March 30. Creditors of McDonald and Co. met at Opera House Thursday, April 30th, but as at former meeting, nothing of business was accomplished further than to talk on the proposed compromise between the holders of paper of James A Sexton and those holding only straight paper of the firm. The attendance of creditors was small, many having left on the morning train understanding that there was to be an adjournment of the meeting. Finally, it was decided to have another meeting on May 4th.
After discussion of some length, a committee of three consisting of GP Emrich, JH Kauke and John Zimmerman with instruction to report to McDonald creditors that it may be the best and cheapest mode of settling the estate, whether by state assignee, bankruptcy or other wise adjourned.
Wayne County Democrat May 3, 1876
New grain firm of Mr. Barnhart in rear of the county buildings, is informing citizens of Wooster he takes possession of his warehouse in rear of county buildings, lately occupied by Mr. Barnhart.
We will keep for sale at lowest cash , various goods, Willaman and Griffith.
Bryon Fogleson has rented old Slemmon corner and now is prepared to do all kinds of painting. Shop on NE corner of Grant and W Liberty Street.
McDonald Machine Shop, new shop on W South Street, rear of McDonald and Co.
Buy your brushes at the Brush Factory, SW corner of square, D Foss and Son.
JB Power, red front corner, SE side of square, old WA Donner corner.
Dr. Firestone little drug store around the corner, SE side of square.
Rebuild and at it again, DC Curry and Co., on North Street.
Redinger, Stevens and Co., foundry and machine shop, old Shibley foundry, corner of North and Buckeye Streets.
Dissolution of partnership of JB Hartman and WJ Culbertson. Lumber to be continued by Hartman at old corner of Bever and Larwill Streets.
Doctors, lawyers and dentists same.
Honorable George Rex of the Ohio Supreme Court bench, is son of Jacob Rex deceased.
Wayne County Democrat May 10, 1876
TP Baumgardner has fitted up new fine rooms for his music store, SE side of square, new instruments of all kinds.
McDonald and Co., last meeting of creditors, Sexton’s endorsed creditors refused his offer of 50%. The estate thrown into bankruptcy.
McKinley was chosen as assignee of McDonald and Co., pursuant to adjournment, the creditors of McDonald and Co. again met in Opera Hall last Thursday, May 4th. Henry C Hodges of Mansfield, register of bankruptcy call to order at 10 am for the benefit of those who had not been present at last meeting. He stated the meeting was called to effect settlement between the endorsed and unendorsed creditors by division of estates of Mr. Sexton and McDonald and Co., was understood that acceptance by Sexton’s Men had not been completed and the question therefore was what to do. Mr. FL Baldwin of Massillon, who represented as attorney 175000, said that since the last meeting, an renewed effort had been made to get the endorsement of creditors to accept the offer of 50% made by Mr. Sexton, that Farmers Bank of Canton 7000 still stood out and that also Rollston National Bank of Pittsburgh 4000. A refusal he had also been met from Mansfield banking Co. 150000 and Savings bank 10000. He hoped and thought it would accept. But even if they did not, he was confident 275000 of endorsed paper that had been signed would be willing to take new notes on Sexton’s for the 50%, McDonald and Co. and Sexton estates would be sold and settled either by bankruptcy or state court and Sexton representative could rescue his dividends and outstanding creditors and the proper dividend on their claims out of the Sexton estate and those out standing creditors that felt that they were entitled to a further dividend of the firm of the estate, they could at least make the effort to get it. When litigation delaying that taxation unquestionably ensue, He did not believe the compromise should be abandoned and in all probably 275000 of endorsed notes would go to the Sexton’s for which Maj. McKinley was the proper person to act. Mr. Conger nominated John H Kauke, Wm McKinley estates as assignees of the estate in court of bankruptcy. The names of the creditors were called and the vote resulted in the unanimous election of the nominees. The registrar than announced that this was all that could be done at this time, meeting stating the assignees chosen would be legally qualified by him in due time. The court adjourned, then an unofficial meeting was held.
