Wayne County Democrat, Business Abstracts 1873
Wayne County Democrat March 5, 1873
The old Wooster Foundry and Machine Shop, corner of North and Buckeye Streets, MW Pinkerton and Co. have leased the old foundry.
Wilson sewing machine for sale, A Rittenhouse- agent.
Sewing machines are available at art gallery of Greenwald and Clippinger, SE corner also at Mr. Schauman’s fancy store.
There are 10000 worth of harness and horse goods for sale at JH Reid on the square, saddles and harnesses for all, NE side of square.
Receivers sale. Dry goods at cost at great bargains. I am closing out stock of late firm of JB Power and Co., Lucas Flattery.
Co-partnership notice. Firm of J Nachtrieb and Son, latest styles of hats and caps, opposite the American Hotel.
New shoe store of Shields and Donnelly, late of S Woods Shoe Store open boot and shoe store, on S Market Street, two doors north of J Stark Provision Store and nearly opposite E Quimby dwelling.
Wayne County Democrat March 5, 1873
New flour and feed store, grain bought and sold, opposite Zimmerman block, JJ Ramseyer.
Physicians, dentists and attorneys same.
Wayne County Democrat March 5, 1873
AJ Thomas, office 1st door south of National Bank, SW side of square.
Samuel H Bodine, county auctioneer, residence 3 miles NE of Smithville.
New firm- Parks and Cameron Groceries, in Curry block, E Liberty Street.
Drs. Hart and Wilson, druggists, column building, W Liberty Street.
Edward Horn, successor to Henry Horn, doing business in father’s old stand, west side of Bever Street, north of Home Mills harness, carriage trimming and upholstering.
John Simon, merchant tailor, W Liberty Street, 1st door east of Express Office and directly opposite Rex and Jones Law Office, has in his employ Mr. ED Whitmore as a cutter.
ES Dowell, office NE room of courthouse, upstairs.
TW Peckinpaugh, West Salem.
JP Jeffries, office SW side of square, upstairs in rooms lately occupied by the auditor.
JR Bowman, county auctioneer, office with Bonewitz and Carr.
Bonewitz and Carr, office W Liberty Street.
Rex and Jones, office W Liberty Street, few doors west of Exchange.
JT Henry, justice of the peace, office courthouse, rooms formerly occupied by probate judge.
Wayne County Democrat March 12, 1873
TY McCray, office in rooms lately occupied by the auditor in the courthouse.
JR Bowman, county auctioneer, office with Bonewitz and Carr.
Parks and Cameron Grocery and Provisions, Curry block E Liberty Street.
Report of condition of National Bank of Wooster, 376789.39 in assets and the same in liabilities, C Hard-cashier.
Dissolution- The undersign this day dissolved partnership. The accounts will be in the hands of C Weirick. Mr. Roth will carry on business at old stand of C Roth and C Weirick. Mr. Roth has just received new stock of boots and shoes.
For sale or rent- Two story frame house containing eight large rooms on Spink Street. Inquire of John P Hankey or PS VanHoughton, WC National Bank.
Edward Horn, successor to Henry Horn, doing business old stand, west side of Bever Street, north of Home Mills, for harness, carriage trimming and upholstering.
Hoelzel and Kaltwasser, merchant tailors, one door south of post office, SE side.
Old Wooster Foundry and Machine Shop, MW Pinkerton and Co., corner of North and Buckeye Streets.
Mr. Roth, boots and shoes, old firm of Roth and Weirick.
JH Reid, 100000 worth of harness and horse goods on square, NE side, saddles and harness.
For rent. The US Hotel, S Market Street, large stable and yard connected. See Philip Hein, E Liberty Street.
Moving of China Hall on March 15th. I will move on Saturday, the stock to new rooms on S Market Street, queens ware and glassware, Samuel Geitgey.
Rice, McClellan and Co., next door to Woods Shoe Store, American Hotel block for books.
Co-partnership notice. A co-partnership of J Nachtrieb and Son, spring hats and caps, opposite American Hotel, E Liberty Street.
Receiver sale of dry goods at great bargains, late firm of JB Power and Co.. JP and Sarah Power sell below cost. Lucas Flattery receiver of JB Power and Co..
New shoe store of Shields and Donnelly, late of S Woods shoe store, opened boot and shoe store on S Market Street, two doors north of J Starks provision store and nearly opposite east of Quimby dwelling.
James Curry and Son furniture and under taking, E Liberty Street, Curry block, bought of assignee of Albright Brothers.