Boots and shoes for cash only, C Roth, SE side of public square, two doors south of Quimby bank.
Wayne County Democrat May 17, 1876
Foust and McLaughlin staple goods, E Liberty Street.
The golden corner ahead, carpets, dress goods, Quimby and Purdy, old store of D Robison, E Quimby and BF Purdy.
TP Baumgardner has moved his music store from the American building to SW side, three doors south of Quimby bank, new stock of musical instruments.
Hartman and Durstine.
Henry Leise Sr., last week, moved the Zimmerman house from Buckeye Street to his lot on E Liberty Street, next to the Easter House. Good building which he proposes fitting up as a business house. The moving was done by John Berry.
JA Bentel opened general agency for the new improved Singer sewing machine.
Wayne County Democrat May 24, 1876
TP Baumgardner moved to SW side of square, three doors south of WC National bank.
Roller and Wilson drug store, W Liberty Street.
First turtle soup was at DeYoung Restaurant last Saturday night.
New store, boots and shoes at C Roth, SW side of square, two doors south of Quimby’s bank.
Wayne County Democrat May 31, 1876
McDonald New Machine Shop, undersign for many years. The foreman of late firm of McDonald and Co. machine shops. They have fitted up shops on W South Street, near McDonald and Co., Wm M McDonald.
SS Shilling has bought out Lawhead Coach and Back Line. He consolidated all lines to himself.
Julius Olmhousen prepares to teach music in Wooster to pupils in cornet and violin. Call on him at Schauman Store, S Market Street.
Wayne County Democrat June 7, 1876
The other day, we visited Wm McDonald new machine shop on South Street and found it with a lot of old employees of McDonald and Co. such as James Eagen, former foreman of blacksmith dept. and Henry Hershey, veteran of 20 years service in repair dept. Business is picking up at his new shop.
Wayne County Democrat June 14, 1876
Special city election for three water works trustees. OA Welhelm, mayor of city of Wooster, met 1st Ward Engine house of Fire Co. #3 South Street, Ward 2 Hartman and Durstine office on corner of Bever and Larwill Streets, 3 Ward, east room of Jacobs boarding house W Liberty Street, 4th Ward livery office of Emmons Bros. on South Street, between S Market and Walnut Streets.
Wayne County Democrat June 21, 1876
New paint shop. EC Smith and Byron Fogleson rented old Selmmon corner and do all kinds of painting, glassing and paper hanging, NE side, corner of Grant and W Liberty Street.
Wayne County Democrat June 28, 1876
Council has authorized the committee to purchase stone to complete the sewer on N Buckeye Street to North Street, also for sewer at Home Mills.
Death of Dr. Samuel Wilson, one of the first physicians and an esteemed citizen of the community. He died at residence in Wooster at 10 am last Sunday at age 59 years. He had been an invalid for about two years. He was born in Wayne County and practiced medicine with Dr. SF Day for 30 years. The funeral took place yesterday, Tuesday afternoon at 4 pm.
Wayne County Democrat July 12, 1876
Boots and shoes at cost to quit business. Offer my entire stock at cost, C Roth, SW side of square.
Paint brushes for sale at Brush Factory, SW side of square, D Foss and Son.
Wayne County Democrat July 19, 1876
New back line from Wooster to Pike Station daily. Leave orders at Wooster Post Office, Frank Miller.
Wayne County Democrat July 26, 1876
James Lee and Robert Nixon have quit the book business and bought out the flour and feed store of Harmer and Hopkins, 1st door north of Central Hotel, S Market Street at Doc Carr’s old stand.
Wayne County Democrat Aug. 2, 1876
J and E Numbers grocery, S Market Street, made an assignment on Monday to Dr. RJ Cunningham, assignee.
Wayne County Democrat Aug. 9, 1876
New dry goods store, #1ME, JS Bissell and Co.
Life insurance for sale by T Tiechner and Co..
New paint store of DC Smith and Byron Fogleson, rented old Slemmon’s corner, NE corner of Grant and W Liberty Streets.
William Shives, fashionable tailor, corner of Buckeye and Henry Streets.
TP Baumgardner, music store has moved to SW side, three doors south of Quimby bank.
Hartman and Durstine lumber yard, corner of Larwill and Bever Streets.
Dr. JH Todd, residence and office in JH Kauke old residence, one door north of county buildings.
TY McCray, office Star Clothing Store, W Liberty Street.
Orr and Reider, office SW side of square, two doors south of WC National Bank.
Lucas Flattery, office with John | McClellan.
OF Jones, office old stand of Rex and Jones, W Liberty Street.
HB Swartz, office over Childs Clothing Store.
John K McBride, office corner room of JD Robison Jr., corner store.
ES Dowell, office over TS Johnson bank, SW side of square.
JR Woodsworth, office over Barrett and Wisner grocery store, NE corner of square.
Ezra D Shreve, civil engineer and surveyor, office county building.
Exchange Bank of Kauke and Frost, successor to Stibbs, Hanna and Co., est. 1854 in American Hotel building.
Wayne County Democrat Aug, 16, 1876
Organ manufactory of Weber Bros., N Bever Street.
New firm. They have purchased the Snow Flake Mills owned by Homer and Hopkins on E Liberty Street, for good flour. Plank Bros..
White lime for sale by Philip Peter. Lime house on E Liberty Street, near Curry Furniture rooms.
New paint shop. DC Smith and Byron Foglesong, NE corner of Grant and W Liberty Streets.
Matt Johnston, coal yard, office and yard on E Liberty Street, opposite the Washington House.
Wayne County Democrat Aug. 23, 1876
School books and all school supplies for sale at Donner’s White Front Store, SE side of square.
The reservoir at Dean’s corner on South Street is to be filled up and the street leveled at that point.
The liabilities of J and E Number’s Grocery, who made an assignment recently, are 14000 assets and 1000 liabilities by the sheriff.
TY McCray has moved to Mansfield.
Wooster Book Bindery, for books, magazines and pamphlets, WE Rice, on S Market Street and north of the Central Hotel.
Wayne County Democrat Aug, 30, 1876
JS Bissell and Bro., #1ME.
WH Miller, well known blacksmith shop on N Buckeye Street has moved to Akron.
Wayne County Democrat Sept. 6, 1876
Elmer Funk grocery store, in Curry’s block, E Liberty Street.
The best stone pavement ever laid in Wooster, is just put down in front of Clark Acadome stone building. The stone is from Warren Quarry. Flags are 7x12 feet.
We give John Taylor, of grocery firm of Spink and Taylor credit for his business enterprise. He has torn down the building recently occupied on W Liberty Street and commenced erecting a large three story brick for which the services of Perry Miller, the well known carpenter has been secured as architect and superintendent. There is to be two store rooms, plate glass fronts. First and second floors to be offices and 3rd floor to be a large hall.
Boots and shoes at Lucas and Wiler, SW side of square, sign of the Centennial Shoe.
Wayne County Democrat Sept. 13, 1876
Rules and regulations of the 27 fair of the Wayne County Agricultural Society is Sept. 27, 28, 29, 30, 1876.
Wayne County Democrat Sept. 20, 1876
Andrew Barnhart and Napoleon Keister opened a new meat market on South Street corner by Number’s Grocery Store.
Orr and Rieder, attorneys at law. Office SW side of public square, upstairs, two doors south of WC National Bank.
Wayne County Democrat Sept. 27, 1876
Wooster Book Bindery, give us a call on S Market Street, WE Rice.
Wayne County Democrat Oct. 4, 1876
John Gillen, for years a partner, has bought out the whole coal business of Hurst and Gillen and has entered into trade, larger than ever, uptown office, is at the flour and feed store of Lee and Nixon, S Market Street, one door north of Central Hotel. Come for any type of coal, ton or car load.