Mrs. NH Ballwick, opened ladies store SW side of square, three doors west of Philadelphia Store.
Wayne County Democrat March 19, 1873
John Simon, merchant tailor, SW side of square, few doors below Quimby bank under Jeffries law office.
WD Barrett and Co. will move their boot and shoe store next week from #3ME to rooms on NE side of square, one door north of RR Donnelly dry goods store to new location.
West End Tin and Stove Store, three young men, Mr. Saybolt.
Teiche and Leopold in grocery more popular in trade. Find at Frances building opposite Miller Hardware Store, W Liberty Street.
Mr. ED Whitmore, cutter, is with John Simon, a few doors south of Quimby bank, SW side of square.
Wayne County Democrat March 26, 1873
Stoves for sale at Wm H Bowers, four doors east of news depot.
Assignee sale. I will offer for sale at carriage shop room by John Beistle on E South Street, a large number of carriages and buggies, JK McBride assignee of John Beistle, creditors.
HA Warner MD, office over L Dows Drug Store, SE side, office North Street, west of the Methodist Church.
Wayne County Democrat April 3, 1873
Dr. J Zimmerman on W Liberty Street, north side, three doors west of Spragues Jewelry Store.
Merchants same.
WD Barrett and Co. have moved to NE side of square, one door south of Jackson Grocery Store, boots and shoes, one door north of RR Donnelly Dry Goods Store, NE corner of square.
Band wagon formerly owned by Wooster Silver Cornet Band is offered for sale on reasonable terms, FD Taylor.
Dr. LG Harley will hereafter be found on the square with office over Chatelain Jewelry Store, SW side.
JH Reid, harness and saddles, NE side of square.
Headquarters for wallpaper, 15000 bolts at Hartman Drug Store, Acadome building, JB Hartman.
Victoria Gallery of Rawlins and Co..
Albright Brother Photography Gallery, SE corner of square, entrance off E Liberty Street.
James Curry and Son, furniture and undertaking, bought of assignee of Landis Brothers on E Liberty Street, large brick building adjoining planning mill.
Parks and Cameron, Curry block, E Liberty Street, for groceries.
Wooster Foundry and Machine Shop of MW Pinkerton, corner of Buckeye and North Streets.
Wayne County Democrat April 10, 1873
Stoves, tin ware and spouting at AS Lehman, one door east of Donnelly Hardware Store, E Liberty Street. They have moved to rooms formerly occupied by WD Barrett and Co. shoe store.
Three robberies in one night. Mr. A Brauneck, jewelry store was broken in and 250 taken. Mr. Jacob Kurt residence on N Market Street was entered and 150 taken. Jeremiah Fox on N Buckeye Street had a gold watch stolen with 220 in money taken.
Mrs. Julia A Doty, agent at ladies emporium, has received a splendid lot of ladies bonnets to sell at a bargain.
S French has opened a shop for making and repairing edged tools, a few doors north of the Home Mills.
John Simon, for collars and ties, public square, SW side below Quimby bank.
For rent. The US Hotel, S Market Street, large stable and yard connected, Philip Hein.
Wayne County Democrat April 17, 1873
Howe sewing machine, under the management of Mr. DE Warner, SE corner of square. Since April 1st, Mr. Warner has established his office, one door east of Washington House, E Liberty Street.
Dr. LG Harley hereafter will be found on the square, office over Chatelain Jewelry Store, SE corner of square.
Wanted. 20000 pounds of side beef at Eckels and Ely office, N Market Street.
Wm H Bowers, stoves and tin ware, E Liberty Street, opposite Washington Hotel.
Wayne County Democrat April 24, 1873
Having purchased the interest of Mr. Mell in firm of Gross and Mell, and made arrangements to extend our business in tin, iron and slate roofing, coal and wood stoves and heating furnaces, we locate at SW side of square, S Market Street, Martin Gross and Co..
Notice, this is to certify that undersigned has formed a co-partnership for selling dry goods in Wooster, JB Powers- James H Power is general partner, DO Liggett is special partner. DO Liggett furnishes 6000 capital as a special investment in said partnership to commence April 15, 1873 and end April 1, 1878. JB Power and DO Liggett.
T Teeple and Co., photographers, NE corner of square, #120 public square, opposite the county buildings.
PJ Power, American Clothing Store, west corner room of American Hotel.
Post office and Wooster Republican offices have moved . The post office has moved to #6ME from SE side of square, now opposite the American House.