Wayne County Democrat Nov. 1, 1876
Carpets for sale by AJ Seigenthaler, #56 E South Street, one door east of Bethan Church.
Frank Schuch and Craig Young have bought Mayor Welhelm livery stable on E Liberty Street.
Council on Monday night, passed an ordinance which construction along E Liberty Street to be of 24 inch sewer pipe.
Wayne County Democrat Nov. 22, 1876
Redinger, Stevens and Co., new foundry and machine shop, old Shively Foundry, corner of Buckeye and North Streets.
Gray and Harrington Coal Yard, office E Liberty Street at Snow Flake Mills, 70 E Liberty Street.
TH Cunningham, buy your blankets of cashmere at his woolen mill, office on E Liberty Street.
WE Rice Book Bindery or Wooster Book Bindery, S Market Street.
Wayne County Democrat Nov. 29, 1876
George Brumpter, for the fine improvement on his property on W Liberty Street, has put up a third brick and stone story to the height of Taylor’s, joining it with the same finish, making it one of the handsome blocks in Wooster. In course of time, he will remodel the lower front when his and Taylor’s will become as fine a building ever. The third story is a large hall, 12 feet ceiling, which will soon be rented.
Wayne County Democrat Dec. 6, 1876
Lucas Flattery, office with John McClellan, W Liberty Street, over McClarran and Caskey Grocery Store.
OF Jones, old office of Rex and Jones, W Liberty Street.
Hiram B Swartz, office over Childs Clothing Store.
Stonner is agent for new Wheeler and Wilson sewing machines, rooms opposite Geitgey China Hall also headquarters for singer new family sewing machines.
James Curry, for next 30 days, E Liberty Street has a sell of furniture at cost.
All persons indebted to Dr. Firestone and Son, are hereby notified to call and settle. Attention to notice will save costs.
B Barrett and Co., steam engines, E Liberty Street, next door to Snow Flake Mills.
Bring along your turkeys, geese and ducks to Jackson Bros. office, formerly McDonald and Co., office on W Liberty Street.
Organs for sale by Weber Bros. Co., manufacturer of cabinet organs.
Great excitement at Donners White Front Store, SE side of square, book, toy and variety store, holiday presents, two doors below the little drug store, around the corner.
For carpets, see AJ Seigenthaler, #56 E South Street, one door east of the Bethal Church.
Matt Johnston, coal dealer, office and yard on E Liberty Street, opposite the Washington House.
The Golden corner ahead, goods, notions and carpets, Quimby and Purdy, SW side of square.
Gray and Harrington, coal yards, office and yards at Snow Flake Mills, #70 E Liberty Street.
Wooster Book Bindery, WE Rice, S Market Street.
Brushes for sale at Brush Factory, SW side of square, D Foss and Son.
Coal for sale by John Gillen, for years a partner, bought old coal yards of Hurst and Gillen, uptown store of Lee and Nixon, S Market Street, one door north of Central Hotel.
JB Power, red front store, SE side of square, for clothing.
J Zimmerman and Co., Exchange block, W Liberty Street, drug store and medicines.
Plank Bros., bought Snow Flake Mills, formerly owned by Harmer and Hopkins.
Wayne County Democrat Dec. 13, 1876
To the pubic. I am located in my rooms over Powers Clothing Store, where I would be pleased to see all my customers, Neal P Harrington, photographer.
FD Belnap, 23 E Liberty Street, for books and stationary.
Dr. JH Todd and JA Glenn, office and residence in Kauke building, one door north of county building.
Hardware at Harding and Jones, new hardware, old Keefer, before that, Jacobs Hardware Store, one door west of courthouse.
Plot of Underwoods new addition to Wooster, known as Smooktown in south part of town, city was accepted and ordered recorded by council at last meeting.
Wayne County Democrat Dec. 20, 1876
American Bible Society is selling bibles and testaments at catalogue prices at Rice and McClellan, depositors, opposite American Hotel.
Frost and Co., best assortment of candies, opposite Zimmerman building, W Liberty Street.