The White Lime establishment of Mr. Philip Peters, is situated on E Liberty Street, instead of W Liberty Street as we stated a few weeks ago.
Wayne County Democrat May 1, 1873
Physicians and dentists same.
New goods at WP Kinzer, E Liberty Street, opposite Beall Ave.
Mr. John Leise is greatly improving his property on the corner of S Market and South Streets.
Mr. Samuel Geitgey has opened a large china hall S Market Street.
Dr. LG Harley and daughter have fitted up handsome rooms over Chatelain Jewelry Store, SW side of square.
Albert Brauneck jewelry, establishment on E Liberty Street, big clock on front of his shop.
The Republican printing offices have been moved to #6ME in post office building, entrance on 1st floor.
Hardware at RR Donnelly and Co., #2ME.
New firm having purchased the interest of Mr. Mell of firm of Gross and Mell, tin, iron and slate roofing, cooking stoves. Martin Gross and Co., SW side of square, S Market Street.
AS Lehman, new stove and tin store, one door east of Donnelly Hardware Store, #3ME.
Harvey Howard, now in 20 years of business in drug and grocery line, #4ME.
15000 bolts of wallpaper at Acadome Store.
BJ Hartman, drugstore.
Victoria gallery of Rawlins and Co..
Wayne County Democrat May 15, 1873
Great improvement is being made in the Childs property, opposite post office in addition to another story. Mr. Rawlins and Co. will occupy the third floor as a photography gallery.
The old US Hotel, S Market Street is undergoing extensive repairs, preparatory to opening by Capt. Wm Buchanan.
Wayne County Democrat Dec. 17, 1873
Council proceedings of Dec. 1, 1873. Dr. Mund, presented report on committee on water works, assigned to Mr. Mund, Mr. Curry and Mr. Moore. Mr. Kauke refused to sign, recommending the purchase of six of the Kampsick pattern of Babcocks fire extinguishers to be used by the Hook and Ladder Co..
Mr. Kauke moved that it be laid on the table. Motion lost. Mr. Kauke objected to the payment of bill on account of inferior of work. Billed Pat Kennedy for laying guttering on south side of E South Street, report was accepted, and the bill referred to Civil Engineer Mr. Brinkerhoff for report. President McDonald offered a resolution. On motion of Mr. McDonald, the city council appropriated room in the lockup for the purpose of using the same for accommodation of paupers. On motion of Mr. Mund, the bills of Seib and Hattinger for work on stone culvert on Cemetery Street was referred to finance committee. Mr. Charles Gasche asked for information as to whether property owners in the vicinity had right to rum cellar and privy drains into sewer on N. Buckeye Street without paying for the privilege. If that was to be made a pubic sewer, he claimed he was entitled to some compensation for 110, as he had personally paid to build it. It was referred to city auditor Carr for legal opinion.
Communication from E Quimby Jr. came that the time of laying plank walk on south side of E South Street, across the railroad be extended till spring because of fact that it was not sufficient thawing and whether will not permit such work. Council refused to receive the communication on the ground that walk had been sold. Several of the members further expressed their disappointment of the habitual direction with which Mr. Quimby for years, had pursued in laying his payment in different parts of the City of Wooster.
Dec. 15th council. Mr. Immel for committee on streets for council reported that all that was necessary to draw the water off widow Donnelly’s out lots was in housework with opening the drain. Committee on plank walk on Cemetery Street for Apple Creek bridge, reported progress in making contract for lumber for same and was in good time to make full report. Mr. Carr reported upon the Buckeye Street strip referred to him for opinion that he has examined the record and cannot find anything to warrant Mr. Gasche being relieved in the manner in which he requested to council. The matter of changing the name of Cunningham Street to Spink Street was taken up but no action taken. It was found that the name of the street in that vicinity Spink, Lynn and See had been intended and established on motion of Mr. Mund see that engineer Brinkerhoff was instructed to report to council that set streets had not been established by ordinance. On the question of laying a plank walk across South Street from the ware shops, Mr. Stark stated that it was ordered and be done as soon as lumber could be secured. In relation to putting up gas post in Henry Street near railroad, Mr. Kauke said that the gas company had no posts and was short of funds. Civil Engineer Brinkerhoff said the measurement of the gutter on South Street by Pat Kennedy was accurate and the board upon which the stone laid had not been prepared for making a good job. On motion of Mr. Kennedy’s bill for laying gutter of 101.73, was accepted and ordered paid.